CLASSIFIED flpsTSBBS MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1913 PA® ELEVEN Classified Rates local Rites: 4c per word - minimum 75c Card of Thanks: 3 c per word - minimum 15c In Memory: 3c per word - minimum 75c Classifieds Charted: 5c per word - minimum 11,00 Display Classifieds - $1.00 per column Inch Wanted For Sale 2 acre lot on Brlndle Rldce, close to old Hlatt Post Office. Property of Prora Amburgejr. See or call J,C. Bowling. Ph. 258-2339. 22x8 WE have round oak tables, secretaries, china cabinets, wash stands, antique beds, or- gan stools, hall trees, lowboy dresser and many tnorenlce Items to choose from. Also a large selection of dishes and glassware. Stop in and see us at Blair's Bargain Barn, Route 3, Ml. Vernon. <^>en seven days a week, located 5 miles south of Berea on U.S. 25. 24x2 . 30 acres of timber, Morris Valley, $2,500.00. Ben David- son, Dayton, Ohio. 513/238- 1402 after" 3:30 p.m. 24x2p FIVE-ROOM HOUSE In Liv- ingston. Two bedrooms newly paneled with hardwood floors, new bathroom, city water, sewer and electric gas fur- nace. Lot Is 135x150. Another little house newly paneled with workshop garage underneath. $3,000 down and take over $6,000 mortgage. Possession after school Is out. Call 453- 4751 before 8 p.m. or see Wallace Delpb. 22x4 1958 CHEVROLET Plck-i»; 1981 FORD, 4 Door; 1982 Ply- mouth, 4 door, station wagon. Contact Mrs. Margie Owens, Ideal Cafe, Mt. Vernon. 22xntf 3/4 CHAROLAE BULL (half French Charolals), born May, 1973; Three Angus X Charo- lals bulls born May and June, 1972. Also, Corn for sale. John E. Holbrook, 758-3910. 22xntf FOR SALE: MONUMENTS— on display at Dowell & Mar- tin Funeral Home, lxntf F lrs extinguisher sales and service. Teddy Staton, Route 4, Albany, Ky. Ph. 387-5077 or 387-5813.19x24 FOR SALE: 4-room bouse with large lot located on Nlggertown Road. Call 258-4830 after 4 P.m. 19xntf 2,000 Ford Diesel with load- er, 80 John Deere and Super M ten foot case wheel disc, 7 foot International pull type. Fred O"Bryan, New Haven, Ky. 40051. Ph. 549-3091. 23x2 1989 PLYMOUTH Satellite, 2 dr., H.T., Vinyl Roof, au- tomatic, power steering, new tires. Call 988-4388 after 8 p.m. 23x2 « TRACTOR, Auto, truck tires, batteries. 8,3x24, $40.00 de- livered. Complete price list, write, P.O. Box 193, Rich- mood, Ky. 23x4p 14 1/2 foot wood fiberglass boat wjtb trailer, 55 horse- power mercury, electric start. Also, one 35 Mercury mo- tor and one 30 Johnson mo- tor. Contact Owen Hensley 256- 4338. 23x2 WANTED; Cedar JOSB cut 8'-4'* long, mean diameter, top enc of 8» 8'-4'* long, mean diameter, top enc I W1U Call Berea 9M-32C «. ; FOR SALE: Lots on Brush Creek Road. City water to all lots. See: Ernest Mason or Clarence Carter. Call 256- 2047 or 256-2102. 5xntf FOR SALE: Two bouses and lots. One lot has barn and tobacco base of over 1200 Da. Located at Livingston. Ph. 453- 217L. 21x3p FOR SALE: Two one-acre lots FCR SALE: Mobile home, 1T70 at Scenic. View Motel. Several ao6tl BxM carpeted, 1 l/t lake lots. Phone 256-2065 or baths. j bedroom". Ph. 25®- 256-19 or see Edd Winstead. Jtti. 19x1 FOR SALES OR SERVICE Income Tax Clients I WILL BF. IN MT. VERNON FROM JANUARY 1ST THRU APRIL 15TH AT MY OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF RICHMOND AND TEVTS STREETS. PLEASE BRING FEDERAL 4 STATE TAX FORMS THAT HAVE BEEN SENT TO YOU. ( Al l. 256-4844 Maureen L. Egan EXCAVATING SEWER UNES-DOZING & BOGGING BACKH0E WORK •A$IMIHT IXCAVATIOW DOCKING TOT M I L » FILL DIRT •OAS lUILOMO PAHKINfi LOTS AIR COMPRESSOR FOR RENT By Day Or Week ERNEST MASON MASON'S CUSTOM HAULING t BACKHOEBORK 256-2047 TERNS CAN BE ARRANGED to breed your Holsteln, Brown Swiss, Angus or Crosses to Chlanlna Italian breed and contract your calves at birth or six months. John E. Hol- WANTED: To Lease: 2,000 to 3,000 lbs. of tobacco for 1973. Henry Carter, Call 258-2813. 24x4 AAA Salesmen or aaieawuinen: Sell memberships In Madison, Estill, Rockcastle, Jackson and Owsley Counties. Commission and expense account. Fringe sick leave, $10,000 major msdi- cal hospitalisation, plus Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Most be over 21 years of age and have an automobile. Write Jos 8. Roberts, Box 1581, Lexington, Kentucky 40501 or call for ap- pointment 254-7731, extension 225. Blue Grass Automobile Club, Lexington, Ky. 24x4 For Rent SMALL HOUSE located on Purr-Rigsby Road. Contact Cllnsy Clark. 