· Web viewRMR Board of Directors. March 26, 2019. RMR BOD Meeting...

RMR Board of Directors March 26, 2019 Speaker 1: This conference will now be recorded. Speaker 1: (silence) Glen: Hello? Glen: (silence) Hello? Hello? Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:16:04] Speaker 2: (silence) Glen: Hello? Glen: (silence) Speaker 2: That payroll expense is totally wrong. Yeah. Glen: Works. Speaker 2: What's that? Speaker 3: [inaudible 00:18:54] Speaker 2: Yeah, so in the past, we've just had one account called payroll expense and a sub-account, employee medical insurance payroll expense. We're going ... unlocked. We'll have medical insurance. We'll have wages and we will have payroll tax expense which will be company share of FICA Medicare, so everybody pays 7.65 FICA Medicare. Out of our check, the company has to match it, so the matching portion is payroll tax expense. Okay, that's what will be in there, so basically there's about around $33,000 that should be in that employee medical insurance. That comes out of that 215. Okay, so take out 33,000 plus of that. Speaker 2: The money we gave Fran, somehow the gross and the net check both got put in here, so that's another $20,000 that's gotta come out of that payroll expense, so as soon as it's unlocked, Debbie, who's the bookkeeper, RMR BOD Meeting 3-26-19-201903270044 (2) (Completed 04/01/19) Transcript by Page 1 of 109

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Speaker 1: This conference will now be recorded.

Speaker 1: (silence)

Glen: Hello?

Glen: (silence) Hello? Hello?

Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:16:04]

Speaker 2: (silence)

Glen: Hello?

Glen: (silence)

Speaker 2: That payroll expense is totally wrong. Yeah.

Glen: Works.

Speaker 2: What's that?

Speaker 3: [inaudible 00:18:54]

Speaker 2: Yeah, so in the past, we've just had one account called payroll expense and a sub-account, employee medical insurance payroll expense. We're going ... unlocked. We'll have medical insurance. We'll have wages and we will have payroll tax expense which will be company share of FICA Medicare, so everybody pays 7.65 FICA Medicare. Out of our check, the company has to match it, so the matching portion is payroll tax expense. Okay, that's what will be in there, so basically there's about around $33,000 that should be in that employee medical insurance. That comes out of that 215. Okay, so take out 33,000 plus of that.

Speaker 2: The money we gave Fran, somehow the gross and the net check both got put in here, so that's another $20,000 that's gotta come out of that payroll expense, so as soon as it's unlocked, Debbie, who's the bookkeeper, is gonna go through the payroll expense account. She's gonna move everything out. She's gonna fix it, and it'll be right, so don't ...

Becky: As soon as everybody's is unlocked, first we'll go through and check everything for 2018, and then we'll give you final financial [inaudible 00:20:57]

Speaker 2: Becky, what's the timeline on that?

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Becky: Timeline is as soon as we get the final audited financial statement, then the account, the auditor will unlock QuickBooks and then the bookkeeper will work on it right away, and it's gonna take her probably an hour to do it.

Speaker 2: Becky, when we are we supposed to be getting the audit is my question, sorry.

Becky: Yes, okay. We're gonna talk about that later, but May 1st.

Glen: This is Glen. We're gonna go over the audit, the bylaws, and the issue that we have with the office when we have the closed meeting at the end of this evening.

Becky: I do at least have some information on this on the audit. I actually have some information.

Speaker 2: Oh, [inaudible 00:21:43] Becky.

Glen: The reason we're closing the meeting is because all that is not factual, and we want to make sure that the information from the meeting that goes into the transcripts and the recordings are factual. Okay, any questions for Cathy? She's been putting a lot of time in the treasurer's report working with the auditor, working with the bookkeeper, getting things straightened around.

Glen: It's been more of a time-consuming aspect of things than we had anticipated. The auditor didn't like a lot of how we did our QuickBooks, so they're changing things for us. Our commission report's official.

Becky: Are we not [inaudible 00:22:34]

Glen: I don't know.

Becky: Do we have to?

Glen: I don't think we can.

Speaker 2: We can't.

Glen: [crosstalk 00:22:38] get this out accurately.

Speaker 2: Becky, we can't approve it because it's not official.

Becky: That is true.

Speaker 2: She can't prove or disprove. If there's an issue, you can bring it up, but we can't vote on that.

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Glen: Anything else on the minutes or the treasurer's report.

Speaker 4: This is [inaudible 00:22:59] Is there an explanation on the difference between the year's, last year's net income over this year's loss?

Speaker 2: You're looking at the whole year of December versus three months of 2019.

Speaker 4: Okay, but this [inaudible 00:23:17] bases, shouldn't there be more income on the ...

Speaker 2: It's not.

Speaker 4: We're missing most of the income from the first quarter?

Speaker 2: Yeah, so that's why you have a huge discrepancy, and I'm not really exactly sure how Debbie did 2019, because we're changing how we do everything, so we're gonna have deferred income from now on. We're gonna have deferred expenses, so if you pay for a tournament in December, that's really for February of the next year. That's going into the next year. That's not going in, and I think Debbie did it the old way, so I think for March of 2019, all the income is in 2018.

Becky: Was she running a cash basis then? This is more of a ...

Speaker 2: Are you running cash basis right now?

Debbie: Yes, [crosstalk 00:24:17] This is when we [crosstalk 00:24:19] December 31st, '18, and [inaudible 00:24:24] looking at the power tournament [inaudible 00:24:26] like $733,000. All that income is being expensed out in January, February, March. It's being sent out to all the tournament side. That's why-

Speaker 2: [crosstalk 00:24:44] coming in and everything going out.

Speaker 4: I understand, but that's why I don't understand the last year's results. If you got income from fourth quarter going to 2019 tournaments, we didn't restate to come into 2018 to get on a payroll basis?

Speaker 2: But you have the same thing in 2017-

Speaker 4: That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2: ... coming into 2018.

Speaker 4: But if you take the two of them together, the net amount is still a little concerning. This is [inaudible 00:25:17]

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Speaker 2: We can call the bookkeeper if you want, or we can wait until the final ones come out.

Debbie: The adjustments from the 2017, because everything is locked down, it's missing 2018, adjustments, everything.

Speaker 2: I just talked to the bookkeeper tonight and she says it's all not totally correct.

Debbie: Wait, [inaudible 00:25:47]

Glen: Bill?

Bill: Yes, I didn't read this [inaudible 00:25:56] but on the 2018, all of it's there and the timeframe works. [inaudible 00:26:00] we lost $3000 on? Years ago, [crosstalk 00:26:07] Or on this, we lost 3000 on it.

Speaker 2: Are you in the [crosstalk 00:26:17] it's on this one. Sorry.

Bill: That's later payments [inaudible 00:26:21] and all the dispersion. That should be accurate on this. It is accurate that we lost 3000 years ago. We said we knew about this [crosstalk 00:26:32] claims, but we shouldn't lose [inaudible 00:26:36] no reason, yet we lost 3000. [crosstalk 00:26:40]

Debbie: Our income [inaudible 00:26:40] coming into November, we would need [crosstalk 00:26:54] through December, and the expenses come out in-

Bill: [crosstalk 00:26:54] See, you've got the wrong income here [inaudible 00:26:54] expenses-

Speaker 2: Right, which is why it's all changing, so going forward, everything, if it's for a 2018 tournament, the income and the expense, it's gonna be on the 2018 financial, whereas right now, the showdown is February, so if we bring any money in December-

Bill: When does the showdown entry open up? It doesn't open until-

Debbie: December 1st.

Becky: That's [crosstalk 00:27:15]

Bill: We're doing the same in 2017.

Speaker 2: Yeah, but [crosstalk 00:27:28] would've been different.

Bill: Well, and that just [inaudible 00:27:28]

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Becky: Yeah, I think it'd be really nice. I think everything [crosstalk 00:27:34]

Bill: We don't know what we lost on the showdown.

Becky: [crosstalk 00:27:36] that's right.

Bill: We don't know what we lost on the showdown.

Speaker 5: Oh, Becky, oh, yes, you're right. We don't know right now because everything's locked, and they're saying there's income inconsistencies.

Speaker 2: You will know-

Bill: First year.

Speaker 2: But we'll know as soon as it's unlocked and she fixes everything. We'll know for 2018 and we'll for 2019. We'll know.

Sean: This is Sean. 2018's gonna be done on an accrual basis, which is what we want.

Speaker 2: That's right, so as soon as 2017's unlocked, she has to start redoing all that income and the expenses and reallocate everything [crosstalk 00:28:13] but it'll be nice.

Bill: Just to clarify, 2017 is cash basis.

Speaker 2: Yes.

Bill: 2018's gonna be ...

Speaker 2: Well, I'm not sure. I think the auditor is changing 2017. That's what she's auditing, so I think 2017 is also good.

Bill: Okay. You can restate for financial reporting. Try to marry up the right income with the right expenses.

Sean: At some point, we're going to convert, even if it's 2017 as accrual, that 2016 is cash and 2017 is accrual, so you're gonna have apples and oranges, but [crosstalk 00:28:50] 2017 being accrual. That way, 2018 makes more sense.

Speaker 2: They're gonna me the financial a whole lot easier to read. It's not gonna be this many pages. It's gonna be just more simplified, really. It's supposed to.

Bill: Can't wait.

Speaker 2: Can't wait until ...

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Sean: Can't wait.

Glen: Any other questions on the treasury's report? Okay, commission reports, so with the officials.

Jim: Sure. This is Jim.

Glen: This is Jim, right?

Jim: This is Jim and I may need some help from others. Clinics pretty much ran as usual. Our clinic season is over in February, and we got everybody trained up. [inaudible 00:29:49] officials were at 63, of which 14 of those are new this year, so I'm pretty happy with that number. We had 14 new officials at showdown, so actually, we had more than 14.

Speaker 2: How many were new?

Jim: At least 14. We have seven new regional officials. We do most of our review and training and evaluation for the regionals at showdown, and we passed seven and failed two. As of yesterday, we had three junior national candidates, and that's been reduced by one, so our two candidates are Larry [Duane 00:30:45], and Alex [Howton 00:30:48], and just recently, Tom [Ulnerwich 00:30:51] decided not to go forward with it, and I just want to pat all of us on the back for that because Tom ...

Jim: I know. It doesn't sound right, but because he was a candidate and because we adjusted his assignments this year ... When people announce they're gonna be candidates, Glen will then put that in higher level matches, and there will be observers there. Tom going through that process, and crossroads, as well, going through that process, it's a tribute to his self-awareness, but he realized that he had some weaknesses. He had some weak areas, and he didn't wanna move forward until he fixed those, so he's planning on going next year. He spoke to both George and I about this and we are backing him on that, but I think it's a tribute to our system because I'll tell you another region's ...

Jim: If somebody wants to go junior national, go. They don't provide the training and they don't provide the feedback. They just send them and see what happens, so would Tom have passed had he gone? I don't know, but his level of confidence used to be higher, I think, in order for him to succeed, so anyway. That's the news with our junior national candidates. Glen, can you speak to the junior official program and the numbers for that?

Glen: Junior officials, we grew again this year. Our score monitors, I believe we had 36 score monitors. Is that right?

Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:32:42]

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Glen: 36 score monitors. They worked the first three powers helping out at 12s and 13s, and then they will also be eligible to help out at the [Zellenkoff 00:32:54] big tournament. If they're available to work, we'll allow them to work that, as well, just as a little bonus for them. It all-

PART 1 OF 8 ENDS [00:33:04]

Glenn: Well, just kind of a little bonus for them. It all comes of out funding for the juniors that put together for the score monitors and the referees. Referees this year, we have 42. So we're up about 12. Junior referees, again, they work on their off weekend when they're not playing.

Glenn: We did have one junior referee that decided she didn't want to play anymore but she still wanted to referee. So she's a 17 year old paid referee for the region. And she's actually very good. She's hopeful that she'll keep progressing, and maybe we'll have somebody who'll be eligible within the timeframe for international. She's doing a good job. Her name's Jacqueline Mosley, if you run across her. Right now she's doing mostly 15s and below. Because she's 17 we don't have to put her in a position where she might feel uncomfortable actually officiating kids older than herself. But she's one that came from the junior program, and now is working as an adult of region.

Glenn: And hope the others will too. We're an active participant, tag you're it. Sort of these 18 year old officials move to another state to go to college. They're not going to play volleyball. They can get hooked up to do high school or intramurals or club volleyball. So I think the programs growing and doing well. That's all I have, Jim.

Jim: Good. That's it for me too. Scores, anything, kids?

Glenn: [Inaudible 00:34:56]. Mary?

Cathy: [Inaudible 00:35:06]

Glenn: Okay. I'll move on to the beach. Sean?

Sean: And I'll turn that back to Glenn to talk about the VMQ.

Glenn: Okay. This year we are going to have both a VRQ which we had last year. And that will be in early May, early to mid May. And then we will have a beach national qualifier this year which will be at the end of June. I think it's June 30 if I remember right. So we're hosting that. So we're moving forward in that area. We'll have at a minimum three other RMR beach tournaments. The first one, I believe, is slated to start the Saturday before the [inaudible 00:36:02]. I'm going to see if we can get that date changed to the following week so that more kids can participate.

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Glenn: We're working again with Volleyball of the Rockies. They still haven't broke ground on their courts so we have a little bit of anxiety going on as to whether or not the courts will be ready for June when we have the national qualifier here. But they assure me that they will be. I'll go from there. No elite beach this year. Volleyball of the Rockies has been hosting girls on Mondays and Wednesdays for elite beach training. So there is some training going on. That's all that I know at this time. We haven't set our next beach meeting yet, have we? So we still have the beach meeting coming up. Yes, Bill.

Bill: I saw [inaudible 00:37:05] that Sean with no beach and indoor. Another club in the region region, and they call themselves the Colorado Juniors, [inaudible 00:37:05]. The Island is probably going to be a program for the Colorado Juniors. Now Colorado Juniors beach, on their website they put out is Colorado Juniors program. If anybody has any info on them, I told them I wasn't happy about it. But he said nope. So whatever.

Melissa: Is your name trademarked? This is Melissa. Is your name trademarked?

Bill: Oh no I'm just a coach. [crosstalk 00:37:56]

Melissa: If it's trademarked you can do a cease and assist, and they have stuff you can name.

Bill: I ... The reason, I was going to be working with The Island, somebody'll be saying why are you doing that? Colorado Junior Beach. And I don't know what I'll call mine, I don't care. I'll probably call it Colorado Juniors. But it doesn't feel right. Only Sean and [inaudible 00:38:24]. That and [inaudible 00:38:25] anybody but [inaudible 00:38:29].

Becky: I think that's ...

Glenn: I will reach out to Tom at the Volleyball of the Rockies. [crosstalk 00:38:43] I don't know about Colorado Juniors. I don't know anything about Colorado Juniors. I know them as Volleyball of the Rockies.

Bill: Guarantee that when somebody needs [inaudible 00:38:56] and everything, I start getting calls about the Colorado Juniors program. And to them Tom is cancer. That's not good for me.

Melissa: So you can just tell them show up at your address.

Bill: No, I just-

Melissa: He shouldn't be associating with Volleyball of the Rockies. He should be on Junior Beach or something. I mean-

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Bill: Not a part of our program.

Becky: No, not what he's talking about. The Volleyball of the Rockies has their own, or the Island has their own juniors beach that is not associated with the region, right? That they're calling the Colorado Juniors?

Bill: Not on the beach, just Colorado Juniors.

Becky: Right, so it's not technically [inaudible 00:39:33] but with what you're saying the relationship with them, that there's anything.

Bill: I think if we were, we're an okay club. I think if we were a bad club, we may not call it that.

Sean: This is Sean. This is the website. It's

Glenn: So it does say beach?

Sean: Well that's a URL. It says Colorado Juniors on their website.

