V. 29? NO. 1 JAN- MAR 2021

V. 29? NO. 1 JAN- MAR 2021

Transcript of V. 29? NO. 1 JAN- MAR 2021

V. 29? NO. 1JAN- MAR 2021


2 Crossroads

04 "PIVOT" - CLBI IMPACT PROGRAMTamara MacInnis (Director of IMPACT)

09 THE HEAD. THE HEART. THE HUNGER.President Dean Rostad

16 WHERE ARE THEY NOW?Sarah Hagen (Book) ('06-'08)


January 1Heavenly father, as we enter this new year, we pray for renewed hope and comfort through trials. Help us to draw close to you, and restore in us the joy of your salvation! Thank you for being a good father, and restore and guide us this coming year.

January 2Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow in such unique circumstances. Bless and encourage the students as they begin their final semester of school. Bring comfort in stress, strength & rejuvenation to keep going, and joy in their struggles.

January 3Gracious God, we praise you for the opportunity to rest and reflect over the

holidays. Rejuvenate the staff and students returning to CLBI, and bring them back to school with a renewed passion for you.

January 4God, bless the first and second years as they learn this week about the theology of the Reformation. Help them to be engaged and to learn more about your truths as they dig into the word.

January 5Thank you father for your good gifts and provision. Provide for each student that is struggling financially and ease the stress and fear they may be facing. Thank you for knowing our needs and meeting us where we are Lord.

780.672.4454 4837 - 52A Street Camrose AB. T4V [email protected] -

CLBI Winter 3

4 Crossroads

Among millennial Christians it is trending to have a ?word of the year?. Typically this word is determined in December or January as we begin a new year, so for me, this year, my word is: ?Pivot?.______________________________________________

According to Webster?s dictionary, "Pivot" is a noun, adjective, and verb. I have a deep love of verbs so the definition I am using this year is ?Pivot : To turn on or as if on a pivot?.

During this pivotal year we have encountered many unexpected and new experiences and much like when missionaries enter a new culture, we don?t know the rules or what to expect, so we respond by pivoting as we encounter new information and learn how to live in this new world.

Earlier this year, in May, we decided to pivot away from international IMPACT trips and instead look to Canadian cross-cultural experiences. This is how we found BC Mission Boat Society (BCMBS), an organization focused on

?Serving Christ in His continued work among remote First Nations communities along the BC coast, so that His Church may thrive!? In partnership with BCMBS, we decided to send the team out two times, once in November and once more in February 2021.

Our hope for IMPACT this year was that

the team would meet people during their first trip, continue those relationships online between trips, and return to see those friends, once again, during the second trip in the spring. God knew that this would not come to pass. In October we realized that the likelihood of the indigenous communities opening up again was low and we wanted to invest our planning into the most likely outcome.

We decided to pivot again and planned to have the team travel to the BCMBS base to prepare advent kits for each family in the four BCMBS communities. We soon received permission to deliver these kits to every family. What a wonderful gift!

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...we don't know the rules or what to expect, so we respond by pivoting...

Typical ly when BCMBS goes into the

communities to lead children?s events or other community activities, only a portion of the families attend. This pivot creates space and permission from each community to share the good news of Immanuel, God with us, with every single family. In a time when many feel forgotten and isolated, we get to send in gifts filled with love and fun and help remind them that even though we are distanced, we are all in this together.

We continue to pray and ask God to heal our world and lead us out of COVID-19. Our prayer is to go into the communities in February.

To donate to the CLBI IMPACT program,

please visit

> giveor to ?Sponsor a Team Member? visit

> sponsorIf you choose to etransfer to [email protected], please include ?Direct my donation to the CLBI IMPACT Program? in the message of your ET. Tax receipts are sent out for donations of $20 or more.

Above all, we ask that you pray daily for our IMPACT program, and thank you for your support for CLBI.

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Tamara is the Director of IMPACT at CLBI. In her free time, Tamara enjoys listening to podcasts, baking delicious bread, and kicking up her feet while swing dancing.

January 6Heavenly father, we are in awe of the work you have done in creating such a large community that is built on your firm foundation. Thank you for the support of those who love CLBI and see you working here. We pray that you would provide supporters in future generations and add to the family that you have created.

