CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN … · 2020. 12. 10. · la Biblia y los profetas...

C CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO DE LOYOLA Third Sunday of Advent Gaudete Sunday Tercer D Domingo de Adviento Domingo Gaudete December 13th, 2020

Transcript of CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA IGLESIA DE SAN … · 2020. 12. 10. · la Biblia y los profetas...


    Third Sunday of Advent Gaudete Sunday Tercer DDomingo de Adviento Domingo Gaudete

    December 13th, 2020

  • 2/Gaudete Sunday

    Third Sunday of Advent December 13th, 2020Isa 61:1-2a, 10-11 1 Thes 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28

    A Letter from Fr. Jason Downer, S.J.Hafa adai, St. Ignatius Family! Greetings from Saipan. If you

    me. First a note of thanks. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for accompanying me last year as I learned how to be a Deacon. The year did not end as any of us had hoped, but I was grateful for the virtual experiences, like the Family Liturgy of the Word and the Encountering God retreat, that kept us connected throughout the summer. 10 days after be-ing ordained a priest, I found myself on a plane heading to an

    experiences of my brief time at St. Ignatius. This weekend we celebrate Gaudete Sunday. If there was

    ever a year when we needed the promise of joy, this is it. -

    ly, mentally, and spiritually for so many as the Pandemic exposed the systemic racism and deep inequality found in our country and our church. We witnessed once again the destructive power of clericalism when the McCarrick report was released. We saw that “Black Lives Matter” became a point of debate among people who claim to be-lieve that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. Yes, we need joy. Not the


    soul. This joy is found in a promise. This is the joy in hoping against hope that the words of the prophet

    As the earth brings forth its plants,and a garden makes its growth spring up,so will the Lord GOD make justice and praisespring up before all the nations.The task ahead of us as a church and a country is a steep

    one and requires a reckoning with the truth of the past and a recognition of the future God promises us. This task includes listening to the cries of those crying out. Crying out for their mother like George Floyd did. Crying out for ecological jus-tice like Pope Francis and Greta Thunberg. Crying out for an end to violence like the prophets of the Bible and prophets of our time like John Lewis and Helen Prejean. The cries of those

    of the oppressed. Going about this work is hard, but should

    Please know of my continued prayers and gratitude for you, especially as we continue on our journey through Advent.

    - Fr. Jason Downer, S.J.

    ¡Hafa adai, Familia de Sn. Ignacio! Saludos desde Saipan. Si

    yo. Primero que nada, una nota de agradecimiento. Desde el fondo de mi corazón, gracias por acompañarme este año pas-ado mientras aprendí a ser diácono. El año no terminó como ninguno de nosotros esperaba, pero estoy agradecido por las experiencias virtuales, como la liturgia familiar de la Palabra y el retiro de Encontrar a Dios, que nos mantuvieron conectados durante todo el verano. 10 días después de ser ordenado sac-erdote, me encontré en un avión que se dirigía a una isla en el

    de mi breve tiempo en San Ignacio.

    Si ha habido algún año en que necesitábamos la promesa de gozo, es este. Estos últimos meses han sido difíciles física, mental y espiritualmente para muchos, pues la pandemia expuso el racismo sistémico y la profunda desigual-dad que existe en nuestro país y en nuestra iglesia. Hemos sido testigos una vez más del poder destructivo del clericalismo cuan-do se publicó el informe McCarrick. Vimos que "Black Lives Matter" se convirtió en un punto de debate entre las personas que dicen creer que todos estamos hechos a im-agen y semejanza de Dios. Sí, necesitamos alegría. No la alegría fugaz que viene de la

    satisfacción, sino una alegría que llena cada parte de nuestra alma. Esta alegría se encuentra en una promesa. Este es el gozo de esperar contra toda esperanza de que se cumplan las

    Como el suelo echa sus brotes,y como un jardín que hace brotar sus semillas,así el Señor DIOS hará brotar la justicia y los himnos ante todos los pueblos.La tarea que tenemos por delante como iglesia y país es cues-

    ta arriba y requiere de un ajuste de cuentas con la verdad del pasado y un reconocimiento del futuro que Dios nos ha pro-metido. Esta tarea incluye escuchar las voces de los que gritan. Gritando por su madre como George Floyd. Clamando por la justicia ecológica como el Papa Francisco y Greta Thun-

    la Biblia y los profetas de nuestro tiempo como John Lewis y Helen Prejean. Los gritos de aquellos que ya no se sienten bienvenidos en la Iglesia. Los gritos de los oprimidos. Llevar a cabo esta obra es difícil, pero debe ser gozoso porque estamos tratando de vivir en la promesa de Dios con un futuro lleno de justicia, reconciliación y alegría. Por favor, sepan de mis con-tinuas oraciones y gratitud por ustedes, especialmente mientras continuamos nuestro caminar por el Adviento.