22x3p FOR Sales and lMtallatloo of chain link fences, commsrclal and residential, call 986-9765 collect, day or night. Aksrs Fence Company, 304 Boone St., Berea, Ky. 40403. Free esti- mates, financing available. 2 nix BEREA HEALTH FOCC STCRE has organic flours and grains, dried fruits, nuts and nut but- ters, vegetarian meat substi- tutes, allergy foods, herb teas, coffee substitute, granolas, vi- tamins, minerals sod food sup- plements. 114 Main Street, Be- rea, upstairs In the bulldlE* next to Boone Tavern. 20x4 4-Room boose with bath, one mils from Brodhead on 150, $50 per month. Contact Mil- ford Thomas, Routs 2, Box 222-A, Mt. Vernon, Ky. or Modern five-room bouse with large utility room with auto- matic washer book-up and built-in electric range. Very nice. About four miles south of 1-75 exit on U.S. 25 south. Call 453-2407 or sea Edith Martin. 24xntf FURNISHED apartment over store. Also, one-bedroom trail- er. Call 453-933L 24xntf House formerly known as Stel- la Livesay property. If Inte- rested, call 606/423-2350 In Science Hill. 24x2p Apartment. Mt. Vernon Court, Richmond St' Ph. 256-2282. 22xntf FOR RENT: I or 9 room fur- nished or unfurnished apart- ments. Steam heated. At Rock- castle Hotel. See Roy Wlnstead at APPLIANCE SERVICE CEN- TER. ntf FOR RENT: Apartments. Rich- mond Street. Estle Bullock, Ph. 256-4215. ntf Notice LARNEY E BACK! Larney Durham Is back barberlng at Old Reliable Barber Shop, 320 Chestnut St., Berea, Ky. He welcomes back all his old cus- tomers and new ones too. 23x2 TRENCHES dug to 4 toot depth with ditch witch. Reasonable rates, free estimates. John Gil- liam, Bares, Ky. 23x6 Repair, typewriters, calculators and adding machines. Call Herb Coffey's Furniture Store. 24x6 On Friday, February 23, 1973, at my home, I will sell the following described'automobile tor storage costs: 1965 Ply- mouth,' Serial #P 352243474. Freddie Brewer, Pine Hill, 23x2p Be. SM W. Irrtas ft. at TAX CARPENTER Work, Homes built, remodeled, additions buflt on. Porches, patios, ga- rages, etc. Carter Johnson, Building Contractor. Ph. 606 986-455L 22x6p AFTER FEB. 15, 1973, I will do tax work only at my home on Langdon Street, 2 blocks west of Rockcastle Farm Ser- vice Store. Hazel Cummins, 286-2803. 22x4 NOTICE: To those wbo live In the first district. We have the yorst roads In the county. All we ever got was a promise. The road (Town Hill Road) speaks for Itself. Yours Truly, Artber Alcorn, Route 3, Mt. Verqpn. pd. adv. MADISON TERMITE CO., Be- rea, Ky. Phone 986-3757. FREE INSPECTION, LOCAL CALLS- Jack Parsons, Wiidle, 256- 2288. 22x8 N O T E S * C-MasoQ* Custom Hauling and backboe work. Call 2582047. ntf NOTICE: Floor sanding and re- finishing. Also, carpets sham- pooed. Can 256-2539 after 6 P.m. 17XMp BLOWN-1N INSULATION: A- lumlnum siding, storm win- dows and doors. For free es- timates, contact Preston Col- lins# Route 2, Mt. Vernon. Ph.453-200. lSxntf IN MEMORY OF Harrison Griffin, who passed away De- ceSfier 24,1972. Always our minds do wan- der, to a grave not far away. For the one we loved so dear- ly, In wbo we could not save. We did not kndw the pain you had, nor hear your final sigh, we only know you passed away, without a last goodbye. We think of you In silence, no eyes see us weep, but many a silent tear Is shed, when others are asleep. May God In all* His mer- cy watch over you above and tell you that we miss you and send all our love. Sadly missed by daughters, Vallle Burton and Mary Rob- erts. - CARD OF THANKS Our deepest appreciation and gratitude are expressed to all the relatives and friends for their loving concern and help In the sudden death of our loving wife and mother. A special thanks to Cox Fu- neral Home, Bro. Harvey Pen- sol, the Cromer Trio, the pall- bearers, those who sent flo- wers and food, the prayers, those who dug the grave and everyone who helped In our sad moment. May God bless each and every- one for their ooncern. Conard Parrett and (XtT- dren, Edna's children and grandchildren. Call Pfiooe 256-2S5L «Bx*H NOTICE: Orava Markers on ataok at an times. McNew Monument Sates, O A SB, 4 mites nsrth Of Mt. V M M . H 0 M 256-2232. NOTKE: I am now salesman tor Stanford Monument Sales. Contact Dalno Mink at 256- 2588.19x4p J?XECUTOR NOTICE Notice is hereby given that John C. Cox, Mount Vernon," Kentucky, has been appointed executor of the estate of Claude Cox, deceased. All persons having against said es- tate shall present them, ve- rified according to law to the said John C. Cox, or to Al- len, Clontz and Cox, Attor- neys for said estate. Mount Venxm, Kentucky, no later than June~13, lJ^S. 24x4 WANTED: Retired couple wants lob by February I, 1973 as caretakers caring for seml- tnvalM or farming with living quarters furnished. Write to: James S. Russell, 3238 Wads- worth, Saginaw, Mich. 48601. 