January 7Jesus, thank you for your gift of love in Jaime and Victor Ocampos. Bless them and keep them as they celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary, and continue to teach them each day to love more and more like you.

January 8Heavenly father, thank you for all those that you have called to CLBI. We pray that your call would continue to go out to future generations, and that mature students would also feel called and find a home on the CLBI campus.

January 9Thank you father for Kim Rostad (wife of President Dean Rostad). As she celebrates her birthday, we ask that you would make your love for her clear, and bless her with joy and your good gifts. Bless her in the year to come and continually draw her closer to you.

January 10God, thank you for the comfort you bring to us in need, and that you are our strong tower. We pray against homesickness, and ask that you would bring peace to the students as they are far from home.

January 11God be with the first year class as they learn more about you this week. May your truths be known and shared clearly with the class, and

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may you use the instructor to plant seeds in their hearts that will help to build your kingdom.

January 12God we pray for the IMPACT students as they begin their Spiritual Formations class. Give them peace, understanding, wisdom, and revelation as they dig into the ways you have formed and shaped them. Show them the ways you have been ever present in their lives.

January 13Gracious God, thank you for the gift that Tannin Zinger (second year student) has been to the community and for the way you have used her joy to bless others. Be near to her today as she celebrates her birthday, and show her the richness of your love and just how valuable she is.

January 14God, we ask for continued provision through donations to CLBI. Support the community financially in this time.

January 15Heavenly father, we thank you for Abigail Sylvestre (first year student) and ask that you bless her on her birthday. Thank you for bringing her to CLBI this year, and may she experience your loving-kindness and grace today.

January 16Jesus, thank you for calling the current students to bible school and for using them in their time at CLBI. Call and use the students of your choosing to pursue ministry, and lead and guide them on their way.

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CLBI Winter 9

HAN-GRY/ haNG?r?/ adj.---------------------------------------------------bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

What in the world is wrong with me?My patience is gone, I am not thinking straight, and boy I am irritable?. wait a sec, when was the last time I ate?

Can you relate? I bet you can. Don?t you love it when your body is trying to get your attention to tell you something, but you don?t listen to it? I remember being at an all-day board meeting and at 3:30 in the afternoon I was surprised at how impatient I was becoming. I felt like a caged animal, I wanted OUT! In retrospect, I should have packed more snacks.

God has designed us in such a way that when hunger hits us, hormones are introduced into our bodies to trigger appetite and metabolism. This tells our mind to move energy from our brains to our stomachs to prepare the way for food - and with that comes brain malfunction - HANGRY.

2020: A prolonged wilderness experienceThis past year is one that many, many books will be written about - books about the facts of the pandemic and how it changed the world, and others about how the pandemic changed us. A strength that comes from being a follower of Jesus is the ability to look beyond what is happening in the

physical world to see how God is at work within us and among us, and this is easy to miss.

It is in the practice of stopping, listening, and paying attention to the Spirit of God that we can experience peace within storms and experience growth. In Matthew 4, we read how right after Jesus? baptism, the Spirit immediately sent Jesus into the wilderness for a time of testing. This time of testing was not to be seen as a type of job interview to see if Jesus was the right man for the job, but a time of revelation and preparation for what was ahead; a refining experience.

The pandemic was not caused by God to

teach us something, but rather another one of the aftershocks of the...(continued on next page)

Sometimes the church needs time in the

wilderness to remember who

she is.

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fall of Genesis 3. I am continually blown away at the redemptive presence of God, showing up in the highs and lows of life, to shape us and reveal who He is and who we are. The question is and will continually be: ?Are we paying attention to God??

A fellow staff member brought to my attention a quote from Christianity Today that I believe is a prophetic word, revealing how we can pay attention to how God is at work through this pandemic: ?Sometimes the church needs time in the wilderness to remember who she is.?

In this year of wilderness wandering, the

church has been seriously hangry. This came from the loss of not being able to meet in corporate worship and not being permitted to physically visit our elderly and hospitalized church family. As we temporarily laid down the privilege of hugging and eating together at weddings and funerals,

something inside of us died - this is not who we are! We grieve the huge loss of how health restrictions reduced the grandness of these rites of passage. So much loss.

