Cloud computing basics

Cloud Computing 101 Akshay Guleria Disclaimer : This slide deck is brief aggregation of my study on cloud and is based on inputs from my past experience with cloud. By no means, this is an extension of my work with the employer or an attempt to infringe on any copyright material. I have tried to give the credit to the sources used, wherever possible, through the slidedeck. All concerns/issues/corrections to the slidedeck can be directed to me – contact information at the end of the slidedeck. Feb 2013

Transcript of Cloud computing basics

Cloud Computing 101Akshay Guleria

Disclaimer: This slide deck is brief aggregation of my study on cloud and is based on inputs from my past experience with cloud. By no means, this is an extension of my work with the employer or an attempt to infringe on any copyright material. I have tried to give the credit to the sources used, wherever possible, through the slidedeck. All concerns/issues/corrections to the slidedeck can be directed to me – contact information at the end of the slidedeck.


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Presentation outline

●What is "cloud"?●Types of cloud ●SaaS, PaaS, IaaS●Cloud Technology ●Cloud Providers●Cloud Solutions●Cloud adoption in India●Adoption Issues, Concerns●Implementing a Cloud

Let us try to de-mystify it together

So, what is this thing called - "Cloud"?

Key "Cloud" Characteristics

Elasticitydynamic ability to scale up/down to multiple servers

Self ServiceWhen you add a new CPU core, a server instance or add storage, you do it by yourself by using the portal offered by the Cloud provider.

Pay-By-Useit reduces the CAPEX and turns your IT investment into OPEX. Economics of scale.

Programabilitycontrol the cloud resources via programs/APIs

Hosting vs. Cloud Computing

Why "Cloud" ?

●Cost saving... economies of scale, multi-tenancy, efficiency

●Flexibility of payment ... pay-as-you-go

●Outsource management/operation headache ... operational

cost is nearly 75% of the total IT cost

●"Infinite" scalability●Faster time to deploy (agile) ... virtualization and software


●Reliability ... fault tolerance

●SLA driven......

Types of CloudsPublic cloud: Public Cloud is implemented on thousands of servers running across hundreds of data centers deployed across tens of locations around the world. eg.

Private cloud: specific to an enterprise

Hybrid cloud: Private + Public Cloud

Community cloud: cloud catering to a specific community/interest group. eg. India Government cloud, Defence Cloud, Education cloud

Cloud Layers

●Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Gmail, Gdocs,, Picasa●Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, etc.●Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): Amazon EC2, Rackspace, GoGrid

What does a “Cloud” look like- technically?

* Image courtesy VMware

Cloud Technology

Cloud computing typically has flavor of all these technologies:●Grid computing ... think network of computers

●Virtualization ... multiple OSes on single server

●Utility Computing ... think electricity bill .. pay per use

●Autonomic Computing ... self healing server(s)

●Live Migration ... transfer of OS+state from one to another


●Distributed Resource Scheduling ... load balancing

●Hyper-Threading ... simulates two CPUs were there in just one

physical CPU

●High Availability●Non Uniform Memory Allocation (NUMA)


Types of Hypervisors .. key to virtualization

●Full Virtualization where the hypervisor creates a virtual machine entirely in software.

●Hardware-Assisted Virtualization where the VMs make more full use of the built-in virtualization capacity built into modern CPUs

●Paravirtualization where the Operating System is aware that it is virtualized, and has been re-coded and recompiled specifically to run on a virtualized platform.

Well known hypervisors:●VMware ESXi●Citrix XEN●Redhat KVM●Microsoft Hyper-V●Sun VirtualBox

Cloud computing Providers

Cloud computing Solutions

Compute as a serviceDesktop as a serviceStorage as a serviceMailbox as a serviceOffice as a serviceCRM as a serviceERP as a serviceDatabase as a serviceNetwork as a serviceFirewall as a serviceAntivirus as a service...

Anything as a service (XaaS)

Adoption Issues, Concerns

●Privacy ... is my data exposed to my competitors

●Compliance ... some data can not be out of premises.

●Security ... Cloud VPN solutions are getting developed. DB Encryption for

databases, MS has a hybrid cloud solution

●Interoperability ... moving from one cloud to another. Open

Virtualization Format is a potential answer

Cloud adoption in India●A very large market that is growing exponentially ●Cloud Market is maturing in india●There are many players and the list is growing●A big SMB segment which is waiting to be tapped

But...●Misconception about cloud - its changing rapidly●Connectivity issues●Lack of reliable 3G/4G penetration

Cloud adoption in IndiaMajor Cloud Players:●Bharti●Ctrl-S●NetMagic●Reliance●Sify●Tata●Dimension Data ●Trimax●Tulip●BSNL



technical-view●●● IBM cloud initiative:

Implementing a “Personal” Cloud

Cloud Choices

Open source:

Others:●vCloud from vmware●Redhat is coming up with Delta Cloud●



Architectural components:●Cloud controller●API Server●Compute controller●Object Store (storage service) ●Auth manager●Volume controller (block level storage)●Network controller

openstack.comInstallation Packages:●OpenStack Compute (Nova)●OpenStack Storage (Swift)●OpenStack Image registry and delivery (Glance)


Server1:● Install ubuntu ●Configure NetworkGlance (image server)●MySQL Server●Nova (rabbitmq-server nova-common nova-doc python-nova nova-api nova-

network nova-volume nova-objectstore nova-scheduler nova-compute)● Install euca2ool●Nova Dashboard●OpenStack Dashboard with Mysql Database (optional)

(all above can be accomplished using ubuntu software manager also)

openstack.comServer2:●Install Ubuntu●Configure networking●Install nova-compute only

Client1:●install desktop OS●Network configurations●Install client tools (euca2tools, qemu-kvm)

Enjoy your cloud @http://ip:8080

openstack.comServer2:●Install Ubuntu●Configure networking●Install nova-compute only

Client1:●install desktop OS●Network configurations●Install client tools (euca2tools, qemu-kvm)

Enjoy your cloud @http://ip:8080

Openstack Dashboard

Thank you for your time

Akshay Guleria

E: [email protected]