19x4p WANTED: SmaH dosler, bog- ging and backhoe work. Ken- ' neth Cromer, Ph. 256-4546. ntf WANTED: To let us clean and beautify your garments to keep them looking their best. "Let Johnny on the Spot" Your pro- fessional quality cleaners. Sa- nitary Cleaners. Phone 256- 255L ntf WANThu: Backhoe work and custom hauling. Contact Jim A Jack's Si T Store. Phone 56-4363, ntf WANTED: General Hauling. See Leonard Klrby or call 256- 4464. 20xntf POSTED: No hunting, trespass- ing or dumping on Fish Farm on Buckeye Ridge, Renfro Val- ley or Town Branch. 22xl2p - PC6XED: No hunting or tres- P06TED: No hunting or tres- . __ lnratpd passing on my land located on P* 88 ** « LltUi Skeggs Creek. Wllbert Mink. 24xl2p nnt * ualp CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to all our friends and relatives wbo helped during the Illness and death of my hus- band and our father, C.C. Cox. A special thanks to those who sent food, flowers, cards and those making donations to the church In his memory. To Bro. Sams for his con- soling words and the Cox Fu- neral Home for their service POSTED: No hunting or trespassing on my land located on Brush Creek Road. Ernest Mason. 8x12 POSTED: No hunting or tres- passing on land owned by Harvey Mink located on Skeggs Creek. 43xl2p POSTED: No hunting or tres- passing on my land located on Sand Springs Road. Mrs. C.B, Nlceley. 5xl2p INCOME TAX CLIENTS I WILL BE AT GREGORY MOTEL ON RICHMOND STREET IN MT. VERNON, KY., 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., JANUARY 1st THROUGH APRIL 15, 1973. PLEASE BRING FEDERAL AND STATE TAX FORMS THAT YOU RECEIVED THROUGH THE MAIL. IF P06SIBLE, BRING COPY OF YOUR 1971 INCOME TAX REPORT. Call 256-2929 DAVID GREGORY GARRARD COUNTY STOCKYARDS SALE FOR ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK - EVERY FRIDAY 792-2118 WRBY TEATER HOGAN TEATER LANCASTER, KENTUCKY J. L. TEATER are the circular proof. Ever since ravioli was created in the sea- coast town of Genoa, Italy, people have been eating ravioli squarely. "But why eat square*", asked Franco-American chefs. So they reinvented ravioli. They rounded it out, plumped it up with a nourishing beefy filling, seasoned it with a tangy meat sauce, and called it: Beef Raviolios in Ment Sauce. Planning a special family dinner? Simply combine Beef Ravi- olios in Meat Sauce with sliced mushrooms, garlic, and Parmesan cheese. Italian Toss makes a fresh and cruncny go-along. RAVIOLIOS 'N MUSHROOMS lean (4 ounces) sliced mush- 2 cans (14% ounces each) rooms, drained * Franco-American Beef 1 medium clove garlic, rhinced Itaviolios in Meat Sauce 2 tablespoons butter or * Grated Parmesan cheese margarine In saucepan, brown mushrooms and cook garlic in butter. Add raviolios. Heat; stir now and then. Top with cheese. Makes about ITALIAN TOSS 2 cups lettuce-torn in bite-sise 1 cup garlic-flavored croutons pieces ~ Vt cup xucchini cut in strips 1 cup escarole torn in bite-size (2xtt inch) pieces '.4 cup bottled Italian dressing In large bowl, toss all ingredients. Makes about 4 cups. VOTE FOR Jesse D. Cummins candidate for County Court Clerk Rockcastle Couitv SUBJECT TO REPUBLICAN PRIMARY MAY 29,1973 EXCAVATING TOP SOIL & FILL DIRT DITCHING BACKHOE WORK CUSTOM DUMP TRUCK HAULING B & B Construction Contact Bill Brock Brodhead, Ky. One check to Motorists Insurance pays all your home, theft, liability, medical payments. Sam Ford Ml." Verooa. Ky. 256-4545 FILE YOUR RETURN EARLY! Get your figures collected together now THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE •a/uiiAiM 228 W. Irvine St Phone 623-9265 RKHWWP M-F. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat 9 to 5 •IDEA 322 Chestnut Street Phone 986-9051 M-F 9 to 6:' Sit 8 to 5 ACROSS FROM 1ANC TPS, RESTAURANT

