Chapter IV Final

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This chapter presents the findings based on the indicative data of the variables under investigation. The presentation, analysis and interpretation of these data enable the researchers to respond intelligently to the problem stated in chapter I. This type of accreditation, currently being implemented by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP) is program accreditation. It is however, currently contemplating to shift its paradigm of accreditation to institutional form. As an accrediting body, AACCUP defines a program as a curriculum that leads to the grant of degree, diploma or certificate. Under program accreditation, ten areas of concern are subjected to evaluation, to with: Mission, Goals and Objectives, Faculty, Curriculum and Instruction, Students and Research, Extension and Community Involvement, Library, Physical Plant and Facilities, Laboratories and Administration. The document contains for each of the ten evaluation areas, the strengths, are needing improvement and recommendations specific to the particular item of evaluation. These documents will be analyzed to identify the current status of accredited BSHRM Program.

Mission, Goals and Objectives Republic Act no. 7665, the charter of Bulacan State University defines a general character of this educational institution which, can be claimed as the following:The University shall primarily provide higher professional, technical and special instruction for special purposes and promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Fishery, Forestry, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Law, Medicine, Public Administration, Technical and other fields that may be relevant.

This above mentioned statement specifically provides that the institution is a comprehensive university, with education as one of its foci of attention. This mission vision statement of the university is the basis from which the mission, goals, and objectives of the College of Home Economics were derived. From the aforesaid mission of the College of Home Economics the following goals were derived: The College of Home Economics aims to: 1. Pursue institutional programs by delivering basic, advanced and innovative educational services; 2. Continuously develop, implement and monitor instruction and academic programs to ensure graduates acquire the knowledge and skills required by the industry. 3. Instill desirable work and moral values while imbued a strong sense of nationalism among the graduates; 4. Establish functional and relevant linkages with external stakeholders. The aforesaid goals of Hotel and Restaurant Management are translated into objectives, to wit:

1. Develop competencies of students through outstanding learning experiences to become globally competitive service providers, managers and entrepreneurs; 2. Maximize the utilization of instructional, community and industry resources to enhance theoretical knowledge and practical skills through immersion and apprenticeship program; 3. Establish and maintain strong linkages with cooperating industries and other external stakeholders. 4. Pursue efficient and sustainable faculty development schemes to ensure program relevance. 5. Intensify research generated knowledge and technology through innovative people management and instruction; 6. Mobilize resources of the college to help enhance the quality of life of the people in the larger community through extension activities and volunteer program. Based on the cited mission, goals, and objectives of the CHE Table 1 below presents the status on the first survey visit on the area of Mission, Goals, and Objectives of the CHE, BSHRM program The Mission, Goals and Objectives of the college as well as the MGO of the BSHRM were posted on strategic location and disseminated through the student handbook, bulletin of information, secondary manuals and flyers.

Table 1 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Mission, Goals and ObjectivesStrengths 1. The mission, goals and objectives of the college are present in every syllabus that was given to students. 2. The goals of the College and the objectives of the program were formulated using a consultative process. Weaknesses 1. Students are not interested in reading and memorizing the contents of the syllabi. Recommendations 1. Instructors must require every student to memorize and understand the mission, goals and objectives of the college. 2. Review the goals of the College and the objectives of the programs to be anchored on the thrusts and priorities on the University. Intensify the dissemination of the MGO exploring avenues other than the school premises.

2. Objectives of the program are more on strategies. Dissemination of MGO because postings are just in the school premises.

According to Table 1, the goals of the college and the objectives of the program were formulated using a consultative process but the objectives of the program are more focused on strategies so it must be reviewed and revised. It stated that MGO are printed in tarpaulin and placed in strategic locations but still it is not enough because postings are just in the school premises and needed to intensify by exploring avenues other than the school premises. Also it says that MGO are printed in tarpaulin and placed in strategic locations but the internalization of this is inadequate as seen in the survey results, so the activities, programs and projects of the college should be aligned with the goals and objectives to enhance internalization.

Faculty For faculty evaluation, the AACCUP instrument includes the following concerns: Academic Qualifications, Recruitment and Selection, Rank and Tenure, Adequacy of the Faculty, Teaching Assignments and other Faculty Load, Faculty Development, Professional Performance, Salaries and Fringe Benefits, Professionalism, Scholarly Works,

Additional Information and Exhibits. The report also came up with the following strengths, weaknesses and recommendations. Table 2 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Faculty developmentStrengths 1. Professors were knowledgeable on their fields of study. Weaknesses 1. Their teaching strategies were quite ineffective in terms of elaborating some topics. 2. Participation of the faculty in research activities is very limited. Recommendations 1. Faculty members should be encouraged to grow professionally by attending seminars, conference and workshops along their areas of specializations. 2. Encourage a more active involvement of faculty members in research-related activities. 3. Conduct personnel audit to match qualification, training and experience with the courses handled. Explore the possibility of including the Food Trades course in the College since CHE faculty members are the ones handling the Food courses. 4. Provide upgraded facilities for the BS HRM program; improved water system and utilities especially in the laboratories. 5. Encourage interdisciplinary research studies. 6. Criteria for the selection Department Heads/ Area Chairs may be included in the Faculty Manual. 7. Faculty members should likewise encourage becoming members of professionals or systematic organizations in the university.

