Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans

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  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Developing Business andAcquisition Plans:

    Phases 1 & 2 of theAcquisition Process

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    If you dont know where you are going,

    any road will get you there.

    Alice in Wonderland

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Course Layout: M&A & OtherRestructuring Activities

    Part IV: DealStructuring &


    Part II: M&AProcess

    Part I: M&AEnvironment

    Payment &Legal


    Public CompanyValuation



    M&A Integration

    Business &Acquisition


    Search throughClosing Activities

    Part V:AlternativeStrategies

    Accounting &Tax



    Divestitures,Spin-Offs &Carve-Outs

    Bankruptcy &Liquidation


    Motivations forM&A

    Part III: M&AValuation &Modeling

    TakeoverTactics andDefenses




  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Current Learning Objectives

    Primary learning objectives: To provide students with anunderstanding of

    a highly practical planning based approach tomanaging the acquisition process and

    the issues associated with each phase of the M&Aprocess

    Secondary learning objectives: To provide students withan understanding of how to

    select the correct strategy from a range of reasonablealternatives and

    develop an acquisition plan

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    The Acquisition Process

    Pre-Purchase DecisionActivities

    Post-Purchase DecisionActivities

    Phase 1: Business Plan

    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Phase 3: Search

    Phase 4: Screen

    Phase 5: First Contact Phase 6: Negotiation

    Phase 7: Integration Plan

    Phase 8: Closing

    Phase 9: Integration Phase 10: Evaluation

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 1: Business Plan

    Industry/market definition (Where have we chosen tocompete?)

    Example: Automotive industry (a collection of

    markets) Passenger car market by size and by

    geographic area

    Truck market by size and geographic area


    Why is it important to start by

    defining the target market?

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 1: Business Plan Industry/market definition

    External analysis (customers, current competitors, potentialentrants, substitute products, and suppliers): Five ForcesFramework

    Key objective: Identification of industry trends and whether theyconstitute opportunities or threats

    Example: Automotive industry

    What is changing with respect to

    Customers by vehicle size and geographic area

    Current competitors include Toyota, Daimler, GM, Ford, etc.

    Potential entrants include China Cherie and Indias TataMotors

    Substitute products/technologies for internal combustion engineinclude hybrids, all electric car, hydrogen car, etc.

    Suppliers include material vendors, lenders, labor, etc.

    How will these changes impact my business?

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    Phase 1: Business Plan Industry/market definition External analysis (customers, current competitors, potential

    entrants, substitute products, and suppliers) Internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses as compared to the

    competition) Key questions:

    Do our strengths enable us to pursue opportunities identifiedin the external analysis?

    Do our weaknesses make us vulnerable to the threatsidentified in the external analysis?

    Example: Automotive industry If our targeted customer values fuel efficiency, do our

    strengths enable us to produce high quality fuel efficient carsbetter than our competition?

    To what extent do our strengths help us satisfy our customersneeds better than the competition? To what extent do ourweaknesses make us vulnerable to losing customers?

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    Phase 1: Business Plan

    Industry/market definition

    External analysis (customers, current competitors, potentialentrants, substitute products, and suppliers)

    Internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses as compared tothe competition)

    Opportunities/threats (from external and internal analyses)

    Summarizing strengths and weaknesses versusopportunities and threats using a SWOT matrix


    Opportunity is to be perceived as the preferred online

    retail department store Threat is that Walmart, Best Buy, and Costco increasetheir online presence

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    Hypothetical SWOT Matrix

    Opportunity: To be perceived byinternet users as the preferred onlineretail department store

    Threat: Walmarts, BestBuys,Costcos increasing presence on theinternet

    Amazon.coms Strengths Relative to the opportunity: Brand recognition Convenient online order entrysystem

    Information technologyinfrastructure

    Fulfillment infrastructure for

    selected products (e.g., books)

    Relative to the threat: Extensive experience in onlinemarketing, advertising, andfulfillment

    Amazon.coms Weaknesses Relative to the opportunity: Inadequate warehousing andinventory management systems tosupport quantum sales growth

    Limited experience inmerchandising non-core retail

    products (e.g., electronics) Limited financial resources

    Relative to the threat: Substantially smaller retail salesvolume limits ability to exploitpurchase economies

    Limited financial resources Limited name recognition in

    selected markets (e.g., consumerelectronics)

    Lack of retail management depth

    Strategic Options Solo venturePartner


    Solo venturePartner

    AcquireExit business

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 1: Business Plan Industry/market definition

    External analysis (customers, current competitors, potentialentrants, substitute products, and suppliers)

    Internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses as compared tothe competition)

    Opportunities/threats (from external and internal analyses)

    Business vision/mission (Defines direction and provides meansof communicating succinctly with key stakeholder groups)

    How do we wish to be perceived by key stakeholders?

