CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International...

Design Week 2017 Design & Transdisciplinarity - New Challenges Design in transdisciplinarnost - novi izzivi University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Research and Innovation Centre for Design and Clothing Science October 15 - 21, 2017, Maribor, Slovenia CEEPUS Winter School

Transcript of CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International...

Page 1: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

Design Week 2017

Design & Transdisciplinarity - New Challenges

Design in transdisciplinarnost - novi izzivi

University of MariborFaculty of Mechanical Engineering

Research and Innovation Centre for Design and Clothing Science

October 15 - 21, 2017, Maribor, Slovenia

CEEPUS Winter School

Page 2: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,





CEEPUSCentral European Exchange Program for University Studies

CMEPIUS - Centre for Mobility and EU ProgrammesMinistry of Education, Science and Sport

University of Maribor

Page 3: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,


The sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, 15th October to Saturday, 21th October, 2017 at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Enginee-ring, Smetanova ulica 17, Maribor, Slovenia.

Closing ceremony with the Exhibitions Design Week 2017 will be held on 20th October, 2017 at the Univer-sity of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, Maribor.


Šesta mednarodna CEEPUS zimska šola Design Week 2017 bo potekala od nedelje, 15. oktobra do sobote, 21. oktobra 2017 v prostorih Fakultete za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru, Smetanova ulica 17, Maribor, Slovenia.

Zaključna slovesnost z razstavo Design Week 2017 bo 20. oktobra 2017 na Univerzi V Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, Maribor.

Page 4: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

The very beginnings of the International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week go back to 2012, when the con-cept of the Winter School was conceived. Its aim is to cover the whole spectrum of modern engineering de-sign, clothing and/or other textile forms in the broadest sense, including the closely related areas, such as: art, colour/light theory, fashion theory, photography, smart and intelligent materials, wearable computer technolo-gy, human-clothing systems, ergonomics of the thermal environment and innovativeness.

The aim of this interdisciplinary concept of a Winter School, which can be understood as the interaction of different disciplines, is to combine scientific and artistic disciplines and connect the creativity of students from different universities and from various countries. In the framework of lectures and a wide range of targeted Workshops, the students deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of design in the broadest sense. Here, a broad openness to different disciplines is required, which allows interaction between science, art and society, the development of new ideas and their application in a real environment.

»Design and transdisciplinarity - New challenges« is this year’s international CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 motto; where the transdisciplinarity will come to expression. Transdisciplinarity is as a relatively young concept, a synonym for interdisciplinarity, with a special emphasis on common, integrated research objectives.

In this concept the students and workshop’s modera-tors will through parallel interdisciplinary planed creative workshops (Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a com-munication tool, Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas, Book design as a multidisciplinary field: from analogue to digital book, Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia, Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas, Unique

product design - from an idea to the catalogue, Bound-less hat design, Architecture of the textile jewellery) face the research problems and develop collective philoso-phy of idea development, as an element for finding new solutions.

I wish to all the participants of CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 an intensive, inventive and fruitful ex-change of knowledge and experience. I’m looking for-ward to welcome you in Maribor.

Yours sincerely,

Jelka Geršakon behalf of the international

CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017



Page 5: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

Začetki mednarodne CEEPUS zimske šole Design Week segajo v leto 2012, ko je bil zasnovan koncept zimske šole, katere namen je zajeti spekter sodobnega inženirskega oblikovanja oblačil in/ali drugih tekstilnih form v najširšem smislu, vključujoč tesno povezana področja, kot so: umetnost, teorija barve in svetlobe, teorija mode, fotografija, pametni in inteligentni mate-riali, nosljive računalniške tehnologije, sistem človek – oblačilo, ergonomija toplotnega okolja in inovativnost.

Cilj tako zasnovanega interdisciplinarnega koncepta zimske šole, kot interakcije različnih disciplin, je združiti znanstvene in umetniške discipline in povezati krea-tivnost študentov iz različnih univerz in dežel, kjer se študenti soočijo s teoretičnimi in praktičnimi vidiki ob-likovanja v najširšem smislu. Pri tem je ključnega pome-na široka odprtost različnim disciplinam, ki omogoča interakcijo med znanostjo, umetnostjo in družbo, raz-voj novih idej in aplikacijo teh v realnem okolju.

»Design in transdisciplinarnost – novi izzivi« je moto letošnje mednarodne CEEPUS zimske šole Design Week 2017, kjer bo prišla do izraza transdisciplinar-nost, ki je s konceptualnega vidika sinonim za inter-disciplinarnost s posebnim poudarkom na skupnem, integriranem raziskovalnem cilju.