2. Established criteria in the recruitment and selection of faculty are strictly followed. Only those with masters degree attain permanent status. 3. Majority of the faculty has appropriate degrees and the rest are pursuing advanced degrees.

3. Faculty loadings seem to be mismatched with qualifications, trainings and exposure.

4. Excess of teaching loads is well-compensated. 5. Faculty members enjoy fringe benefits and incentives. 6. Majority of the faculty members attend seminars and trainings for professional growth and development. 7.

4. Facilities and equipment used in the program are quite antiquated and/ or inadequate. 5. There are no researches and extension services utilizing expertise in College of Home Economics. 6. Written criteria in the selection/ designation of department heads/ area chairs are not included in the Faculty Manual. 7. Most of the faculty members were part-timers.

Based on cited faculty evaluation on table 2, above the status on the first survey visit on the area II, Faculty of the CHE which identified the strengths and weaknesses and

recommendation that the faculty members are in need improvement in the processes of selecting appropriate faculty development. According to the Table 2 based on the Faculty development, the area of faculty holds a strength that professors were knowledgeable on their fields of study but their teaching strategies were quite ineffective in terms of elaborating some topics. The researchers recommendation is that the faculty members should be encouraged to grow professionally by attending seminars, conference and workshops along their areas of specializations. It also highlighted strength that only those with masters degree attain permanent status and majority of the faculty has appropriate degrees and the rest are pursuing advanced degrees but faculty loadings seem to be mismatched with qualifications, trainings and exposure and thus recommend in conducting personnel audit to match qualification, training and experience with the courses handled. The college implements process of recruitment but the participation of the faculty in research activities is very limited. Faculty members enjoy fringe benefits and incentives but they didnt develop or improve their expertise of specialization.

Curriculum and Instruction For the area on Curriculum, which represents the specific concerns of the coverage, as contained in the evaluation manual of AACCUP for teacher education the following were the strength, weakness and recommendation.

Table 3 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Curriculum and InstructionStrengths 1. The curriculum provides opportunities to qualified HRM students to undergo On-the-Job Training (OJT) outside the country. 2. The establishment of hostel and other HRM facilities enable students to develop skills in managing hotel and restaurants. 3. A uniform format of the syllabus is used by HRM faculty. Weaknesses 1. The curriculum in the program has not been revised. Recommendations 1. Revisions of the BS HRM curriculum to comply with E.O. No. 358 in accordance with the revised CHED Memo Order No. 30s, 2006 is strongly recommended.

3. The content of course syllabus that is being used in each subject is not updated.

3. Course syllabi may be improved by following the course specifications reflected in CMO No. 30 s. 2006. Updating of the list of references/ supplementary readings and inclusions of topics for research and evaluation measures may also be done.

4. There is a uniform system of evaluation and grading. 5. Faculty members are encouraged to attend relevant training and seminars. 6. There is a strong administrative support for effective instruction through proper monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance. 7. Relevant instructional materials to be used by the BS HRM faculty and students are inadequate. 8. Research and other tracer studies are not conducted. 7. Encourage HRM faculty to produce and use adequate and relevant instructional materials that are varied and multi-sensory. 8. Faculty and students need to conduct researches to determine the employability rate and performance of the faculty and students, respectively. 9. The administration is encouraged to give recognition for outstanding achievements of faculty such as The Best Teacher Award. 10. Consortia and linkages with other institutions are encouraged for academic exchange of instructional materials. 11. Partnership with local and foreign agencies may be formalized through Memorandum of Agreement. 12. Encourage the use of varied evaluation instruments to assess the

9. System of award and recognition for outstanding achievement of faculty are not done. 10. Consortia and linkages with local and foreign agencies/ institutions are limited. 11. Memorandum of Agreement with partner institutions is not formalized. 12. Evaluation instruments in the lecture and laboratory subjects are

not varied types.

13. Teaching strategies and methodologists used by the teachers are still the conventional method.

knowledge and skills of the students. Assessment for individual differences and multiple intelligences is strongly recommended. 13. HRM faculty may vary their methods and techniques in teaching to develop students higher order thinking skills. The use of current alternative instructional delivery system is also encouraged.