As I watched and listened to my friends on both sides of the mask debates, I see a church that is indeed "hangry". And now I say, let?s not waste a good pain! But what do I mean by good?

In no way was the tragedy of the pandemic, the lost lives, the lost livelihood of many, considered to be good. Consider the beatitudes of Matthew 5 where Jesus teaches us that through the lens of the Kingdom of God, blessing can come through suffering. God redemptively showing up in the middle of hardships can produce a deeper good, a hard good, even if it is birthed through tears. Just as our brains malfunction when our bodies are hungry in order to prepare

January 17Gracious God, thank you for the ministries and churches in and around Camrose. Give wisdom to their leaders and strength to run this race that has been set before them.

January 18Heavenly Father, today we thank you for Anne Frederickson (first year student); for her kind and gracious heart, for her steadfastness, and for her deep love for others. Remind her how great your love is and be close to her today on her birthday.

January 19Lord thank you for the opportunities you give students to learn and grow in their faith. Bless our first year students

as they begin Foundations of Faith II today.

January 20We thank you God for Daniela Salinas (second year student) as we celebrate her birthday today. Thank you for her joy and kindness. Surround her with blessings and your holy presence today God!

January 21Heavenly Father, bless Roger Helland as he begins to teach the second year students the book of Colossians. We pray that there would be seeds of truth planted in the hearts of the students and that your spirit would be present in the classroom.

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us to eat, may the church?s swirling emotions from the pandemic be a sign to us to pay attention to how God desires to prepare us for what is ahead for the bride of Christ - Know in your heart who you are!

In the 40-day wilderness wandering of Matthew 4, Jesus is in a fragile state as he is tempted by the devil. The temptation is to prove himself: ?IF? you are the Son of God? take short cuts, permit the earthly pains to focus on the devil?s game rather than God?s purpose, plan and provision.

Church who are you? Does your identity

come from what you do or is it from who you are declared to be? I can?t wait for full sanctuaries to once again loudly declare with unmasked voices ?How great thou art?. Yet, we are more than our singing and gathering. Our singing is an expression, a fruit of who we are, but it is not our identity. I can?t wait to once again line up at the communal potluck table and try to figure out how I can fit as much as

possible on my plate. Soon we will see again children skip over the veggies and load up at the dessert table. These communal meals are key to our thriving as a congregation - yet it is not who we are.

I confess Lord, I am too distracted by

these hunger pains. Spirit, give me ears to listen even with my rumbling tummy. Whenever something is said three times in a row in the Scriptures, we know God is making a bold point. ?It is written, it is written, it is written." This is the fitting response to the devil?s game. In November, I had the privilege of teaching the class ?Identity in Christ? to CLBI?s 1st year students.

This is one of our core classes that raises themes that we unpack all year. The wilderness wanderings of Jesus is the core text of the week as we wrestle with questions of identity. As the week progressed, it was a joy to watch the Spirit of God stir within the students as the word opened their eyes to how we all are tempted to get our identity from our performance, our possessions, and from the perspectives of those around us. At the end of the week, we all took turns laying down at the cross the identity lies that we too often latch onto: I am my successes, I am my failures, I am not enough. Then as Romans 6:4 states, since in our baptism we are united with Christ in his death, we also are united with him in his resurrection. At the cross, Jesus takes on our sin, and in the resurrection he invites us to take away declared truths of who we are: I am forgiven, I am redeemed, I am an heir, I am precious, I am filled with purpose! (continued on next page)

our singing is our expression... but

it is not our identity.

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As you wrap up this year (thanks be to God), take a moment and write down the various losses that you experienced personally and as a church. Also write down the feelings that accompanied them. This is your wilderness experience. There are deep feelings of hurt, fear, anguish and grief that need to be recognized.

2020 was a type of forced fasting that can

yield clarity of mind, perspective and purpose. The pandemic took a lot from us (and it isn?t over yet). What are God-declared identity truths about you and the church that can never be taken away?

It is written:

You are redeemed...- Colossians 1:13-14

You are the body of Christ...- 1 Corinthians 12:27

You are more than a conqueror...- Romans 8:31-39

You are God?s workmanship...- Ephesians 2:10

You are the Bride of Christ... - Revelation 19:7

You are the light of the world... - Matthew 5:14

You are God?s ambassador of reconciliation...- 2 Corinthians 5:17-20

After Jesus left the wilderness, he returned to His home town where His identity was immediately tested - ours will be too. As we eagerly return to being a group that celebrates the redemptive love of God each Sunday, may the Spirit firm up in us a deeper belief that we are the unstoppable body of Christ, ready to extend the loving Kingdom of God wherever Christ plants us and sends us.

