Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    ao :o FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o , t R e q u i r e d b y t h e Ethicsin Government Act of 1978gev . ~ /2o:o FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (5 u.s.c, a p p . l O 1 - 1 1 1 )1. Person R eportiog 0ast nam e, first, middle initial) 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of ReportSTRAUB, CHESTER J. U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, 2ND CIR 4130/2010

    4. Title (Arlicle Ill judges indicate active o r senior status; 5a. Report Type (check appropriate type) 6, Report ing Periodmagistrate judges indicate full- or part-time) [] Nomination, Date 01/01/2009CIRCUIT JUDGE- SENIOR STATUS [] Initial [] Aanual [] Fioal to12/31/2009

    5b. [] Amended Report7. Chambers or Office Address 8. On the bas is of the information conta ined in this Report and an ymodifications pertaining thereto, it is, in my opinion, in complianceUNITED STATES COURTHOUSE with applicable laws and regulations.500 PEARL STREETNEW YORK, NY 10007 Reviewing Officer Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The i n s t ru ct i on s a cco mp a n yi n g t h i s form mu st b e fol lowed . Co mp let e a l l p a rt s ,checking the NON E box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on last page.

    I . P O S I T I O N S . (Reporting individual only; see pp. 9.13 of filing instructions.)[~ N O N E (No reportable positions.)



    I I . A G ~ E M E N T S . : ~ , ~ o , , ~ g individual only; *e pp. 14-16 of filing~ N O N E (No reportable agreements.)DATE PARSES ~D TERMS

  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE R EPORT ~ ....~ P . . . . a~o,~g ~ t ~ o t a ~ p o .Page 3 of 14 STI~UB, ( : n E S T E R J . 4/30/2010

    V . G I F T S . n ~ t ~ d , s , h o e o , o s p o u s o o n a a , p , . d ,, , c h i l d r e n ; s e e p p . 2 8 - 3 1 of filing ittrtructionx.)N O N E ( ~V o reportable gifts.)

    S O U R C E D E S C R I P T I O N VALUE1.

    V I. LIABILITIES. a.~.d,, ,ho,, oy,~ ...... d d ~ , ~ . a , . , ~ i t d ~ . : ~ o ~ . ~ m : ~ o y ~ t i .g i . . ~ . ~ - ~ o . , ~[ N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)C R E D I T O R D E S C R I P T I O N VALUE CODE



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    F INANC IAL DIS CLOS URE REPOR T r~.~e of P ..... R e p o r t i n g D a t e o f R e p o r ~Page 4 of 14 S T ~ U B , C H E S T E R J . 4 1 3 0 ; 2 0 1 0

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i ......... ~ = , , t ...... tions tlncludes those of sp ......d dependent children; see rp. 34-60 of ~ling inst~ctionx.)NONE (zVo reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    D e s c r i p t io n o f A s s e t s I n c o m e d u r in g . G r o s s v a l u e at en d T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g r e p o ~ i n g p e r i o d(including t~st a~ em) r e p o rt i n g p er i o d o f r e po ~i n g p er i o dO) (~) ~ -(i) ~ ~) ~- o~ (~) (3) ~ (~)l l~c~ "(X)" af let each m ~sel Amo~gl Type (e.g., ~ Value V~lu~ Type (e.g., Dale Value i ~ain l~emi~y o~

    exempl f r o m p r io r d i s c l o s u r e ~ C o d e I d l v . , r e n t , ~ Code 2 M e l h o d b u y , s e l l , mmM&~yy ~ode 2 ~ Code ]( A - H ) o r i n t . ) [ ( J - P ) C~e 3 r e d e m p t i o n ) ( J - P ) ( A - H ) ( i f p r i v a t e[ : (0-~ . t r a n s a c t i o n )



    1 3 . EXX ON COMMON A Dividend J T1 4 . tlRPT PROPERTIES TRUST A Dividend J T1 5 . COHEN & STEERS REALTY SHARES A Dividend J T B uy 3/31/09(addl)1 6 . B uy 6/30/09(addl)1 7 . B uy 9 1 3 0 1 0 9(addI)

