Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| ·...

Use Glencoe’s Presentation Plus! multimedia teacher tool to easily present dynamic lessons that visually excite your stu- dents. Using Microsoft PowerPoint ® you can customize the presentations to create your own personalized lessons. Timesaving Tools Interactive Teacher Edition Access your Teacher Wraparound Edition and your classroom resources with a few easy clicks. Interactive Lesson Planner Planning has never been easier! Organize your week, month, semester, or year with all the lesson helps you need to make teaching creative, timely, and relevant. 384A Chapter 13 Resources TEACHING TRANSPARENCIES TEACHING TRANSPARENCIES REVIEW AND REINFORCEMENT REVIEW AND REINFORCEMENT Why It Matters Chapter Transparency 13 Graphic Organizer 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. W hy It Matters 13 North and South Chapter The United States: Economic Activity (c. 2000) Cause Effect/Cause Effect Graphic Organizer 13: Cause–Effect Chart Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Time Line Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class Time Line Activity 13 MILESTONES FOR WOMEN MILESTONES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS 1820 1830 1840 1850 1870 1860 MILESTONES FOR WOMEN Mary Lyon founds Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1837. The first United States women’s rights assembly meets in 1848 at Seneca Falls. In 1849 Elizabeth Blackwell is the first American woman to receive a medical diploma. Sofya Kovalevskaya, first woman to be admitted into prestigious Academy of Sciences, is born in Russia in 1850. Matilde Bajer founds a feminist library and discussion group in 1871 in Denmark. MILESTONES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS In 1827 Samuel Cornish and John Russworm start the first African American newspaper. Sojourner Truth begins her reform mission in 1843. Macon B. Allen in 1845 becomes the first African American to be admitted to practice law in the United States. Frederick Douglass begins publishing the North Star newspaper in 1847. Harriet Tubman escapes from her slave- holders in 1849 and begins her work on the Underground Railroad. Some Minority Milestones DIRECTIONS: Complete the time line by entering the historic achievements for women and African Americans in the appropriate spaces. Vocabulary Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class Vocabulary Activity 13 DIRECTIONS: Understanding Definitions Select the term that answers each question below. Write the correct term in the space provided. nativist famine fixed cost cotton gin Morse code trade union prejudice capital telegraph credit clipper ship discrimination 1. What is a sailing vessel with a sleek hull and tall sails that could sail as fast as most steamships in the 1840s? 2. What are two related terms: the first is an apparatus that used electric signals to transmit messages; the second is a series of dots and dashes representing the letters of the alphabet used to compose these messages? 3. What is an organization of workers with the same trade, or skill? 4. What are two related words: the first means an unfair opinion not based on facts; the second means unfair treatment of a group? 5. What is an extreme shortage of food? 6. What term refers to a person opposed to immigration because he or she felt that immigration threatened the future of American-born citizens? 7. What term names a machine invented by Eli Whitney that removed seeds from cotton fibers? 8. What are three related words: the first is a regular expense involved in doing business; the second is money available to invest in business; the third is a form of loan extended in business transactions? DIRECTIONS: Using Vocabulary Use each of the following terms correctly in a complete sentence. Write the sentences on a separate sheet of paper. strike yeoman tenant farmer overseer spiritual slave code Workbook Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. North and South DIRECTIONS: Using a Map Use the map to answer the questions. 1. Which Missouri River city has a rail connection to a Mississippi River city? 2. Which Great Lakes are near the New York Central Railroad lines? 3. Which railroads could Midwestern shippers use to send goods to the East Coast? 4. Which direction does a train from Chattanooga to Lynchburg travel? 5. What is the fastest speed at which trains could travel in 1860? 6. How long would it take a train to go from Charleston to Hamburg? 7. If you wanted to travel from Buffalo to Boston, which rail line would you take? Workbook Activity 13 Name Date Class (continued) In 1833 the 136-mile Charleston and Hamburg line was the longest railroad in the world. Trains clipped along at 20 to 30 miles per hour by 1860. Americans loved their railroads in spite of irregular schedules, frequent breakdowns, and being showered with sparks from the locomotives. La Crosse Madison Chicago Detroit Buffalo Boston New York Philadelphia Chattanooga Baltimore Washington, D.C. Richmond Charleston Wilmington Hamburg New Orleans Memphis Atlanta St. Joseph St. Louis Cairo Lynchburg Vicksburg Quincy Kansas City Indianapolis BALTIMOREANDOHIO NEW YORKCENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA ATLANTIC OCEAN Lake Ontario Gulf of Mexico Mississippi R . M is s o u r i R . L a k e M i c h ig a n Lake Erie LakeHuron OhioRiver N S E W Railroad Major Railroads, 1860 Critical Thinking Skills Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: Analyze information by drawing conclusions LEARNING THE SKILL When you read a book or an article, you may need to look beyond what is actually written on the page to understand its meaning fully. By considering the facts presented and using your own knowledge, you can draw conclusions that allow you to go beyond what is actually stated on the page. APPLYING THE SKILL The passage below is an excerpt from the interview with 80 year old Clayton Holbert, a formerly enslaved African American. My name is Clayton Holbert, and I am an ex-slave. . . . My master’s name was Pleasant “Ples” Holbert. My master had . . . around one hundred slaves. . . . They always had a man in the field to teach the small boys to work, and I was one of the boys. I was learning to plant corn, etc. My father, brother and uncle went to war on the Union side. We raised corn, barley, and cotton, and produced all of our living on the plantation. There was no such thing as going to town to buy things. . . . For our meat we used to kill . . . hogs. . . . We also made our own sorghum, dried out own fruits. . . . I was never sold. I always had just one master. When slave owners died, if they had no near relatives to inherit their property, they would “Will” the slaves their freedom. . . . My grandmother and my mother were both freed like this, but [dishonest] . . . traders captured them [again] . . . and they took them just like they would animals, and sold them, that was how “Ples” Holbert got my mother. My grandmother was sent to Texas. My mother . . . never saw her again. . . . After the war was over . . . it left my mother alone. . . . [She] got her freedom, she and me, I was seven or eight years old, and my brother was fourteen, and my sister was about sixteen. . . . [My] master said that we could stay and work for him a year, and then we also stayed there the following year, and he paid us the second year. SOURCE: The American Slave, Clayton Holbert, Ottawa, Kansas, interviewed by Leta Gray. APPLYING THE SKILL DIRECTIONS: Use the passage to answer the questions. 1. Was Clayton Holbert enslaved during a large part of his life? 2. How did Clayton Holbert become enslaved? Critical Thinking Skills Activity 13 Drawing Conclusions (continued) Take-Home Review Activity 13 NORTH AND SOUTH Even though a national spirit was developing in the United States, economic and political differences were growing between the North and South. Reviewing Chapter 13 Take-Home Review Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ? DID YOU KNOW? Inauguration Day for the president used to be held in March, even though elections were in November. Election results were sent by mail and could take months to reach Washington, D.C., so it was not possi- ble to have an ear- lier inauguration. Industry grew. Many industrial cities grew quickly, but working conditions for people worsened. Workers formed trade unions and went on strike to improve conditions. Most white Southerners were farmers. Plantation owners, however, owned most of the enslaved workers. Enslaved African Americans were sometimes used as household help or were trained in a skill, but most worked as field hands on the large plantations. Enslaved life was harsh and miserable. Family life was almost nonexistent. Slave codes controlled enslaved African Americans and made their lives more difficult. Some tried to escape to the North using the Underground Railroad. Farms and plantations increased, but industry did not. Capital, or money to invest in business, was lacking. The Upper South produced tobacco, hemp, wheat, and vegetables. Cotton and sugar were the leading cash crops in the Deep South. Large farms relied on enslaved labor- ers to clear land and to plant and pick crops. Southern cities grew more slowly than in the North or Midwest. Transportation con- sisted mainly of natural waterways. Roads were poor and railways were local. Technology changed the way Americans worked, traveled, and communicated. 1. Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1846, allowing the textile industry to mass-produce products. 2. Cyrus McCormick patented his reaper in 1834, helping farmers harvest their crops faster. 4. Robert Fulton’s steamboat changed water travel. 5. Peter Cooper’s first steam locomotive in 1830 launched the railway system. 3. Samuel Morse’s telegraph provided a way for people to communicate between cities in minutes. North South Immigration changed the country as immigrants brought their ways and customs with them. Discrimination and prejudice existed, although slav- ery was illegal. Most immigrants at this time came from Ireland and Germany. Linking Past and Present Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class Lin king Past and Present Activity 13 From Hand Tools to Tractors In the early 1800s, an agricultural revolution changed farming forever. New horse-drawn machines substituted animal power for hand labor. In a matter of hours, farmers completed work that once had taken days. In 1831 Cyrus McCormick manufactured a reaper, which made harvesting crops much easier and faster. A divider separated and cut standing grain. A spinning reel loaded the grain onto a rear platform. Workers raked this grain onto the ground and bundled it. The combine harvester performed the operations of both a reaper and a thresher— a machine that separates seeds from plants and removes their hulls. Using these machines farmers cultivated larger plots of land. McCormick’s reaper and other farm machines invented in the 1800s helped turn the United States into an agricultural giant. By the 1920s manufacturers had adapted automobile technology for agricultural use. Internal combustion engines now powered farm machines. Crop production increased to levels not believed possible in the mid-1800s. Today’s American farms lead the world in crop production. They have earned the Midwest the nickname, “Breadbasket of the World.” T H E N N O W DIRECTIONS: Recalling Facts Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How did the farm machines introduced in the 1830s change farming? 2. What was the function of the divider on the McCormick reaper? 3. Identifying Alternatives What do you think life on a late-1800 American farm would have been like if no one had invented the reaper? 4. Drawing Conclusions Why do you think the combine harvester was given that name? 5. Making Inferences Why do manufacturers often describe engines in terms of horsepower? Rear platform Grain enters here McCormick Reaper Divider Spinning reel Primary Source Reading 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class Primary Source Reading 13 The Immigrant Experience U pon my arrival in New York I had much luggage, but little money. A countryman of mine, who had a horse and cart at hand, offered to take my luggage to Essex Street for $6. The price seemed to me too high. I spoke with an Irishman, who also had a horse and wagon; he asked $2 for the same service. . . . I had to make similar arrangements for my fellow-travelers; this incensed a dozen German drivers against me. “Now this confounded Jew has to know English, and take the morsel of bread out of our mouths,” cried one of them threateningly, and the chorus joined in. . . . I was exceedingly angry. Aha! thought I, you have left home and kindred in order to get away from the disgusting Judaeophobia [fear of the Jews], and here the first German greeting that sounds in your ears is “Hep! hep!” [Down with the Jews!]. . . . I turned my back on them, but I indulged the right of being angry to my heart’s content, for I felt that from now on . . . I was breathing a free atmosphere, and no one could prevent me from being as angry as I pleased. . . . In 1846, New York was a large village. . . . The first impression that the city made upon me was exceedingly unfavorable. The whole city appeared to me like a large shop where everyone buys or sells, cheats or is cheated. . . . In addition to this, there was the crying, blowing, clamoring, and other noises of the fishmongers, milkmen, ragpickers, newsboys, dealers in popcorn, etc., earsplitting noises which were often drowned in the rumblings of the wagons and the cries of the street gamins [youths who hang out on the streets]. . . . Everything seemed so pitifully small and paltry [trashy]; and I had had so exalted an idea of the land of freedom, that New York seemed to me like a lost station by the sea. . . . SOURCE: Theodore L. Gross, ed. The Literature of American Jews. New York: The Free Press, 1973. DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTION DIRECTIONS: Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper. How would you describe Isaac Mayer Wise’s first day in New York? DIRECTIONS: Creating a Scrapbook Use the media center to locate early pictures of New York City. Make drawings from the photographs. Use the information in the reading above and other resources to construct a scrapbook like one that Wise might have kept. Write captions for your drawings and share your scrapbook with your classmates. Interpreting the Source German Jews began to immigrate to the United States in 1835. As you read about Isaac Mayer Wise’s arrival in New York in 1846, think about what Wise’s reaction reveals both about his experience in Germany and about his expectations of America. Geography and History Activity 13 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Name Date Class GEOGRAPHY ANDHISTORY ACTIVITY 13 DIRECTIONS: Write your answers to questions 1–4 on the map. You may abbreviate if you wish. 1. Trace in blue the boundaries of two Southern states with the lowest percentage of enslaved people. Trace in red the boundaries of six Southern states with the highest percentage of enslaved people. 2. Human/ Environmental Interaction Use green to color all the states on the map that had no enslaved people. Note the area in one Southern state where there were no enslaved people. Draw a box around the name of that state. 3. Trace the boundary of the westernmost state that had enslaved people. 4. Circle the names of three cities that you think were ports from which Southern cotton was shipped to Great Britain. Use the map of cotton production on page 398 of your textbook to help you answer this question. Write your answer to question 5 on a separate sheet of paper. 5. Compare the map on this page with the map of cotton production in 1860 on page 398 of your textbook. Explain the relationship between the percentage of enslaved people and Southern cotton production. N E S W ATLANTIC OCEAN Gulf of Mexico Texas Iowa Mo. Ark. La. Ill. Miss. Ind. Ohio Ky. Tenn. Ala. Ga. Fla. Pa. Md. Del. Va. N.J. N.C. S.C. Richmond Richmond Richmond Raleigh Memphis Savannah Charleston Wilmington New Orleans 0 250 500 miles 0 250 500 kilometers No enslaved people Enslaved People as a Percentage of Total Population Less than 10 percent 10–40 percent More than 50 percent Distribution of Enslaved People, 1850 The following standards are highlighted in Chapter 13: Section 1 VII Production, Distribution, & Consumption: A, B, E, H, I Section 2 III People, Places, & Environments: D, G, H, I, J, K Section 3 VIII Science, Technology, & Society: A, B, C Section 4 I Culture: A, B, C, D, E Meeting NCSS Standards Foldables are three-dimensional, interactive graphic organizers that help students practice basic writing skills, review key vocabulary terms, and identify main ideas. Every chapter con- tains a Foldable activity, with additional chapter activities found in the Reading and Study Skills Foldables booklet. GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY REVIEW AND REINFORCEMENT REVIEW AND REINFORCEMENT ENRICHMENT ENRICHMENT

Transcript of Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| ·...

Page 1: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the

Use Glencoe’sPresentation Plus!multimedia teacher tool to easily present

dynamic lessons that visually excite your stu-dents. Using Microsoft PowerPoint® you can customize the presentations to create your ownpersonalized lessons.

Timesaving Tools

Interactive Teacher Edition Access your Teacher Wraparound Edition and

your classroom resources with a few easy clicks.

Interactive Lesson Planner Planning has never been easier! Organize your

week, month, semester, or year with all the lesson helps you need to make

teaching creative, timely, and relevant.



Chapter 13 Resources


Graphic Organizer 13

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

W hy It Matters 13North and South Chapter

The United States: Economic Activity (c. 2000)Cause Effect/Cause Effect

Graphic Organizer 13:

Cause–Effect Chart

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Time Line Activity 13



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es, I


Name Date Class

Time Line Activity 13★


































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Some Minority Milestones

DIRECTIONS: Complete the time line by entering the historic achievements for womenand African Americans in the appropriate spaces.

Vocabulary Activity 13

Copyright ©

by The M


-Hill C

ompanies, Inc.

Name Date Class

Vocabulary Activity 13★

DIRECTIONS: Understanding Definitions Select the term that answerseach question below. Write the correct term in the space provided.

nativist famine fixed cost cotton gin Morse codetrade union prejudice capital telegraph creditclipper ship discrimination

1. What is a sailing vessel with a sleek hull and tall sails that could sail as fast as most

steamships in the 1840s? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������

2. What are two related terms: the first is an apparatus that used electric signals totransmit messages; the second is a series of dots and dashes representing the letters

of the alphabet used to compose these messages? ����������������������������������������������

3. What is an organization of workers with the same trade, or skill? ����������������������


4. What are two related words: the first means an unfair opinion not based on facts;

the second means unfair treatment of a group? �������������������������������������������������

5. What is an extreme shortage of food? �����������������������������������������������������������

6. What term refers to a person opposed to immigration because he or she felt that

immigration threatened the future of American-born citizens? ���������������������������


7. What term names a machine invented by Eli Whitney that removed seeds from

cotton fibers? �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

8. What are three related words: the first is a regular expense involved in doingbusiness; the second is money available to invest in business; the third is a form of

loan extended in business transactions? ��������������������������������������������������������


DIRECTIONS: Using Vocabulary Use each of the following terms correctlyin a complete sentence. Write the sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

strike yeoman tenant farmer overseer spiritual slave code

Workbook Activity 13



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es, I


North and South

DIRECTIONS: Using a Map Use the map to answer the questions.

1. Which Missouri River city has a rail connection to a Mississippi River city? ��������������

2. Which Great Lakes are near the New York Central Railroad lines? ��������������������������������3. Which railroads could Midwestern shippers use to send goods to the East Coast?


4. Which direction does a train from Chattanooga to Lynchburg travel? ������������������������

5. What is the fastest speed at which trains could travel in 1860? ��������������������������������

6. How long would it take a train to go from Charleston to Hamburg? ������������������������

7. If you wanted to travel from Buffalo to Boston, which rail line would you take?


Workbook Activity 13★

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������


In 1833 the 136-mile Charlestonand Hamburg line was the longestrailroad in the world.

Trains clipped along at 20 to

30 miles per hour by 1860.

Americans loved their railroads

in spite of irregular schedules, frequent breakdowns, and being showered with sparks from the locomotives.

La Crosse





New YorkPhiladelphia



Washington, D.C.




New Orleans


St. Joseph

St. Louis





Kansas City







Lake Ontario

Gulf ofMexico




Missouri R.





Lake Erie

Lake Huron

Ohio River




200 kilometers0Albers Equal-Area projection

200 miles0


Major Railroads, 1860

Critical Thinking SkillsActivity 13




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es, I


Name Date Class

SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: Analyze information by drawing conclusions

LEARNING THE SKILLWhen you read a book or an article, you may need to look beyond what is

actually written on the page to understand its meaning fully. By considering the facts presented and using your own knowledge, you can draw conclusionsthat allow you to go beyond what is actually stated on the page.

APPLYING THE SKILLThe passage below is an excerpt from the interview with 80 year old

Clayton Holbert, a formerly enslaved African American.

