Christ Lutheran · Christ Lutheran Church A Stephen Ministry...

Christ Lutheran Church A Stephen Ministry Congregation December 16, 2012 Advent Midweek Worship Wednesday, December 19 … 12:15 & 6:30 p.m. Weekend of December 22 & 23 Saturday – 5:30 p.m. worship Sunday – 9:30 a.m. worship No Bible Class or Sunday School Psalm 80:1 “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock!” Rejoice – for the Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want. All through the Scriptures God uses this image of the Shepherd to express His love and care for you. Is there anything you could lack with God as your Shepherd? Would the Lord tell you to do anything that is to your harm since you are his little lamb? Then trust in Him in all things and find peace. ** FAMILY CHOIR - Family Choir rehearsals conclude on Sunday, December 23, 10:30 a.m. (following the single 9:30 service) and again on Christmas Eve at 6:00 p.m. Family members returning to Norfolk for Christmas are welcome to rehearse on either date and sing for the 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please contact Susan Warneke through the church office with questions. ** CHRISTMAS CAROLERS will sing of the birth of Christ on Sunday, December 23, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Please meet in the Fellowship Hall at 3:00. The group will divide into several groups, if possible, and carol at nursing homes, Sunset Plaza and neighborhoods. ** 2013 OFFERING ENVELOPES are now available in the Fellowship Hall. Please stop by and pick yours up at your earliest convenience. If you are not able to locate yours, please ask an Elder or Usher for assistance. Envelopes have been renumbered, so please do not use the new sets of envelopes until January 1, 2013. The Mission Statement of Christ Lutheran Church … Share God’s Word – Share His Love – Do It Now!

Transcript of Christ Lutheran · Christ Lutheran Church A Stephen Ministry...

Christ Lutheran Church A Stephen Ministry Congregation

December 16, 2012

Advent Midweek Worship Wednesday, December 19 … 12:15 & 6:30 p.m.

Weekend of December 22 & 23 Saturday – 5:30 p.m. worship Sunday – 9:30 a.m. worship

No Bible Class or Sunday School

Psalm 80:1 “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock!” Rejoice – for the Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want. All through the Scriptures God uses this image of the Shepherd to express His love and care for you. Is there anything you could lack with God as your Shepherd? Would the Lord tell you to do anything that is to your harm since you are his little lamb? Then trust in Him in all things and find peace.

** FAMILY CHOIR - Family Choir rehearsals conclude on Sunday, December 23, 10:30 a.m. (following the single 9:30 service) and again on Christmas Eve at 6:00 p.m. Family members returning to Norfolk for Christmas are welcome to rehearse on either date and sing for the 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please contact Susan Warneke through the church office with questions. ** CHRISTMAS CAROLERS will sing of the birth of Christ on Sunday, December 23, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Please meet in the Fellowship Hall at 3:00. The group will divide into several groups, if possible, and carol at nursing homes, Sunset Plaza and neighborhoods.

** 2013 OFFERING ENVELOPES are now available in the Fellowship Hall. Please stop by and pick yours up at your earliest convenience. If you are not able to locate yours, please ask an Elder or Usher for assistance. Envelopes have been renumbered, so please do not use the new sets of envelopes until January 1, 2013.

The  Mission  Statement  of  Christ  Lutheran  Church  …   Share God’s Word – Share His Love – Do It Now!



BIBLE STUDIES & SUNDAY SCHOOL JUST FOR YOU BIBLE STUDIES “Self-Control …” Pastors Winter & Rosenthal Sun., 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall 9-12 High School Study DCE Jared Stiek Sun., 9:30 a.m. Youth Loft Adult Instruction Class Pastors Winter & Rosenthal Sun., 9:30 a.m. Chapel

SUNDAY SCHOOL Parents & 2’s Lisa Moreno, coordinator Sun., 9:30 a.m. CLS Room 206 Sunday School for 3 yr. olds to 8th grade Sun., 9:30 a.m. Christ Lutheran School Special Ed. Sun. Sch. for mentally challenged Sun., 9:30 a.m. Christ Lutheran School – Rm. 205 9-12 High School Study DCE Jared Stiek Sun., 9:30 a.m. Youth Loft

(Please note – the school will remain locked until 9:15 a.m. to allow teachers fellowship time following the 8:00 service

Be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15 ** COMMUNITY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – meets every other Tuesday at the Orphan Grain Train Warehouse from 7:00-7:45 a.m. and breakfast is served. The next gathering is on January 8, 2013. Plan to attend this uplifting Bible Study just for men. Contact Bob Feddern with any questions.

