Chapter 7.4: The Dying Day



Chapter 7.4 of The Absolutely Crazy Matriarchy

Transcript of Chapter 7.4: The Dying Day

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Previously in The Absolutely Crazy Matriarchy:

…“Faceless pretender dims a lightLegacy continues brightProphecy that no-one hearsEvent that every family fearsThe empty heart, the dying dayOne who bleeds shall fade away.”…

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…“I’m in love with your sister. Deeply, ridiculously in love. People who are really in love like that just don’t hurt each other.”

Adam nodded. “Lindsay’s been hurt before. I just wanted to be sure.”

“I’d rather cut off my painting arm than hurt Lindsay. She’s… well, if I believed in soul mates, she’d be mine.”…

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“Hot damn! I’m there!” Rin stepped forward eagerly and faded from sight…

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…“So the prophecy is saying that even though Mother’s gone, the Legacy’s going to go okay?”

“I think so. There are a few pieces that don’t fit, like the unheard prophecy and something else I said about Adam being missing, but I think that that just refers to Adam not being here when Gramma died.”…

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…Parker was indeed running up behind them.

“Get the hell away from my girlfriend, you creep! I don’t care if you’re delusional or not, she’s not yours any more, so get the hell out before I throw you out. A window. THAT IS CLOSED.”…

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

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Two days later…

“Mum! Phone’s ringing!”

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Suze eyed the phone as though it had suddenly sprouted fangs. It wasn’t ringing yet, but it would eventually. Lindsay was never wrong. When it did eventually ring, she was worried that it would be Alejandro again.

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“It’s okay,” said Lindsay as she walked past. “It’s not him. I’d answer, but someone is covered in chocolate and needs a bath.”

Rissa pouted. “No baff!” she squeaked. She seemed too satisfied to be covered in sticky melted chocolate to protest at her usual volume.

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The phone started ringing.

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Suze picked it up gingerly. If it was Alejandro, she could just slam it back down after all.

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“Suze Chandler.”

Suze? It’s Fire.

Suze sagged with relief. “Hi, Fire. Man, is it good to get a phone call that’s not from him.”

I imagine it would be. He’s not your problem any more, by the way. I’ve dealt with it.

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“What’d you do to him?”

Nothing. I just had words with him. Several words. You don’t need to know the details. But he’s promised to leave you guys alone, and there are a few Simselves here who intend to ensure he holds to that promise.

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“Thanks, Fire. Really.”

It’s okay, Suze. This is my job, remember? Just call me if anything else happens. Anything. I’m available 24/7.


Simselves never sleep. Fire chuckled over the line, which made Suze feel much better.

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Suze pressed the off button, and was about to put the phone back down, when she had a sudden idea.

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She dialled a certain, familiar number, and hit ‘connect’. She wanted to celebrate, and there was only one person she could think of who she wanted to celebrate with.

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“Parker Peshterinau.”

“Parker, it’s Suze. Fire just called. She says she’s dealt with Alejandro.”

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Suze heard the crackly noise of Parker inhaling.

“Good. I hope she castrated the bastard.”


“What? He stalked and attacked you, Suze. I’m not apologizing for thinking he’s scum.”

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“I guess I don’t need you to apologize.” Suze smiled. “So I was thinking, maybe we should go out. Get a coffee, go to a bookstore, something like that.”

“Sure. Sounds like something we need. I’ll pick you up… in fifteen minutes?”

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“I have a better idea. Why don’t we just meet somewhere? Like the park. It’ll be nice there.”

“I can’t ask you to come out on your own after what happened, Suze.”

“I don’t have to be on my own. I can bring Maia. We can sit by the river and let her run around and scare the pigeons. It’ll be great.”

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“I guess that’s okay.”

“Great. I’ll meet you there in about half an hour, okay? I need to bribe Lindsay to look after Rissa. We need this, Parker,” she said quietly. “We can have time together.”

“That’s the best damn idea I’ve heard all week.”

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Lindsay emerged from the bathroom, sopping wet and carrying a very clean and cranky Rissa. “Hey, Mum.”

Suze snorted at the sight of the pair of them. Lindsay grinned sheepishly. “Miss Rissy here’s a bit tired and didn’t appreciate being dunked in the tub. Not that she ever appreciates it.”

“No like baff,” muttered Rissa rebelliously.

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“So I’m gonna put her to bed. She needs a nap, obviously.”