My name is Clayton Holbert, and I am an ex-slave. . . . My master’s name was Pleasant“Ples” Holbert. My master had . . . around one hundred slaves. . . . They always had a manin the field to teach the small boys to work, and I was one of the boys. I was learning toplant corn, etc. My father, brother and uncle went to war on the Union side. We raisedcorn, barley, and cotton, and produced all of our living on the plantation. There was nosuch thing as going to town to buy things. . . . For our meat we used to kill . . . hogs. . . .We also made our own sorghum, dried out own fruits. . . . I was never sold. I always hadjust one master. When slave owners died, if they had no near relatives to inherit theirproperty, they would “Will” the slaves their freedom. . . . My grandmother and my motherwere both freed like this, but [dishonest] . . . traders captured them [again] . . . and theytook them just like they would animals, and sold them, that was how “Ples” Holbert gotmy mother. My grandmother was sent to Texas. My mother . . . never saw her again. . . .After the war was over . . . it left my mother alone. . . . [She] got her freedom, she and me, I was seven or eight years old, and my brother was fourteen, and my sister was aboutsixteen. . . . [My] master said that we could stay and work for him a year, and then we alsostayed there the following year, and he paid us the second year.

SOURCE: The American Slave, Clayton Holbert, Ottawa, Kansas, interviewed by Leta Gray.

APPLYING THE SKILLDIRECTIONS: Use the passage to answer the questions.1. Was Clayton Holbert enslaved during a large part of his life?



2. How did Clayton Holbert become enslaved?




Critical Thinking Skills Activity 13 Drawing Conclusions


Take-Home ReviewActivity 13

NORTH AND SOUTHEven though a national spirit was developing in the UnitedStates, economic and political differences were growingbetween the North and South.

Reviewing Chapter 13

Take-Home Review Activity 13



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es, I


?DID YOU KNOW?Inauguration Dayfor the presidentused to be held inMarch, eventhough elections were in November.Election resultswere sent by mailand could takemonths to reachWashington, D.C.,so it was not possi-ble to have an ear-lier inauguration.

Industry grew. Many industrial citiesgrew quickly, but working conditionsfor people worsened. Workersformed trade unions and went onstrike to improve conditions.

Most white Southerners were farmers. Plantation owners, however,owned most of the enslaved workers. Enslaved African Americanswere sometimes used as household help or were trained in a skill,but most worked as field hands on the large plantations.

Enslaved life was harsh and miserable.Family life was almost nonexistent.Slave codes controlled enslaved AfricanAmericans and made their lives moredifficult. Some tried to escape to theNorth using the Underground Railroad.

Farms and plantations increased, butindustry did not. Capital, or moneyto invest in business, was lacking.

The Upper South produced tobacco, hemp,wheat, and vegetables. Cotton and sugarwere the leading cash crops in the DeepSouth. Large farms relied on enslaved labor-ers to clear land and to plant and pick crops.

Southern cities grew more slowly than inthe North or Midwest. Transportation con-sisted mainly of natural waterways. Roadswere poor and railways were local.

Technology changed the way Americans worked, traveled, and communicated.

1. Elias Howe invented the sewingmachine in 1846, allowing the textileindustry to mass-produce products.

2. Cyrus McCormick patented hisreaper in 1834, helping farmersharvest their crops faster.

4. Robert Fulton’s steamboat changed water travel.

5. Peter Cooper’s first steam locomotive in 1830launched the railway system.

3. Samuel Morse’s telegraph provided a way forpeople to communicate between cities in minutes.



Immigration changed the country asimmigrants brought their ways andcustoms with them. Discriminationand prejudice existed, although slav-ery was illegal. Most immigrants atthis time came from Ireland andGermany.

Linking Past andPresent Activity 13



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es, I



Name Date Class

Linking Past and Present Activity 13

From Hand Tools to Tractors

In the early 1800s, anagricultural revolutionchanged farming forever.

New horse-drawn machines substitutedanimal power for hand labor. In a matterof hours, farmers completed work thatonce had taken days.

In 1831 Cyrus McCormick manufactured a reaper, which made harvesting crops much easier and faster.A divider separated and cut standinggrain. A spinning reel loaded the grainonto a rear platform. Workers raked this grain onto the ground andbundled it.

The combine harvester performedthe operations of both a reaper and a thresher— a machine that separates seeds fromplants and removes theirhulls. Using these machines farmers cultivated larger plotsof land. McCormick’s reaper and other farm machines invented in the1800s helped turn the United States intoan agricultural giant.

By the 1920s manufacturers hadadapted automobile

technology for agricultural use. Internalcombustion engines now powered farmmachines. Crop production increased to levels not believed possible in themid-1800s. Today’s American farms leadthe world in crop production. They haveearned the Midwest the nickname,“Breadbasket of the World.”


DIRECTIONS: Recalling Facts Answer the questions below on a separatesheet of paper.1. How did the farm machines introduced in the 1830s change farming?2. What was the function of the divider on the McCormick reaper?3. Identifying Alternatives What do you think life on a late-1800 American

farm would have been like if no one had invented the reaper?4. Drawing Conclusions Why do you think the combine harvester was given

that name?5. Making Inferences Why do manufacturers often describe engines in terms

of horsepower?

Rear platform

Grain entershere

McCormick Reaper


Spinning reel

Primary SourceReading 13



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es, I


Name Date Class

★ Primary Source Reading 13 ★★

The Immigrant Experience

Upon my arrival in New York I had much luggage, but little money. Acountryman of mine, who had a horse and cart at hand, offered to take myluggage to Essex Street for $6. The price seemed to me too high. I spoke with

an Irishman, who also had a horse and wagon; he asked $2 for the same service. . . .I had to make similar arrangements for my fellow-travelers; this incensed a dozen

German drivers against me. “Now this confounded Jew has to know English, and takethe morsel of bread out of our mouths,” cried one of them threateningly, and the chorusjoined in. . . . I was exceedingly angry. Aha! thought I, you have left home and kindred in order to get away from the disgusting Judaeophobia [fear of the Jews], and here thefirst German greeting that sounds in your ears is “Hep! hep!” [Down with the Jews!]. . . . I turned my back on them, but I indulged the right of being angry to my heart’s content,for I felt that from now on . . . I was breathing a free atmosphere, and no one could prevent me from being as angry as I pleased. . . .

In 1846, New York was a large village. . . . The first impression that the city madeupon me was exceedingly unfavorable. The whole city appeared to me like a largeshop where everyone buys or sells, cheats or is cheated. . . . In addition to this, therewas the crying, blowing, clamoring, and other noises of the fishmongers, milkmen,ragpickers, newsboys, dealers in popcorn, etc., earsplitting noises which were oftendrowned in the rumblings of the wagons and the cries of the street gamins [youthswho hang out on the streets]. . . . Everything seemed so pitifully small and paltry[trashy]; and I had had so exalted an idea of the land of freedom, that New Yorkseemed to me like a lost station by the sea. . . .SOURCE: Theodore L. Gross, ed. The Literature of American Jews. New York: The Free Press, 1973.

DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONDIRECTIONS: Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper. How would you describe Isaac Mayer Wise’s first day in New York?

DIRECTIONS: Creating a Scrapbook Use the media center to locate earlypictures of New York City. Make drawings from the photographs. Usethe information in the reading above and other resources to construct a

scrapbook like one that Wise might have kept. Write captions for your drawings andshare your scrapbook with your classmates.

Interpreting the Source German Jews began to immigrate to theUnited States in 1835. As you read about Isaac Mayer Wise’s arrival inNew York in 1846, think about what Wise’s reaction reveals both abouthis experience in Germany and about his expectations of America.

Geography and HistoryActivity 13



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es, I


Name Date Class


DIRECTIONS: Write youranswers to questions 1–4on the map. You mayabbreviate if you wish.1. Trace in blue the

boundaries of twoSouthern states withthe lowest percentageof enslaved people.Trace in red the boundaries of sixSouthern states withthe highest percentageof enslaved people.

2. Human/EnvironmentalInteraction Use greento color all the states onthe map that had noenslaved people. Notethe area in one Southernstate where there wereno enslaved people.Draw a box around thename of that state.

3. Trace the boundary ofthe westernmost statethat had enslavedpeople.

4. Circle the names of three cities that you think were ports from which Southern cotton was shipped to Great Britain. Use the map of cotton production on page 398 of your textbook to help you answer this question.

Write your answer to question 5 on a separate sheet of paper.5. Compare the map on this page with the map of cotton production in 1860 on

page 398 of your textbook. Explain the relationship between the percentage ofenslaved people and Southern cotton production.






Gulf ofMexico








Ind. Ohio



Ala. Ga.












New Orleans

0 250 500 miles

0 250 500 kilometers

No enslaved peopleEnslaved People as a Percentage of Total Population

Less than 10 percent10–40 percentMore than 50 percent

Distribution of Enslaved People, 1850

The following standards are highlighted in Chapter 13:Section 1 VII Production, Distribution, & Consumption: A, B,

E, H, ISection 2 III People, Places, & Environments: D, G, H, I, J, KSection 3 VIII Science, Technology, & Society: A, B, CSection 4 I Culture: A, B, C, D, E

Meeting NCSS Standards Foldables arethree-dimensional,

interactive graphic organizers that helpstudents practice basic writing skills,review key vocabulary terms, and identify main ideas. Every chapter con-tains a Foldable activity, with additionalchapter activities found in the Readingand Study Skills Foldables booklet.


Page 2: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


Chapter 13 Resources

The following Spanish language materials are available in the Spanish Resources Binder:

• Spanish Guided Reading Activities• Spanish Reteaching Activities• Spanish Quizzes and Tests• Spanish Vocabulary Activity• Spanish Take-Home Review Activity• Spanish Summaries• The Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution

Spanish Translation

Chapter 13 Test Form B

Chapter 13 Test Form A

Performance AssessmentActivity 13

ExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM



Use our Web site for additional resources. All essential content is covered in the Student Edition.

You and your students can visit , the Web sitecompanion to The American Republic to 1877. This innovative inte-gration of electronic and print media offers your students a wealth ofopportunities. The student text directs students to the Web site for thefollowing options:

• Chapter Overviews • Student Web Activities• Self-Check Quizzes • Textbook Updates

Answers to the student Web activities are provided for you in the WebActivity Lesson Plans. Additional Web resources and Interactive TutorPuzzles are also available.

The following videotape program is available from Glencoe as a supplement to Chapter 13:

• Civil War Journal (Set 1) (ISBN 1-56501-200-3)

To order, call Glencoe at 1-800-334-7344. To find classroom resources toaccompany many of these videos, check the following home pages:A&E Television: www.aande.comThe History Channel:




Standardized Test PracticeWorkbook Activity 13

Vocabulary PuzzleMaker CD-ROMInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMAudio ProgramAmerican History Primary Source DocumentLibrary CD-ROMMindJogger VideoquizPresentation Plus! CD-ROMTeacherWorks CD-ROMInteractive Student Edition CD-ROMGlencoe Skillbuilder Interactive Workbook CD-ROM, Level 1The American Republic to 1877 Video ProgramAmerican Music: Hits Through History




ht ©








es, I


North and South

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (4 points each)

Column A

�������� 1. built first United States steam locomotive

�������� 2. transmitted first telegraph message

�������� 3. members of Know-Nothing Party

�������� 4. a form of loan

�������� 5. enslaved African American who rebelled

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left, write the letter of thechoice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (4 points each)

�������� 6. Who invented the sewing machine?A. Elias Howe B. Robert Fulton C. Samuel Morse D. John Deere

�������� 7. By 1860 the Midwest and the East were united by a network ofA. roads. C. canals.B. railroad tracks. D. steam-powered ships.

�������� 8. With other workers of the same skills, workers formedA. strikes. B. famines. C. trade unions. D. prejudices.

�������� 9. Famine caused people from which country to immigrate to the United States?A. Britain B. Ireland C. Spain D. Germany

�������� 10. Arriving between 1820 and 1860, the second largest group of immigrants was fromA. Britain. B. Ireland. C. Spain. D. Germany.

�������� 11. What was “king” and the main topic of conversation in the South?A. politics B. sugarcane C. cotton D. slavery

�������� 12. A shortage of what would have devastating consequences for the Southduring the Civil War?A. canals B. railroads C. rivers D. roads

Name Date Class

ScoreChapter 13 Test, Form A


Column B

A. Peter CooperB. nativistsC. creditD. Samuel MorseE. Nat Turner



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es, I


North and South

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (4 points each)

Column A

�������� 1. increased cotton processing

�������� 2. North’s main income

�������� 3. South’s main income

�������� 4. regular expenses

�������� 5. plantation manager

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left, write the letter of thechoice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (4 points each)

�������� 6. What took over the task of weaving?A. cotton textiles C. power-driven loomsB. cotton gin D. factory workers

�������� 7. Who led a group of enslaved African Americans in rebellion against theirslaveholders in 1831?A. Frederick Douglass C. Harriet TubmanB. Nat Turner D. Daniel Christian

�������� 8. Most factory workers lived inA. farm communities. C. factory housing.B. slums. D. rural areas.

�������� 9. To put pressure on employers, workers stagedA. famines. C. trade unions.B. deteriorating conditions. D. strikes.

�������� 10. Many immigrants from which country became servants and factory workers?A. Germany B. Ireland C. Britain D. Scotland

�������� 11. What transformed the stagnant economy of the South into a prosperous,robust economy?A. tobacco B. rice C. cotton D. sugarcane

Name Date Class

ScoreChapter 13 Test, Form B


Column B

A. industryB. cotton ginC. overseerD. agricultureE. fixed costs

Name __________________________________ Date ____________________ Class ____________

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by The M


-Hill C

ompanies, Inc.

Social Studies Objective: The student will identify relevant factual material and group data in appropriatecategories.

A common way to organize information is by classifying. It involves sorting or grouping factsand details into general and/or specific common features. Nearly everything can be classified; mostthings can be classified in more than one way. When you are faced with a large list of facts anddetails, think about different sets of common features that are present.

★ Practicing the SkillRead the selection below and complete the activity that follows

Although many of the differences betweenNorth and South have since disappeared, in theearly 1800s the two regions of the United Stateshad several distinct characteristics. In the North, forexample, manufacturing was a much greater part ofthe economy than in the South. More peopleworked for wages in factories in the North than inthe South, where agriculture employed a greaterpercentage of the population.

The North also had a better system oftransportation for the movement of goods. Whileall parts of the nation had railroads, most of thetrack existed in the North and Midwest. The samecould be said for miles of canals—most were in thenorthern states.

Farmers in the North relied more heavily ontechnology to produce cash crops than did farmersor plantation owners in the South. Inventions likethe steel-tipped plow, the mechanical reaper, andthe thresher opened up parts of the North andMidwest to increased farming activity. Despite

improvements in agriculture, however, the Northturned increasingly toward industry. It was difficultmaking a living farming the rocky soil of NewEngland, but industry flourished in the area. Thenumber of people who worked in factoriescontinued to rise. Many of the North’s factory jobswere taken by European immigrants to the UnitedStates. More immigrants landed in northern cities,where they might find work, than settled in theSouth, where agriculture formed the basis of theeconomy.

By 1850 the population in the South hadspread inland into the Deep South—a band ofstates spreading from Georgia through SouthCarolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri,Arkansas, and Texas. The economy of the Southwas thriving. Slavery, which was disappearing fromthe North, grew stronger than ever in the South.The reason for the South’s prosperity was cotton.The invention of the cotton gin in 1793, amachine that removed the seeds from cotton fibers,

★ Learning to Classify Facts and DetailsUse the following guidelines to help you understand how to classify facts and details.

• Read and study the information.• Decide the different categories you will use

to group data.

• Sort data into categories and drawconclusions about similarities and differences.

ACTIVITY 13Classifying Facts and Details

Standardized Test Practice

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������

Use with Chapter 13

Contrasting Lifestyles

BACKGROUNDIn the late 1700s people from the Northern and Southern states worked togetherto form a nation. By the mid-1800s economic and social forces threatened theUnion. The North had a strong industrial base. The South was agricultural.Economic differences caused disagreements and resentment. Abolitionist sen-timent grew in Northern states which had outlawed enslavement. Southernstates defended slavery. The two regions drifted apart.

TASKYou and several friends teach American history. You are planning how to showlife in the United States between 1820 and 1860. You decide to create a bulletinboard comparing life in the North and life in the South during these years.

AUDIENCEStudents, other teachers, and instructional supervisors are your audience.

PURPOSEThe purpose of your bulletin board is to help your audience visualize thedifferences that existed between the regions of the country in the mid-1800s.

PROCEDURE1. Consult the Performance Task Assessment Lists for a Bulletin Board Display, a

Map, and a Cooperative Group Management Plan as guides to completingyour tasks.

2. With your teammates research to discover as much as possible about thedifferent social and economic conditions in the North and the Southbetween 1820 and 1860.

3. Agree upon research, design, and construction tasks for each group member. 4. Complete your research. Share information with your teammates.5. As a team sketch ideas for the map and other elements for your bulletin

board. Decide how you will organize these materials. You might includemagazine or newspaper pictures, photographs, or original drawings.

6. Share your ideas with another group, obtain suggestions, and revise.7. Together create your final bulletin board display.

ASSESSMENT1. Use the performance task assessment lists suggested to evaluate your

bulletin board plan. 2. Check to see that you have included all elements.3. Organize all the materials that you plan to put on your bulletin board.4. Complete a final self-assessment before you share your project.

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by The M


-Hill C

ompanies, Inc.

★ Performance Assessment Activity 13

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Chapter 13 Resources

SECTION 1The North’s Economy1. Understand how advances in tech-

nology shaped the economy of theNorth.

2. Explain how new kinds of trans-portation and communicationspurred economic growth.

SECTION 2The North’s People1. Summarize how working conditions

in industries changed. 2. Compare and contrast how immigra-

tion affected American economic,political, and cultural life.

SECTION 3Southern Cotton Kingdom1. Explore how settlement expanded

in the South.2. Determine why the economy of the

South relied on agriculture.

SECTION 4The South’s People1. Describe what life was like on

Southern plantations.2. Understand how enslaved workers

maintained strong family and cultural ties.

Assign the Chapter 13 Reading Essentials and Study Guide.

