City express magazine 3 finalization




Transcript of City express magazine 3 finalization






06 Stockton Jesus Takeover

09 Smitty’s Wings & Things

21 Steve Smith

04 Honoring Our Veterans

12 Christmas Recipes

08 A Pretty Ladys Dolls

27 Self Defence

20 Your Home Town Realty

24 Run The Good Race

18 Change the World Project

14 Hachman Ranch

The Wing Crushing Experience

Local Steve Smith Defensive Back for the Oregon Ducks

Grandma’s Secret Recipes

Give the Perfect Gift

Ministry Teaching Self Defencefor Mind,Body &Spirit

11 Year old training for Track& Field

Real Estate Broker Linda Larsen

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Giving Hope to the children around the World

Supporting Local Farmers

Issue #3





CONTRIBUTING WRITERSNikki Blackwell Photography

Nicole Blackwell Sergio Acedo

Nicole Blackwell (209) 513-3637 Cell Email: [email protected]

Pastor Sergio Acedocalled to Serve in Stockton

Giving the Gift Of Hope

Supporting Local

Sports & Health

Holiday Recipes & Gifts


Featured StorySAVE THE DELTA Page #10


City Express Magazine is in-strumental in the growth of this city, and We strongly

support local Business, and Tal-ent, that exists in Our city. We believe supporting local is es-sential to strength of a strong local economy. The money paid by local Business is then used in turn for the financing of roads, in addition to the public school systems. By supporting local Busi-ness, it provides local Job Op-portunities and supports Fam-ilies. The small business owner often lives in the community, wor-ships, plays sports and socializes with other community members,


and cares about the individuals who patronize his/her Business. Because of his/her personal in-volvement with the community, he/she will strive to not only pro-vide the best service possible to other members of the commu-nity, but will also support other local Businesses in turn. If you believe in supporting the local economy and wish to be a part of a business networking type of community. Then City Express Magazine is the right choice for you. We care about Our city. We wish to stimulate growth and sup-port for each member in our com-munity. We are Stockton Strong.


Rank: Cw02 Warrant Officer Carrier: USS Coral Sea va-43Westpac Cruise War: Vietnam Boot Camp: NTC San Diego, CAHoliday: Christmas Mark remembers a Christmas meal. Favorite Song: Pretty Woman/Roy Orbison

Boot Camp: Joseph T. RobinsonLittle Rock, ArkansasStationed: Asaka, JapanWar: World War IISupply & Evacuatiom for 2 YrsHoliday: ChristmasThere was no holiday Celebration Favorite Song: Dream/Perry ComoFavorite Beverage: Carlings Red Cap Ale






Carrier: USS Okinawa (LPH5)Two Vietnam Pac Cruises War: VietnamBoot Camp: NTC San Diego, CAFavorite Songs: Fortunate Son, Born to be Wild,When I Die, Amer-ican Woman, and Paint it Black


As a teenager, God called me to full time ministry. At the time, I thought that meant serving at my local

church in Tucson, Arizona. It was a large church in need of leaders and pastors. Our denomination, the Church of God, had a two-year Bible College in Dallas, Texas, so I knew I would go there, get trained and return back home. It was there that I learned of a wonder-ful word: “theology,” the study of God. Grow-ing up in church I had learned to love the Lord my God with “all of my heart” and with “all of my soul,” but now I had learned to love him with “all of my mind.” God became so much bigger than I could ever imagine. I was filled with a passion to know God more and to let others know him more through me. It was in Dallas that I learned of a four year accredit-ed University in Oakland, California where I could continue my studies in Theology. After transferring to Patten University in Oakland, I was surrounded by men and woman who constantly reminded me to take what I had learned in a classroom and live it out in my community, with my neighbors and with my church. True theology was experienced in the streets of my city, so that what I had learned in a classroom would not only become head knowledge about God, but I would become a living witness of who Jesus is and what he could do in the lives of others. It was at Patten University that I also met my wife, Koël, a mis-sionary’s daughter who was born and raised in Pakistan from Canadian parents. She also had a heart to make God known to those who had been cast aside by society, from the refu-gee to the homeless. Three years later I had the honor of graduating with a Bachelors de-gree in Pastoral Studies, and a few months later I married my college sweetheart and fu-ture partner in ministry. After graduating, I was hired as an associate pastor at the Patten Uni-versity campus church, Christian Cathedral.

