Chapter 237 July 2015 Newsletter

July: —————————–——————— July 20 th to 26 th - Oshkosh EAA Fly-in July 23 rd - Annual chapter spaghetti dinner at the EAA AirVenture campsite! 6pm. Everyone is welcome to enjoy good food and good conversation! If you’re at AirVenture 2015 make plans on attending this “must do” event! July 27 th - Chapter 237 Meeting. Social hour and food starting at 6pm. Meeting at 7pm. Presentations by AirVenture attendees at 8pm. July 28 th - The EAA B-17 will be returning for flight operations and ground tours. Two full flights have already been booked! August: ———————————————–——————— Aug 2 nd - Chapter fly out to the Milaca Fly-in. Camping on airport Saturday night. Aug 6 th - 7PM Board meeting to prep for Fly-ins. Aug 14 th - 8PM Setup for Chapter Pancake Breakfast at Forest Lake Airport Aug 15 th - 7AM to 11AM Chapter Pancake breakfast. 6AM prep, 4PM tear down. We need volunteers! Aug 22 nd - AOPA Regional Fly-In Chapter 237 is doing the Pancake Breakfast. All we need to do is make and serve breakfast starting at 6AM, all other duties by AOPA crew. Please consider submitting an article for next month. To do so please contact, your newsletter editor, Becky at [email protected] By Robert Heavirland Just when I thought the summer was moving along fast, it got faster! Oshkosh starts tomorrow and many of our members are already there and some aircraft. We will have our spaghetti feed in the campground on Thursday evening around 6:00PM. The campsite is South of Lindberg Ave. between 36 & 37th, hopefully rebuilt after the windstorm the morning of the 18th. Reminder of upcoming events: Monday the 27th will be our chapter meeting and cleanup after Oshkosh. Program will be sharing of stories from the past week at Oshkosh. August 15th is our Chapter Pancake Breakfast at Forest Lake, setup will be the Friday night before. All hands will be needed for Pedal planes, Aqua Jet, Breakfast, and Young Eagles. August 22nd is the AOPA Fly-in and we are doing breakfast along with help from Chapter 25. We will also be selling pop and helping HQ at an EAA Tent. AOPA will be using our chapter building for seminars so a lot going on. This is good exposure and a good fund raiser for the Chapter. Thanks in advance for all who can help. Fly safe and see you at Oshkosh! Bob Heavirland Becky and myself (Randy) are making some life changing decisions. We have decided to sell our lakehome and move to North Carolina closer to my family. If you know anyone who is looking for a great lakehome please feel free to tell them about it. Click Here to see this listing. Once our home sells, the chapter will need to fill these positions: Chapter Secretary (Elected board position. Elections are this year so not much term left to serve.) Webmaster (for updating the chapter website content) Hostmaster (for making all the changes to the membership email and ensuring website hosting and domains are active) Social Media Coordinator (Making sure Facebook and YouTube web pages are working and kept updated. Also monitor postings for content and controlling admin access to helpers) Newsletter Editor (Volunteer should be able to use the desktop publishing program Microsoft Publisher) Media Liaison (Main contact for contacting and being contacted by the local and national media. I think Kirk is taking this role on?) Movie Night Host (Movie night AV host to setup & show movies) CHAPTER MEETING - 6 PM Monday, July 27 th 2015 Located at: 8891 Airport Rd NE Blaine, MN 55449 We hope to see you there! Next video/movie night is Sunday August 9 th , 2015 5pm - 7pm Videos and EAA HQ videos 7pm - 9pm MAIN FEATURE Movie Take a moment and return to the golden days of the theater. Come and help choose from some great movie choices along with plenty of videos to watch beforehand. If you would like to bring a lawn chair to relax in you may. If you would like to bring some food or beverages you may certainly do so. If you just want to enjoy a movie without bringing anything that is fine as well. What will August’s movie be? Come by and find out! Haven’t attended yet...what’s keeping you?


