CITY OF City Council...

Winlock City Council Meeting September 11, 2017 Page 1 CITY OF WINLOCK CITY COUNCIL Regular Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. September 11, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dowell called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Council Members Present: Dennis Korpi, Sarah Gifford, Jerry Rader, Tim White and Holly Orbino Employees Present: Tedi Curry, Clerk Treasurer and John Brockmueler, Chief of Police 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Dowell led the flag salute. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Dowell: It has been requested to modify the agenda Carolyn Nixon: Got your mics on Mayor Dowell: you can come up front Carolyn then you can hear me just fine. Ok were at the approval of the agenda and I know that there wants to be a modification to the agenda for adding observance of 9-11. Councilor White: I would like to make a motion to that affect Mayor to make a motion to in remembrance of patriots day and national day of service and remembrance. Councilor Gifford: What number? Councilor White: Like to put it just under the approval of the agenda just before old business. Mayor Dowell: Yea between four and five, ok it has been moved and seconded to modify the agenda adding this to item four A. Councilor White made motion to modify agenda and move to Four A under old Business, Councilor Gifford second, motion carried.

Transcript of CITY OF City Council...

Page 1: CITY OF City Council Meeting September 11, 2017 Page 2 Mayor Dowell: At this time I would like to have a moment

Winlock City Council Meeting September 11, 2017 Page 1


Regular Council Meeting – 6:30 p.m.

September 11, 2017


Mayor Dowell called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Council Members Present: Dennis Korpi, Sarah Gifford, Jerry Rader, Tim White and Holly Orbino

Employees Present: Tedi Curry, Clerk Treasurer and John Brockmueler, Chief of Police


Mayor Dowell led the flag salute.


Mayor Dowell: It has been requested to modify the agenda

Carolyn Nixon: Got your mics on

Mayor Dowell: you can come up front Carolyn then you can hear me just fine. Ok were at the

approval of the agenda and I know that there wants to be a modification to the agenda for

adding observance of 9-11.

Councilor White: I would like to make a motion to that affect Mayor to make a motion to in

remembrance of patriots day and national day of service and remembrance.

Councilor Gifford: What number?

Councilor White: Like to put it just under the approval of the agenda just before old business.

Mayor Dowell: Yea between four and five, ok it has been moved and seconded to modify the

agenda adding this to item four A.

Councilor White made motion to modify agenda and move to Four A under old Business,

Councilor Gifford second, motion carried.

Page 2: CITY OF City Council Meeting September 11, 2017 Page 2 Mayor Dowell: At this time I would like to have a moment

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Mayor Dowell: At this time I would like to have a moment of silence before we bring up Pastor

Jared Hunt. Pastor Hunt would you mind coming up and saying a few words.

Pastor Hunt: Thank you for the honor and privilege it is to be here, I would just like to say a

quick prayer and remembrance of what this day is. Father God sixteen years ago our entire

world changed, our perception of society, the way we look at each other, the way we come

together as a nation, everything was dramatically changed on this day but one thing remained

the same and that’s you and you alone so it is on you today that we ask for your wisdom, your

guidance, your peace and your understanding in the mince of a very trying time. Lord we pray

that you will have a hand of guidance and protection over each and every one of us as

individuals of the service men and woman who are represented here today. Lord God who

continue to fight for us and for our safety and for our well being and lord we also ask that you

bless this wonderful council and this amazing town that you blessed us with. Pray lord that you

will just lead, guide and direct and that your will done and through us all. As we move on from

what happened to us sixteen years we know there are many, many families and individuals who

are unable to do so, so we pray that you will be with them first and foremost you will be in us

and all in your holy name Amen.

Mayor Dowell and Council members thanked Pastor Hunt.

Councilor White: I would like to take time also to recognize our local firefighters and police

officers here and the Mayor, former police officers Dennis Korpi and Jerry Radar they have gave

much to the community so thank you.

Councilor Korpi: Maybe Randy can give us a few words of encouragement and expertise because

of all the hats that he has worn and still wears in our City and for our City.

Mayor Dowell: Being military police and fire thank you Randy way to be put on the spot.

Councilor Korpi: Husband, father and friend to all

Randy Pennington: Thank you I think, I would just share this with the council and with all those

in the room today something that all these images with all of us around sixteen years ago just

keep coming back but one of the images that stick with me is when the towers fell there was no

color everything was grey everything, fire engines, police cars, people, children, men, women, it

was without color. It is kind of a metaphor because shortly after 9-11 we were without color.

There were no blacks, there were no whites, there were no gays, there were no straight, there

were no Christians, there were no Jews we were all Americans for a while. It’s sad that, that has

gone a way to some degree. I would ask in, in tandem with the wonderful pastors words is that

we think has ourselves as Americans again. Put the color, the race, the religion, the greed

Put that aside so we can come together as Americans. Thank you

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Mayor and Council members thank Randy Pennington.

Councilor White: Would John like to come up and say anything?

Mayor Dowell: Would John or Russ or either one of you like to say anything?

Chief Brockmueller: I don’t want to follow that, thank you

Councilor White: Thank you for your service gentlemen and ladies.

Chief Brockmueller: Thank you for your support.


Mayor Dowell: We purchased a dump truck, you guys see the hand out Halloween, Halloween

candy and everything.

Councilor Orbino: Did you pick that? Who picked the color?