Transcript of CLASSIFIED flpsTSBBS - Rockcastle County Public … · CLASSIFIED flpsTSBBS MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL...

Page 1: CLASSIFIED flpsTSBBS - Rockcastle County Public … · CLASSIFIED flpsTSBBS MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1913 PA® ELEVEN Classified Rates local Rites: 4c per word -


Classified Rates loca l Rites: 4c per word - minimum 75c Card of Thanks: 3 c per word - minimum 15c In Memory: 3c per word - minimum 75c Classifieds Charted: 5c per word - minimum 11,00 Display Classifieds - $1.00 per column Inch


For Sale 2 acre lot on Brlndle Rldce, close to old Hlatt Post Office. Property of Prora Amburgejr. See or call J,C. Bowling. Ph. 258-2339. 22x8

WE have round oak tables, secre tar ies , china cabinets, wash stands, antique beds, o r -gan stools, hall t rees , lowboy dresser and many tnorenlce Items to choose f rom. Also a large selection of dishes and glassware. Stop in and see us at Blair 's Bargain Barn, Route 3, Ml. Vernon. <^>en seven days a week, located 5 miles south of Berea on U.S. 25. 24x2

. 30 acres of t imber, Morris Valley, $2,500.00. Ben David-son, Dayton, Ohio. 513/238-1402 after" 3:30 p.m. 24x2p

FIVE-ROOM HOUSE In Liv-ingston. Two bedrooms newly paneled with hardwood floors, new bathroom, city water, sewer and electric gas fu r -nace. Lot Is 135x150. Another little house newly paneled with workshop garage underneath. $3,000 down and take over $6,000 mortgage. Possession after school Is out. Call 453-4751 before 8 p.m. or see W allace Delpb. 22x4