Stockton Jesus Takeover By: Pastor Sergio Acedo


While working as a pastor at Christian Cathedral, I was given the responsibility of leading our com-munity outreach programs. I learned that it was never enough to simply invite people to the church building, but that it was our responsibility to be the church and go to them, because after all, it’s hard to change a world we’re not in. During my six years of serving at Christian Cathe-dral, my wife and I felt called to plant a bilingual church in the multicultural Fruitvale com-munity of Oakland. We named the church “Igle-sia VidaLife Church,” believing that it was God’s purpose to revive the church community and in turn bring life to the city of Oakland. We believed that God had planted us in Oakland, and that would be the place where we would con-tinue ministering for many years to come. But, after three years of serving as the lead pastor of VidaLife Church, in the summer of 2014, I received a phone call from our denomination’s Regional Overseer. He let me know that there was a church in Stockton that was in financial crises and in need of a pas-tor. After hanging up the phone, I Googled the “City of Stockton” on my cell phone. The first link was a headline of a failed bank robbery that lead to a gun fight through the streets of the city. The only things I knew about Stockton was that bank robberies, vi-olence, gangs, homelessness, and bankruptcies were the norm, but after that initial call I knew that God was challenging us to move to Stockton and make a difference. We knew that all our training and experience had prepared us for this incredible chal-lenge and opportunity. A few weeks later we were named the new Senior Pastors of The Word Church. There is a scripture in Isaiah that we believe is a promise for the city of Stockton: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a

new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19). Rather than being focused on what has been, we will keep our eyes on what Jesus is doing today. Our vision for our community of East Stockton is to lead people

to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, so as the Church we can go

out and change the world. We be-lieve that our local church has

been strategically placed in our city and in our neigh-

borhood so that we can change the world one family at a time. In the same way that Jesus, the King of the Universe, be-came a man and became the living Word, we believe that God is calling The Word Church to

take God to our com-munity through us, his

hands, his feet, his voice and his servants to a peo-

ple that are in need of his Good News of love and grace.

We have fallen in love with this beautiful city and we know that Je-

sus loves it too. In our first year of minis-tering in Stockton, we have created great Kingdom relationships. We have partnered with other church-es and ministries in our neighborhood to takeover our city back to Jesus. We believe that when the lo-cal church goes back to fulfilling Jesus’ Great Com-mandment of sharing the Gospel of love, peace, and hope, Stockton will be revived. A city that has been known for bankruptcy will be known for the spiritual treasure of revival that will impact the whole coun-try and the nations of the world. That may seem very idealistic, but to us who serve a great God, we continue to hope and believe in the impossi-ble. God’s promises will be fulfilled one communi-ty at a time, one street at a time, one family at a time, and The Word Church will simply be doing it’s part in God’s great plan for our city! The Word has moved into the neighborhood, His name is Jesus!


Antique, vintage & collectiblesEbay Store


Gaylen Barber (209) 403-2595




Gaylen BarberLicense #01186934MVP Marketing Company1330 West Robinhood Dr Suite A-11Stockton, Ca. 95207 Cell (209)403-2595Email: [email protected]

Gaylen believes in the redevelopment and revitalization of the Downtown area.Downtown Stockton will become a suc-cessful destination where families canenjoy all venues.