Mayor Dowell: The original color of the dump truck you can see it’s like a rust color orange and I

said orange or I said stick with the original color and that is the orange they put on it.

Councilor Gifford: Where did the yellow bed come from orange bed?

Mayor Dowell: The orange bed?

Councilor Gifford: Yea

Mayor Dowell: I don’t think they sand blasted the bed the inside of the, inside of it.

Councilor Gifford: Oh

Mayor Dowell: I was surprised to see that color as well so all we have to do is paint eyes on the

side and it is ready for Halloween.

Councilor White: I think I have bottle can black somewhere.

Mayor Dowell: On that same note I was authorized twenty five thousand up to twenty five

thousand it actually came in with the a dumb truck was twenty thousand, the sand blasting and

paint job was $3,341.80 and the title which really surprised the heck out of me $1,670.90. So we

spend 25,012.70.

Councilor White: So you covered the $12.70

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Mayor Dowell: Not yet

Councilor Korpi: So are you going to go to council and ask for an override?

Mayor Dowell: Take it out of petty cash.

Councilor Korpi: According to the thing petty cash was over by $12.00. I had to throw that in.

Councilor White: It looks like it will last the City a long time. Looks like a great truck.

Councilor Gifford: Going to change colors

Mayor Dowell: Yes it will fade over time so it has already been put to use. Mike has been out

ditching a couple of different times and it is a working really well so.

Councilor Gifford: Good


Mayor Dowell: Are there any council comments? No. The only thing I have there is we need to

have a budget workshop so does the entire council want to be in attendance or just the finance

committee? The finance committee is Mr. Korpi and Mr. Radar.

Councilor White: I’m open for a workshop or either way whatever the council prefers.

Councilor Gifford: I trust my fellow council members to do well.

Councilor Korpi: Jerry and I can handle it kids.

Councilor Gifford: That’s what I just said I trust you guys to do well.

Mayor Dowell: Ok, so Tedi will set that up with you guys and so you guys should start seeing a

budget here before too much longer in your council packets. Budget proposal sorry.

Councilor Korpi: If you kids have areas that you need some that we didn’t from this budget your

favorite thing that you would like to see updated let us know.

Councilor White: Can I get with you at some point and have you explain it to me?

Councilor Radar: Soon as you explain it to us.

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Councilor Korpi: Only the first three pages

Mayor Dowell: Also the community development block grant that we requested I believe it was

six hundred fifty thousand dollars we were denied that with some a, with some strong

recommendations to revise some of the wording and reapply next cycle as they are giving us

twenty four thousand dollars for planning only for that this year so that will go a long ways to

identify what exactly is needed the grant we will apply for next year. It’s not much but it will

cover the planning for that. So that’s all I got does council have anything now?


Chief Brockmueller: Kind of short and sweet thing our operations are normal coming to the end

of summer. Little tired but holding out

Councilor White: Toledo is ahead of us this time

Chief Brockmueller: All that stuff so, yea

Councilor Gifford: What happened?

Councilor Orbino: we go from twenty over to none

Chief Brockmueller: What is it?

Councilor Orbino: Infractions

Chief Brockmueller: Well a Mr. Coleman was at the academy that’s probably why

Mayor Dowell: He is here now

Chief Brockmueller: Don’t worry he’s back and were hard at it.

Councilor Korpi: He learned new stuff

Chief Brockmueller: He did

Councilor Gifford: He’ll Double it next time?

Chief Brock Mueller: He will do his thing that’s for sure. So yea we’re just doing our thing so if

any questions I am here to answer them.

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Mayor Dowell: For those of you that don’t know they have the new vehicle out and running and

John is driving that one, It’s pretty

Chief Brockmueller: I like driving that one too, it is pretty

Councilor Gifford: Watch out for deer

Chief Brockmueller: Yea

Councilor Gifford: Thank you

Chief Brockmueller: That would be my luck too Sarah

Councilor Gifford: I know I almost hit a couple in my new one too.

Chief Brockmueller: I like the backup camera in that does help me out. It’s out and about if you

want to look at it.

Mayor Dowell and Council Members thanked Chief Brockmueller


Mayor Dowell: Moving on to the park board up date Miss. Sally

Sally Vogel: I don’t have too much to say because we have not been together for a park board

meeting since I was last up here. Our dug outs are finished on field two, Mike Hogg generously

donated the roofs for the chain link dug outs. He supplied his crew, the labor and materials

which was outstanding. Now we got the visitors side on field one on the other side of the road

the roof torn off, we had to replace the rafters as well as the roof everything was rotted, we are

in the middle of that, were getting the frames painted on the visitors bleachers, and get those

back together soon. Other than that were just painting and staying busy as volunteers and trying

to recruit new volunteers or the Tom Sawyer thing come up its fun have a paint brush and go at

it. So any way Thank you.

Mayor Dowell and Council Member thanked Sally Vogel

Mayor Dowell: Not to put you on the spot but I don’t remember seeing it, the pickers fest went

as far as the funds raised do you have that information yet?

Sally Vogel: Yes Tedi gave it to me and I didn’t bring it because I haven’t met with the board yet,

park board. I want to say we net at twenty-three hundred dollars. It was smaller it was the

week they had the heat alert and the audience was smaller but we did fairly well. I will have that

form ready next time.

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Mayor Dowell: And do you want to comment anything on the popular trees?