Bill: On their website, if you go to the page, it doesn't say beach volleyball.

Sean: Yeah. The URL says Colorado Juniors Beach Volleyball. That's the address. And then on the website it says Colorado Juniors. You guys can see it right there.

Bill: There's, they have a-

Sean: It doesn't say beach.

Emily: That's egregious.

Bill: [crosstalk 00:40:18]

Emily: I think outside of the region, that's really crappy of them to do. What the region can do about it, I don't ... This is Emily by the way. I don't think it's necessarily a region issue so much as it is trying to get them to do the right thing.

Sean: It does have the regional series, the RMR series on this website. Right here. RMR V series 1-

Emily: Becky, I thought RMR wasn't doing any beach series this year.

Sean: They are.

Glenn: The RMR is doing beach series. Volleyball of the Rockies-

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Sean: 4 or 5.

Glenn: Well, we might even have two more fourteens in August.

Sean: Correct.

Glenn: But Volleyball of the Rockies is hosting AUs and AVP First

Bill: Yes, AVP America. [crosstalk 00:41:17]

Glenn: So then host all the junior events right now. We're not using any other facilities, although we're going to talk to Parks and Recs, and talk to the bowling alley that we used last year, what was the-

Melissa: Sonesta?

Emily: No, AMF Lanes.

Glenn: Yeah, AMF Lanes. So.

Melissa: Bowlero, probably.

Glenn: Bowlero. Anyway, we had I think two tournaments there that were very successful. But they only have five courts, so it makes it difficult to get everything done in a weekend. Our beach has grown to the point that ... we've almost gotten to the point now where we have to start possibly having more than one site for beach events, like we do indoors. You know, we have multiple sites for indoors. It might be we start having multiple sites for beach now where the sixteens and eighteens play on Saturday at one place, and the fourteens play on Saturday another. And the twelves play on Sunday. I don't know, we're not quite to that point yet, but we've grown exponentially every year over the past five years.

Glenn: I will contact, I know Tom from Volleyball of the Rockies. I will call him on the issue and talk to him.

Bill: You said he doesn't know anything about indoor, basically doesn't care about indoor.

Glenn: That sounds like Tom.

Bill: It just doesn't feel right.

Cathy: This is Cathy. Bill, I think if I were you, I would go to the Secretary of State of Colorado online, and-

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Emily: I'm looking at it right now. Yeah.

Cathy: And put you in, and you have to have trade name if you have a business.

Emily: You have a trade- you're incorporated as Colorado Juniors Volleyball E. But I do not see a trademark.

Cathy: No trade name?

Bill: I would think in our gut that we'd know that that's just not right. I'm doing no business ... [crosstalk 00:43:32]

Jim: In any case, the issue [crosstalk 00:43:37]

Becky: This is Becky. I have another question. I was given an email that had come from Kia. I don't know who the full distribution list was, because it was obviously a cc, or a bcc email. But it basically introduced, I don't know. It just sounds, it's just not good business in my personal opinion. But I think it should be brought up that I'm not sure what the distribution is, like I said, the list I can't see.

Becky: And it basically says, "Hi beach volleyball players. The Island and the Oasis will be starting their own elite beach volleyball program called Elite Beach Colorado. Elite Beach Colorado is designed to identify top players in Colorado and allow them to," etc. etc.

Becky: I just don't know if necessarily, like I said, I don't know the distribution list on that, but I have a huge problem with RMR siding with one individual organization when there are multiple organizations within the region trying to grow beach volleyball. And then it goes down and it goes, it says, "Questions? Contact Terry at the Island" and it says Terry@[inaudible 00:44:49].com, or Glenn [inaudible 00:44:51], and Glenn it's your personal email, but your phone extension is the RMR office.

Becky: And I guess that's just slightly misleading. Is RMR siding with this Oasis ... or the Island and the Oasis program? Or are we supporting every beach or club within the state, which is Juniors and Elevation, and all these other ... I guess I just feel like that's a misuse. Like I said, I don't know who the distribution list fully was. Maybe it was to you know, just one team that I just happened to have somebody that was in that program, and so I have that. But I just feel like that's a distribution list that's being used, it should be given to all or not being used for personal gain.

Glenn: That email was supposed to go out to the players who are part of the elite program last summer.

Becky: Doesn't matter.

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Glenn: I'm not sure who all it went to. That's who it was targeted to, so they would have a place to practice in the winter time. There's only Colorado Juniors has a facility.

Becky: But that was not mentioned in this email at all. No other organization that has a beach program was mentioned in that. And I just feel like that's unethical. Did you get ... whoever this distribution was included, like I said it was a bcc email so I don't know. But did you get the distribution list? Did you get the distribution list? Did NORCO get the distribution ... I mean like, it's not-

Emily: But is it a difference of-[crosstalk 00:46:19]

Glenn: This is beach people.

Emily: -and this is just me, Emily playing devil's advocate completely because I don't know if Bill had reached out or Scott had reached out or Sean had wanted you to contact those people and offer those programs too, would the region have been willing to do it?

Emily: So is it a difference between Volleyball of the Rockies saying 'hey, could you promote this, just as we would if Scott asked, or whatever.' But-

Jim: You say this was the RMR office that were calling?

Becky: It says it was sent from Kia and the only person I can see on here was to Wendy, but it was a bcc email. Like somebody sent this[crosstalk 00:46:52]

Becky: Well, Questions: contact Terry at the Island, Terry@[inaudible 00:46:58].com or [inaudible 00:46:59]@AOL, but then it's the office number at extension 3.

Becky: I guess I just ... it shouldn't ... it's either we do it and you're willing to give those distribution lists, whether it's beach, or it's indoor Juniors, or if I wanted a list from the Parks and Rec division and if I wanted your 8 and under or 10 and under, or how about boys? What happens if I was going to run a boys ... I want everybody that's a male registered for USAV?

Becky: I guess I just don't necessarily, our members aren't, shouldn't be solicited to for individual program. It's either all or it's nothing.

Wendy: This is Wendy. The distribution list was to the RMR and league beach people, and to other people that went to RMR beach-

Becky: But once again, [crosstalk 00:47:50] it was only - Becky - it was only advocating for one program.

Jim: Becky, let Wendy answer the question.

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RMR Board of DirectorsMarch 26, 2019

Wendy: For a moment, please. Sean wrote the email asking to promote his program. That just means it's going to be distributed out to the same people. It's not that we're trying to only circumvent one club, but Sean asked that it be distributed, and it's going to be distributed.

Wendy: We promote all beach events on our website at RMR, and it goes to beach. Every club who wants to be on that list gets put on that list, even Colorado Juniors puts their events up on to go list, and we advertise for them too. So it's just not just [inaudible 00:48:37]

Sean: This is Sean. I just wanted to answer your question when you said, if somebody else asked. After I saw that, I did ask. It's like, okay, if this is being sent out ... first of all, I asked who it was sent out to. It was sent to all participants in the Rocky Mountain Region events. So that's beach series, VRQ-

Becky: Anybody who was registered, right.

Sean: And so I asked, okay, if they can do it, can we do it as well, and it was like, absolutely yes, so.

Becky: It's just misleading, though.

Sean: It is, well what's confusing is seeing the phone number at the bottom [crosstalk 00:49:14]

Becky: And the [crosstalk 00:49:14]

Sean: -which is the office number.

Becky: Right, well, and-

Sean: I didn't know that.

Becky: I guess I just ... like I said, it shouldn't ... So, if I wanted to start a boys club, you guys are willing to send out an email saying, "Hey Becky Johnson [inaudible 00:49:28] is starting a boys' volleyball club. Go talk to her about it." And you're going to send that to everyone who's a male registered for RMR?

Glenn: As long as it doesn't violate the recruiting policies, yes.

Melissa: [crosstalk 00:49:41]

Becky: But where do you draw the line? So as a member, do you want to get thirty emails a week soliciting? Because those are solicitation emails. The end.

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Melissa: This is Melissa. You are saying that if, let's say Momentum wants to start boys. So when we're within the recruiting period, I can end you an email and say, 'Hey, can you send this out to all the boys in the region letting them know that we're starting boys?'

Glenn: Yes. Or we'd send you mailing labels to-

Melissa: Right. But we have to pay for mailing labels.

Wendy: The thing is with girls and boys since [inaudible 00:50:16] registered pool [inaudible 00:50:16]. Those we put out to the mail and we ask you when you have all your clubs, when you're going to be posting all your summer programs, summer camps, [inaudible 00:50:33] ... then that information to us, and we will put it out on a huge distribution list to all 55-

Melissa: Right. I get that, everybody knows that. [crosstalk 00:50:41]

Wendy: Because we have a closed beach event mailing list, who are participating in RMR beach events, we will send out trying to promote beach, and there's not that you have be affiliated with this person, or you have to be affiliated with that person. But the rules are a little bit looser, that's why we're trying to help promote the beach games. And that's why the information put there.

Wendy: Winter training went out to those in, like Sean asked about his going out, his is going out tomorrow. If you send a beach program and you wanted it to go out, I'd be more than happy to keep sending them out. We do not give you the emails. [crosstalk 00:51:30] directly out from the office.

Melissa: But I wouldn't have a problem asking you to send my emails promoting something new for Momentum, I just ... It doesn't seem right.

Becky: Becky. It's just the protection of our members, though. Could you imagine, if you guys know what it's like for people to sell your email addresses. I understand we're not taking monetary gain, okay, I get that. But where's the line going to be drawn? Because do you, as a dad, really want 50 emails a week when you've already, you know what I mean?

Becky: It doesn't matter if you're within the recruiting timeline or not. If they're all coming from the office, that's basically the office is saying, 'oh, this is good, this is good, oh next week, this is good. Oh wait, that's a last minute one, goes out. This goes out, this goes out.' I just feel like ...

Emily: So what's your proposal?

Glenn: Well, let me-[crosstalk 00:52:21]

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Becky: My proposal is that the office shouldn't-

Sean: I want to say one other thing.

Glenn: Just a second. Bill's, Bill's been waiting-

Sean: Oh, sorry, Bill.

Glenn: Bill, go ahead Bill.

Bill: This is Bill. I think [inaudible 00:52:32] RMR number and your number, it just looks bad. I don't know what the logic was behind it, but it looks like RMR, an RMR number, is supporting men more than all clubs. I don't think that's true, but the appearance is that way.

Glenn: I didn't know my number was on there.

Bill: Hey, well then. Maybe they used what they thought you were Colorado Juniors, and since you're Colorado Juniors now, they put whatever-[crosstalk 00:52:59]

Sean: This is Sean. So just to clarify, we're bringing up the 6500 member list and boys and that is kind of a red herring, because what we're addressing is beach. The beach distribution list. And the reason why we're allowing access to it is to go to the sport.

Sean: And so sending out 50 emails or getting 50 emails as an RMR member, I think would be onerous. But that's not what the intent is. We do have a relationship with X amount of players in the beach world. It's different from indoor, whether it's boys or girls, because they're required to affiliate with a club. On one weekend they can play with Elevation. On another weekend they can play with Colorado Juniors, and then with us, you know.

Sean: So I don't want to confused the issue with other parts of the Rocky Mountain region. We're talking about beach. Just to clarify is you asked, 'is that available to everyone?' And that's the question I asked, and the answer was yes, so we composed something, we asked Wendy to send it out to that same list, saying 'okay, our program's kicking off as well.'

Sean: And if the board thinks that's a bad thing to do, then let's shut it down, but I think because we're doing that, you guys, anybody that has a program ... I know Mike at Yeti wants to do it.

Becky: Becky. I know Mike at Yeti has different goals, though, as a region. He's not trying to do it independently for Yeti, he's proposed some other stuff, I get that.

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Becky: I guess, I mean, I don't have a beach volleyball club. This isn't 100% I'm here to like, because it wasn't my email. I'm just trying to bring up a point like, okay yes, this is beach right now. But where, you know ... it's kind of opening can of worms. So those beach clubs out there that are represented, what are your guys' thoughts? This directly affects the three of you, sitting back in those chairs. And my feelings are personal or professional, it doesn't even matter. I just don't think that everybody's aware of what opportunities you may have, or has that even been put out to all the beach clubs? Hey, we can do this for you.

Scott: This is Scott. This is the first I've heard that we could contact other beach players and try to solicit them. I kind of have mixed feelings about it right now just hearing you for the first time, and knowing that other clubs have had the opportunity but it wasn't given to me, knowing that's an option. So, that's processing now a little bit, I guess.

Melissa: Again, this is Melissa. I guess the concern that I have with it is other clubs are reaching out to our players as a club, promoting beach volleyball. But it's an avenue for them to be able to recruit our players through beach volleyball.

Emily: For indoor? Or, for whatever?

Melissa: For anything. But it's an avenue for them to be able to recruit our players. 'Hey, we have a beach volleyball program. Momentum doesn't. Come over to Elevation and try out our beach volleyball program.' Or wherever it is.

Melissa: So I think that being able to do that is a very slippery slope that we're starting with the whole recruiting thing all over again.

Glenn: This is Glenn. We addressed that. We understood that that was an issue. The potential recruiting and the clubs and all that. But we decided probably four or five years ago that we were going to forego that in order to grow beach, and that if it became an issue, we would have to readdress it.

Melissa: This is Melissa. My point to that though is that I think our family or I've only ever seen it through RMR. Not through Elevation being able to contact our players. I've only seen it through RMR promotion promoting RMR's beach series. Not other clubs being able to promote their beach to our players. That our Momentum [inaudible 00:57:28]

Glenn: But if Momentum doesn't have a beach program, then why wouldn't we want to solicit those players that might want to play beach and become beach players?

Melissa: We have wannabe beach players.

Glenn: I know you do. I'm saying why not give them information? That's why - I'll get you in a second Bill. That's why we no longer have elite programs because those

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clubs thought the elite program interfered with their growth. And that's why we did away with the elite program. One of the reasons.

Emily: Can I go after Bill?

Glenn: Yes. Bill?

Bill: Bill. [inaudible 00:58:01] probably the least involved. [inaudible 00:58:12] and you've got several people [inaudible 00:58:13] putting it on their website. We tell them that's good. As far as recruiting players, usually the players ... [inaudible 00:58:20] and the majority of beach players can't make, these are indoors. And that's where the beach has to really start drawing those better indoor players. Somehow that's not happening. It's onesies, twosies, but it's not ... players recruit the beach if they want to play it. They just do. And at least for us, it has not impacted our indoor at all. You know. Somebody's got some big brother.

Bill: So far it has not been an issue. Which is has been great, because like you said four or five years ago, making it grow it said [inaudible 00:59:04] basically. The hard part for me though, is especially with the number on the bottom there, is that it feels, looks like RMR endorsing the Island and, the other one?

Becky: Oasis.

Bill: Programs more than the clubs. Especially now that RMR is getting out of it and letting clubs do it, so is the Island and the Oasis. It just doesn't feel right. It feels like RMR is supporting them as much if not more than other clubs.

Emily: So we've acknowledged the perception, or the possibility of a perception. We've acknowledged that it may have been, or was a mistake to seemingly affiliate it with the region in the email with Glenn's phone number, right, at the region's office. That was a mistake. Talk about problems or beliefs on it til we're blue in the face, but what is the solution, right?

Emily: So where do we go from here? Why don't we give every beach club the opportunity to join in one email, or you know, for the next month? We'll send out one email for your program to promote it, and after that, done. The email that goes out to the beach players is, 'Hey, check out our website where everything will be listed.' Or, maybe we send out one email every two months or a month with every program on it, and not just one?

Emily: And then we get rid of this perception, fix the problem, everybody gets their fair share bite of the apple, and we go about our lives. I mean, that seems logical to me.

Bill: Only if I get more votes because Allen is a part of the Juniors. (laughs)

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Emily: Well maybe not for long, if you get your way.