1958 CHEVROLET Plck-i»; 1981 FORD, 4 Door; 1982 Ply-mouth, 4 door, station wagon. Contact Mrs. Margie Owens, Ideal Cafe, Mt. Vernon. 22xntf

3/4 CHAROLAE BULL (half French Charolals), born May, 1973; Three Angus X Charo-lals bulls born May and June, 1972. Also, Corn for sale . John E. Holbrook, 758-3910. 22xntf

FOR SALE: MONUMENTS— on display at Dowell & Mar-tin Funeral Home, lxntf

F l r s extinguisher sales and service . Teddy Staton, Route 4, Albany, Ky. Ph. 387-5077 o r 387-5813.19x24

FOR SALE: 4-room bouse with large lot located on Nlggertown Road. Call 258-4830 after 4 P.m. 19xntf

2,000 Ford Diesel with load-e r , 80 John Deere and Super M ten foot case wheel disc, 7 foot International pull type. Fred O"Bryan, New Haven, Ky. 40051. Ph. 549-3091. 23x2

1989 PLYMOUTH Satellite, 2 dr . , H.T., Vinyl Roof, au-tomatic, power steering, new t i res . Call 988-4388 after 8 p.m. 23x2 «

TRACTOR, Auto, truck t i res , batteries. 8,3x24, $40.00 de-livered. Complete price list, write, P.O. Box 193, Rich-mood, Ky. 23x4p

14 1/2 foot wood fiberglass boat wjtb t ra i ler , 55 horse-power mercury, electric s tar t . Also, one 35 Mercury mo-tor and one 30 Johnson mo-tor . Contact Owen Hensley 256-4338. 23x2

WANTED; Cedar JOSB cut 8'-4'* long, mean diameter, top enc

of 8» 8'-4'* long, mean diameter, top enc I W1U

Call Berea 9M-32C «. ;

FOR SALE: Lots on Brush Creek Road. City water to all lots . See: Ernest Mason or Clarence Car te r . Call 256-2047 or 256-2102. 5xntf

FOR SALE: Two bouses and lots. One lot has barn and tobacco base of over 1200 Da. Located at Livingston. Ph. 453-217L. 21x3p

FOR SALE: Two one-acre lots F C R SALE: Mobile home, 1T70 at Scenic. View Motel. Several a o 6 t l B x M carpeted, 1 l/t lake lots. Phone 256-2065 or baths. j bedroom". Ph. 25®-256-19 or see Edd Winstead. Jtti. 19x1





( Al l. 256-4844

Maureen L. Egan







to breed your Holsteln, Brown Swiss, Angus o r Crosses to Chlanlna Italian breed and contract your calves at birth o r six months. John E. Hol-

WANTED: To Lease: 2,000 to 3,000 lbs. of tobacco for 1973. Henry Car ter , Call 258-2813. 24x4

AAA Salesmen or aaieawuinen: Sell memberships In Madison, Estill, Rockcastle, Jackson and Owsley Counties. Commission and expense account. Fringe sick leave, $10,000 major msdi-cal hospitalisation, plus Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Most be over 21 years of age and have an automobile. Write Jos 8 . Roberts, Box 1581, Lexington, Kentucky 40501 or call for ap-pointment 254-7731, extension 225. Blue Grass Automobile Club, Lexington, Ky. 24x4

For Rent SMALL HOUSE located on Purr-Rigs by Road. Contact Cllnsy Clark. 22x3p

FOR Sales and lMtallatloo of chain link fences, commsrclal and residential, call 986-9765 collect, day or night. Aksrs Fence Company, 304 Boone St., Berea, Ky. 40403. Free est i-mates, financing available. 2 nix

BEREA HEALTH FOCC STCRE has organic flours and grains, dried fruits, nuts and nut but-ters, vegetarian meat substi-tutes, allergy foods, herb teas, coffee substitute, granolas, vi-tamins, minerals sod food sup-plements. 114 Main Street, Be-rea , upstairs In the bulldlE* next to Boone Tavern. 20x4