Sally Vogel: Next time

Mayor Dowell: Next time ok, Thank you


Mayor Dowell: Moving on to the Public Comment, I think people are just using this as a sign in

sheet not that they actually want to talk. Just to make sure, Nicole Mason are you wanting to

speak during public comment on non-agenda items?

Nicole Mason: If I could yes please

Mayor Dowell: You didn’t put a subject out there so I wasn’t sure.

Nicole Mason: You know what this is the first City council meeting I have ever been to.

Mayor Dowell: Welcome

Nicole Mason: Hi thank you, I mainly just came to see how it all takes place, what I need to do

next, what I am here for is the lack of transportation epidemic that we have in Lewis County in

all our rural communities. It’s awful, so I called twin transit and I’m like what do we do? Are you

guys aware that people out here, I mean, man it’s bad I don’t know if you guys are aware just

how far out it goes, you know and a they said they are aware of the epidemic that they have

plan to expand, don’t know what that means or so I plan on attending their meeting on the

twentieth just so I have some information when I come back here to this next meeting. I was

told that you guys had some kind of public transportation years ago and it didn’t go anywhere

because there wasn’t enough people to use it, is that true?

Members of the Audience: Yes

Nicole Mason: So how to, what can we do, it’s really serious savior people can’t, I mean, people

that live off food stamps can’t get to a major grocery store so there left shopping at Cedar

Village. There food stamps don’t last very long shopping there. I mean that is just one of the

issues, you know, people can’t get jobs because they don’t have no way to go, I mean, you

know, it’s just awful. I have a handful of people that come to me for rides all the time and I wish

I can help them but I don’t have the gas so I want to make it my mission whatever I can do to

help if I have to get a group of my own and help to facilitate, buy my own bus, I mean whatever

it takes I just need advice from my fellow citizens and City what should I do? How can I help?

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Councilor White: I would recommend that you contact your county Commissioner Bobby

Jackson I believe he is working on this problem.

Nicole Mason: Awsome Ok good

Mayor Dowell: They a Twin City is in the works of buying out the transit from White Pass,


Nicole Mason: The Highway transit uhumm

Mayor Dowell: And combining all of those services and then they will be looking into expanding

the stops, so it might be something that is just a once in the morning pick up locally here….

Nicole Mason: Yep

Mayor Dowell: and once in the night drop off sort of thing. I know anything is better than what

we currently have…

Nicole Mason: True

Mayor Dowell: But that’s, that’s kind of where things are at right now with the County

Commissioners and the twin transit or the transit, transportation committee that they have.

Nicole Mason: Ok, well, hey at least it’s something that is being worked on and that’s good and

what was his name again?

Multiple Council Members: Bobby Jackson

Nicole Mason: I guess that’s it

Mayor and Council Members thank you Nicole Mason

Nicole Mason: Thanks very much

Councilor Orbino: Carolyn do you know what we use to use?

Carolyn Nixon: Pardon

Councilor Orbino: Do you know the old one that we use to use

Councilor White: Horse and wagon

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Carolyn Nixon: The bus

Councilor Orbino: There was a bus

Carolyn Nixon: There was a bus and it was out of Centralia and twin city transit use to come

down through Toledo, Vader, Winlock, and Napavine. I believe they did it twice a day and they

just didn’t have the people riding

Councilor Orbino: Riders to pay for it.

Carolyn Nixon: And if somebody is really, probably desperate for a ride they probably might be

able to contact the tribe over at commission.

Audience Member: Cowlitz tribe

Carolyn Nixon: Thank you, they might, you know, they might come and do some traveling and

take some people into town.

Nicole Mason: How long did they have that bus service? Sorry to interrupt

Carolyn Nixon: How long?

Nicole Mason: Yea was it long enough to like, get the word out to people and

Carolyn Nixon: I think they had it a couple years

Nicole Mason: Oh ok

Carolyn Nixon: There was, it was a cycle that they did and then when it got to the end of the

cycle their contract they just didn’t have enough participation to support it so they had to let it


Councilor white: I think the Cap bus from Longview comes to the shell station too, but I don’t

think it goes to

Carolyn Nixon: It use to I don’t think it still does. And there again there was the Cap bus that

came from Longview and it went all the way to Lacey, Tumwater somewhere up in that area and

I think they were three times or four times a day? They started early in the morn, seven o clock

in the morning and they were back in forth and I think again that a lack of ridership that. Why do

we do this if we don’t have anybody and it was only a dollar a ride?

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Mayor Dowell: Right, ok, well hopefully she can get a lot of good information at the next

meeting she is going to attend.

Nicole Mason: Sure going to try thank you very much

Mayor Dowell and Council thanked Nicole Mason

Mayor Dowell: Any further public comment on non-agenda item? Ok moving on to the consent



1. Payment of Vouchers - One hundred seven thousand six hundred ninety-three dollars and

seventy-three cents

2. Approval of Minutes – Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on July 24, 2017 and

August 14, 2017 and August 28, 2017 are not available at this time.

Councilor Korpi made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilor Radar second,

motion carried.