Church of Jesus Christ, know who you are!

Dean is the President at CLBI and lives with his family in Camrose, AB. In his spare time, Dean loves cross country skiing and unicycling around Camrose.

January 22God you have continually provided the right people and leadership for every season at CLBI and we thank you for bringing each staff member in your time for your purpose. Thank you for expanding this family and for the staff that have been used to spread your word to so many.

January 23God we thank you for the wonderful work you do to build your kingdom

and the ways you work in the community around us outside of churches. We especially praise you for ministries like Goat Coffee Co. for sharing your love daily with the Camrose community.

January 24Lord Jesus, we thank you for Elsye MacInnis (2nd year student) today as she celebrates her birthday. Thank you for calling her to CLBI this year and for all the love she has brought to

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this community. Bless her today, make your presence known to her, and give her great peace and joy in you today.

January 25Heavenly Father, bless and equip the first year class as they begin Foundations of Faith III today. Fill them with your knowledge and truth, and guide them in your ways.

January 26God we lift up Tamara MacInnis and the IMPACT students. Be with them this week as they prepare for their cross cultural trips. Ease any anxieties as they prepare for part II of their IMPACT experience.

January 27Lord God we ask that you would be calling new generations of staff. We ask that your word would be clear and true as you call new staff to CLBI.

January 28God we thank you for bringing us this wonderful and willing group of short term staff. They have truly blessed the community with their hearts and love for you. Continue to grow them, use them, and bless them as they finish this year at CLBI.

January 29Thank you God for calling your shepherds to care for and guide your sheep in this time. Bless them and keep them, and bring fruit from their labors and equip them to point their congregations towards your heart in this season.

January 30Heavenly Father we praise you for calling the IMPACT students to serve you in BC. Give them strength, endurance, compassion, peace, and a heart for the ministries they are taking part in. Father bless them as they go.

January 31Lord bless Malcolm Guglich (first year

student) as he celebrates his birthday. Guide him through this next year of life and show him your plan for him. Thank you for bringing him into this community and for the ways he blesses it.

February 1 Lord, we?re grateful for Charles and Anita Jackson and how you?ve led them. Bless their time this week as they teach. Fill the students with joy as they grow in faith, hope and love.

February 2 Heavenly Father, we thank you for Sarah Timms (first year student) and the faith you?ve placed in her heart. Bless her with joy and encouragement on her birthday today, for you have surrounded her with your love.

February 3 God of families, be with the CLBI family and lead the board members in wisdom and insight. Keep this family centered on your love and life.

February 4 Lord Jesus, for all alumni and all who have served within CLBI?s walls, we give thanks. May they all have a sense of shared connection today.

February 5 Jesus, you taught your disciples, and us, how to pray, and we thank you today for the work of WMPL. Continue to teach us through your word and in the Holy Spirit how to be a people of prayer.

February 6 God of all communities and neighbourhoods, you have displayed for us how to love our neighbors. Empower the CLBI community to lovingly serve all those they come in contact with.

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February 7 Our father in heaven, we pray for all those on IMPACT teams. Sustain them and strengthen them in their relationships. Fill them with joy as they see the tremendous blessings they are to one other.

February 8 We give thanks to you O Lord, for Jeremy Osterwalder. Bless him and the class he leads this week. Transform us by the renewing of our minds.

February 9 Lord Jesus, our teacher, we pray for all students called back to CLBI. Give discernment and wisdom. Open eyes, ears, and hearts.

February 10 Jesus, our exodus, you travel with us on the road. We need your voice to guide and direct us ? for you are the God of the Way.

February 11 Light of the world, we are in constant

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need of your enlightenment and warmth. Inspire both students and staff as they spend time with you. May they find encouragement this day from your heart to theirs.

February 12 Lord of the nations, we pray for all international students who may be considering attending CLBI. Bless their endeavors ? whatever they may be ? with grace and peace.

