CLE CIPI Inglés - · PARTE 2...

1 CLE CIPI Inglés . Producción Oral PARTE 1 Preguntas Personales El examinador selecciona 5 preguntas relacionadas entre sí acerca del entorno del candidato You and Your Family What´s your name? How old are you? Is your family big or small? School How many teachers have you got at school this year? Who is your favourite teacher? Home Where do you live? Do you live in a house or a flat? Can you describe your house/flat? Possessions What´s your favourite possession/thing/toy? Where do you have it? What is there in your schoolbag? Likes and dislikes What´s your favourite day of the week? What do you like doing after school? Sports Do you do/practise any sports? Can you ride a bike? PARTE 2 Preguntas acerca de una Lámina. El examinador presenta la lámina al candidato y a. le solicita describir lámina y hablar sobre lo que sucede, o b. le hace preguntas relacionadas con lo que se ve en la lámina y lo que sucede en la misma. Ejemplo 1 Opción A: describe what you can see in the picture Opción B: Where is the/this girl? What is she doing/touching? What is she wearing? How is she feeling? What colour are her shorts? What is the weather like?

Transcript of CLE CIPI Inglés - · PARTE 2...

Page 1: CLE CIPI Inglés - · PARTE 2 Preguntas acerca de una Lámina. El examinador presenta la lámina al candidato y


CLE CIPI Inglés . Producción Oral PARTE 1 Preguntas Personales El examinador selecciona 5 preguntas relacionadas entre sí acerca del entorno del candidato You and Your Family What´s your name?

How old are you?

Is your family big or small?


How many teachers have you got at school this year?

Who is your favourite teacher?


Where do you live?

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Can you describe your house/flat?


What´s your favourite possession/thing/toy?

Where do you have it?

What is there in your schoolbag?

Likes and dislikes

What´s your favourite day of the week?

What do you like doing after school?


Do you do/practise any sports?

Can you ride a bike?

PARTE 2 Preguntas acerca de una Lámina. El examinador presenta la lámina al candidato y

a. le solicita describir lámina y hablar sobre lo que sucede, o b. le hace preguntas relacionadas con lo que se ve en la lámina y lo que sucede en la misma.

Ejemplo 1

Opción A: describe what you can see in the picture









  Opción B: Where is the/this girl?

What is she doing/touching?

What is she wearing?

How is she feeling?

What colour are her shorts?

What is the weather like?

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Ejemplo 2






• Where are the boys?

• What are they wearing?

• How many people can you see behind the boys?

• What are they doing?

• What is the weather like?

Comprensión Lectora

Story Time Do you like stories? Let’s read one together, o.k.? & Text 2: Read Woltendorf the Bear This is Woltendorf. He is a teddy bear. He is in a toy shop. He is sitting on the shelf with other teddy bears.

Woltendorf has got a piece of paper with his name on it.

A man and a woman are coming into the shop but… they are not buying Woltendorf. They are buying two little rabbits.

Woltendorf is crying. “I want a family. I don´t like shops, I like houses.”

Lilly, his rabbit friend, is with him. “Your name is too difficult,” she says. Children can´t say it!” “I´m very sad,” Woltendorf says, “My name is not difficult. I can say it“.

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“Don´t worry, “Lilly says. “Let´s read a story.” A boy and his father are walking into the shop. “Look, Dad,” the boy shouts, “This teddy bear has got your name, Woltendorf! Can we buy it?” “OK,” Dad says.

 Woltendorf is very happy! Now he has got a family! Task 1 Underline the correct option. 1) This is the story of ...

A. a teddy bear B. a rabbit C. a family

2) In the story Woltendorf is in ...

A. a house B. a toy shop C. the street

3) Woltendorf wants to...

A. live in the shop B. play with Lilly C. have a family

4) Lilly says “Don´t worry, let´s read a story,” because she is…

A. sad B. tired C. helping Woltendorf

  Time for another story. & Text 3: Read

Jamie and Zog

Jamie is in his bedroom. There´s a strange noise in the garden…

What´s that? A spaceship!  

An alien is getting out of the spaceship. It is going inside Jamie´s bedroom. Good evening. I´m Zog, from planet Zeggerland. Hello, Zog.  