According to Curriculum and Instruction, based on the strength, weaknesses and recommendations of Table3, the area of curriculum and instruction with strength of having a curriculum that provides opportunities to qualified HRM students to undergo On-the-Job training (OJT) outside the country based on AACCUP and with a weakness having a curriculum that are not being reused strongly recommend to revise the BS HRM curriculum to comply with E.O. No. 358 in accordance with the revised CHED Memorandum Order No. 30. s, 2006. The college has a uniform format of syllabus but the course syllabus that is being used in each subject Students Area The AACCUP Evaluation Instrument for Area IV: Students include 6 areas of concern to wit: Administration and Organization, Admission and Retention, Student Services, Co-curricular Programs and Services, Guidance Program and Services, Additional information/exhibits. Table 4 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Students AreaStrengths 1. Student organizations were present at the college Weaknesses 1. Lacking of knowledge in terms of proper leading of an organization Recommendations 1. Attend some seminars concerning to leadership.

2. Competitive students. 3. Outstanding achievers in cocurricular activities are recognized by the college in the form of privileges, and other forms of incentives. 4. A system of students recruitment, selection, admission and retention was established. 5. The Student Support Unit (SPP) offers of the services needed by the students. 6. Program of activities is supported by parents and administration. 7. Scholarship program and grants are evident to assist the needs of deserving students.

2. Lacking of facilities in improving and developing students skills. 3. Some of faculty members are not following the grading system in giving incentives and privileges to outstanding students. 4. Budget Allocation for implementation of the Students Service Program. 5. Graduated tracer study is not conducted. 6. Alumni available. Directory is not

2. Give attention in investing physical facilities and equipment. 3. Faculty members must always be informed by the college dean to implement a standard grading system in giving incentives and privileges to outstanding students. 4. Allocate to a higher budget for the implementation of activities designed by the SSU. 5. Conduct of graduate of tracer study is strongly recommended to determine the status of BS HRM Graduates. 6. A separate Alumni Directory for the BS HRM graduates is necessary. 7. Provide evidence that test results in students needs, problems and profile are being used in the design and implementation of students activities. 8. Establish policies and guidelines in the selection of grantees from the indigenous group and handicapped persons. 9. Procure supplies and materials for the Health Services Office. 10. Regularly monitor and evaluate the student programs and activities of the BSU.

7. Test results in designing students activities are not utilized.

8. The university provides the necessary facilities to ensure the welfare of the students. 9. 10.

8. Policies and guidelines in the selection and retention of grantees from the indigenous group and handicapped persons are not established. 9. Supplies and materials in the Health Services Office are few. 10. The students services program and activities are not regularly.

The report on the first survey visit on the BSHRM program of the College of Home Economics revealed the commendable strengths on the area of students. This information has encouraged more involvement in various education programs of the College of Home Economics of the university. Another strength of the program concern the provision of incentives/privileges granted outstanding student achievers in various co-curricular activities as well as curricular activities. Citings on Table 4, BSHRM students of the college are competitive and are diligent in their field of learning but it is not enough that only the students giving prioritize to improve

their study. The college must improve and develop students skills by providing them outstanding and equipped facilities. According to the Students Area based on the strengths, weaknesses and recommendations on Table 4, a systematic recruitment, selection, admission and retention for students have been established and the program of activities are supported by parents and administration. The University provides the necessary facilities to ensure the welfare of the students. In terms of scholarship program and grants, they are evident to assist the needs of deserving students but then, the test results in designing students needs, problems and profile that are being used in designing and implementing students activities.

Research is another area in which the team appreciated the increased in the number of faculty members engaged in research work. In fact, based on the previous visit by the AACCUP, this area is one of the most needed improvements.

Table 5 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of ResearchStrengths 1. The University Research Unit is managed by competent, capable and accommodating head and the College Research Unit is managed by qualified coordinator. 2. There is a concerted effort to come up with a draft of the Research Manual for the College of Home Economics which contains specific guidelines and procedures for the internal administration/ operation and conduct of research activities. 3. There is an evidence of active participation of stake holders in Weaknesses Recommendations

the formulation of research agenda identified as the institutional thrusts and priorities. 4.

4. The presentation on how the research agenda of the University and College of Home Economics relate with the institutional, regional and national priorities of government and other agencies has not been improved.


5. The Research Unit of the College of Home Economics lacks facilities and equipment like computer, printer, duplicating machine, internet, statistical software and other ICT resources.


6. The administration allocated meager funds for the University Research Unit, no separate funds were allotted for the College of Home Economics for them to plan and implement their own research activities in the College. 7. Research result to institutional development, improvement of instructional processes and transfer of generated technology to the community are not utilized. 8. Documents presented are not signed by authorities concerned.

4. A matrix showing how the research agenda of the University and College of Home Economics relate with the institutional, regional and national priorities of government and other agencies could be constructed. Likewise, supporting documents along this area may be labeled based on the AACCUP instrument. 5. Administration may consider allocation of funds to furnish the Research Unit of the College of Home Economics with facilities and equipment like computer, printer, duplicating machine, internet, statistical software and other ICT resources for them effectively carry out the objectives of the research programs of the University in general and CHE in particular. 6. The administration may consider allocating more funds for the university research unit, and separate funds for the College of Home Economics, for them to plan and implement their own research activities in the College. 7. Proper documentation could improve implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all research activities. 8. Utilize research result as inputs institutional development, improvement of instructional processes and transfer of generated technology to the community. Documents relative to the utilization of research 9. All documents to be considered valid and reliable should be signed by all authorities concerned.




