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List of Publication


List of published and communicated papers

1. B. K. Gupta, U. K. Sarkar, S. K. Bhardwaj and A. Pal (2011). Condition

factor, length-weight relationships and length-length relationships of an

endangered fish Ompok pabda (Hamilton) from river Gomti, a tributary of

river Ganga, India. J. Applied Ichthyology 27, 962-964. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-

0426.2010.01625.x 1-3.

2. U. K. Sarkar, B. K. Gupta & W. S. Lakra (2010) Biodiversity, ecohydrology,

threat status and conservation priority of the freshwater fishes of river Gomti,

a tributary of river Ganga (India) Environmentalist 30 (1) 3-17. DOI


3. Brij Kishor Gupta, U. K. Sarkar, S. K. Bharadwaj & W. S. Lakra (2011).

Reproductive biology of an endangered catfish Ompok pabda (Siluriformes:

Siluridae) in Gomti River, a tributary of river Ganga (India). J. Applied

Ichthyology (Accepted).

4. R. Sani, B.K. Gupta, U.K Sarkar, V.K.Dubey, A. Pandey, W. S. Lakra

(2010). Length weight relationships of 14 Indian freshwater fish species from

the Betwa (Yamuna River tributary) and Gomti (Ganga River tributary) rivers.

J. Applied Ichthyology 26, 456-459 doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2009.01388.x.

5. U. K. Sarkar, B. K. Gupta, D. D. Patra, A. Pandey, A. Ghosh, S. K. Bhardwaj

and W. S. Lakra (2010) Identification of Priority Habitat using Otolith Trace

Metal Profile in Two Threatened Fish species of Genus Ompok (Siluridae) in

River Ganga basin, India. (Communicated).

6. Braj Kishor Gupta, Uttam Kumar Sarkar and Sanjay Kumar Bharadwaj

(2011) Assessment of habitat quality with relation to fish assemblages in an

impacted river of Ganges basin, India. (Communicated)

7. Braj Kishor Gupta, Uttam Kumar Sarkar and Sanjay Kumar Bharadwaj

(2011) Analysis of morphometric characters and population dynamics of

Ompok pabda (Hamilton, 1822) from Gomti River of Uttar Pradesh, India.


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Major and minor carps (Family: Cyprinidae)

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Cat Fishes (Family: Bagridae, Silurdae, Schilbeidae)

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Featherbacks (Family: Notopteridae)

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Glass fishes (Family: Chandidae)

Eels (Family: Mastacembelidae)

Clupeids (Family: Clupeidae), Mullets (Family: Mugilidae) and Gobies (Family: Gobiidae)

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Small fishes

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Invasive species

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Diversity of habitat types in river Gomti

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Field activities