Mayor Dowell: Miss Jill Van Hulled

Jill Van Hulle: That’s me

Mayor Dowell: And Matt

Jull Van Hulle: Matt yes

Mayor Dowell: Matt Matayoshi

Matt Matayoshi: I’m Matt Matayoshi with the Lewis County Economic Development Council

we are a non-profit organization and our main purpose is to a retain existing business and

industry and then also to recruit new business industry into the new area to all of Lewis

County and so we are working with Benaroya Company on their project out by the freeway

and we’re moving a long incrementally. This year we got some funds to move this project

forward to look at a, a infrastructure planning for the project and one of the things that

came up immediately is water availability from the City of Winlock and looking at that so we

obtained SCJ Alliance who’s here tonight represented by Tim Hadaller out of their Centralia

office. So it’s awesome so have professional services here within Lewis County and Jill Van

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Hulle from Pacific ground water group is here with us to talk about her findings and some of

the work she has done on researching the water rights so this is one step. Tonight we’re

here I’m sure you will have some input and questions I don’t think we will have the answers

to all of them but our intent is to take those questions and come back and again this is all

being done without any cost to the City with the idea that it’s going to lift all boats the rise

and tide situation so, and with that I will turn it over to Jill.

Jill Van Hulle: Thanks, thank you, good evening everybody, so I don’t know how long you

want me to talk. Usually when I start talking about water rights people pull out the hook so.

Councilor Korpi: Times up

Jill Van Hulle: Oh, oh, dang nabbit, so I am with Pacific ground water group and what I do is

I’m a water rights specialists I review and assist people with water right problems and I

often work in tandem with an engineer, like Carl Johnson who is currently working on your

water system plan so Carl will be looking at the nuts and bolts of how many connects and

how much leakish you have and many connection you can serve, but what I was brought

into to do is sort a take a look under the hood at what your rights actually look at and that

controls how many gallons a minute you can pump from your wells, which wells you can

pump, where you can put the water and I put together a short memo and then I did a sort of

short executive summary and there were a couple main issues that we thought were, you

know, worth interest to you folks and the first question that we were asked to look at is sort

of municipal standing of water rights and what it means to grow into water rights and can

you lose water rights so that was one of the questions that we were looked at, we took a

look at for you and basically we determined that the water rights that the City holds are in

good standing, you are able to grow into them, you don’t need to be using them all right

now but the big exception to that is the water right that were acquired through Cardinal

Glass those are water rights that came from other sources, irrigation that have been

transferred over to the City and those have a bit of a, they have a time schedule, a

development schedule associated with those. There are certain dates that by which the

wells need to be drilled, the water needs to be put to use and those water rights basically

need to be re-perfected and that schedule can be extended and modifications can be made

but it’s, you know, really important that the water associated with that authorization sort of

be pursued in, Ecology calls it diligently with do diligent so that was one of the main take

home that we kind of put in our memo. One of the other issues that we thought was kind of

interesting is the City’s water rights are, when ecology issues water there issued sort of in

layers, you will have single water right, the second one, the third one, they build on them

and when we were reviewing your, what you call your water right portfolio, we found some

kind of interesting anomaly in it and this is the part where you get out the hook, but it has to

do with water right claims versus water right permits and certificates. Ever since 1945

there’s has been a process that the State has had to get a water right permit or a certificate

and that has a set number amount of water that you can use at anything and it’s very on

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what that amount is. There are other ways of getting water rights and the primary way is

called a claim and what that does is that captures old, old water use so water use that began

before 1945, so when your water rights were issued you had two hundred and twenty-four

acre feet represented by certificates and then you had claims and I think at the claim it’s

kind of, it’s kind of like a bunch of old coins and stamps, you know, nobody really knows

exactly how much is in that and the way the system works in Washington is only a court can

do that through what’s called an adjudication. But what ecology did back in 1982 is they

said, gosh, you know we are going to take your box of old coins and stamps and we are

going to give you, you know, another two hundred acre feet for it and your all done. So

legally that’s not, that, that was not an appropriate way to do that I think that having

another set of eyes take a look at that and maybe push back a little bit with ecology to sort

of revisit, it’s called a cap and to kind of like revisit that cap might serve the City really well

and one of our recommendations was that I’m not an attorney but was to actually have

water, it’s a real specialized municipal water rights a specially old claims is really specialized

and we recommended that we have somebody, a professional lawyer actually take a look at

that and kind of work out some of the nuances for the City and I think that work is going to

be on going. Then what else did we have in their oh, I think kind of the other element that

we thought was kind of interesting is you’re in a very hard area to get new water rights

Olequa Creek, tributary to the Cowlitz’s river it’s just not an area where new water rights are

being issued. Several years ago there was a big water shed planning effort that involved,

you know, the community, individual cities, county’s, Tribes and they came up with a

recommendation for the whole drainage and one of the recommendations for that drainage

was that there be a little bit of a water set aside for communities like Winlock and a

reservation and the idea was basically the findings of the planning group was that long

range Winlock needs to get out of the Olequa drainage, but in the short term there’s a little

water which should be enough, you know, to you know, take you that thirty year increment

out. That’s not something that ecology is, is really honoring anymore and there is a whole

boat load of legal reasons that have to do with cases that are being argued all the way up to

the supreme court. But right now it’s a little bit of a, you know, you are not getting a new

water rights. You don’t have an application in but one of the things that we thought

coupled with the, the potentially capping that wasn’t done right and this water shed plan

that, you know is probably time for you guys to start thinking about kind of where’s that

next increment of water rights going to come from and I think it’s going to be, you know,

part pressuring ecology just for re-interpret what you have. Part looking at that reservation

and part technical looking at your wells and where can you get more water, where should

your water come from so those are sort of some of the big take homes, you know, from the

little memo that we did and all of this is going on in connection with your water system, you

know, planning effort and some of it will show up in your water system plan once it gets,

gets done. How is that I can do like, is that enough?

