CHAIR - · Women is “fit for purpose” for the 2030 Agenda and that we can deliver on...


Transcript of CHAIR - · Women is “fit for purpose” for the 2030 Agenda and that we can deliver on...

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Appointment of CHAIR May 2018

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CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The role 3. The person 4. Terms of appointment 5. How to apply

“Our vision is to see a world where gender equality is a reality, economic empowerment is a right and violence against women no longer exists”

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LETTER FROM THE VICE CHAIR Thank you so much or taking an interest in UN Women National Committee UK. In the past year, the challenges of inequality and risks to women everywhere have become fully apparent. This spotlight on the issues of gender equality and the ending of violence against women in all forms creates both great opportunity and responsibility for UN Women. UN Women has a huge mandate and uses its influence to effect change and deliver programmes where they are most needed. Whether working with governments to change policy and national laws affecting women in individual countries, empowering women entrepreneurs, or working in communities to change behaviour and eliminate gender-based violence, working with others to create meaningful, sustainable change is core to UN Women’s mission. You will know from our colleagues at Saxton Bampfylde that UN Women is the global organisation for gender equality. It works with governments, the private sector, NGOs and individuals all over the world to change the way the world works for women. It is unique in its focus on both policy and programme delivery. In the UK, the National Committee advocates for gender equality in government and the private sector, raises awareness among the public, establishes appropriate actions for effective change, and creates vehicles for donors to become champions and direct funds to where they can be most effective. Our small executive team and dedicated Trustees are enormously proud of what we have achieved in establishing UN Women National Committee in the UK, laying the foundation for the Charity to thrive, but we are aware of how much more there is to do. Our Chair is rotating off the Board, having spent the last 3 years as Chair, where she and the Trustees began the move from a small Trustee run and managed advocacy group, to a charity with an Executive Director and two supporting staff members. The funding for this growth was generated solely by the Trustees, so we are just beginning to emerge from a “start up “ position and need a Chair who can take the organisation to the next level. We have big ambitions and are searching for a passionate, committed and capable person to lead the organisation to the next stage of its development - scaling the charity and establishing it in the UK as a widely respected, well-resourced and sustainable organisation. Ultimately, our goal and commitment is to make an important and material contribution to the achievement of the aims of UN Women through public awareness, continued government support and meaningful financial contribution to its programmes. We hope you will be inspired to explore this opportunity with us. If you join us, you can expect the full support from a Board of talented trustees and a team who are at one in sharing an ambition to end inequality where ever it exists in the world. Yours, Karen Parker Vice Chair UN Women National Committee UK and Chair of HR & Nominations Committee

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INTRODUCTION What is UN Women? Established in 2010, UN Women is the single United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women. It works in partnership with other organisations and local stakeholders at the forefront of the global agenda for gender equality and empowerment and delivers programmes of change.

UN Women goals

1. The elimination of discrimination against women and girls 2. The empowerment of women in all aspects of life 3. The achievement of equality between women and men

Gender equality is now a global movement with diversity, equality and opportunity at the heart of the agenda.

UN Women Core Mandate • To inform and profile the change agenda with members, supporters, partners, government and parliament. • To raise funds for the work and projects of UN Women with all audiences. • To reinforce the UN Women position on a wide range of issues. • To ensure awareness of projects for ending violence and building economic empowerment. • To reinforce advocacy and lobbying for gender equality wherever it can.

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UN Women National Committee UK

As the representative voice of UN Women in the UK, our mission is to enhance recognition and support for gender equality and the ending of violence against women and to support UN Women and its programmes around the world. We do this through advocacy, awareness raising and fundraising activities, all of which align to the UN Women vision. We are UK registered charity and are governed by a Recognition Agreement with UN Women, as well as by UK Charity Law.

As an independent UK charity, we are responsible for determining our own strategy. We do not deliver programmes in the UK, and income raised here supports UN Women programmes and initiatives and the major Funds managed by UN Women (the Fund to End Violence Against Women and The Fund for Gender Equality).

We work collaboratively with our UN colleagues to ensure that together, we maximise impact. We also work with a wide range of UK stakeholders to influence the gender equality agenda and expedite gender parity.

Our focus for the next 5 years is on increasing the reputation of, and support for UN Women and its work, building greater understanding of the issues of gender equality and gender based violence, and improving our position as a mainstream UK charity, through an enhanced executive team, improved infrastructure and fundraising capabilities in order to raise substantial sums for UN Women Programmes and Funds.

Specifically, UNW NC UK aims to achieve UN Women’s core mandate through:

1. Awareness building - Increasing commitment to our mandate through various communication vehicles and media

2. Advocacy - Increasing interest of Government, Parliamentarians and private sector partners to influence change

3. Activation - Increasing financial contribution through engagement, fundraising and outreach activities with diverse audiences including the general public, private sector, government / parliamentarians and academic institutions. Ancillary audiences include NGOs and internal UN Women NCUK stakeholders.

