Clayton Whitted

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Transcript of Clayton Whitted

  • 7/28/2019 Clayton Whitted


    Name: Clayton Thomas Whitted

    Date of Birth: June 27, 1985

    Clayton Thomas Whitted was born to Carl and Kathleen Whitted. He was welcomed by two

    sisters, Carmen and Cheryl. Clayton was raised in beautiful Prescott, Arizona. From a young age

    Clayton had a strong love for life and the outdoors. As he grew his love for the outdoors also

    grew, as did his list of hobbies which included hiking, biking, running, fishing, hunting, and

    kayaking to name a few. Clayton was also a skilled woodworker and enjoyed making anything

    that he could give to someone else. Clayton attended Mile High Middle School and then went

    on to attend Prescott High School where he played football, basketball and ran track. Claytonenjoyed playing football and basketball but he loved the friendships that he gained more than

    the games that they won. Clayton graduated in 2004. Clayton continued his education through

    Yavapai College and Arizona State University, gaining more knowledge of fire science.

    As his scholastic success developed so did his desire to climb taller mountains and reach higher

    goals. Right out of high school Clayton pursued his longtime dream of becoming a fire fighter

    and accepted a position with the Prescott Hotshots. The job was a perfect fit for Clayton as it

    included being outdoors and working hard, both of which Clayton loved. After serving and

    loving his job for a few years, life and God had different plans for Clayton. When his mother

    took a fall and began having difficulty with her memory Clayton left part way through fire

    season to return home to his parents. Clayton walked by his dads side as they journeyed

    through his moms diagnosis of cancer. While Clayton was home Gods plan began to unfold

    and Clayton took a full time position with the Heights Church youth and became the junior high

    pastor. This was a wonderful fit for Clayton and he was able to use his gifts of ministry as he

    mentored hundreds of young teens. Clayton was somebody that the kids could look up to, he

  • 7/28/2019 Clayton Whitted


    could relate to them and he loved them just as they were. Claytons mom was taken to be with

    the Lord in December of 2007. The next spring Claytons love for fighting fire lead him to

    resume his career and he took a position with the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Though Clayton

    had re-entered the world of firefighting he continued to lead Bible studies and prayer groups.

    He never failed to put God first. Clayton loved the men that he served with and this wasundoubtedly expressed in his relationships and evidenced by crew members names being

    written in the cover of his bible, reminding him to pray daily for them and their families.

    Claytons work with the Granite Mountain Hotshots expanded, as did his responsibility when he

    became a squad leader. Soon after, he was introduced to Kristi Hoffman, who quickly captured

    Claytons attention and his heart. He asked Kristi to marry him in a hot air balloon, which

    displayed his fun-loving personality and they were united in marriage on February 12th

    of 2011.

    Clayton loved well! He always made everyone feel like they were his best friend. The more

    anyone got to know Clayton he became less like a friend and more like a brother. Claytons

    heart was so selfless and he was willing to sacrifice for others as he would for his own family

    because in Claytons heart many people were family to him. My understanding is that if you

    met Clayton even for a brief moment, you experienced this. Clayton spent his life serving in the

    community and helping numerous organizations and people alike. Claytons giving personality

    and selfless character always made everyone feel that they were the most important person to

    him. His desire was to put others and their needs before his own. Claytons unique personality

    and contagious smile paired with his laughter and hugs were an example to all who met him of

    what it meant to love fully.

    Clayton was a successful and humble young man. He achieved many goals by making his 1, 5

    and 10-year plans. Claytons plans, though wonderful in and of themselves, tied directly into

    Gods plan and that is something Clayton knew well. Claytons desire was that everyone he

    came into contact with might experience the same love he knew, the love of God, through his

    Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Though Prescott may mourn the loss of the irreplaceable presence of Clayton Whitted, though

    the nation may mourn the loss of a brave firefighter, and though the world may mourn this

    tragedy, we will choose to celebrate that Clayton did much for the Lord during his time on

    Earth. The loss we incurred as a family, community and country on Sunday evening June 30th


    2013 will never fully heal, but we stand united knowing that very same evening Clayton was

    ushered into eternity with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Clayton would want nothing more

    than for each and every soul to know God, to know His love and to have eternal Salvation

    through Jesus Christ. We know we will see Clayton again, we hope you will too.