HAVE YOU CHECKED OUT THE CHURCH LIBRARY? It’s newly cleaned and organized with many new books on the shelves.


Pray for Sharon Owens who does mission work in Macau. She serves as the volunteer coordinator in Macau, which includes overseeing Globally Engaged for Outreach missionaries and providing direction for the various outreach ministries that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod supports there. Ask the Lord to continue to watch over Sharon’s health and to guide her children, Joanna and Peter, as they grow.


** GREEN FIBER RECYCLING has added another bin on our south parking lot giving us a total of 4 paper recycling bins. Please remember – no plastic is allowed in these bins. Brown paper bags are available in the Church Office for use with your recycled papers.

$295,000 Goal Reached!

Collected To Date -- $290,215 Only $4,785 commitments yet to come in during the next 4 months.

GROWING IN CHRIST IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Lisa Moreno – Children’s Ministry Coordinator [email protected] phone: 371-3898 facebook page:

** TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL children studied Luke 1:57–80, the story of John’s birth.

Zechariah spoke God’s Word announcing that this baby John would give people knowledge of salvation in the forgiveness of sins. God speaks through His holy Word to give me knowledge of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus, His Son. In your family discussions, talk about how sin causes us to doubt and fear, and just as God provided John to preach forgiveness and the message of Christ Jesus, the Savior, He provides us with faithful preachers to point us to the Savior from sin, death, and the devil. ** SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS SERVICE OFFERING ITEMS: Children will be bringing offering items forward for layettes which will be distributed by Orphan Grain Train to mothers in need around the world. If anyone forgot their items today and would still like to contribute, please bring them to the church or school office this week. ** SUNDAY DECEMBER 23 – there will be no Sunday School as there is only one worship service that day at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School will meet as usual on December 30.

Please note – School doors are locked until 9:15 a.m. to allow teachers fellowship time after the 8:00 service.

Life Quotes

Christ Lutheran is a Stephen Ministry congregation.

** MEMORY TREE – Many of you may have noticed the Christmas Tree in the Narthex near the Chapel doors. This is our Memory Tree in honor of our loved ones who have gone to be with the Lord during this past year. Each ornament has the name of the deceased person or a card with a name on it. After Christmas a family member can take the ornament home as a keepsake. The cross represents Christ’s cross on which He shed His blood (represented by the red ribbon) so that we might live eternally with Him (noted by the green color of the cross) and have the crown of life (gold). The Bible verse on the back from John 3:16 is a constant reminder to all of us of the reason we celebrate Christmas.

** HOLIDAY CARE NOTES – A reminder – Holiday Care Notes dealing with grief, depression and stress especially during this busy season, are available from the Stephen Ministry Office. See the poster on the Stephen Ministry door for more information.

“What happened in that Bethlehem stable was nothing less than the personal arrival of the One who will keep you and me out of hell. For millennia, men and women had lived and died, waiting and hoping that this day would come … (Micah 5:2) … Isn’t it just like God to do His world-changing work in a little town, in the middle of the night, in an animal shelter? May the light streaming from the stable touch your face this Christmas and make you smile.” Rev. Mark Jeske, Time of Grace - A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life –

Freely you have

received, freely

give. Matthew 10:8b


Please remember the following in prayer during the coming week. You may also want to send a card or note to those on this week’s prayer list to let them know they are being thought of.

For Allen Zeitz, Carolyn Prauner, Lisa Meyer, Don Wolff, Elaine Holmberg, Deb Gebhardt, Lynn (Brockman) Heinold, I.J. Beeks, Rhonda Miller, Sarah Scheinost, Norbert Borer, Bruce Hansen, Jane Koehler, Randy Schultz, April Wiley, Jared Musser, Steve Gilbert, Rev. Christopher Davis, Barb Slieter, Jim Roethler, Elaine Hofmann, Paula Pflueger, Susan Meinke, Christopher McFarland, Sharon Erickson, Janet Jundt, and all others undergoing treatment for cancer; for strength for their families.