    What quantifiable objectives will be used to determineprogress in achieving vision/mission? (e.g., market share,

    customer surveys indicating how we are perceived, etc.) Hypothetical Example: wishes to be perceived

    by consumers as the preferred online department store

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 1: Business Plan

    Industry/market definition

    External analysis (customers, current competitors,potential entrants, substitute products, and suppliers)

    Internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses ascompared to the competition)

    Opportunities/threats (from external and internalanalyses)

    Business vision/mission

    Business Strategies (cost, differentiation, focus, or

    some combination) Which of these generic business strategies best

    enables to firm to achieve its vision/mission andobjectives?

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 1: Business Plan

    Industry/market definition

    External analysis (customers, current competitors, potentialentrants, substitute products, and suppliers)

    Internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses as compared tothe competition)

    Opportunities/threats (from external and internal analyses)

    Business vision/mission Business Strategies (cost, differentiation, focus, or some


    Implementation strategy (selected from a range of options)

    Solo ventures or go it alone

    Merger or acquisition

    Alliances (including JVs, partnerships, and licensing)

    Minority investments and

    Asset swaps

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans



    1. Discuss how you would use informationobtained from the external, internal, andopportunities/threats identification analysesconducted during the business planning

    process to select an appropriate businessstrategy. Be specific.

    2. Discuss how you would select the appropriateimplementation strategy. Be specific.

    (Hint: Consider the resourcesbroadlydefined--required/currently available to exploitpotential opportunities and threats.)

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Adobe Acquires Omniture Case Study On 9/14/09, Adobe announced the acquisition of Omniture for $1.8 billion in


    Adobe: Makes web design tools (e.g., Acrobat, Flash, and Creative Suiteincl. Photoshop and Illustrator) and sells customers perpetual licenses

    Targeted Markets/Spaces1: Web designers, online retailers, and mediafirms (e.g., News Corp)

    Omniture: Makes software capable of tracking how users utilize web sites

    (e.g., tracking page views); users pay monthly fees to subscribe to service Targeted Markets/Spaces: Online retailers, advertisers, and media firms

    At $3 billion in annual revenue, Adobe 10 times larger than Omniture

    Both firms losing revenue

    Adobe faced difficulty in upgrading existing clients and adding new

    clients due to recession Omniture revenue erosion reflected introduction of free analyticalsoftware by Google and reduced advertising spending due to recession

    1Note markets or spaces consist of customers with homogeneous needs

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Adobe External Analysis:Customer Value Chain

    Create Deliver User EngagesVia Interface



    Customer Needs: To cost-effectively create content, display/deliver content, generate web useractivity/transactions, analyze how site utilized, and improve process to increase transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Adobe External Analysis Continued

    Key Trends:

    Renting software online

    Customers buying multiple software capabilities

    from a single vendor to ensure compatibility Business model/strategy based on perpetual

    licensing of software highly cyclical (i.e.,

    customers can postpone upgrades to newproducts)

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Adobe Internal Analysis

    Adobes core skills focused on developingwebsite design software

    Sales concentrated on only one segmentof the value chain (i.e., create content)

    Limited experience in how to develop asubscription-based businessmodel/strategy

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Adobes Mission, Business, andImplementation Strategies

    Adobe's vision/mission:To revolutionize how the worldengages with ideas and information Business Strategy/Model: To move

    From selling customers perpetual software licenses

    and increasing revenue by upgrading current clientsand attracting new clients

    To a monthly subscription model

    Implementation Strategy1

    Acquire a vendor targeted at a different phase of thecustomer value chain whose revenues are based onthe subscription model

    1Alternative implementation strategies include solo venture, partnering, or acquisition.

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Discussion Questions

    1. Why might Adobe have decided toacquire Omniture rather than to partnerwith Omniture or to build a similar

    capability on its own?2. What considerations might have made

    Omniture an attractive acquisition target

    for Adobe?

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans



    1. Discuss how you would use informationobtained from the external, internal, andopportunities/threats identification analysesconducted during the business planning

    process to select an appropriate businessstrategy. Be specific.

    2. Discuss how you would select the appropriateimplementation strategy. Be specific.

    (Hint: Consider the resourcesbroadlydefined--required/currently available to exploitpotential opportunities and threats.)

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan (How toimplement the acquisition)

    Plan objectives (support the realization of keybusiness plan objectives)

    How will the acquired firm enable theacquiring firm to better realize itsvision/mission and business plan objectives?

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    Examples of Linkages Between Business and Acquisition Plan Objectives

    Business Plan Objective Acquisition Plan Objective

    Financial: The firm willAchieve rates of return that will equal or exceed its cost of

    equity or capital by 20??Maintain a debt/total capital ratio of x%

    Financial returns: The target firm should haveA minimum return on assets ofx%A debt/total capital ratio y%Unencumbered assets of $z million

    Size: The firm willBe the number one or two market share leader by 20??Achieve revenue of $x million by 20??

    Size: The target firm should be at least $x million in revenue

    Growth: The firm will achieve through 20?? annual averageRevenue growth ofx%Earnings per share growth ofy%Operating cash-flow growth ofz%

    Growth: The target firm shouldHave annual revenue, earnings, and operating cash-flow

    growth of at least x%, y%, an z%Provide new products and markets of x% by 20??Possess excess annual production capacity ofx million units

    Diversification: The firm will reduce earnings variability by x%. Diversification: The target firms earnings should be largelyuncorrelated with the acquirers earnings.