February 13 God of rest and play, we thank you for long weekends. We?re confident that you will meet all our needs according to your glorious riches in Jesus.

February 14 Jesus, you shared friendship even during your time of ministry. We pray for deep friendships among the dorm community, and that you would multiply kindness and peace so that joy might abound.

February 15 Lord of life, we thank you for the lives of Katie Melancon (1st year student) and Sherrie Ellingson (D-Group leader). Thank you for the gifts you?ve placed in them. As today is their birthday, may today be a day of celebration for them.

February 16 We lift up to you, O Lord, the mental health of all, but especially of the students. You are a light in the darkness and we ask you to minister the salve of hope to eyes that need it. Help us to see as your countenance shines upon us.

February 17 Jesus, you are one who often retreated for quiet and prayer. Be with those on the Dwelling retreat and give to them perspective, renewal, and re-creation.

February 18 Our servant king, give leaders

worldwide the wisdom to govern well. Guide them into compassionate decisions and a hopeful vision of peace.

February 19 We thank you, O God, for Tom Francis (Director of Maintenance) and Karlina Olson (D-Group Leader) on their birthday today. Give them generous gifts of joy and celebration. May they see your deep love for them.

February 20 Lord Jesus, you?re the only one to deliver a sermon ? a message ? and fully live it. Your kingdom come and your will be done among us, as it?s done in heaven.

February 21 Lord, you never change in your love directed towards us. As we live in times of constant change, give us a vision to see how new technologies and developments might serve for the good of the world.

February 22 It?s to you, our father, that all our prayers are directed. Bless the class as they grow in intimacy with you in their prayer lives.

February 23 Jesus, we desire to lead how you lead. As the second year class learns more how to lead well, encourage them in their unique giftings and help them to see where they might be called.

February 24 Lord, the ministry and mission of CLBI happens because of countless giving from countless individuals over the years. Continue to move hearts to partner in this work through generosity and kindness.

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Where do you currently cal l home?My little family and I reside in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I am married to Kjel Hagen (04?-06?), and our children are Asher (5), Quinn (3), and Silas (1).

What do you do, And in what capacity?I?m a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to three beautiful children. I remember I used to think that staying home with kids was not using my abilities to their fullest potential, almost as if somehow it was a "lesser" calling. But God has been working on my heart to see that raising up a new generation to love and fear God is the most important work I will ever have the privilege of doing.

Homeschooling has allowed me to daily integrate the gospel, life skills, and character building, which has enriched our whole family and deepened our discussions on faith; questions coming from a five and three year old nonetheless! I?m often reminded of a quote from C S Lewis, ?Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.?

Describe how God helped shape your l ife through your experience at CLBI.Prior to my time at CLBI, I felt tremendous pressure to pick the ?right? career. I wanted to honour God

in my choices and pursue something meaningful, while having no idea what that might be. My experiences at CLBI, especially those outside the classroom, really helped me to understand that our mission field is truly wherever we find ourselves. Beyond that, and in a broader sense, my time at CLBI built up my confidence to defend my faith and to step out in boldness to proclaim God?s truth in a world that increasingly argues that truth is subjective.

What were your years l ike after graduating from CLBI?The years immediately following CLBI were actually really hard ones for me. While at CLBI, it was so easy to be studying the bible and having faith-based discussions with others because that was literally my homework! What I failed to do...(continued on next page)

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...our mission field is truly wherever we

find ourselves.

18 Crossroads

during CLBI was create daily habits of praying and being in the word on my own time, for no other reason than to quietly and faithfully pursue my Lord. I missed the mark on that.

For quite a few years I found myself somehow buying into the gospel of ?I?m a pretty good person, trying to follow the rules?. I didn?t even see that I was living a works-based, watered down, "me-centric" version of the gospel. I only recently have begun to

daily read the bible and spend time in prayer beyond supper?s grace. And God is so faithful! Through his word, God has been revealing the importance of discernment to me.

My story of believing a false gospel, an "almost-truth", is not uncommon. Whether it be a sermon, a CLBI teacher, a podcast, a book by a Christian author; test everything against what God has already spoken in his word. Be diligent and faithful in your pursuit of God, and learn from my experience. ?Test all things; hold fast to what is good? (1 Thess. 5:21).