V tem konceptu se bodo študenti z moderatorji skozi vzporedno potekajoče interdisciplinarno zasnovane kreativne delavnice (Vrednosti blagovne znamke - trendi in prihodnost mode - trajnost in novi koncepti - pripove-dovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje, Plakat - ust-varjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej, Oblikovanje knjige kot multidisciplinarno področje: od analogne do digitalne knjige, Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje os-krbe oseb z demenco, Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej, Unikatno obliko-vanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga, Brezmejnost v ob-likovanju pokrival, Arhitekturalnost tekstilnega nakita) soočili z raziskovalnimi problemi in razvijali kolektivno

filozofijo razvoja ideje, kot elementa pri iskanju novih rešitev. Rešitve bodo poskušali poiskati s transdisci-plinarnim pristopom in nove ideje usmeriti k uporab-niku, s poudarkom tako na trajnostnem in socialnem vidiku, kot tudi na estetiki in čustveni privlačnosti.

Vsem udeležencem CEEPUS zimske šole Design Week 2017 želim intenzivno, stimulativno in plodno izmen-javo znanja in izkušenj. Veselim se srečanja z Vami v Mariboru.

S spoštovanjem,

Jelka Geršakv imenu mednarodne CEEPUS zimske šole

Design Week 2017


Page 6: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

ProgrammeDesign & Transdisciplinarity - New Challenges

Page 7: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,


15 October, Sunday17.00 - 20.00 Hostel Pekarna

16 October, Monday

09.15 - 10.15

Registration / Registracija

Registration / Registracija

10.15 - 11.00

Opening / Otvoritev

08.30 - 09.00

Design & transdiciplinarityDesign in transdisciplinarnost

Brand values in the fashion industryVrednost blagovne znamke v modni industriji

Room B-304 / B-305

Prof. K. Košak, University of Ljubljana, Faulty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ljubljana (SI)

09.00 - 09.15

Room B-304 / B-305

G. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)

11.00 - 11.30 Break / Odmor

12.15 - 13.00

Poster and social mediaPoster in socialni mediji

Assoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Faculty of Fine Arts (MK)

11.30 - 12.15

The OEKO-TEX® certification system - an effective tool to increase consumer confidence in textiles and leathersOEKO-TEX® certifikat kakovosti – učinkovito orodje za rast zaupanja potrošnikov v tekstilije in usnje

Dr. L. Kokasne PalicskaInstitute Innovatext, Budapest (HU)

13.00 - 14.30 Lunch / Kosilo

16.00 - 16.30

Motivation - Idea searching / Motivacija - Iskanje idej14.30 - 16.00

Forming workshops - the registration of candidates

17.00 - 18.00

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Room B-304 / B-305

K. Košak, G. A. Suhr, L. Kokasne Palicska, O. Batajic Sretenovic, L. Cvetovski, A. Skrbinek, S. Uran, P. Zorec, S. Rajh, S. Šterman, J. Kaljun, G. Harih, P. Dobnik Dubrovski, A. Pavetić, J. Geršak


Let us speak Slovene!Govorimo slovensko!

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Valh Lopert, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Zemljak Jontes

One point lecture Room B-305


20.00 Evening programm

Restaurant Rotovž



Motivation workshop

Plenary lecture

Room B-304 / B-305

Room B-304 / B-305

Page 8: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

17 October, Tuesday08.30 - 09.00

10.15 - 10.30

Registration / Registracija

10.30 - 13.00

09.00 - 09.45 Book Design as a multidisciplinary field: from analogue to digital book / Oblikovanje knjige kot multidisciplinarno področje: od analogne do digitalne knjige

Phenomenon of the little black dress / Fenomen male črne obleke

Room B-304 / B-305

Assist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts (RS)

09.45 - 10.15 P. Krpan, M. Eng., University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology (HR)


Break / Odmor

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool I - Presentation of the theme chain

B-304 Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje I – Predstavitev tematske verigeG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)


Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas I

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej IAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)


Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice


WS-III Book design: a general overview of book design today - Borders in bookmaking as an object of art and object of design I

Oblikovanje knjige: splošni pogled na oblikovanje knjige danes - meje pri izdelavi knjige kot objektu umetnosti in oblikovanja IAssist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)


Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia I

• Defining a problem in terms of the peculiarly requirement of people with dementia, design and clothing / Visit of the UKCMaribor: meeting people with dementia and medical staff

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas I


UKC MariborB-305

WS-VS-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco I

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej IAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor, P. Zorec, University of Ljubljana, S. Rajh, UKC Maribor (SI)

B-206J2-132 Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga I

Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Architecture of the textle jewellery I WS-VII

S-304 Arhitekturalnost tekstilnega nakita IAssoc. Prof. A. Pavetić, University of Zagreb (HR)