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    N am e o f Perso n R epo rting D a te o f R epo rlFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTI STI~XUB, CHESTER J.age 5 of 14 4 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 o

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i . . . . . . . . ~,. t ...... tions (lnlude.~ those of sp ..... nd dep,ndent childr,n; see pp. 34.60 drilling instructions.)_ _ _ J N O N E ( N o reportable income, assets, or transactions. )

    A. B. C. D.Description of.Assets Inco me daring Gross value at end Transaclions during reporting period(including trust assets) reporting period of reportir~g period

    (l) (2 ) (l) j (2) 1 1 ) (2) [ i~) 1 (4)Place "(X)" a f te r each asse t .Amou~t Type (e.g.. Value [ Value Type (e.g.. Date : Value O a L q Identity ofexempt Irom prior disclosure ,[ Code 1 i dlv., rent, Cx~de 2 MeThod bay. sell, mm/dd/vy, i Code 2 Code 1 ~ buyer,seller(A-It) or int.) (J-P) ! Code3 redemption) (J-P) (A-II) (if privatei ( Q -W) transaction)

    18. B uy 12./17/09 J( ~ d d O19. NEW YORK ST ENVIRO FACS 5% B Interest L T

    20. NEW YORK ST URBA N DEV CORP REv C h ~ t e t e s t L TCORP 6.5%2 1 . METROPOLITAJq TRANS AUTH NY D Interest M TTRAN FACS2 2 . S&P MID CAP 400 DEP RCPYS MID CA[ A Dividend K T23. FIDELITN MUNICIPAL MONEY A Interest J TMARKET2 4 . FIDELITY SPARTAN TAX FREE BOND B Interest B uy 1 1 3 0 / 0 9 JFUND (addl)2 5 . B uy 2~6109 !(addl)2 6 . Bu y 3 / 3 1 . , 1 3 9 J(addl)27. Bu y 4/30/09 J(addr)

    Sold 5f26/09 K C(part)29. Sold 5 1 2 8 / 0 9 K B3 0 . VANGUA RD INTERMED TERM TAX B Interest B uy 1/30/09 JB O N D F U N D (addl)3 1 . B uy 2/27/09 J(addl)32. B uy 3/31/09 J(addl)3 3 . r ~ u y 4 / 3 0 1 0 9 J(addl)34 . B uy 5/29/09 l(addl)

  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIALpage 6 of 1 4 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T s r a A t lm C t i E S T E R J . 4 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 0V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d TRUSTS .- i ........ t u e , t ....... lions (Includes those of ~p ....... d dependent children; set pp, 3,l.60 of filing instructiong,)[~] N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. B. C. DDescription of Assets Income dating ,. Grow value at end Transactions during reporting period

    (including trust as,qets) reporting period of reporting periodPlace "(X )" af te r each asse t Amount Type (e ,g ., I V alue V alue Type (e .g ., Dale i Value Gain Identity of

    exempt from prior disclosure J Code 1 div.,t-em. ! Code 2 Melhod i buy. sell, rn m,/d d/~ ,3 C od e 2 C od e I buyenseller(A-H) or int,) i (JP) Ct,dc 3 ] redemption) ; (J-P) (A-H) (if private, ~ i trat~szction)

    35 . B uy 6/30109 ](add l)36 . B uy 7/31/09 J(add l)37 . So ld 8t28/09 L C3 8 . N EW YORK N Y GO BDS SUBERIES 5% (2. Interest M TBON D3 9 . METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUqH NY C Interest L T5.5% BOND40. FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD None J T B uy 5 F 2 6 / 0 9 JCOMMON4 1 . GOLDMA3sl SACHS GROUP INC A Dividend L T B uy 3/26/09 KCOMMON4 2 . WA LMART STORES INC COMMON A Dividend K T B uy 5 / 2 6 / 0 9 K4 3 . VANGUARD SHRT TRM MI.IN BD A Interest Bu y 5 / 2 . 7 / 0 9 KF UN D4 4 . Bu y 5 / 2 9 / 0 9 l(addl)45. B ay 6 1 3 0 / 0 9 J(addl)4 6 . B uy 7 1 3 1 / 0 9 ](addl)4 7 . Sold 8 ! " 2 8 / 0 9 K A4 8 . FIDELITY NY MUNI MM A Interest K T49 . EATON VANCE LG CAP FUND A D i vi de nd K T B uy 3/10/09 J(~ddl)50 , B uy 6/9709 J(addl)51 . B uy 9 1 9 3 1 } 9 J


