Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a...

Church of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation, we build on a solid foundation as active witnesses of Christ, and we eagerly respond to the needs of the Parish and the global community. 12 WEST MINNESOTA STREET ST. JOSEPH, MN 56374 Phone: 320-363-7505 Parish Website: Email Address: [email protected] Mass Schedule Tuesday: 12 pm Wednesday – Friday: 8 am Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 8 am and 10 am January 19th 2020 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time New Parishioners To register, stop by the parish office or mail your completed registration form found on the home page of the parish website. Prayer Corner If you know someone in need of prayers, please call the parish office at ext. 100 and ask that their name be added to the Prayer Corner of the bulletin. In addition, you may call one of the chairpersons of the Prayer Network: Mary at 363-4244 or Joan at 363-4358. Infant Baptism Attendance at a baptism class is required for all baptisms, even for parents who have had other children baptized. Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to register for the baptism class (held the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm). The date of baptism will be scheduled upon completion of the class. Marriage Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to set a wedding date and to register for a parish preliminary marriage session. A minimum of six months is needed for preparation. Pastoral Care If any parishioner or family member is in need of a pastoral care visit, please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122. Todays privacy laws do not permit hospitals to contact churches when a patient is in need of a pastoral visit. We are made aware of it only when the individual or their friends and family contact us. Sacrament Of Anointing Please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122.

Transcript of Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a...

Page 1: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

Church of

SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement

We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation, we build on a solid foundation as active witnesses of Christ, and we eagerly respond to the needs of the Parish and the global community.


Phone: 320-363-7505 Parish Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Mass Schedule Tuesday: 12 pm Wednesday – Friday: 8 am Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 8 am and 10 am

January 19th 2020 • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

New Parishioners To register, stop by the parish office or mail your completed registration form found on the home page of the parish website.

Prayer Corner If you know someone in need of prayers, please call the parish office at ext. 100 and ask that their name be added to the Prayer Corner of the bulletin. In addition, you may call one of the chairpersons of the Prayer Network: Mary at 363-4244 or Joan at 363-4358.

Infant Baptism Attendance at a baptism class is required for all baptisms, even for parents who have had other children baptized. Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to register for the baptism class (held the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm). The date of baptism will be scheduled upon completion of the class.

Marriage Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to set a wedding date and to register for a parish preliminary marriage session. A minimum of six months is needed for preparation.

Pastoral Care If any parishioner or family member is in need of a pastoral care visit, please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122. Today’s privacy laws do not permit hospitals to contact churches when a patient is in need of a pastoral visit. We are made aware of it only when the individual or their friends and family contact us.

Sacrament Of Anointing Please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122.

Page 2: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

Page 2 January 19th, 2020

Mass/Reconciliation Schedule

Sunday, January 19 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass for Our Parish 10:00 am Mass Bishop Sebastian Thekethecheril

Monday, January 20 5:00 pm Mass at Saint Benedict’s Monastery

Tuesday, January 21 NO MASS TODAY—Funeral at St. John the Baptist

Wednesday, January 22 8:00 am Mass †Ila Beste

Thursday, January 23 8:00 am Mass †Marcel Kosel

Friday, January 24 8:00 am Mass †Bernie Schloemmer

Saturday, January 25 4:00 pm Confession 5:00 pm Mass †LeRoy Warnert

Sunday, January 26 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass for Our Parish 10:00 am Mass †Marcel Kosel

This Week’s Scheduled Activities

Key: CH = Church, DR = School Dining Room, FF = Faith Formation Office, GS = Gathering Space, HH = Heritage Hall, LL = School Lower Level, MR = Parish Meeting Room, MUS = School Music Room,

OS = Off-Site, SCH = School, UL = School Upper Level

Sunday, January 19 9:00 am Social Sunday, HH Presented by St. John’s Prep 10: 00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word, GS 11:00 am Social Sunday, HH Presented by St. John’s Prep

Monday, January 20 8:00 am Parish Quilters, GS 2:30 pm Tai Ji Quan, HH 6:30 pm Cultural Bridges Meeting, HH 7:00 pm Dance Class, UL

Tuesday, January 21 8:00 am Parish Quilters, GS 8:00 am Church Cleaning, CH 7:30 pm Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, CH

Wednesday, January 22 9:00 am Enrichment Class, HH 10:00 am Willing Hands, HH 1:00 pm Enhance Fitness, HH 4:30 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal, CH

Thursday, January 23 2:30 pm Tai Ji Quan, HH 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal, CH

Friday, January 24 8:30 am Refreshments, HH

Health & Wellness Ministry News Christmas Decorations Please keep in mind the 2020 Joetown Christmas Treasure Sale as you are taking down and storing items. Items can be dropped off in Heritage hall or for pick up service call 363-4588. Enhanced Fitness Class will take place on Wednesday from 1:00-2:00 pm. Class will meet in Heritage Hall. Tai Ji Quan Tai Ji Quan will take place on Monday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30 pm. We will meet in Heritage Hall.