For those in care centers, nursing homes, and suffering from long-term illness; also those who face tests, uncertainties about their health, or going through difficult times: Craig Smith, Jim Siedschlag, Don and Vi Schumacher, Jenny Brockman, Don & Vi Cherington, Robert Daughton, Elizabeth Ambrose, Sandy Schulz, Kevin Borer, Betty Macumber, Vida Sunderman, Lillian Best, Dominic Wolff, Bill Bryant, Bill Reade, Lois Viergutz, Hilda Krehnke, Ed Hilkemann, Steve Long, Marilyn Means, Ciara Marie Hart, Tom Kreisien, Isaac Pfeifer, Alexander Dike, Richard Grunke, and a young girl, Taryn.

Thanksgiving for 94 years of birthday blessings given to Mildred Ruegge (12/18) For those rebuilding their lives after the destruction left by Hurricane Sandy. That God would raise up a mighty army of believers who would guide our nation back to Christian

principles and remove abortion from our land. We continue to pray for our country – the government, police and fire officials, and the military. For peace in our land and other countries, and an end to terrorism. PRAYER REQUESTS may be made in the Prayer Request book at the north entrance. Please fill out all information completely. Private prayer requests may be placed in the envelope provided.

** WARMTH, PEACE & PAJAMAS – We do not need to go any further than our own city limits to find children in need. The Salvation Army this Christmas season, along with their usual “Toy and Food Drive” is again collecting pajamas for their program called, “Warmth, Peace and Pajamas”. The goal is to put a new pair of warm pajamas on every child in Norfolk who may otherwise go to bed, COLD. Help us to warm the hearts and bodies of these precious children. Please consider making either a monetary donation or actually buying a new pair of pajamas so that all of Norfolk’s children can sleep in warmth this winter season. Checks made payable to: The Norfolk Salvation Army Pajama Project can be dropped off at the Salvation Army office or sent to The Salvation Army at 112 N. 7th Street, Norfolk. (402-379-4663) New pajamas can be dropped off at the office of the Savation Army by Saturday, December 22, 2012. Sizes: 9 months through Adult XL both girls and boys are needed. ** COAT DRIVE sponsored by Exact EyeCare is currently underway. Help someone in need by donating your clean and lovingly worn coat (all ages needed). All coats will be donated to Bright Horizons. A drop off box is located at Exact EyeCare at the Sunset Plaza Mall from now through December 31st. Thank you for your support. ** LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES – Included in this Focus is a special flyer from Lutheran Family Services explaining several of their programs. The needs for this organization, like many others, increase at this time of year. If you would like to make a contribution to Lutheran Family Services, special envelopes are available at the Welcome Center in the Narthex or from the Church Office.

** ORDER SCRIP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - Special orders are due by 9:00 a.m. Monday mornings. There is a $200 limit on ALL scrip we have on hand except for HyVee and Lou’s. If you need larger quantities, you must special order any amount over $200. The last day to place a special order for Christmas shopping will be Monday, December 17. ** LUNCH PRICE INCREASE IN JANUARY - Due to increasing food prices, beginning January 8, 2013 a student lunch will cost $2.40. ** MEET A STAFF MEMBER - With the theme this year of One Body, Many Members; we are taking an opportunity each week (as space permits) to share a bit about the staff here at CLS. Name: Sarah Moje Birthplace: Fort Wayne, Indiana Education: I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Lutheran Teacher’s Diploma from Concordia University, Seward. I also earned a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Concordia University, Seward. Ministry: I taught first grade and third grade for 5 years at Peace Lutheran in Saginaw, Michigan. Then I took a ten-year “leave of absence” to raise our three children. This is my ninth year of teaching preschool at Christ Lutheran. I also serve as the preschool director. Family: My husband Keith and I have three children – Zachary, a freshman at Concordia; Christopher, a junior at Lutheran High; and Katelyn, an 8th grader at Christ Lutheran. Favorite Bible verse: Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Favorite part about CLS: I love teaching preschool! We have so much fun learning new things in school. Knowing that God is using me to nurture the faith of my students is my favorite part! I also enjoy getting to know the families of preschoolers and keeping in touch with them throughout their child’s education. Interests: I enjoy watching my children in their various activities. During my free time I like to read, scrapbook, sew, and do other crafts.