Becky: Becky. I guess I would just really recommend, this is just my personal opinion, I have no hand in the pot right now ... is just ixnaying 100% of the email distribution list. And the reason I say that is because if you guys have any marketing experience, whoever is first listed on that email is going to get the first hits. Whoever's last on that email may not survive. The bottom-two thirds of that email aren't going to get great.

Becky: I mean it just is what it is. I mean bottom right-hand corner on a page in a magazine, most expensive page to buy. Cheapest: inside left page. Come on, guys. I guess we're at that point, is it alphabetical? It is alphabetized? Is it by who's oldest? Who has the most kids?

Emily: Maybe we don't do any after that, but I think to address the situation that you brought forward is one entity has gotten a bite of the apple that nobody else has gotten. Let's give every other club one bite of the apple and then call it there. And then we're done. I mean that makes sense.

Becky: I mean, I was just asking them because I, we don't-

Emily: Yeah. And if you don't want to take a bite of the apple, you don't have to. You don't have to promote your club.

Bill: You just need to know the apple's out there so you can take a bite.

Emily: Right, so we send it to the beach programs one time and say, 'Hey, we'll send out one email for your program.' And that's it.

Melissa: This is Melissa. Basically, Emily, you're suggesting the same thing that we do when Wendy sends out the blast email about every club and summer programs. You can choose to participate in that or not. I mean, it's no different.

Emily: Right.

Melissa: Right?

Becky: Well and at that point is it really, should it be a distribution list of just beach or, if we're trying to grow our beach program, and if that's really our mission, shouldn't it be a distribution to the entire region? Indoor and outdoor? Because aren't we just trying to take indoor players and giving them the opportunity to play beach?

Jim: So beach wants to get better.

Becky: Just throwing it out there.

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Glenn: Well this is Glenn. My final comment on this is, Volleyball of the Rockies is not having teams. They're going to be a place to go play. The only thing they did is the winter league was because there's basically four indoor locations in the state. Colorado Juniors, Oasis, Island, and what's Mike's?

Becky: The Lab.

Glenn: The Lab. Those are the only three, or four, indoor courts, or places that have courts. So that was the promotion. It was, they're not, Volleyball of the Rockies is not having a beach program with teams. They're just going to be a place ... they want everybody to come there to play. Enjoy their courts. [crosstalk 01:03:41] What's that?

Wendy: This is Wendy. I understand the POPR in that they have to stop in May, and they're going to stop all training. And then all that training is going for all the clubs. That's where the kids are supposed to be going.

Speaker 6: So this is from a business standpoint, they make money off training. They do it on Monday and Wednesday, right? Monday, and somebody else is Wednesday?

Glenn: I do Wednesdays, somebody else does Mondays. But we're only talking no more than six kids. So they're not making any money, they're just doing it to give the kids an opportunity to train in the winter time at an indoor facility. That's all they do. And it ends in May. They still will have people doing private lessons, but they're not going to be doing any training. They're just going to allow their facility to be used during those summer months.

Glenn: So my understanding is that we're going to allow a period of time for those clubs that wanted to send out information to beach-eligible participants. And then we are going to give them one bite of the apple. And then we're going to close down soliciting for anybody for those programs. Is that the consensus?

Emily: That's my proposal.

Speaker 6: Actually, this is Kirk. Is beach eligible all junior players?

Glenn: Yeah.

Speaker 6: Okay. So it goes out to everybody?

Glenn: Boys and girls.

Speaker 6: Okay.

Melissa: That are beach players, or all indoor?

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Glenn: All.

Speaker 6: He just said all. That's why I...

Glenn: All RMR players.

Wendy: Before it was sent to just the-

Glenn: Before it was just sent to beach players. Now it will be sent to everybody. Fair enough? Are we okay with that? Paco's not okay with that?

Paco: I don't know why we have to send emails advertising any club. From my point of view, if you want to increase your awareness of this family sport, availability of-

PART 2 OF 8 ENDS [01:06:04]

Speaker 7: ... [inaudible 01:06:02] of this kind of activity for the kids, you can send an email and say, "This is our website and we have listed in that website all the clubs and all the activities," [inaudible 01:06:16].

Bill: I agree with you. I wanted to send one out because I was like, "Well if somebody else gets to send one out, I should be able to send one out." [crosstalk 01:06:25] were just talking about this, we're already in and we don't really ... I mean, we're not turning kids away but we'll have more than enough kids to pull from. So, I like the idea of just sending an email out to the participants from last year saying, "Please visit the beach website to see the participating cubs," and that kinda addresses your issue as well so its not direct marketing. So that would be my preference, and I think Scott's on board too.

Scott: Me too.

Bill: And so can we change that, just to ...

Becky: Is everybody's stuff up on the [Becky 01:07:04] website? [crosstalk 01:07:05] I mean, sorry ...

Bill: I don't know if everybody is, but there is a ton of stuff up there.

Becky: [crosstalk 01:07:10] Is everything up to date? Before you send out that email we need to make sure that everything on the website is up to date so we don't look silly.

Bill: Yeah we have ... we [inaudible 01:07:21] everything else.

Emily: I'm not talking about the board minutes there Bill.

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Bill: This right here is what's up there right now. [crosstalk 01:07:29] As you see ...

Becky: I don't know if that's complete so ...

Bill: [crosstalk 01:07:31] clubs with beach programs, okay?

Becky: I don't ... Is that good? Is that the full list?

Bill: [crosstalk 01:07:39] I just wanna [crosstalk 01:07:39].

Emily: She's just saying she doesn't want people to go "Well, I wasn't on the list when you sent that email, I should've been."

Bill: Sure.

Becky: That's what I'm saying, it's just can we make sure it's complete before.

Bill: Well, I don't know that we can mitigate that.

Becky: Ensure that?

Bill: Exactly. Because, we have this up here now [crosstalk 01:07:52]-

Becky: Should with we send out an email to all the clubs in the region and say, "Hey, we will be sending out one email distribution pushing out spring and summer information. Please go to the website and ensure that your club's ... information is up to date and ready to go. If there needs to be changes, you have until this date at this time." You have to put a deadline on that, 'cause otherwise-

Wendy: This is Wendy. I will make sure than in weekly, I send weekly emails, that should come through on [inaudible 01:08:22] statement, if they're going to have it be a program to just let us know ... by a certain time and a certain date, and after that time-

Becky: Just mentioned a date.

Wendy: I will publish it out and give a mass email out to everyone. There was never never any intent to ... leave somebody out. It was never in that intent.

Bill: I like that.

Becky: Pretty good?

Glen: Yeah.

Becky: Cheers, let's move on.

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Glen: Moving on to juniors. Kirk?

Kirk: Alright, this is Kirk. I was not involved in any of the IRC's because I had practices on all the ... dates that I was given, so I'm going to punt to ... [crosstalk 01:09:06] somebody who was there. Alright-

Scott: Question Kirk?

Kirk: yeah?

Scott: This is Scott, What's IRC?

Kirk: It's the incident review committee that convenes and it's board members, it's usually three, that deal with recruiting issues-

Emily: Safe Sport.

Kirk: Spectator issues, safe sport issues.

Emily: Any grievances.

Kirk: Yeah, grievances basically. So-

Scott: Thank you.

Kirk: Yeah, mm-hmm (affirmative).

Glen: Scott, for verification, I'm hoping in the future to change that to ethics and eligibility.

Scott: Okay, sounds good. Thank you.

Glen: And, so it would make more sense ... on that. For the recruiting issue, I'll ask Emily since she was the chair to discuss that.

Emily: Sure. So, I chaired in IRC ... I don't even remember who else was there, I think George was there, somebody else ... [crosstalk 01:10:02] Kathy. Essentially, recruiting violations of two large clu- ... Or, one large club brought recruiting violation allegations against another large club, centering around a handful of players that were ... allegedly recruited at Crossroads and a couple other various tournaments. We heard a whole bunch of evidence and essentially found that there was enough evidence to substantiate a finding that recruiting violations had occurred with respect to at least one player specifically. So, we implemented sanctions against that club.

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Emily: I don't know how much detail we really wanna go into but that's what I'll throw out there for now.

Glen: [crosstalk 01:10:50]. Jim, you were the chair for the safe sport issue?

Jim: No, George was.

Glen: I think you were [crosstalk 01:11:01].

Emily: No, you were the chair for the chair for the safe sport. [crosstalk 01:11:03].

Jim: Oh yes. Oh yes I was.

Emily: You can't forget that lady.

Jim: I was thinking chronological order. This is Jim, the safe sport issue was that allegations by a player ... after the first practice of the year, that the practice was abusive. Specifically that they weren't given adequate water breaks. We looked into it, we interviewed that player, we interviewed the mother, we interviewed the biological father, we interviewed grandpa, and then we spoke to the club director and we spoke to the coach. Our finding was that ... allowing scheduling, I mean actually in the practice ...

Speaker 8: Water breaks.

Jim: Right.

Glen: In the practice plan, you [crosstalk 01:12:15].

Jim: In the practice plan, that's what I was thinking.

Glen: You added water breaks.

Jim: In the practice plan, we thought that scheduling four water breaks in an hour and a half practice was adequate. So, we found no safe sport violation. Subsequently, that finding was disputed. We have an appeal process, the appeal process is that you have to not appeal the decision but appeal the process via IRC-

Emily: The due process.

Jim: Yes, the due process issue. That was not the substance of the ... dispute. So, after a couple of emails back and forth, Emily stepped in and shut it down. I want you to know that she shut 'er down. Actually, she volunteered to act as an intermediary between the player and the club to see if they could get any kind

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of resolution. So that was great on her part, and also cut the amount of flak to zero that I was receiving, and the [crosstalk 01:13:31].

Emily: Must be nice.

Jim: Thank you.

Emily: I received-

Jim: Awesome.

Emily: Just to follow up on that, I received about a million voicemails and emails and all sorts of various forms of communication from said parent ... who ... is-

Jim: Did you receive any-

Emily: Interesting.

Jim: Did you receive anything from her counsel?

Emily: No, I received another email from her today actually, yeah.

Jim: I saw it too.

Emily: Yeah, so she threatened all sorts of lawsuits and ... bringing reporters and calling the media and all that stuff. I did finally convince her that her real claim was against the club because her ... The allegations initially that the board heard were safe sport issues, but what she was really quite frankly angry about, which I think I wasn't involved in that IRC but I think the board kinda saw through was, she wanted out of her contract. She had paid a certain amount to the club, she owed a certain amount left. She didn't wanna pay that amount and she didn't want her daughter to go on the no-pay list, and she wanted her daughter to be able to go to another club in the middle of the season. So, after threatening to sue the board and Jim personally and all sorts of people, I finally convinced her that your real grievance and issue is with the club, it's a contractual issue. We don't have anything to do with that. If you wanna sue the club go sue the club. Then she asked to hire me to sue to the club, so she's a little ... It's interesting, but it doesn't really concern the board anymore I hope at this point, 'cause ...

Glen: Is our insurance paid?

Emily: Yeah.

Jim: Was what?

Glen: Is our board of directors insurance paid?

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Jim: Our board of directors insurance is paid.

Speaker 8: Good.

George: This is George, on the safe sport side of that IRC, the player actually said that she had four or five water breaks.

Melissa: Oh my gosh.

Emily: Yeah, it was not [crosstalk 01:15:26], it was a veiled attempt at trying to get out of the contract through safe sport allegations. I think she thought if the board found that there were safe sport allegations, then she could use that to then get out of her contract with the club.

Melissa: That doesn't even sound like a safe sport issue. That's not what safe sport is about.

George: [inaudible 01:15:44] buzz word.

Emily: Well had there actually ... If her allegations were substantiated that there was abuse and that her daughter was not allowed to get water and all of those things, it would be a safe sport issue at that point. But, that wasn't what the evidence shower. So we had to hear it, it wasn't an allegation of sexual abuse or anything that would rise to the level of kicking it to safe sport, the organization itself, so it became a region issue. We heard it because when you get these grievances and allegations things in, you have to take them as true. If they're true, does it rise to the level of it being an issue? If it does then we need to hear it, and so that's why everybody had to waste their time. But ultimately, I think the right decision was made.

Glen: I would say this ... issue itself probably cost the office ... at least half a weeks work in different people speaking to this person. Not to mention, the IRC and the other things, so and Emily has continued [inaudible 01:16:50]. George, I'll have you ... You were the chair for the spectator issue?

George: Okay, the spectator issue. We had two different clubs playing each other at the end of the match. One of the parents of a player on club A's side decided to come out of the stands of about 10, 12 bleachers high, came out onto the court at the back end of the court, over to the score people's ... down the middle of the court, and ...

Emily: We'd like a demonstration. Demonstrate on Jim.

George: Parent came down and he had a couple of words with the coach of the opposing team, and during that the coach said, "[inaudible 01:17:43], you're getting in my space kind," lifted his hands up, and the parents grabbed him, took him down,

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threw him to the floor and proceeded to wail on him. Fortunately, some other parents and coaches pulled him off at which time the player came over and started hitting on the coach.

Becky: The player?

George: And-

Becky: From the other team?

George: The player-

Emily: Yeah.

George: Yes. The parents-

Melissa: The dad's daughter.

Emily: [crosstalk 01:18:11] She believed that the-

Melissa: The fathers daughter.

Emily: She believed that the coach laughed at the daughter. So-

George: The parent thought the coach was laughing at his daughter, and ... anyway. Then the mom came in and said a few things to him.

Becky: Becky. How [inaudible 01:18:28].

George: Very interesting. So, [crosstalk 01:18:35]

Glen: Tried to throw hot coffee on him. Tried to throw hot coffee on the coach.

Speaker 8: [inaudible 01:18:41].

George: So we had the whole family involved and different sanctions were put out to different members of the family, and it is now in court between civil suit/ assault thing, [crosstalk 01:18:59] with the coach and the parent.

Glen: And criminal.

George: [crosstalk 01:19:03] Well, the really nice thing about it is we had security tapes and video from at least one parent.

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Emily: Yeah, those 43 video cameras that everybody thinks [crosstalk 01:19:15] that they're all being recruited to [crosstalk 01:19:17].

Wendy: This is when there was a school video that showed the whole thing, the other players, so people need to know their kids are now ... have cameras all over the place.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Glen: So those of you who own facilities, probably wanna put camera equipment in yours if you don't already have it.

Becky: Got 'em on every court.

Glen: That's hilarious. [inaudible 01:19:46]. So anyways, spectator ... That's the IRC's that we've had since the last board meeting. Six minutes of show down, I'll ask Wendy to talk about that.

Wendy: [inaudible 01:20:00] The show down is not the elite clubs. It's for those grassroots teams that are coming in to experience it and sometimes if those teams don't go to [inaudible 01:20:12] to participate and they go to the show down which kind of gives them that experience. It also gives us the opportunity to train our referee's, so they can get more time on the courts and everything else like that. So, it's more for grassroots program and it was 230-some teams, and the region has about ... almost 600 teams their missing now, so at least we're servicing one third of our membership.

Melissa: And we had one boys team, it was awesome, it was amazing to watch. They really had a great time. I think they were 14-

Emily: Of course they did, they were surrounded by all those girls.

Melissa: Yeah, they were in heaven. I think they were 12-

Emily: Hello.

Melissa: And they played six teams of girls.

Emily: Genious.

Melissa: And it was just electric because everybody-

Emily: Oh I bet it was.

Melissa: All the girls just wanted to beat them so bad, because I mean the boys ... There's just a different level that the girls are so much more organized in their play, but

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the boys just have the power, but they just wanted to beat the boys so bad. I mean it was just [crosstalk 01:21:26].

Emily: So did they?

Becky: Yeah, who won?

Speaker 8: Some did, some didn't.

Melissa: Did the boys win that [crosstalk 01:21:39].