9. Documents for the dissemination and publication of research results are very limited.

As showed in Table 5, the presentation on how the agenda of the university and the college of Home Economics related with the institutional, regional, and national priorities

of government and other agencies has not been improved, so the recommendation is it must be conducted with the supporting documents that must be labeled based on the AACUUP instrument. The research unit of the College of Home Economics lacks facilities and equipment like computer, printer, duplicating machine, internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources. At a gleam of the AACCUP report they observed the improvement on the number of faculty who engaged in research work, allocated funds and the established Research Development Office for the College of Home Economics. On the other hand, research office should be provided with the adequate facilities. The group recommended creating a Committee to review and evaluate the outputs, and the creation of Board of Editors. An institutional standard format or style on research report is also recommended. These are the priorities of the college to remedy the needed improvements on Research. The College Research Unit is managed by qualified coordinator while the University Research is managed by competent, capable and accommodating head. Also there is a concerted effort to come up with a draft of the Research Manual for the College of Home Economics which contains specific guidelines and procedures for the internal administration/ operation and conduct of research activities. Especially, there is an evidence of active participation of stakeholders in the formulation of research agenda in identified as the institutional thrusts and priorities.

The Administration allocated meager funds for the University Research Unit but no separate funds for the College of Home Economics, thus, they must consider allocating more and separate funds for the College of Home Economics for them to plan and

implement their own research activities in the College. There is lack in documentation in all research activities and it is recommended to have a proper documentation of these things to improve the implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The research results to institutional development, improvement of instructional processes and transfer of generated technology to the community are not utilized. It is important to be utilized so that the documents relative to the utilization of research results could be compiled properly for easy access when needed. All documents presented are not signed by authorities concerned. In line with this, it should be signed by all authorities concerned to be considered valid and reliable. Documents for the dissemination and publication of research results are very limited. It is recommended to give due consideration in order to fully disseminate research results.

Extension and Community Involvement This area shows the relationship of the University to its clientele or the community it serves. Table 6 Status of BSHRM Program in terms Extension and Community InvolvementStrengths 1. The University Extension Unit is managed by competent, capable, committed, and dedicated head and the College Extension Unit is managed by highly qualified coordinator. 2. The involvement of the administration, faculty, and community in the planning, and Weaknesses 1. Benchmarking activities to determine the problems, needs, and resources, of the community where the target clientele live are not conducted. Recommendations 1. Benchmarking activities could help the College determine the problems, needs, and resources of the community where the target clientele live. This will facilitate formulation of research agenda for the College in particular and University in general. 2. Funds could be allotted to equip the extension unit of the College of Home Economics with

2. Although the Extension Unit of the College of Home Economics is distinct and equipped with

implementation of the extension program of the University is very impressive. The pictures on display in the extension office speak of the proper implementation of the extension program. The people who were interviewed manifested their enthusiastic support to the extension program and the benefits they derived from the different extension activities of the College of Home Economics through the coordination of the University Extension Unit. 3. There is enough evidence to show that the extension program and activities of the College served varied clientele or groups.

facilities and equipment like computer and printer, there is still a need to equip it with internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources.

internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources.

4. The involvement of government and non-government agencies in providing funds for the different extension activities of the University is very apparent. This was made possible through the able leadership of the head of the Extension Unit. 5. Majority of the faculty members in the BSHRM were involved in extension activities.

3. While the administration allocated meager funds for the University Extension Unit, no separate funds were allotted for the College of Home Economics for them to plan and implement their own extension activities in the College. 4. Documentation of all extension activities is wanting.

3. The administration may consider allocation of more funds for the University Extension Unit and allotment of separate funds for the College of home Economics for them to plan and implement their own extension activities in the College. 4. Documentation of all extension activities could be done to facilitate accomplishment of narrative reports for all extension activities conducted.

5. The Extension Unit of the University is undermanned.

6. Documents that are valid and reliable are not signed by authorities concerned. 7. An accomplishment report for a better picture of how extension activities were planned, implemented, monitored, and evaluated is not comprehensive. 8. Improvement of the monitoring and evaluating scheme of the College of Home Economics.

5. In order to attain quality and effectiveness in delivering extension activities to the target clientele, if possible, the administration could hire additional staff for the University Extension Unit. 6. Documents to be considered valid and reliable should be signed by all authorities concerned. 7. Accomplishment report should be prepared comprehensively to provide a better picture of how extension activities were planned, implemented, monitored, and evaluated. 8. The College of Home Economics may consider designing a better scheme of monitoring and evaluating the different extension activities undertaken. It may conduct a research focused on the Impact

9. Provision of packaged technologies is wanting. 10. There is so much to be desired in the filing system of the extension unit of the college.

of the Extension Program of the College of Home Economics on the Quality of Life of the Clientele. 9. Develop a package for every technology transferred to the clientele. 10. Improve the filing system of the extension unit of the college by following the items specified in the AACCUP instrument. Further, make a list of all supporting documents for the different areas and file these properly.