What would you say to potential students of CLBI?There are many options you could pursue for studying God?s word, but the opportunity to live in community with like-minded believers for one or two years should not be undervalued.

The community I found at CLBI continues to build into my life today. I have never regretted pausing for two years before pursuing a career, and taking that time to pour into my faith journey.

February 25 On this day of we celebrate Ted Hill's birthday (Program Director) and Dean (President) and Kim Rostad's anniversary. We ask you to plant seeds of hope and renewal in their lives that they might be refreshed.

February 26 As the Board meets, we lift them to you, O Lord. Give them direction,

guidance, and servant hearts. In their discussions, may their work be a joy.

February 27 Lord Jesus, you move hearts of people to serve. We pray for servants to be raised up to assist in CLBI?s programs and facilities.

...I didn't even see that i was

l iving a watered down version of

the gospel .

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?God you are so good!?In a year that has been completely unpredictable, one thing that hasn?t changed is God?s faithfulness in meeting the needs of CLBI through his people.

Thinking back to the spring of 2020, we had no idea if we were going to be able to open this fall - it looked like the world was coming apart at the seams! In the midst of a dark, hard year, God has raised up 30 students to come

and study God?s word, and united a strong team around the calling of making disciples.

In the midst of financial challenge, God?s people remain committed to seeing young disciples equipped to continue the work of the Great Commission. Faithful givers, thank you for responding to God?s call. Please continue to pray that God will meet all of the needs of the Bible school!

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Fred Smith* is a big-hearted man and has always donated a percentage of his annual income to charity. When the homeless shelter in his city launched a fundraising campaign to construct a new building, he decided to give them an extra $10,000 above his annual support. Fred was excitedly telling a friend about the project over lunch one day when his friend told him that writing a cheque might not be the most tax-efficient way to give. He suggested Fred to consider donating publicly traded securities instead.

Why Donate Publ icly Traded Securities?

Publicly traded securities are stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) listed on a designated stock exchange. When you donate publicly traded securities in-kind, you receive a charitable receipt for the value of the securities and avoid the tax on the capital gain. Fred admitted he had never considered donating anything other than cash, so his friend recommended he contact Abundance Canada to

help. Fred gave us a call, and we sat down to go over the numbers.

Gifting Stocks to Charity Among other assets, Fred had a non-registered investment account that included a stock worth $10,000 with an adjusted cost base of $4,000. If he sold the stock and donated the cash proceeds directly to the charity, he would pay tax on 50% of the $6,000 capital gain, effectively increasing his taxable income by $3,000. However, if Fred chose to donate the stock in-kind, he would avoid the capital gains tax. His taxable income would be $3,000 less than if he sold his stock to make the donation. In both scenarios Fred would receive a $10,000 donation receipt and the charity would receive $10,000, however by donating the stock in-kind vs selling and donating the cash proceeds, Fred avoids the $1,380 tax on the capital gain.

After looking over the numbers, Fred established a Generosity Plan? with Abundance Canada and donated his


stock in-kind. He was delighted to not only provide the additional support to the homeless shelter, but also reduce his future tax bill. He is already considering doing another gift in kind next year to cover his regular donations.

If you hold stocks, bonds or mutual funds in your non-registered investment account, why not consider supporting your favourite charities with a gift of securities? Like Fred, you may be pleasantly surprised by the tax efficiency of this gift planning strategy.

*Pseudonym used to protect the privacy of the individual

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February 28 Heavenly Father, you know the needs of the school, the people, and the campus. Meet all of these needs, named and unnamed, so that the good work you have prepared in advance might be done for your glory.

March 1 Holy God, may you impart revelation and inspiration to the first year class: Living Discipleship. May we all ?have clean hands and a pure heart, and not

trust in an idol or swear by a false God? (Psa. 24:4).

March 2 Righteous God, let the second year Pentateuch class and instructor Brad Everett experience the nature of the Torah together as holy instruction in your perfect ways. May we and each student know that ?good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways? (Psa. 25:1).

Harold Penner is a Gift Planning Consultant with Abundance Canada. Since 1974, Abundance Canada has helped people with their charitable giving at every stage of life and beyond.

To learn more about how you can create and implement a Generosity Plan visit or call 1.800.772.3257.