Glen: They came in third or fourth I think in the tournament.

Wendy: Yeah, it was your boys.

Melissa: Was it you? It was your boys?

Kirk: Yeah.

Wendy: How'd they do, how they'd finish?

Kirk: I think it was third.

Melissa: They were really good.

Kirk: Yeah, they came back with lots of stories.

Emily: Oh I bet they did, and ones you didn't hear.

Kirk: They were rock stars, yeah.

Melissa: They all looked good, I think they all did their hair for the tournament.

Kirk: Yep, the girls did their hair for em'.

Glen: We only- ... This is Glen, we only had one parent come up and complain that we were allowing boys to play against girls. Tried to explain totally them the rational and it didn't matter, 'cause his girl got ...His daughter's team got beat by the boys. So, he was unhappy, so ...

Melissa: Can't make everybody happy.

Glen: Safe sports status, we still, at this late date, do not have all of our coaches that are coaching currently safe sport certified. An email is gonna come out from Or me, or from the office tell clubs that they have until April 10th,

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whatever date, to get those coaches safe sport certified or they will be fined retroactively to the beginning of the season $50 a tournament for every tournament the coach coached in. So-

Jim: I thought they weren't allowed to coach, [crosstalk 01:22:55] until they were safe sport-

Becky: I did too.

Melissa: Can we do that?

Emily: Is it re- ... Like, are we allowing some sort of grace period or retroactive because of the new ... you have to do it every year now, or-

Glen: There's no way for us to stay on top of it. In the system, the current system, you can still coach and be active. It lets us know, and USA Volleyballs let us know of individuals who, in their system, they can find that aren't. So, we're getting that information, combining it all. [Kia's 01:23:31] had to go back and look at all the score sheets to find out if the coach was on the roster for that event. So again, this is taking a lot of time and energy.

Sean: This is Sean, does roster ... I thought it had safe sport on it, does it not have it?

Speaker 8: It does, so you can see if they're safe sport-

Wendy: Certified.

Speaker 8: Certified.

Wendy: However, However, [inaudible 01:23:54] write in the roster?

Speaker 8: Oh okay, yeah.

Wendy: And, because sometimes people can go and get their safe sport done, so we have to go back and look at the roster, find the name, and then put 'em on the big list. The USA safe sport person sends the regional list of 27 individuals that had not been safe sport certified because there was a glitch in the membership system. When they took the test it gave those people a two year expiration date, and it should only be a one year extension on that. So retroactively, the USO- ... Not the USOC, but the United States safe sports center told USA Volleyball that you need to get this list of names corrected ASAP, by a certain date.

Melissa: So, this is Melissa, it was more so that they didn't think they needed to take safe sport, 'cause the system didn't tell them they needed to take it.

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Wendy: Right, and then the initial email that came out from USA Volleyball, and I don't blame them, I don't blame the members and I don't blame the club directors, because the email didn't give them the whole explanation of the two years cycle or the one year cycle ... not until that we received a couple of phone calls from a couple of the club directors hollering, you know, explain to me why are they not ... So, we had to check with the safe sport's person at USA Volleyball and she gave me the whole explanation of it, and then from there I sent that explanation out to the people so they'd have it, get this all done by this day, and that we needed you club directors to help us get that done.

Emily: So basically, this is Emily, just so I understand, there was a big ... To begin with, a big misunderstand and then a lag basically in communication and explanations and making sure the I's were dotted, T's were crosses, that kinda stuff. Once we figured that all out, we sent it, "Here's why, here's affirmatively without a doubt who needs to retake it, and now you have how much time left."

Wendy: On the ones that we get from USA Volleyball, that they received from their audit, that their expiration date [inaudible 01:26:35], of March.

Emily: So how much time are we ... How long are we allowing them until they have to be certified now? Period.

Wendy: I think we need to set it. [crosstalk 01:26:47], set a deadline.

Emily: Okay.

Glen: And send it to the court directors so the court directors take it seriously.

Emily: So we're basically giving them a grace period because of the issues that were created, but if you don't comply at this point we will retroactively fine you.

Glen: Right, we wanna give it some teeth so that they make the people sit down and take the two hour course, 'cause you could become a coach tomorrow.

Emily: Right.

Glen: And you would have a time period to get your safe sport done, 'cause that's fair. So ... but these are people that have known for a while and still haven't complied. Yes Bill?

Bill: I need them to get it done, it should get done, whether it was a computer glitch or not. We had one of those people, Wendy told me, I told my coach, you're not gettin' any money until you get this done.

Glen: Not all club directors run their club the way you do.

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Bill: Two days later it was done, and it takes 20-some minutes. You know, but fining them doesn't get it done. Not letting them do anything does get it done.

Glen: Well we're just trying to figure out a way to get the ... for stragglers to take it seriously.

Bill: Show them Emily's foot.

Emily: It was from kicking people.

Glen: Any questions for the juniors stuff? [crosstalk 01:28:07]. Adults status at primetime Patty?

Patty: We did have the same ... We had nine teams but we lost one team at the beginning of the season this time. They just, captains are struggling more and more. We came up with a longer list of subs, more available people. I'd like to look at, for next year, maybe looking at a restructured membership dues, something ... The beginning of the year it's okay because they're registered, all that. Right now, we've got like one week left and they're still talking to ... there's a few straggler players that were not registered or they were transferred, or getting that transferred processed. USAV has to fix that better, between regions ... a lot easier to do.

Patty: Can't ask people to become a member now, become a member for two weeks left, so ... By next board meeting I'll come up with a new idea I have. [crosstalk 01:29:05].

Glen: [crosstalk 01:29:07] This is Glen, you could do a one event membership, for $15. If that's all ... 'Cause there's only how many tournaments left, one?

Patty: Just one.

Glen: So they could do a $15 membership for that one tournament. That would help alleviate the problem maybe.

Patty: Yeah, I'd like to look at something different. I talked to several people out of region at Crossroads, and adults across the country are just flailing.

Emily: It's hard, I have a ... This is Emily, I have a new appreciation for it. Becky and I were on a team together and it's just hard to get six people that are adults and have kids and jobs and husbands and lives, and vacation-

Patty: And consist. Consistently.

Emily: Yeah, and somebody's always out and then you gotta call other- ... It's very hard.

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Patty: Commitment [crosstalk 01:29:53].

Becky: Becky, it is ... Just like Emily's saying, it's the subbing. Finding subs ... Okay fine [crosstalk 01:29:59], we can find subs all day long, but then, "Oh, I'm gonna ask you ... 'Oh, before you can play today, 'cause you're doing me a favor, can you go pay the $15?'" It's hard to do, and literally we're asking people and hour before we start playing, because it's, "My kids sick, I'm coaching, my team took third and now we're having to ref, and I'm up at [Norco 01:30:21], and we're down ... " It's just, it's hard and most of the people are coaching within the region and, you know, [Kia 01:30:30] can put so many teams playing at seven and eight, right? Somebody's gotta play at 6.

Becky: So ... I don't know, I had mentioned, I mean me and Emily have had multiple conversations, and Patty. It's hard enough to get people to commit enough to even pay the fees, and the fee isn't ... It's not so large for the team fee, but then on top of it, you get to be this member on top of the fees, it's hard to collect that money.

Emily: Yeah, I paid for the entire team and didn't get a dollar back, and it's just quite frankly 'cause I forgot to ask. Like, it's [crosstalk 01:31:04].

Becky: This season I ended up putting a team in for somebody else, and then I ended up paying for half the team, and now it's like literally poor Patty has to come chase my tea every time and she's like, "So who's playing?" [inaudible 01:31:14], cross that out, cross that out, pencil this person, cross them out, I have no idea if they're members or not because at this point we're just trying to make sure that we're not forfeiting, because my teams the one who got forfeited against the first two weeks and it sucks. So we're just trying to make sure that there's a team there to play. I don't know, [crosstalk 01:31:33].

Patty: I think overall though, I think it's still popular, the teams that are there enjoy it.

Emily: Yeah it is fun.

Becky: We have a ton of fun.

Patty: It's a lot of fun. I don't know how much they're able to play or not, but I'd like to, by next board meeting, come up with maybe a different structure on membership and ideas between session one and session two. Session one's fine, your memberships for the whole year. We joined session two, second third week, you know, that's where. So maybe we could do ... I don't know, let me toss that around. But, I think overall it's still well received, it's just I don't think [inaudible 01:32:03].

Glen: This is Glen, we can adjust membership costs. I mean, we already did for each. We have one event membership ... but the whole reason for membership is to

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get them on the roster for insurance purposes so that everybody's covered by the insurance that's available through USA Volleyball. We can find a way around that.

Emily: Can we just make them sign wavers?

Wendy: This is Wendy. Well we can [inaudible 01:32:37], 'cause there's a league membership with USA Volleyball. [crosstalk 01:32:40], we would just do a team fee. And that league fee is good for a six week period though, you know so ... The problem is that it's then over in six weeks. So, their kids would have to get on, and if it's six weeks, or if it's like six play games ... on that instead. [crosstalk 01:33:06].

Emily: I think it would be helpful too, like ... I don't know if it's $55 or whatever it is, but if we can reduce that cost somehow, whether it's the six week period or the one entry. If we can roll that in to the cost of the league itself, like when you sign a team up it's X amount and that covers the membership. Versus, "I'm paying for the team to enter and Becky and you and you and you, you all gotta go individually pay," and so you're constantly tracking people down. If that's included in the cost, so now all I have to do is hold my team accountable to actually pay me, versus paying me and then paying the region and doing that, I think it would be a lot easier.

Glen: [crosstalk 01:33:54] This is Glen. The paperwork is important as well.

Becky: Becky. The league fee, paying that league insurance, would be so much easier for us as teams. Because then we're, as a captain, that's why we don't have team- ... That's why the team dropped, they couldn't get enough people to show up all the time. Well, they're not having enough people to show up because some of, you know ... I know better, I probably shouldn't even be asking people that aren't members, but otherwise we wouldn't have a team, so I'm gonna ask people that can play. I mean, are we better off to have people that can play or people that are members. [crosstalk 01:34:28].

Patty: Well, we do offer reduced membership for the adults, it's $35 versus $55.

Becky: Right.

Patty: Regular. When this first started, let's say 80 percent of the adult teams were going to nationals, they didn't care if they [inaudible 01:34:39], they were happy they got the reduced membership. Now that balance isn't quite so, so we've got more teams like you. You're team was ... was nobody, and no coaches, no-

Emily: You're team is nobody.

Becky: But we're good, okay.

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Emily: You are nobody.

Becky: We're nobody.

Patty: But you don't have coaches and that's where a lot of the teams aren't covered 'cause their teams are coaches, they're all coaches.

Becky: I think there's two of us that aren't coaching, there's only two people on my team that aren't coaching but most of them are coaching but then like if they aren't coaches, my sub-list are people that aren't coaching. 'Cause if they're coaching, they're coaching and they can be there, otherwise they'd be on the team anyways.

Glen: So I think if Maddie would make it six events instead of six weeks, that might work.

Becky: She's pretty magical, so.

Patty: So, I'd like to look at restructure for, I mean we're almost through this year. So, by the next board meeting I'll come up with some ideas.

Glen: But we've got a place for it?

Patty: Kind of, but nobody really uses it. They just call their own contacts. We come up with lists, we've accumulated one better than we've had in a long time and I don't think ... I never got called, I don't think [inaudible 01:35:42]. People are just used to ... they know their players. The CU team, that CU team, they call the CU players. The got [Rachel Martinez 01:35:49] [crosstalk 01:35:51], and they've got their own court.

Becky: [crosstalk 01:35:53] I don't care who you are, what's her name? Are you playing her?

Patty: Oh yes we have, [inaudible 01:35:55].

Emily: [inaudible 01:35:56] can you stand in the corner.

Becky: Yeah, could ...

Glen: [inaudible 01:35:59] other questions for adults? Okay. Office ... we have a meeting schedule with TeamSnap, they have some new programing, it's not just ... In the past, my experience has been you join up for a nominal cost and they list all the players and then you put down who's bring what for lunch and snacks and it keeps you abreast of where you're supposed to be playing and stuff of that nature. This is a more ... a broader spectrum that we could possibly use as a communication device for the region. We're looking at the different

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aspects of it. They're suppose to come and give us a presentation. We'll have a presentation for you by our next board meeting, as to what they're saying.

Glen: They said we could either take a percentage from each club, or we could ... whatever money the region was gonna get paid for sponsoring, give the clubs a break on the cost, and that's the avenue that we said we would like to take if we go with this system. So, and all we would do would be to endorse the system. We'd still be updating individual clubs as to whether or not they wanted to participate, but we would try and let them know what all the bells and whistles were if they wanted to do that.

Glen: I know that a individual teams moms seemed to like the TeamSnap for their team responsibilities. So, it might be a little bit broader than that.

Kirk: This is Kirk. It's my understand that Sports Engine also has that feature. So ...

Speaker 8: They do.

Kirk: And since, [crosstalk 01:37:51] since USAV is going with Sports Engine, maybe that's something to look into, you know.

Glen: This is a cold call that I got.

Kirk: No, I know. I mean I know that that's part of the whole thing that USAV has been working with ... all that-

Patty: Isn't that what we use for credit cards and [inaudible 01:38:12].

Kirk: No, it's way [crosstalk 01:38:15] more than ... what you're thinking right now. They've integrated a while bunch of stuff.

Speaker 8: Well the sports engine does have the ability to pay online.

Kirk: Yes.

Patty: Isn't that what we're using?

Kirk: Oh, I don't know who our [crosstalk 01:38:34].

Melissa: Well, this is more ... The Sports Engine runs their website, they're on our website.

Speaker 8: That's all.

Melissa: That's all. Not [inaudible 01:38:38] stuff. TeamSnap has gotten into more of the rostering players and registering players for camps and clinics and ... that's what

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they've branched out. What they're still missing, for us anyway because we demoed it, it there's still not a facility management piece, so they don't do court scheduling, and when you have 19 teams-

PART 3 OF 8 ENDS [01:39:04]

Becky: So, they don't do course scheduling. And when you have 19 teams, and 5 courts, and private lessons, and camps, and clinics going on, not having a system that can do that is tough.

Jim: Sports Engine have that?

Speaker 9: Team Sideline does, Becky.

Jim: I'm just asking because Sports Engine is gonna become a big thing. I didn't know.

Speaker 9: We use, a web product, basically called Team Sideline, and it does facility management. It'll take payments out of a small percentage, but you can also build rosters and do communication on that. That might be an option too. I don't know, just throwing that out there.

Glenn: This is Glenn. Since you brought it up we'll move on to the next level. Soon there will be no more Webpoint and we will be with Sports Engine for USA Volleyball. And I have not been versed on it. They're gonna have training in May. At the national meetings, we'll probably wanna send Kia and Wendy for the Sports Engine training.

Glenn: I'm not sure how encompassing it's gonna be at this point in time. They're still trying to put everything together. They did a large RFP and they chose Sports Engine by a lot of regions that are much more technologically sound than we are. They decided that's the route they wanna go. And Sports Engine, supposedly we'll be able to remedy some of the communication issues that we have between TM2 and Webpoint. Things like that, that are supposed to be better integrated. I don't know-

Shawn: Well that includes AES also.

Glenn: Well Sports Engine owns AES.

Shawn: Right. Exactly. It owns AES.

Glenn: But TM2 is supposed to also talk with TM2 better than, Webpoint doesn't communication well with TM2 or AES.

Shawn: Right. It doesn't communicate.

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Jim: Or Sport Wrench.

Glenn: Or Sport Wrench. Who wants Sport Wrench? I don't know.

Kirk: Laurie does, I think.

Glenn: Laurie does?

Kirk: Yeah.

Glenn: I know that some of you might not understand. These are all different membership systems and tournament systems and roster systems. Way above my head.

