Clicktools customer appreciation & success event 2013

From Clicktools with Love #CASE13 David Jackson #CASE13 Thank You! 2 Nov 13 #CASE13 I want to begin by thanking you for being here but most of all for being customers. You are our raison d’être. I want to thank our partners, Traction, Waypoint and Idealist for supporting us today. If you haven't visited them then do so. they do some great work with Clicktools, including support for the not for profit sector. #CASE13 1962 3 Given our Bond theme, I thought I might begin by looking at a few things across the Bond timeline. The first Bond film was presented in1962: Dr No starring Sean Connery.


Introductory presentation from Clicktools' customer event at Dreamforce 2013 in San Francisco.

Transcript of Clicktools customer appreciation & success event 2013

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From Clicktools with Love


David Jackson !


Thank  You!

�2Nov  13#CASE13

I want to begin by thanking you for being here but most of all for being customers. You are our raison d’être. !I want to thank our partners, Traction, Waypoint and Idealist for supporting us today. If you haven't visited them then do so. they do some great work with Clicktools, including support for the not for profit sector.




Given our Bond theme, I thought I might begin by looking at a few things across the Bond timeline. !The first Bond film was presented in1962: Dr No starring Sean Connery.

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And the last film launched was Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig. !By the way, can anyone name all seven Bond actors? They are: Sean Connery, David Niven (he was Bond in the first Casino Royale), George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig.




This was the sort of computer that would have looked very hi-tec in 1963. The Linc-1 computer went on to become a mainstay of the mini-computer line up from Digital Equipment Co. Described as the first personal computer (it could be controlled by one person) it boasted 1k of core memory and a 256x256 CRT. 4 knobs allowed the user to move around the screen. Cost was $43,600 each.




Bond today is much more likely to use something like this. Immensely more powerful than that room filling box from 1963 and 100th the price.

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• The  right  to  safety  • The  right  to  be  informed  • The  right  to  choose  • The  right  to  be  heard


Around the time of the first Bond film, President Kennedy presented a speech to Congress outlining four consumer rights. It went on to form the basis of the US Consumers Bill of Rights. JFK was obviously a pioneer in the field of customer experience. It is interesting to note that it seemed necessary to embed in statute the responsibility companies held for the people that paid their wages.




Today, JFK would probably wonder what has changed in some companies. But any statutory attempt to make companies do right by customers is doomed to fail if they lack the leadership and intent to put customers at the heart of their business. I am staggered by the number of senior managers that still don't get it, and condone or are unaware of the damage done in their name.


Customer  experience  pays


$(34) $(43)


$29) $28)$8)


$100) $91)














)$300 Industry)Average Laggards











Source:  Aberdeen

That’s despite the increasing evidence that customer first is a good bet for improving financial performance. This data was presented at a webinar we ran last week in association with Aberdeen Group. It clearly shows that companies that deliver better customer experiences also deliver better financial performance.

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If  you  listen  to  the  customer


5.8% 5.6%









Revenue from net-new customers

Overall sales teamattainment of quota

Customer lifetimevalue




r per





VoC Users Nonusers

Source:  Aberdeen

And an absolutely vital element of delivering that improved financial performance is active use of the voice of the customer. You will be pleased that as users of VoC, you are much more likely to be generating better returns. Clicktools does help you make a difference.


“Multiple  choice  surveys  will  decline.”


I am the first to acknowledge that surveys forms only one thread of an effective voice of the customer campaign. If you have read the recent Temkin State of VoC report, you might think I was a worried man; that Clicktools’ core business was about to disappear. The report summary had me worried: it says “Multiple choice surveys will decline”. What the data actually says is that 84% of respondents think surveys will be the same or more important as a source of


Mobile  future


Whilst the death of surveys is exaggerated, the importance of mobile should not be under-estimated. Mobile currently accounts for 15% of internet traffic but this is set to double in just 12 months and likely to become the primary vehicle for internet access within the next few years.

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Mobile  future


This is in part driven by the spectacular growth of tablets, which have become the biggest category of computing device in just three years.


Mobile  future


Wearables will extend mobility to even higher levels of connectedness.