    2. Value Codes J --$15,000 or less K = $15,0Ol - $50,000 L *$50.001 - $1

  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e o f Person Reporting D a t e o f R e p o r tP a g e F I N A N C I A L 7 o f 1 4 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T STIGkUB, C ! iE S T E R J . 4 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 0

    VII. INVESTMENTS an d TRU STS .. i ....... .al~e, tr . . . . . tlons (Includes those of s~ ..... n d d e p e n d e n t c h i l d r e n ; s e e p p . 3 4 - 5 0 o f f i l i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s . )N O N E (No reportabh: income, a~sets, or transactiot~s.)

    A. B. C. DD e s c r i p t i o n o f A s s e t s I n c o m e d u r i n g G ro s s v a l u e a t e n d T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d(including trust ~sets) r e p o a i ~ g p e r i o d o f r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d

    (0 i (:) --0--) ...... [ (~) "[ O) (2) (3) (4)P l a c ~ " ( X ) a f t e r e a c h a s s e t A m o u z ~ t i Type leg., V a h ) e [ V a l u e r T y p e ( e . g . . D a t e Value G a i n I d e n d ~ ye x e m p t f r o m p r i o r d i s c l o s u re Code I [ d i v . , r e n t , C o d e 2 i M e t h o d b u y , s e l l , m m/ dd /y y ! Code 2 Code 1 : buyer/~ller(A-H) [ orint.) ( J - P ) [ Code 3 ! r e d e m p t i o n ) ( J - P ) ( A - H ) ( i f p r i v a t e

    52 . B uy 12/30/09 J(add l)53 . "*CITIBANK ACCOUNTS**

    5 4 - . CttECKING -] None J T55 . **FIDELITY IRA ROLLOVER*


    5 8 - FIDELITY US GOVT ILESER.VES MM B Interest P1 T Open 2 / 2 - 4 / 0 9 O59. F EDL HOME LOAN BK .S CON BD B Interest Redeemed 3 1 3 0 / 0 9 L A5.885 % 3/30/200960. S&P MID CtM~ 400 DEP RCPIS MID CAP B Dividend M TS P D R S61. F EDL HOME LN BAN K CON S BD C Interest K T5.625% 11115/201 I6 2 . FEDERAL HOME I~N BKS CONS BD C Interest Redeemed 1/12/09 M A5 . 4 7 5 % 1 1 1 2 / 2 1 1 0 96 3 . FEDEIL~.L ttOME LN BKS CONS BD C Interest Redeemed , 1 / 2 7 / 0 9 M A5 . 7 9 % 4 / 2 7 1 2 ( ~ 0 964 . FEDEILAL 110ME LN BKS CONS BD C Interest Redeemed 6/29/09 M A6.715% 6i29/20096 5 . AMERICAN GROWTH FUND OF B Dividend M T Bu y 12/22/09 1AMERICA CLASS F (GFAFX ) (addl)66. DOD(3E & COX STOCK F UN D (DODGX None Sold 3/9/09 L A

    67. TWEF DY BROWN E GLOBAL VALUE B Dividend L T Bu y 12/30/09F U N D (addl)68. BAR()N GROWTH F UN D A Dividend M T B uy 5/28/09(addl)

    Value Codes J = $15.000 o ! less K = $15,001 - $50,~ ;0 L :$50,001 - [1~,~ M ~I~.~1 - ~0,~

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    F INANC IAL DIS CLOS URE REPOR T r ~ame o f Person Reporting Date of Repor~Page 8 of 14 s x rt a u B , C H E S T E R J . 4/30/2010