Abundance Canada is an off icial partner of CLBI estate planning & administering the scholarships and bursaries at CLBI.

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March 3 Gracious God, may you draw the first and second year classes into a deeper love and trust in the Lord Jesus through Synoptic Gospels III course. ?Vindicate me, Lord, for I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the Lord and have not faltered? (Psa. 26:1).

March 4 Perfect God, may you bless and encourage the kitchen staff at CLBI with your love and strength. May we and they always affirm, ?The Lord is my light and my salvation? whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life? of whom shall I be afraid?? (Psa. 27:1).

March 5 Eternal God, empower CLBI alumni all over the world to continually proclaim and practice the gospel of God by the power of the Spirit. May you ?hear our cry for mercy as we call to you for help, as we lift our hands toward your most holy place? (Psa. 28:2).

March 6 Loving Jesus, grant that each weekend would bring your sabbath rest and revitalization for staff and students. ?Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name, and worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.? (Psa. 29:2)

March 7 Compassionate Jesus, cultivate strong connections between students and staff. Help them to ?sing the praises of the Lord as his faithful people, praising his holy name. For his anger lasts only for a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning? (Psa. 30:4-5).

March 8 Life-giving Jesus, raise up multitudes of godly mentors who might guide

people to Bible school. May we and those mentors and students, ?receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from God their Savior? (Psa. 24:5).

March 9 Generous Jesus, grant your favour upon all businesses and organizations that partner with CLBI. ?Guard our lives and rescue us; do not let us be put to shame, for we take refuge in you. May integrity and uprightness protect us, because our hope together, Lord, is in you? (Psa. 25:20-21).

March 10 King Jesus, impart vision for parents to send their kids to Bible school to learn and live missional discipleship. ?I have trusted in the Lord and have not faltered. Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind? (Psa. 26:1-2).

March 11 Holy Spirit, raise the call for CLBI students to become Christ-centered, spirit-empowered, gospel-oriented missionaries. ?The Lord is my light and my salvation? whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life? of whom shall I be afraid?? (Psa. 27:1-2).

March 12 Gracious Spirit, address and overcome homelessness throughout the world, and help those who are vulnerable. ?Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me? (Psa. 28:7).

March 13 Guiding Spirit, protect the children of the CLBI staff as a part of the CLBI community. ?The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the God of glory thunders . . . The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is majestic? (Psa. 29:3-4).

CLBI Winter 25

March 14 Comforting Spirit, would you bless instructors while they?re away from their friends, family, and communities. ?The Lord bless them and keep them; the Lord make his face shine upon them and be gracious to them; the Lord turn his face toward them and give them peace? (Num. 6:24-26).

March 15 Sovereign Spirit, energize the first and second year classes and instructor Andrew Craig with a keen understanding of Faith & Culture. Lead them ?beside quiet waters and refresh their souls. Guide them along the right paths for your name?s sake? (Psa. 23:2-3).

March 16 Holy God, we pray for assurance for alumni serving in ministry positions. ?In you, our God, we put our trust, and not ever be put to shame, nor let any of our enemies triumph over us. As no one who hopes in you is put to shame? (Psa. 25:1-3).

March 17 Loving God, grant that friendships and connections formed at CLBI will last a lifetime. Throughout life, ?Test us, Lord, and try us; examine our hearts and our minds, that we are mindful of your unfailing love and live in reliance on your faithfulness? (Psa. 26:2-3).

March 18 Creator God, stimulate creative passions and practices of the staff and students to glorify You. ?We remain confident of this: we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We will wait for the Lord; and will be strong and take heart? (Psa. 27:13-14).

March 19 Providential God, we give you thanks and pray that spring would impart life and hope of the season to come.

?Hear our cry for mercy as we call to you for help, as we lift up our hands toward your Most Holy Place? (Psa. 28:2).

March 20 Righteous God, may Christ always be the center of each person?s life in the CLBI community. ?The Lord sits enthroned over the flood, enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people and blesses them with peace? (Psa. 29:10-11).

March 21 Lord Jesus, bless and encourage Danika Osterwalder (first year student) on her birthday. Today, may she ?Sing the praises of the Lord as one of his faithful people, praising your holy name, as your favor lasts a lifetime? (Psa. 30:4-5).