Kirk: This is Kirk. Were you guys aware that they had that for commissioners? A month ago at the meeting? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Glenn: In Chicago.

Kirk: Right, right. They also have a-

Glenn: But all they were doing there was just-

Kirk: No, I know. But it was a platform to ask questions, I guess, right.

Glenn: The actual training will be in May.

Kirk: Right, right. I understand that. There's also a thing that we can sign up for, for our region, if we just wanna start shooting questions now.

Glenn: We've got that. We haven't-

Kirk: Well, we haven't registered for it. We're one of four regions that has not.

Glenn: That's correct. Right now all they're doing is-

Kirk: They're throwing stuff out there. Exactly.

Glenn: Right. But in May they're supposed to actually have actual training, hands-on training. Speaking of the national meetings, we need to find out. Kirk, are you going this year for the juniors?

Kirk: I need to know the dates and stuff.

Jim: I'm going.

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Glenn: You're going for the officials though. Right?

Kirk: I'll let you know. Once I have the dates and stuff.

Glenn: Its the week before Memorial Day.

Kirk: Okay, the week?

Glenn: The week.

Kirk: The whole week?

Glenn: I'm not sure if its the whole week.-

Jim: [crosstalk 01:42:41] its usually like two days.

Becky: And where is it?

Glenn: It's gonna be in Columbus.

Becky: Oh yeah, you can't miss it. That sounds fun.

Jim: Columbus.

Becky: Okay that sounds-

Glenn: Columbus natives.

Becky: Miami, I'm in.

Speaker 9: Have fun.

Glenn: So Jim, are you guys sending anybody besides Malcolm?

Becky: Oh you know what, the 20th through the 25th.

Jim: I was planning on going, but I'm wait listed to officiate. Pisses me off.

Glenn: Oh so you wanna go do both?

Jim: Well, what we've done in the past, we as officials, he kinda takes somebody who needs to go. In order to keep their badge and then they represent us at the meetings and that would kill two birds with one stone. And we're doing them a favor, they're doing us a favor. I know the ref chair should go but going to these hotspots for a one day meeting is sulk. Now that they're taking junior nationals

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to officiate I thought, "Oh maybe I'll go officiate this year and plane ticket and all that". Not that I should've been accepted like that, but I got wait listed.

Becky: I was actually looking at possibly already going with a group of friends. Getting a table at the Hall of Fame Inductee for John, to be there for him. So I'm maybe there, so I can potentially go if nobody else can. But I haven't made that official decision. [crosstalk 01:44:10] Can we sponsor someone to go with you?

Glenn: Cause generally we have the commissioners meetings and the junior meetings, and then those are over and we have the officials meetings. So we try to send representatives. There's also a beach meeting there at the same time as the junior meetings. They're held separate from that, they're all held separately, on the side, side of the beach all juniors and they all overlap so you can't go- Shawn? Shawn, are you good to go?

Shawn: Yeah.

Glenn: Shawn went last year, it was eye opening for him. I'm sure.

Shawn: Yeah.

Glenn: If you've ever gone to these meetings there-

Shawn: They're interesting.

Glenn: Interesting. So we got Shawn, possibly Kirk. Malcolm. [crosstalk 01:45:07]

Jim: I'm going to score already.

Glenn: You're going to score? So we can send, if Jim doesn't go, we can send Wendy to do the ref meetings?

Jim: Yeah.

Glenn: Instead of the score meetings?

Jim: Okay.

Glenn: Cause those also are a lot of, all right. [crosstalk 01:45:26] Possibly Kirk-

Becky: We can hire an organization to get you in. [crosstalk 01:45:39]

Jim: While you're on that, next year the nationals are going to be in Dallas.

Glenn: For adults? Or juniors?

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Kirk: Back in Dallas?

Glenn: Boys are in Dallas this year. Girls are in [crosstalk 01:45:55] That's a good question. See if anyone else can find that out. We always wait until you tell us at the meetings, in May. Yeah, there was a newspaper that told everybody that.

Becky: Yeah, USA Viral posted it on Facebook, I think. That's the only reason I knew.

Glenn: She actually doesn't always tell us everything, cause she doesn't wanna get in trouble. Let's see. Alright, special election for girls. We have a couple of people that are here. This is to fill Jess's position. Have you talked to Michelle?

Kirk: Yeah, this is Kirk. This whole thing started the last board meeting. That we needed a temporary person to help out during the year, and that's why I contacted Michelle because I knew she would do it on a temporary basis. I was not really interested in doing it as a full time basis, knowing what could be coming down the pipe with the re-organization. I just thought she would be a good candidate. So, she's been in the region forever and all that. But, she is not running.

Glenn: She's not running?

Kirk: No.

Becky: So mark her off?

Kirk: Mark her off.

Becky: Who is Anile?

Kirk: Anile is one of the coaches directors for Denver Era. They used to be JeffCo Performance.

Becky: Got it. Is he one of the brothers?

Kirk: He's one of the brothers. He's the younger brother.

Becky: Younger brother. So wait-

Speaker 9: [inaudible 01:48:18]

Becky: What?

Speaker 9: I gave him your number, so if you wanted to speak with him, but he's not online.

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Glenn: But has he shown interest? He's been in the region for, now, maybe 5 years. JeffCo Performance. And then they basically took over JeffCo Performance, and then this year they changed their name to Denver Era. He's not participated on any board positions or commission positions, although he or his brother have been at the seating and at the forum for the last couple years, showing interest there.

Becky: The list that's here, Scott's here.

Glenn: Michael Welbus, he wrote, said he was interested.

Becky: Is he on the line this year?

Speaker 9: No he's not.

Becky: Well, so, you may know his name. This is just my personal opinion and he's not here to speak to himself, but he's been grieved a couple of times, he's been found in violation of a ton of rules before. So, I personally would ask the board that we potentially not put somebody on the board that has that kind of history. But, to-

Kirk: To himself or his coach?

Becky: Both.

Glenn: Well we can discuss that during the election process.

Becky: Oh, so we're not doing it now?

Glenn: No, right now we're just walking through the list.

Becky: Oh, [crosstalk 01:50:15]

Glenn: We do have your opinion, it's on tape.

Becky: Yeah that's totally fine.

Glenn: Ladies will go first, so Melissa Miller is here, and she would like to rep her position. So I'd like to turn over to Melissa. I mean this isn't high school, what do you guys wanna do?

Becky: I don't care.

Glenn: Alright. You're not gonna bad mouth Scott, are you?

Melissa: No.

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Glenn: Or any of the other people?

Melissa: Nope. Leave that to them.

Glenn: Okay, then you can stand, how about that? Unless Scott's gonna bad mouth you again. [crosstalk 01:50:51]

Melissa: Okay, so this is Melissa. I'm interested in this position on the board because I have a genuine, I feel vested interest in the region. And I just want to provide support, I wanna be able to provide diversity to the board and, not just because I'm a woman. I see that we're a little bit in the minority here. But because I have a club that is very diverse in the levels of play that we have. We have elite level, we have USA, American type level, and we have 3 teams that perform very well but they are more developmental.

Melissa: So I feel like that gives me a broad spectrum of how to deal with issues that come up, how to talk about how we see and how we move teams into midst and out of midst and things like that. And, from all the other meetings that I've been involved in, I feel like this would just be the natural next step. I attend meetings, I attend the bar, I attend the co-directors meeting and I appreciate being able to be involved.

Glenn: Thank you. Do we have any questions for Melissa?

Jim: How do you feel about the mixed age group? And the way that teams are selected to go into it?

Melissa: Well it's our first year for being able to put any kind of parameters on it. So, we went by the parameters that we set for that. I strongly believe that the mixed age should stay small. If it gets larger, that's because our region is performing better. And that's a good thing if a team can move out of single age into mixed, but my concern for that is if anybody's allowed to move out of single age into mixed because they performed wrong division one at single age, we're just diluting that pool of competition. And we are further diluting the next age pool of competition.

Melissa: And what will end up happening is, our Division 1, single age is really Division 3 or 4 in the level of play. And our mixed age becomes this big mish mash of level of play. And so I think it's important that we do have a process by which teams can enter in next. And, to that point, if teams should be taken out of mixed because they did not perform well, maybe that's something that we ought to consider too.

Glenn: Any other questions for Melissa?

Speaker 9: What's your philosophy on growing the game?

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Melissa: Slowly. To be completely honest I feel like we have too many clubs in our region that are small. And it has diluted our talent pool. So, as a region, I don't think that we are performing very well nationally. Because we end up with several good clubs that have good players, but 3 or 4 good players on each team. And so, going the game in our region, I think, is a little more difficult right now. Because we're having a decent national presence but not a great national presence.

Melissa: So for me, I would like to see our region perform better nationally and I think that one of the things, from a club perspective, we have to go the game by looking at individual players, and growing their strengths. And making sure that we're consistent. And I think that beach volleyball is great. I think that we should grow that. I don't know that every club can do that, because we don't have the games. It's hard for us, because just like they were saying about the Allens, starting there, it's gonna add facilities. And that's what we would have to do, because we don't have anywhere to actually do beach volleyball, but I think everybody should be playing beach.

Melissa: I think, even if it's not what they wanna do in 5 years, it helps the entire game. It makes them so much more aware of their core and how much space they can actually cover. And so I think that's important. I think that we need to grow boys. There's so many boys out there that wanna play. The high school level is crazy with kids that wanna play. But how do we get that as something that is, not important to the region, but important in a boys or parents mind, that they should be involved in club volleyball.

Becky: I have a question.

Melissa: Yes.

Becky: So as one of the largest clubs in the region, one of my concerns, and I think something that concerns a lot of us, is being impartial, right? So would be willing to set, maybe if something doesn't help momentum, but helps elevation of belief, or all of the other clubs, but isn't necessarily what's good for momentum, would you be willing to set that aside and be impartial? Can you remain unbiased?

Melissa: I feel like that's the way I've been in our committee meetings. I don't vote on everything, I vote on some things. I just want for the system to be fair, and for me to say that that's what I want is for it to be fair for every club, then I have to stand by that. I try to be fair for every player in our club, to the parents. Not to be giving any special treatment to that player that is the best player on the team but they still have to work as hard. And so that's the way I would be if I had this opportunity. I would still always ask myself "What is the fair thing, what is right for everyone involved?"

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Glenn: I have another question for both of you. Is there any other questions for Melissa? The board is in the process of looking at restructuring. So this position might change or go away or be warped in some way. What do you think about that? And apply it to this position at this point in time. I'll ask you and I'll ask Scott, and then start with Scott.

Melissa: Well, I think at the one way it would be "Darn." But that's your decision. If it changed, I would just be interested in what is the change, what is involved. But it wouldn't affect me right now.

Glenn: With that I'll segway to Scott and ask the same question, and we'll let Scott speak about what he wants to do.

Speaker 10: Yeah I think from the people that I know of from the discussion, there is a lot of change in the mix coming up potentially. And I think that's healthy, I think change is how we grow and develop. So if I were on the board and I could morph into some other role that would help that process along, I would be more than willing to do it. Moving away, if it was less I'd be like "Well, that was a nice little time." But I definitely would be willing to continue to stay involved as that little morph change comes.

Glenn: And why are you here tonight Scott?

Speaker 10: So, kind of a little background about myself. I was born and raised in Colorado, went to school in California and moved back here in '99, and pretty much ever since then I've been involved in Aremar. I did take a little six year hiatus when I lived in Texas. But I've been involved with a lot of different aspects in the region, I play as a player. In college, when I was in College State, I played at the Aremar Power League. I coached a lot of different levels. I'm a full time director, I'm on the beach committee, I'm on the boys committee. I help Patti with the adults. So I have a lot of different kind of experiences that I can kind of bring to the table.

Speaker 10: I'm excited about helping the region continue to grow and become, I think we have a pretty good reputation in USA volleyball. I'd like to be part of making that continue to happen. It's kind of like Melissa said, the same progression that I've gone through is like, I've done a lot of different things, I've been involved with a lot of different committees. And this kinda just seems like a natural progression for me to kinda get involved with a little bit more of a leadership role and helping continue growing the game, different aspects that it is growing right now.

Glenn: Questions for Scott?

Speaker 9: What's your philosophy on growing the game? I mean I just figured you'd answer the question that she did.

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Speaker 10: I think if we look at where the game is actually growing, that's probably where it needs a lot of emphasis. Boys are growing dramatically, beaches, that's leading to sports history. So I think on the girls juniors side, it's one of the healthier sports in the country. I think it surpassed basketball last year as the most female participants. So continuing to make sure that we're putting together a great product for the girls I think is extremely important. But years of growth I see are maybe more towards the beach and the boys. Not saying that that would be the only place that we could grow, but I think that's gotta be a part of the emphasis, because I think that's what the clientele is asking for right now. Mixed age group?

Glenn: Yep. I was waiting for a break.

Speaker 10: I like having movement in and out. Because this is only what the, we haven't been doing it that long, but I liked last year where the team was able to go in as they felt like they had achieved a certain level, and that teams could come out if they knew they were getting not as good of competition as they could or they were getting smoked every weekend. I don't think that's healthy for a team. So I'm not as big a fan this year of not having any kind of movement so I would like to see if there could be more discussion on how we could facilitate that, without making the mixed age too big or diluting the single age groups as well.

Speaker 10: I like it, I think it's healthy competition. But there's always areas of growth and change. Si I think having a little bit of movement, not a ton, but some kind of way of facilitating that can be beneficial.

Glenn: Any questions for Scott?

Becky: So same question you said, and just in the interest of full disclosure, I coached with Scott and used to work with elevation. But knowing that you're about to have what I believe to be probably one of the largest facilities in this area, which is going to be a huge help to the region for sure with tournaments and things like that, but talk about whether or not that's leverage for you and that kind of stuff.

Speaker 10: I think it's kind of evident in what we've done with boys where we created that Aremar boys, and then the clubs were underneath it. So we're working collaboratively throughout the region as the boys club, to make sure that if there needed to be movement between clubs that it was facilitated for national, primarily. But you're not gonna have those, I guess it goes towards impartiality. That was a benefit to the region more than my individual club. So I think having that in my back pocket kind of shows I can be impartial and I can make decisions that are best for the whole and not just elevation.

Speaker 10: The one thing with elevation too is we have more than just club. There's a big part of our footprint, I guess, that's growing the game at a lower level, it's not

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wreck, but more double ball, giving kids the opportunity to play, many can't afford to do that. So that's a part of what, I'm not as involved with the league, I'm more involved with the club than I am with the region, the boys. So we do have other things that are going on, I guess, that help when you make decisions more out of than just what the club sees.

Glenn: Other questions? Well I guess now I will ask you guys to sit out in the hallway.

Speaker 10: Sure.

Glenn: While we discuss different options.

Melissa: We mandate that your group is played [inaudible 02:05:53] [crosstalk 02:05:53]

Speaker 9: Don't worry, the crippled girl will get up and do it.

Becky: Oh, thanks Em.

Speaker 9: I brought you cookies.

Glenn: Okay, we're up for discussion. Please, let's not repeat ourselves. Limit it to about 3 minutes per person. Starting with Malcolm.

George: Michelle's out, and we're talking, Melissa and Scott were here.

Becky: Yes, we've got Malcolm.

Glenn: Yeah, we can't hear you.

Becky: Oh sorry.

Glenn: Kirk?

Kirk: I think Scott is more well rounded and has more experiences than Melissa, just in the sense that he's coached in college, he's got a daughter that plays, not that Melissa doesn't. I mean, they both run about the same size clubs, and for clarification, I did work with Scott at ASO. So, full disclosure.