Blackline Master





Music Program


Audio Program

Daily Objectives Reproducible Resources Multimedia Resources

*Also Available in Spanish


Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–1Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–1Guided Reading Activity 13–1*Section Quiz 13–1*Reteaching Activity 13–1*Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–1Enrichment Activity 13–1

Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–2 Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–2Guided Reading Activity 13–2*Section Quiz 13–2*Reteaching Activity 13–2*Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–2Enrichment Activity 13–2

Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–3Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–3Guided Reading Activity 13–3*Section Quiz 13–3*Reteaching Activity 13–3*Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–3Enrichment Activity 13–3

Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–4Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–4Guided Reading Activity 13–4*Section Quiz 13–4*Reteaching Activity 13–4*Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–4Enrichment Activity 13–4

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–1Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–2Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–3Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–4American Music: Hits Through HistoryVocabulary PuzzleMaker CD-ROMInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM


Teaching strategies have been coded.

L1 BASIC activities for all studentsL2 AVERAGE activities for average to above-average

studentsL3 CHALLENGING activities for above-average students



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Chapter 13 Resources

Gerald SchuchardFlandreau Indian SchoolFlandreau, SD

Immigration and Geography—Regional ComparisonsRemind students that one of the major themes ofgeography is regional comparison, and that we canlearn a great deal about how geography affects peo-ple by comparing regions of the world. Review thechapter’s content regarding immigration to theUnited States between 1840 and 1860. Explain thatmany immigrants—at least those who had the moneyto choose where they lived—selected certain regionsof the country to live in partly because of the similari-ties of those regions to regions in their home coun-tries. To illustrate this concept, have students consultencyclopedias or weather-related Internet sites, oruse other resource materials to collect informationon climatic conditions in Germany. Then have themcompare this data to information they find on cli-matic regions in the United States. Many Germanimmigrants settled in New York and Pennsylvania.Ask students to compare the climatic data of thesetwo states to the climate found in Germany. Ask stu-dents, “If you were moving to another land, howimportant would climate be to you?”

From the Classroom of…Teacher’s Corner

The following articles relate to this chapter.

• “The Way West,” by John G. Mitchell, September 2000.• “America’s Poet: Walt Whitman,” by Joel L. Swerdlow,

December 1994.• “C.S.S. Alabama,” by Max Guerout, December 1994.• “The Cruelest Commerce: African Slave Trade,” by Colin

Palmer, September 1992.• “Philadelphia’s African Americans,” by Roland L. Freeman,

August 1990.



To order the following products for use with this chapter, contact your local Glencoe sales representative, or call Glencoe at 1-800-334-7344:

• PictureShow: Story of America Library, Parts 1 and 2 (CD-ROM)

• PictureShow: The Civil War (CD-ROM)• PictureShow: The Westward Movement (CD-ROM)• PictureShow: Immigration (CD-ROM)• PicturePack: Immigration (Transparencies)• PicturePack: The Westward Movement (Transparencies)• PicturePack: The Civil War (Transparencies)• PicturePack: Story of America Library, Parts 1 and 2



To order the following, call National Geographic at 1-800-368-2728:

• 111 Years of National Geographic Magazine (CD-ROM)• GeoKit: The Civil War (Kit)• GeoKit: Westward Movement (Kit)• GeoKit: Immigration (Kit)• The West That Was (Video)• United States/Territorial Growth (Map)• National Geographic Desk Reference (Book)• Immigration: The Triumph of Hope (Video)• Steal Away: The Harriet Tubman Story (Video)

Access National Geographic’s Web site for current events,atlas updates, activities, links, interactive features,

Activities that are suited to use within the blockscheduling framework are identified by:

• American Music: Cultural Traditions• American Art and Architecture• Outline Map Resource Book• U.S. Desk Map• Building Geography Skills for Life• Inclusion for the Middle School Social Studies Classroom

Strategies and Activities• Teaching Strategies for the American History Classroom

(Including Block Scheduling Pacing Guides)• American Crafts Hands-On Activities• American Games Hands-On Activities• American History Flash Cards


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Why It Matters Activity

Preview the economic and cultural differ-ences that occurred in the United Statesin the 1800s. Discuss how those regionaldifferences helped to polarize the nation.Ask students if they believe regional dif-ferences still impact the nation today.Students should evaluate their ideas as they work through the chapter.


North and South

1820–1860Why It Matters

At the same time that national spirit and pride were growing throughout the country, astrong sectional rivalry was also developing. Both North and South wanted to further their

own economic and political interests.

The Impact TodayDifferences still exist between the regions of the nation but are no longer as sharp. Mass

communication and the migration of people from one region to another have lessenedthe differences.

The American Republic to 1877 Video The chapter 13 video, “YoungPeople of the South,” describes what life was like for children in the South.

1820• U.S. population

reaches 10 million

1826• The Last of

the Mohicanspublished

1834• McCormick

reaper patented

1820• Antarctica


1825• World’s first public

railroad opens inEngland


1837• Steel-tipped

plow invented

CHAPTER 13 North and South

J.Q. Adams1825–1829


Van Buren1837–1841

W.H. Harrison1841

1820 1830 1840

IntroducingCHAPTER 13

IntroducingCHAPTER 13

TWO-MINUTE LESSON LAUNCHERTWO-MINUTE LESSON LAUNCHERThe differences in lifestyle between the North and the South set the stage for the American CivilWar. Have students think about the development of the Northern and Southern states. Remindthem of the economic differences that existed when the Northern and Southern states werecolonies before the American Revolution. Ask them to summarize what these differences were thatcreated two distinct regions. (Students may note that the North’s economy was more industrializedand focused on manufacturing. The South’s economy was less industrialized and centered onagriculture.) SS: 8.13A; 8.30B

Refer to Activity 13 in the Performance AssessmentActivities and Rubrics booklet.



The American Republic to1877 Video ProgramTo learn more about children workingon farms in the pre-Civil War South,have students view the Chapter 13 video“Young People of the South” from TheAmerican Republic to 1877 VideoProgram.

Available in DVD and VHS

MindJogger VideoquizUse MindJogger Videoquiz to preview the Chapter 13 content.

Available in VHS

ELA: Page 384: 8.13D;Page 385: 8.13D, 8.13E

Student Edition TEKS

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1845• Alexander Cartwright

sets rules for baseball

1860• U.S. population

climbs to over30 million

1848• Revolution in

Austrian Empire

1859• Darwin’s On the

Origin of Speciespublished

1857• Sepoy Rebellion

begins in India


Chapter OverviewVisit

and click on Chapter 13—

Chapter Overviews to pre-

view chapter information.

The Oliver Plantation by unknown artist During the mid-1800s, plantations in southern Louisiana were entire communities in themselves.

CHAPTER 13 North and South







1845• Beginning of Irish

potato famine

1850 1860

1849• Thoreau writes

“Civil Disobedience”

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 5:8.30C


SouthernEconomy & People

Economy & People

Step 1 Mark the midpoint of the side edge of

a sheet of paper.

Step 2 Turn the paper and fold the outside edges

in to touch at the midpoint.

Step 3 Turn and label your foldable as shown.

Compare-and-Contrast Study FoldableMake this foldable to help you analyze the

similarities and differences between the

development of the North and the South.

Reading and Writing As you read the chapter,

collect and write information under the

appropriate tab that will help you compare

and contrast the people and economics of the

Northern and Southern states.

Draw a markat the midpoint.

IntroducingCHAPTER 13

IntroducingCHAPTER 13

Self-sufficient plantations, like the Oliver Plantation, were found throughout Louisiana and otherSouthern states. Covering several hundred acres, these large plantation complexes included a grandmansion surrounded by gardens, outbuildings, sugar mills, slave cabins, and fields of sugar, tobacco,or cotton. Many plantation mansions were built using a “raised cottage” design. While the groundfloor was used primarily for storage, the main living space was on the second floor where availablebreezes offered relief from the heat of the day.

More About the Art

Purpose Students make and usea compare-contrast foldable tohelp them organize the similaritiesand differences between thedevelopment of the North and theSouth. As students read the chap-ter and fill in information on theirfoldable, they analyze the similari-ties and the differences of thepeople and economies of theNorthern and Southern states.

Have students completeReading and Study SkillsFoldables Activity 13.

As students read the chapter, have them review the time line on pages 384–385. Ask: How much did the population increasefrom 1820 to 1860? (by more than 20 million people) SS: 8.30C, 8.30H;ELA: 8.13D; MATH: 8.2A

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 384: 8.1A, 8.1B, 8.13C,8.30C; Page 385: 8.1B, 8.27A,8.30A, 8.30C, 8.31C

Student Edition TEKS


Introduce students to chapter content and key terms by havingthem access Chapter Overview 13at

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1 FOCUSSection OverviewThis section examines theadvances in technology, trans-portation, and communicationthat shaped the North’s econ-omy in the 1800s.

1834Cyrus McCormick

patents reaper

1844Samuel Morse sends

first telegraph message

1846Elias Howe patents

a sewing machine

1860About 3,000


are operating

Main Idea

During the 1800s, advances in tech-

nology and transportation shaped the

North’s economy.

Key Terms

clipper ship, telegraph, Morse code

Reading Strategy

Organizing Information As you read

the section, re-create the diagram

below and list examples of advances

in transportation and technology.

Read to Learn

• how advances in technology

shaped the economy of the North.

• how new kinds of transportation

and communication spurred

economic growth.

Section Theme

Economic Factors Advances in tech-

nology and transportation shaped the

North’s economy.

The North’sEconomy

In the 1840s, telegraph wires and railroads began to cross the nation. But traveling

by rail had its discomforts, as writer Charles Dickens describes: “[T]here is a great deal

of jolting, a great deal of noise, a great deal of wall, not much window, a locomotive

engine, a shriek, and a bell. . . . In the center of the carriage there is usually a stove . . .

which is for the most part red-hot. It is insufferably close; and you see the hot air flut-

tering between yourself and any other object you may happen to look at, like the ghost

of smoke. . . .”

Technology and IndustryIn 1800 most Americans worked on farms. Items that could not be made at

home were manufactured—by hand, one at a time—by local blacksmiths, shoe-makers, and tailors. By the early 1800s, changes took place in the Northernstates. Power-driven machinery performed many tasks that were once done byhand. Industrialization and technology were changing the way Americansworked, traveled, and communicated.

Samuel Morse’s telegraph key

386 CHAPTER 13 North and South


Preview of Events

Guide to Reading

✦1830 ✦1840 ✦1850 ✦1860

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.28A, 8.28B; Obj 5:8.30C Obj 3:8.28C,8.28DCHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390

Guide to Reading

Answers to Graphic: Any five:power-driven loom; sewing machine;clipper ship; steamboat; wider,deeper canals; more roads; steam-powered locomotive; network of railroad tracks; telegraph; steel-tippedplow; mechanical reaper

Preteaching VocabularyPoint out that the word telegraphcomes from the Greek words tele (ata distance, far off) and graphein (towrite). Encourage students to definetelegraph based on this information.


Reproducible Masters• Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–1• Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–1• Guided Reading Activity 13–1• Section Quiz 13–1• Reteaching Activity 13–1• Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–1• Enrichment Activity 13–1

Transparencies• Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–1

MultimediaInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Project transparency and havestudents answer the question.

Available as a blacklinemaster.


Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ANSWER: DTeacher Tip: Tell students to find the number “5” and lookat the code next to it. The code for five is three dashes(called three dahs in Morse Code).


5Chapter 13

Evaluating Print, Visual, and Electronic Sources of Information

Directions: Answer the following question based on the information presented.

What is the code for the number “5”?

A • B • • • • • C • • – • • D – – –

Morse Code

AlphabetA • –B – • • •C • • •D – • •E •F • – •G – – •H • • • •I • •J – • – •K – • –L —–M – –

N – •O • •P • • • • •Q • • – •R • • •S • • •T –U • • –V • • • –W • – –X • – • •Y • • • •Z • • • •

Numerals1 • – – •2 • • – • •3 • • • – •4 • • • • –5 – – –6 • • • • • •7 – – • •8 – • • • •9 – • • –0 ——

B E L L R I N G E RSkillbuilder Activity

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–1

ELA: Page 386: 8.13D, 8.13E;Page 387: 8.8C, 8.10K

Student Edition TEKS

Page 8: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the



CHAPTER 13 North and South

IndustrializationThe industrialization of the North developed

in three phases. In the first, manufacturers madeproducts by dividing the tasks involved amongthe workers. One worker would spin thread allday and another would weave cloth—instead ofhaving one person spin and then weave. Duringthe second phase, manufacturers built factories tobring specialized workers together. This allowedproducts to be made more quickly than before.

In the third phase, factory workers usedmachinery to perform some of their work. Manyof the new machines ran on waterpower orsteam power. For example, power-driven loomstook over the task of weaving. The worker’s jobchanged from weaving to tending the machine,which produced more fabric in less time.

Mass production of cotton textiles began inNew England in the early 1800s. After EliasHowe invented the sewing machine in 1846,machine operators could produce clothing on alarge scale from fabrics made by machine. Othertypes of industries developed during the sameperiod. By 1860 the Northeast’s factories pro-duced at least two-thirds of the country’s manu-factured goods.

Improved TransportationImprovements in transportation contributed

to the success of many of America’s new indus-tries. Between 1800 and 1850, construction crewsbuilt thousands of miles of roads and canals. Thecanals opened new shipping routes by connect-ing many lakes and rivers. The growth of therailroads in the 1840s and 1850s also helped tospeed the flow of goods. Inventor Robert Fultondemonstrated a reliable steamboat in 1807.Steamboats carried goods and passengers morecheaply and quickly along inland waterwaysthan could flatboats or sail-powered vessels.

In the 1840s canal builders began to widenand deepen canals to accommodate steamboats.By 1860 about 3,000 steamboats traveled themajor rivers and canals of the country as well asthe Great Lakes. Steamboats spurred the growthof cities such as Cincinnati, Buffalo, and Chicago.

In the 1840s sailing ships were improved. Theclipper ships—with sleek hulls and tall sails—were the pride of the open seas. They could sail300 miles per day, as fast as most steamships ofthe day. The ships got their name because they“clipped” time from long journeys. Before theclippers, the voyage from New York to GreatBritain took about 21 to 28 days. A clipper shipcould usually make that trip in half the time.

A clipper ship, the Flying Cloud,set a new record by sailing fromNew York to California in lessthan 90 days. How did clipper

ships get their name?


Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.28C, 8.28D Obj 3:8.28BCHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390

COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYCOOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYIllustrating Relationships Have students work together in small groups to create a mural illustrat-ing the concept web they created. (See Creating a Concept Web, above right.) Each group shouldchoose a different aspect to illustrate—steamboats, clipper ships, trains, telegraph and printingpress, agricultural technology, and so on. If necessary, have some students do research. Others canbe responsible for making drawings, while still others can write captions and labels. L1, SS: 8.28B, 8.30C; ELA: 8.24A; SCIENCE: 8.3E


Creating a Concept Web Workwith students to create a conceptweb showing the interrelation-ships between technology, transportation, and advances in agriculture. The central ovalshould be labeled IndustrializedEconomy of the North. L1

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–1

I. Technology and Industry (Pages 386–389)

A. Industrialization changed the way Americans worked, traveled, and communicated. Inthe North, manufacturers made products by dividing tasks among workers. They builtfactories to bring specialized workers together. Products could be made more quickly.The factory workers used machinery to do some of the work faster and more efficiently.

B. Mass production of cotton textiles began in New England after Elias Howe inventedthe sewing machine in 1846. By 1860 factories in the Northeast produced about two-thirds of the country’s manufactured goods.

C. Advances in transportation sparked the success of many new industries.

1. Robert Fulton’s steamboat, developed in 1807, enabled goods and passengers tomove along the inland waterways more cheaply and quickly.

2. Thousands of miles of roads and canals were built between 1800 and 1850, connecting many lakes and rivers.

3. Canal builders widened and deepened the canals in the 1840s so steamboats couldpass through. Steamboats created the growth of cities such as Chicago, Cincinnati,and Buffalo.

4. Clipper, or sailing, ships were built in the 1840s to go faster, almost as fast assteamships. They could travel an average of 300 miles per day.

5. Railroad growth in the 1840s and 1850s connected places that were far apart. Earlyrailroads connected mines with nearby rivers. Horses, not locomotives, poweredthe early railroads.

a. The first steam-powered locomotive, the Rocket, began operating in Britain in1829.

b. Peter Cooper designed and built the first American steam locomotive, TomThumb, in 1830.

6. A railway network in 1860 of nearly 31,000 miles of track linked cities in the Northand Midwest. Railway builders tied the eastern lines to lines built farther west sothat by 1860, a network united the East and the Midwest.

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes

Chapter 13, Section 1

Did You Know? Although Elias Howe patented the sewingmachine in 1846, there were several earlier versions. A sewingmachine was introduced by a French tailor named BarthelemyThimonnier in 1830. Other French tailors were frightened that themachine would put them out of business, so they destroyed his 80-machine shop.


Merchants used clipper ships in thetea trade between the United Statesand China. Answer: They clipped time from thelength of voyages.


SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 386: 8.1B, 8.28A, 8.28B,8.28C, 8.30B, 8.30C;Page 387: 8.13A, 8.13B, 8.14B,8.28A, 8.28B, 8.28C, 8.28D, 8.30C

Student Edition TEKS

Page 9: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the



New York City



Washington, D.C.









New Orleans




La Crosse

LouisvilleSt. Louis

QuincySt. Joseph










Ohio R.










Lake Erie





Lake OntarioLake


G u l f o f M e x i c o

A t l a n t i c

O c e a n




300 kilometers0

300 miles0

Albers Conic Equal-Area projection




In 1833 the 136-mile Charlestonand Hamburg line was the longestrailroad in the world.

Trains clipped along at 20 to 30miles per hour by 1860.

Americans loved their railroads in spite of irregular schedules, frequent breakdowns, and being showered with sparks from the locomotives.

A Railway NetworkIn 1840 the United States had almost 3,000

miles of railroad track. By 1860 it had almost31,000 miles, mostly in the North and the Midwest. One railway linked New York Cityand Buffalo. Another connected Philadelphiaand Pittsburgh. Yet another linked Baltimorewith Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia).

388 CHAPTER 13 North and South

LocomotivesThe development of railroads in the United

States began with short stretches of tracks thatconnected mines with nearby rivers. Early trainswere pulled by horses rather than by locomotives.The first steam-powered passenger locomotive,the Rocket, began operating in Britain in 1829.