• Opredelitev problema z vidika specifičnosti zahtev oseb z demenco, designa in funkcije oblačila / Obisk UKC Maribor: srečanje z osebami z demenco in zdravstvenim osebje

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog IWS-VI

Page 9: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,


6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej IIAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)

WS-III Book design: text and general ideas, choosing medium and materials, making sketches IIOblikovanje knjige: tekst, splošne ideje, izbira medija in materiala, izdelava skic IIAssist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)


Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia II

• Problem definition / Wearable electronics / Composing a moodboard • Definiranje problema / Nosljiva elektronika / Priprava razpoloženjskega kolaža

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas II



WS-VS-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco II

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej IIAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Lunch / Kosilo

Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice14.30 - 17.30

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool II - Composing a moodboardsVrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi konceptiPripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje II – Priprava razpoloženjskega kolažaG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)


Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas IIWS-II


WS - I

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog II

Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga II Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Architecture of the textle jewellery II

Arhitekturalnost tekstilnega nakita IIAssoc. Prof. A. Pavetić, University of Zagreb (HR)

Exhibition / Razstava University of Maribor - University Gallery

Surface of the little black dress / Površina male črne oblekeAuthors: Students of University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology (HR),Concept of exhibition / Koncept razstave: Assoc. Prof. A. Pavetić & P. Krpan, M. Eng. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology (HR)Archi-textileAuthors: Students of University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (SI)Concept of exhibition / Koncept razstave: Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


13.00 - 14.30





20.00 Evening programm

Restaurant Rotovž


Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor, P. Zorec, University of Ljubljana, S. Rajh, UKC Maribor (SI)

Page 10: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

18 October, Wednesday08.30 - 09.00

10.15 - 10.30

Registration / Registracija

10.30 - 13.00

09.15 - 10.15 Body as an event: contemporary fashion and performanceTelo kot dogodek: sodobna moda in performens

Room B-304 / B-305P. Krpan, M. Eng., University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology (HR)


Break / Odmor

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool III - Developing the concept

B-304 Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje III – Razvoj konceptaG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)

Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas III

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej IIIAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)


Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice



WS-III Book design: elements of bookmaking and storytelling through visual narration. Building book in chosen material III

Oblikovanje knjige: elementi izdelave knjige in pripovedovanje zgodb skozi vizualno opisovanje III Assist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)


Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia III

• Objective set-up / Defining additional function – intelligent character of clothing / Wearable electronics / Development of idea – technical solution

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas III



WS-VS-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco III

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej IIIAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor, P. Zorec, University of Ljubljana (SI)

B-206J2-132 Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga III

Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Architecture of the textle jewellery IIIWS-VIIS-304 Arhitekturalnost tekstilnega nakita III

Assoc. Prof. A. Pavetić, University of Zagreb (HR)

• Opredelitev ciljev / Definiranje dodatnih funkcij – inteligentnega karakterja oblačila / Nosljiva elektronika / Razvoj ideje – tehnična rešitev

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog IIIWS-VI


Page 11: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej IVAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)

WS-III Book design: Building book in chosen material IV

Oblikovanje knjige: postavitev knjige v izbiranem materialu IVAssist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)


Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia IV

• Design definition / Design of individual concepts of clothing / Choice of materials and defining of special requirements of materials / Defining of wearable electronics components: sensors, actuators, processing unit etc.

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas IV



WS-VS-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco IV

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej IVAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor, P. Zorec, University of Ljubljana (SI)

Lunch / Kosilo

Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice14.30 - 17.30

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool IV - Concept set-up

Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje IV – Postavitev konceptaG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)


Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas IVWS-II


WS - I

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog IV

Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga IVAssist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Architecture of the textle jewellery IV

Arhitekturalnost tekstilnega nakita IIIAssoc. Prof. A. Pavetić, University of Zagreb (HR)


13.00 - 14.30






20.00 Evening programm

Restaurant Rotovž

• Opredelitev designa / Oblikovanje individualnih konceptov oblačila / Izbira materiala in definiranje specialnih zahtev materiala Definiranje komponent nosljive elektronike: senzorjev, aktuatorjev, procesnih enot idr.