Becky: This is Becky. I wasn't super excited about Melissa's answer to growing the game, because she definitely made it very clear that the elite programs were where we needed to be. And, although I agree that we need to have multiple different options within our region, in our re-organization meetings we've made it very clear that keeping people playing the game whether at any level is really important. And so, I guess that would be my concern with that, is keeping and getting kids involved in the sport in the juniors position, no matter what their level, is really important. It does so much for boys and girls, that just because

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you're not going to a tier 1 school doesn't mean that you shouldn't play volleyball.

Jim: I would be happy-

Glenn: This is Jim?

Jim: This is Jim. I'd be happy with either of the candidates that were here tonight. And I'm just interested in everybody's opinions.

George: This is George, and yes I think that of the, what were there? 5 candidates? Compared to the 2 that are here now. They both really left impressions. I think they both could serve the board well.

Speaker 11: This is Kit. I've got zero background [inaudible 02:08:55] so I don't even know [inaudible 02:09:03] pick one over the other.

Kelly: This is Kelly. I don't know Melissa very well, I do see what you've done with the momentum program after [inaudible 02:09:17] facility, how it's run, other clubs. Scott I'm more familiar with, as he was a coach at CCE when I was a college ref and I worked with him at Prime Time. I think they'd both be excellent for the job. What I'm concerned about, at your point where you're stressing, elevation is more at the other levels to keep the income coming personally, to keep the courts going. Money is low, so my other concern with Scott is with him building this new facility, how much he's gonna be swamped between beach influence and it can be very strenuous on him.

Kelly: But I think either one is an excellent candidate.

George: Can I ask a question about the new facility? I guess I'm out of the loop on that. I know that the other one-

Speaker 11: The Bronco Stadium right across from Bronco Stadium [crosstalk 02:10:14] They're making one indoor stand, two?

Kelly: Eventually. They're starting with the 8 indoor courts. And I believe outdoor courts. And then the second phase, which will be at an undetermined time in the future, within a couple years, they hope to do kind of like an island, almost, with indoor courts barred for the parents, that type of thing.

Speaker 11: When they host, would they be able to host on all 8 courts or, you don't know, okay.

Kelly: Right now they're just in a temporary building, where they hold 5 courts? So again, I think they'd both be good, and they both have different strengths to bring to the table.

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Speaker 11: The other thing to remember about the court situation is that Kelly is right in saying that the rents and all of the bills are paid by the league. That is their main revenue stream. So when the courts may be available can be an issue because the league consistently is there. But I don't really think that that has a lot to do with their position because we don't want them to leverage that anyway.

Kelly: We gotta wrap this up, because of time restraints.

Speaker 9: The good thing is, that's his full time job, that's not a side gig for him. Do you know what I mean? Like, some directors [crosstalk 02:11:47] Yeah, yeah. [inaudible 02:11:55]

PART 4 OF 8 ENDS [02:12:04]

Male 1: Not Knowing the either of them, I can't foresee that the shared belief about the joint board what the[inaudible 02:12:29] club should be. I would tend to prefer Scott so he can translate the statements that he was [inaudible 02:12:31] [inaudible 02:12:37]

Female 1: This is annoying and I will say what I think 12 people that have applicable votes. Both Scott and Melissa are personal friends of mine. I've worked with that both Scott both USA volleyball HP Championships, multiple HP camps for weeks at a time coach [inaudible 02:13:02] with him.

Female 1: I know Melissa well, I know her husband and they're both good quality very genuine people that have the right motives. Scott, I think is more well rounded. I think that he's probably a more effective and better communicator, and very assertive and willing to quiet the masses and all that kind of stuff where it's needed.

Female 1: But I honestly, I would request to abstain personally from this vote unless it's a tie because they're both friends of mine and I don't feel comfortable with that.

Facilitator: Sean?

Sean: Um, so I know Niel, I've talked to him, I've dealt with him his first year here. And I really wasn't really considering him simply because the participation hasn't been what a lot of board people have put in before they became board members. Most of us dedicate a lot of time. Not to say he hasn't been involved, but I also do like what he's doing, I like that he would represent a smaller club, but I agree with most of the board members that it's really Melissa and Scott, because of their qualities and I can only speak about Scott because I deal with him a lot in the Beach Committee and I would wholeheartedly endorse his assertation that he would put what's best for the sport before what's best for his club. I don't know that Melissa isn't that but I can tell you that Scott absolutely is that.

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Sean: Because it's been manifested in the decisions that he's made. So Bill. The only thing that I have is my experience with Scott and working with him in the committees.

Facilitator: Cathy?

Cathy: I liked them both. I think they're both kind of top notch people. I think it's kind of a shame that we can't have both. They could really both benefit the board in different ways. That being said, I'm like you.

Glen: This is Glen I've known both for a long time. Both are great candidates. I agree with you on the past we would have found a spot for whoever lost, that's what we would generally would do. Sometimes two people came in, and were both were as qualified as they are. We'd like one and we'd say, oh by the way do you want to be... and we'd want to fill in the spot or we'd make a spot for 'em. 'Cause the board we'd need quality people on the board. And we're always searching for that. I don't want this to be taken the wrong way. I want to mention it to Emily earlier today. I kind of lean towards having a female in this position from the standpoint of, this is the girl's rep. And that might be chauvinist of me, or old fashioned of me, but, you know I kind of think that way sometimes. Although I don't know if I'll base my decision solely on that issue, because they're both good people. That's all I've got.

Glen: Yeah, Patty?

Patty: Well back to that. We have March elections time and happens in March. We have an open position that [inaudible 02:17:06] and Cathy left. It's the member at large. It seems the perfect opening again, both of them work.

Female 2: At least until they potentially, work.[crosstalk 02:17:19]

Male 2: That would be a bonus.[crosstalk 02:17:19]

Facilitator: Until we make[crosstalk 02:17:19]

Female 2: Which they both said that they were [crosstalk 02:17:20]

Facilitator: Right mostly[crosstalk 02:17:21]

Female 3: I thought in our re-org meeting that we weren't going to put anybody in positions that didn't need to be filled until that re-org happened. I don't [crosstalk 02:17:33]

Facilitator: That's correct. We have up to two at large members and there are three criteria for fulfilling that but, we also, there's some other changes, we've had a chance

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to read through everything. There's some other changes as well, we'll talk about that when it the closed the meeting.

Female 3: Right.

Facilitator: But right now we're still operating under the old board of directors mentality for a better term. So I think Patty raises a really good point. Now who knows, we might decide that this board the way we do now is how we want to stay. You know.

Facilitator: I don't know if that's the case but that's always an option. Because we haven't decided to move forward for sure but, if we do move forward under the materials that we worked on in the past we're only allowing at large members, however, that might be more malleable for two reasons, and I don't want to step too far ahead but one is, that if we go with the one option that talks about more members that have the longevity grandfathered in for a period of five years there's that option in the, at the [inaudible 02:18:52] as part of the new material or let's say we get, decide when we get big enough in the future that we have a sitting discipline, and a sitting division that we would need to at least have one other person or get rid of a division in order to have an odd number.

Facilitator: So those are some additional thoughts.

Female 3: We can always invite the person who doesn't, once we have that closed door conversation, you know what I mean, they don't have to be invited right now. You can always be after the discussion later too I mean, it doesn't mean it has to happen right now, but that is a really good point, Patty for sure. But we don't have to do it right this moment so,

Kirk: Um, This Kirk, there could be other people that would like the at large position.

Female 3: Yeah.

Facilitator: So.

Female 4: But we're having elections tonight. And we are voting on members at large tonight. Right?

Facilitator: Yes.

Female 4: It's the same

Facilitator: No I know

Jim: Jim, what we shouldn't be [inaudible 02:20:10] I agree with Patty. We shoudn't be turning away volunteers. People want to help out and they're here and

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they're present [crosstalk 02:20:21] and connected [crosstalk 02:20:22] you know and its not in our interest to tell people no we don't want your volunteer.

Female voice un: Yeah because there comes a point when you've shown up to a board meeting, you [inaudible 02:20:37]

Facilitator: So along that, along this Kirk, along that point if there are other people that are interested in the at large, we can vote on that tonight.

Jim: Yes.

Facilitator: Is that what you're saying?

Jim: That is correct.

Facilitator: OK.

Jim: We, I think we should do that. But they have to understand that, that position may or may not be available,

Facilitator: Right right.

Jim: if we go on a different direction, just like we explained.

Female 4: So what we may figure out, I mean currently we have two at large members and we have three with Cathy and Mathew she, Emily and Fran [inaudible 02:21:14] So we're sticking with three. That means we still have an opening[crosstalk 02:21:18]

Female voice un: Well Fran isn't at large[crosstalk 02:21:21]

Facilitator: Fran is[crosstalk 02:21:21] Yeah.

Female voice un: I thought she was in [crosstalk 02:21:23]

Facilitator: No she's [crosstalk 02:21:23][inaudible 02:21:23] I don't know Paco, I don't think [inaudible 02:21:30] [crosstalk 02:21:32] I mean we can address that because the meeting will still be open if they want to stick around. And let's go ahead and vote now and make that determination.

Female 4: Well, and I guess, just continuing on that do we know all the [inaudible 02:21:52] do we know if these people are still running? Does Fran still want to be on the board [crosstalk 02:21:58]

Kirk: Do you want me to text him? He's listening. Scott I'm going to text you if you're still running. That was Kirk who said that.

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Female 4: Anybody texting Fran Becky.

Jim: I think Fran's still [inaudible 02:22:13][crosstalk 02:22:13]

Male Voice 3: I think all we have is [inaudible 02:22:14] like this for the [crosstalk 02:22:16]

Facilitator: Yeah I've got it coming down on text.

Female voice un: I think still wants to be on the[crosstalk 02:22:21]

Facilitator: I think Fran still wants to be on the board.

Female 4: Yeah she tried to come, actually today but [crosstalk 02:22:26] she was deathly sick. I was like please tell her to stay home. Because I don't want it. [crosstalk 02:22:31]

Female voice un: She's close to pneumonia.

Female 4: Yeah. Like I don't want to get sick. Its really not that important.

Facilitator: OK so I'm going to go ahead and ask us to vote. And Cathy if you could collect the count, that would be great. So either [crosstalk 02:22:47]

Deep male: Are we going to inform them of our decision tonight or?

Facilitator: Or we absolutely will. We'll ask them to stick around for the rest of it as well.

Deep male: I see, I see.

Facilitator: You'll pass them the [inaudible 02:23:00]

Female 4: So if they're elected. So lets say [inaudible 02:23:04] came on here, Melissa is elected, are they gonna sit through the [inaudible 02:23:08]

Facilitator: Um,

Female 4: Cause they're elected tonight.

Facilitator: I would say they would sit through the closed portion yes.

Female 4: Are they aware of how late they have to be then?

Male 2: Ah lets go back. [inaudible 02:23:38][crosstalk 02:23:38]

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Facilitator: Yeah. [crosstalk 02:23:38] [inaudible 02:23:38] Take a bathroom break. Then we'll go and do our March elections.

Female 4: But we know if you need my [crosstalk 02:23:51]

Facilitator: And the hardship fund. I don't think we have too much [inaudible 02:23:55] I guess I can stop my stopwatch now.

Facilitator: [...]

Male 3: Watch is big, dude!

Facilitator: [inaudible 02:24:13]

Male 3: [Laughs]

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:24:19][inaudible 02:24:19]

Male Voice 3: I'm about at that point when[crosstalk 02:24:20]

Female 4: It's like those people when you're standing around and they repeat everything they're texting, you're like, but you can't look away.

Male Voice 3: I know, I know.

Female 4: Nosy reading them.

Male Voice 3: It's like when you go to some sport and you're in back of the people in the row in front of you is like lookin at something.

Female 4: Mm-hmm (affirmative)!

Male Voice 3: It's like.

Female 4: And then you hope they don't open like a nude picture or something! Yeah!

Male Voice 3: Because you're like right on top of them!

Facilitator: Do we want to take a break and then get [crosstalk 02:24:43] And then we'll announce who our representative will be and ask them to stay and ask them to stay and ask the other person to stay as well if they'd like.

Female voice un: Let's make a vote from the [crosstalk 02:24:59]

Facilitator: Possibly.[inaudible 02:25:02]

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Female voice un: We have [inaudible 02:25:20]

Male Voice 3: Scott vote?

Female 4: Oh! Sure! Who's he voting for?

Female 4: Uh, well so we have for at large? Fran and who?

Male Voice 3: Emily.

Female 4: Oh Emily [inaudible 02:25:43][crosstalk 02:25:46]

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:26:11] (extended)[inaudible 02:27:10]

Male Voice 3: We're just waiting for George. [crosstalk 02:28:42][inaudible 02:28:44]

Multi speakers: Extended [crosstalk 00:1688][inaudible 02:29:24]

Female voice un: Alright we're all back.

Facilitator: Everybody back! Everybody have a seat please. [crosstalk 02:29:47]

Multi speakers: [inaudible 02:29:47][crosstalk 02:29:47]

Male 2: Usually these meetings aren't always this bad.

Facilitator: Be quiet[inaudible 02:30:05]

Female 4: So far things are going ok!

Female voice un: Yeah! Just length wise.

Facilitator: Lengthwise. Everybody had very good things to say, and the session was very very good. Everybody thought you both are very very qualified. They elected Scott to fill that position. Melissa they wanted you to please to stay around because we have additional elections tonight, for the current board as it stands, and there's an at large position that's opening, we would hate to possibly not have you be part for whatever time period this may be. It might even be longer, might be shorter. That's all still being developed.

Melissa: OK.

Facilitator: As part of our thing, so. And congratulations Scott. You can sit at the table now. [crosstalk 02:31:07] You need to stay for the full session. [crosstalk 02:31:09] So.

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Female 4: You're all mean. You can't sit with us!

Facilitator: No they can sit[inaudible 02:31:16]

Female 4: Come on.

Facilitator: Bill got his own little table over there. You know he's got his section.

Female 4: That's his perch.

Facilitator: OK did we get a response back from Scott?

Deep male: Yeah. He's staying.

Facilitator: OK. All right.

Deep male: Do you want me to read? Scott, can I read what they, you said? It says I can remain involved board seat.Or not through final determination is made regarding restructuring.

Facilitator: So obviously Scott is[crosstalk 02:31:46]

Deep male: Thank you Scott!

Facilitator: [inaudible 02:31:48] schools I'm not sure, he's a high mucky muck.

Female 4: Super achievement. The Man!

Facilitator: So does anybody know of anybody else that are running for any of these other positions?

Facilitator: Kirk you mentioned there might be somebody else that would be at large?

Female 5: Bill?

Facilitator: Bill would not be able to do that.

Female 5: Why?

Male Voice 3: [inaudible 02:32:21]

Facilitator: I would [crosstalk 02:32:30] so, Bill's club was one of the clubs that was

Female 5: Sanctioned.

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Male Voice 3: [inaudible 02:32:36]

Facilitator: Sanctioned. For recruiting and Bill and Judy worked out that part of that sanction.

Female 5: Part of the. [crosstalk 02:32:47] Part of the sanctions is that they can't be on any of the committees within the region for a year, I believe. Two years. And then there were some other sanctions that aren't applicable to this situation but in the interests of complete transparency the. I wrote the letter with those sanctions. And I do believe that Bill is correct in saying that it did say committees. You can wordplay that. Argue it how you want. But in the interests of transparency I believe that is the way it was worded.

Female voice un: So he could be on the board but not on a committee for two years.

Female 5: It did say that neither he nor Judy could be on any committees for two years.

Female voice un: So he could run for a board position.

Female 5: I don't know if that's the way that it was intended but it's not the way that it was worded, so theoretically, yes. If that's what the board wants to decide what to do, yes.

Facilitator: Emily are you interested in running for the at large position as well?[crosstalk 02:34:01]

Emily: [inaudible 02:34:01][crosstalk 02:34:01]

Facilitator: And Bill are you interested in running for that position as well?