Marjorie Henkemeyer, R.N., Health & Wellness Minister

Bake Sale — January 26th

The Sixth Graders of St Joseph Catholic School are having a Bake Sale in Heritage Hall after the 10:00 Mass on January 26There will be a table full of delicious baked goods homemade by the 6th graders (and friends)! All the money we receive will support our 6th-Grade Catholic Social Teaching projects.

Roses for Life

The Knights of Columbus will have their annual “Roses for Life” fundraiser at the January 18/19 weekend Masses. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile endeavor!

Page 3: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 3

Parish Staff 363-7505

PASTOR Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB Office … ………..……ext. 122 Email … … [email protected]

Pastoral help Fr. Nick Kleespie, OSB Deacon Matthew Ludick .………… …… 320-428-6139 Email … …… … [email protected] BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Amber Walling…...…ext. 120 Email ………[email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mary Lohaus...……ext. 100 Email ……….…[email protected]

FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR Marian Bach……ext. 152 Email… … [email protected]

HEALTH & WELLNESS Marjorie Henkemeyer … 363-4588 Email ……………[email protected]

LITURGY & MUSIC DIRECTOR David Orzechowski .ext. 123 Email ………[email protected]

FACILITY MANAGER /CEMETERY Andy Loso ... ext. 121 Email ………… [email protected]

PASTORAL MINISTRY S. Betty Larson, OSB….… ext. 130 Email …… [email protected]

Mass Time Schedule ……… … ……….363-7505, ext. 200

St. Joseph Catholic School 363-7505

Principal Karl Terhaar .. … …………………………ext. 151 Email………[email protected]

Administrative Assistant Linda Heinen ………ext. 150 Email……… [email protected]

Pastoral Council

Elaine Anderson………… ………..… …. 320-363-7571 Deb Baron, Chair ...…………………..… 320-363-8772 Charlie Burg….. ……………….………… 320-363-4114 Rich Gallus ………………………………320-363-0565 Eric Johannes … …………………………. 320-271-0124 Jane Rennie … …… …… ……………..… 320-363-4767 Lori Stock … …… …… ……………..…… 320-241-4528 Julia Reber & Tanner Notsch, Youth Representatives

Finance Council Chair Gary Bechtold … … …………………………………………..

Trustees DeAnne Budde ……………………………320-293-4648 Rick Baron ………...……………………….320-267-2370

We Want to Hear from You!

Contact information for parish and school staff, council members and trustees, is provided below.

Please pray for... Gertie Bach, Duffy Barton, Terry

Bowar, Laurie Christen, Laken Court, Audrey Elfering,

Jennifer Frank, Cliff Hilsgen, Blake Hogenson, Ashley

Holmes, Amy Klaphake, Becky Klaphake, Laura Kutzera-

Gaarder, Marvin Mastey, Phil Maus, Becky Maus-Nelson,

Nate Osbourn, Jennifer Oschwald, Jane Peterson, Marjorie

Pfannenstein, Cindy Schmitz, a Special Intention, Anthony

Scholz, John Steichen, Dennis Stueve, Emmy Torborg,

Eileen Walz, Bill Wasner, military men and women and

their families, people of the Diocese of Vijayapuram, India,

and workers & volunteers in foreign lands. (If you would

like to add or remove a name for the Prayer Corner, call

the parish office, ext. 100. )

Stewardship of Treasure Treasure received week of December 29, 2019

Sunday Offering Budget $12,100.00 Adult & loose offering $8,180.97 Average weekly automated offering $4,048.61 Weekly difference $129.58

Youth offering received $109.71

Budget through December 29 $302,500.00 Actual through December 29 $289,976.80 Difference -$12,523.20