Just when I thought the summer was moving along fast, it got faster! Oshkosh starts tomorrow and many of our members are already there and some aircraft. We will have our spaghetti feed in the campground on Thursday evening around 6:00PM. The campsite is South of Lindberg Ave. between 36 & 37th,

Transcript of Chapter 237 July 2015 Newsletter

Page 1: Chapter 237 July 2015 Newsletter

July: —————————–———————

July 20th to 26th - Oshkosh EAA Fly-in

July 23rd - Annual chapter spaghetti dinner at

the EAA AirVenture campsite! 6pm. Everyone

is welcome to enjoy good food and good conversation! If you’re at

AirVenture 2015 make plans on attending this “must do” event!

July 27th - Chapter 237 Meeting. Social hour and food starting at

6pm. Meeting at 7pm. Presentations by AirVenture attendees at 8pm.

July 28th - The EAA B-17 will be returning for flight operations and

ground tours. Two full flights have already been booked!

August: ———————————————–———————

Aug 2nd - Chapter fly out to the Milaca Fly-in. Camping on airport

Saturday night.

Aug 6th - 7PM Board meeting to prep for Fly-ins.

Aug 14th - 8PM Setup for Chapter Pancake Breakfast at Forest

Lake Airport

Aug 15th - 7AM to 11AM Chapter Pancake breakfast. 6AM

prep, 4PM tear down. We need volunteers!

Aug 22nd - AOPA Regional Fly-In Chapter 237 is doing the Pancake

Breakfast. All we need to do is make and serve breakfast starting at

6AM, all other duties by AOPA crew.

Please consider submitting an article for next month. To do so please contact, your newsletter editor, Becky at [email protected]

By Robert Heavirland

Just when I thought the summer was moving along

fast, it got faster! Oshkosh starts tomorrow and

many of our members are already there and some


We will have our spaghetti feed in the campground on Thursday

evening around 6:00PM. The campsite is South of Lindberg Ave.

between 36 & 37th, hopefully rebuilt after the windstorm the

morning of the 18th.

Reminder of upcoming events:

Monday the 27th will be our chapter meeting and cleanup after

Oshkosh. Program will be sharing of stories from the past week at


August 15th is our Chapter Pancake Breakfast at Forest Lake, setup

will be the Friday night before. All hands will be needed for Pedal

planes, Aqua Jet, Breakfast, and Young Eagles.

August 22nd is the AOPA Fly-in and we are doing breakfast along

with help from Chapter 25. We will also be selling pop and helping

HQ at an EAA Tent. AOPA will be using our chapter building for

seminars so a lot going on. This is good exposure and a good fund

raiser for the Chapter. Thanks in advance for all who can help.

Fly safe and see you at Oshkosh!

Bob Heavirland

Becky and myself (Randy) are making some life changing decisions.

We have decided to sell our lakehome and move to North Carolina

closer to my family. If you know anyone who is looking for a great

lakehome please feel free to tell them about it.

Click Here

to see this


Once our home sells, the chapter will need to fill these positions:

Chapter Secretary (Elected board position. Elections are this year

so not much term left to serve.)

Webmaster (for updating the chapter website content)

Hostmaster (for making all the changes to the membership email

and ensuring website hosting and domains are active)

Social Media Coordinator (Making sure Facebook and YouTube

web pages are working and kept updated. Also monitor postings for

content and controlling admin access to helpers)

Newsletter Editor (Volunteer should be able to use the desktop

publishing program Microsoft Publisher)

Media Liaison (Main contact for contacting and being contacted

by the local and national media. I think Kirk is taking this role on?)

Movie Night Host (Movie night AV host to setup & show movies)

CHAPTER MEETING - 6 PM Monday, July 27

th 2015

Located at:

8891 Airport Rd NE Blaine, MN 55449

We hope to see you there!

Next video/movie night is Sunday August 9th

, 2015

5pm - 7pm Videos and EAA HQ videos

7pm - 9pm MAIN FEATURE Movie

Take a moment and return to the golden days of the theater. Come

and help choose from some great movie choices along with plenty

of videos to watch beforehand. If you would like to bring a lawn

chair to relax in you may. If you would like to bring some food or

beverages you may certainly do so. If you just want to enjoy a

movie without bringing anything that is fine as well. What will

August’s movie be? Come by and find out!

Haven’t attended yet...what’s keeping you?