Bill: Yes.

Male Voice 3: There's two write ins.

Female 6: Back to the question in the morning. Never mind. I am adding myself. [crosstalk 02:34:28]

Facilitator: So we have three positions and four people running for those positions. Is there anybody else? Is there any other position that's being contested?

Female 7: Can I just say, nothing against Bill, but. When we were talking about this other person that was probably

female: Michael.

Female 7: Probably. Anyway, he as sanctioned [inaudible 02:35:01]

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Facilitator: Wait, why don't we hold back till we discuss and then that's fair. Alright.

Female voice un: OK

Facilitator: What I'd like to do if everybody is in agreement is go by acclamation on all non-contested positions. We can just wipe those in or vote "Aye."

female: So these are just the ones that are up for this cycle?

Facilitator: This cycle, yes.

female: Right

Facilitator: And they might only be for a very small period of time. And those that are already in positions might only be in that because technically Scott's position is almost one year up, two years done. So you're basically one year, everything stays the same but with the changing, with the potential changes. Can I get a motion and a second on that to speed things up?

female: Yes.

Female voice un: Yes.

Male 2: Motion.

Female voice un: Seconded.

Male 2: [inaudible 02:36:09][crosstalk 02:36:09]

Facilitator: All those in favor say "Aye."

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:36:14][inaudible 02:36:14]

Facilitator: Opposed.

Multi speakers: [...]

Facilitator: We still need to have a written ballot so please mark your ballot accordingly.

Facilitator: Fran's not here to speak for herself. Fran's been on the board for a number of years. She makes as many meetings as she can and she's one of the [inaudible 02:36:42] of the region. That's all I can say, she'd be here if she could, buts she's sick.

Facilitator: So with that said, we'll just go down the list, Emily if you'd want to discuss your rationale for wanting to run for this position. Or maybe not running?

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Emily: Um. [crosstalk 02:37:09]

Male 2: Is it actually rational to want to do this? [crosstalk 02:37:10]

Emily: I mean quite frankly I didn't know this was going to be a thing so I didn't have a speech prepared but you know, look I'm here for the region either way. I help when I can so, you know it is what it is. I think my effort speaks for itself and I don't really need to rehash with you guys.

Facilitator: Any questions for Emily?

Male 2: And this is for three at large positions?

Facilitator: Yes. There's four people for the three at large positions. Have I mis-stated?

Male 2: No, no. I just[crosstalk 02:38:06]

Facilitator: Bill you're next on the list as I wrote it down.

Bill: I've been involved for a long time [inaudible 02:38:15] I've been on board off and on for about 15 years.

Facilitator: It's been longer than that.[crosstalk 02:38:26]

Emily: [inaudible 02:38:28]

Bill: [inaudible 02:38:36]

Facilitator: Regardless if you're on the board or not. Melissa have we heard from you? I'm sorry did we have any questions for Bill. I apologize Bill.

Facilitator: Melissa do you want to say anything further?

Melissa: No I don't think so, nice to have the opportunity but [inaudible 02:39:07]

Facilitator: OK. Sounds good.

Facilitator: If I could ask all three of you to head out into the hallway and...

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:39:15][inaudible 02:39:15]

Facilitator: Same thing, we'll go around the room and stuff.

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:39:49][inaudible 02:39:49]

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Facilitator: Does anyone want to have any discussion at all?

Male Voice 3: I would like to hear what you were going to say.

Female 8: Well, two things. I've known Bill for a long time too, and I don't have anything against anybody here, but when we were voting on the junior girl's position, Emily mentioned one of the people on the list. Not you though. Obviously not you. And said [crosstalk 02:40:28]has been sanctioned in the region. Could we please not even consider voting for him? And we really didn't consider voting for him.

Female voice un: Becky, but those sanctions were for him and Bill's, his club was sanctioned.

Becky: No it was not his club. It was Bill.

Female voice un: No? It was bill? I just wanted to make sure.

Becky: When Kimberly was talking about it she really didn't want to say.

Female voice un: So she[crosstalk 02:40:54] Yeah.

Becky: And he even said. It wasn't my club, it was me.

Female voice un: OK.

Becky: I'm just saying.[crosstalk 02:41:00] We just had this discussion about someone else who decided not [crosstalk 02:41:04] The only other point that I would like to make is that we already have two other representatives from [inaudible 02:41:14] on our board. We already have two votes. Malcolm and Kirk. I mean, if you want three people from the same [inaudible 02:41:25]

Female voice un: Are you sure they voted for him? I mean... [crosstalk 02:41:27]

Becky: That's all I'm saying. I mean you've got. You're going to have three votes on board, and I get you guys are strong, independent men. And he's your boss. He's still your boss, right? No matter what. So in vote on how we feel and not how...

Deep male: I think we've proven that we can with him in the room. I'm just sayin' that[crosstalk 02:42:01]

Becky: It's just my opinion I[crosstalk 02:42:03]

Deep male: I mean the people that have been at committee meetings know that...

Facilitator: [crosstalk 02:42:12] Judy told them that[crosstalk 02:42:21]

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Becky: That's what I wanted to know Al. As far as Emily goes I think she's invaluable as an attorney. We have used her to death already and she's seems OK with that. She's invaluable I think, for her knowledge. As far as Fran goes omigosh. A founder of the region. 40 years, how do you not keep them? My opinion! Okay good. Next!

Multi speakers: [crosstalk 02:42:58][inaudible 02:42:58]

Facilitator: Speaking again about Emily, she has been a huge contributor to the region, in ways that folks might not know. As a sounding board, as an attorney, as a representative. I mean, should we go in a different direction with the board, she is my choice to put forward for the ethics eligibility. Because she wouldn't even be a voting member on the board, but she would be still involved at a level that is so important to our longevity, and to us doing the right things. So, and then I've known Bill since we've been players together. So [inaudible 02:43:43][crosstalk 02:43:45] That's all I've got to say. Anybody else?

female: I understand the concern with Bill but I also see in all the 30 years I've been on the board, always been a bit of a [inaudible 02:44:00], a good counterbalance to everybody[crosstalk 02:44:03]ideas. I do have with his [inaudible 02:44:07] but not the concern that I have about some of the stuff that's come out of[crosstalk 02:44:12] and nothing against Fran, I've known Fran to death, but this is not a mom and pop shop, and just because she's founded, does that really mean she's going to bring new ideas to the board? Which I think... yeah she's great, valuable, I think she should still come to the board meetings, like she said, I would still come to the board meetings but I want to look at people that bring [inaudible 02:44:37] up to date, things and ideas to the board.

Female voice un: Well, we could say that about everybody, right? I mean, somebody's been on the board for 25 years, and we could say gosh, you've been on the board for 25 years, isn't it time to get somebody new in here with new ideas?

female: Well, you might feel like you're not.

Female voice un: Old and over the hill[crosstalk 02:44:58] I know, I get it. [crosstalk 02:45:02]I get it. Yeah.

PART 5 OF 8 ENDS [02:45:04]

Glenn: In about 92.

Melissa: I get it.

Glenn: 92. She's amazing.

Melissa: She's given so much. [crosstalk 02:45:07] Heart. Right. [crosstalk 02:45:13]

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Glenn: I just want to add, and I think most of us feel this way. I just want to advocate for Emily. If she were not a lawyer, she still contributes so much to the region that I think that we would do a huge disservice if we didn't elect her so ... [inaudible 02:45:37] Fran, Bill, or Melissa ... I think everybody feels that way, but I want to highlight, because everybody's talking about how valuable she is as an attorney. She is so much more than just that. And if she wasn't an attorney, we would still be greatly benefited from having her a part of ... [inaudible 02:46:01]

Melissa: I don't know why we're talking. Everybody voted already except two people.

Speaker 12: Three. Three. [crosstalk 02:46:10] No, one, two, three.

Sean: I voted.

Melissa: Oh okay.

Glenn: So I'll have Cathy tally those.

Speaker 13: You've already voted. You've turned them in?

Glenn: What I'd like to do is invite everybody back in to continue the business meeting. Cathy ... Sean, would you mind [inaudible 02:46:32]? [crosstalk 02:46:33] The reason why is because Cathy's taking notes, and [inaudible 02:46:39] try and move ourselves forward as best we're able. [crosstalk 02:46:45]

Melissa: It's not cold. I want cold water. [crosstalk 02:46:51]

Glenn: Ice in one of the chests. [crosstalk 02:47:17]

Sean: That's what I typed. [inaudible 02:47:25] [crosstalk 02:47:32]

Speaker 12: Oh. I may. I may. I'd just leave at that point. I've got shit to do.

Sean: While Sean's counting, let's move forward. The next thing on our agenda would be the review and approval of the hardship funding. That's the yellow paper. I think this was worked on by Kia, Kirk, and Wendy. Or so Kia and Kirk put this together. I think Kirk did the final approvals. Is that right Kirk?

Kirk: Um ...

Glenn: Or ... you together. This year we have more money, less applicants, but I think we took off the ...

Melissa: The cap.

Glenn: The cap.

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Melissa: Right.

Glenn: So that we could help those that needed help according to their income. Is that right, Kirk?

Kirk: Yeah. Um ... okay. I started with the income like we always have and ... since there was a lot more money, some of the lower income people got all their club dues paid for which is actually highly unusual. So ... you can see that it's kinda hard to see ... their income and then the proposed award ...

Speaker 12: Like number ten.

Kirk: Like yeah, number ten ... basically paid for their whole fees. Number 20, 21, paid for their whole fees.

Speaker 12: Eleven.

Kirk: Eleven paid for their whole fees.

Speaker 12: Twelve.

Kirk: Twelve paid for their whole fees. I didn't pay for anybody's fees above 20,000 or the $26,000 though. And then I kind of went incrementally with different amounts based on their reported income if that makes sense to everybody ... which is actually what we've done in the past. There was one that did not turn in their forms, their IRS forms or anything like that.

Kirk: In the past we've not given people who did not meet all the criteria any money so that is number nineteen. So ... I know the math looks funny, but I had to make it work. Does that make sense? So it's nineteen plus nine, nine, nine, or something like that or eight, nine, nine so ...

Cathy: Kirk, number nineteen, I think [inaudible 02:50:34] know the person who's been helped here, did she have tax information?

Kirk: No, she had no tax forms.

Cathy: She had no tax forms because she is ...

Kirk: Well there was no information there. That's why I didn't do it. [crosstalk 02:50:49]

Cathy: I believe last year we gave one recipient without any tax forms.

Kirk: Okay.

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Cathy: So I don't know if you want to give them some money but last year we ended up giving some money to a person that did not have any tax forms.

Kirk: Okay. That's fine. I'll entertain that. I don't care.

Speaker 12: My opinion may not matter in a couple minutes, but I feel like if you don't got through the effort to turn in your tax forms, it's not that important to you, then you shouldn't be awarded money ... personally. I get that we've done it in the past but ...

Kirk: Didn't we have more information about that though?

Speaker 12: Yeah, wasn't there something funky with that case?

Cathy: You really don't want me to say where ...

Kirk: Okay.

Cathy: ... where this came from because it involves individuals in this room.

Kirk: This one we're talking about right now? Oh okay.

Cathy: No. The one last year that we gave money to.

Kirk: Okay.

Cathy: It involved several individuals in this room.

Kirk: Okay.

Cathy: I was directed to pay them. [crosstalk 02:52:03]

Kirk: Okay.

Speaker 13: I don't remember ...

Glenn: So Kirk's got all this information out here for us. If you have any questions, we'll open it up for questions.

Speaker 13: I do.

Glenn: Okay.

Speaker 12: Again, maybe it won't matter but just for clarification, with people with adjusted gross incomes of 120 grand, of 107 grand, and 105, I will be the firs to admit

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that just because you make a certain amount of money doesn't mean you have all this expendable income but why are we giving people with six figure adjusted gross incomes money instead of the way lower income individuals paying off more of their debt? What's the rationale?

Glenn: I just spent all the money.

Speaker 12: Okay.

Glenn: It was simply that. If you want to move that lower income - we'll totally support that. Know what I mean?

Melissa: I think by reading, like the $107,000 incomes is more of an extenuating circumstance than just looking at the income. The husband doesn't have a job now. So maybe last year he had an income of 107,000. We do grants and we go through the same exact process, and they have to turn in a ton of paperwork, and some of ours, the saying will show that it looks like they shouldn't have a reason for need but they do because currently they don't have income. Or a parent is going through chemotherapy and the second one so they have $25,000 worth of medical bills, so that's what we would put in as an extenuating circumstance. And we wouldn't find [inaudible 02:54:13].

Speaker 14: I guess my comment on the $107,000 one, he lost his job, he didn't get severance or unemployment. That doesn't compute. You either get severance or you get unemployment.

Melissa: Unless you were fired.

Speaker 12: Unless you were fired - no fired, you get unemployment. If you quit you don't get unemployment. If you get fired you get unemployment. If you quit you don't.

Melissa: You may not even get unemployment. [crosstalk 02:54:42]

Speaker 12: You're right you may not even. And it can take ... that's a lengthy process. [crosstalk 02:54:53]

Glenn: Do we want to make any changes to ...

Speaker 12: Is this the full amount that we had?

Kirk: Well, it's actually ... what does it say down there, 899? So there's ...

Speaker 12: So 1980 ... 19,800. [crosstalk 02:55:04]

Kirk: Right. The full amount is 20,000 for the fund.

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Speaker 12: So you have $101 left.

Kirk: I thought I spent it all. That's why I went 633, but obviously my math was not correct.

Glenn: Making sure we noted that.

Kirk: You can add $25 on. Whatever. [crosstalk 02:55:27] Yeah I did. Except for one. Except for one.

Glenn: Except for one that didn't provide tax records.

Kirk: And if you want to, I'm totally fine with that if we did last year so ...

Glenn: Can we give 101 extra dollars to number one, for the person whose father was diagnosed with cancer that has high fees and only $30,000?

Melissa: Living in Colorado?

Glenn: That extra 101 that's not accounted for out of the 20,000. I know it's a weird number.

Kirk: Sure. I don't care.

Melissa: $1101 to number one.

Speaker 13: Number eight seems kind of weird to me.

Jim: Number three? That's the one I was looking at too. Maybe we can give that ...

Speaker 12: That's about 300.

Speaker 13: I know it's only 300 but 105, and their rationale is ...

Speaker 12: You want your kid to be better? [crosstalk 02:56:13]

Speaker 13: Yeah.

Speaker 12: Yeah. I agree.

Kirk: We can disperse that to somebody else. I think that's a good idea.

Speaker 12: And they only fundraised $120. I feel like that's weird too.

Kirk: The fundraising is over there on the right so I mean it's like ...

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Speaker 12: They only raised $120 so ...

Speaker 13: If you look at eight, that money and then look at number nine, the parents are making half of that amount.

Patty: Yep.

Speaker 13: Dues are more. And the [inaudible 02:56:47] has contributed quite a bit to raise funds. So what would you guys think about taking an eight, that 300 and putting that all towards nine?

Patty: This is Patty ... everybody I think maybe give them a hundred and take that hundred. I think if we're gonna give it to everybody that's private let's give everybody something. [crosstalk 02:57:18]

Kirk: This is Kirk. I've sent ... in the past we actually have not given everybody money, to answer your question because we had $10,000 then and now we have twenty. So ...

Jim: And fewer applicants.

Kirk: And what?

Jim: Fewer applicants.

Kirk: And way fewer ... I think we've been in the forties, sixties ... some I mean, some years we've had ...

Jim: Fewer applicants and no capita shortage.

Kirk: Yeah so ... Go ahead, I'm sorry Melissa.

Melissa: I was just gonna add that with our program, we had one out of all that applied that we gave zero too, and it was similar to this where it wasn't so much you could see any monetary need, and there were others that really needed it. So I don't think I would feel bad if only one or two don't get anything. Some people apply just to see what they can get. Free money is free money for some people.

