Climate variability, climate change, and agriculture in China

Jmocave wa|oalomovy- jmocave jhai`e- aif a`|ojumvu|e oi Jhoia Mo _ue Oizvovuve bg Eiwo|biceiv aif Zuzvaoialme Fewembtceiv oi A`|ojumvu|e

Transcript of Climate variability, climate change, and agriculture in China

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Jmocave wa|oalomovy- jmocave jhai`e-aif a`|ojumvu|e oi Jhoia

Mo _ue

Oizvovuve bg Eiwo|biceiv aif

Zuzvaoialme Fewembtceiv oiA`|ojumvu|e

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Octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavoj eweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

T|bkejvobiz bg guvu|e jmocave jhai`e oi Jhoia

Jmocave jhai`e octajvz bi a`|ojumvu|e

Ney uije|vaoivoez


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O) Oiv|bfujvobi

@mblam ceai zu|gaje vecte|avu|ez hawe |ozei ly 4)06 ± 4)18ℊ

bwe| vhe mazv 144 yea|z- t|bkejvobiz bg `mblam pa|coi` ly <144

|ai`e g|bc 1)1ℊ vb 7)6ℊ(OTJJ- <440/

Oi Jhoia (ELIJJA- <440/ ;

Aiiuam awe|a`e ao| vecte|avu|e haz |ozei ly 4)54)8Jfu|oi` mazv 144 yea|z

Ai bwe|amm fej|eaze oi aiiuam t|ejotovavobi bjju||ef-awe|a`oi` <)? cc"fejafe zoije vhe 1?54z

Vhe|e hawe leei jhai`ez oi vhe g|equeijy aif oiveizovy bgexv|ece jmocavoj eweivz oi Jhoia fu|oi` vhe mazv 54 yea|z)

Zea mewem haz |ozei zo`iogojaivmy oi <4vh jeivu|y av vhe |ave bg<)5cc"yea| (ZBA- <440/

`majoe|z oi Jhoia hawe |ev|eavef gb| vhe tazv 144 yea|z povh a|ejeiv ajjeme|avobi oi vhe |ave

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O) Oiv|bfujvobi

Pa|coi` v|eifz oi´J te| fejafe g|bc 1?51 vb <44<

Zbu|je; ELIJJA- <440

V|eifz oi exv|ece heawy |aoi fayz fu|oi` 1?51#1???

Zbu|je; ELIJJA- <440

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O) Oiv|bfujvobi

Jhoia oz povh ho`h extbzu|e aif zeizovowovy vb exv|ece

jmocavoj eweivz

mbp vecte|avu|ez aif heawy zibpgammz oi zbuvhe|i Jhoia-


cbzv ze|obuz f|bu`hv oi gowe t|bwoijez bg zbuvhpezv Jhoia-


Vhe octajvz bg <448‟z aif <414‟z exv|ece eweivz-

ho`hmo`hvef octb|vaiv peaniezzez oi vhe |eztbize vb

exv|ece jmocave eweivz aif mef tbmojy cane|z vb zteef

ut vhe t|bjezz bg gb|cumavoi` jbivoi`eijy |eztbize

ceazu|ez gb| zewe|e ceveb|bmb`ojam fozazve|z

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O) Oiv|bfujvobi

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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

Ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz a|e |eztbizolme gb| bwe| 04% bg

vhe mbzzez jauzef ly iavu|am ha{a|fz aiiuammy

F|bu`hvz- gmbbfz- mbp vecte|avu|e zv|ezz- aif haom

jbizvovuve vhe cakb| ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz vhav aggejvJhoia‟z a`|ojumvu|e

Awe|a`e `|aoi mbzz g|bc ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz |eajhef

54)? commobi vbiz"y|

Vhe aiiuam fo|ejv ejbibcoj eggejvz bg j|bt mbzz fue vb

ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz acbuivz oz ut vb 1%#:% bg @FT

fu|oi` mazv vei yea|z

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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

F|bu`hvz `eie|ave cbzv faca`e vb a`|ojumvu|am t|bfujvobi-

acbuivoi` bwe| hamg bg vhe `|aoi mbzzez jauzef ly

ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz) Vhe a|ea aggejvef ly f|bu`hvz |eajhef

1:)? commobi ha"y| (1?08#<446/) Zoije vhe 1??4z- mbzzez jauzef

ly f|bu`hvz hawe |ozei vb <8)< commobi vbiz- povh ejbibcoj

mbzzez bg :6)5 commobi _uai \CL (Mou- <445 /

J|btmaif a|ea faca`ef ly f|bu`hv oi Jhoia Ejbibcoj mbzzez g|bc |efujef |aoi t|bfujvobi

fue vb f|bu`hv fu|oi` vhe te|obf 1?87 vb <441

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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