Commercial Real Estate Agent


A Cluck above the rest

Taking a leap of faith Steve & Jaime Smith decided to move their family from

Oregon to Stockton. In September of 2013, they successfully opened the doors to Smitty’s Wings & Things. They have seen their business grow ever since. Smitty’s Wings & Things means everything to them, which is why you will find them diligently working on a daily basis to make sure that when their guests arrive they feel at home.They specialize in Wings & Pizza. Everything is made to order. Steve & Jaime believe that small business makes the world go round, Which is why they shop for local ingredients, including local beers. Each pizza is hand rolled and made of soft Genova dough that is topped with fresh ingredients. It is the perfect place for the wing crushing experi-ence. They offer tender Wings that are glazed with some of the most flavorful homemade sauces that you will find in town. A few of the most famous options among

the locals include a Thai Sweet & Sour sauce, and a pleasantly sweet Honey Bar-becue. Their menu doesn’t stop there, They also have contest winning homemade piz-za, baked with the finest Genova dough, also if you’re in search for something fresh and green, their Wedge Alley salads are healthy and satisfying. When local guest come into this establishment, they feel at home. Due to the family friendly environ-ment Smitty’s Wings & Things is enjoyed by locals of all ages. It has become a pop-ular hangout of students at the local uni-versity, as well as a popular place to cel-ebrate birthdays. Whether you’re looking for a nice relaxing dinner with the family, or a night out on the town with your friends, Smitty’s Wings & Things offers delicious food that is sure to please the pickiest of eaters. As well as offer you an environ-ment where you can spend time with the ones you love, and it feels just like home.


The Delta is our home. It is home to native fish and wildlife. From the Swainson’s Hawk to the Sandhill

Crane. Many of these Species are now considered threatened. Currently, there is a proposal to build water tunnels in the Delta. The cost of these tunnels will cost taxpayers billions of dollars. It is believed that these tunnels are not good for the Delta, or the living creatures that reside in these waters. Any time you change the natural structure that life flows is a recipe for disaster. How healthy can all of this pumping be for the plants and an-imals? Considering the fact that we are in a drought, it would make more sense

to keep water on reserve locally because we need it. Our focus should be more on restoring the Delta as opposed to build-ing a tunnel system that will cost more in the long run. By putting more money into restoring the Delta, we can create more sustainable water which can be used lo-cally. It’s time that we as natives of this great land speak up and let our voices be heard. It is believed that this plan will af-fect local farmland. We need to support our local Delta Farmers, it is essential to a thriving economy. Local farming families date all the way back to the late 1850’s, and these families would be financially im-pacted by reduced farm revenues. Farm

The Delta is Our HomeBy: Nikki Blackwell



land cannot survive a lack of water sup-ply. In order to continue to build a strong future for San Joaquin Delta, we need to find a better way to preserve it, such focusing on recycling, conservation, de-salination and create a sustainable water salution for California. We can’t afford to waste money on a project that may af-fect our eco system. The Fish and Wild-life can’t speak for themselves, so it is up to us to preserve and protect innocent life. By being the voice of reason and speaking up for what we believe. We only have one California. It is up to us to fight, in order to preserve water, and the life surrounding it. It is up to our leaders

to exercise morally correct positions, in-stead of going with the flow. We need to take into consideration that these tun-nels may increase toxic elements in our drinking water. These tunnels are not a magic solution to an ongoing problem. There are better ways to improve this issue so that we can preserve the wa-terways of California. California needs a sustainable water supply so it is up to us to voice our opinions. Allow your voice to be heard and sign the petition to let public leaders know that the tun-nels do not serve the best interest of the public. Water is life and we must pro-tect it for future generations to come.

Image on bottom right Jon Michelsen a local Music Artist and Supporter of Stop The Tunnels. Performs his song “Sanctuary”.

Take Action and let your voice be heard Visit:



From Grandmas Kitchen


14 14


ton, C




an Ranch


From Black Eyed Peas to Heirloom Tomatoes, Melons and Squash. Hachman Ranch offers many different types of fresh produce at any given time. They offer a variety of these products at their fruit stand, which you will find on location at the Farm. Clients find comfort knowing that all plants are home grown custom plants, that are non GMO, open pollinated plants. All plants are also pesticide free.