Councilor Korpi: Ecology did come talk to us and Mr. Cook I don’t remember which year that

was, rather it was last three years ago.

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Jill Van Hulle: Oh good

Councilor Korpi: Mr. Cook is our past Mayor and he attended the WIRA meetings

Mr. Glen Cook: Yea

Councilor Korpi: And I believe they came to us and said that we are water right use is not

going to go up because there wasn’t enough seepage into the Olequa to supply enough for

the fish.

Jill Van Hulle: Yep and

Councilor Korpi: My question is how do they know how much is seeping through the ground

from the wherever it is at underneath the soil here to the creek how do they know how


Jull Van Hulle: There are studies they do and it’s kind of they look at gaining and reaches, so

stream in some cases water is going from the aquifer into the steam and in other places it

goes from the steam out into the aquifer so it’s gaining and losing reaches and they have a

process they call it a seepage run where they actually go out and measure it in a couple of

different, different places and can figure that out. So planning effort though, I mean, they,

they took into consideration that flows into the Olequa are very, very low and they carved

out a little bit of water anyway that was supposed to be, you know, that increment of water

for you. So that came accentually before the fish.

Councilor Korpi: Ok do I have that look like I haven’t got a clue what you just told me.

Jill Van Hulle: Sorry, so they do know flows are very low in the Olequa but the planning

group still had a recommendation that there still be some ground water supply.

Councilor Korpi: Now did that come from ecology or did that come because the of the


Jill Van Hulle: That was the WIRA planning group that was, that was a finding of the WIRA

planning group which includes ecology, fish and wildlife and the tribes and, you know, the

counties that all have a share in that process so.

Councilor Korpi: Ok

Councilor White: So you’re going to come back to us with recommendations of moving

forward with some attorney or something?

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Jill Van Hulle: Well we’ve actually, that was actually a recommendation that we already

made and the planning group decided I believe that was, not the planning group but the

Lewis County Economic Development group thought that would be a kind of a logical next

step to go with my memo’s.

Councilor White: So you are going to move forward with that?

Jill Van Hulle: Yes, yes we are

Councilor White: Ok

Councilor Korpi: Your going forward with the water right attorney rather than us seeking

one out?

Jill Van Hulle: Yes, yes

Councilor White: And were not paying for anything?

Jill Van Hullle: No you are not paying

Councilor Korpi: that’s, that’s I’m glad you asked that.

Councilor White: Thanks for the clarification

Jill Van Hulle: yes no cost

Audience Member: So as far as recommendations you have a technical memo in front of you

a memorandum the recommendations that Jill has are on the page three

Mayor Dowell: Last page

Tim Hadaller: If you read those there’s a basically what she said to sum it up to challenge

your water rights and challenge Ecology.

Jill Van Hulle: Yea

Tim Hadaller: And then we have an attorney that is going to be reviewing your water right

and at our expense and then will likely not be moving forward past that, past the research

phase and giving you that information or having the attorney present that information so he

is acting like a consultant a rather, you know, a consultant engineer like a planner, a

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planning consultant he is acting as a consultant to say here is what I think based on decades

of experience in the State of Washington’s water law.

Councilor Tim White: And then you will come back to us and make a recommendation and.

Tim Hadaller: We’ll show the findings and

Jill Van Hulle: Yea

Tim Hadaller: Then it’s up to you to figure on how to move forward and start from there.

Jill Van Hulle: What we are suggesting specifically depending on the outcome of what the

attorney thinks is that in your water system document there is what you call a water right

self assessment where you basically go through and you tell ecology what you think your

water right amount to and what I am suggesting is that you provide sort of an alternate

interpretation of that, that includes the claims and includes the other water rights cause,

cause this is, this is a community that, you know, some of these wells were put in before

1945 and there were people here and there was water use. So I, I think you got short

changed when ecology determined a flat amount of water that you had and what I would

suggest is that that statement go in your water system plan and that’s kind of a gentle shot

across the bow to ecology that, you know, you are challenging, you know, the number they

came up with and You know they, they can look at that but you can negotiate with them to

some extent, so that would be our recommendation depending on if we get concurrences

from the attorney.

Councilor White: I appreciate all your guys help because we need it.

Councilor Korpi: Tedi how many, how many ERU’s do we have left?

Tedi Curry: Well our water loss is down to around 5%

Jill Van Hulle: Great

Ms. Curry: so that

Councilor Korpi: What I am saying how much more can we build with the amount of water

were eligible to have?

Ms. Curry: According to Rodney we have plenty to serve over two hundred.

Councilor Korpi: And were trying to have growth go out to the freeway but little over two

hundred would take care of Grand Prairie which means that would put a halt to anything

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further outside of that which is I am trying to say ecology is slowing down or stopping our


Jill Van Hulle: Absolutely and if you look at the second page of my memo there is a little bit,

little table and I just pulled that from your water system plan.