Changing Currents Young Adult Bible Study, Supper and Fellowship

DCE Amanda Bell’s – 902 N 10th St Sunday, January 6th … 5:00pm-7:00pm

Join us as we discuss the changes in our world and our lives as Young Adults

and what Gods Word has to say to us about these tough topics.

This group will meet the first Sunday of every month rotating to different homes. Couples with small children are invited to bring them along and they will be welcome to play with other small children in attendance. Watch the Weekly Focus for more information.

FOR CURRENT SCHOOL INFORMATION 371-5536 or visit our website at


KEEP CLIPPING & SAVING BOXTOPS, CAMPBELL SOUP BARCODES, LAND-O-LAKE milk jug lids and COKE CODES from boxes or lids! REMEMBER to cut the whole barcode off the Campbell soup label or they will not accept them.

** Sunday, December 16 - 9:30-10:30 a.m. Gift wrapping for local senior-care agency. We will wrap gifts purchased for home-bound seniors throughout our community.

** Sunday, December 23 - 9:30 a.m. One worship service at 9:30 a.m. -- no morning Bible study.

** Monday, December 24 - 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve worship services.

**Tuesday, December 25 - 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day worship service.

** Sunday, December 30 - 9:30-10:30 a.m. Youth Bible Study "One God; many gods"

** Wednesday, January 2 - 8:00 p.m. Youth Group -- Ice Skating at Divots. Whether you are an experienced ice skater or not, meet us at Divots (4200 W Norfolk Ave) for an evening of fellowship as we spend time together.

** Sunday, January 6 - 9:30 a.m. Youth Bible Study "One God; many gods." ** Sunday, January 13 – 9:30 a.m. Youth Bible Study “One God; many gods.”

** Wednesday, January 16 - 8:00 p.m. National Youth Gathering meeting and Bible study. This is one of the three required meetings for youth participating in the National Youth Gathering.

JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY DCE Amanda Bell [email protected]

** CONFIRMATION - There is NO confirmation during December so that your family can attend the weekly Wednesday worship services. ** JANUARY SKI TRIP - Open Registration has started!! Deadline to register is: Monday, December 17th by 4:00 pm. The cost of the trip is $60 and payment is due at time of registration! Parent chaperones are still needed! If you are interested in being a chaperone please let us know, we will contact you with further information later. ** JANUARY SERVANT EVENT - Sunday, January 27th. We’ll be making Kids Church Bags with Lutherans for Life. More info to follow.



Click on Ministries, then Sr. High DCE Jared Stiek

[email protected] DCE Amanda Bell [email protected]