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus: It is with sadness that so many of our parishioners in St. Joe and St. John the Baptist are experiencing the pain of loss of their loved ones. For me as pastor and for the staffs at both parishes these deaths are a “normal” part of our ministry, but with so many passing away these last weeks it really takes a toll on our energy. Just having celebrated the pass-ing of 4 important members of our parishes, two more deaths have taken place for the Collegeville parish. Next week we will celebrate the mass of Christian burial on Monday and on Tuesday. Once again St. Joe will have no Tuesday mass at noon. We need to pray for those who mourn. After the Christmas festivities we are into “Ordinary Time”. I breathe a sigh of relief because I find ordinary to be a healthy rhythm for me and ministry. We are praying for some of our parishioners who are experiencing real health issues; Vince DeVargas, Leo Glatzel, Jerry Reischel Phil Maus and Laura Kutzera-Gaadard. I hope that you read the new issue of Central Minnesota Catholic. In it are two articles that are important: “What does it really mean to be pro-life?” and the feature story is about one of our parishioners David Fremo. Congratula-tions David! You will also see an update on the Area Cath-olic Communities. A lot of good material to digest. Please congratulate our Knights of Columbus on the great work they are doing with their breakfasts and “Roses for Life”. These are important works that help move the pro-life agenda forward in our consciousness and in initiatives on the local level. Finally let us pray for peace in our country and our world. This is a dark time and we need to help of the Blessed Mother and her Son Jesus, prince of peace.

Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB, Pastor

Page 4: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

Page 4 January 19th, 2020

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for January 19th

“Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will!”

These words of the Psalm Response are a good summary of the readings for this week. In the 1st reading Isaiah is speaking about the servant who is to lead the people to God when he says, “I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”

Paul identifies himself as an Apostle in the letter to the Corinthi-ans. He tells them that they are called to be holy. And in the Gospel John proclaims Jesus as the Son of God.

What is the message for us? What is God’s will for us this week? We, too, are called to be light for others by sharing the love of God with others. This can be as simple as a cheerful word to the lonely, or a gift of money or food for the poor. We are also Apos-tles. How do we spread the word of God and become holy? This may be a call to spend extra time in prayer, or to pay better atten-tion at Mass and at our prayer. And finally, where do we recog-nize Jesus? We recognize him in the Eucharist and in the people and events which we encounter each day.

May you find Jesus and spread his message of love.

Sister Betty Larson, OSB, Pastoral Ministry

Readings for the Week of January 19th

Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34

Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28 [21a]/Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1]/Mk 3:1-6

Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11, 12-13 [5b]/Mk 3:7-12

Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2, 3-4, 6 and 11 [2a]/Mk 3:13-19

Saturday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Mk 16:15-18

Next Sunday: Is 8:23—9:3/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-1

Winter Dance Lessons

Learn the Country Two Step and Country Waltz this Winter! Join us for winter dance lessons on Mondays, January 13 through February 3. Class will be from 7-8 pm in the upper gym of the school. Cost will be $20 per person. Please contact Nancy Ebel if you are interested in participating. Phone 320-237-7155 or email at [email protected].

Growing in Faith Family, Faith and Fellowship Evenings The next gathering will be on Tuesday, February 4th in Heritage Hall. The presenter will be Deacon Matthew Ludick. The presentation will be: “Called by God: Each One’s Vocation.” All are welcome for an evening of inspiration, faith, praise, worship and fellowship. First Reconciliation and First Communion Parent and Child Preparation Meeting Mark your calendars for the Saturday, February 22nd parent and child preparation meeting from 10:00-12:00 pm. We will begin in church. All second grade parents and children are required to attend this gathering. Bible Study The next bible study series will begin on Thursday, February 13th beginning at 6:30 pm in Heritage Hall. All are welcome. Upcoming Faith Formation Dates Liturgy of the Word for Children Sunday, Jan. 19th at 10:00 am Mass Liturgy of the Word for Children Sunday, Jan. 26th at 10:00 am Mass Track III—Confirmation Candidates Sunday, Jan. 26th at 6:30 pm in Heritage Hall

Marian Bach, Director of Faith Formation

K of C Sponsor Free Throw Championship

All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2020 Knights of Columbus Free Throw championship. The local competi-tion will be held Sunday January 26, 2020 at the Saint Joseph Catho-lic School Gym. Registration and practice is at 12:30 p.m., and the contest begins at 1:00 p.m. For any additional information contact Mark Berg-Arnold at (320) 363-1077.