Councilor Korpi: Read that never understood it

Jill Van Hulle: Yea, well, it’s, so basically is what it’s saying is that, you know, so based on

what you currently have your first limiting factor is just your storage capacity so if you add

some storage you can get up to six hundred and twelve year use the next one right behind it

is the annual quantity of your water right cap and if you look, if you look at the numbers a

what I am suggesting is even a little bit of, even little bit of an additional annual quantity

that’s the acre feet per year gets over that second thing, that six hundred and fifty-five

connections and then you get into your actual wells which are old and, you know, then, so if

you can get a little bit of additional acre feet the next limiting factor is to actual your wells

and what they can put out. Those are sort of, you know, conservation helps a whole lot.

Storage is your next thing an additional annual allegation and then your wells are the three

ones that limit what you can do. I got my number on the bottom if you guys have any


Councilor Korpi: Oh we got your number

Jill Van Hulle: You got my number yea so anyway it’s my pleasure I like helping you guys out.

Councilor White: And thank you Matt for all the help you are trying bring business to


Councilor Korpi: Thank you all very much I appreciate it.

Councilor Orbino: Thank you


Mayor Dowell: Ok moving on to the Club Tavern and Firehouse restaurant block party

sidewalk road closure.

Council member speaking to low to understand

Mayor Dowell: Yea right now

April Pennington: Hi, April Pennington fire house restaurant and also representing the club

this evening and I am doing a grand opening on October seventh and the Club is doing a

summer send off so we are doing a conjunction type event a and so on the Club side what

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they are asking they’ve already sent it to the liquor board just to go the two parking spots in

front of the club not all the in the street like egg days and just fencing that part off for more

people allotted for that evening. There having an awesome band playing that night and

that’s what they are asking if they can get permission to put the fence there to the parking,

two parking spots in front of the club from seven o’clock to two am.

Councilor Gifford: Did this go to our police Department?

April Pennington: Uh

Councilor Gifford: Did it go to our police department?

April Pennington: I don’t know, did they bring it to you?

Chief Brockmueller: Uh I was there when you were talking on the street.

Councilor Korpi: Close enough John

Chief Brockmueller: Who is the band playing?

April Pennington: Small City, who’s the band?

Chief Brockmueller: No I don’t have a problem with it as long as the liquor board is ok with


April Pennington: He’s going to be busy playing

Councilor Gifford: I was going to say isn’t our police chief going to be on site all night.

Chief Brockmueller: I will be there all night undercover

Councilor Korpi: With a guitar yea

Councilor Gifford: With a guitar, as long as there ok with it I’m ok with it, our police


Councilor White: I make a motion to approve

Councilor Korpi: What’s, what’s April what are you and are you blocking your sidewalk off or

not or what?

April Pennington: So on my part what I would like to and I already got permission from the

health department is on the back area there I would like to be barbecuing salmon back

there have some tables and tents and even maybe a few tables along the front there.

Councilor Korpi: oh, ok make a motion for both of them

Mayor Dowell: Behind the firehouse museum?

April Pennington: Yes, where the WIN group had there’s on Egg Day.

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Councilor White: I make the motion to approve it

Councilor Gifford: Already did

Councilor Korpi: I already did

Councilor white: Oh well in second then

Councilor Korpi: Thank you Tim

Councilor White: You’re Welcome

April Pennington: And please all come and attend we’re going to have good time thank you

very much.

Mayor and council members thank April Pennington.

Moved and seconded motion carried

Mayor Dowell: We might need to revisit 1042.

Councilor Gifford: Yea

Mayor Dowell: the use of public property for private gain. It’s a private business, two private

businesses using public property.

Councilor Orbino: Ok

Councilor White: Are they supplying insurance to the City?

Mayor Dowell: Well right now they don’t have to I believe they have or said they will but

they said they don’t have to.

Ms. Curry: I can ask them but there is nothing in our, in our ordinances that say’s they have

to without Ordinance 1042.

Councilor Gifford: Don’t they have to fill out an application any way?

Mayor Dowell: I don’t believe they have to do anything because we have nothing in our laws

that say we can or we cannot allow the use of public property. That was the point of

ordinance 1042 was to put guidelines and restrictions on the use. Oh and Ms. Hillier she is

back today is day one so. Our City attorney is feeling better and is back and is looking

forward to being in attendance next council meeting. So that’s a good thing love Mark but

like Erin more.

Councilor Gifford: I saw her.

Councilor Korpi: She’s got nicer hair

Moving on to resolution No. 2017-05 Surplus

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All Council Members: What about Peter Crosby?

Mayor Dowell: Oh I’m sorry, I’m sorry yea, Peter Crosby-Water tower space lease proposal


Peter Crosby: I operate an internet company called breeze WFI out of Centralia. We located

a water tower asset up on Cedar Court there that we would like to lease some space it’s a

pretty common scenario where you put a wireless antenna equipment up there and provide

high speed internet access I think I sent the proposal along with the guide lines so that’s it.

Councilor Korpi: How does that work with a homeland security sense our water towers are

sensitive and critical nature.

Peter Crosby: How does that work with homeland security? It would be privilege access so it

would only be our secure folks only our people would be able to access it and we would be

up to a background check if that would make you comfortable. We already background

check our people but if you needed something further we can accommodate.

Councilor Korpi: All I know is before we let anybody in one of our employee’s had to be with

them and that is all I know about that topic is that what that is Tedi? I don’t know the rules.

Ms. Curry: I don’t know the rules either

Councilor White: Mr. Brockmueller

Ms. Curry: This is something that is going to go to a legal review.

Chief Brockmueller: I’m not certain on the rules either on that I know that we had people

working on our water tower and we allowed them to be there without persons there all the


Councilor Korpi: But was it full of water?