LUTHERAN HIGH NORTHEAST Educating for Life + Promoting the Faith ** LHNE SCRIP - Have you used SCRIP? Remember, LHNE has SCRIP for groceries, gas, prescriptions, clothing, dining out, home improvements, and school shopping. Use SCRIP for upcoming gift-giving purchases. SCRIP also makes a GREAT GIFT! If you don’t see the retail store you would like, simply ask; we will work at getting it for you. Buying SCRIP helps support LHNE year round! Weekdays you can stop by Echo Lighting (700 Omaha Avenue) and purchase your SCRIP from Kristi Harmeier or Sandy Krei. ** LHNE MUSIC DEPARTMENT will present its annual Christmas Concert on TODAY at 7:00 p.m. Our Christmas concert this year will showcase a variety of musical styles through the performances of four of our ensembles. Concert Band and Jazz Band will perform instrumental holiday selections. Concert Choir and Singers will perform choral selections. From a jazzy Charlie Brown Christmas arrangement and familiar Nutcracker themes to traditional Christmas hymns and anthems, everyone should be able to find something to get them in the Christmas spirit. Our focus on sacred literature will also be a reminder of the real reason for our Christmas celebrations. As is our tradition, the Christmas concert will end with a mass ensemble arrangement of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. This rendition will involve all of Lutheran High’s music students as well members of the audience. There is no admission cost to this event, although a free will offering will be collected to benefit the music program of Lutheran High Northeast. ** THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Can Food Drive for the Norfolk Food Pantry at the LHNE vs. Norfolk Catholic Boys Basketball Game. It was sponsored by the FBLA Chapters of LHNE and Norfolk Catholic. The group collected over 484 cans of food to help out the Norfolk Food Pantry. ** FULL ACCESS & PACK THE BLEACHERS NIGHT for Wrestling Thursday December 20th LHNE vs Osmond. FULL ACCESS is open to 3rd-8th boys who would like to be part of the Eagle team for the evening. Sign up table will be located in the commons starting at 6:45pm. Everyone else come PACK THE BLEACHERS to show our support for our Eagle Wrestlers: Ryan Bodlak (10); Parker Olson (9); Matt Reeves (10); Justice Nedela (9); Josh Schlote (9); Alec Wilcox (11); Reed Schafer (9); Jordan Viotto (11); Jacob Woockman (12); Cody Woockman (12). ** WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOME EAGLES - The Development Office is looking for all alumni of LHNE. We have some exciting plans for our alumni and want to be able to communicate with them on a regular basis. Watch for information in the mail if you are a parent of alumni.

For more information on any Lutheran High Northeast activity or to see a complete calendar, please visit the website:

Lutheran High Northeast P.O. Box 2454 Norfolk, NE 68702-2454

School located at 2010 N. 37th Street Office 402-379-3040 Fax 402-379-8340 Email [email protected] Web


CARENOTE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Several CareNotes deal specifically with the holiday season and the emotional highs and lows that may come with it due to various circumstances in one’s life. CareNotes are available for any member of the congregation to use and are free of charge. CareNotes are helpful, 8-page pamphlets dealing with specific challenges in life. CareNotes are messages of hope and compassion for those in need. They offer guidance and support and are frequently used by hospital chaplains, hospice workers and others in the care-giving ministry. The holiday titles include:

♥ Christmas: A Time to Remember Those We’ve Loved and Lost Christmas cards, Advent preparations, gifts, decorating, and entertaining, you wonder how to celebrate the Lord’s birth while the loss of a loved one weighs heavily on your heart.

♥ Feeling Depressed at Christmastime Is a “Blue Christmas” a common experience? As much as we bill Christmas as the most wonderful time of the year, the pressures that seem to come with it make it also the most demanding time of the year – and that can add up to tidings of discomfort and joylessness.

♥ Getting Through the Holiday When You’ve Lost a Loved One It’s winter and you’re feeling as frozen inside as the landscape is outside. It is so hard to think about gifts and fun and the holidays when a loved one has died.

♥ Losing a Loved One Near the Holidays Passing the first hurdle and letting yourself feel joy again, even in the midst of profound grief at losing a loved one. There are other hurdles to leap over and many lessons to learn in days to come.

♥ Your First Christmas After a Loved One Dies Special days that once sparkled with joy may now have a hollowness as empty as the space in your heart. Hold to the hope that, in one form or another, the sparkle will one day return.”

♥ Pathways Through Your Christmas Grief At a time of loss, hope is the greatest gift we can give ourselves or a loved one. Hope is the very center of the Christmas message.

♥ Six Tips for Coping With Grief at Christmas You don’t want to spend the season wrapped in gloom, yet you know that grief needs to be expressed, not repressed. This CareNote offers suggestions for expressing grief without blocking out or discouraging the “Christmas spirit.”

♥ Grieving at Christmas: A Family Guide Christmas: It’s a joyful season, a time for family reunions and children’s excitement, a reason to give gifts of love and appreciation to others, an opportunity to remember those less fortunate while celebrating the generosity of God.

To obtain these or other Stephen Ministry resources, or for more information on Stephen Ministry, please contact Starla Landkamer in the Stephen Ministry Office at 371-1210. 11/12

MISSION STATEMENT Christ Lutheran Stephen Ministry involves all God’s family in sharing their God-given

gifts by providing a servant’s love and support for those in need of care in a

distinctively Christ-like way.