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  • Click to edit Master text styles Channel Islands California State University Beyond GE Seat Time for an Integrated 21st Century Education The (long) transition to outcomes-based GE at CSUCI Marie Francois Professor of History Director, University Experience Program
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  • Changing GE at CI Currently students receive GE credit by passing courses that lie in one or more distribution categories counting only in one category Under outcomes-based system, students achieve credit for GE by demonstrating learning of outcomes not bound by 3 or 4 unit courses outcomes integrated & scaffolded into courses across the curriculum CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Steps in the journey 100+ Upper Division Interdisciplinary GE (UDIGE) courses 2002-11 SP 06 06 GE Goals and Outcomes GE Assessment: Area B 2006, Integrative Learning 2006-07 GE Program Review Task Force 2008-11 research & development CSU Executive Order 1033 July 2008 (now EO 1065) WASC rubric for GE Program Assessment SR 09-03 New University Studies Resolution at CI, December 2009 folioCI Project ISLAS University Experience Program & folioCI Coded Memorandum AA-2011-14 CSU Definition of Credit Hour CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • UDIGE course samples ANTH/ESRM 332 Human Ecology ANTH/HIST 442 African Diaspora ANTH/ECON 444 Values & Valuables ART/COMM 331 Art, Society & Mass Media ART/BUS 334 Business of Art BIOL/BUS/ECON/EDUC 343 The Zoo: Conservation, Education & Recreation BIOL/POLS 345 Science & Public Policy BUS/ECON/ENGL 340 Business & Economics in Literature BUS/HIST 340 Business in China: Heritage & Culture BUS/CHEM/ECON 341 Drug Discovery & Development CHEM/PHYS 344 Energy & Society CHEM/HIST 330 History of Science: Non-Western Origins & the Western Revolution CHS/COMM/NRS 343 Health Issues in Latina/o Community COMM/NRS 441 Health Communication ESRM/POLS 340 Politics & the Environment HIST/PSY 340 History & Psychology of Nazi Germany NRS/PSY/SOC 348 Healthy Aging PAMU/PHYS 335 Physics of Music PATH/SPAN 334 Spanish Language Drama &Theatre PSY/SPED 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • University Studies will be based on demonstrated student outcomes rather than seat time in courses. use an electronic portfolio to document the outcomes students achieve and encourages them to be responsible for their learning. through the e-portfolio, will integrate assessment at every level. create a shared experience for students and faculty while providing students access to full diversity of disciplinary and integrative options. clearly link the university mission to the curriculum will require students to take 48 GE units (as does our current program) but creates greater flexibility for students and faculty. CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • On-going Progress toward new GE (as of October 2011) Levels 1-3 course development UNIV 150 First Year Seminar (ISLAS) UNIV 250 Second Year Seminar (Compass II) UNIV 349 Transfer Year Seminar (ISLAS) UNIV 198, UNIV 298, UNIV 398 Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research SPIRaL (Keck) UDIGE = level 3 Assessment tool development Signature assignment development folioCI E-portfolio folioCI development CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Milestones CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • SP 06-06 General Education Learning Goals and Outcomes Goal 1. Evaluate issues and integrate ideas from multiple perspectives, including cultural, national and international, and disciplinary perspectives, and identify actions consistent with their own civic responsibility. They will be able to: Outcome 1.1Integrate content, ideas, and approaches from (a) multicultural perspectives, (b) national and international perspectives, and (c) integrative perspectives across disciplines. Outcome 1.2Take individual and collective actions which can address issues of public concern. Goal 2. Identify clear, logical, and creative arguments. They are able to: Outcome 2.1Reason inductively and deductively and from a variety of perspectives. Outcome 2.2Deliberate with others and present arguments clearly, logically, and creatively. Goal 3. Find and critically examine information. They are able to: Outcome 3.1Access needed information effectively and efficiently. Outcome 3.2Evaluate information and its sources critically. Outcome 3.3Explain the economic, legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding the use of information. Goal 4. Communicate effectively using a variety of formats. They are able to: Outcome 4.1Speak and present effectively in various contexts. Outcome 4.2Write effectively in various forms. Outcome 4.3Use relevant tools in various contexts to present and/or integrate ideas. CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Goal 5. Understand the physical universe and its life forms, scientific methodology, and mathematical concepts, and use quantitative reasoning. They are able to: Outcome 5.1Conduct planned investigations using the scientific method to reach reasoned conclusions. Outcome 5.2Solve problems using mathematical methods. Outcome 5.3Use graphs, tables, etc. to represent and explain scientific and mathematical models. Outcome 5.4Make connections between important/core/key concepts (or big ideas) in the natural sciences to describe/explain natural phenomena. Goal 6. Cultivate intellect, imagination, sensibility and sensitivity through the study of philosophy, literature, languages, and the arts. They are able to: Outcome 6.1Analyze creative human products and ideas. Outcome 6.2Articulate personal thoughts and emotions when encountering human creations and ideas. Outcome 6.3Create original and imaginative works in philosophy, literature, language, and/or the arts. Goal 7. Understand social, cultural, political, and economic institutions and their historical backgrounds, as well as human behavior and the principles of social interaction. They are able to: Outcome 7.1Convey how issues relevant to social, cultural, political, contemporary/historical, economic, educational, or psychological realities interact with each other. Outcome 7.2Discuss how social sciences conceive and study human experience. Outcome 7.3Use social science methods to explain or predict individual and collective human behavior. CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Transitions New GE courses incorporate outcomes AND traditional A- E attributions in proposal Developing digital bank of Signature Assignments, usable in different disciplines, housed in folioCI Signature Assignments for outcomes included in proposal for new GE courses Existing GE courses migrate by course modification with outcomes and Signature Assignments indicated and keep current A-E attribute Students who leave take a GE accounting in traditional A- E with them Faculty development in rubric-based assessment of outcomes, inter-rater reliability/norming CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Likely characteristics UNIV courses have 3-4 GE outcomes from Goals 1-4; eventually, many native students take UNIV 150 & UNIV 250 or UNIV 198 & 298 University Studies (across curriculum) courses will have at least 2 GE outcomes; one from Goals 1-4, one or two from goals 5-7 Signature Assignments aligned with one or more outcomes (i.e. can integrate outcomes) Courses will have a GE outcome limit for a given student (4?) Meeting GE outcomes an average score of 3 in Goal? Or instead a minimum aggregate number? CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Likely characteristics Outcome achievement scaffolded across courses and up levels Students could achieve more than one outcome in a class Students could need more than one class to fully achieve an outcome, but earn units along the way 100 & 200 level classes aiming at 2 on 1-4 scale 300 & 400 level classes aiming at 3 Prior work or co-curricular work assessed for outcome achievement (limit?) folioCIAdvisement mode in folioCI tracks student progress CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Transfer Students folioCI UNIV 349 folioCI, relate prior course work to CI GE, self-assess, reflect folioCIGE certified HAVE to do UNIV349/ 398/UDIGEs, with Signature Assignments and outcomes assessed in folioCI Not certified, but have 25 GE units Petition course work, assessed with rubrics Take courses with needed shadow A-E designation (same articulation agreements) UNIV349/398/UDIGEs CHANNEL ISLANDS
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  • Challenges GE listings by outcome in catalog, schedule of classes Scale of faculty development needed Developing advising model re: outcomes for Island Compass, forms, etc. Communication about new model with CCs Student records tracking levels of outcome achievement (and A-E credits for leavers) By Goal on the transcript, not per outcome? Degree Progress Report? folioCI folioCI assessment portfolio does per outcome level CHANNEL ISLANDS