Chief Brockmueller: I think if it’s a background issue we can do that.

Councilor Korpi: Ok

Councilor White: It was that tower that they just painted the mural on is the one you are

referring to?

Council Gifford: No

Chief Brockmueller: Yea

Councilor White: yea, mural

Councilor Gifford: Mural

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Councilor Orbino: Can we have the attorney review this?

Councilor Korpi: Well the attorney will probably look at it but a why do you want us to pay

for the first two for the two hundred kilo watts worth of power so I don’t know how many

kilo watts your stuff uses.

Peter Crosby: No it doesn’t use that much it’s a single twenty ounce circuit that uses around

maybe, you know, fifty volts

Councilor Korpi: Ok

Peter Crosby: So that’s just an over arching we would never use that much energy.

Councilor Korpi: So you want us to pay eleven dollars to the electric company?

Peter Crosby: No, no we would facilitate all costs for power and everything else. All we want

is simply the space.

Councilor Korpi: Well it says, lesser shall pay for electrical usage.

Peter Crosby: Oh

Councilor Korpi: Typo?

Peter Crosby: Typo yes

Councilor Korpi: There you go works for me

Peter Crosby: easy mitigation

Councilor Korpi: There is some stuff that’s not, I think that’s all I had sir. Oh no, no I didn’t

Councilor Gifford: No

Councilor Korpi: Is that using both towers?

Peter Crosby: umm I think we can get by with just one so I think we would come back and

ask for the second when the time was appropriate but just one for know.

Councilor Korpi: Ok

Peter Crosby: It would be the furthest east tower just to be clear closest to I-5.

Councilor Korpi: And while I am reading this you have up to thirteen antennas? That’s a


Peter Crosby: No we would not have that many against little over arching it would probably

be up wards of four or five.

Councilor Korpi: That’s why I asked about using those towers

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Peter Crosby: Yep

Councilor Korpi: That’s all I got

Councilor Orbino: How many people would you plan on servicing? How many households?

Peter Crosby: Umm gosh quite a number everybody that can see that location we just can’t

see anything down town because there’s no lines of site so over two hundred.

Councilor Orbino: Over two hundred but nobody downtown?

Peter Crosby: Correct it would all be out lined areas, it goes quite far actually it goes up to

ten miles.

Councilor White: So do you have any plans to service downtown?

Pete Crosby: Well I thinks it’s already, my understanding it’s already facilitated, it’s already

handled with Toledotel and everybody and there brothers downtown.

Councilor White: With Quest but it lousiest service I have ever had.

Councilor Gifford: I love my service with Quest but

Peter Crosby: I have heard that narrative a lot with people down town they love Centurylink.

Councilor Gifford: My internet is fast.

Councilor White: Mine is not

Councilor Gifford: But I live like right here.

Councilor White: I won’t even get on my house hold computer

Councilor Korpi: But South Military people are going to be happy.

Councilor Gifford: Yes

Councilor Korpi: You know, they will be greatly happy

Councilor Gifford: North Military

Councilor White: Yea everybody on the outline area

Councilor Korpi: Yea, Yea

Councilor Gifford: Sorry Tim

Councilor White: I keep paying for it for whatever reason too.

Councilor Gifford: Did you up grade your box and I got WIFI and it’s quick

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Councilor White: I up graded it, asked for more megabits and I still ain’t got squat.

Councilor Gifford: Well that’s a bummer for you.

Mayor Dowell: So this will go to

Councilor Gifford: Legal

Mayor Dowell: Are there any other questions or things to bring up?

Councilor Gifford: It sounds good to me other than that

Councilor White: The City is to pay a release fee of one percent gross for the City is that


Peter Crosby: That’s correct

Councilor White: What are you projecting of in projections at all

Peter Crosby: We really want to see what the up take is cause like we said, she is happy with

Centurylink she may not want a local high speed company she may like Centurylink so we

don’t know what the up take is going to be.

Councilor White: Well I would like to use it and use my business

Councilor Orbino: How long will it take you to get it up there and get the internet up and


Peter Crosby: A well as you know, well you may or may not know there’s no fiber up there

so it will take a while it will probably take a couple months to get it up there yea because we

need a fiber back bone that’s how we feed the internet connection and then we feed it out

from there, so there is fiber on the corner of Cemetery and 505 that’s where it intersect

there. It’s usually a company called LS network that feeds that. So long story short about

two months worse case.

Councilor Orbino: Because you will be bringing the fiber the rest of the way down 505 up


Peter Crosby: Correct, intentionally or we would beam it in, so there are two scenario’s

either way if we beam it in there would still be another antenna at this point and if we could

get fiber on site we would do that You with me?

Councilor Orbino: Gotcha, understood.

Councilor White: I’m with Sarah if it goes past the attorney I’m for it.

Mayor Dowell: The dates on the very first page

Peter Crosby: Yes

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Mayor Dowell: April the first day of April 2007?

Peter Crosby: Yes sorry typo again thank for copy editing this for me.

Mayor Dowell: We try sometimes

Peter Crosby: we will revise that first

Mayor and Council thank Peter Crosby


Mayor Dowell: We need to make sure that the umm I guess the

Councilor Gifford: Snow blow?

Mayor Dowell: Snow blow, well the blow works it’s the part that sits at the bed of the truck

with the.

Councilor White: Sander?