F|bu`hv amzb `eie|avez hucai aif aiocam zugge|oi`-

ta|vojuma|my ly |efujoi` vhe awaomalomovy bg f|oinoi` pave|

(Pai`- <447/

Oi a ib|cam yea|- vhe vbvam pave| zhb|va`e iavobipofe oziea|my 64 LJC aif- oi vhe ib|vhe|i Jhoia vhe zovuavobi oz


Zoije <444- :<4 commobi tebtme fof ibv hawe ajjezz vb

f|oinalme pave| vh|bu`hbuv |u|am a|eaz aif 644 jovoezzugge|ef g|bc pave| zhb|va`e buv bg a vbvam bg 77? jovoez oi


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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

Ga|ce|z‟ iev oijbcez a|e octajvef ly f|bu`hv povh

te| jatova ejbibcoj mbzzez bg :0 _uai \CL- ai

awe|a`e bg 6)1% bg ga|ce|z‟ oijbce g|bc a`|ojumvu|am

zbu|jez levpeei 1?85 aif <441 (F\Z- <445/

Oi vhe tbwe|vy#zv|ojnei a|eaz bg Ib|vhpezv Jhoia-

f|bu`hv jai tuzh ga|ce|z lajn oivb tbwe|vy (Mou-


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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

Gmbbfz a|e vhe zejbif cbzv faca`oi` ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|f

gb| a`|ojumvu|e- ta|vojuma|my oi vhe mbpe| aif coffme |eajhez bg

vhe _ai`v{e- _emmbp aif Haohe \owe| Tmaoiz)

Vhe ejbibcoj mbzz jauzef ly gmbbfz ajjbuivef gb| <6% bg

faca`ez jauzef ly ceveb|bmb`ojam ha{a|fz)

Fo|ejv ejbibcoj mbzzez zveafomy oij|eazef fu|oi` vhe 1??4z-

<)<6% bg @FT oi vhe jb||eztbifoi` te|obf

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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

J|bt faca`e g|bc zt|oi` g|bzv haz oij|eazef fue vb comf

poive|z vhav meaf vb ea|moe| bizev bg luffoi` aif gmbpe|oi` oi

poive| pheav- v|eez aif g|uov- canoi` vhec cb|e wumie|alme vb


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OO) Vhe octajvz bg exv|ece jmocavojeweivz bi a`|ojumvu|e

Zbce aztejvz bg |ejeiv wa|oalomovy hawe leei leiegojoam)

Pa|coi` fu|oi` vhe tazv vh|ee fejafez haz jbiv|oluvef vb vhe

extaizobi bg poive| pheav tmaivoi` oi ib|vheazv Jhoia

Oi vhe zbuvhe|i ta|v bg Ib|vheazv Jhoia- fbulme j|bttoi` zyzvecz

hawe |etmajef zoi`me j|bttoi` zyzvecz meafoi` vb ho`he| bwe|amm

j|bt yoemfz

Iep wa|oevoez hawe leei afbtvef aif vhe vocoi` bg j|bt cavu|ovy

jhai`ef g|bc ea|my vb cof aif mave cavu|ovy

Pa|coi` aif exveifef mei`vh bg `|bpoi` zeazbi haz haf a cakb|

octajv bi vhe tmaivavobi zyzvecz oi vhe jbuiv|y) Ambi` povh

afwaijez oi vejhibmb`y- Jhoia‟z Cumvotme J|bttoi` Oifex haz

oij|eazef ly ?)5 %

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OOO) T|bkejvobiz bg guvu|e jmocave jhai`eoi Jhoia

Aiiuam jhai`ez oi vecte|avu|e aif |aoigamm ly vhe <4<4z- <454z- aif

<484z povh 10 @JCz g|bc OTJJ A\6 aif T\EJOZ (A< zjeia|ob/ awe|a`e

gb| amm Jhoia)








4)4 4)5 1)4 1)5 <)4 <)5 :)4 :)5 6)4 6)5 5)4 5)5

Vecte|avu|e jhai`e (fe`|ee J/

   T  |  e  j   o  t   o   v  a   v   o  b  i

  j   h  a  i  `  e   (   %   /




T\EJOZ <4<4z

T\EJOZ <454z

T\EJOZ <484z

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OOO) T|bkejvobiz bg guvu|e jmocave jhai`e

oi Jhoia

Jbcta|oi` povh lazemoie (1?71#1??4/

Vecte|avu|e (ℊ/ T|ejotovavobi

<4<4 1)1y<)1 <%y:%

<454 <):y:): 5%y0%

<144 :)?y7)4 11%y10%

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OW) Jmocave jhai`e octajvz bia`|ojumvu|e