Peter Cooper designed and built the firstAmerican steam locomotive in 1830. Called theTom Thumb, it got off to a bad start. In a raceagainst a horse-drawn train in Baltimore, the TomThumb’s engine failed. Engineers soon improvedthe engine, and within 10 years steam locomo-tives were pulling trains in the United States.

Major Railroads, 1860

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.28B Obj 5:8.30C; Obj 2: 8.11A

Shippers could send large quantities of goods faster over railroads than they could over earlier canal, river, and wagonroutes.1. Location To what westernmost city did the railroads

extend by 1860?2. Location What cities might a train traveler pass through

on a trip from Chicago to New Orleans?

CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390

MEETING SPECIAL NEEDSMEETING SPECIAL NEEDSVisual/Spatial In 1860, using 1,600 workers, the last 38 miles of track were laid between NewYork City and Jamestown, New York. A great celebration was held in Jamestown when the last railhad been laid. Have students design posters announcing the coming of the steam locomotive toJamestown. The posters should be very visual and highlight the advantages of the railroad to thiswestern New York town.

Refer to Inclusion for the Middle School Social Studies Classroom Strategies and Activities in the TCR.

Guided Reading Activity 13–1



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Name Date Class

Guided Reading Activity 13-1★

DIRECTIONS: Filling in the Blank Use your textbook to fill in the blanks using thewords in the box. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

Robert Fulton machinery canals 31,000 milestelegraph thresher factories Samuel Morsesteel-tipped plow Peter Cooper dividing sewing machinemechanical reaper

Technology and Industry

First, manufacturers made products by (1) . Then manufacturers built

(2) to bring specialized workers together. Finally, factory workers used

(3) to perform some of their work. After Elias Howe invented the

(4) in 1846, operators could produce clothing on a large scale from

fabrics made by machine. The invention of the steamboat by (5) in

1807 meant that goods and passengers could be transported more quickly.

In the 1840s (6) were widened and deepened to accommodate

steamboats. In 1830 (7) built the first American steam locomotive.

By 1860 the United States had almost (8) of railway tracks that helped

speed the flow of goods from the East to the Midwest. On May 24, 1844,

(9) successfully demonstrated the use of his (10) system.


The (11) easily cut through the hard-packed sod of the prairies;

the (12) sped up the harvesting of wheat; and the (13)

quickly separated the grain from the stalk.

Answers:1. St. Joseph2. Answers may include

Indianapolis, Louisville, Cairo,and Jackson (Tennessee andMississippi).

Air Brakes Air brakes to stop loco-motives were not invented until the1860s. Before George Westinghouseinvented them, brakemen had to stoprailcars by hand. Standing on the roofof a car, the brakeman slowed orstopped the train by turning a cast-iron wheel connected to a shaft thatran down to the brakes. Many brake-men lost their lives falling from thetop of railcars as they wrestled withthe wheel while the train sped arounddangerous curves.


ELA: Page 388: 8.10K, 8.13D,8.22B; Page 389: 8.10KMATH: Page 388: 8.14A

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CHAPTER 13 North and South 389

Railway builders connected these easternlines to lines being built farther west in Ohio,Indiana, and Illinois. By 1860 a network of rail-road track united the Midwest and the East.

Moving Goods and PeopleAlong with canals, the railways transformed

trade in the nation’s interior. The changes beganwith the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 andthe first railroads of the 1830s. Before this timeagricultural goods were carried down the Mis-sissippi River to New Orleans and then shippedto other countries or to the East Coast of theUnited States.

The development of the east-west canal andthe rail network allowed grain, livestock, anddairy products to move directly from the Mid-west to the East. Because goods now traveledfaster and more cheaply, manufacturers in theEast could offer them at lower prices.

The railroads also played an important rolein the settlement and industrialization of theMidwest. Fast, affordable train travel broughtpeople into Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. As thepopulations of these states grew, new townsand industries developed.

Faster CommunicationThe growth of industry and the new pace of

travel created a need for faster methods of com-munication. The telegraph—an apparatus thatused electric signals to transmit messages—filled that need.

Samuel Morse, an American inventor, hadbeen seeking support for a system of telegraphlines. On May 24, 1844, Morse got the chance todemonstrate that he could send messagesinstantly along wires. As a crowd in the U.S. cap-ital watched, Morse tapped in the words, “Whathath God wrought!” A few moments later, thetelegraph operator in Baltimore sent the samemessage back in reply. The telegraph worked!Soon telegraph messages were flashing back andforth between Washington and Baltimore.

Morse transmitted his message in Morsecode, a series of dots and dashes representingthe letters of the alphabet. A skilled Morse codeoperator could rapidly tap out words in the dot-and-dash alphabet. Americans adopted the tele-graph eagerly. A British visitor marveled at thespeed with which Americans formed telegraphcompanies and erected telegraph lines. Ameri-cans, he wrote, were driven to “annihilate [wipeout] distance” in their vast country. By 1852 theUnited States was operating about 23,000 milesof telegraph lines.

Explaining How did canals and rail-ways change transportation?

Samuel Morse

The defeat of the train Tom Thumb in 1830 did not meanthe end of the steam engine. The first successful use of asteam locomotive in the United States took place in SouthCarolina in 1831. In 1860 which regions of the United

States had the most miles of railroad track?


Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.28B Obj 3:8.28ACHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390

INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYINTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYScience The first successful transatlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1858. Financed by Cyrus Field,a wealthy New York paper manufacturer, it stretched from Newfoundland to Ireland. The telegraph,however, would not have been possible without the discovery of electricity. Have students researchearly experiments with electricity and how it helped with the development of the telegraph.Students should report their findings in well-structured essays. SS: 8.29B, 8.30A; ELA: 8.15A;SCIENCE: 8.3E

Reteaching Activity 13–1

3 ASSESSAssign Section 1 Assessment as homework or as an in-classactivity.

Have students use InteractiveTutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM.

Section Quiz 13–1

Name Date Class

Reteaching Activity 13-1★

DIRECTIONS: Determining Cause and Effect After each Cause, write the letterof its Effect from the Fact Bank.

1. Cause: Factory workers use machinery to perform some of their work.

Effect: �������������������������

2. Cause: Elias Howe invents thesewing machine in 1843.

Effect: �������������������������

3. Cause: Robert Fulton invents thesteamboat in 1807.


6. Cause: Samuel Morse demonstrates the use of the telegraph on May 24, 1844.Effect: ��������������������������

7. Cause: Revolutionary agriculturalequipment, such as the steel-tippedplow and the thresher, is invented.

Effect: ��������������������������

8. Cause: Cyrus McCormick designsand constructs the mechanicalreaper.

Section Quiz 13-1

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each)

Column A

1. invented the sewing machine

2. clipper ship

3. changed river travel

4. steam-powered locomotive

5. sent the first telegraph message

DIR CTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left write the letter of the

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������

ScoreChapter 13

Column B

A. Robert FultonB. the Rocket

C. Elias HoweD. Samuel MorseE. the Flying Cloud

Answer: They allowed more directways to get from the East Coast tothe Midwest.

Early railroads were expensive to buildand maintain. Although state govern-ments funded canal building, privateenterprise provided the money forearly railroads. Answer: East and Midwest


SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 388: 8.11A, 8.13B, 8.28B,8.30B, 8.30C;Page 389: 8.11A, 8.12B, 8.13A,8.13B, 8.28A, 8.28C, 8.29C, 8.30C

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Checking for Understanding

1. Key Terms Use each of these terms

in a sentence that will help explain its

meaning: clipper ship, telegraph,

Morse code.

2. Reviewing Facts Identify and

describe the three phases of industri-

alization in the North.

Reviewing Themes

3. Economic Factors How did improve-

ments in transportation affect the

price of goods?

Critical Thinking

4. Determining Cause and Effect How

did the steel-tipped plow aid settlers

on the Great Plains?

5. Analyzing Consequences How

might failure to improve transporta-

tion have affected the economic and

social development of the nation?

Re-create the diagram below and list

the possible effects.

Analyzing Visuals

6. Geography Skills Study the map on

page 388, then answer this question:

Through what two cities in Missis-

sippi did major rail lines pass?

AgricultureThe railroads gave farmers access to new

markets to sell their products. Advances in tech-nology allowed farmers to greatly increase thesize of the harvest they produced.

In the early 1800s, few farmers had venturedinto the treeless Great Plains west of Missouri,Iowa, and Minnesota. Even areas of mixed forestand prairie west of Ohio and Kentucky seemedtoo difficult for farming. Settlers worried thattheir wooden plows could not break the prairie’smatted sod and that the soil was not fertile.

Revolution in AgricultureThree revolutionary inventions of the 1830s

changed farming methods and encouraged set-tlers to cultivate larger areas of the West. Onewas the steel-tipped plow that John Deereinvented in 1837. Far sturdier than the woodenplow, Deere’s plow easily cut through the hard-packed sod of the prairies. Equally importantwas the mechanical reaper, which sped up theharvesting of wheat, and the thresher, whichquickly separated the grain from the stalk.

McCormick’s ReaperBorn on a Virginia farm, Cyrus McCormick

became interested in machines that wouldease the burden of farmwork. After years of

tinkering, McCormick designed and con-structed the mechanical reaper and made a fortune manufacturing and selling it.

For hundreds of years, farmers had harvestedgrain with handheld sickles. McCormick’sreaper could harvest grain much faster than ahand-operated sickle. Because farmers couldharvest wheat so quickly, they began plantingmore of it. Growing wheat became profitable.

McCormick’s reaper ensured that raisingwheat would remain the main economic activityin the Midwestern prairies. New machines andrailroads helped farmers plant more acres in“cash” crops—crops planted strictly for sale.Midwestern farmers began growing more wheatand shipping it east by train and canal barge.Farmers in the Northeast and Middle Atlanticstates increased their production of fruits andvegetables that grew well in Eastern soils.

Despite improvements in agriculture, how-ever, the North turned away from farming andincreasingly toward industry. It was difficultmaking a living farming the rocky soil of NewEngland, but industry flourished in the area.The number of people who worked in factoriescontinued to rise—and so did problems con-nected with factory labor.

Identifying What innovation spedthe harvesting of wheat?

390 CHAPTER 13 North and South

Math Research the number of

acres of wheat harvested in the

United States before and after

McCormick introduced his reaper.

Then create a chart or graph to

illustrate your findings.


Social Economic

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.28A Obj 2:8.12A, 8.11B; Obj 3:8.13ACHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390CHAPTER 13Section 1, 386–390

4 CLOSERailroads were viewed as athreat to business by turnpikeinvestors and canal backers.Ask: Who else might have lostincome because of the rail-roads? (innkeepers along roads;farmers who raised horses; wagonmakers, saddle makers, wheel-wrights, and so on) SS: 8.15B

Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–1

Enrichment Activity 13–1

Answer: McCormick’s mechanicalreaper

Name Date Class

★ Enrichment Activity 13-1 ★★

Communicating in CodeSamuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail developed a code to make it easy

to communicate on the telegraph. Morse code uses a combination ofdots and dashes to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation.The message STAND BY looks like this in American Morse code:

The first message, WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT looks like thisin American Morse code:





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For use with textbook pages 386–390


Study GuideChapter 13, Section 1


clipper ship Fast sailing ships with tall sails and sleek hulls (page 387)

telegraph An apparatus that used electric signals to transmit messages (page 389)

Morse code A series of dots and dashes representing the alphabet developed bySamuel Morse (page 389)


When you need food or clothes, how do you get them? Do you grow your own food or sew yourclothes? What inventions changed the way people produced food and clothing in the 1800s?

This section focuses on how advances in technology and transportation shaped the economy ofthe North.


Use the chart below to help you take notes as you read the summaries that follow. Think abouthow the economy of the North was affected by advances in technology and transportation.

Segment of Economy Inventions/Developments





ELA: Page 390: 8.10K, 8.10L,8.11A, 8.13D, 8.13E, 8.22B, 8.24A;Page 391: 8.13D, 8.13EMATH: Page 390: 8.12C, 8.14A,8.15A

Student Edition TEKS1. Student work should reflect correct

use of terms. SS: 8.31A2. (a) division of tasks among workers,

(b) building factories to bring spe-cialized workers together, (c) use ofmachinery SS: 8.13C

3. They reduced prices becausegoods traveled faster and morecheaply. SS: 8.28B

4. Wooden plows could not breakthrough the tough sod. When thesteel plow was invented, it solvedthis problem. The sturdy plow easi-ly cut through hard-packed sod.SS: 8.29A

5. Social: less interaction of peoplefrom different backgrounds andareas of the country; Economic:

less industry, employment, trans-port of goods, and slower growthof cities SS: 8.28A

6. Jackson; Vicksburg SS: 8.10B

Interdisciplinary Activity Graphs andcharts should compare wheat produc-tion before and after the invention ofthe McCormick reaper. MATH: 8.12C

Page 12: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395

1 FOCUSSection OverviewThis section explains how thegrowth of industry along withan increase in immigrationchanged Northern cities.

Guide to Reading

Answers to Graphic: Any two:growth of factories; growth of tradeand shipping; increased immigration

Preteaching VocabularyPoint out that the term strike was firstused in a labor context in 1768 whenBritish sailors protested by striking, or taking down, the sails. Encouragestudents to describe what happenswhen a strike occurs.

Project transparency and havestudents answer the question.

Available as a blacklinemaster.


Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ANSWER: BTeacher Tip: Have students identify the informationpresented in each column and row. Tell them that thenumber of immigrants per country is in rows and per yearin columns.


5Chapter 13

Interpreting Charts and Tables

Directions: Answer the following question based on the chart.

In which of the years shown did the greatest number of immigrants come to the United States?

A 1830 B 1850 C 1820 D 1840

Country of Origin 1820 1830 1840 1850

Canada 209 189 1,938 9,376

China 1 — — 3

Germany 968 1,976 29,704 78,896

Great Britain 2,410 1,153 2,613 51,085

India 1 — — 4

Ireland 3,614 2,721 39,430 164,004

Italy 30 9 37 431

Mexico 1 983 395 597

Poland 5 2 5 5

United States Immigration, 1820–1850

B E L L R I N G E RSkillbuilder Activity

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–2


Main Idea

Many cities grew tremendously during

this period.

Key Terms

trade union, strike, prejudice,

discrimination, famine, nativist

Reading Strategy

Determining Cause and Effect As

you read the section, re-create the

diagram below and list two reasons

for the growth of cities.

Read to Learn

• how working conditions in indus-

tries changed.

• how immigration affected American

economic, political, and cultural life.

Section Theme

Geography and History Growth of

industry and an increase in immigra-

tion changed the North.

The North’s People

CHAPTER 13 North and South

1827Freedom’s Journal, first African American

newspaper, is published

1833The General Trades

Union of New York is


1854American Party



1860Population of New

York City passes


“At first the hours seemed very long, but I was so interested in learning that I

endured it very well; when I went out at night the sound of the mill was in my ears,” a

Northern mill worker wrote in 1844. The worker compared the noise of the cotton mill

to the ceaseless, deafening roar of Niagara Falls. The roar of machinery was only one

feature of factory life workers had to adjust to. Industrialization created new challenges

for the men, women, and children who worked in the nation’s factories.

Northern FactoriesBetween 1820 and 1860, more and more of America’s manufacturing shifted

to mills and factories. Machines took over many of the production tasks. In the early 1800s, in the mills established in Lowell, Massachusetts, the

entire production process was brought together under one roof—setting up thefactory system. In addition to textiles and clothing, factories now produced suchitems as shoes, watches, guns, sewing machines, and agricultural machinery.

12-year-old factory worker

Growth of


Preview of Events

Guide to Reading

✦1820 ✦1840✦1830 ✦1860✦1850

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.14B; Obj 5:8.30C Obj 3:8.29C Obj 3:8.28C


Reproducible Masters• Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–2• Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–2• Guided Reading Activity 13–2• Section Quiz 13–2• Reteaching Activity 13–2• Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–2• Enrichment Activity 13–2

Transparencies• Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–2

MultimediaInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 390: 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.11A,8.11B, 8.13A, 8.13C, 8.28A, 8.28B,8.28C, 8.29A, 8.30A, 8.30B, 8.30C,8.30H, 8.31A, 8.31D;Page 391: 8.1B, 8.14B, 8.28C,8.29C, 8.30C

Student Edition TEKS

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CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395


COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYCOOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYWriting Letters to the Editor Organize the class into small groups, each of which should write aletter to the editor describing the problems facing one of the groups discussed in the section. Theletters should be written from the point of view of a family or an individual, and should make suggestions for ways to improve conditions. Remind students to use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Before presenting the letter to the class, the group should critique it and revise it as necessary. L2 SS: 8.30D, 8.31B; ELA: 8.15E

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–2

I. Northern Factories (Pages 391–393)

A. Factories produced items such as shoes, watches, guns, sewing machines, and agriculturalmachinery in addition to textiles and clothing. Working conditions worsened as factoriesgrew. Employees worked an average 11.4-hour day, often under dangerous and unpleasantconditions. No laws existed to regulate working conditions or to protect workers.

B. By the 1830s workers began to organize to improve working conditions. Trade unions,or organizations of workers with the same trade or skill, developed. Unskilled work-

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes

Chapter 13, Section 2

Did You Know? President James Buchanan was the only presi-dent who never married. Engaged in 1819 to be wed, his fiancée’sfamily disapproved and eventually she broke the engagement.When he became president in 1857, his niece Harriet Lane served as mistress of the White House.

Answer: Most African Americanscould not vote or attend publicschools. They were barred from otherpublic facilities, forced to use segre-gated schools and hospitals, and couldget only low-paying jobs.

History Through Art

CHAPTER 13 North and South

Working ConditionsAs the factory system developed, working

conditions worsened. Factory owners wantedtheir employees to work longer hours in orderto produce more goods. By 1840 factory work-ers averaged 11.4 hours a day. As the workdaygrew longer, on-the-job accidents became moreand more common.

Factory work involved many dangerous con-ditions. For example, the long leather belts thatconnected the machines to the factory’s water-powered driveshaft had no protective shields.Workers often suffered injuries such as lost fin-gers and broken bones from the rapidly spin-ning belts. Young children working onmachines with powerful moving parts wereespecially at risk.

Workers often labored under unpleasant con-ditions. In the summer, factories were miserablyhot and stifling. The machines gave off heat, and

air-conditioning had not yet been invented. Inthe winter, workers suffered because most facto-ries had no heating.