Page 5: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for January 26th

Saturday January 25, 5pm Sunday January 26, 8 am Sunday January 26, 10 am

Sacristans Bob & Bernadette Ethen Virgina Meier Judy Meemken

Gift Bearers Lois Warnert & Family Ray & Jean Weyer Catholic School Students

Greeters Lance Nydeen Pam Nydeen Jaedyn Nydeen Karen Wippler

Jean Stock Mary Plafcan Mark Plantenberg Diane PlantenBerg

Catholic School Students Catholic School Students Catholic School Students Catholic School Students

Ushers Mark Leither Beth Leither Ken Stommes Mary Stommes

Andy Loso Lloyd Bruemmer Elaine Eisenschenk Lee Eisenschenk

Jake Ethen Tom Ethen Will Ethen Eric Johannes

Servers Christopher Holmstrom Jacob Holmstrom

Jackson Gerads Khloee Nelson

Catholic School Students Catholic School Students

Lectors Tom Stock Julie Notsch Catholic School Students

Eucharistic Ministers

Bernadette Ethen Jane Bierschbach Harold Brinkman Marilyn Brinkman Del Brown Marilyn Court Meg Klecker

Virginia Meier Caroline Glatzel Alan Glatzel Peter Hoffmann Connie Horsch Elaine Newton Ann Reischl

Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher Catholic School Teacher

We Thank You— Thank you to all who helped with setting up and taking down Advent and Christmas decorations. Thanks especially to Mark Leither for his continued leadership by making many phone calls and doing lots of prep work. And a big thank you to Willing Hands who made it possible to purchase new trees for our worship and gathering spaces through money made from the Christmas Sale. Thank you to Mary Theisen who faithfully watered and cared for plants in church for 30 years. God bless you for your many years of service. We are in need of someone to take on this task. If interested, please contact the parish office.

Saint Joseph Catholic School Update Next week is the annual Catholic Schools Week. Speaking on behalf of the students who directly benefit from your generous support of Catholic education, I would like to extend a sincere thank you. You are making a difference in the lives of the chil-dren of St. Joseph by promoting Catholic education as a viable option to our parishioners.

This year’s theme is "Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed." This theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found in Catholic schools across the country. Not only are we teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens in our communities, we, as educators, are growing with them. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed. The official CSW logo brings the theme to life. The open book made up of multi-colored pages symbolizes how all areas of Catholic schools blend together, with faith — symbolized by the cross — at the forefront. Catholic schools are vibrant, dynamic and excellent. We start the week with the students assisting at the 10:00 Mass. The students celebrate the rest of Catholic Schools Weeks with special themed days and fun activities. We concluded the week with a school dance in the gym. Blessings, Karl Terhaar, Principal

Page 6: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,

St. Joseph Catholic School offers many exciting and beneficial programs that support the growth and development of our students. We continue to provide a first class education in an environment that also teaches Christian values. We believe that each child is a gift from God, and it is our call to bring him/her into a closer relationship with Christ.

As you decide what school will best meet the needs of your child, please take time to consider St. Joseph Catholic School. The follow-ing list highlights some of our distinctive offerings:

•Academic Excellence – Students are held to high academic standards. Middle school teachers and administrators frequently tell us how recognizable SJCS graduates are due to their outstanding academic preparation and good character.

•Montessori Preschool - Children 33 months to 5 years of age can attend our excellent Montessori preschool headed by two Master level preschool teachers.

•Optimal Class Size - Our average class size is 16 students. As a result, students receive individualized attention from our teachers and get additional attention from our CSB/SJU college volunteers who are in the classrooms on a regular bases.

•Study Buddy Program – Students in grades 2 through 6 can request a Study Buddy. This is a college student volunteer who provides one on one tutoring for students after school.

•Reading Specialists – Students who struggle with reading will have the opportunity to receive services from our reading specialists. These specialists are trained in the Barton Reading Program that helps students learn phonics so they can better decode words, become fluent readers and better spellers.

•Christian Values – Throughout the day students are learning and living their Christian faith. The students have daily prayer and religious instruction. They also help prepare and participate in weekly Mass. We openly cele-brate our Christian Holidays.

•Highly qualified teaching staff – All teachers at St. Joseph Catholic School are Minnesota licensed teachers, and 7 out of the 8 classroom teachers have their Master’s degrees.

•STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) - All the teachers have received additional training on best practices in STEM related areas. Kindergarten through 2nd grade have one-to-one iPads and 3rd grade through 6th grade have one-to-one Chromebooks. All classrooms have interactive smart boards.

•Funzone (After School Child Care) – We offer an afterschool childcare program for school age children. Funzone is also available during breaks (except on holidays).

•Extra Curricular Activities – We offer fall, winter, and spring sports, along with band, knowledge bowl, and robotics club.

•Family Centered Atmosphere – Because SJCS is a small, close-knit community, the school staff, parents, and students know each other well. We welcome and encourage parental involvement.

