[Challenge:Future] EcOlympics 2013 - Recycle smart

Event: “EcOlympics 2013-2016” Event Organizer: Olympic Committee of Serbia Goal: Promoting Olympic values with the emphasis on environmental protection; actively including a wide number of youth in whole Serbia in the event; and raiseing awareness on importance of protecting the environment .Location: 40 different cities around the Serbia in 4 years Participants: 24.000 direct participants in the event, Branka Novčić, Serbia



Transcript of [Challenge:Future] EcOlympics 2013 - Recycle smart

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Event: “EcOlympics 2013-2016”Event Organizer: Olympic Committee of Serbia

Goal: “Promoting Olympic values with the emphasis on environmental protection; actively

including a wide number of youth in whole Serbia in the event; and raiseing awareness on importance of

protecting the environment.“  

Location: 40 different cities around the Serbia in 4 years

Participants: 24.000 direct participants in the event,15 people included in event organization

Branka Novčić,


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Target audience

Name: Primary schoolchildrenProfile: children from 3rd to 8th grade

Location: Cities & towns around

Serbia (over whole country)

Numbers… 400 participants directly involved in

educational program & activities during one day of EcOlympics

200 children involved in the activities throughout the year in each


In total 24.000 direct participants.

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Teach children why and how to recycle various items and therefore preserve the environment. In Olympic spirit we will connect sport

and nature.

I Year 2013 as recycle year under the slogan "Recycle smart"

Involve Olympic athletes who will promote and implement with participants the action "Olympic park alley“ - planting the trees in

the areas where children can play sports and enjoy free time. Planted trees will symbolically present 5 Olympic values (respect,

excellence, joy of effort, fair play; and balance between body, will & mind ). Children and athletes will exercise and demonstrate various

exercises in the nature.

II Year 2014 as nature year, slogan "In healthy mind Olympic

green spirit"

Raise awareness about clean school, playing fields and court yards. The children will arrange their school yards, plant flowers and

trees; and place and color recycling cans. Rewards: sport equipment for their school.

III Year 2015 as school yard year, slogan "My Olympic school


IV Year 2016 as year of success under the slogan "EcOlympic


EcOlympics 2013-2016

Children + Education + Ecology + Olympics

Step 1: Encourage children to participate in the event that

promotes Olympic values and spirit (connect sport & nature).

Step 2: Educate children why & how to recycle various items and preserve the environment.

Step 3: Promote healthy lifestyle and importance of

sports activities.

Step 4: Raise awareness among children on importance of protecting the environment.

Event Schedule

April Project initialization, Preparation of the materials & purchase of appropriate equipment, Selection of the cities, schools and athletes promoters

May/June/September/October/November Project implementation, 2 towns in Serbia per month (in total 10 towns per year) – decentralized approach.

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1st event in 2013 was held in southern Serbia town Leskovac in May 2013

The children & terrain were divided into 5 units, and within each unit different activities were organized as:

field size 30x15m

EcOlympics 2013 – Recycle smart

Creation of the logos and symbols - Unite 1

Design and creation of ECO Medals - Unite 2

Learning how to sing the anthem & how to behave - Unite 3

Skills polygon - Unite 4

Celebrating environmental protection and preservation - Unite 5

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Unite 1: Design & creation of the logo with the inscription ECOLYMPICS

The styrofoam board or cork printed label. Task: create a "tapestry" by butting the pieces of

material with a pin. Each group works on one part of the logo.

Unite 2 : Design and creation of ECO Medals PAPER MEDALS from the newspaper, crepe paper and twine

Unite 3: Learning how to sing the anthem & how to behave (during playing of the anthem, carrying the flag and another ceremonial features)

OLYMPIC PUZZLE, recycled cardboard with the logo. Task: put together a puzzle, while passing the polygon with different tasks.

Unite 4: Skills polygon (learn how to select and use the waste) SORTING THE WASTE

(cube with sides in the colors and markings of the containers for sorting waste)

EcOlympics 2013 – Recycle smart

Unite 5: Celebrating environmental protection and preservation

CHOREOGRAPHY WITH A LARGE ECOLYMPIC FLAG – the big rectangle canvas with the inscription EcOlympics is placed in the center around which the children are standing and take part in the simple choreography.

Special activity - EcOlympic football children aged 12-14 years very flexible rules played with handmade recycled ball

& broomsticks "zone of dialogue” , fair play spirit

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Promotional material: (banners, t-shirts, liflets, and diplomas)

EcOlympics 2013 – Recycle smart

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EcOlympics 2013 – Recycle smart

Promotional material: (liflets, and diplomas)

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EcOlympic experiences“The best thing for me was that I had a chance

to meet Vlade Divac my favorite athlete. ” – Jovan Knezevic, 8 years old Prijepolje

“I just met our champion Ivana Maksimovic, and she gave me to try out rifle. I will ask my parents to start training shooting.” - Pavle Krsmanovic, 11 years, Jagodina

“EcOlympics are the unique opportunity for primary school children to get educated about environmental protection, ecology and Olympic values. Our pupils are soo excited to be part of this event.” – Marija Miletic, 48 years old, Primary School principle, Novi Sad

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The impactBefore EcOlympics After


Gained knowledge:1. environmental protection2. Ecology and3. Olympic values

Primary school children did not have any knowledge about environmental protection, recycling and Olympic spirit.

Meeting their role models, famous Olympians who inspired & motivated children to be active in environmental protection.

Children did not have the opportunity to meet famous athletes.

Each city can become one of the TOP 10 EcOlympic cities in Serbia.

Children were lacking knowledge and skills.

There were no similar activities in the past.

Benefits: informal education through interactive work about environmental protection, ecology, and Olympic values.

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Year 20108 cities in Serbia, 6950 participants

Year 201217 primary schools,12 cities in Serbia,5600 participants

EkOlympics history

EcOlympics 2013-2016 will engage around 24 000 children in 4 years &

it is a unique event in the region.