\ezea|jh bi jmocave jhai`e octajvz haz a mbi`

hozvb|y oi Jhoia

”Octajvz bg jmocave jhai`e bi Jhoia‟z a`|ojumvu|e- gb|ezv|y-

pave| |ezbu|jez- aif zea mewem |ozoi`- aif azzbjoavef|eztbize zv|ave`oez–- zuttb|vef ly CbZV fu|oi` vhe 8vh

aif ?vh gowe#yea| tmaiioi` te|obfz

”Zvufy bg vhe octajvz bg jmocave jhai`e bi Jhoia‟z

a`|ojumvu|e– zuttb|vef ly Feg|a- UN (<44:#<448/

”\ezea|jh aif fecbizv|avobi bg afatvavobi vejhibmb`oez

aif ceazu|ez– zuttb|vef ly CbZV g|bc <447 vb <414

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Cevhbfz aif cbfemz attmoef

Ea|my octajv azzezzceivz pe|e cbzvmy quamovavowe

zvufoez bi zeizovowovy uife| vhe oij|eceivam


Cbzv bg vhe |ejeiv zvufoez a|e attmyoi` cejhaiozc

cbfemz moinef povh vhe buvtuvz bg @JCz uife|

v|aizoeiv @H@ ecozzobi zjeia|obz

\e`obiam jmocave cbfem (\JC/ povh faomy voce mei`vh

Vhe azzezzceiv cbfemz attmoef; j|bt cbfemz

(JE\EZ/- `|azz t|bfujvowovy cbfem (ZTU\</>

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Vhe jhai`ez bg j|bt yoemf aif

t|bfujvobi jauzef ly jmocave jhai`ePovhbuv JB< ge|vomo{avobi







4)4 4)5 1)4 1)5 <)4 <)5 :)4 :)5 6)4 6)5


  _  o e

  m  f


  h a i ` e z 

 j b c t

 a | e


 p  o  v  h

  l a z e

  m  o i e 

  (  %  /

\oje#|aoigef \oje#o||o`avef

Pheav#|aoigef Pheav#o||o avef

Cao{e#|aoigef Cao{e#o||o avef

Povh JB< ge|vomo{avobi










4 1 < : 6 5


  _  o e

  m  f


  h a i ` e z 

 j b c t

 a | e


 p  o  v  h

  l a z e

  m  o i e 

  (  %  /

\oje#|aoigef \oje#o||o avef

Pheav#|aoigef Pheav#o||o avef

Cao{e#|aoigef Cao{e#o||o avef

Vhe jhai`ez bg j|bt oemf aif

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Vhe jhai`ez bg j|bt yoemf aift|bfujvobi jauzef ly jmocave


Zbce octb|vaiv tboivz ece|`e g|bc vheze zvufoez (Moi <445/;

JB< ge|vomo{avobi eggejv oz j|ovojam vb vhe buvjbce)

Og JB< ge|vomo{avobi eggejv paz ibv jbizofe|ef oi vhe

zocumavobi- pheav- |oje- aif cao{e yoemfz povh aif povhbuv

o||o`avobi pbumf fej|eaze uife| A< aif L< jmocave

zjeia|obz oi <4<4z- <454z aif <484z)

Og JB< ge|vomo{avobi eggejv paz jbizofe|ef oi vhe zocumavobi-

|oje yoemfz uife| A< zjeia|obz- pheav yoemfz uife| A< aif

L<- |aoigef cao{e yoemfz pbumf oij|eaze oi <4<4z- <454z aif


Vhe jhai`ez bg j|bt yoemf aif

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Vhe jhai`ez bg j|bt yoemf aift|bfujvobi jauzef ly jmocave


Zbce octb|vaiv tboivz ece|`e g|bc vheze zvufoez

az gbmmbpz;

Pheav oz vhe cbzv zeizovowe vb JB< ge|vomo{avobi eggejv- phomeo||o`avef cao{e aif |oje a|e mezz zeizovowe vb JB<

ge|vomo{avobi eggejv)

O||o`avef cao{e aif pheav a|e vhe meazv zeizovowe vb

vecte|avu|e |oze- phome |aoigef cao{e aif |oje a|e vhe cbzvzeizovowe vb vecte|avu|e |oze

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@|aoi quamovy

Jmocave jhai`e pomm aggejv vhe quamovy bg `|aoi

Emewavef JB< mewemz cay jauze a fej|eaze oi vhe quamovy bg

pheav fue vb fej|eazoi` bg t|bveoi jbiveiv

Av a fbulmef JB< jbijeiv|avobi- vhe jbiveivz bg myzoie aift|bveoi oi zbyleai- poive| pheav- aif cao{e fej|eaze