Suze nodded. “Linds, I’m about to head off.”

“To meet Parker at the park. Yeah. I can take care of Rissa. I was actually planning on inviting Zack over for a couple hours while you were out, so we could have some alone time. We haven’t seen each other for nearly a week.”

Suze raised an eyebrow. “Spying on my future again?”

“Yup. As always. Go on, go have fun with Parker. We’ll be fine here.”

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“Night-night, Rissa.”

“’Ack coming over?” asked Rissa.

“Yep. You can see him after you’ve had your nap. Which’ll hopefully last a few hours.”


Lindsay kissed Rissa on the top of her head. These toddler things were a lot easier to handle than she’d expected.

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Lindsay turned, and managed to catch Shane the butler before he left the room.

“Shane, you wanna finish up for the day? I’ve got everything covered for now.”

Shane nodded. “Not a problem, Miss. See you tomorrow.”

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“C’mon, Maia! Wanna go to the park?”

Maia’s ears perked up at the word ‘park’.

“Yeah, I thought so. LINDSAY! I’M GOING NOW!” called Suze.


“Okay, okay. Sheesh.”

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Suze headed off, humming happily. A huge weight had been lifted off her, and she was going to see the man she loved. Life couldn’t get better.

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Lindsay picked up the phone and dialled Zack’s number.

“You’ve reached Zack’s phone. Who’s this?”

“You forgotten me already, hot stuff?” asked Lindsay lightly.

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“Lindsay! Man, I thought you’d forgotten me!”

“It’s only been a week, Zack. Besides, I’ve had to deal with Mum’s crazy stalker. Listen, Mum’s out, the butler’s left for the day and Rissa’s asleep. Wanna come on over?”

“Do you even have to ask? I’m walking out the door right now.”

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Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. Lindsay bounded towards the door and flung it open.

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“ZACK! Zackzackzack!” She leaped into his arms. He caught her and chuckled, making her heart sing.

“I guess you didn’t miss me that much,” he said dryly.

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Reluctantly, he set her on her feet.

“’Course I didn’t miss you. Why would I do something stupid like that?” asked Lindsay, her voice lightly teasing.

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“I guess you didn’t miss this, then,” he said, and started kissing her.

Lindsay emitted a surprised ‘meep’, then kissed him back. They stood for a good five minutes on the front step, before breaking apart.

“Guess we better get inside. We might scare the neighbours.”

“Ah, who cares?”

“There are beds inside. As fun as it might be to tear your clothes off on the front step, beds are comfier for the canoodling.”

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“It’s so good to see you, Linds. And your house is amazing.”

“Thanks. We just redecorated the hall here. The new couch is really comfy, and awesome for making out on.”

“We’ll have to test it out, then. And I’ll have to see your bedroom at some stage, of course.” Zack wiggled his eyebrows.

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“I think you’re only interested in one part of my bedroom,” said Lindsay.

“The desk?” said Zack.

“We’re going to have to try that, now, you realise?”

Zack laughed. “I can’t wait.”

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“So we have to keep an eye on your kid sister, huh?”

“Yeah she’s totally zonked now, though. She can sleep for HOURS. So we’re fairly safe. We just need to check in on her every so often.”

Zack grinned. “I think ‘every so often’ isn’t going to be that often. Not if I can help it.”

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Lindsay giggled. “You’re SO bad.”

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“I know.” Zack started kissing Lindsay again. She sighed happily.

“If I could just interrupt the happy-happy romantic slush for five minutes?” asked an unfamiliar female voice from the direction of the front door. “Only I do have some homicide I need to get on with.”

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The two broke apart, and Zack whirled around to face the voice. The front door swung shut behind a tall blonde woman who was eyeing the couple with distaste.

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She was holding a gun and pointing it straight at Lindsay.

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“Who the hell are you?” asked Zack, moving slightly to block Lindsay from her line of sight.

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“A nightmare, boy. I am fear, spite, destruction, hatred. But if you really want to know who I am, just ask your little girlfriend there.”

Lindsay shook her head slowly. “I have no idea who you are.”

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“Oh, but you painted such a nice picture of me! It was really very flattering, even if you forgot my face.”

Lindsay swallowed hard. The blonde woman from the painting. “Faceless pretender,” she said quietly.

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“Hmm? Not a name I’ve heard before. Usually I get ‘bitch’ or ‘homicidal maniac’. Since we’re all such good friends here, you can call me Fury. Though I am rather surprised that you never saw me coming, little seer. Your particular brand of foresight not work like that?”