Mayor Dowell: Has a big auger in it but it doesn’t look like it has holes in it that would allow

the sand to come out and actually go on the road so we need to figure out one how to use it

and two If it works before we surplus our current sander.

Councilor Korpi: But the auger does not work?

Mayor Dowell: That’s what we need to figure out.

Councilor Korpi: Hydraulic isn’t it?

Councilor White: Should be

Councilor Korpi: So let’s haul a hose from someplace to the tank

Councilor White: It’s a feeder out to probably some wheels that

Councilor Korpi: Does the blow go up and down? The bed goes up and down?

Mayor Dowell: The blow and the bed go up and down

Councilor Korpi: Then the auger should go around and around

Mayor Dowell: It should

Councilor White: Lonnie how about contacting the a pacific county supervisor and see if he

can tell you.

Mayor Dowell: We can do that we just got the truck back, what was it Wednesday or


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Ms. Curry: Yea I think so

Mayor Dowell: Yea Thursday and then we took Mike Hogg’s dump truck back on Friday, so

we haven’t hooked it up yet, set it up there and trying to make sure all the parts work yet, I

know it does have the connection, the hydraulic connection in the back as well so we’re

going to try that to see what is going on with it before we make other contacts.

Councilor White: Had to of worked before they got the new big ones so I’m sure it works.

Mayor Dowell: That’s why they surplused the dump truck because that didn’t work any

more so, I’m sure of it. It will probably work it’s just we don’t want to surplus our current

sander if, if that does not work so that why there’s only those two on it.

Councilor Korpi: For the sander to work the rpm’s have to be up a little bit it don’t turn to

good at high

Mayor Dowell: Ok

Councilor White: You almost have to be at high speed in order to make it move.

Councilor Korpi: Make it move like trying to watch County, State and City employee move

you have to drive stakes you have to do a little rpm’s under them to see if they move.

Mayor Dowell: Ok

Councilor Gifford made a motion to approve resolution 2017-05, Councilor White Second,

motion carried.


Mayor Dowell: This came about because I believe Kevin Anderson right?

Ms. Curry: Yes

Mayor Dowell: There is currently nothing they can do when they go out to during a burn ban

that they have zero authority to make somebody put out a recreational fire during a burn


Councilor Gifford: Did the attorney look this over?

Ms. Curry: Yes

Councilor Gifford: And she was good with it?

Ms. Curry: He

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Councilor Gifford: He

Ms. Curry: Scheibmeir

Mayor Dowell: I believe Mark looked at this one

Councilor White: What is the rule on having, like if you have brush in the winter time that

falls down and you want to burn it do we have any ability to burn, me and you have talked

about this before.

Mayor Dowell: You can cut it up into firewood length and burn it in your recreational fire.

Ms. Curry: 3X3

Councilor White: But nothing as far as a burning you blow down debris at all?

Mayor Dowell: Nope that’s where I think the department of ecology a few clean years

Ms. Curry: Southwest clean air agency

Mayor Dowell: Ok they had a program where they gave money to different Counties in

order to go out and do a yard debris turn in thing the last one we did was down in the plaza,

was in 2014?

MS. Curry: It might have been

Mayor Dowell: 2014, 2015

Glen Cook: Community Building there

Mayor Dowell: No we had one at the plaza

Councilor Korpi: The Plaza yea, during Glenn’s time we did have one behind the fire hall

Ms. Curry: Yea

Councilor Radar: Yea

Mayor Dowell: Yea, there was a wedding scheduled that weekend at the Community

building so I didn’t want to have it there at that time so, but a that is something that should

defiantly be figured out because not everybody has a chipper.

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Councilor White: Yea there has been a lot down debris from the last few winters that it

should be addressed.

Mayor Dowell: Yea Sally it needs to be addressed

Sally Vogel: Fired

Councilor White: You’re almost in the County out there

Mayor Dowell: Yea that’s what I do I cut mine up into firewood length and then, you know,

roast marsh mellows and hot dogs while I burn my yard debris. Firewood length chunks in

my recreational fire

Audience Member: Now I know where Ed gets all his firewood.

Mayor Dowell: Come on over,

Councilor Gifford moved to approve Ordinance No. 1052 Councilor Radar second motion


Councilor Gifford: I’m sorry I didn’t want to sit here all night

12. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Dowell: We have the art trails send an invitation there is please join our artist exclusive

first look at the exhibition gallery for supporters of art trails that’s Wednesday September

thirteenth from five to seven if anyone would like to go there is also, if you bring this card you

win a chance to win some original art. Would council or anyone in the audience want this?

Councilor Radar: When

Mayor Dowell: It will be Wednesday five to seven at the Centralia historic train depot.

Councilor White: This Wednesday

Mayor Dowell: This Wednesday in two more days and there is wine tasting courtesy of voto

cellars bateow I don’t know those guys. I’m not a wine drinker so anybody want it, audience?

Ok. We have a letter from Mike Fisher public works director, I would like to read this out loud I

guess he wanted me to read it. I would like at this time as public works director City of Winlock

to recognize Mr. Mike Hogg for his kindness and generosity for the use of one of his companies

dump trucks when the City went through the process of replacing it’s own dump truck that was

taken off line.


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Councilor Sarah Gifford made a motion to adjourn, Councilor Denny Korpi second, motion


The Council Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Mayor Lonnie Dowell



Tedi Curry, Clerk Treasurer