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S .- i . . . . . . . . . l u , , , . .. . .. , io , s ( I n c l u d e s t h o s of sp ...... d dependent children; see pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. B. C. DDescription of Assets Income durit~g Gross vahle at end Transactions during reporting period

    (including trust assets) : repo rting perio d t~ f rep ortin g perio d(l ) (2 ) O) (2) O) (2) (3)Place "(X)" a f te r each asse t Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Gain Idenlity ofexempt from prior disclosure : Code l div., rent, Code 2 Melhod buy, sell, r~m/ddiyy Code 2 Code 1 buyer/selleri (A-H) or inl.) (J-P) Code 3 redem ption) (J-P) (A -H ) (if private! (O-W) transaction)

    69. ROYCE TOTAL RETURN FUND B Dividend M T B uy 3/11/09 I(add l)70 . B uy 6/10/09 J

    71. B uy 9/09/09 J( a d d D72. B uy 12/9/09 J(addl)73 . GOOGLE COMMON Non e K T

    7 4 . FIDELITY CONTRAFUND A Dividend M T Bu y 2/13/09 J(addl)7 5 _ Bu y 1 2 f l 8 / 0 9 J(addl)7 6 . US TR EAS NTS 6.0q~ 8/15/2009 E Interest Redeemed 8/17/09 N A

    7 7 . LOOIMIS SAYLES INVST GRAD E D D ividend Buy 1 1 6 / 0 9M UTAI. FUND (addl)7 8 . Bu y 2/5/09(addl)7 9 . Bu y 3/5/09(addl)S0. Sold 3 / 9 / 0 981 . G O L I 3 , :V l AN S A C H S G RO U P I NC A Dividend Sold 10/13/09 K DCOMMON82. ISHA.gES IBOXX & INVESTOP 1NV C D ividend So ld 3/11/09 N DFUND83. EATC)i,I VANCE LG CAP VALUE FUND 13 Dividend M T B uy 3/10/09 J(addl)84 , B uy 6/9/09 J

    (add l)85 . B uy 9t9/09 J


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    [Namef P .....ReportingI Dale of Report


    q/30f2010Page 9 of 14VII. INVESTMENTS and TRU STS -- i ........ t . o , , ...... tions (Includes those of sp ...... d dependent children; see pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)

    N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)l A.

    i B. ! C. D.Description of Income during ! Gross value at end Transactions during repOrting period(including trust assets) reporting period i of reporting period

    (1 ) (2) (I) (2) (3) [ (4) (5)2)Place "(X )" af te r each asse t Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e .g ., Dale Va ue~ Gain Idenlity of

    excmpl from prior disclosure Code 1 div ., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, mm/ddh!y Code 2 I Code I buyei/seller(A-H) or int.) (J P) Code 3 ~edempfion) (J P) (A-H) (ifp~ivate(Q-W ) transaction)

    : 86. B uy 12/30/09 J(add l)87 . KKR PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTORS I,P A Int . /Div. J T B uy 10,t22/09 J

    8 8 . BERKSHIRE HA I I IAWAY IN C None L T Bu y 11/2/09 LCOMMON

    8 9 . INTE1, CORF COMMON A Dividend J T Bu y 6/9/09 J9 0 . JP MORGAN CHASE & CO COMMON A Dividend L T Buy 3/25/09 K9 1 . U S T R E A S U R Y B I L L S B Interest B uy 2/24/09 09 2 . B uy 3/17i09 O(addl)9 3 . Redeemed 5/28/09 O A(parl)9 4 . Redeemed 9 f 1 7 1 0 9 O A95. MATTitEWS CHINA FUND None K T B uy 12/22/09 K96. VANGUARD INTERMED TERM TAX C Dividend M T B uy 1/22/09 LEXEM|rl" FD97 . B uy 1/30/09 J(addl)98 . B uy 2/27/09 J(addl)99, B uy 3131/09 J(add l)100. B uy 4130109 J(add l)I01. B uy 5/29/09 J(addl)102. B uy 6/30/09 J


    1. Income Gale Codes: A =$1,0~0 ot Icy5 B = $1,00t - $2~ 500 C =$2,501 - $5,000 D =$3,0t)1 - $15,GGO E =$15,001 - $50,000

  • 8/3/2019 Chester J Straub Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L p a g e 1 0 o f 1 4 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T s r R A u B , C H E S a r :~ j .