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“Fury?” Lindsay stared at the blonde woman. She looked a lot like Fire… too much like Fire. There was a thin white scar over one of her unnaturally purple eyes. “You’re FURY?”

“The one and only. As fun as introductions are, I have work to do. Namely extinguishing this Legacy.”

“Do your best,” snapped Zack. Killing us won’t achieve anything.”

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“Oh no? I know the sorry state the family is in. I know that your girlfriend is the only female in the line for at least two generations. Her mother is too old to have more children. Her grandmother is long dead, and her aunt Temperance is as likely to reproduce with that bucket of bolts she made as you two are to see nightfall. So this charade dies with her, and I will have at last proved my superiority to the world.”

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Lindsay glanced quickly at Zack, then away. They both thought the same thing at the same moment – she doesn’t know about Rissa.

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“Really, I’m surprised I left things this late. I ought to have acted sooner, but I’ve always thought it best to wait until the most opportune moment. And it arrived so wonderfully, too. You’d think a family so important as this one would be better protected, wouldn’t you? But here you are, without so much as a magical ward or a sentry. And without that overgrown furball to protect you, you’re utterly defenseless.”

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“Ah-ah-ah, none of that.” Zack had begun edging slightly towards one of the hall doors during her soliloquy. “I’d so hate for you to miss the end.”

“Well, that’s one way to get an audience,” said Zack, more casually than he felt. “Hold a gun on a man and force him to listen to your speech.” This made Fury snicker.

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“I like you, boy. You’ve got balls. But you picked the wrong side in this war.”

“I hate to ask, since it’s obviously what you want me to do,” said Lindsay quietly, rage simmering in her tone, “but why? Why are you so hell-bent on destroying my family? What did we ever do to you?”

Fury sneered.

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“Because I hate you. Because she thinks you’re precious. Because I feel like it. Because, because, because. Reasons don’t matter to a corpse.” She pointed the gun again. “So, tell me, fortune-teller – which one of you dies first? You, or your pretty-boy lover?”

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“Y’know,” Zack interrupted, voice deceptively mild, “I always thought the stories about Simselves being crazy were just rumours. I was right. You’re not just crazy, you’re psychotic. Oh, and you have stupid hair.”

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“I AM NOT A SIMSELF!” Fury’s temper exploded shockingly from cold to boiling. “How DARE you compare me to those idiots! I am fare more powerful than those wannabe demi-losers will ever be!”

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Fury stopped, inhaled, and the rage left her face. “Thank you ever so much, boy. You’ve just made a decision for me.”

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She aimed briefly and shot a bullet directly into Zack’s heart.

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Lindsay never heard the gunshot, or the thump as Zack’s body hit the floor. Her eyes had misted over. The world turned grey as she looked directly into Fury’s mad eyes.

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“Pretender. You will live without a face, you will die without a name. Your greatest triumph shall bring about your greatest fall.”

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“Hmm. Somehow I doubt very much that I’ll get anything but a warm, fuzzy feeling when I shoot you. Buh-bye now.” She fired the gun again.

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Lindsay was thrown back by the impact of the bullet into her abdomen. She crumpled to the ground next to Zack.

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Fury surveyed the dead couple on the floor, then smirked. “Yup, no downfall for me. I guess you made for a pretty pathetic prophet.”

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She walked right out of the door she’d walked right into, without so much as a backward glance at her handiwork.

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On the ground, Lindsay smiled as her heart pumped blood out of the gunshot wound. “Your triumph has yet to come, pretender.” She coughed, and blood bubbled out of her mouth. “This is not the end for you, but it is not the end for us, either.”

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Her eyes closed as she died.

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“Maia, what’s gotten into you?”

The wolfhound had gotten increasingly more and more agitated the closer they got to home. Now she was quivering, as though she wanted to bolt for the front foor, but didn’t want to leave Suze.

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Suze frowned down at Maia as she opened the front door. “Honestly, Maia, we were gone for a few hours, not a week.”

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She smelled the blood as her boot squelched on the rug in front of the door. It was stained bright red.

The bright coppery tang of it made her reel backwards as Maia dashed inside, yipping anxiously. Oh god. Rissa. Lindsay. What’s happened?

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Then she saw the bodies.

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She made a shocked little gasping noise. She stood, paralyzed, staring at the horror before her.

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Maia began to howl.