Chapter 17 lesson 1 - the two sides

Pages 6-7 of the IAN

Transcript of Chapter 17 lesson 1 - the two sides

Page 1: Chapter 17   lesson 1 - the two sides

Pages 6-7 of the IAN

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Page “7” of the IANStudents take quadrant notes from the PowerPoint presented in class on the Civil War – seen in the slides following the instructions.

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The Civil War (1861-1865)

Who’s In and Who’s Out?

• The Border States of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware stayed with the Union (some more by force than choice)

• Because of this, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia and North Carolina all joined the Confederacy

• Lincoln issued a call for troops in response to Fort Sumter’s surrender

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The Civil War (1861-1865)

Missouri and Kentucky• Protected Union farmland to the North• They helped control the MS and OH Rivers

The Border StatesThe Border States were Slave Statesbut Lincoln needed them too much

Maryland• w/o it, DC would be surrounded by the CSA

Delaware• Protects the ports of Philadelphia

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The Civil War (1861-1865)

Here’s a tough question

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The Civil War (1861-1865)

Who had the advantage in the War?

Union or Confederacy?


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The Civil War (1861-1865)

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Union AdvantagesThe Union had larger populationMore troops means the Union can withstand more casualties and overcome poor military leadership

The Union had more industryThis means more weapons and ammunition

Abraham LincolnLike him or not, the Union couldn’t have won without his leadership.

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Confederate AdvantagesThe CSA had a causeMuch like our Revolution, the people were fighting to be free from an oppressive government

Military LeadershipThe South had more trained officers and more trained troops who had just finished fighting against Mexican troops

Plus, the CSA had “home field advantage”

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Page “7” of the IANStudents take quadrant notes from the PowerPoint presented in class on the Civil War – seen in the slides following the instructions.

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#1 Blockade the Confederate CoastlineThis keeps the troop movement slow and keeps the South from exporting cotton

The Civil War (1861-1865)Union war plan – Anaconda Plan

Plan proposed by Winfield Scott

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#2 Control the Mississippi River

This cuts off the “West” from the rest of the CSA

The Civil War (1861-1865)Union war plan

#3 Capture Richmond – CSA capital

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It was a simple one-part planFight a “defensive” war. Make it difficult enough for the Union to take them back, the Union would simply get tired of fighting and recognize the CSA as a new nation.They also hoped to bring in Britain and France as allies, but that’s an aside!

The Civil War (1861-1865)

Confederate war plan

Besides, they didn’t have the troop numbers to go on the “offensive.”

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Pages “8-9” of the IANFor page 9, Students sum up the next two slides and then read pages 455-457 and take Cornell Notes for those pages.

Student Response (pg 8) is on your own.

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The Civil War (1861-1865)Who were these two sides?

The Confederates were broken into two major Armies

The Army of Tennessee• This was the combination of the Armies of

Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee• was headed by a few different Generals• Fought mostly in the Western Campaigns

The Army of Northern Virginia• Eventually was headed by Robert E. Lee• Fought mostly in the Eastern Campaigns

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The Civil War (1861-1865)Who were these two sides?

The Union was broken into two major Armies as well The Army of the Tennessee

• Fought in the Western Theater• Most notably headed by

Generals Grant and Sherman

The Army of the Potomac• Lincoln’s main Army• Fought mostly in the Eastern Campaigns• Headed by a bunch of men - finally Grant