According to Extension and Community Involvement, based on Table 6, the University Extension Unit is managed by competent, capable, committed, and dedicated head and the College Extension Unit is managed by highly qualified coordinator but they are not conducting benchmarking activities that can determine the problems, needs, and resources of the community. Therefore, in order to determine it where the target clientele live, they must facilitate formulation of research agenda for the College in particular and University in general. The involvement of the administration, faculty, and community in the planning, and implementation of the extension program of the University is very impressive. The pictures on display in the extension office speak of the proper implementation of the extension program. The people who were interviewed manifested their enthusiastic support to the extension program and the benefits they derived from the different extension activities of the College of Home Economics through the coordination of the University Extension Unit. Although the Extension Unit of the College of Home Economics is distinct and equipped with facilities and equipment like computer and printer, there is still a need to equip it with internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources. As a recommendation,

the college must allotted funds to equip the extension unit of the College of Home Economics with internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources. There is enough evidence to show that the extension program and activities of the College served varied clientele or groups but then, there are no separate funds were allotted for the College of Home Economics for them to plan and implement their own extension activities. The reason is that the administration allocated meager funds for University Extension Unit. The administration may consider allocation of more funds for the University Extension Unit and allotment of separate funds for the College of home Economics for them to plan and implement their own extension activities in the College. The involvement of government and non-government agencies in providing funds for the different extension activities of the University is very apparent. This was made possible through the able leadership of the head of the Extension Unit. Against that, the documentation of all extension activities is wanting. As a recommendation, they must have the documentation of all extension activities to facilitate and accomplishment of narrative reports for the conducted extension activities. Majority of the faculty members in the BSHRM were involved in extension activities but the Extension Unit of the University is undermanned. In order to attain quality and effectiveness in delivering extension activities to the target clientele, if possible, the administration could hire additional staff for the University Extension Unit.

Documents that are valid and reliable are not signed by authorities concerned. Therefore, it must signed by all authorities concerned in order to be valid and reliable. An accomplishment report for a better picture of how extension activities were planned,

implemented, monitored, and evaluated is not comprehensive, so that the College must prepared an accomplishment report to provide a better picture of how extension activities were planned, implemented, monitored, and evaluated. The College must improve the monitoring and evaluating scheme of College of Home Economics. As a recommendation, they must consider and focus in designing a better scheme. Provision of packaged technologies is one thing thats why the College must develop a package for every technology transferred to the clientele. The College has so much to be desired in filing system of the Extension Unit. Therefore, they must improve the filing system of the extension unit of the college by following the items specified in the AACCUP instrument. Further, make a list of all supporting documents for the different areas and file these properly. Library On the area of library, the institution provides facilities, services, and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission. The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources. The institution provides a sufficient number of qualified staffwith appropriate education or experiences in library and/or other learning/information resourcesto accomplish the mission of the institution. Table 7 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of LibraryStrengths 1. The library is well-lighted, well-ventilated conducive to Weaknesses Recommendations

learning. 2. The library is strategically located and is accessible to students, faculty and other clientele. 3. The library adopts a system which provides faculty, students, and other users greater access to its collection and services. 4. The library maintains an extensive Filipiniana collection. 5. Designated librarian is not a Registered and Masters degree holder in Library Science. 6. Library linkages are minimal. 5. The designated librarian must pursue Masters in Library Science and encourage taking the Board Examination for Librarians. 6. Strengthen linkages to local and international funding agencies, embassies to enrich present collection. 7. Subscription to at least 3-5 titles of professional journals or internationally referred journals under the program being evaluated is highly recommended. 8 Continuous acquisition of print, non-print, digital and electronic resources for every major field of specialization is suggested. 9. Library newsletter may be prepared and published every semester to update users/clientele of the activities and accomplishment of the library. 10. The library hours should increase from 40 hours a week to at least 60 hours per week to meet set standards for a university.

7. Professional journals/periodicals of foreign and local publications under the program being evaluated are limited. 8. Library holdings are inadequate.

9. Preparation and publication of library newsletter is missing.

10. Library services are available for only 40 hours a week which is less than the requirement set by AACCUP/CHED standards at least 54 hours per week for a college or 60 hours for a university. 11. Limited space for work, staff, and reading areas.

11. Space expansion for work, staff, and specially reading areas in order to accommodate at least 10-15% of the total school enrollment at any given time. 12. Enhancement for the services on indexing, abstracting, subject bibliography making and vertical file collection is highly recommended.