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -- i ........ t . . , , ...... ,ions (Includes those of sp ...... d depencl, nt children: see Vp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. B. C.Description of Assets Ir~ come during Gross value at ~ nd Tran.,actiuns during reporting period

    (including trust assets) reporting p~o d of reporting period( 1 ) ( 2 ) (1) (2) G) (21 (3) (~) (5 )Place "(X)" after each as.set Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e g .. i Dale ! Value Gain Identity

    exempt ~om prior disclosure Code 1 div., rent, Code 2 Me~hod buy, sell, ]mm/ddiyy Code 2 Code t buyer/seller(A-H) or int.) 0-P) Code 3 redem ptio n) ] (l-P) (A-II) [ (il private( Q - W ) [ l L transaction)

    103. B uy 7/31/09 J(addl)104. B uy 8!31/09 J(addl)105. B uy 9/30/09

    (addl)106. B uy ! 10/30/09 J

    ( a d d l )1 0 7 . Buy 11/30/09

    (addl)108. 1 3 u y 11/3/09 K(addl)109. B uy 12131/09 J(addl)110. VANGUARD I.MTD ADMIRAL SHORT B Dividend M T B uy 5 i 2 7 / 0 9 KTERM FUND111. B uy 5~9/09 J

    (addl)112. B uy 618/09 K( a d d ~ )113. B uy 6D0/09(addl)114. B uy 7/31/09 J(addl)115. B uy 8/31/09 J

    (addl)116. B uy 9/30/09 J(addI)I f 7 . Buy 10/30/09

    (addl)I I& Buy 1 I/3/09 L(addl)

    19. B uy t 1/30/09 J(addl)

    I. Value Coden J =$15,000 or less K

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    FINANC IAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N .... tP .... ReportingPage 11 of 14 S T R n U B , C H E S T E R J . 4 ~ 0 / 2 0 ~ 0

    V I I . I ~ E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S -- i. ....... t~.. , ...... tions (Includes those o/sp ...... d dependent chi~ren; see pp. J4-60 of filing inst~c~ons.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. ~ B. C. D.Des~iption of A~ets Income during Gross vzlue al end Transactions du~ng re.fling peHod

    (including t~st a~sets) reposing period of repo~ng period~ (0 ] (2) 0) (~ ) O) (~ ) (3) (~) (5 )Place "(X)~ ~fter each asset ~ount Type (e.g., V alue V alue Type (e.g., Dale Value Gain Identity of

    .... pt~om pfiordiscl .... ~ C o d e l di ...... t, C ~ O e 2 M e t h o d b u y , ~ = I I , Imm/d yy I C o = Z [I b u y e r / s e l l e ri (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) -I I (J-P) ~ (A-tl) [ (if private" ( Q - W ) ~ transaction)120. B uy 12/31/09 J

    (addl)1 2 1 . V~GUARD SHORT~RM LM~ MUN B Dividend L T B uy 1 1 2 2 / 0 9 LB D F U N D I N C1 2 2 . B uy 1/30/09 J(addl)I23. B uy 2/27/09 J

    (addl)1 2 4 , B uy 3/31/09( a d d ~ )1 2 5 . B uy 4/30/09(addl)126. Buy ~/29/09

    1 2 7 . B uy 6/30/091 2 8 . Bu y 7/31/09(addl)1 2 9 . B uy 8/31/09 J(addl)

    1 3 0 . B uy 9/30/09(addl)

    1 3 1 . Bu y I0/30/~(addl)1 3 2 . B uy 11/30/09 I(addl)133. Buy 12/31/09 J(addl)134. FID~L~ SP~T~ T~ F~ BD FD B Dividend Bu y 1/22/09 L

    1 3 5 . B uy 1/30/09 J(addl)1 3 6 . Bu y 2/27/09 J(addl)