Do you like bananas? Bananas? I don’t understand.

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Come on, eat one. Delicious! May I eat fifty?

Meeeow!! This is Katrina. She´s very friendly. Meeeow!! Hello, Katrina. How old are you? Ha-ha! Cats can´t speak

My planet is incredible. Come with me, let´s visit it!

Now, Jamie and Zog are in Planet Zeggerland… We love music! Look! My friends are happy and they are dancing!

Jamie and Zog go back to Earth… Goodbye, Jamie! Bye, Zog! Meoww! Write YES or NO in the box. 5) In picture one Zog´s spaceship is outside Jamie´s house. 6) Zog wants a lot of bananas. 7) Jamie´s cat can talk to Zog. 8) Jamie and Zog visit planet Zeggerland in Zog´s spaceship. Producción escrita

Friendly Aliens ! Time to write! These are notes and photographs from Zog´s friends to Jamie. Complete them. Hello, Jamie, I am Toto. I (1)________________ teeth!

Be my friend! We are Tony, Teeny and Tania. We are in our garden. Teeny (2) __ ____________________ tall. Tania (3) _____________ a small mouth. (4) We ____________________Planet Zeggerland! Do you like your planet? Bye! Tania

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Tony Teeny &  Text 4: Read Notes Matilda and Danny come back from school. They find these notes on the kitchen table. Matilda, I’ve got a meeting at work today. I can’t cook dinner. Remember: 1. There is some pizza and salad for you and your brother in the fridge. You can eat fruit after dinner: there are apples, pears and bananas. 2.The dog’s medicine is in the cupboard. Give him a red pill at 5 pm. Don’t give him the yellow pill! Mum Matilda, There isn’t any cat food. Go to the pet shop and buy some. There is some money on the kitchen table. Remember: Kitty likes “Happy Cat”. Don’t buy “Miau - Miau”. She doesn’t like it. Love you, Mum Danny, Two things, darling: 1. After school, do your homework. Don’t use the playstation! 2. Put the list of books on the table. I can buy them tomorrow. Love you, Mum Read these notes and tick (√) the correct option in the sentences below. 1. The writer of the notes is... a. Matilda. b. Mum. c. Danny. 2. The food in the fridge is for... a. Matilda and her brother. b. Matilda’s brother and the dog. c. Matilda and the dog. 3. Danny needs ... a- a playstation. b- some books. c- a list. 4. This family have got ... a- one pet. b- two pets. c- three pets.

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5. There are … a- two notes for Matilda. b- three notes for Matilda. c- two notes for Danny. 6. The notes are ... a- telling a story. b- giving instructions. c- describing the house. &  Text 5: Danny likes the zoo. Read this story. Herman the Hippo Herman is an enormous hippopotamus. He lives in a zoo. He has got a very big mouth and big teeth. His tongue is pink and big, too. Every Saturday Danny visits Herman at the zoo. Herman is happy on weekends. He likes Danny!

“I want to go with Danny. I love him!” Herman says. The hippo escapes from the zoo. Herman is in the street. He is behind a tree. Where is Danny? Look! He’s walking home.

Now Herman is in Danny´s house. He is in Danny´s swimming pool. Herman loves water! He can swim very well. “Herman, let´s play in my bedroom“, Danny says. They listen to music and jump on the bed. Herman is very heavy and the bed goes CRACK!

At lunchtime, Herman is hungry. Danny gives him carrots, tomatoes, lettuce...Herman eats a lot! Mum is angry. “Look at the swimming pool! Look at the bed! This hippo can´t live in our house,” Mum shouts. “Mum is right,” Herman says. “This holiday is fun but I like my home at the zoo.” Herman and Danny walk into the zoo, hand in hand.

Write TRUE or FALSE in the boxes. 7. This story is about a zoo.

8. There is a swimming pool in Danny´s garden.

9. Herman escapes from Danny´s house.

10. Mum is happy with Herman.

Producción Escrita Friend Meets Friend Danny is inviting Tomás, his school friend, to go to the zoo and visit Herman with him. Complete the spaces.