4-Room boose with bath, one mils f rom Brodhead on 150, $50 per month. Contact Mil-

ford Thomas, Routs 2, Box 222-A, Mt. Vernon, Ky. o r

Modern five-room bouse with large utility room with auto-matic washer book-up and built-in electric range. Very nice. About four miles south of 1-75 exit on U.S. 25 south. Call 453-2407 or sea Edith Martin. 24xntf

FURNISHED apartment over s tore . Also, one-bedroom t ra i l -e r . Call 453-933L 24xntf

House formerly known as Stel-la Livesay property. If Inte-rested, call 606/423-2350 In Science Hill. 24x2p

Apartment. Mt. Vernon Court, Richmond St ' Ph. 256-2282. 22xntf

FOR RENT: I or 9 room f u r -nished or unfurnished apart-ments. Steam heated. At Rock-castle Hotel. See Roy Wlnstead at APPLIANCE SERVICE CEN-TER. ntf

FOR RENT: Apartments. Rich-mond Street. Estle Bullock, Ph. 256-4215. ntf

Notice LARNEY E BACK! Larney Durham Is back barberlng at Old Reliable Barber Shop, 320 Chestnut St., Berea, Ky. He welcomes back all his old cus-tomers and new ones too. 23x2

TRENCHES dug to 4 toot depth with ditch witch. Reasonable ra tes , f r ee est imates. John Gil-liam, Bares, Ky. 23x6

Repair, typewriters, calculators and adding machines. Call Herb Coffey's Furniture Store. 24x6

On Friday, February 23, 1973, at my home, I will se l l the following described'automobile tor storage costs: 1965 Ply-mouth,' Serial #P 352243474. Freddie Brewer, Pine Hill, 23x2p

Be. SM W. Irrtas ft. at TAX

CARPENTER Work, Homes built, remodeled, additions buflt on. Porches, patios, ga-rages , etc. Car te r Johnson, Building Contractor. Ph. 606 986-455L 22x6p

AFTER FEB. 15, 1973, I will do tax work only at my home on Langdon Street, 2 blocks west of Rockcastle Farm Ser-vice Store. Hazel Cummins, 286-2803. 22x4

NOTICE: To those wbo live In the f i r s t district. We have the y o r s t roads In the county. All we ever got was a promise. The road (Town Hill Road) speaks for Itself. Yours Truly, Artber Alcorn, Route 3, Mt. Verqpn. pd. adv.

MADISON TERMITE CO., Be-rea , Ky. Phone 986-3757. FREE INSPECTION, LOCAL CALLS-Jack Parsons, Wiidle, 256-2288. 22x8

N O T E S * C-MasoQ* Custom Hauling and backboe work. Call 2582047. ntf

NOTICE: Floor sanding and r e -finishing. Also, carpets sham-pooed. Can 256-2539 after 6 P.m. 17XMp

BLOWN-1N INSULATION: A-lumlnum siding, storm win-dows and doors. For f ree e s -t imates, contact Preston Col-l ins# Route 2, Mt. Vernon. Ph .453-200 . lSxntf

IN MEMORY OF Harrison Griffin, who passed away De-ceSfier 24,1972.

Always our minds do wan-der, to a grave not far away. For the one we loved so dear-ly, In wbo we could not save.

We did not kndw the pain you had, nor hear your final sigh, we only know you passed away, without a last goodbye.

We think of you In silence, no eyes see us weep, but many a silent tear Is shed, when others are asleep.

May God In all* His mer-cy watch over you above and tell you that we miss you and send all our love.

Sadly missed by daughters, Vallle Burton and Mary Rob-er ts .

- CARD OF THANKS Our deepest appreciation and

gratitude are expressed to all the relatives and friends for their loving concern and help In the sudden death of our loving wife and mother.

A special thanks to Cox Fu-neral Home, Bro. Harvey Pen-sol, the Cromer Trio, the pall-bearers , those who sent flo-wers and food, the prayers , those who dug the grave and everyone who helped In our sad moment.

May God bless each and every-one for their ooncern.

Conard Parre t t and (XtT-dren, Edna's children and grandchildren.


Pfiooe 256-2S5L «Bx*H

NOTICE: Orava Markers on ataok at a n t imes. McNew Monument Sates, O A SB, 4 mites nsrth Of Mt. V M M . H 0 M 256-2232.