Page 12: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

19 October, Thursday08.30 - 09.00 Registration / Registracija

10.30 - 13.00

09.15 - 10.15 Textiles in contemporary artTekstilije v sodobni umetnosti

Room B-304 / B-305

Assist. Prof. M. Sc. K. Klimt, Ljubljana (SI)


Break / Odmor

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool V - Forming new creative ideas

B-304 Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje V - Snovanje novih kreativnih idejG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)

Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas V

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej VAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)


Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice



WS-III Book design: making of books communicating chosen medium V

Oblikovanje knjige: izdelava knjig kot sporočilo izbranega medija VAssist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)


• Development of prototype / The technics of preparing and making components of wearable electronics • Razvoj prototipa / Tehnike priprave in izdelave komponent nosljive elektronike

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas V




S-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco V

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej VAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor (SI)

B-206J2-132 Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga V

Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Boundless hat design IWS-VII

S-304 Brezmejnost v oblikovanju pokrival IAssist. Prof. M. Sc. K. Klimt, Ljubljana (SI)

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog VWS-VI

Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia V

10.15 - 10.30

Page 13: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej VI

WS-III Book design: Finalization of books and final discussion on realized ideas VI

Oblikovanje knjige: finalizacija knjige in razprava o realiziranih idejah VIJ2-331

Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia VI

• Development of prototype

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas VI




S-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco VI

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej VIAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor (SI)

Lunch / Kosilo

Creative Workshops / Kreativne delavnice14.30 - 17.30

Brand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool VI - Forming new creative ideas

Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - Trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje VI – Snovanje novih kreativnih idej


Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas VIWS-II


WS - I

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog VI

Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga VIAssist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Brezmejnost v oblikovanju pokrival IIAssist. Prof. M. Sc. K. Klimt, Ljubljana (SI)


13.00 - 14.30






20.00 Evening programm

Restaurant Rotovž

• Razvoj prototipa

Boundless hat design II

Assist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of Arts in Belgrade (RS)

Assoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)

G. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)


Page 14: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

20 October, Friday08.30 - 09.00 Registration / Registracija

09.00 - 11.00

WS-IBrand values - Trends and future fashion - Sustainability and new concepts - Storytelling as a communication tool VII

B-304 Vrednosti blagovne znamke - Trendi in prihodnost mode - trajnost in novi koncepti - Pripovedovanje zgodb kot komunikacijsko orodje VIIG. A. Suhr, International Brand Consultant & Creative Director, Berlin (DE)

Poster - creative tool for sharing ideas VII

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Plakat - ustvarjalno orodje za izmenjavo idej VIIAssoc. Prof. L. Cvetkovski, MFA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (MK), Assist. Prof. PhD. A. Skrbinek, University of Maribor (SI)

Creative Workshops - Preparation of presentation of workshop’s results



WS-III Book design VII

Assist. Prof. O. Batajic Sretenovic, University of arts in Belgrade (RS)J2-331

Transdisciplinarity in photography – exploring new creative ideas VII




S-306; S-303

Razvoj pametnega oblačila za izboljšanje varnosti oseb z demenco VII

Transdisciplinarnost v fotografiji – raziskovanje novih kreativnih idej VIIAssist. Prof. Dr. G. Harih, University of Maribor (SI)

Prof. Dr. Sc. J. Geršak & Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Uran, University of Maribor, S. Rajh, UKC Maribor (SI)

B-206J2-132 Unikatno oblikovanje izdelka – od ideje do kataloga VII

Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Šterman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dobnik Dubrovski, Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Kaljun, University of Maribor (SI)

Boundless hat design IIIWS-VII

S-304 Brezmejnost v oblikovanju pokrival IIIAssist. Prof. M. Sc. K. Klimt, Ljubljana (SI)

Unique product design - from an idea to the catalog VIIWS-VI

Developing smart clothing to improve the safety of people with dementia VII

Lunch / Kosilo

Presentation of the results of the workshops14.30 - 16.00

13.00 - 14.30

Kreativne delavnice - Priprava in predstavitev rezultatov delavnice

Setting of collective exhbition of Design Week 201711.00 - 13.00 University of Maribor - University Gallery

Postavitev skupne razstave Design Week 2017

Predstavitev rezultatov delavnic in njihova evalvacija

Hall Borisa Podrecce

Oblikovanje knjige VII

Page 15: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

6th International CEEPUS Winter School DESIGN WEEK 2017 Maribor, 15. 10. 2017 - 21. 10. 2017

Razstava Design Week 2017


Closing ceremony

Zaključna slovesnost Dinner19.00


Evening programm

Restaurant Rotovž

Exhibition Design Week 2017 University of Maribor - University Gallery

Hall Borisa Podrecce

21 October, Saturday

07.30 - 08.00 Registration / Registracija


The search for new inspirations through the prism of autumn idyll of Prekmurje.Iskanje novih inspiracij skozi prizmo jesenske idile Prekmurja.

16.00 Departure / Odhod


Page 16: CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 - UM · PDF fileThe sessions of the 6th International CEEPUS Winter School Design Week 2017 will be held from Sunday, ... fashion theory , photography,

Address for correspondence

Prof. Dr. Sc. Jelka GERŠAK


Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, SloveniaPhone: +386 2 220-7960; +386 31 659 335

E-mail: [email protected]://ricdoi.fs.um.si; http://designweek.um.si