Factory owners often showed more concernfor profits than for the comfort and safety oftheir employees. Employers knew they couldeasily replace an unhappy worker with someoneelse eager for a job. No laws existed to regulateworking conditions or to protect workers.

Attempts to OrganizeBy the 1830s workers began organizing to

improve working conditions. Fearing thegrowth of the factory system, skilled workershad formed trade unions—organizations ofworkers with the same trade, or skill. Steadilydeteriorating working conditions led unskilledworkers to organize as well.

In the mid-1830s skilled workers in New YorkCity staged a series of strikes, refusing to workin order to put pressure on employers. Workerswanted higher wages and to limit their workdayto 10 hours. Groups of skilled workers formedthe General Trades Union of New York.

In the early 1800s going on strike was illegal.Striking workers could be punished by the law,or they could be fired from their jobs. In 1842 aMassachusetts court ruled that workers did havethe right to strike. It would be many years, how-ever, before workers received other legal rights.

African American WorkersSlavery had largely disappeared from

the North by the 1830s. However, racialprejudice—an unfair opinion not based onfacts—and discrimination—unfair treatmentof a group—remained in Northern states. Forexample, in 1821 New York eliminated therequirement that white men had to own prop-erty in order to vote—yet few African Ameri-cans were allowed to vote. Both Rhode Islandand Pennsylvania passed laws prohibiting freeAfrican Americans from voting.

Most communities would not allow freeAfrican Americans to attend public schools andbarred them from public facilities as well. OftenAfrican Americans were forced into segregated,or separate, schools and hospitals.

Young Man in White Apron by John Mackie

Falconer The artist of this painting was known forhis watercolors depicting New York City workerssuch as this African American clerk. How did

prejudice affect the lives of African Americans

in the North?

History Through Art


Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.29C

ELA: Page 392: 8.8C, 8.10K;Page 393: 8.10K

Student Edition TEKS

Synthesizing Information Asstudents read the section, havethem answer the following ques-tions. Ask: Why could workersof the mid-1800s be called wageslaves? What similar experi-ences did women, AfricanAmericans, and immigrantsface? What was the agenda ofthe Know-Nothing Party? (poorconditions in factories, no laws pro-tecting safety or limiting hours, little or no choice but to accept theirlot; discrimination and prejudice;called for stricter citizenship lawsand wanted to ban foreign-born citi-zens from holding public office) L2SS: 8.15B

Page 14: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


393CHAPTER 13 North and South

A few African Americans rose in the businessworld. Henry Boyd owned a furniture manufac-turing company in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1827Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurmfounded Freedom’s Journal, the first AfricanAmerican newspaper, in New York City. In 1845Macon B. Allen became the first African Ameri-can licensed to practice law in the United States.The overwhelming majority of African Ameri-cans, however, were extremely poor.

Women WorkersWomen had played a major role in the devel-

oping mill and factory systems. However,employers discriminated against women, pay-ing them less than male workers. When menbegan to form unions, they excluded women.Male workers wanted women kept out of theworkplace so that more jobs would be availablefor men.

Some female workers attempted to organizein the 1830s and 1840s. In Massachusetts theLowell Female Labor Reform Organization,founded by a weaver named Sarah G. Bagley,petitioned the state legislature for a 10-hourworkday in 1845. Because most of the petition’ssigners were women, the legislature did not con-sider the petition.

Most of the early efforts by women to achieveequality and justice in the workplace failed. Theypaved the way, however, for later movements tocorrect the injustices against female workers.

Describing How did conditions forworkers change as the factory system developed?

The Rise of CitiesThe growth of factories went hand in hand

with the growth of Northern cities. People look-ing for work flocked to the cities, where most ofthe factories were located. The population of NewYork City, the nation’s largest city, passed 800,000,and Philadelphia, more than 500,000 in 1860.

Between 1820 and 1840, communities that hadbeen small villages became major cities, includingSt. Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Louisville.All of them profited from their location on the

Mississippi River or one of the river’s branches.These cities became centers of the growing tradethat connected the farmers of the Midwest withthe cities of the Northeast. After 1830 the GreatLakes became a center for shipping, creatingmajor new urban centers. These centers includedBuffalo, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago.

ImmigrationImmigration—the movement of people into a

country—to the United States increased dramat-ically between 1840 and 1860. American manu-facturers welcomed the tide of immigrants,many of whom were willing to work for longhours and for low pay.

The largest group of immigrants to the UnitedStates at this time traveled across the Atlanticfrom Ireland. Between 1846 and 1860 more than1.5 million Irish immigrants arrived in the coun-try, settling mostly in the Northeast.

The Irish migration to the United States wasbrought on by a terrible potato famine. Afamine is an extreme shortage of food. Potatoeswere the main part of the Irish diet. When a dev-astating blight, or disease, destroyed Irishpotato crops in the 1840s, starvation struck thecountry. More than one million people died.

Although most of the immigrants had beenfarmers in Ireland, they were too poor to buyland in the United States. For this reason manyIrish immigrants took low-paying factory jobs in

Cities grow along fall lines A “fall line” is the boundary

between an upland region and a lower region where

rivers and streams move down over rapids or waterfalls

to the lower region. Cities sprang up along fall lines for a

number of reasons. Boats could not travel beyond the

fall line, so travelers and merchants had to transfer their

goods to other forms of transportation there. Early man-

ufacturers also took advantage of the falls to power

their mills. Fall-line cities include Richmond, Virginia;

Trenton, New Jersey; and Augusta, Georgia.

Growth of Cities

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.24E Obj 3:8.14B CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395

Answer: Factory employees workedlonger hours under worsening conditions.

MEETING SPECIAL NEEDSMEETING SPECIAL NEEDSVisual/Spatial Make library resources available to students to use for reference in creating collages showing living and working conditions discussed in the section. Materials needed are a 9″ � 12″ piece of cardboard, newspapers, magazines, tissue paper, foil, gift wrap, glue, paintbrush,waxed paper, and scissors. Have students experiment with cutting and tearing shapes out of thevarious materials (for example, tear a shape of a factory from the newspaper). SS: 8.29C, 8.31D;ELA: 8.24A

Refer to Inclusion for the Middle School Social Studies Classroom Strategies and Activities in the TCR.

Guided Reading Activity 13–2Name Date Class

Guided Reading Activity 13-2★

DIRECTIONS: Outlining Locate the heading in your textbook. Then use theinformation under the heading to help you write each answer. Use anothersheet of paper if necessary.

I. Northern Factories

A. Working Conditions—What kind of unpleasant conditions did factory workers

labor under? �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

B. Attempts to Organize1. What kinds of organizations did skilled factory workers form to improve

working conditions? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������2. What did some New York City workers do in the 1830s to get higher wages?

C. African American Workers1. What two attitudes toward free African Americans remained in the North

The women who workedin New England’s textile mills were thefirst American women to work in facto-ries. Today women make up 46 percent ofthe total labor force. Inequality still exists,however. On average, women earnapproximately 75 cents for every dollarmen earn.

City Life Despite the problems,urban life had much to offer. Perhapsthe biggest attraction was the prospectof finding work. To many people fromrural America and Europe, even alow-paying factory job seemed like an opportunity to move ahead. Citieswere also exciting places where anewcomer could meet different kindsof people and be part of the urbanhustle and bustle.


SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 392: 8.27A, 8.29C, 8.30C;Page 393: 8.11C, 8.14B, 8.24A,8.24E, 8.29C

Student Edition TEKS

Page 15: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


Ireland 35%

Sources of U.S. Immigration

Annual Immigration, 1820–1860



All other

nations 29%

Great Britain

14% Germany


Great Britain


Ireland 39%



All other

nations 13%



al Im



n (

in t











Year1830 1840 1850 1860

Immigration to the United States increased

dramatically between 1820 and 1860.

1. Identifying Which country provided the

most immigrants between 1840 and 1860?

2. Analyzing information From the graph,

in which years did immigration surpass


Northern cities. The men who came from Irelandworked in factories or performed manual labor,such as working on the railroads. The women,who accounted for almost half of the immi-grants, became servants and factory workers.

The second-largest group of immigrants in theUnited States between 1820 and 1860 came fromGermany. Some sought work and opportunity.Others had left their homes because of the failureof a democratic revolution in Germany in 1848.

Between 1848 and 1860 more than one million German immigrants—many in familygroups—settled in the United States. Manyarrived with enough money to buy farms oropen their own businesses. They prospered in

many parts of the country, founding their owncommunities and self-help organizations. SomeGerman immigrants settled in New York andPennsylvania, but many moved to the Midwestand the western territories.

The Impact of ImmigrationThe immigrants who came to the United

States between 1820 and 1860 changed the character of the country. These people broughttheir languages, customs, religions, and ways of

394 CHAPTER 13 North and South

ImmigrationNewcomers came to America from many

different countries in the mid-1800s, but

the overwhelming majority came from

Ireland and Germany.

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 5:8.30C Obj 3:8.24DCHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395

3 ASSESSAssign Section 2 Assessment as homework or as an in-classactivity.

Have students use InteractiveTutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM.

Section Quiz 13–2

Section Quiz 13-2

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each)

Column A

1. extreme shortage of food

2. unfair opinion not based on fact

3. unfair treatment of a group

4. founded Lowell Female Labor Reform Organization

5. Know-Nothing Party

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������

ScoreChapter 13

Column B

A. prejudiceB. wanted to decrease

immigrationC. Sarah G. BagleyD. famineE. discrimination

So many Irish people immigrated toNew York City that it soon became thecity with the largest Irish population inthe world. In just a few decades, moreIrish people lived in America thanlived in Ireland. Ask: Why did mostIrish immigrants work in cities?(They were too poor to buy land for farming.)

INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYINTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYDaily Life When the first census was taken in 1790, about 95 percent of Americans lived on farms.By 1850 the population was 85 percent rural. Today our population is largely urban and suburban.Have students find the information they need to create a graph showing the changing nature ofthe United States population from 1790 to the present. Students may work in small groups, eachtaking a different block of time to show on a graph. Have each group use the same scale so thatchanges are apparent when the graphs are placed side by side. L2 SS: 8.30C, 8.30H; ELA: 8.13E;MATH: 8.5A

Answer:1. Ireland2. 1850 and 1860

ELA: Page 394: 8.10K, 8.13D;Page 395: 8.10K, 8.10L, 8.11A,8.13D, 8.13E, 8.15A, 8.15E, 8.22BMATH: Page 394: 8.14A, 8.15A;Page 395: 8.14A, 8.15A

Student Edition TEKS

Page 16: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395CHAPTER 13Section 2, 391–395

4 CLOSEAsk students to explain whynativists could be said to haveforgotten their own origins.

Answer: Germany and Ireland

Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–2

Enrichment Activity 13–2Name Date Class

★ Enrichment Activity 13-2 ★★

ImmigrationIn the decades before 1820, about 60,000 immigrants had been arriving

each year to the United States. Between 1820 and 1830, a total of about 152,000immigrants arrived. Study the graph of immigration from 1831 to 1860.


Immigration, 1831–1860


r of





n th



For use with textbook pages 391–395


Study GuideChapter 13, Section 2


Do you have a job? Perhaps you deliver newspapers, walk dogs, or baby-sit children. What kinds


trade union Organizations of workers with the same trade or skill (page 392)

strike Refusing to work in order to put pressure on employers (page 392)

prejudice An unfair opinion not based on facts (page 392)

discrimination Unfair treatment of a group (page 392)

famine An extreme shortage of food (page 393)

nativist People opposed to immigration (page 395)

Reteaching Activity 13–2Name Date Class

Reteaching Activity 13-2★

DIRECTIONS: Organizing Facts Write the letter ofeach item in the Fact Bank in the appropriate sectionof the chart. Some items fit in more than one category.

The North’s PeopleFactory Working African American

Conditions Trade Unions Workers

Women Workers City Life Immigrants

Checking for Understanding

1. Key Terms Use each of these terms

in a complete sentence that will help

explain its meaning: trade union,

strike, prejudice, discrimination,

famine, nativist.

2. Reviewing Facts What was the

nation’s largest city in 1860?

Reviewing Themes

3. Geography and History How did

German and Irish immigrants differ

in where they settled?

Critical Thinking

4. Making Inferences How do you

think nativists would have defined a

“real” American?

5. Determining Cause and Effect

Re-create the diagram below and

list reasons workers formed labor


Analyzing Visuals

6. Graph Skills Study the graphs on

page 394. What country provided

about 1 out of every 4 immigrants to

the United States between 1820 and


CHAPTER 13 North and South 395

Expository Writing Using the

information on page 394, create a

quiz for your classmates. Write five

questions about immigration and

nationalities. Trade quizzes with a

classmate and answer its questions.

life with them, some of which filtered intoAmerican culture.

Before the early 1800s, the majority of immi-grants to America had been either Protestantsfrom Great Britain or Africans brought forciblyto America as slaves. At the time, the countryhad relatively few Catholics, and most of theselived around Baltimore, New Orleans, and St.Augustine. Most of the Irish immigrants andabout one-half of the German immigrants wereRoman Catholics.

Many Catholic immigrants settled in cities ofthe Northeast. The Church gave the newcomersmore than a source of spiritual guidance. It alsoprovided a center for the community life of theimmigrants.

The German immigrants brought their lan-guage as well as their religion. When they settled, they lived in their own communities,founded German-language publications, andestablished musical societies.

Immigrants Face PrejudiceIn the 1830s and 1840s, anti-immigrant

feelings rose. Some Americans feared that immigrants were changing the character of theUnited States too much.

People opposed to immigration were knownas nativists because they felt that immigrationthreatened the future of “native”—American-

born—citizens. Some nativists accused immi-grants of taking jobs from “real” Americans andwere angry that immigrants would work forlower wages. Others accused the newcomers ofbringing crime and disease to American cities.Immigrants who lived in crowded slums servedas likely targets of this kind of prejudice.

The Know-Nothing PartyThe nativists formed secret anti-Catholic soci-

eties, and in the 1850s they joined to form a newpolitical party: the American Party. Becausemembers of nativist groups often answeredquestions about their organization with thestatement “I know nothing,” their party came tobe known as the Know-Nothing Party.

The Know-Nothings called for stricter citizen-ship laws—extending the immigrants’ waitingperiod for citizenship from 5 to 21 years—andwanted to ban foreign-born citizens from hold-ing office.

In the mid-1850s the Know-Nothing move-ment split into a Northern branch and a Southern branch over the question of slavery. Atthis time the slavery issue was also dividing theNorthern and Southern states of the nation.

Identifying What two nations pro-vided the largest number of immigrants to the United Statesduring this era?


Workers organizeCause



Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.24D

1. Student work should reflect correctuse of terms. SS: 8.31A

2. New York City SS: 8.11A3. Irish settled mostly in cities in the

Northeast. They were too poor tobuy land, so they took factory jobs.Germans settled in New York,Pennsylvania, the Midwest, and the

western territories. Many arrivedwith money to buy farms and openbusinesses. SS: 8.24A

4. Answers will vary but may includethat a “real” American was aProtestant born in the UnitedStates. SS: 8.30D

5. poor conditions; long hours; unfairwages; fear of factory system SS: 8.30B

6. Germany SS: 8.30C

Interdisciplinary Activity Questionsand answers should show accurateanalysis of information. ELA: 8.15A

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 394: 8.24A, 8.24D, 8.30C,8.30H; Page 395: 8.8C, 8.11A,8.24A, 8.24D, 8.30B, 8.30C, 8.30D,8.31A, 8.31D

Student Edition TEKS

Page 17: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


TEACHReading a Circle Graph Thisskill teaches students how toread a circle graph. A circlegraph is most useful for showingparts of a whole, rather than aprogression or changes overtime. When you have severalgraphs together, as on this page,you can do both.

If you have students make theirown circle graphs, review theuse of a protractor. To find thesize of the angle of a wedge, students must multiply the partnumber by 360 and divide thatfigure by the total. MATH: 8.2A

Additional Practice


Reading a Circle GraphWhy Learn This Skill?

Have you ever watched someonedish out pieces of pie? When the pieis cut evenly, everybody gets thesame size slice. If one slice is cut alittle larger, however, someone elsegets a smaller piece. A circlegraph is like a pie cut in slices.Often, a circle graph is called a pie chart.

Learning the SkillIn a circle graph, the complete

circle represents a whole group—or 100 percent. The circle isdivided into “slices,” or wedge-shaped sections representing partsof the whole.

The size of each slice is deter-mined by the percentage it represents.

To read a circle graph, follow these steps:• Study the labels or key to determine what the

parts or “slices” represent.• Compare the parts of the graph to draw conclu-

sions about the subject.• When two or more circle graphs appear together,

read their titles and labels. Then compare thegraphs for similarities and differences.

Practicing the SkillRead the graphs on this page. Then answer the fol-lowing questions.

1 What do the four graphs represent?

2 What percentage of workers were in agriculturein 1840? In 1870?

3 During what decade did the percentage of work-ers in manufacturing increase the most?

4 What can you conclude from the graphs aboutthe relationship between manufacturing andagricultural workers from 1840 to 1870?

Social StudiesSocial Studies

Agricultural and Nonagricultural Workers, 1840–1870

1840 1850

1860 1870

Agricultural Manufacturing Other

Source: Historical Statistics of the United States.











Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 5:8.30C

Applying the SkillReading a Circle Graph Find a circle graphrelated to the economy in a newspaper or maga-zine. Compare its sections. Then draw a conclusionabout the economy.

Glencoe’s Skillbuilder InteractiveWorkbook CD-ROM, Level 1, providesinstruction and practice in key social studies skills.

Social StudiesSocial Studies

ANSWERS TO PRACTICING THE SKILL1 agricultural and nonagricultural workers in 1840,

1850, 1860, and 1870

2 69 percent, 53 percent

3 between 1860 and 1870

4 number of manufacturing workers increased, numberof agricultural workers decreased (or agricultural

workers made up a larger, though decreasing, per-centage of workers than nonagricultural workers)

Applying the Skill Students should correctly analyze aneconomic circle graph using the steps outlined in Learningthe Skill.

Chapter Skills Activity 13Name Date Class

Chapter Skills Activity 13★

Reading a Circle GraphA circle graph is useful in comparing parts of a whole. The entire circle stands for the

whole thing, or 100 percent of something. The sections represent the parts that make upthe whole.