Page 2: Chapter 237 July 2015 Newsletter

Registration is required, and space is limited. Sign up at:

Date—- Time—- Webinar Subject———

7/29/15 7 pm Top Propeller Designs

Craig Catto will discuss propeller design and manufacturing on the top Catto propeller projects. He will elaborate on high altitude

propellers to new world speed records and time to climb with the same aircraft and everything in-between! He will briefly touch on

new technology and how it is effecting the development of Catto’s Propellers.

8/5/15 8 pm Perils of Cylinder Work (^)

Maintenance expert Mike Busch digs into the thorny issue of tightening critical fasteners properly when installing cylinders on a

piston aircraft engine, explains why it is so difficult to get it right when doing it with the engine still mounted in the airplane, and

emphasizes the need to be very cautious when replacing multiple cylinders or doing top overhauls.

8/12/15 7 pm Chapter Chat: Tax Exempt Basics for Chapters - Part 2

Tax Attorney, Patti Arthur has many years of experience helping EAA chapters, continues the discussion of tax exemption and

reinstatement of lost tax-exempt status & determining your chapter's tax exempt status.

8/19/15 7 pm When the Engine Goes Silent... (#)

What should you do when it gets quiet up front? Nine-time engine failure survivor and FAA Designated Pilot Examiner Larry Bothe

discusses what really works and what doesn’t when the engine quits. Not only what you should do, but when you do it, this can have a

big impact on your likelihood of successfully dealing with the problem.

8/26/15 7 pm Flying with Your iPad using WingX Pro7 - Part 2 (#)

Jim Sweeney gives part 2 of how to use the WingX Pro7 application. The application’s capabilities include, GPS moving map and

Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) that run on the iPad & iPhone. In addition, Pro7 works with multiple ADS-B receivers, displaying

in-flight weather and traffic.

9/2/15 8 pm All About Alterations (^) Sport Aviation columnist and maintenance expert Mike Busch discusses the complex subject of alterations to certificated aircraft. He

describes the difference between major and minor alterations, and the vastly different approval requirements for each. He explains

how to determine whether a particular alteration is major or minor, when an STC or Field Approval or FAA Form 337 is required, and

when a simple A&P logbook entry will suffice.

9/9/15 7 pm Eagle Flights: Making New Pilots

EAA members can make-a-difference, and help create new pilots. Brian O'Lena, Manager of the EAA Eagle Flights program will

share exciting information about the Eagle Flights program benefits; and provide tips for mentoring adults who have always wanted to

fly but didn’t know where to start.

9/16/15 7 pm What's the Spin on Stalls? (#)

Stalls are undoubtedly the most feared maneuver in the flight training curriculum. They are also an essential element of every single

flight, in that an aircraft cannot land if its wing is still developing lift. In this FAA Safety Team Wings webinar, you'll learn how to

love stalling the airplane just inches above the runway, while avoiding that dreaded stall/spin accident.

KEY: (#) FAA Wings Credit

(^) FAA AMT & Wings Credit

A BIG “Thank You” to Jeff Mullin for hosting the latest chapter shop/

project visit to his great shop and project!

About 20 chapter members got to see a great example of workmanship and engineering.

Jeff is doing a plans built airplane, not from a kit. A big part of the interest was in all of

tooling he had to build. One fitting comment was “that his plane might be a home

built, however, it is being professionally built!” Great workmanship! Thanks Jeff!

Page 3: Chapter 237 July 2015 Newsletter

Event News from EAA Chapter 237

Great day at EAA! Kirk was hanging out with Julie Clark, airshow aerobatic pilot!

Mark in the nose of the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast."

EAA Chapter 237 pre-AirVenture work

party. Working hard and having aviation

fun!!! Left to Right: Chuck Ellingson, Curt

Stoltz, Kirk Fjetland, Mark Heule, Mike Dick,

Dave Arcand and Larry Dick.


7/18/2015 Major storm hits AirVenture this morning at 05:30. All are well, but our canopy is toast!

Chapter 237 Oshkosh campsite is located south of Lindbergh between 36th & 37th. Please feel free to stop by and say

hi if you'll be at AirVenture. The 237 campsite is basically the same as last year...south of Lindbergh between 36th & 37th.

We have staked out 8 campsites so far, so there's plenty of room.

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BLAINE, MN 55449