Clustering approaches for high- throughput data Sushmita Roy BMI/CS 576 [email protected] Nov...

Clustering approaches for high-throughput data Sushmita Roy BMI/CS 576 [email protected] Nov 12 th , 2013

Transcript of Clustering approaches for high- throughput data Sushmita Roy BMI/CS 576 [email protected] Nov...

Clustering approaches for high-throughput data

Sushmita RoyBMI/CS 576[email protected]

Nov 12th, 2013

Key concepts

• Hierarchical clustering• Determining the number of clusters• Ways to assess cluster quality

Hierarchical clustering

• In K-means and GMMs we need to specify the number of clusters

• Hierarchical clustering instead requires us to specify how much dissimilarity we will tolerate

• We maintain a matrix of distance (or similarity) scores for all pairs of– expression vectors– clusters (formed so far)– Expression vectors and clusters

Hierarchical clustering

leaves represent objects to be clustered (e.g. genes)

height of bar indicates degree of distance within cluster






Distance between two clusters

• The distance between two clusters can be determined in several ways– single link: distance of two most similar profiles

– complete link: distance of two least similar profiles

– average link: average distance between profiles

{ }dist( , ) min dist( , ) | ,u v u vc c a b a c b c= ∈ ∈

{ }dist( , ) max dist( , ) | ,u v u vc c a b a c b c= ∈ ∈

{ }dist( , ) avg dist( , ) | ,u v u vc c a b a c b c= ∈ ∈

Updating distances efficiently

• If we just merged and into , we can determine distance to each other cluster as follows– single link:

– complete link:

– average link:€

dist(c j ,ck ) = min dist(cu ,ck ),dist(cv ,ck ){ }

dist(c j ,ck ) = max dist(cu ,ck ),dist(cv ,ck ){ }

dist(c j ,ck ) =| cu | × dist(cu,ck ) + | cv | × dist(cv,ck )

| cu | + | cv |

jcuc vckc

Effect of different linkage methods

Complete linkage

Average linkage

Single linkage

Flat clustering from a hierarchical clustering

cutting here resultsin 2 clusters

cutting here resultsin 4 clusters

• We can always generate a flat clustering from a hierarchical clustering by “cutting” the tree at some distance threshold

Computational complexity

• The naïve implementation of hierarchical clustering has time complexity, where n is the number of objects– computing the initial distance matrix takes time– there are merging steps– on each step, we have to update the distance matrix and

select the next pair of clusters to merge• K-means and EM have time complexity for each iteration

– reassignment step: compute K × n distances– recomputation step: loop through n profiles updating k means

)( 3nO


)( 2nO

)( 2nO

Choosing the number of clusters

• Picking the number of clusters based on the clustering objective will result in k=N (number of data points)

• Pick k based on penalized clustering objective

• Pick based on cross-validation

k = argmink,Θ

r x i −

r μ k


r x i ∈ck


∑ + λ ⋅ k

Picking k based on cross-validation

Cluster Cluster Cluster

Training set Test set

Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate


Data set

Split into 3 sets

Compute objective based on test data

Run method on all data once k has been determined

Evaluation of clusters

• Internal validation– How well does clustering optimize the intra-cluster

similarity and inter-cluster dissimilarity

• External validation– Do genes in the same cluster have similar function?

Internal validation

• One measure of assessing cluster quality is the Silhouette index (SI)

• More positive the SI, better the clusters

K: number of clustersCj : Set representing jth clusterb(xi): Average distance of xi to instances in next closest clustera(xi): Average distance of xi to other instances in same cluster

External validation

• Are genes in the same cluster associated with similar function?

• Gene Ontology (GO) is a controlled vocabulary of terms used to annotate genes of a particular category

• One can use GO terms to study whether the genes in a cluster are associated with the same GO term more than expected by chance

• One can also see if genes in a cluster are associated with similar transcription factor binding sites

The Gene Ontology• A controlled vocabulary of more than 30K concepts describing molecular

functions, biological processes, and cellular components

Using Gene Ontology to assess the quality of a cluster




GO terms

Transcription factor binding sites for HAP4 and MSN2/4

Summary of clustering

• Many different methods to cluster– Flat clustering– Hierarchical clustering– Distance metrics among objects can influence clustering

results a lot

• Picking the number of clusters is difficult but there are some ways to do this

• Evaluation of clusters is hard sometimes– Comparison with other sources of information can help

assess cluster quality