DIRECTIONS: Use the four circle graphs below to answer the questions that follow.

1. What do the four graphs show?




1830 1850

Urban and Rural Population, 1830–1860


91% 85%

CD-ROMGlencoe SkillbuilderInteractive Workbook CD-ROM, Level 1

This interactive CD-ROM reinforcesstudent mastery of essential socialstudies skills.

ELA: Page 396: 8.10K, 8.13D;Page 397: 8.13D, 8.13EMATH: Page 396: 8.14A, 8.15A

Student Edition TEKS

Page 18: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the



Main Idea

Cotton was vital to the economy of

the South.

Key Terms

cotton gin, capital

Reading Strategy

Comparing As you read the section,

re-create the diagram. In the ovals,

give reasons why cotton production

grew while industrial growth was


Read to Learn

• how settlement expanded in the


• why the economy of the South

relied on agriculture.

Section Theme

Science and Technology Technol-

ogy, a favorable climate, and rising

demand led to the cotton boom in the

Deep South.

Southern Cotton Kingdom

CHAPTER 13 North and South

1793Eli Whitney invents

cotton gin

1800sRemoval of Native Americans spurs

expansion of cotton production

1860The South remains largely rural

and dependent on cotton

Cotton was “king” in the South before 1860. “Look which way you will, you see it;

and see it moving,” wrote a visitor to Mobile, Alabama. “Keel boats, ships, brigs,

schooners, wharves, stores, and press-houses, all appeared to be full.” Cotton was

also the main topic of conversation: “I believe that in the three days that I was there . . .

I must have heard the word cotton pronounced more than 3,000 times.”

Rise of the Cotton KingdomIn 1790 the South seemed to be an underdeveloped agricultural region with

little prospect for future growth. Most Southerners lived along the Atlantic coastin Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina in what came to be known as theUpper South.

By 1850 the South had changed. Its population had spread inland to the statesof the Deep South—Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,and Texas. The economy of the South was thriving. Slavery, which had disap-peared from the North, grew stronger than ever in the South.



Stem of cotton

Preview of Events

Guide to Reading

✦1780 ✦1800 ✦1820 ✦1840 ✦1860

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.13B; Obj 5:8.30B, 8.30C Obj 3:8.13A, 8.13BCHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400CHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400

1 FOCUSSection OverviewThis section describes how newtechnology, favorable climate,and high demand led to the cotton boom in the Deep South.

Guide to Reading

Answers to Graphic: Cotton production: cotton gin decreased processing time, farmers grew morecotton; Industry: farming was moreprofitable so no new businessesstarted, lack of capital

Preteaching VocabularyHave students define capital in theirown words.


Reproducible Masters• Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–3• Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–3• Guided Reading Activity 13–3• Section Quiz 13–3• Reteaching Activity 13–3• Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–3• Enrichment Activity 13–3

Transparencies• Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–3

MultimediaInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Project transparency and havestudents answer the question.

Available as a blacklinemaster.


Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ANSWER: CTeacher Tip: Explain to students that one train represents1,000 miles of tracks. The North and the South havedifferent colored illustrated trains.


5Chapter 13

Interpreting Graphs

Directions: Answer the following question based on the graph.

How many miles of railroad tracks did the South have in 1840?

A about 2,100 B about 10,500 C about 1,200 D about 7,000

Railroads in the North and the South

Miles of Railroad Track


South North One train equals 1,000 miles of tracks



B E L L R I N G E RSkillbuilder Activity

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–3

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 396: 8.30C, 8.30H;Page 397: 8.1B, 8.13A, 8.13B,8.30B, 8.30C

Student Edition TEKS

Page 19: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


Cotton Rules the Deep SouthIn colonial times, rice, indigo, and tobacco

made up the South’s main crops. After theAmerican Revolution, demand for these cropsdecreased. European mills, however, wantedSouthern cotton. But cotton took time and laborto produce. After harvest, workers had topainstakingly separate the plant’s sticky seedsfrom the cotton fibers.

Cotton production was revolutionized whenEli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793. Thecotton gin was a machine that removed seeds

from cotton fibers, dramatically increasing theamount of cotton that could be processed. A worker could clean 50 pounds of cotton a daywith the machine—instead of 1 pound by hand.Furthermore the gin was small enough for oneperson to carry from place to place.

Whitney’s invention had important conse-quences. The cotton gin led to the demand formore workers. Because the cotton gin processedcotton fibers so quickly, farmers wanted to growmore cotton. Many Southern planters relied onslave labor to plant and pick the cotton.

1800 1820

1840 1860Source: Historical Statistics of the United States.



Cotton production as a

percentage of U.S. exports


398 CHAPTER 13 North and South

250 kilometers0Albers Conic Equal-Area projection

250 miles0




90°W 85°W 80°W25°N



Gulf ofMexico













250 kilometers0Albers Conic Equal-Area projection

250 miles0




90°W 85°W 80°W25°N




Gulf ofMexico









Area produces up to 45 bales per square mile

Area produces more than45 bales per square mile

Area produces up to45 bales per square mile

Cotton Production, 1820–1860

1820 1860

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 5:8.30C Obj 3:8.13B, 8.28A

1. Human-Environment Interaction What statesincluded areas that produced more than 45 bales of cottonper square mile?

2. Human-Environment Interaction Describe thechanges in South Carolina's areas of cotton production from1820 to 1860.

CHAPTER 13Section 3, 397–400CHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400


COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYCOOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYResearching Developments Form four or five classroom groups with the goal of having eachgroup research and provide written and oral reports on subjects such as the development of thecotton gin, Eli Whitney, cotton farming today, products made from cotton, and so on. Studentsshould divide tasks, such as organizing, researching, illustrating, and presenting, according to theskills of group members. L2, SS: 8.28A, 8.31D; ELA: 8.15A; SCIENCE: 8.3EELL

Finding Main Points Have students turn the Read to Learnitems into questions and find themain points that answer thosequestions. L1 SS: 8.30B; ELA: 8.10F

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–3

I. Rise of the Cotton Kingdom (Pages 397–399)

A. The economy of the South thrived by 1850 because of cotton. It became the leading cashcrop. Tobacco and rice had been profitable in colonial times, but tobacco depended onforeign markets and the price fluctuated. Rice could not be grown in the dry inland areas.In the Deep South—Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,Arkansas, and Texas—cotton helped the economy prosper, and slavery grew stronger.

B. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin revolutionized cotton production. The machine removed seeds

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes

Chapter 13, Section 3

Did You Know? Cotton is still an important industry in theUnited States. Today 98 percent of cotton is grown in 14 states, with Texas producing the largest share. Each year, over 14.5 millionacres of cotton are harvested on 35,000 family farms, producing 16.9 million bales. Each bale weighs about 500 pounds.

Answers:1. Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi,

Alabama, Tennessee, andGeorgia

2. Cotton production increased. By1860 most of the state producedup to 45 bales of cotton persquare mile.

Guided Reading Activity 13–3Name Date Class

Guided Reading Activity 13-3★

DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook toanswer the questions. use another sheet of paper if necessary.1. What states made up the Upper South? ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


2. What states made up the Deep South? �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


3. What crop replaced tobacco, rice, and indigo as the leading cash crop of the South?


4. What were the drawbacks of growing tobacco and rice in the South?


5 Why was sugarcane an expensive crop to grow?

ELA: Page 398: 8.10K, 8.13D;Page 399: 8.10K, 8.13DMATH: 8.14A

Student Edition TEKS

Page 20: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


399CHAPTER 13 North and South

By 1860 the economies of the Deep South andthe Upper South had developed in differentways. Both parts of the South were agricultural,but the Upper South still produced tobacco,hemp, wheat, and vegetables. The Deep Southwas committed to cotton and, in some areas, to rice and sugarcane.

The value of enslaved people increasedbecause of their key role in producing cottonand sugar. The Upper South became a center forthe sale and transport of enslaved peoplethroughout the region.

Describing What effect did the cotton gin have on the South’s economy?

Industry in the SouthThe economy of the South prospered between

1820 and 1860. Unlike the industrial North, however, the South remained overwhelminglyrural, and its economy became increasingly dif-ferent from the Northern economy. The South

accounted for a small percentage of the nation’smanufacturing value by 1860. In fact, the entireSouth had a lower value of manufactured goodsthan the state of Pennsylvania.

Barriers to IndustryWhy was there little industry in the South?

One reason was the boom in cotton sales.Because agriculture was so profitable, Southern-ers remained committed to farming rather thanstarting new businesses.

Another stumbling block was the lack ofcapital—money to invest in businesses—in theSouth. To develop industries required money,but many Southerners had their wealth investedin land and slaves. Planters would have had tosell slaves to raise the money to build factories.Most wealthy Southerners were unwilling to dothis. They believed that an economy based oncotton and slavery would continue to prosper.

In addition the market for manufacturedgoods in the South was smaller than it was in the North. A large portion of the Southern

The Cotton GinIn 1793 Eli Whitney visited

Catherine Greene, a Georgia

plantation owner. She asked

him to build a device that

removed the seeds from cot-

ton pods. Whitney called the

machine the cotton gin—

”gin” being short for engine.

How did the invention ofthe cotton gin affect slavery?

Cotton bolls are

dumped into the


Slots in the grate

allow the cotton but not

its seeds to pass through.

1 2


A second cylinder

with brushes pulls

the cotton off the

toothed cylinder and

sends it out of the gin.






A hand crank turns a

cylinder with wire teeth.

The teeth pull the cotton

past a grate.1




4Eli Whitney

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.13A, 8.13BCHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400CHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400

Reteaching Activity 13–3

3 ASSESSAssign Section 3 Assessment as homework or as an in-classactivity.

Have students use InteractiveTutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM.

Section Quiz 13–3

Name Date Class

Reteaching Activity 13-3★

DIRECTIONS: Comparing and Contrasting After each statement of fact, writethe letter of a fact from the Fact Bank that makes a comparison or contrast.

1. Fact: In 1790 the South seemed to be an underdeveloped agricultural regionwith little prospect for future growth.

Comparison or Contrast: ����������������������

2. Fact: In the colonial period, tobaccowas the most profitable crop inVirginia; Georgia and South Carolinaproduced rice and indigo.Comparison or Contrast: ����������������������

3. Fact: In the late 1700s, a workerpainstakingly separated the cotton

4. Fact: By 1860 the Upper South stillproduced tobacco, hemp, wheat, andvegetables.Comparison or Contrast: ����������������������

5. Fact: In the industrial North, largenumbers of people moved to thecities to be near factories and work.

Comparison or Contrast: ����������������������

6. Fact: In the 1840s and 1850s, theNorth experienced a railroad boomthat connected cities from the

Section Quiz 13-3

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each)

Column A

1. Southern “king”

2. rich man’s crop

3. led to need for more enslaved labor

4. profitable colonial crop

5. money to invest

DIR CTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left write the letter of the

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������

ScoreChapter 13

Column B

A. sugarcaneB. tobaccoC. capitalD. cotton ginE. cotton

Answer: It increased the demand for enslaved African Americans andkept the South committed to cottonproduction.

Answer: It increased the amount of cotton that could be processed, so more cotton could be grown,thereby increasing the need forenslaved persons to plant and harvest it.

MEETING SPECIAL NEEDSMEETING SPECIAL NEEDSVerbal/Linguistic Between 1810 and 1860, more than 2 million African Americans were forced tomove from North Carolina and the Chesapeake to the new slave states along the Gulf of Mexicoand the Mississippi River. Have students put themselves in the position of an African American ofthe time and write a poem or diary entry expressing their pain at being separated from family andfriends. SS: 8.7B, 8.31D; ELA: 8.15E

Refer to Inclusion for the Middle School Social Studies Classroom Strategies and Activities in the TCR.

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 398: 8.13B, 8.28A, 8.30C,8.30H; Page 399: 8.13A, 8.13B,8.28A, 8.30C

Student Edition TEKS

Page 21: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


Checking for Understanding

1. Key Terms Use each of these terms

in a sentence that will help explain its

meaning: cotton gin, capital.

2. Reviewing Facts How did the lack of

capital affect industrial growth?

Reviewing Themes

3. Science and Technology Why did

the invention of the cotton gin

increase the demand for enslaved


Critical Thinking

4. Predicting Consequences If slavery

had been outlawed, how do you

think it would have affected the

South’s economy?

5. Comparing How did agriculture in

the Upper South differ from agricul-

ture in the Deep South? Re-create the

diagram below and describe the


Analyzing Visuals

6. Geography Skills Look at the maps

and the graphs on page 398. What

area of Florida specialized in cotton?

Did cotton make up more than 50

percent of U.S. exports in 1820?

400 CHAPTER 13 North and South

Informative Writing Research and

write a report on a machine men-

tioned in the chapter—perhaps the

steam locomotive, steamboat, or

another steam-driven machine.

Illustrate your report if you wish.

Keep the report in your portfolio.

population consisted of enslaved people with nomoney to buy merchandise. So the limited localmarket discouraged industries from developing.

Yet another reason for the lack of industry isthat some Southerners did not want industry toflourish there. One Texas politician summed upthe Southerners’ point of view this way:

“We want no manufactures; we desire no

trading, no mechanical or manufacturing

classes. As long as we have our rice, our sugar,

our tobacco and our cotton, we can command

wealth to purchase all we want.”Southern Factories

While most Southerners felt confident aboutthe future of the cotton economy, some leaderswanted to develop industry in the region. Theyargued that, by remaining committed to cottonproduction, the South was becoming dependenton the North for manufactured goods. TheseSoutherners also argued that factories wouldrevive the economy of the Upper South, whichwas less prosperous than the cotton states.

One Southerner who shared this view wasWilliam Gregg, a merchant from Charleston,South Carolina. After touring New England’stextile mills in 1844, Gregg opened his own tex-tile factory in South Carolina.

In Richmond, Virginia, Joseph Reid Ander-son took over the Tredegar Iron Works in the1840s and made it one of the nation’s leadingproducers of iron. Years later during the CivilWar, Tredegar provided artillery and other ironproducts for the Southern forces.

The industries that Gregg and Anderson builtstood as the exception rather than the rule in theSouth. In 1860 the region remained largely ruraland dependent on cotton.

Southern TransportationNatural waterways provided the chief means

for transporting goods in the South. Most townswere located on the seacoast or along rivers.There were few canals, and roads were poor.

Like the North, the South also built railroads,but to a lesser extent. Southern rail lines wereshort, local, and did not connect all parts of theregion in a network. As a result Southern citiesgrew more slowly than cities in the North andMidwest, where railways provided the majorroutes of commerce and settlement. By 1860only about one-third of the nation’s rail lines laywithin the South. The railway shortage wouldhave devastating consequences for the Southduring the Civil War.

Explaining What is capital? Why isit important for economic growth?


Upper South Deep South

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.13A, 8.28BCHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400CHAPTER 13

Section 3, 397–400

4 CLOSEHow do you think the growthand production of cotton, alongwith Southern resistance toindustrial growth, became criti-cal issues in the debate aboutslavery? SS: 8.30B; ELA: 8.10H

Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–3

Enrichment Activity 13–3

Answer: money to invest in busi-ness; more available capital allowsfor more investment in businesses,which results in economic growth



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Name Date Class

★ Enrichment Activity 13-3 ★★

The Decade That Cotton Became KingThe graph below shows cotton production for 1850 in states of the cotton belt.

DIRECTIONS: Comparing Data The chart on the right shows cotton productionfor states in 1860. Add the bars for 1860 to the graph above for each state. Besure to add the new data to the map key. Compare the 1850 and 1860 data.Then answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. About how many times more cotton was produced in Virginia in 1860 than in

1850?2. By about how much did cotton production in Mississippi increase between 1850

and 1860? 3. Did North Carolina or South Carolina show the smaller increase in production

between 1850 and 1860? 4. Which states produced the most cotton in 1850 and in 1860? 5. How did cotton production in South Carolina in 1860 compare with cotton

production in Georgia that year?

DIRECTIONS: Writing a Report Study each state’s pattern ofgrowth in cotton production from 1850 to 1860. Then make a

prediction on the basis of what you see. Explain your reasoning in a report that recommends either investing or not investing in cotton. If possible include a graph to explain your predictions. What historic event will affect your report?

Cotton Production by State, 1850











(in th










South Carolina


North Carolina




Bales of CottonProduced, 1860

Mississippi ........... 1,202,507Alabama .................. 989,955Louisiana .................. 777,738Georgia ..................... 701,840Texas ......................... 431,463Arkansas ................... 367,393South Carolina ....... 353,412Tennessee ............... 296,464North Carolina .... 1,455,514Florida ......................... 65,153Virginia ........................ 12,727

For use with textbook pages 397–400



What is the economy based on where you live? Is it mostly agricultural, fishing, mining,manufacturing, or something else? How does the economy in your area affect the way you live?

In the last section, you read about how the growth of industry and increased immigrationchanged the North. This section focuses on the factors that led to the cotton boom in the South.


U th h t b l t h l t k t d th i th t f ll Thi k b t

Study GuideChapter 13, Section 3


cotton gin A machine that removed seeds from cotton fibers (page 398)

capital Money to invest in businesses (page 399)

1. Student work should reflect correctuse of terms. SS: 8.31A

2. Lack of capital limited growth.Southern farmers had their capitalinvested in land and enslavedworkers, leaving little for industrialinvestment. SS: 8.15B

3. Because farmers could processtheir cotton more quickly, they

wanted to grow more. As a result,they needed more enslavedAfricans to plant and harvest the crop. SS: 8.28A

4. Paid workers would increase theprice of cotton, or lower profits.More Southerners might haveturned to developing industry. SS: 8.13A

5. Upper South: tobacco, hemp,wheat, vegetables; Deep South:mostly cotton, some rice and sugarcane SS: 8.13A

6. the northern central area; no SS: 8.10B, 8.30H

Interdisciplinary Activity Reportsshould show evidence of research performed. ELA: 8.15C

ELA: Page 400: 8.10K, 8.10L,8.11A, 8.13E, 8.15C, 8.22B;Page 401: 8.13D, 8.13EMATH: Page 400: 8.14A, 8.14D,8.15A

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Main Idea

The South’s population consisted of

wealthy slaveholding planters, small

farmers, poor whites, and enslaved

African Americans.

Key Terms

yeoman, tenant farmer, fixed cost,

credit, overseer, spiritual, slave code

Reading Strategy

Organizing Information As you read

the section, re-create the diagram

below and describe the work that was

done on Southern plantations.