When water is taken from Northern California, this affects lo-cal farming, Which causes salt intrusion. It is important for the health of the American people to support local farming. It is the heart of America. Water is Life and when we change the natu-ral structure of the way things were created to flow this affects our community. It is important to support small local farmers so that we preserve the structure that is vital to sustaining life.

Supporting Local Farmers By: Nikki Blackwell


Pups & PawsPhoto session

Presented by: PhotographyNBP

Book your Appointment: Call (209)513-3637

The original Louie’s Market was begun

in 1945 by Harris Louie, who opened

shop at the current Greyhound Bus

Station location.

At the time, the bustling general store

was in the heart of a vibrant Downtown

“Chinatown”. In 1966, due to relocation

caused by the Crosstown Freeway

project, Harris’ brother, George,

oversaw the relocation of Louie’s

Market to the current East Main Street

location. Making the move with him

were Harris’ sons, Agler and Lawrence.

In 1991, the mantle was passed on to

George’s son, Jayson Louie and Harris’

grandson, Kirby Joe. They expanded

operations in 1999 to include the

former site of the iconic Golden Gate

Restaurant. This allowed them the

space to begin deli service in 2010.

734 east main street • stockton • 95204 • 209.464.7693

Like us on facebook:

L ouie’s Market is rooted in a long family tradition of providing freshness, quality and

value. Louie’s Market continues to provide Stockton with a wide variety of high quality products.

Along with fresh beef, pork and poultry selections, Louie’s also offers seafood, smoked meats and deli meats, showcasing Alpine Meat products. Meat Packs and wholesale pricing are also available.

With menu prices ranging from $1 to $10, there is something for everyone! The Ribeye Steak Sandwich is their number one selling item. Another customer favorite are their Burgers which recently

earned a place in the Final Four of the Best Burger Showdown conducted by The Stockton Record.

Don’t think that because Louie’s is “only” a meat market that they don’t know a thing or two about salads! The new Bacon Wedge Cut Salad, is cool and refreshing. One daily special, the Tomato Cup with Chicken Salad is also a great summertime treat. For more information about daily specials, you can find them on the Louie’s Market Facebook page.

Celebrating its 70th year of being family owned and operated, Louie’s Market is an energetic place that reflects the rebirth of a Downtown Stockton that is becoming as vibrant as when Louie’s Market began.


Favorite: Ribeye Steak Sandwich! Best Burger in S.J.: Final Four! New: Bacon Wedge Cut Salad!


Your Home T

I have finally realized a dream that has been about 10 years

in the making and opened my own Real Estate office in Stock-ton. It is so hard to believe that this is finally a reality. Having said that, I hope you will stop by and, of course, still call me when you are thinking of your real estate needs. I still offer the same per-sonalized service. Even more so now, since the buck stops with

me. Whether you are ready to sell or thinking of buying, there is no time like the present. For sell-ers, prices are up. It is a perfect time. For buyers, interest is still at an all-time low. This is not going to last forever, so again, this is defi-nitely a perfect time. This is also the time for you, too realize your dreams. So, I hope to see or hear from you, And of course, your referrals are always welcome.

Real Estate Buying, Selling, Property Management

Your Home Town Realty

Linda Larsen Nye, Broker/ OwnerYour Home Town Realty3706 E Hammer Lane Ste 2Stockton, CA 95212209-956-3000 (office)209-507-4541 (cell)209-956-3002 (fax)Email:[email protected] #01030314Search for a

Serving:Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Galt, Acampo, Elk Grove and other Central Valley cities


son who plays for the Denver Nug-gets. Being an Alumni of Oregon Uni-versity, and a former NFL Star you are sure to catch a Duck game at his local family restaurant Smitty’s Wings & Things. Steve is overjoyed to see the face of a child light up as he signs an autographed card. He’s proud to be a great role model for our Youth, en-couraging them that they can be any-thing they want to be.