Table 7 on the area Library shows that the facility of library was sufficient standard library set by accrediting body. The College of Home Economics Library had accomplished a lot of task for the school year 2010, but still striving harder to offer our clientele the best resources and services we can to help them in their research and studies. The library is well-lighted, well-ventilated, strategically located and is accessible to students, faculty, and other clientele; it also adopts a system which provides them to have a greater access to its collection and services. Includes here is the maintaining of an extensive Filipiniana collection. The designated librarian of College of Home Economics is not a Registered and Masters degree holder in Library Science. Therefore, the librarian must pursue Masters in Library Science and encourage taking the Board Examination. Because of minimal library linkages, the library must strengthen the linkages to local and international funding agencies, embassies to enrich present collection. Professional Journals/Periodicals of foreign and local publications under the program being evaluated are limited thats why it is recommended to have a subscription to at least 3-5 titles of professional journals or internationally referred Journals. Because of inadequate in library holdings, it is suggested to have the continuous acquisition of print, non-print, digital and electronic resources for every major field of specialization. For the presence of library newsletter, it must be prepared and published every semester to update users/clientele of the activities and accomplishment of the library. The library services are available for only 40 hours a week which is less than the requirement set by AACCUP/CHED standards of 60 hours per week, and to meet set standards for a university, it must be increased from 40 hours to at least 60 hours per week. In terms of

space for work, staff and reading areas, it is recommended to have a space expansion to accommodate at least 10-15% of the total school enrollment at any given time.

Physical Plant and Facilities The and institution operates maintains physical facilities, both on and off campus, that are adequate to serve the needs of the institutions educational programs, support services, and other mission-related activities. Table 8 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Physical Plant and FacilitiesStrengths 1. The institution is located in a strategic place where commercial and residential areas are just a stones throw away from it. 2. It is accessible to public transportation. 3. State of the art offices in the administrative building. 4. The waste management program is one most admired since it helps the institution in keeping the surroundings clean. 5. The building is new, no sign of vandalism. Weaknesses 1. The lab rooms are used as classrooms. 2. The use of Classrooms. 3. The students center and students lounge are too small for the student population. 4. The Medical Clinic & Dental Clinic is not refurbished. Recommendations 1. Maximize the use of laboratory room not as classroom. 2. Additional center and lounge for students may be considered. 3. Emergency/fire escapes and fire alarm should be provided. 4. Install elevator to meet the building code standard, if funds permit. 5. Where classrooms divisions have been done, division may be extended up to the ceiling, thereby reducing the noise from the other room. 6. Provision of two exhaust fan for every lecture room as well as laboratory room to improve the room ventilation. 7. All laboratory rooms and even lecture rooms should have two doors. 8. All lecture rooms; most especially lab rooms may be tiled to improve the room ambience. 9. Improve the water system and sink in the lab rooms. 10. Provision of faculty lounge and installation of an airconditioning unit in the faculty

6. The corridors, doorways in all floors are free/clear from any disturbances that facilitate movements. 7. Cleanliness is maintained in all floors, classrooms are free from cluttered paper. 8. All offices are strategically located inside the campus.

room may be considered. 11. Repairing of the medical clinic and dental clinic may be done.

According to Table 8, the strength of the physical plant and facilities, the instruction is located in a strategic peace where commercial and residential areas are just stones throw away from it and it is accessible to public transportation. It also has state of the art offices in the administrative building and the waste management program is one of the most admired since it helps the institution in keeping the surroundings clean. They found out that the building is new and no sign of vandalism but they recommend to install elevator to meet the building code standard, if funds permit. The corridors, doorways in all floors are free/clear from any disturbances that facilitate movements but they recommend having two doors in all laboratories and even lecture rooms. All offices are strategically located inside the campus but some facilities are not refurbished like the Medical and Dental Clinic. They recommend the repainting of these facilities. Weakness like the lab rooms are used as classrooms are recommended to maximize the use of it as lab rooms only. They also recommended extending up the division to the ceiling in all classrooms to prevent the noise from other rooms. In addition with this is the provision of two exhaust fans for every lecture room as well as laboratory room to improve the room ventilation. The students center and students lounge are too small so they advise to add a bigger one that is proportionate to students population. They also added the provision of emergency/fire escapes and fire alarms plus the provision of faculty lounge and installation of an air-conditioning unit in the faculty room.


The and institution operates maintains laboratories for subjects such as Culinary Kitchen, Baking Facilities and Baking Facilities Table 9 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of LaboratoryStrengths 1. All science laboratories are adequately ventilated and lighted. 2. Machines and other equipment are properly maintained and monitored to ensure that they are well functioning Weaknesses 1. Laboratory supplies equipment of HRM are few. and Recommendations 1. Procure additional stainless steel cooking utensils for longer and lasting use. 2. Post safety devices and measures inside the Lab room.

2. Laboratory rooms do not meet the required size and standards to conform to the minimum requirements of CHED.

3. Install fire Extinguishers in all Laboratory room. 4. Make available a first aid kit may be placed in laboratory room for emergency purposes. 5. Provide exhaust fans in all laboratory rooms. 6. Construct additional doors for each laboratory room.