    - P. Jason Downer, S.J.

  • 3/Gaudete Sunday

    Christmas Mass ScheduleChristmas Eve, 4:00 p.m.

    Online Family Vigil Mass with Children's Pageant

    Midnight Mass, 11:30 p.m. preludeLivestream & Open to Parishioners by Registration Only

    Christmas Day, 10:30 a.m. Livestream & Open to Parishioners by Registration Only

    The registration link will be emailed on Monday, December 14th.

    Faith Formation

    THIS SATURDAY!December 12th

    Film & Reflection on Zoom! Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe

    Please join us in celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe!This 30-minute animation explores the life of Juan Diego, who united

    diverse people in response to the call of the Blessed Mother. A discussion will follow immediately after. All are welcome!

    Registration is required:¡EL SÁBADO!

    12 de deciembrePelícula y reflexión por Zoom para toda la comunidad!

    Juan Diego: Mensajero de GuadalupeEstán invitados a juntar la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe! Esta película

    animada de 30 minutos explora la vida de San Juan Diego, quien unió a todos los pueb-los como respuesta a la llamada de la Virgen María. Una discusión seguirá después de

    la película. Todos son bienvenidos!Por favor registra antes del evento:

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    We need your help more than ever!We recently learned that the boiler project will cost more than

    originally anticipated. It is not a matter of simply replacing the boiler but also refurbishing the Church’s chimney.

    Cost of Projects: $247,120

    Last week donations for Doors & More increased by $550

    Current Fund total: $31,330

    Removing the old chimney 12/9/2020 Placing the new chimney 12/9/2020

    Many thanks to all those who have already contributed to our Doors & More Fund and to those who have

    recently contributed.Gifts to the fund may be made online here:

    28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

  • /Gaudete Sunday

    Outreach Ministries

    CHRISTMAS GIFT DRIVE THANK YOUWe did it! It was uncharted territory for all of us and we came through it with flying colors. Thanks to Ann Carmola for once again serving as the Gift Drive Coordinator – not an easy job!

    And special thanks to Karen O’Reilly for setting up and managing SignUp Genius and Michael Sennett for his many

    communications about the Drive. You will be making many, many children and adults very happy this Christmas season.



    CONTINUES! If you would like to donate, or continue do-nating, masks, you may drop them off at the

    Parish Office. Thanks for considering this opportunity!


    Last weekend would have been our annu-al Shattuck Holiday Meal. We were not

    able to share our bounty and talents with the Guests there, but Pine Street contin-ues to serve the men at Shattuck every

    day, all year long. You may like to make a donation to Pine Street, in lieu of your

    participation in the Holiday Meal. Go to:

  • /Gaudete Sunday

    Remember your loved ones this Christmas with a donation for a plant in their memory.

    Please help us decorate our church this Christmas by making a memorial plant

    it in an envelope and return it with your

    collection basket. You may also donate online by visiting our website. An acknowledgment of gratitude for your donation with your name and the name of your loved one will appear in the bulletin after Christmas.

    (Name of person to be remembered)

    Might you have missed his Mission Appeal?This past Sunday, Joe Smith of Rostro de Cristo,

    spoke after Mass to inform us of this mission program founded in Boston that has been working with the marginalized and poor in Ecuador and beginning this

    past year in Camden, NJ. If you missed it, you can view it by clicking the video below.

    To support Rostro de Cristo through the Propagation of the Faith please visit:

  • 7/Gaudete Sunday

    Spiritual Life

    Virtual Posada Journey: In Search of Shelter and Protection

    December 16th - 24thThis year because of the pandemic, Ignatian Solidarity Network invites you to join in Virtual Posadas where you will receive a daily experience of music, art, prayer and re-flection as we virtually journey with migrants on the U.S.-Mexico border in search of

    shelter and protection, just as the Holy Family did on Christmas Eve.

    To register for this experience, contact Kathy Maher at [email protected] by December 12th. Please indicate if you would like to receive materials for this

    experience in English or Spanish.

    What are Posadas? The tradition of Las Posadas is a reenactment of the journey when Joseph and Mary

    searched for room at the inn, but none was to be found. In a traditional Las Posadas cel-ebration, a group of people travels from house to house singing, seeking shelter for the

    night, answered by those indoors, answering in song. At the final home, the peregrinos, or pilgrims, are welcomed inside to

    pray, eat, and celebrate.

  • 8/Gaudete Sunday


    Conéctate con nosotros este 18 de diciembre a las 7:00 pm hora Boston para celebrar nuestra Posada Navideña vía Zoom.

    617-459-6089Enlace por Zoom será enviado a los que se inscriban.

  • 9/Gaudete Sunday

    Peace, Justice, & Reconciliation Commission

    Laudato Si' CircleFratelli Tutti - Chapter 1

    Tuesday, December 15th, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Zoom Discussion

    In this encyclical, Pope Francis is calling us to be a part of striving to build bridges with others, so that we might share a more peaceful, fraternal future together

    in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, social unrest and widespread division.