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Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow. I have got a new friend!! His name is “Herman”. He is a hippopotamus. He is ------------------------------!! He has got -----------------------. He likes --------------------------. He can --------------------------, but he can’t ---------------------. Look at Herman!!! Let´s talk after school.

Danny Writing Hello, I’m Ron.

This is my English homework task. Please help me do it. Complete the spaces. MY FAVOURITE THINGS Look at my picture and discover my favourite clothes. I love my T-shirt and my (1) __________

Food? I like pizza and my favourite fruit are (3)_________ and bananas.

Now, imagine: what’s my favourite animal? Astor, my (4) ___________ .

I love him and Astor loves my favourite toys: my (5) ___________ and my robot.

A description of my family. Help me, please! Complete the spaces.


This is my family. They are in the (1) _________________. It’s our favourite room in the house. In the room you can see (2) _______________________________________. Look! There is an old man. He is reading the newspaper. He is my (3) _______________. My mum is in the room, too. She has got some flowers in her hands. And there are two (4)_______________. They are my brothers and they are watching Tom & Jerry on TV. And look at Astor, my dog. He is sleeping.

Oral Exam

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Where are these girls?

What are they doing?

What can you see on the table?

What colour are the flowers?

How many pink flowers can you see?

Comprensión lectora

TASK 1: Choose the best option (A, B or C). Write a ( √ ) next to it. Example: Parque Lillo is in...

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A. Pergamino. B. Pompeya. √ C. Necochea. 1) Lucas goes to... A. the casino in Necochea. B. Parque Lillo in Necochea. C a park in Pergamino. 2) In Parque Lillo kids can… A. ride a bike. B. watch TV. C. go to the casino. 3) Katya’s grandmother lives in the city of… A. Buenos Aires. B. Tandil. C. Necochea. 4) Katya’s granny’s house… A. is not nice. B. is comfortable. C. is small. 5) Katya’s sister... A. likes asado. B. doesn’t like asado. C. cooks asado. 6) Lucas and Katya always go on holiday in... A. autumn. B. winter. C. summer. Ejemplo 2 THE  MONSTER  FRIEND  Read this story about Billy and a monster. Billy is in bed but he can’t sleep. There is a monster under his bed!! The monster is very ugly. It has got green hair and big eyes. Its nose is red. Now, the monster is looking at Billy. Billy is afraid! Look! The monster is talking to Billy. “Hello, I’m Arnold. What’s your name?” “B-B-Billy. Are you a good monster, Arnold?” “Yes, I’m very good and friendly but children don’t like me. They don’t like green hairy monsters. I’m very sad. Can I be your friend?” “Yes!” Billy says. “Let’s play in the garden.” Billy and Arnold go to the garden. They play on a tall tree. They sit on the grass. They look at the sky. The moon is beautiful. It is big and white. There are a lot of stars, too. Now, it is late. Arnold is going home. He is saying goodbye to Billy. “Bye-Bye, Billy. Go to bed.” Arnold is happy. Now, he has got a friend! Billy is happy, too. He has got a new and special friend, a monster friend! TASK 2: Are these sentences True or False? Tick ( √ ) TRUE or FALSE in the boxes below. TRUE FALSE Example: The monster is beautiful. √ 1) This is the story of two monsters. 2) Arnold is a monster. 3) Arnold’s hair is green. 4) Arnold has got a lot of friends. 5) Billy and Arnold play in the bedroom. 6) There is a tall tree in Billy’s garden. Producción escrita

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Jeannie’s homework TAREA 1: This is Jeannie’s homework. It is a description of her favourite character. Complete the spaces.  My favourite character: The Dragon The dragon is very big! And it is always angry!

It has got a big ____________ and two enormous, yellow ____________ .

The dragon’s __________ is full of teeth. And there is fire in it. The dragon is fat. It

has got short arms and ___________ and two big wings. Look! TAREA 2: At  Home  This is a picture of Jeannie at home.

Complete the sentences. This is Jeannie. She is in __________________________________. This is her favourite room in the house. She has got a lot of things there. Look! There is _______________________________________________________________. There are ______________________________________________________________. She isn’t cooking or eating; she is ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.