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UN Women NC UK’s core values Four core values underpin the modus operandi of UN Women in the UK:

• Commitment. Advance gender equality globally and enhance awareness of the moral argument for change. • Integrity. Consistently do the right thing for our organisation, for women and for our stakeholders. • Courage: Make the right call and speak out for our organisation, women and our stakeholders. • Impact. Make a meaningful contribution to the agenda and profitability of UN Women globally.

UN Women NC UK today – and strategy 2016-2020

UN Women NC UK aims to be a widely respected, well-resourced and sustainable organisation. With well-connected patrons, influential and loyal supporters, UNW NC UK makes an important contribution to the achievement of the aims of UN Women. UN Women NC UK aims to contribute to UN Women with a degree of material impact, enabled by being a fully recognised voice, a trusted representative and champion of UN Women in the UK as well as a role model organisation. While the UN is a well-known global entity of influence and authority, UN Women is not yet recognised in the UK as a major brand or cause in its own right. It is at varying stages of awareness, engagement and familiarity with its target audiences, and this is on an upward trajectory: in 2015, for example, the HeforShe campaign (see helped achieve recognition and confirmed that existing reputation is positive, providing a platform for growth. With the #drawaline campaign – the first ever homegrown campaign in the UK – the aim was to raise awareness and engage the public to take action to end violence against women and girls during the 16 days of activism. The campaign raised money to support over 10,000 women and girls through UN Women programmes.

Specific 2020 objectives are as follows:

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1. Leadership: attitudes towards gender equality and empowerment of women and influence legislative change

2. Credibility: Be seen as a leading and influential voice at the forefront of thinking on issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment

3. Education: Actively raise awareness across the UK about the benefits and moral arguments for change 4. Impact: Support UN Women programmes and initiatives through the Gender Equality Fund and UN

Women Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women including field projects and targeted campaigns 5. Sustainability: Build an effective and profitable charity by 2020, in compliance with UK Charities framework, the UN Women Recognition Agreement and Company Law

Women and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) UN Women has developed twelve Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPIs) to support countries in their efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. The FPIs are high-impact, scalable programmes that will support national governments to address multiple SDG targets across multiple goals. They respond to demand for technical policy and programmatic support expressed by the UN Member States. All FPIs adopt a human rights-based approach by strengthening the voice of women and girls to remove structural barriers for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Each FPI is based on a comprehensive theory of change that articulates the causal linkages and actions required by governments, civil society organizations, the UN system and private partners in order to achieve transformative change in the lives of women and girls. All FPIs monitor and report on performance in line with the SDG indicators. Together they help to ensure that UN Women is “fit for purpose” for the 2030 Agenda and that we can deliver on the SDGs for women and girls across the globe. Below is a short description of the 12 Flagship Programming Initiatives. Additional Programmes are in the pipeline, including on Women’s Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Energy and on Demanding Rights to Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn Child and Adolescent Health Services.

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1. Women’s political empowerment and leadership This Programme focuses on: Supporting development and implementation of robust legal frameworks and administrative arrangements; Expanding and diversifying the pool of qualified and capable women to run for election; Transforming gender norms; Supporting women leaders in gender-sensitive political institutions. 2. Women’s access to justice This Programme addresses bias and gender discrimination in justice delivery through: Creating a gender-responsive enabling environment; Strengthening the capacity of formal and informal justice actors; Increasing women’s demand for justice and their visibility in justice administration. 3. Women’s empowerment through climate-smart agriculture The four priority outcomes of this Programme are: Increasing gender-responsive, climate-resilient agricultural policies and women’s land tenure security; Improving women farmers’ access to climate resilient information and skills; Removing financing barriers to allow women farmers to invest in climate-resilient agriculture; Increasing access of women farmers to higher-added value markets. 4. Income generation and security through decent work and social protection for women Through this Programme we promote income generation and improve women’s income security by expanding decent work opportunities and access to gender-responsive social protections. 5. Equal opportunities for women entrepreneurs This Programme aims to address the structural barriers faced by women entrepreneurs by promoting genderresponsive public and corporate procurement to create demand for women-owned businesses and strengthening the capacity of women-owned businesses to respond to this demand.