Read to Learn

• about the way of life on Southern


• how enslaved workers maintained

strong family and cultural ties.

Section Theme

Culture and Traditions Most of the

people in the South worked in agri-

culture in the first half of the 1800s.

The South’sPeople

CHAPTER 13 North and South

1808Congress outlaws the

slave trade

1831Nat Turner leads

rebellion in Virginia

1859Arkansas orders free

blacks to leave

1860Population of Baltimore

reaches 212,000

Planters gathered in the bright Savannah sunshine. They were asked to bid on a

strong slave who could plow their fields. Fear and grief clouded the enslaved man’s

face because he had been forced to leave his wife and children. Later, he wrote this let-

ter: “My Dear wife I [write] . . . with much regret to inform you that I am Sold to a man

by the name of Peterson. . . . Give my love to my father and mother and tell

them good Bye for me. And if we Shall not meet in this world, I hope to meet in

heaven. My Dear wife for you and my Children my pen cannot express the

[grief] I feel to be parted from you all.”

Small FarmsPopular novels and films often portray the South before 1860 as a land of

stately plantations owned by rich white slaveholders. In reality most whiteSoutherners were either small farmers without slaves or planters with a hand-ful of slaves. Only a few planters could afford the many enslaved Africans and

Preview of Events

Guide to Reading

✦1800 ✦1820 ✦1840 ✦1860

Working on a plantation


Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.13B; Obj 5:8.30CCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

1 FOCUSSection OverviewThis section examines the differ-ent groups of people who livedin the South.

Guide to Reading

Answers to Graphic: domestic work;skilled labor; care of farm animals;fieldwork

Preteaching VocabularyUse the Vocabulary PuzzleMaker

CD-ROM to create crossword andword search puzzles.


Reproducible Masters• Reproducible Lesson Plan 13–4• Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–4• Guided Reading Activity 13–4• Section Quiz 13–4• Reteaching Activity 13–4• Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–4• Enrichment Activity 13–4

Transparencies• Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–4

MultimediaAmerican Music: Hits Through HistoryVocabulary PuzzleMaker CD-ROMInteractive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROMExamView® Pro Testmaker CD-ROMPresentation Plus! CD-ROM

Project transparency and havestudents answer the question.

Available as a blacklinemaster.


Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ANSWER: ATeacher Tip: Tell students to compare the enslavedpopulations of Charleston and New Orleans.UNIT

5Chapter 13

Analyzing Statistics

Directions: Answer the following question based on the graph.

In which year did Charleston have almost twice as many enslaved people as New Orleans?

A 1810 B 1830 C 1840 D 1860


ber o

f Ens


d Pe


s 25,000





0 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860

Enslaved Population in Charleston and New Orleans

YearCharleston, S.C.New Orleans, La.

B E L L R I N G E RSkillbuilder Activity

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 13–4

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 400: 8.10B, 8.13A, 8.13B,8.13C, 8.15B, 8.28A, 8.28B, 8.30A,8.30B, 8.30C, 8.30H, 8.31A, 8.31C,8.31D; Page 401: 8.1B, 8.30B,8.30C

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Page 23: Chapter 13 Resources - PC\| · Chapter 13 Resources ... SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVE: ... in the field to teach the


the lavish mansions shown in fictional accountsof the Old South. Most white Southerners fit intoone of four categories: yeomen, tenant farmers,the rural poor, or plantation owners.

Small Farmers and the Rural PoorThe farmers who did not have slaves—

yeomen—made up the largest group of whitesin the South. Most yeomen owned land.Although they lived throughout the region, theywere most numerous in the Upper South and inthe hilly rural areas of the Deep South, wherethe land was unsuited to large plantations.

A yeoman’s farm usually ranged from 50 to200 acres. Yeomen grew crops both for their ownuse and to sell, and they often traded their pro-duce to local merchants and workers for goodsand services.

Most Southern whites did not live in elegantmansions or on large plantations. They lived infar simpler homes, though the structure of theirhomes changed over time. In the early 1800smany lived in cottages built of wood and plasterwith thatched roofs. Later many lived in one-story frame houses or log cabins.

Not all Southern whites owned land. Somerented land, or worked as tenant farmers, onlandlords’ estates. Others—the rural poor—livedin crude cabins in wooded areas where they could

clear a few trees, plant some corn, and keep a hogor a cow. They also fished and hunted for food.

The poor people of the rural South were stub-bornly independent. They refused to take anyjob that resembled the work of enslaved people.Although looked down on by other whites, therural poor were proud of being self-sufficient.

Identifying What group made upthe largest number of whites in the South?

PlantationsA large plantation might cover several thou-

sand acres. Well-to-do plantation owners usuallylived in comfortable but not luxurious farm-houses. They measured their wealth partly bythe number of enslaved people they controlledand partly by such possessions as homes, fur-nishings, and clothing. A small group of planta-tion owners—about 4 percent—held 20 or moreslaves in 1860. The large majority of slaveholdersheld fewer than 10 enslaved workers.

A few free African Americans possessedslaves. The Metoyer family of Louisiana ownedthousands of acres of land and more than 400slaves. Most often, these slaveholders were freeAfrican Americans who purchased their ownfamily members in order to free them.

Wealthy Southerners pose for the camera in frontof an elegant plantation home. What were the

duties of the wife of a plantation owner?


Atlanta, Georgia, business street, c. 1860

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.24E Obj 3:8.13BCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407


COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYCOOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITYCreating a Documentary Organize the class into small groups, each of which is to plan a segmentfor a documentary on Southern life. If making an actual film would be impractical, groups maypresent their ideas in the form of storyboards, which are a series of sketches representing thescenes intended to be shown in the final product. Students may use library resources as well as the information presented in the text. L2 SS: 8.31D; ELA: 8.13I

Comparing Lifestyles Have students compare and contrastthe lifestyles of the various typesof Southerners: plantation own-ers, yeomen, tenant farmers,rural poor, enslaved AfricanAmericans, free African Amer-icans. Students may wish topresent this information in chart form. L2 SS: 8.7B, 8.30B

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes 13–4

I. Small Farms and Plantations (Pages 401–402)

A. Most Southerners were small farmers without enslaved people or were planters with afew enslaved laborers. Only a very few planters could afford the large plantations andnumerous enslaved people to work it. Southerners were of four types: yeomen, tenantfarmers, rural poor, and plantation owners.

B. Yeomen were farmers without enslaved people. They made up the largest group ofwhites in the South. Most owned land and lived in the Upper South and hilly ruralareas of the Deep South. Their farms were from 50 to 200 acres. They grew crops for

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Daily Lecture and Discussion Notes

Chapter 13, Section 4

Did You Know? Nat Turner, who led the famous slave rebellionof 1831, also inspired a provocative novel, The Confessions of NatTurner. Written by William Styron in 1966, it won the Pulitzer Prizetwo years later.

Plantations were far apart and travelwas slow; so when a planter held aparty, most of the guests would stay atthe host’s manor house for severaldays or even weeks, enjoying the vari-ous entertainment provided. Answer: oversaw enslaved domesticworkers; supervised buildings and gar-dens; some served as plantation’saccountant


Answer: yeomen

ELA: Page 402: 8.10K; Page 403:8.10K, 8.13DMATH: Page 403: 8.14A

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African Americans WhitesEnslaved Slaveholders

Free Not slaveholders



WhitesAfrican Americans


Southern Population, 1860

Total Population = 12 million

African Americans WhitesEnslaved Slaveholders

Free Not slaveholders

403CHAPTER 13 North and South

EconomicsPlantation Owners

The main economic goal for large plantationowners was to earn profits. Such plantationshad fixed costs—regular expenses such as hous-ing and feeding workers and maintaining cottongins and other equipment. Fixed costs remainedabout the same year after year.

Cotton prices, however, varied from season toseason, depending on the market. To receive thebest prices, planters sold their cotton to agentsin cities such as New Orleans, Charleston,Mobile, and Savannah. The cotton exchanges, ortrade centers, in Southern cities were of vitalimportance to those involved in the cotton econ-omy. The agents of the exchanges extendedcredit—a form of loan—to the planters and heldthe cotton for several months until the pricerose. Then the agents sold the cotton. This sys-tem kept the planters always in debt becausethey did not receive payment for their cottonuntil the agents sold it.

Plantation WivesThe wife of a plantation owner generally was

in charge of watching over the enslaved workerswho toiled in her home and tending to themwhen they became ill. Her responsibilities alsoincluded supervising the plantation’s buildingsand the fruit and vegetable gardens. Some wivesserved as accountants, keeping the plantation’sfinancial records.

Women often led a difficult and lonely life onthe plantation. When plantation agriculturespread westward into Alabama and Mississippi,many planters’ wives felt they were moving intoa hostile, uncivilized region. Planters traveledfrequently to look at new land or to deal withagents in New Orleans or Memphis. Theirwives spent long periods alone at the plantation.

Work on the PlantationLarge plantations needed many different

kinds of workers. Some enslaved people workedin the house, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry,sewing, and serving meals. They were calleddomestic slaves. Other African Americans weretrained as blacksmiths, carpenters, shoemakers,


or weavers. Still others worked in the pastures,tending the horses, cows, sheep, and pigs. Mostof the enslaved African Americans, however,were field hands. They worked from sunrise tosunset planting, cultivating, and picking cottonand other crops. They were supervised by anoverseer—a plantation manager.

Explaining Why were many slavesneeded on a plantation?

Life Under SlaveryEnslaved African Americans endured hard-

ship and misery. They worked hard, earned nomoney, and had little hope of freedom. One oftheir worst fears was being sold to anotherplanter and separated from their loved ones. Inthe face of these brutal conditions, enslavedAfrican Americans maintained their family lifeas best they could and developed a culture alltheir own. They resisted slavery through a vari-ety of ingenious methods, and they looked tothe day when they would be liberated.

Life in the Slave CabinsEnslaved people had few comforts beyond

the bare necessities. Josiah Henson, an AfricanAmerican who escaped from slavery, describedthe quarters where he had lived.

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.13B Obj 1:8.7B

In 1860 about 400,000 households in the South held slaves.Nearly 4 million African Americans remained in slavery.

CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

Answer: There were many jobs tokeep the plantation running such astending to animals, planting, cultivat-ing, and doing housework.

MEETING SPECIAL NEEDSMEETING SPECIAL NEEDSAuditory/Musical Students may enjoy reading aloud some African or African American folktales.There are many versions of the Brer Rabbit stories available. (Brer Rabbit’s roots come from the EastAfrican stories of Kalulu the Rabbit, whose wit alternately gets him into trouble and rescues him.)ELA: 8.1C

Refer to Inclusion for the Middle School Social Studies Classroom Strategies and Activities in the TCR.

Guided Reading Activity 13–4


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ompanies, Inc.

Name Date Class

Guided Reading Activity 13-4★

DIRECTIONS: Filling in the Blanks Use your textbook to fill in the blanksusing the words in the box. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

Underground Railroad yeomen tenant farmers charityHarriet Tubman overseer opportunities networkprofits slave codes family life accountantsdomestic slaves field hands read or write

Small Farms and Plantations

Farmers who did not have enslaved labor, (1) , made up the largest group

of whites in the South. Some Southern whites rented land or worked as (2)

on landlords’ estates.


The main economic goal for large plantations was to earn (3) . Some wives

of plantation owners served as (4) , keeping the plantation’s financial records.

Enslaved people who worked in the house, cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry

were called (5) . Most enslaved people, however, were (6) , supervised

by an (7) .

Life Under Slavery

Enslaved African Americans maintained their (8) as best they could. To

ensure stability, enslaved African Americans created a (9) of relatives and

friends, who made up their extended family. The (10) aimed to prevent the

dreaded slave rebellion. These laws also made it a crime to teach enslaved people to

(11) . (12) and Frederick Douglass were two African American leaders

who escaped enslavement. The (13) , a network of “safe houses,” offered

assistance to runaway slaves.

Life in the Cities

Several large cities in the South provided free African Americans new (14) ,

though they did not have the same rights as other citizens. Many southern states had

(15) schools for those who could not afford to pay for education.

Nineteenth Century In the early1850s, Indiana, Iowa, and Illinois bor-dered slave states. All three had lawsthat banned African Americans,whether free or enslaved, from entering their states.


SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 402: 8.13B, 8.27A, 8.30C;Page 403: 8.7B, 8.13B, 8.30C,8.30H

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404 CHAPTER 13 North and South

“We lodged in log huts and on the bare

ground. Wooden floors were an unknown lux-

ury. In a single room were huddled, like cattle,

ten or a dozen persons, men, women and

children. . . .

Our beds were collections of straw and old

rags, thrown down in the corners and boxed in

with boards, a single blanket the only covering. . . .

The wind whistled and the rain and snow blew

in through the cracks, and the damp earth

soaked in the moisture till the floor was miry

[muddy] as a pigsty.”

Family LifeEnslaved people faced constant uncertainty

and danger. American law in the early 1800sdid not protect enslaved families. At any giventime a husband or wife could be sold away, ora slaveholder’s death could lead to the breakupof an enslaved family. Although marriagebetween enslaved people was not recognizedby law, many couples did marry. Their mar-riage ceremonies included the phrase “untildeath or separation do us part”—recognizingthe possibility that a marriage might end withthe sale of one spouse.

Living UnderSlavery

Enslaved workers reached the fields

before the sun came up, and they stayed

there until sundown. Planters wanted to

keep the slaves busy all the time, which

meant long and grueling days in the fields.

Enslaved women as well as men were

required to do heavy fieldwork. Young

children carried buckets of water. By the

age of 10, they were considered ready for


When rented to othermasters, enslaved peoplewore identification tags.

Enslaved people had fewpersonal possessions.

Cabins were usually made of small logs,about 10 to 20 feet square. Often, two orthree families shared a cabin.

Heavy iron leg shackles were used topunish workers, especially those whotried to run away.

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 1:8.7BCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYINTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS ACTIVITYMusic One of the most popular composers of the times was Stephen Foster, who becamefamous for his songs idealizing the South. Foster used African American melodies to create livelysongs. He wrote mostly for the popular minstrel shows, which incorporated the songs, dances,and instruments of African Americans (although the shows used white actors in blackface anddepicted African Americans in a demeaning way). Ask a music teacher to present some of Foster’ssongs to the class. Then discuss how the songs paint a rosy picture of the South that was in starkcontrast with the actual conditions. L1 SS: 8.30B; ELA: 8.2A

In North America whites attempted to wipe out African culture.Slaveholders deliberately mixed Africansof different ethnic groups. By mixingAfricans who had different languages andcustoms, the slaveholders hoped to pre-vent a sense of ethnic identity from foster-ing a unified rebellion.

In Twelve Years a Slave, SolomonNorthup described the life of a fieldhand on a Southern plantation: “Thehands are required to be in the cottonfields as soon as it is light in themorning, and, with the exception of ten or fifteen minutes, which isgiven them at noon to swallow theirallowance of cold bacon, they are notpermitted to be a moment idle until itis too dark to see, and when themoon is full, they often times labor till the middle of night.” Ask: Howdid enslaved people cope with theinjustices in their lives? (They main-tained family and culture as well asfinding comfort and hope of freedomin their religious beliefs.)

ELA: Page 404: 8.22B;Page 405: 8.8C

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CHAPTER 13 North and South

To provide some measure of stability in theirlives, enslaved African Americans established anetwork of relatives and friends, who made uptheir extended family. If a father or mother weresold away, an aunt, uncle, or close friend couldraise the children left behind. Large, close-knitextended families became a vital feature ofAfrican American culture.

African American CultureEnslaved African Americans endured their

hardships by extending their own culture, fel-lowship, and community. They fused Africanand American elements into a new culture.

The growth of the African American popula-tion came mainly from children born in theUnited States. In 1808 Congress had outlawedthe slave trade. Although slavery remained legalin the South, no new slaves could enter theUnited States. By 1860 almost all the enslavedpeople in the South had been born there.

These native-born African Americans held onto their African customs. They continued to prac-tice African music and dance. They passed tradi-tional African folk stories to their children. Somewrapped colored cloths around their heads inthe African style. Although a large number ofenslaved African Americans accepted Christian-ity, they often followed the religious beliefs andpractices of their African ancestors as well.

African American ChristianityFor many enslaved African Americans, Chris-

tianity became a religion of hope and resistance.They prayed fervently for the day when theywould be free from bondage.

The passionate beliefs of the Southern slavesfound expression in the spiritual, an AfricanAmerican religious folk song. The song “Didn’tMy Lord Deliver Daniel,” for example, refers tothe biblical story of Daniel who was saved fromthe lions’ den.

“Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel,Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,An’ why not every man?”

Spirituals provided a way for the enslavedAfrican Americans to communicate secretlyamong themselves. Many spirituals combinedChristian faith with laments about earthly suffering.

Slave CodesBetween 1830 and 1860 life under slavery

became even more difficult because the slavecodes—the laws in the Southern states that con-trolled enslaved people—became more severe.In existence since the 1700s, slave codes aimedto prevent the event white Southerners dreadedmost—the slave rebellion. For this reason slavecodes prohibited slaves from assembling inlarge groups and from leaving their master’sproperty without a written pass.

Slave codes also made it a crime to teachenslaved people to read or write. White South-erners feared that a literate slave might leadother African Americans in rebellion. A slavewho did not know how to read and write,whites believed, was less likely to rebel.

Resistance to SlaverySome enslaved African Americans did rebel

openly against their masters. One was NatTurner, a popular religious leader among his fel-low slaves. Turner had taught himself to readand write. In 1831 Turner led a group of follow-ers on a brief, violent rampage in SouthhamptonCounty, Virginia. Before being captured Turnerand his followers killed at least 55 whites. NatTurner was hanged, but his rebellion frightenedwhite Southerners and led them to pass moresevere slave codes.

Armed rebellions were rare, however. AfricanAmericans in the South knew that they wouldonly lose in an armed uprising. For the mostpart enslaved people resisted slavery by work-ing slowly or by pretending to be ill. Occasion-ally resistance took more active forms, such assetting fire to a plantation building or breakingtools. Resistance helped enslaved African Amer-icans endure their lives by striking back at whitemasters—and perhaps establishing boundariesthat white people would respect.


Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 1:8.7BCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

CRITICAL THINKING ACTIVITYCRITICAL THINKING ACTIVITYAnalyzing Information Another side of slavery is revealed in the following quote from historianThomas A. Bailey: “The dark taint of slavery also left its mark on whites. . . . White Southernersincreasingly lived in a state of imagined siege, surrounded by potentially rebellious blacks inflamedby abolitionist propaganda. . . . Their fears bolstered an intoxicating theory of biological superiorityand turned the South into a reactionary backwater in an era of progress . . . The defenders of slav-ery were forced to degrade themselves along with their victims.” Discuss this quote with studentsand ask them to explain it in their own words. L2 SS: 8.30A ELA: 8.10F

African American spiritu-als, still popular today, influenced otherforms of music. For example, the sorrow-ful songs that were related to spirituals,such as “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’veSeen,” developed into blues music. Themore joyous spirituals, such as “Roll,Jordan, Roll,” influenced gospel music.

Music African music with its liveli-ness and inventiveness, influencedmany new musical forms that devel-oped outside of Africa. Among theseare jazz, blues, bebop, soul, mambo,and reggae. Jazz drumming in partic-ular is based on the drumming styletypical of the southern Guineas onthe coast of Africa.

American Music: Hits ThroughHistory, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho”

History and theHumanities

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 404: 8.7B, 8.13B, 8.30C;Page 405: 8.7B, 8.27A, 8.27C

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406 CHAPTER 13 North and South

Born as a slave inMaryland, Harriet Tub-man worked in plantationfields until she wasnearly 30 years old. Thenshe made her break forfreedom, escaping to theNorth with the help of theUnderground Railroad.

Realizing the risks ofbeing captured, Tubman

courageously made 19trips back into the Southduring the 1850s to helpother enslaved peopleescape. Altogether sheassisted more than 300individuals—includingher parents—to escapefrom slavery.

While she did notestablish the Under-

ground Railroad, she cer-tainly became its mostfamous and successfulconductor. Tubman wasknown as the “Moses of her people.” Despitehuge rewards offered inthe South for her captureand arrest, Tubmanalways managed to elude her enemies.

Most runaways were captured and returned totheir owners. Discipline was severe; the mostcommon punishment was whipping.

Explaining How did the AfricanAmerican spiritual develop?

City Life and EducationAlthough the South was primarily agricul-

tural, it was the site of several large cities by themid-1800s. By 1860 the population of Balti-more had reached 212,000 and the populationof New Orleans had reached 168,000. The tenlargest cities in the South were either seaportsor river ports.

With the coming of the railroad, many othercities began to grow as centers of trade. Amongthe cities located at the crossroads of the rail-ways were Columbia, South Carolina; Chat-tanooga, Tennessee; Montgomery, Alabama;Jackson, Mississippi; and Atlanta, Georgia. Thepopulation of Southern cities included whitecity dwellers, some enslaved workers, andmany of the South’s free African Americans.

Escaping SlaverySome enslaved African Americans tried to

run away to the North. A few succeeded. Har-riet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, twoAfrican American leaders who were born intoslavery, gained their freedom when they fled tothe North.

Yet for most enslaved people, getting to theNorth was almost impossible, especially fromthe Deep South. Most slaves who succeeded inrunning away escaped from the Upper South.The Underground Railroad—a network of“safe houses” owned by free blacks and whiteswho opposed slavery—offered assistance torunaway slaves.

Some slaves ran away to find relatives onnearby plantations or to escape punishment.Rarely did they plan to make a run for theNorth. Moses Grandy, who did escape, spokeabout the problems runaways faced:

“They hide themselves during the day in thewoods and swamps; at night they travel. . . . [I]nthese dangerous journeys they are guided bythe north-star, for they only know that the landof freedom is in the north.”

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 3:8.24E, 8.25A; Obj 4:8.23B Obj 3:8.28BCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

Reteaching Activity 13–4

3 ASSESSAssign Section 4 Assessment as homework or as an in-classactivity.

Have students use InteractiveTutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM.

Section Quiz 13–4

Name Date Class

Reteaching Activity 13-4★

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match each item in Column A with its correspondingitem in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks.


A. regular expenses such as housing andfeeding workers and maintainingequipment

B. enslaved workers who planted,cultivated, and picked cotton and other crops

C. worked on landlords’ estatesD. one-room log hut with dirt floor

1. yeoman

2. tenant farmers

3. rural poor

4. fixed costs

5. cotton exchange

6 plantation wives

Section Quiz 13-4

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items inColumn B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each)

Column A

1. farmers without enslaved people

2. farmed landlords’ estates

3. lived in crude cabins

4. form of loan

5. plantation manager

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left, write the letter of the

Name ������������������������������������������������������� Date ������������������������� Class ���������������

ScoreChapter 13

Column B

A. tenant farmersB. creditC. yeomanD. overseerE. rural poor

EXTENDING THE CONTENTEXTENDING THE CONTENTThe North and South Economies The economies of the North and the South were intercon-nected. The South depended on the North for most manufactured goods. The North relied on the South for raw materials. For example, the Northern textile industry could not operate withoutSouthern cotton. Further, Southern cotton, indigo, and rice accounted for about 60 percent of allAmerican exports. Most of these exports were carried overseas by Northern merchant ships.

In 1849 on the night that HarrietTubman ran away to find freedom,she left alone. She returned severaltimes and freed her sister, nieces,brother, parents, and countless others.

Answer: by providing a way to communicate secretly and combineprayer with laments about suffering


ELA: Page 406: 8.10K; Page 407:8.10K, 8.10L, 8.11A, 8.13D, 8.13E

Student Edition TEKS

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The cities provided free African Americanswith opportunities to form their own communi-ties. African American barbers, carpenters, andsmall traders offered their services throughouttheir communities. Free African Americansfounded their own churches and institutions. InNew Orleans they formed an opera company.

Although some free African Americans pros-pered in the cities, their lives were far fromsecure. Between 1830 and 1860 Southern statespassed laws that limited the rights of freeAfrican Americans. Most states would not allowthem to migrate from other states. Althoughspared the horrors of slavery, free African Amer-icans were denied an equal share in economicand political life.

EducationPlantation owners and those who could afford

to do so often sent their children to privateschools. One of the best known was the academyoperated by Moses Waddel in Willington, SouthCarolina. Students attended six days a week. TheBible and classical literature were stressed, butthe courses also included mathematics, religion,Greek, Latin, and public speaking.

During this era, no statewide public schoolsystems existed. However, cities such as Charles-ton, Louisville, and Mobile did establish excel-lent public schools.

By the mid-1800s ,education was growing.Hundreds of publ icschools were operatingin North Carolina by1860. Even before that,the Kentucky legislatureset up a funding systemfor public schools. Manystates also had charity schools for studentswhose parents could not afford to pay.

Although the number of schools and teachersin the South grew, the South lagged behind othersections of the country in literacy, the number ofpeople who can read and write. One reason forthis was the geography of the South. Even in themore heavily populated Southern states therewere few people per square mile. Virginia andNorth Carolina had fewer than 15 white inhabi-tants per square mile. In contrast, Massachusettshad 124 inhabitants per square mile.

It was too great a hardship for many South-ern families to send their children great dis-tances to attend school. In addition, manySoutherners believed education was a privatematter, not a state function; therefore, the stateshould not spend money on education.

Describing What Southern city hadsurpassed 200,000 in population by the year 1860?

Checking for Understanding

1. Key Terms Use the following terms

to create a newspaper article about

life in the South during this period of

time: yeoman, tenant farmer, over-

seer, spiritual, slave code.

2. Reviewing Facts List two differences

between yeomen and plantation


Reviewing Themes

3. Culture and Traditions Why were

extended families vital to African

American culture?

Critical Thinking

4. Making Generalizations If you

were a plantation owner, what would

you tell your son or daughter if he or

she asked why you held slaves?

5. Classifying Information Re-create

the diagram below and in the boxes

briefly explain how the slave codes


Analyzing Visuals

6. Look at the pictures on pages 402

and 404. Write a paragraph explain-

ing what you think the pictures

portray about life in the South.

CHAPTER 13 North and South 407

Geography Research the

economic activity of one of the

Southern states. Draw a map of

the state, and use symbols to

represent each resource and show

its location in the state.

Slave codes

Control education Control assembly


Student Web ActivityVisit

and click on Chapter 13—

Student Web Activities

for an activity on family

life in the South.

Social Studies TAKS tested at Grade 8: Obj 1:8.7BCHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407CHAPTER 13Section 4, 401–407

4 CLOSEHave students summarize theeconomic differences amongplantation owners, yeomen, and enslaved workers. SS: 8.13B

Answer: Baltimore

Reading Essentials and Study Guide 13–4

Enrichment Activity 13–4Name Date Class

★ Enrichment Activity 13-4 ★★

New Orleans, City of MusicIn New Orleans African Americans have a long history of contributions to

American music. Free African Americans established an opera company in NewOrleans before the Emancipation Proclamation. They created moving spirituals intheir churches and later developed jazz, a musical form that is often called the onlytruly original American music.DIRECTIONS: Use the words in the Word Bank to complete the musicalcrossword puzzle. You may use your dictionary if you wish.

spiritual aria libretto score improvisation

syncopation New Orleans ragtime Dixieland swing


1. jazz term describing1 2 3

For use with textbook pages 401–407



Study GuideChapter 13, Section 4


yeomen Farmers who did not have slaves (page 402)

tenant farmers Farmers who rented land and worked on a landlord’s estate (page 402)

fixed cost Regular expenses that remain about the same each year (page 403)

credit A form of loan (page 403)

overseer A plantation manager (page 403)

spiritual An African American religious folk song (page 405)

slave code Law in the Southern states that controlled enslaved people (page 405)

1. Student work should reflect correctuse of terms. SS: 8.31A

2. Yeomen: did not have enslavedlabor, had small farms; Plantationowners: held enslaved workers,larger farms, wealthier SS: 8.13A

3. They provided stability. If a parentwas sold, the extended familyraised the children. SS: 8.7B

4. Answers will vary but mightinclude to support the family;because it was acceptable in theSouth. SS: 8.13B

5. Control education: made it a crimeto teach enslaved people to read orwrite; Control assembly: prohibitedenslaved people from assembling

or leaving their owner’s property.SS: 8.7B

6. Students may note differences inlifestyles. SS: 8.30C

Interdisciplinary Activity Studentmaps should be correct and include a key of any symbols used. SS: 8.10A

SOCIAL STUDIES:Page 406: 8.23B, 8.24E, 8.25A,8.28B; Page 407: 8.7B, 8.10A,8.13A, 8.13B, 8.13C, 8.30A, 8.30B,8.30C, 8.31A, 8.31D

Student Edition TEKS


Objectives and answers to the student activity can be found in the Web Activity Lesson Plan feature at

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CHAPTER 13Assessment and Activities


MindJogger VideoquizUse MindJogger Videoquiz to review the Chapter 13 content.

Available in VHS

Reviewing Key TermsStudents’ puzzles will vary but shouldconform to the written instructions.Students may use the following defini-tions as clues:1. an apparatus that uses electric

signals to transmit messages SS: 8.31A

2. a person opposed to immigrationSS: 8.31A

3. a plantation manager SS: 8.31A4. farmers who did not have enslaved

workers SS: 8.31A5. a form of loan SS: 8.31A

Reviewing Key Facts6. Before canals and railroads were in

use, agricultural goods were trans-ported down the Mississippi to NewOrleans and then shipped to othercountries or to the East Coast. Aftercanals and railroads, products weretransported directly from theMidwest to the East. SS: 8.28B

7. Communication was made faster.SS: 8.29A

8. Factories grew, and there was anincrease in immigration and trade.SS: 8.14B

9. to get higher wages and to limit thenumber of hours worked

10. They were paid less than male work-ers, and unions excluded them.

11. Many men left Germany after thefailure of a democratic revolution.SS: 8.24A

12. It increased production. SS: 8.28A13. agriculture was very profitable, lack

of capital to invest in businesses,market for manufactured goods was small SS: 8.13A

14. a network of forested routes and safe homes along anorthern route leading to freedom for enslaved AfricanAmericans SS: 8.25A

15. to prevent slave rebellions and to control slaves SS: 8.7B

Critical Thinking 16. Goods could be transported more quickly and cheaply,

which meant higher profits. SS: 8.28B17. advantages: availability of jobs and social activities; dis-

advantages: overcrowded, expensive, run-down hous-ing, threat of disease and fire SS: 8.30B

18. The North relied heavily on railroads for commerceand settlement. The South mainly used natural water-ways to transport goods. SS: 8.28B

19. They merged African and American elements into a new culture, practiced African music and dance,passed African folk stories and proverbs on to theirchildren, and followed ancestral religious beliefs. SS: 8.7B


Reviewing Key TermsOn graph paper, create a word search puzzle using thefollowing terms. Crisscross the terms vertically and hori-zontally, then fill in the remaining squares with extra let-ters. Use the terms’ definitions as clues to find the words inthe puzzle.1. telegraph 4. yeoman

2. nativist 5. credit

3. overseer

Reviewing Key Facts6. How did the development of the canal and rail net-

work alter the trade route between the Midwest and

the East Coast?

7. How did the the telegraph influence long-distance


8. Provide three reasons why cities grew in the early 1800s.

9. What was the goal of workers going on strike?

10. In what ways were women in the workforce discrimi-

nated against?

11. Why did immigration from Germany increase

after 1848?

12. How did the cotton gin affect cotton production?

13. Why was there little industry in the South?

14. What was the Underground Railroad?

15. What was the purpose of the slave codes?

Critical Thinking16. Analyzing Themes: Economic Factors How did

improvements in transportation affect the economy of

the North?

17. Comparing Discuss one advantage and one disadvan-

tage of city life in the North.

18. Comparing Re-create the diagram below and com-

pare the use of railroads in the North and South

before 1860.

19. Analyzing Information Describe ways in which

enslaved African Americans held on to their African


North and South

Way of Life

• Growth of industrialization.

• Specialization and machin-

ery allow for mass


• Cotton is leading cash


• Industry limited due to

lack of capital and

market demand.

• Many people move to

cities to find work.

• Cities grow crowded and

many live in unhealthy

and unsafe conditions.

• African Americans suffer

discrimination and have

few rights.

• Plantation owners farm

large tracts of land; planta-

tions are generally self-


• Yeoman make up the

largest group of whites.

• Tenant farmers farm small

tracts of land.

• Enslaved

African Ameri-

cans do most

of the work on



North South

Use of railroads

North South

Transportation• Roads, canals, and rail-

roads being built.

• Locomotives improve

during this era.

• Natural waterways chief

means of transportation.

• Canals and roads are poor.

• Railroads are limited.

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CHAPTER 13Assessment and Activities


Ask: Who wrote The NewAmerican Practical Navigator, a book that revolutionized shipnavigation in the 1800s? (Nathaniel Bowditch)

Bonus QuestionBonus Question ??Practicing Skills20. the populations of the North and South in 1860

SS: 8.30H21. the South SS: 8.30H22. No, because specific numbers of people in each region

are not given. Only percentages of the total populationare given. Also, the graphs do not account for othergroups living in the North and South. The graphs onlyaccount for whites and African Americans. SS: 8.30B

Geography and History Activity23. northeast SS: 8.30C24. Boston SS: 8.11A25. Chattanooga, Lynchburg, and Washington, D.C.

SS: 8.11A

Citizenship Cooperative Activity26. Students should attend local meetings and encourage

community members to get involved. SS: 8.32A

Economics Activity27. Railway travel would take away from

road and canal travel. Investors inthese other two industries would beafraid of losing money. ELA: 8.10K

Technology Activity28. Students may note that political

factors include prohibited from voting; social factors include segre-gation; economic factors includelacking the freedom to choosewhere they worked. Students shouldnote that free African Americans hadmore economic opportunities thanenslaved people, but they too werelimited. SS: 8.7B

Alternative Assessment29. Scripts should reflect students’

understanding of the differencesbetween the lives of Northernersand Southerners. SS: 8.30D


Have students visit the Web site atto review

Chapter 13 and take the Self-CheckQuiz.

Answer: BQuestion Type: EconomicsAnswer Explanation: On page 392several reasons are given for theformation of unions. SS: 8.14B

CHAPTER 13 North and South 409

Directions: Choose the bestanswer to the following question.

Labor unions were formed for all of these reasonsEXCEPT to

A improve workers’ wages.B protect factory owners from being sued.C make factories safer.D prevent children from working long hours.

Test-Taking Tip

When a question uses the word EXCEPT, you need tolook for the answer that does not fit. Remember that

unions were formed to help workers. Which answer isleast likely to help the workers?

Economics Activity27. Although railroads helped the economy, why might

investors in turnpikes and canals view them as a threat?

Technology Activity28. Research and Writing Use your text, encyclopedias, and

other library resources for information about the lives ofenslaved and free African Americans during this era.Write a report at least two pages in length in which youidentify various political, economic, and social factors thataffected their lives. Compare the effects these factors hadon their lives.

Alternative Assessment29. Portfolio Writing Activity Write a conversation between

a Southerner and Northerner who meet on a train in themid-1800s. Have them talk about the differences betweentheir lives. Use the notes from your journal in the script.

Self-Check QuizVisit and click on Chapter 13—Self-Check Quizzes to prepare for the chapter test.


Practicing SkillsReading a Circle Graph Study the circle graphs below; thenanswer these questions.

20. What does the information in the two graphs represent?21. In what part of the country did African Americans make

up more than one-third of the population?22. Can you use the graphs to draw a conclusion about the

total population of each region? Why or why not?

Geography and History ActivityStudy the map on page 388 and answer the questions thatfollow.23. Movement In which direction would a train travel from

Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Lynchburg, Virginia?24. Location What was the easternmost city on the New

York Central line?25. Movement What cities would a train passenger pass

through taking the most direct Memphis-to-Baltimoreroute?

Citizenship Cooperative Activity26. Community Issues Working with two other students,

contact the office of your local government to find outwhat is being done to solve local problems and how vol-unteers can help. Find out when the town board or citycouncil meets. After you obtain the information, interviewpeople in the neighborhood to find out what they thinkabout various problems the community faces. Tell themabout the town board or city council meetings, andencourage them to attend or to become involved in com-munity activities. Compare your findings about commu-nity issues with the other groups.

Populations of the North and South in 1860

Source: Historical Statistics of the United States.

98% white 66% white

2% African American 34% African American

North South