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Octajvz bg- aif wumie|alomovy vbjmocave jhai`e oi a`|ojumvu|e

@|bpoi` zeazbi

Jmocave jhai`e pomm aggejv vhe mei`vh bg `|bpoi` zeazbi)

Phei aiiuam awe|a`e vecte|avu|e oij|eaze 1´Jℊ-

ajjucumavef vecte|avu|e (4ℊ

/ co`hv |oze att|bxocavemy1:4ℊ oi Ib|vheazv Jhoia

<54ℊ°fay oi Ib|vh Jhoia

:54#654ℊ°fay oi _ai`v{e \owe| lazoi aif Zbuvh Jhoia

:44#:54ℊ°fay _uiiai aif @uo{hbu

<54#:44ℊ°fay oi vhe Ib|vhpezv a|of aif zecoa|of |e`obiz

1?4ℊ°fay oi vhe Qoi`hao aif Volevai tmaveauz

Vhe mei`vh bg g|bzv g|ee te|obf pbumf oij|eaze ly 15#<5 fayz)

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Octajvz bg- aif wumie|alomovy vbjmocave jhai`e oi a`|ojumvu|e

J|bttoi` zyzvec

Uife| vhe <ÐJB< zjeia|ob- vhe zoi`me j|bttoi` a|ea pbumf |efuje

ly <:)1%) Vhe v|otme j|bttoi` a|ea pbumf oij|eaze g|bc ju||eiv

zha|e bg 1:)5% vb a zha|e bg :7%

Ly <454 ma|`e jhai`ez oi j|bttoi` zyzvecz pbumf bjju| amcbzvewe|yphe|e oi Jhoia) Cujh bg vhe ju||eiv fbulme j|bttoi` zyzvec

pbumf le |etmajef ly fogge|eiv jbcloiavobi bg v|otme j|bttoi`


Vhe ib|vh lbuifa|y bg fbulme j|bttoi` zyzvecz pbumf cbwe vb vhe

jeiv|e ta|v bg ju||eiv zoi`me j|bttoi` zyzvecz

Jmocave pa|coi` zhbumf meaf vb oij|eazoi` j|bttoi` fowe|zogojavobi

Vhe octajv bi j|bttoi` zyzvec pomm feteif bi vhe jhai`ez bg pave|


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Ney uije|vaoivoez

Ju||eivmy uzef jmocave cbfemz aif guvu|e @H@ ecozzobi


Azzezzceiv cbfemz aif ta|aceve|z

Oizuggojoeiv uife|zvaifoi` bg JB< ge|vomo{avobi eggejv

Cbzv bg vhe zvufoez bimy jbizofe| jmocave jhai`e aif JB<

ge|vomo{avobi- bvhe| gajvb|z- zujh az tezv- fozeaze aif peef-

afatvavobi ceazu|ez aif vejhibmb`y oct|bweceiv pe|e ibv

jbizofe|ef oi vhe zocumavobiz Cbzv zvufoez bimy jbizofe|ef vhe awe|a`e jmocave jhai`e

|avhe| vhai exv|ece jmocave eweivz

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Jbcta|ozbi |ezea|jh bg

jmocave jhai`e octajvz bi

j|btz aif mowezvbjn uzoi`cumvo#jmocave cbfemz- cumvo

j|bt cbfemz

eggejv bg JB< ge|vomo{avobi oi

caoi a`|ojumvu|am |e`obiz

vh|bu`h GAJE exte|oceiv


Zuttb|v tbmojy ‚canoi`

oi a`|ojumvu|am zejvb|

Oct|bwe j|bt cbfemz

Guvu|e |ezea|jh

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T|bkejvobi bg vhe v|eif bg

exv|ece jmocavoj eweiv uzoi`

\JC> Azzezzceiv bg exv|ece

jmocavoj eweiv octajvz bi

a`|ojumvu|am t|bfujvobi


Oct|bwe vhe

uife|zvaifoi` bg exv|ece

jmocavoj eweiv octajvz

Guvu|e |ezea|jh

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Fewembtceiv bg oive`|avef

azzezzceiv cbfem (V- T-

j|bttoi` zyzvec- a`|ojumvu|am

pave| |ezbu|jez- zbom ge|vomovy-

geeflajn acbi` zyzvecz- a`|o)

Tbmojy- vejhibmb`y

oct|bweceiv- mowezvbjn/ Zemejvobi bg afatvavobi

ceazu|ez aif fecbizv|avobi


Oct|bwe vhe azzezzceiv

bg jmocave jhai`e bi gbbf


Zuttb|v tbmojy canoi`

Guvu|e |ezea|jh

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Vhain ybu gb| ybu| avveivobi