Churchill’tail. He loves to play music and to have a cup of tea with his friends, Billy and Gruff....

download Churchill’tail. He loves to play music and to have a cup of tea with his friends, Billy and Gruff. Churchill is a very nice pig.

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But what he loves most is his tail. It isn’t a big tail. It isn’t a long tail but it is HIS tail!

Transcript of Churchill’tail. He loves to play music and to have a cup of tea with his friends, Billy and Gruff....

Churchilltail He loves to play music and to have a cup of tea with his friends, Billy and Gruff. Churchill is a very nice pig. But what he loves most is his tail. It isnt a big tail. It isnt a long tail but it is HIS tail! But this morning. Churchill cant find his tail. Where is my tail? he says. He searches in the classroom but he doesnt find it. He searches in the canteen but he doesnt find it. He searches in the courtyard but he doesnt find it He searches everywhere but he doesnt find it. He feels miserable. So he goes to see the zebra. The Zebra is happy to help. He gives him a tail. But Churchill says: Perhaps I should try another tail, says Churchill. So he goes to see the peacock. The peacock is happy to help. He gives him a tail. But Churchill says: Perhaps I should try another tail. So he goes to see the fish. The fish is happy to help. He gives him a tail. But Churchill says: Perhaps I should try another tail. Then, he tries a little tail and a spotty tail and a snappy tail. When he tries the tigers tail, he feels very STRONG! Oh! he says. Its late! I must go back to school / home Its dark outside but Im STRONG and Im not scared! But on his way... he sees a big dark shadow. Aaargh! Shouts the pig. Churchill feels terrified! Is it an alien ? An ENORMOUS and HUNGRY robot? No!!! It is just a little bird! Whats that on your head? says Churchill. Is it my tail? Well, I dont know! replied the little bird. I found it in the playground. I thought it was a worm but it wasnt. So I put it on my head. It looks nice, doesnt it? Oh, but it is my little perfect tail! Please, may I have it back? says Churchill. Well, yes of course! If it is your tail! Churchill is very happy to have his tail back! He decides to organize a tea party to thank all his friends for their help. THE END