    Flexibility: Achieve flexibility in manufacturing and design. Flexibility: Target should use flexible manufacturing techniques.

    Technology: The firm will be recognized by its customers as theindustrys technology leader.

    Technology: The target firm should possess important patents,copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property.

    Quality: The firm will be recognized by its customers as the

    industrys quality leader.

    Quality: The target firms product defects must be

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Plan objectives (support the realization of key businessplan objectives)


    Defined by activity completion dates, deliverables(what is to be achieved), and individual (s) responsiblefor satisfying objectives

    Example: Daniel Stuckee is to have completedidentifying a list of potential targets by 2/24/20??

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    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Plan objectives (support the realization of keybusiness plan objectives)


    Resource/capability review

    Determine maximum size of acquisition interms of P/E. sales, cash flow, purchase price,etc.

    Assess internal management capabilities (Can

    acquirer continue to manage currentbusinesses as well as integrate the acquiredfirm?)

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan Plan objectives (support the realization of key business plan



    Resource/capability review

    Management preferences (Senior management guidelines to

    acquisition team) Examples:

    Prefer an asset or a stock purchase

    Use cash only

    Will consider competitors as potential targets

    Want controlling interest

    Limit EPS dilution to two years following closing

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Plan objectives (support the realization of key businessplan objectives)


    Resource/capability review

    Management preferences

    Search plan

    Key search criteria include industry/geographic area

    and maximum size of acquisition Relatively few criteria used to avoid limiting list ofpotential targets

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan Plan objectives (support the realization of key business plan

    objectives) Timetable

    Resource/capability review

    Management preferences

    Search plan

    Negotiation strategy Starts with assessment of the needs of parties involved

    Determine proposals to satisfy the highest priority needs of theparties involved. For example, consider

    Using acquirer stock if seller wants a tax free sale

    Long-term employment contract if seller wants to stay withthe business

    Having seller sign a non-compete to avoid future competitionwith seller

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan Plan objectives (support the realization of key business plan


    Timetable Resource/capability review

    Management preferences

    Search plan

    Negotiation strategy Determine initial offer price

    Requires buyer to estimate

    Minimum purchase price (i.e., standalone or market price forpurchase of shares or liquidation value for asset purchase)

    Synergy created by combining acquirer and target firms

    Percent of synergy acquirer willing to share with target (oftenreflects premium paid on recent similar transactions or theportion of synergy contributed by the target)

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    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Plan objectives (support the realization of key businessplan objectives)


    Resource/capability review

    Management preferences

    Search plan

    Negotiation strategy

    Determine initial offer price

    Financing plan (acid test)

    How will you pay for acquisition?

    Will someone lend you the money?

    Will acquirer shareholders tolerate EPS dilution?

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    Phase 2: Acquisition Plan

    Plan objectives (support the realization of key business plan objectives)

    Timetable Resource/capability review

    Management preferences

    Search plan

    Negotiation strategy

    Determine initial offer price

    Financing plan Integration plan

    Objective: Combine businesses as rapidly as practical

    What projects offer the greatest likelihood of realizing synergy?

    What must be done to retain key people?

    What investments must be made to keep businesses operational? What is the appropriate communication plan?

    How will the corporate cultures be best integrated?

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    Applications1. Identify at least 3 criteria that might be used to select a manufacturing firm as a

    potential acquisition candidate? A financial services firm? A high technology firm?

    2. Despite weeks of sometimes heated negotiation, the seller continues to insist on apurchase price that is $5 million more than the potential buyer is willing to pay.How can the buyer and seller close the price gap? Be specific.

    3. Following due diligence, the buyer is concerned about the outcome of pendinglitigation facing the seller. The potential impact over the next three years if the firmwere to lose the lawsuits could be as high as $4 million. How can the buyer protectherself against this potential liability if she acquires the target firm?

    4. The CEO of the acquiring firm insists that the integration of the target firm must becompleted as rapidly as possible in order to realize the full value of estimatedsynergies. Why might the CEO feel this way? What are the risks associated with arapid integration of the target firm into the acquirer? What are the risks of a slowintegration of the target firm into the acquirer?

    5. The CEO of a small start-up firm has just been contacted by a potential acquirer,who is offering to buy the firm for a very attractive purchase price. However, the

    CEO refuses to provide any data on her firm until the potential buyer provides herwith three years of signed Federal income tax statements, personal bankstatements, and a net worth statement. Why? Is the CEO being reasonable?What alternatives does she have if the buyer refuses to provide this information?

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 04 Developing Business and Acq Plans


    Things to remember...

    The success of an acquisition is dependent onthe focus, understanding, and discipline inherentin a thorough and thoughtful business plan

    An acquisition is only one of many optionsavailable for implementing a business plan

    Once a decision has been made that theimplementation of the firms business strategy

    requires an acquisition, an acquisition plan isrequired.