    1. Income GainCodes: A =$1,000 oz less B --$1,001 - $2~500 C =$2.501 - $5,000 D =$5,001 - $15,000 E(S ~e Co lum m B I a nd D 4) F ~ $5 0,0 01 - $ 10 0.O 30 G :$ I0 0,0 01 - $1 ,0 00 ,0 00 I ll =$ 1,0 00 .0 01 - $5 ,00 0,0~ 0 H2 =More thal~(See Colurn m CI and D3) N =5250.001 - $500,000 O =$500,001 - $ 1.0~0.0~O P I = $ 1, 00 0, 00 1 - $ 5, 00 0, 00 0 P 2 =$ 5 ,0 00 .0 0 1 - $ 25 .0 00 ,0 00

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    F INANC IAL DIS CLOS URE REPOR T r~.m, of Person Reporling Date of ReportPage 12 of 14 S T R A U I ~ , C H E S T E R J . 4 ~ 0 / 2 0 1 0

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S and TRUSTS -- in ....... r u e , t ..... t ions ( lnclud& ~ thos e o f s F . . . . . . d dependent children; see VV" 34-60 Of:ling instructions.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transaction.)

    A. B. -~ ................................ D.Descr iption of A s~ts Income during Gru~ value at end T ra nsa ctio ns dutng rev ering ~ riod(including trust ~els) reporting period of repoaing p~od

    Peace "(X)" after ~ch a~et .~oum Ty~ (e.g, Value Value Type (e.g, Dale Value Gain Identity ofexempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div.. ten L Code 2 Method buy. sell, mm.tdd/yy Code 2 Co de I buyer/selle~(A-II) or int.) (J-P) C~e3 redemption) (J-P) (A -H ) (if private( Q -W) transaction)

    137. I I Bu y 3/31/09 JI I~38 . B uy 4 1 3 0 1 0 9 J

    139. Sold 5~26109 K B(part)140. B uy 5[28/09 J

    ] 4 1 . Sold 5 t~8109 K

    1 4 2 . **FIDELITY IRA**143. FIDELIq-Y CASH RESERVES A Interest J T1 4 4 . AMERICAN GROWF H (GF AF X) A Dividend I T B uy 12/22/09 J(addl)1 4 5 . Sold 2 1 2 0 / 0 9 J A(pan)1 4 6 . FIDELITY US GOVT RESERVES FUND A Interest J T B uy . 2 / 2 0 / 0 9 J147. **FIDELITY IRA*"

    1 4 , q . FIDEI , rFY CASH RESERVES A lntcresl J T1 4 9 . DODGE & COX STOCK F UN D None Sold 3 1 9 1 0 9 J A1 5 0 . TWEEDY BROWN E GLOBAL VALU E A Dividend K T Bu y 1 2 ! 3 0 / 0 9 JF U N D (addl)1 5 1 , BARON GROWTH F UN D A Dividend J T Bu y 5/28/09 J(addl)1 5 2 . FIDELITY CONTI:GMr:UND A Dividend J T B uy 1~ 18/09 J(addl)1 5 3 , FIDELITY US GOVT RESERVES FUND A Interest K T Open 2/20/09 KMM

    2. Value C~es J = $ 1 5 . 0 9 0 o r l e s s K = 1 1 5 , t ~ I - $ ~ ; ( 0 0 0 L :$50,001 - $100,000 M -$100,~1 - 1250,000

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    N am e o f Perso n Repo rting D a te o f R epo rtFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT] STI~\UB, CHESTER J.

    4/30~010age 13 of 14



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    rame of Person Reporting[

    Dale of ReportF I N A N C I A L DISCLOSURE REPORT[ S:rR~\UB, CHESTER J. 4/30~010

    Page 14 of 14IX. C E R T IF IC A T ION .

    I certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent children, if any) isaccurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-disclosure.I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifL~ which have been reported are incompliance w ith the provisions of 5 U .S.C. app. 501 el. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.

    S i g n a t u l


    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signet[ t/riginal and 3 additiona l copies

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAdm inistralive Office of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Co lumbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20544