NOTKE: I am now salesman tor Stanford Monument Sales. Contact Dalno Mink at 256-2588.19x4p

J?XECUTOR NOTICE Notice is hereby given that

John C. Cox, Mount Vernon," Kentucky, has been appointed executor of the estate of Claude Cox, deceased. All persons having against said es-tate shall present them, ve-rified according to law to the said John C. Cox, or to Al-len, Clontz and Cox, Attor-neys for said estate. Mount Venxm, Kentucky, no la ter than June~13, lJ^S. 24x4

WANTED: Retired couple wants lob by February I, 1973 as caretakers caring for s eml -tnvalM or farming with living quarters furnished. Write to: James S. Russell, 3238 Wads-worth, Saginaw, Mich. 48601. 19x4p

WANTED: SmaH dosler , bog-ging and backhoe work. Ken- ' neth Cromer, Ph. 256-4546. • ntf

WANTED: To let us clean and beautify your garments to keep them looking their best. "Le t Johnny on the S p o t " Your p ro-fessional quality cleaners. Sa-nitary Cleaners. Phone 256-255L ntf

WANThu: Backhoe work and custom hauling. Contact Jim A Jack's S i T Store. Phone

56-4363, ntf

WANTED: General Hauling. See Leonard Klrby or call 256-4464. 20xntf

POSTED: No hunting, t respass-ing or dumping on Fish Farm on Buckeye Ridge, Renfro Val-ley or Town Branch. 22xl2p

- PC6XED: No hunting or t r e s -P06TED: No hunting or t r e s - . _ _ lnratpd passing on my land located on P * 8 8 * * « LltUi Skeggs Creek. Wllbert Mink. 24xl2p n n t * u a l p „

CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our

thanks to all our fr iends and relatives wbo helped during the Illness and death of my hus-band and our father , C.C. Cox.

A special thanks to those who sent food, f lowers, cards and those making donations to the church In his memory.

To Bro. Sams for his con-soling words and the Cox Fu-neral Home for their service

POSTED: No hunting or trespassing on my land located on Brush Creek Road. Ernest Mason. 8x12

POSTED: No hunting or t res -passing on land owned by Harvey Mink located on Skeggs Creek. 43xl2p

POSTED: No hunting or t r e s -passing on my land located on Sand Springs Road. Mrs . C.B, Nlceley. 5xl2p



Call 256-2929 DAVID GREGORY






are the circular proof. Ever since ravioli was created in the sea-coast town of Genoa, Italy, people have been eating ravioli squarely.

"But why eat square*", asked Franco-American chefs. So they reinvented ravioli. They rounded it out, plumped it up with a nourishing beefy filling, seasoned it with a tangy meat sauce, and called it: Beef Raviolios in Ment Sauce.

Planning a special family dinner? Simply combine Beef Ravi-olios in Meat Sauce with sliced mushrooms, garlic, and Parmesan cheese. Italian Toss makes a fresh and cruncny go-along.

RAVIOLIOS 'N MUSHROOMS l e a n (4 ounces) sliced mush- 2 cans (14% ounces each)

rooms, drained * Franco-American Beef 1 medium clove garlic, rhinced • Itaviolios in Meat Sauce 2 tablespoons butter or * Grated Parmesan cheese

margarine In saucepan, brown mushrooms and cook garlic in butter. Add raviolios. Heat; stir now and then. Top with cheese. Makes about

ITALIAN TOSS 2 cups lettuce-torn in bite-sise 1 cup garlic-flavored croutons

pieces ~ Vt cup xucchini cut in strips 1 cup escarole torn in bite-size (2xt t inch)

pieces '.4 cup bottled Italian dressing In large bowl, toss all ingredients. Makes about 4 cups.

VOTE FOR Jesse D. Cummins

candidate for

County Court Clerk

Rockcastle Couitv



MAY 29,1973



B & B Construction Contact Bill Brock Brodhead , Ky.

One check to Motorists Insurance pays all your home, theft, liability, medical payments.

Sam Ford Ml." Verooa. Ky. 256-4545

FILE YOUR RETURN EARLY! Get your figures collected together now


• a / u i i A i M 228 W. Irvine St Phone 623-9265 R K H W W P M-F. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat 9 to 5 • I D E A 322 Chestnut Street Phone 986-9051

M-F 9 to 6:' Si t 8 to 5