March 22Saviour Jesus, bless and encourage Jaime Hansen (Food Services) on her birthday today. Today, may she ?Receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God our Savior." (Psa. 24:5).

March 23King Jesus, bless and encourage Ezekiel Jack, (Landon and Amy?s son, Residence Life Directors) whose birthday is today. We pray that ?integrity and uprightness would protect him and us, that his and our hope, Lord, would be in you? (Psa. 25:20-21).

March 24 Healer Jesus, we pray that healthcare workers and their families would experience your favor and protection. May their feet stand on level ground and in the great congregation praise you? (Psa. 26:12).

26 Crossroads

March 25 Jesus, inspire a unifying community to pray for CLBI to fulfill its mission with fruitfulness to make and strengthen disciples of Christ. ?Our hearts say of you, ?Seek his face.? Your face, Lord, we will seek? (Psa. 27:8).

March 26 Revealing Spirit, provide clear discernment for those being led towards seminary education. ?The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him? (Psa. 28:6-7).

March 27 Holy Spirit, increase your empowering presence in the spiritual leadership of pastors, elders, and others in church leadership. ?Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness? (Psa. 29:1-2).

March 28 Sanctifying Spirit, increase spiritual formation, renewal, and fruitfulness for CLBI staff and students. ?You Lord are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises. In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted you and you delivered them? (Psa. 22:3-4).

March 29 God, bless and encourage Sam Francis (son of Tom, Director of Maintenance) on his birthday. ?You brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother?s breast. From birth I was cast on you; from my mother?s womb you have been my God? (Psa. 22:9-10).

March 30 Truthful Spirit, would you bless and encourage second year student Jayden Eggum whose birthday is today. May we and he acknowledge, ?Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world? (John 1:29).

March 31 Holy Trinity, illuminate the significance of Jesus? suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection for first and second year class: Passion Narratives. ?Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!? (Rev. 5:12).

CLBI Winter 27

ANNOUNCEMENTS:Derrick Boulianne (2015-17) & LaDauna Skeeters (2015-17) got married on Sept. 26, 2020

Timothy Hesje (2010-12) married Rey Ann Arugay on Oct. 10, 2020

Julie Cameron (2010-12) & Daniel Olson (2011-12) got married on Oct. 17, 2020

Spencer Wright (2013-15) married Linda Kaunda on Nov. 7, 2020

Karin (Saethre, 2006-07) & Adam Mansell had baby Samuel Ian on Nov. 10, 2020

Alison (Isaak, 2005-08) & Jober Sibug had baby Benjamin Norman on Nov. 20, 2020

Adrianna (Hansen, 2012-14) & Wahid Ekailan had baby Amelle Janneke on Nov. 24, 2020

Jeremiah Dorland (2014-16) & Emma Johnson (2015-17) got married on Nov. 28, 2020

Beth (Jeglum, 2007-09) & Derek Jones had baby Alice Laurel on Dec. 1, 2020

Jordan (2012) & Rebecca Soggie had baby Aksel William on Nov. 24, 2020

Memorials:Eunice Tennis, Annelise Rust, Arnold Hoveland, Annemarie Haerdi, Glen Vollmer, Esther Danielson, Rudolf Haerdi, Niels Hjorth, Owen Giebelhaus, Walter Haldorson, Les Brager, Ruth Wuthrich, Paul Berkholtz, Else Mollerup Welch, Elaine Olson, Gerard Severin, Ingrid Anderson, Murray Cowan, Marge Wolf, Alice Lindstrom, Arlene Person, Klara Moll, Elnora Mitts, Otto & Ruth Wuthrich, Edwin Wesner, Carol Pederson, Allan Danielson, Nellie Hoveland, Ruth Severin, Herbert Forth, Thelma Hjorth, Nels & Sophia Grue

Total Memorials: $60, 265

PRAYER WRITERS:Matt Ziprick, Roger Helland, and our friends/ alumni down in California,

January - March 2021

Volume 29 No. 1Published for the friends and alumni of the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute in Camrose, AB

Editorial Group:Rev. Dean RostadKate McFeelyCullen Halvorson

Send your comments and changes of address to:

CLBI Crossroads4837 - 52a StreetCamrose. ABT4V [email protected]

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