Based on table 9, Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Laboratory revealed the lamentable weakness on the area of Laboratory. For instance, the report validated the relatively inadequate facilities of the laboratories and the supplies and equipment of HRM also laboratory rooms do not meet the required size and standards to conform to the minimum requirements of CHED. Supplies and equipment of laboratories are properly maintained but the number of it was few, and so the college must produce additional stainless steel cooking utensils for longer and lasting use. The posting of safety devices and measures such as installation of first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and the construction of additional doors in all laboratories must prioritized by the college. This information has encouraged more attachment in different laboratory development programs of the College of Home. Economics of the university

Administration The AACCUP evaluation instrument for the administration of the program covers the following concerns: Organization, Academic Administration, Student/Personnel Administration, Institutional Planning and Development, Performance of Administrative Personnel, Additional information/Exhibit. Table 10 Status of BSHRM Program in terms of Administration

Strengths 1. The University has a regularly updated, well defined and functional organizational structure that jibes with the fast pace of time. 2. Ensuring quality and academic excellence is foremost among the University officials who unselfishly devote their time and share their talents and sills towards the attainment of the VMGOs, as evidenced by their all-out support to this worthy endeavor of accreditation. 3. The College of Home Economics is headed by the Dean who meets the minimum Educational Requirement.

Weaknesses 1. There is a need to improve the presentation of the Deans Supervisory Program.

2. The following were not properly prepared: PES of the non-teaching staff Minutes of the faculty meeting.

3. The following documents are not yet ready: a. Guidelines on the proper usage and maintenance of facilities, b. Proper documentation of income generating projects or activities with proper accounting, c. printed bulletin for information particularly in the College of home Economics, d. Documents showing and staff act promptly on the request of students. 4. There is no security of records since the office is merged with other offices,

Recommendations 1. If feasible, the administration may consider allocating distinct and separate budget for the College of Home Economics for them to be able to carry out effectively and efficiently their mission, goals and objectives. 2. Although the Dean of the college meets the minimum required educational attainment, she may still consider pursuing her doctorate degree. This will encourage and motivate the rest to do the same, and by doing so it will improve the faculty profile of the college and the University as whole. 3. It is suggested that the finalization of the update d University Code be fast racked to avoid gray areas in the implementation of its general rules.

4. The faculty demonstrates total commitment and fill cooperation to the college as evidenced by the superbly packaged and appropriately labeled documents. 5. The unwavering dedication of the faculty members are well remunerated with the implementation of the following: (Only a few SUCs are able to do this) NBC 461 2nd and 3rd Cycle Workload Policy where excess in of 18 unit load, there is a cash equivalent depending on academic rank. 30 hrs. work of the faculty Tokens are given to loyalty awardees and others. 6. The Deans are empowered through the Council of Deans who meets monthly to monitor the status of the Development Plan.

5. The budget for the college was not spelled out.

4. For a more effective and efficient management of the college, the Dean may consider preparing a more comprehensive Supervisory Program to include the functions stated in the University Code. 5. For the PES to be used as guide for administrative actions to improve performance and delivery of services, care maybe used in its preparation so as to come up with a more valid and reliable assessment.

6. The minutes of the faculty meeting can be improve by the following the proper presentation of minutes as embodied in the parliamentary rules. These documents will come handy in the future and serve as a reference for appropriate actions. 7. The facilities of the College must safeguarded, thus guidelines for their proper use and maintenance maybe prepared for everyone to follow.

Perception of the respondents Table 11 Standard Deviation 0.61 0.71 0.69 0.66 0.66 0.59 0.72 Descriptive Interpretati on Good Good Good Good Good Satisfactory Good

I. School Profile 1. Classroom size Lecture Room 2. Laboratory Size Culinary Kitchen Baking Facilities Meal Management 3. Class Size 4. Number of Instructor / Professor 5. Total Number of Enrolled Students

Mean 3.35 2.99 3.00 3.07 3.18 3.65 3.49

Table 11 presents the mean, descriptive interpretation and standard deviation of College of Home Economics students and professors as respondents in terms of Effects of Accreditation of Hotel and Restaurant Management program of Bulacan State University. The researchers got a rating of good with a weighted mean of three point thirty five (3.35) in terms of classroom size, a weighted mean of two point ninety-nine (2.99), two (2.00), and three point seven (3.07) in terms of laboratory size of culinary kitchen, baking facilities, and meal management; three point eighteen (3.18) in terms of class size and three point forty-nine (3.49) in terms of total number of enrolled students but a rating of satisfactory with a weighted mean of three point sixty-five (3.65) in terms of number of instructor / professor which are all under of school profile. Buildings were made of permanent materials and constructed in accordance with existing rules and regulations. It provided adequate space and facilities for faculty and

students use e.g. faculty room, function hall, students lounge, audio visual room, accreditation rooms, etc. Table 12 Enrollment Status of BSHRM of the College of Home Economics Semester 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st School Year 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 2010-2011 2010-2011 2011-2012 1st Year 286 291 328 342 331 358 288 301 274 2nd Year 275 267 309 305 333 322 355 330 293 3rd Year 160 151 280 272 317 302 317 341 345 4th Year 123 80 157 130 287 250 309 311 362 Total 844 789 1074 1049 1268 1232 1269 1298 1274