    We need a rebirth of “universal aspiration to fraternity”.The Circle gives us a time together to reflect or SEE, to discuss or JUDGE, and to

    hear our own personal and/or collective call to ACT on, the teachings of this encyclical.

    To read Fratelli Tutti online:

    Registration Required: [email protected]

    Advent Simplicity ChallengeIgnatian Solidarity Network

    This Advent, commit to simplicity. In a season that can mistakenly be focused on gifts and consumption, explore ways to live simply as we hopefully prepare for the coming of Jesus

    and the restoration of the earth.Sign up:

  • Green Team Prayer: God, our Creator, we offer this humble prayer for the Christmas season. We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth.

    May there be bread for the hungry, love for the unlovable, healing for the sick, protection for our children, and wisdom for our youth.

    Holy Spirit fill our hearts with your love and power.–Rev. Lia Icaza Willetts

    Eco-Friendly Christmas Tips:•Just say no. If a gift exchange feels like an obligation rather than a heartfelt gesture, consider a combined donation to a favorite charity.•Gift an experience: rather than a store bought item, give the gift of sharing time together (e.g., go for a hike/walk or other outside adventure).•Gift a consumable: for example, olive oil, baked goods, chocolate, wine, tea, etc.•Use a “Secret Santa” approach for family gifting- give one quality gift rather than multiple exchanges.•Take a walk in the woods to collect evergreens rather than buying decorations.•Repurpose boxes, baskets, or tins as a gift-wrap option instead of paper. •Agree to “upcycle” and “recycle” gift exchanges. Shop at flea markets and thrift stores and have fun! •Suggest that your office/school use funds normally earmarked for an “office holiday party” to plant trees.•Consider planting or decorating a small tree on your property instead of cutting down a live tree.•Make a present: can you knit, sew, craft, or have a wood shop? Be the elf.•Plan in advance on how you will use leftover food so as not to waste any of it.

    Downsizing at Christmas: Reduce, Repurpose, and Recycle This Christmas season, let’s each try to take small steps to reduce our carbon footprint by incorporating environmentally friendly behaviors into our traditions. Together, let’s reduce the massive number of gifts, paper, and food that ends up in landfills around the

    world. It may not be easy, but consider your efforts as a Christmas present to Mother Earth. And in return, you just might receive the precious gift of time.

    Peace, Justice, & Reconciliation Commission

    10/Gaudete Sunday

  • 11/Gaudete Sunday

    Liturgy Commission

    Church At Home/La Iglesia En Casa †

    To See the Document Click Here: clic aquí para ver el documento en total:

    Aviso importante: las 12:30 p.m. La misa en español está abierta

    al público por orden de llegada. También se seguirá transmitiendo en vivo.

    Share Your Advent Wreath

    Email photos of your wreath making or completed Wreath to

    [email protected] may also tag the

    parish on social media!

    See Your Wreath HERE

  • 12/Gaudete Sunday

    Please pray for: Saturday, December 12th4 p.m. - Anne Regolino

    Sunday, December 13th

    Saturday, December 19th

    Sunday, December 20th

    Stay Connected!Follow us on social media for Parish updates,

    Jesuit news, and Ignatian Spirituality.




    Men’s Spiritual GrowthZoom Meetings

    1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month7:00 p.m.

    The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 16th at 7 p.m.

    [email protected]

  • 13/Gaudete Sunday

    St. Ignatius Livestream Masses

    Help us reach 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! It is free and will help us secure the ease of livestreaming on YouTube:

    Photo courtesy of Patricia Williams

  • 14/Gaudete Sunday

    Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

    Phone: 617-552-6100 Fax: 617-552-6101 Email: [email protected] Web:

    PARISH OFFICE HOURSMonday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m Fridays: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Summer)

    Closed Monday - Friday: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

    The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., Associate Pastor [email protected] 617-552-6100

    Annarose Jowenson, Faith Formation Assistant [email protected] 617-552-6105

    Ignatian Community Development Coordinator [email protected] 617-552-6112 Jamie Huggins, Facilities Manager [email protected] 617-552-6100

    Parish Pastoral Council [email protected]

    The Celebration of the Eucharist


    Registration forms are available on our website:

    of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters.

    CAP Team (Child Abuse Prevention) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support. Helena Alfonzo [email protected] Good [email protected] Jowenson [email protected]

    Andrea Miller [email protected]

    Other SacramentsReconciliationRite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

    Baptism—For infant and child Baptisms, contact Sr. Diane VallerioFirst Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade 1 and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive

    Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact Fr. Don MacMillan, S.J., for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick

    Currently Suspended




  • For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Chestnut Hill, MA 4672

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