Chair Yoga Sequence

1 Ginny & Greg Clarke:  CHAIR YOGA 1. Neck Rolls Lower your c hin to your chest. Begin to c ircle your neck slowly, taking the right ear to the right shoulder, the head back (but keep the throat lifted up so space remains at the back of the neck), and then the left ear to the left shoulder. Inhale as the head lifts and exhale as the chin rolls across the chest. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Take 3-5 rolls in both directions Benefits:  Releases tension in neck and shoulders and improves communication skills. 2. Spinal Flex Bring both feet flat on the floor and place your hands onto your knees. On an inhale, arch the back and look up toward the ceiling. On the exhale, round the spine and let your head drop forw ard. Repeat for up to a minute. Benefits:  Improves flexibility in spine, opens chest and shoulders and circulates blood and energy through the body. 3. Shoulder Shrugs Inhale and lift shoulders up to ears, exhale release the shoulders down. Repeat for up to a minute. Benefits:  Release tension in shoulders and increases circulation in upper body and head. 


chair yoga

Transcript of Chair Yoga Sequence

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    Ginny & Greg Clarke:


    1. Neck Rolls Lower your chin to your chest. Begin to circle your neck slowly, taking the right ear to the right shoulder, the head back (but keep the throat lifted up so space remains at the back of the neck), and then the left ear to the left shoulder. Inhale as the head lifts and exhale as the chin rolls across the chest. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Take 3-5 rolls in both directions Benefits: Releases tension in neck and shoulders and improves communication skills.

    2. Spinal Flex Bring both feet flat on the floor and place your hands onto your knees. On an inhale, arch the back and look up toward the ceiling. On the exhale, round the spine and let your head drop forward. Repeat for up to a minute. Benefits: Improves flexibility in spine, opens chest and shoulders and circulates blood and energy through the body.

    3. Shoulder Shrugs Inhale and lift shoulders up to ears, exhale release the shoulders down. Repeat for up to a minute. Benefits: Release tension in shoulders and increases circulation in upper body and head.

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    4. Spinal Twist Bring both feet flat on the floor. Twist towards the left side, with the left arm on the back of the chair, and right hand on the outside of the left knee. Turn the head to look over the left shoulder. Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale and twist a little deeper. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Repeat on the other side. Benefits: Increases circulation and flexibility in the spine and improves digestion.

    5. Eagle Arms Take your arms out to either side, parallel to the floor. Bring the arms forward, crossing the right arm over the left and bringing the palms to touch. Lift the elbows while keeping the shoulders sliding down your back. Repeat with the left arm over the right. Benefits: Releases tension in the shoulders.

    6. Side Stretch Extend arms overhead and hold the right wrist with the left hand. Draw the front of the rib cage back towards the spine, and then lean torso to the left and lift the right rib cage towards the ceiling. Hold for 3-5 breaths and repeat on other side. Benefits: Increases flexibility in spine & shoulders, opens side chest and improves respiration.

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    7. Side Twist Place right elbow/forearm on the knees and extend left arm up towards the ceiling. Look up towards the left finger tips. Hold for 3-5 breaths and repeat on other side. Benefits: Increases flexibility of the spinal column, improves respiration, and opens shoulders and chest.

    8. Lunge (Warrior 1) 1. Stand up behind the chair and hold the back of the chair with both hands. Step the right leg back, turning the right toes in at approx. 45 degree angle. Bend the left leg so that knee is over the ankle. Press back in the outer edge of the right foot. Hold for 3-5 breaths and change sides. 2. Fold chest forward over the front leg, bending the elbows, and lengthening the abdomen over the front thigh. Benefits: Lengthens calves and hamstrings, strengthens thighs, opens hips.

    9. Half Dog Pose Turn the chair around and hold onto the back of the chair with both hands. Step the feet back and keep the feet hip width apart. Lengthen the spine forward and soften the chest towards the floor, aiming for a release between the shoulder blades. Benefits: Opens shoulders, hamstrings and chest.

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    10. Pigeon Pose Place the right ankle on top of the left knee, with left foot flat on the floor. Lengthen the spine and fold forward, bending from the hips, bringing the abdomen towards your thighs. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Stretches hip rotators, outer thighs, buttocks and relieves tension in the lower back.

    11. Shoulder Opener Raise right arm towards ceiling and bend the elbow to reach the right middle finger down the spine. Left arm lengthens to the floor and then elbow bends to try to hold the right fingers. Use a belt/tie/strap to assist you if the fingers do not touch. Benefits: Opens shoulders, triceps and chest.

    12. Forward Bend Sit on the edge of the chair, feet and thighs hip width apart and interlace the fingers behind the back. Roll the shoulder blades towards each other and lengthen the spine and neck. If it feels appropriate, fold your torso forward between the thighs. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Release the hands to the floor and allow the whole body to relax and soften between the thighs. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Benefits: Eases tension in back and neck, massages the internal organs and increases circulation to the upper body and head.