There will be OPEN HOUSES Tuesday, January 28 and Thursday, February 13 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm for parents interested in our PreK through 6th Grade program. Current parents of the St. Joseph Catholic School, staff and myself will be there to show parents around and answer questions. Activities will be provided at the open house for the children. If you cannot make it to the open house, contact the school for a personal tour of the school. I encourage all parents of elementary age children to learn about our great school by going to our website at or visit our Facebook page.

Karl Terhaar, Principal

OUR MISSION To deliver an academically excellent Catholic education that develops the whole person

and inspires a Christ-centered life in a global community.


Page 7: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7

At St. John the Baptist Documentary Showing: Warehoused—Feb. 16 Join in to view and discuss the documentary, Warehoused. The film will be presented after the 8:30 am Mass on Sunday, February 16th in the parish center. “Warehoused sheds light on the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing refugees across the globe through an intimate glimpse into daily life at Dadaab, Kenya -- the world’s largest refugee camp. We see the camp's inner workings through the refugees’ personal stories, most notably Liban and his perseverance to provide for and reunite with his family. Featuring commentary by the UN Refugee Agency workers who courageously provide desperately needed aid during the protracted crisis; “Warehoused” reveals the increasingly vital roles which relief agency organizations, host countries and permanent asylum nations have in the lives of millions of people struggling to find a place they can call home. “


Around the Diocese Bishops Annual Appeal—Ongoing The Appeal supports ministries that serve you, your family and your greater parish community. To donate, visit or mail a gift to: Bishop’s Annual Appeal, P.O. Box 1538, St. Cloud, MN 56302. Vespers for Life—Jan. 19 You are invited to pray for the unborn and an end to abortion with Bishop Kettler and others from around the diocese on January 19th at the Church of Saint Anthony (2405 North 1st Street, St. Cloud). The Rosary begins at 3:30 pm and Vespers at 4:00 pm. Martin Luther King Breakfast—Jan. 20 You are invited to the Martin Luther King Breakfast - Monday, January 20, 8:00 am -10:30 am at the River's Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. It is a FREE event and will feature keynote speaker, Valerie Jarrett, past Senior Advisor to President Obama. Though the event is free, registration is required. You can register by going to this link: March for Life—Jan. 22 You are invited to join in on the Prayer Service at St. Paul's Cathedral and the March for Life at the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 22. The bus will leave Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Richmond promptly at 8:30 and Rockville Parish at 8:45. The bus will return at approximately 3:30. There is no cost for the bus although a free will offering would be accepted. To reserve space on the bus contact Linda Pederson at 267-6268 or by email at [email protected]

Joe Town Table—Jan. 26 Free community meal on Sunday, January 26th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the St. Joe Legion. Enjoy delicious food and good conversation. The 6th graders of St. Joseph Catholic School will be assisting! Joe Town Table is sponsored by the area churches, the Central MN Catholic Worker, and the College of St. Benedict’s Community Kitchen. Natural Family Planning—Jan. 27 NFP enables couples to discern whether God is calling them to bring forth new life or to wait for a time. Based on the latest science, NFP allows couples to celebrate and reverence God’s vision for human sexuality by respecting their bodies in a way that artificial means do not. A First Instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method will be offered in St. Cloud on Monday, January 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Office of Marriage & Family. For more information, or to register, contact Sheila Reineke at [email protected] or 320-252-4721. The class is approximately 1½ to 2 hours long. Women’s Retreat—Feb. 1 Laura Kelly Fanucci will be presenting “Renew & Return Retreat” on February 1s at the Seven Dolors Catholic Church in Albany. The retreat will begin with check-in at 8:00 am and continue with Mass, speaker and lunch. For more information: Cathedral Open House—Feb. 6 Cathedral Open House, for those entering grades 7-12, will take place on February 6, 2020 from 6:30 -8:00pm. To register and for more information, visit: Marriage Retreat—Feb. 8 & 9 Give your spouse the best gift of love possible! A gift that gives for generations to come! The next Marriage Encounter retreat will be held February 8-9 at Mt. Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington. Visit for registration and additional information. Men’s Conference—Feb. 22 Join in the 2020 Catholic Men’s Conference titled “The Real Presence—Brining Christ to the World” which takes place at St. John’s University from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, February 22nd. The conference features speaker Michael Havercamp, D. Min. For more information or to register, visit

Page 8: Church of SAINT JOSEPHChurch of SAINT JOSEPH Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation,