Cloud Computing: The New Reality or Just Vapor? CMG2010 December 9, 2010 Paper 5137 Session 504 Dr....

Cloud Computing: The New Reality or Just Vapor? CMG2010 December 9, 2010 Paper 5137 Session 504 Dr. Tim R. Norton Simalytic Solutions, LLC 719-635-5825 email: [email protected] © 2010 Simalytic Solutions, LLC

Transcript of Cloud Computing: The New Reality or Just Vapor? CMG2010 December 9, 2010 Paper 5137 Session 504 Dr....

Cloud Computing: The New Reality or Just Vapor?

CMG2010 December 9, 2010 Paper 5137 Session 504

Dr. Tim R. Norton

Simalytic Solutions, LLC


email: [email protected]

© 2010 Simalytic Solutions, LLC

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Introduction Brief look at Cloud Computing

From Theory to Practice Applying recent research to the real world

Practical Applications Real-world considerations


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What is Cloud Computing? Services over the Internet

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS)

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Classes of Computing Classes of Utility Computing

Appearance of physical hardware Much like IaaS

Application development specific environments Much like PaaS

Application delivery Much like SaaS or AaaS

Distinguished by Level of cloud system software abstraction Level of management

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Cloud Computing Economics: CapEx to OpEx When demand for a service varies with time When provisioning for the peak load When demand is unknown in advance When applications that scale horizontally

Many cloud systems can be used to complete the computation faster than would be possible using a single physical system.

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From Theory to Practice Recent Research

A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems Laboratory

Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, Rean Griffith, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy Katz, Andy Konwinski, Gunho Lee, David Patterson, Ariel Rabkin, Ion Stoica, and Matei Zaharia

Communications of the ACM, April 2010, v53 n4 p50 To Lease or Not to Lease From Storage Clouds

University of Texas at Austin, Edward Walker

National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Walter Brisken and Jonathan Romney

IEEE Computer, April 2010, v43 n4 p44 Cloud Computing for Mobile Users: Can Offloading

Computation Save Energy? Purdue University, Karthik Kumar and Yung-Hsiang Lu

IEEE Computer, April 2010, v43 n4 p51

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Top 10

Top 10 Obstacles and Opportunities for Cloud Computing A View of Cloud Computing

UC Berkeley Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems Laboratory (RAD Lab)

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Number 1

Business Continuity and Service Availability How reliable is the Could provider? Have outages been because of technical or other

reasons? Is the Cloud provider a single point of failure? Lack of business continuity internally Lack of data exchange standards between


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Number 2

Data Lock-in Provider unique APIs No standardization for data extraction Attractive to providers

Price increases Reduces user’s ability to change if unhappy

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Number 3

Data Confidentiality/Auditability How does the provider guarantee security? How are SOX and HIPAA audits done? External threats Internal threats

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Number 4

Data Transfer Bottlenecks Increasing application use of data High costs of Internet transfers

Can erode savings from offloading computing Data placement within the application as, or

more, critical as outside placement Never underestimate the bandwidth of a 747 full

of tape!

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Number 5

Performance Unpredictability Poor network and I/O sharing

Good processor and memory sharing but Performance may vary in seemingly unrelated ways

Solutions: Better O/S and hardware I/O handling Flash memory instead of disks

Unpredictable scheduling of virtual machines All the threads of a program need to run at the same

time but are on different VMs

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Number 6

Scalable Storage How do cloud properties apply to persistent

storage? Short-term usage

Scaling down as well as up as needed No upfront cost Infinite capacity on demand

Still an open research problem

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Number 7

Bugs in Large-Scale Distributed Systems Opportunity:

Use virtual machines to Provide isolation Capture information not available stand-alone

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Number 8

Scaling Quickly Pay-as-you-go

Allows scaling Up and down Dynamic with statistical learning predictive tools

The opportunity: Rapid scaling

Saves resources, money and energy

Overlaying Business Models Cloud Users vs. Cloud Providers

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Number 9

Reputation Fate Sharing The entire cloud may be associated with the

behavior of some cloud users. Legal liability

Cloud user or cloud provider Cloud provider liable for an offending cloud user’s

actions that affect “innocent bystander” cloud users?

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Number 10

Software Licensing Effect of virtualization? Economy of scale

Cloud providers spread expensive licenses over many cloud users

Software vendors raise license costs to recover loss of revenue

Heavy reliance on open source software Opportunity: commercial pay-as-you-go software


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Reality or Vapor?

Opportunities Reality Successfully solve a real business problem

Reduce costs Gain functionality

Obstacles Vapor Create more problems than solved

Add complexity Increase business risk Hidden costs

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Unique Use of the Cloud

Saving Energy for Mobile Systems Battery life is the critical factor Mobile devices have limited computation power Off-loading computations can reduce energy use

Balance computations and transmissions Function of work done and transmission bandwidth

Issues: privacy, security, reliability and latency Could apply to non-mobile devices

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Buy or Lease

Technical and Financial Trade-offs Companies use different approaches What’s included in the analysis?

Capital costs Operational costs Interest rates Salvage values

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Decision Model

Unique Model Based on NPV Analysis NPV (Net Present Value) calculated for:

Purchase using capital and operational costs Lease using life-of-lease and operational costs

Decision based on delta NPV ΔNPV 0 the buy ΔNPV < 0 the lease

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Law of One Price

“In an efficient market, identical goods will have only one price.” Assumes storage becoming commodity

Physical and Cloud

Latency Not included in the model Affects validity of commodity assumption

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Conclusion The New Reality or Just Vapor?

A View of Cloud Computing: UC Berkeley BOTH – depending of business objectives and the ability

to leverage the cloud while mitigating the obstacles To Lease or Not to Lease From Storage Clouds:

UT / NRAO REALITY – but a business decision

Cloud Computing for Mobile Users: Purdue REALITY – for a very specific application with well defined


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The New Reality or Just Vapor? No single answer

Too many company specific variables Too many relationships

Cloud provider, cloud user, software vendor, hardware vendor, network provider and all of the other external entities

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Research institutions Identifying many of the issues

The Top 10 Obstacles and Opportunities are a good start

Each organization needs to develop their own list Producing tools and techniques

Using old tools in new ways Creating new tools specifically designed for cloud


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Reality or Vapor?A blend of business and


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