Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children

Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder which primarily affects children and is characterized by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that hampers their functioning or development. It is usually difficult for a child with ADHD to progress normally. Even for parents, handling a child with ADHD can be overwhelming and nerve-racking. But that should not discourage them from taking proper care of their children and all efforts should be made to channelize the children’s excess energy into something creative. There are countless such examples where children with ADHD have gone on to achieve big in life, even surpassing peers who had a normal childhood. Challenges for ADHD children The hurdles faced by ADHD children are immense and they constantly struggle with everyday activities, like thinking, planning, organizing, impulse controlling and completing tasks in a timely manner. This is where parents and elders in the family can chip in and help ADHD children prosper in life. Parents of such children should provide extra help and guidance to them till they come up with skills of their own. It is a huge impediment for ADHD children when parents fail to understand their internal agony of striving their best to be like others but failing in their endeavor due to the disorder. Talking to them patiently, compassionately and in supportive ways will help in pacifying them and in pushing them towards achieving big in life. There are many personalities in the world who, as children, had defied the odds of ADHD to become what they are today – Michael Phelps, Simon Biles, Louis Smith, Ashley McKenzie, and the list is endless.

Transcript of Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children

Page 1: Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children

Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder which primarily affects children

and is characterized by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that

hampers their functioning or development. It is usually difficult for a child with ADHD to progress

normally. Even for parents, handling a child with ADHD can be overwhelming and nerve-racking.

But that should not discourage them from taking proper care of their children and all efforts

should be made to channelize the children’s excess energy into something creative. There are

countless such examples where children with ADHD have gone on to achieve big in life, even

surpassing peers who had a normal childhood.

Challenges for ADHD children

The hurdles faced

by ADHD children

are immense and

they constantly

struggle with

everyday activities,

like thinking,


organizing, impulse

controlling and

completing tasks in

a timely manner.

This is where

parents and elders

in the family can

chip in and help

ADHD children

prosper in life.

Parents of such children should provide extra help and guidance to them till they come up with

skills of their own.

It is a huge impediment for ADHD children when parents fail to understand their internal agony

of striving their best to be like others but failing in their endeavor due to the disorder. Talking to

them patiently, compassionately and in supportive ways will help in pacifying them and in

pushing them towards achieving big in life. There are many personalities in the world who, as

children, had defied the odds of ADHD to become what they are today – Michael Phelps, Simon

Biles, Louis Smith, Ashley McKenzie, and the list is endless.

Page 2: Channelizing Energy in ADHD Children

Handling children with ADHD

Dealing with ADHD children and helping them through the hardships of everyday functioning is

a mammoth task. But there are ways to deal with the problem and children with ADHD can also

become achievers in life as proven by many previous success stories around the world.

• Maintaining positive attitude: A positive attitude and a calm demeanor will stand parents with

ADHD children in good stead as it will enable them connect with the children better. It will also

assist them in looking at the things in the right perspective which is very important.

• Believing in child and not fretting over trivial things: One shouldn’t fret and fume if the child

has bungled in doing a chore or two. It is not a big deal. Patience is something these parents will

need in abundance. A firm belief in one’s child will keep things rolling towards a positive


• Pets can help: Many experts believe that pets at home can also bring in a sense of relaxation

and help children with ADHD. Walking the dog or taking care of other pets in the house will

inculcate responsibility in ADHD children. Moreover, pets can also infuse a good feeling in the

house which is beneficial.

Recovery road map

It is tough to deal with ADHD, but it is manageable through appropriate intervention. Children

suffering from the problem can grow up to become healthy and successful individuals.

Similarly, other anxiety disorders are also manageable with treatment. However, if left untreated,

the symptoms can exacerbate and can become complicated later. So, one should not

procrastinate anxiety treatment.

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