A review of the enrollment status of BSHRM of the college (Table 12) clearly shows an increasing trend. This trend may also be attributed to other factor other than being the result of accreditation efforts. One possible factor could be the greater awareness of the students in pursuing a course treaty to the growing industry. According to Table 12, in the first semester school year 2007-2008, eight fortyfour (844) students was enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management course of the College of Home Economics (BulSU). In the second semester seven percent (7%) decrease was found in the number of enrollees which is seven hundred eighty-nine (789). A large increase was happened in the first semester of S.Y. 2008-2009 which thirty (30%) increase in the previous semester. In the second semester two percent (2%) decrease in the number of enrollment occurred. Seventeen percent (17%) increase of enrollees ensued in the first semester S.Y. 2009-2010, about three percent (3%) decrease occurred in the second semester. An increase of three percent (3%) in the number of

enrollees in the first semester S.Y. 2010-2011, two percent (2%) increase in the second semester. And two percent (2%) decrease in the first semester S.Y. 2011-2012. Table 13 II. Facilities 1.Electrical Outlet / Lighting 2. Ventilation / Exhaust Fans 3. Provision of Entrance and Exit 4. Sinks and Faucets 5.Availability of Water Supply 6. Equipment for Cooking 7.Tools for Cooking 8.Cooking Area 9.Food Preservation and Preparation Area 10. Others Mean 3.24 2.62 2.83 2.98 2.91 2.84 2.71 2.98 2.83 2.45 Standard Deviation 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.74 0.97 0.86 0.61 0.74 0.77 0.88 Descriptive Interpretation Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Fair

Table 13 presents the mean, descriptive interpretation and standard deviation of College of Home Economics students and professors as respondents in terms of Effects of Accreditation of Hotel and Restaurant Management program of Bulacan State University. The researchers got a rating of good in terms of electrical outlet and lighting with a mean of three point twenty-four (3.24), a mean of two point sixty-two (2.62) in ventilation or exhaust fans, provision of entrance and exit with two point eighty-three (2.83) mean, sinks and faucets with a mean of two point ninety-eight (2.98), availability of water supply with two point ninety-one (2.91) mean, equipment for cooking, tools for cooking with two point eighty-four (2.84) mean, cooking Area, and food preservation and preparation area with a mean two point seventy-one (2.71).

Table 14 Standard Descriptive

IV. Teaching Strategies A. Teaching Strategies 1. Lecture Method 2.Demonstration Method 3. Project / Laboratory Method 4. Team Teaching 5. Reporting 6. Field Trips

Mean 3.71 3.47 3.54 3.35 3.61 2.68

Deviation 0.62 0.70 0.65 0.74 1.09 0.99

Interpretation Satisfactory Good Good Good Satisfactory Good

Table 14 presents the mean, descriptive interpretation and standard deviation of College of Home Economics students and professors as respondents in terms of Effects of Accreditation of Hotel and Restaurant Management program of Bulacan State University. The researchers got a rating of satisfactory with a weighted mean of three point seventyone (3.71) in terms of lecture method and three point sixty-one (3.61) in terms of reporting. They also got a rating of good in terms of demonstration method with a mean of three point forty-seven (3.47), project/laboratory method with a mean of three point fifty-four (3.54), and field trip with a mean of two point sixty-eight (2.68). According to the table, in terms of lecture method and reporting method, it got an interpretation of satisfactory; others like Demonstration Method, Project / Laboratory Method, Team Teaching, Field Trips and other strategies got a rate of good. The above table goes to show that the college has passing rate for Teaching Strategies but it does also mean that faculty and administrators has to put a lot of efforts to deliver the optimum improvement of the said strategies for the students. Table 15 IV. Teaching Strategies B. Instructional Aids and Materials 1. Chalk / Blackboard 2. Whiteboard / Whiteboard Marker 3. Overhead Projector Mean 2.12 3.32 2.69 Standard Deviation 1.03 0.80 0.94 Descriptive Interpretation Fair Good Good

4. Demonstration table w/ overhead mirror 5. Modules 6.Films 7. Job Sheet

2.80 3.39 2.67 2.65

0.85 0.71 0.91 0.90

Good Good Good Good

Table 15 presents the mean, descriptive interpretation and standard deviation of College of Home Economics students and professors as respondents in terms of Effects of Accreditation of Hotel and Restaurant Management program of Bulacan State University. The researchers got a rating of fair with a weighted mean of two point twelve (2.12) in terms of chalk/blackboard. They got a rating of good in terms of whiteboard with a mean of three point thirty-two (3.32), overhead projector with a mean of two point sixty-nine (2.69), demonstration table with two point eighty mean, modules with a mean of three point thirty-nine (3.39), films with two point sixty-seven mean, and job sheet with.