Local Stockton resident Steve Smith played defensive back for the Ore-gon Ducks, drafted in 2002 to Jack-sonville, then traded to the Saints, Steve also played in Europe for a year. Football wasn’t always his pas-sion, he started out playing basket-ball long before he played Football.He came from a long line of Hall of Fame Basketball Stars such as Den-nis Johnson, as well as Nick John-


Your Home Town Realty


Absolute Poverty: Being destitute or the basic depreva-tion of human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, cloth-ing, shelter and health care.


JESUSReaching the world with Love, Hope, and compassion

Loves the little Children

This holiday season while we have so much to be thankful for, let us re-member as we unwrap gifts under a tree. That there are those out there in search of the gift of Hope. In search of Love, in search of their next meal.

Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them.To help the poor is to honor God. Proverbs 14:31

Gethsemane Prayer Church UgandaKenya India

Youth Revival Ministry One Love Christian Ministry

Revival Gospel Ministries


From cream puffs to Connecticut to 8,000 latex gloves to Vancouver, Pak Mail in the Quail Lakes Shopping Center has shipped a wide variety of

items. A one stop shop to handle all shipping needs, any size and shape, as long as it’s legal. They spe-cialize in shipping the unique items that can compli-cate life including furniture, motorcycles, automobiles and machinery as well as cookies to college students.

In addition to shipping, crating and custom packing, Pak Mail also offers private mail boxes, fax and copy services, notary public services and printing ser-vices. Pak Mail provides shipping and mailing ser-vices through DHL, FedEx, OnTrac, UPS and USPS as well as various air, ground and ocean freight carriers.

For over 25 years, we’ve provided comprehensive es-timates, custom crating services, and packing solu-tions that help keep fragile freight safe. And our tracking and follow through methods ensure that you know where your package is every step of the way. We’re locally owned. We live in your community.

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Sunday Closed


Jonathan Blackwell at age 11 cir-cles the track powered by strong arms and a determined attitude to match. Nothing about this Stockton athlete whispers weak-ness. Since birth he was born to run.”I love sports,” he says, as he quickly races around the track.”I plan to attend Oklahoma State University one day, because it has one of the best baseball programs, I’ve researched this and know that it’s the best school for me,”he says enthusiastically.

Who is this kid? Where did he come from? But first, an easi-er question: Where is he going? Little league All star Jonathan Blackwell currently plays Baseball for a local Stockton Little League team. All though he loves Baseball he has realized the value as well of Track and Field. Being that he has the ability to run fast not only on the baseball field, but also the 100 Yard Dash. He feels that training now is necessary in order to gain

Run the good RaceBy: Nikki Blackwell


Run the good RaceBy: Nikki Blackwell

scholarships to attend the Univer-sity of his choice in the future. Nick-named “Sticks” at the age of 5 due to the fact that Jonathans neighbor whenever he would see Jon running up and down the street he would say “There goes sticks, running again”! Later on nicknamed “Lighten-ing”, by his Grandfather who chose this name after an old Cherokee leg-end Born into a family of runners.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witness-es, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1


Contact Absolute (209)369-0584 Office

Built on Honesty, Integrity, & Pride

Built on Honesty, Integrity, & Pride

Manteca, CA 95336Oakdale, CA 95361Rio Vista, CA 94571Stockton, CA 95205

Howard Woolems has been a plumb-er for 18 years. Absolute Plumbing was opened 12 years ago. Howard had worked there for 9 years. Taking ownership 3 years ago.

Service AreasServing Stockton and the surrounding areas. Galt, Lodi

Specialties We Unclog toilets, sinks, sewer lines. We install, water heat-ers, gas lines, sewer

lines, water lines.We repair toilets, faucets,water heaters, slab leaks, and broken pipes. We do leak & line location

Camera lines, Septic repair,

and remodel work

Sponsored By: Nikki Blackwell Photography

• Awareness, safety strategies, assertiveness skills and physical self defense techniques.• Awareness of specific vulnerabilities • Classes taught and designed for Women & Men• A focus on Sexual Assault, and Domestic violence

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