Growth  of  social


Social is the other phenomenon driving change. Here are a few interesting facts about social. !1. Social media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the web 2. 189million Facebook (about 10%) users are mobile only but

account for 30% of ad revenues 3. LinkedIn gets 2 new members per second

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Our  purpose

To  help  companies  understand  and  better  serve  their  customers.


These factors are just two of the things changing the world, including the world of feedback. !All very interesting, but what does that mean for you as Clicktools customers? !Not many of you will have seen this but this is the reason Clicktools

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If you boil down what the Clicktools app does then this picture says it all. Clicktools provides great tools for collecting feedback, and we will extend the range and ease with you can collect feedback across mobile, social and the ‘traditional channels. We have the best CRM integration on the market, bar none but we will not rest on our laurels. We will continually look for ways to make

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Interestingly, the recent State of VoC Programs report from Temkin Group suggests that companies think they are good at collecting feedback, so-so in sharing it across the organisation and not good at acting on it. This is worrying, because it is the sharing and acting that generates the improvements that any VoC program should be focused on. And that’s where we can help you more.

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Helping  you  succeed


At the beginning of the year we grouped all our resources that are dedicated to helping you get the best value out of the app into one team - Customer Success. We will be investing to expand this team in 2014 and focus what they do on your success.


Improved  help

• Easier  navigation  and  search  • Better  content  with  more  video  • Key  features  and  concepts  content  • More  training  and  best  practice  content  • Customer  community  (2014)


Here’s one example. We are working hard to make Clicktools easy to use and that includes help. In the next few weeks we will go live with a new help platform with more and better content.


Improved  help


The new help platform will become the ‘one-stop shop’ for all our resources designed to help you make your companies more successful. Not everything will reside in the one platform but we will link to other resources, including non-Clicktools content where appropriate. !

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Improved  help


We will make more use of video as a vehicle for sharing our ideas with you. In 2014, we will open up the help portal to you, enabling you to share your ideas and examples of good practice through a community.




Of course, what we do in the app is where we can help most. We have great plans. Last weekend our we went live with mobile surveys. By clicking just one button, you can mobile enable your survey. Of course, not everything works well on a mobile so we have also added warnings to help you identify mobile ‘unfriendly’ content. We are also working on some best practice guides to building surveys



• Connected  app  &  credentials  manager  • Text  insight  • Enterprise  management  • Scripting  • Survey  insights  To  learn  more  visit  “Innovation  never  dies”


 Any  unreleased  services  or  features  referenced  on  Clicktools  web  site,  press  releases,  presentations  or  public  statements  are  not  currently  available  and  may  not  be  delivered  on  time  or  at  all.  Customers  who  purchase  Clicktools  applications  should  make  their  purchase  decisions  based  upon  features  that  are  currently  available.  

We have some exciting plans for the further development of the Clicktools application . This is just some of the key things, but not a complete list. See the product team on “Innovation never dies” table for more info and to tell them what you would like to see.

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Our  purpose

To  help  companies  understand  and  better  serve  their  customers.


I want to revisit this purpose. We currently fulfil this through our Clicktools application. But of course, understanding customers is a multifaceted picture that goes beyond the surveys, forms and scripts enabled by Clicktools.


First  to  integrate  surveys  with  CRM


We were the first company to provide out of the box CRM integration, recognising early the growing importance of two things. First, the power of a single view of the customer in driving an improved customer experience and the financial benefits it delivers. Second, the opportunity to take cost out of the VoC process and focus time and effort in the added-value work of understanding and acting on the results.


More  than  surveys


CRM  Single  Customer  View

That single view of the customer can come from many different sources than surveys but the richer the picture, the more opportunity there is to improve the customer experience, personalise interactions and generate deeper insights.

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Introducing  syncfrog


That is why we are delighted to introduce a new product: Syncfrog from Clicktools allows you to apply our award-winning integration to a much wider range of information. Launched today, the application will grow to connect the growing diversity of customer information sources. It is one more way we can deliver on our purpose of helping you understand and better serve your customers.

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To learn more about syncfrog, visit

Thank you

Please  enjoy  a  drink  with  us


Thank you all for attending. Please enjoy a drink on us and try your hand at the tables. There’s a prize for the person who wins the most chips.