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6. Safe cities and safe public spaces This Programme is the first-ever global programme that develops, implements, and evaluates tools, policies and comprehensive approaches on the prevention of and response to sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls in public spaces. A growing list of champions includes over 20 cities in 2016., 7. Prevention and access to essential services to end violence against women This Programme builds on evidence that, to effectively prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, a comprehensive, ansformative approach towards gender equality and women’s empowerment is required which results in comprehensive anti-violence laws and policies, prevention, provision of essential services and data collection. 8. Women’s leadership, empowerment, access and protection (leap) in crisis response This Programme focuses on: Gender-inclusive humanitarian planning, frameworks and programming; Protection and economic opportunities for women affected by sudden onset emergencies; Positive coping mechanisms for women and girls affected by protracted crises. 9. Gender inequality of risk in a changing climate This Programme aims to mitigate the gender inequalities of loss of lives and livelihoods and enhance the resilience and recovery of communities to natural hazards in a changing climate. 10. Women’s engagement in peace, security & recovery This Programme focuses on: Ensuring women’s participation in conflict prevention and peace negotiations; Protecting women’s human rights and security; Promote the socio-economic recovery and political participation of women and girls in post-conflict situations. 11. Gender statistics for sdgs localization This Programme aims to address three inter-related challenges: Weak policy space as well as legal and financial environments to produce gender statistics at national level; Technical challenges at the national level that limit the production of gender statistics; and Lack of access and limited capacity. With the generous support of Australia and the Gates Foundation, this Programme will support governments to improve the production of gender statistics to monitor SDGs, inform policy and ensure accountability. 12. Transformative financing for gender equality Drawing on the priorities identified in the Addis Ababa Action Plan on Transformative Financing for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, this Programme targets four priority outcomes to mobilize maximum resources for gender equality from all sources and at all levels.

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UN Women NCUK is looking for an exceptional individual to succeed Laura Haynes as Chair. He or she will bring broad-ranging skills and experience that will ensure UNW NC UK maximises its potential for growth over the coming years.

Role purpose • Take the organisation from its current start-up position to create a successful and sustainable organisation • Inspire and lead UN Women NC UK to deliver the agreed vision, strategy, values and specific objectives in

support of the UN Women’s mission for gender equality and the empowerment of women. • Act as the primary spokesperson for the organisation in the UK and be an effective and inspirational speaker,

ambassador and advocate across broad stakeholder groups, including media, private sector, special interest and sector groups, government, and the general public – engaging and enthusing audiences to support and champion our cause.

• Lead the development of our organisation’s fundraising strategy, overseeing planning and implementation to achieve agreed targets and in line with our UN Women Recognition Agreement. Ensure that new business opportunities are Identified and exploited and others are enthused to engage with the strategy.

• Build exceptional relationships with key stakeholders across all sectors (specifically government, private and public sector, NGO’s and the broader public community).

• Ensure the long-term sustainability of the Charity, through effective financial planning, innovative program and campaign development, good governance and sound finance – ensuring the Charity is operating within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks.

• Work collaboratively with the Board of Trustees and Executive leadership, driving the growth and transformation of UN Women NC UK to become a mature, respected and substantive not for profit organisation in the UK.

• Maintain strong bonds and close collaboration with UN Women global headquarters in New York, other National Committees as well as regional offices.

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The Chair will work with the board members and executive on a range of activities including:

• Overall strategic leadership • Creative and strategic business planning and development – scaling the business • Business management, financial planning and governance oversight • Board and committee meeting chairing • Fundraising and network development • Public speaking and media presence • Stakeholder management and long-term relationship development • Facilitation and consensus building


Required experience and knowledge • Passion for the work of UN Women and an understanding of our stakeholders and their needs • An experienced board-level leader, preferably with experience in complex organisations • Strong understanding and experience of governance • Strong verbal and written communication skills and experience of engaging with the media, with policy

makers and other stakeholders across the commercial public and not for profit sectors at the highest levels • An experienced non-executive and ideally Chair, with a facilitative style and the ability to drive action through

others, build consensus, delegate, rally support around common goals and motivate a wide variety of groups and individuals

• A track record of senior level relationships and relevant network • A successful track record of playing a leadership role in fundraising or business development initiatives

Personal qualities sought • A culture carrier and role model for others – inspirational and engaging • Dynamic and energetic with a high degree of personal drive • Delegates well • Impartial and objective – and recognised as such • Self-sufficient: happy managing one’s own diary and administration

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TERMS OF APPOINTMENTThis is a voluntary position with no financial compensation. Expenses for required annual UN Women business to National Committee meetings outside the UK will be paid for. All other expenses, including travel to meetings, telephone, stationery, etc. are sought as a donation.

The time commitment is expected to be around 3+ days a month, at least in the initial phase of appointment plus evening Board meetings and up to 2 to 4 events per month.

The appointment is for a 3 year term, which may be renewed thereafter.

HOW TO APPLY Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is acting as an employment agency advisor to UN Woman National Committee UK on this appointment.

Candidates should apply for this role through our website at Candidates should apply for this role through our website at using code XAAALA.

Click on the ‘apply’ button and follow the instructions to upload a CV and cover letter.

The closing date for applications is noon on Friday 15th June 2018.

If you are unable to apply through the website, please email [email protected] quoting reference XAAALA.

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