Speaker 12: Right. So next year, "Oh, well we got 300 bucks last year, and now we don't ... know what I mean? Tell your friends. I don't know.

Kirk: Is it probably just ...

Jim: So entertain our proposal?

Speaker 13: Sean made one.

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Glenn: Well, I open the discussion move eight's dollars to nine.

Jim: And Patty wanted to modify that?

Patty: No I'm good.

Kirk: Well Emily had one too I think. [crosstalk 02:58:57]

Speaker 14: So eight went to nine.

Speaker 12: So hold on, if eight goes to nine, that makes her full amount what, 1175? And that's still more than number one's getting even with substantially less income there even though she didn't raise as much.

Speaker 14: Their club dues are higher too on nine? It's another thousand dollars. [crosstalk 02:59:22]

Speaker 12: I don't care either way. I was just throwing that out there.

Speaker 13: Well we talked about that extra hundred grand up there too.

Speaker 12: Yeah.

Melissa: So the extra 101 went up to number one so they're at 1101.

Speaker 12: Yeah.

Kirk: And then you moved eight to ... what'd you say?

Speaker 12: Nine. [crosstalk 02:59:48] So they'd be 1175.

Kirk: As long as it equals twenty grand. [crosstalk 02:59:55]

Speaker 13: Because it is less money.

Kirk: Yeah.

Glenn: So this was out.

Patty: The one in red's the only one that went out of their way to raise funds too.

Glenn: Sean Hals saying maybe we put 200 there and another 100 for number one. Isn't that what you said?

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Sean: Yeah. How would you guys feel about that rather than ceding more to the family that makes more, we would give 1075 to number nine and 1201 to number one, and the numbers would still flip. I'm sorry?

Glenn: From who?

Sean: I'm sorry. From number eight, that 300 plus the 101 that didn't foot, so there's 401 in play. We give 200 to number nine and we'd give 201 to number one. So that would take number one to 1201 for the proposed award and number nine to 1075.

Patty: I'll second that.

Glenn: All those in favor say aye? Proposed. Okay. Results are in. Congratulations to Grant, Emily, and Melissa for the at large positions so ...

Speaker 12: Yay. [crosstalk 03:01:39]

Glenn: Old business other than the restructuring of the by laws. Do we have any other old business? Okay. Any new business?

Patty: We were gonna talk about, make a decision on the meetings. Meeting report. We were moving it to [inaudible 03:02:08]

Glenn: We moved it. How we want to do the minutes. I thought maybe we came to a consensus that we would make them available electronically. We would within two business days and get them done that way and that we were going to ask for a summary. We were gonna get all three, right, aligned? I know it was a long time ago.

Speaker 15: I don't think we were doing a summary.

Glenn: We weren't doing a summary? Okay.

Melissa: We can do a summary like this and to do a summary off of [inaudible 03:02:47]. [crosstalk 03:02:47]

Cathy: [inaudible 03:02:47] make a suggestion, that when we get the transcription of the minutes, what we do is we can highlight by the most ... and that's what's always been [inaudible 03:03:15]. [crosstalk 03:03:28]

Sean: This is Sean. I would propose in the interest of time that we vote on a motion for posting the audio within the next two business days and then the transcript within the next four business days. I would motion that we do that, and then we can talk about summary as a separate discussion.

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Kirk: I'll second that. [crosstalk 03:04:23]

Sean: Audio posted within two business days, transcript posted within four business days.

Glenn: Further discussion on that aspect?

Kirk: So when are we gonna talk about minutes? Those are the minutes.

Sean: The summary is gonna be a different discussion. I just want to get this closed.

Melissa: For things like Bill's concern of it being posted and ...

Speaker 13: So if I vote yes for this, that doesn't mean that I'm voting this as a substitute for the minutes.

Glenn: That's correct. This is the bare minimum.

Sean: We are doing this, and then we can [inaudible 03:05:08] [crosstalk 03:05:08] then we're discussing if we do more.

Jim: It's an addition if we're finding ... adding one more tool. [inaudible 03:05:18]

Glenn: And they will be available online as well for our constituency. All those in favor say "aye."

All: Aye.

Glenn: Opposed?

Melissa: Abstain.

Glenn: Okay. And now let's discuss if we want to or how we would go about having an outline of the meeting. [inaudible 03:05:55]

Speaker 15: I'm trying. [inaudible 03:05:58] Caffeine.

Glenn: People wanted a summary of the meeting. How are we going to do that time period wise and how are we gonna get it posted? Because the summary of the meeting is gonna be to some degree subjective as opposed to totally objective.

Speaker 13: Isn't that why we do the process of reviewing, publishing minutes? Reviewing minutes and accepting minutes? Because we can always ... we look at them and I think reviewing them and testing whether they're accurate or not is part of [inaudible 03:06:47] to subjectivity.

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Jim: Like Parker said, just having a recording of the meeting or a transcript of the meeting is not the same as having minutes. We want to know what was decided. The motions and what was decided from the previous meeting without having to listen to it all over again. That's what I want.

Glenn: Jim, this is Glenn. When you're saying that we can go through the transcript and highlight those.

Speaker 13: Okay.

Cathy: And separate them out.

Glenn: And separate them out.

Speaker 13: And then publish that and call that the minutes?

Glenn: We can.

Patty: Cathy's already said she can do it from the notes she's taking tonight and have them out in the morning. That to me is the most concise fresh for everybody.

Speaker 15: Are you still willing to do that, Cathy?

Cathy: Yeah I will do that.

Patty: Because otherwise that's another function when we're flowing back into the office.

Jim: The minutes are using [inaudible 03:07:55].

Speaker 15: No because I think what the whole thing is is we don't get the transcription until four days later. Cathy wants to send out the minutes simultaneously. Essentially that's what Patty wants. It's the freshest way, and then that again would require Cathy to go back and read through the transcript and supplement and that's what we're trying to avoid so I think we post the audio, we post the transcript within four days like we've already agreed to. Cathy will send out the notes within 24 hours in the meeting.

Speaker 15: If you have any questions, additions, comments, concerns, whatever it may be, you have 72 hours to get them back to Cathy, and if not it's assumed that you agree to what's been put in the minutes.

Jim: Mostly, and reply all. Not just reply. Everyone needs to reply so we can keep the conversation open and what really happened. And then if we need to go, then we can go to the transcripts.

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Speaker 15: Right, if there's a dispute, Patty says that's absolutely not what happened, then we get the transcripts, we can look at it. We can figure it out.

Speaker 12: And maybe not a dispute. My perspective was this.

Speaker 15: Right. Whatever it may be. But everybody still has an obligation to take their own notes so that you know when Cathy sends out her email if what you talked about was important to you, what you thought to write down is not in what Cathy sends out, then you need to bring that to everybody's attention and if not then forever hold your peace.

Melissa: Yeah because, you guys talking about referees, scores, this meeting, they did this, okay I didn't get all that.

Speaker 15: But if it's important enough ...

Melissa: You can just add that and reply.

Speaker 15: If needed.

Melissa: Correct. Not needed all the time.

Patty: And mostly you're gonna get the votes most. That's what we need, that's the discussion.

Glenn: How are we gonna post those then? Because we've already posted the ... to add this for our benefit or for the membership benefit?

Speaker 12: It should be posted on the website for everybody to see.

Glenn: Then we have to approve those.

Speaker 12: That's fine.

Glenn: Before they can be posted.

Speaker 12: They're approved by not responding or if everybody just shuts up for 72 hours then they're approved.

Patty: And posted.

Speaker 12: And if Kirk responds and says, "That's not what happened. I seem to recall this or whatever," then we wait for the transcript and then we supplement and then ...

Kirk: Throw it out there again.

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Speaker 12: Yeah.

Patty: And then we have to have somebody willing to do it if I'm not here.

Melissa: What?

Patty: We'll need somebody else willing to do it if I'm not here. [crosstalk 03:11:07] Oh another newbie! [crosstalk 03:11:14]

Speaker 12: We can figure it out.

Glenn: And then we'll try to get them posted in a more timely fashion for the members. [inaudible 03:11:32] So can somebody put that down concisely for Cathy so we can ...

Melissa: This is just what I wrote. You'll see how I kind of don't say everything: "Cathy will take minutes and send out to board within 24 hours and board members have 72 hours to respond."

Glenn: Sounds good.

Melissa: Is that okay?

Speaker 12: If change is needed, will await transcript and go from there.

Patty: And if there's no reply, that means they approve.

Jim: Thank goodness, no reply means yes. [crosstalk 03:12:16]

Speaker 12: That's how all of my clients, you put into email this confirms our conversation where you said this, if that's not accurate, please let me know within x amount, or I'll assume that it's accurate.

Glenn: All those in favor say aye.

All: Aye.

Glenn: Opposed? We'll adjourn ...

Kirk: I've got new business.

Glenn: Oh yeah?

Kirk: Can we make sure that the website ... this is Kirk by the way, is up to date? And by that I mean ... like under ...

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Cathy: [inaudible 03:13:02]

Kirk: Yeah. And then there's stuff on there from 2014 and 2016 under news and stuff like that. I think it's our conduit to the people, and I think the more we keep it up to date and the more current information on there I think that would help ...

Speaker 13: How easy is it to update on the website because the board members can find things on the website and ask you to change it and you can change it on the spot I'm guessing. But we as a board [inaudible 03:13:44]

Kirk: Oh I agree with that.

Speaker 13: See that, let somebody know ...

Speaker 12: Website development?

Kirk: So can I ... I'll send you a list of stuff from 2014, 16.

Speaker 12: I feel like it's important to say this: My firm is undergoing a huge website renovation and it's a pain in the butt to consistently update, take down, do this, do that, and I see the office is already super burdened, and I think that Cathy will tell you that, not to skip ahead, but one of the auditor's comments was we gotta unburden our office a little bit. So I think it should be done, but maybe we should look at paying somebody or if somebody on the board has experience without giving you a stipend to do it or something because it's just another thing to keep track of.

Cathy: The website is basically a cut and paste. It has templates that you can use, and it's just taking the time from ... the time to ... it's hard for them to have those emails like that. But if we had a list of what you wanted to change, we can change it, but it may not be that day or the next half an hour.

Kirk: Yeah. I think it should be kept up to date as much as possible, and I think the old stuff should be removed.

Cathy: Okay.

Kirk: If that makes sense.

Cathy: If you give me a list I'd be more than happy ...

Kirk: Sure I'll call you in. I'll say whatever so ...

Speaker 12: Is it good to leave some of that stuff on the website from their business budget? Just so we can go back and refer if needed.

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Kirk: I'm talking more ...

Speaker 15: Not about board of directors stuff. He's talking like current events. [crosstalk 03:15:34]

Sean: I have the website up. Under junior news, there's stuff from 2016 and 2015.

Kirk: Okay.

Sean: It certainly can get pushed down to the bottom.

Kirk: I just think it's kind of irrelevant at this point so ... okay. That's ... I just think it needs to be up to date.

Glenn: Do you have more new business, Patty?

Patty: Yes. Until we do the restructure, the attendance really bothers me. Eric in particular has been to one board meeting in what, two or three years? What are we going to do if we don't have ... he might contribute more than I know because I'm not involved with what he does, but I think we still need to do something about attendance at the board meetings.

Kirk: This is Kirk. Don't we have a policy now?

Melissa: I thought we did. I thought we put ...

Glenn: We do have a policy ...

Speaker 12: It's not in place because we haven't adopted the new by laws. [crosstalk 03:16:32]

Glenn: There was a policy in the old by laws. We haven't adhered to it. It all started with John McNierney as the referee's chair years and years ago because John traveled a tremendous amount of time, but he also contributed a tremendous amount when he was traveling wherever he was, [inaudible 03:16:55] with the office, so we kind of let his attendance actually at the board meetings slide, and we've never really gone back and hammered ... because it's so hard to get board members as it is.

Speaker 12: Not today.

Glenn: This is a rarity that we've actually said to somebody thank you but no thank you, appreciate ... I mean seriously. It's like, Scott Friedrich shows up to a board meeting, and we find a place for him at that meeting. And that's generally how we've operated because we've had so much trouble maintaining the continuity of the board. Most of the people in here have been here for a long time now or

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a good amount of time. But everybody misses from time to time, and even in the new restructure, it still allows people to miss, and it's unclear because we've got to talk ...

PART 6 OF 8 ENDS [03:18:04]

Glenn: ... we have to get, and it's unclear because we've got to talk to Christina, that's the attorney who's working on this. She throws in their commissioner, but maybe she needs an Executive Director, or maybe needs President of the Board or Chair of the Board. We've got to get all that cleared up, that language cleared up. 'Cause she just basically used other bylaws and put them together and we need to make sure they have some continuity. That's why this is a rough draft and we'll go over that in a little bit.

Glenn: But those are some of the things we have to do. But there is an attendance thing about being excused. Who excuses you, I'm not quite sure, but you can miss one of the three scheduled board meetings. If it's a special meeting that you don't have scheduled, then I think you can miss that. It's not addressed. But the scheduled meetings, you have to have permission to miss. So, yes, Bill?

BIll: As with most of them and a couple of other things ... one, as the main [inaudible 03:19:10] region for their membership is you should pay for it, but then you miss. The second one is if someone's missing two of the three or three of the three, you're cheating yourself out. Somebody else can contribute.

Speaker 16: But I guess, I think that last board meeting Eric was at, he was only there because it was a boy's meeting and a club director meeting. I don't think he would have been there for the board meeting.

Glenn: Well, now it's part of the ... This is Glenn. That was part of that confusion of, whether or not we had a quorum or not, when we had a quorum, when we didn't have a quorum, 'cause people were coming in and out of the meeting, both he and Scott were coming in and out of the meeting. So, that was part of that confusion.

BIll: The last two years though, one Board member, Eric, was always missing, at least the vast majority.

Glenn: That is correct.

Speaker 16: What he say? I didn't hear.

Glenn: He said over the last ... that was Bill who said, over the last few years Eric has missed a number of meetings, which is a correct statement.

Speaker 16: All right.

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Glenn: Any other new business?

Speaker 16: Well, maybe we should say something to him.[crosstalk 03:20:21] I think that's why this thing started as [inaudible 03:20:24] to say-

Speaker 17: Yeah, right.

Speaker 16: Let's just [inaudible 03:20:27].

Speaker 17: Right.

Speaker 16: Talk to him. You just don't want to do this.

Glenn: Yeah. I will. [crosstalk 03:20:27]

Glenn: He didn't, but, to Eric's credit, he has sat on a lot of IRCs.

Speaker 16: No, I like Eric. I think he's got a lot to offer, but I'd like him to offer it.

Glenn: But you do [inaudible 03:20:46].

Speaker 17: There's a bug falling on. I really want to know about, there's a hairy -

BIll: [inaudible 03:20:51] probably get in again.

Speaker 16: Probably dying.

Glenn: She just, we just bought those today.

Speaker 16: Right before we came down here.

Speaker 17: Yeah, there was a huge bug crawling on that.

Glenn: Oh, wow.

Speaker 16: Yeah. [crosstalk 03:21:08]

Speaker 18: Those emails. [crosstalk 03:21:08]

Speaker 17: She's not gonna be [inaudible 03:21:08].

Speaker 16: [crosstalk 03:21:08] Dang it.

Glenn: Those, that's a brand new bag.

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Speaker 16: I had a handful.

Glenn: A brand new bag.

Speaker 16: I had a lot.

Glenn: All right, so, I'll talk to Eric. Just so you know though, Eric does sit on a lot of those and Eric is also available when the junior, when Kirk and ... It was actually Jess who missed more than Kirk, actually, and-

Speaker 16: Than me?

Glenn: Sorry. I'm tired. Jess who missed more than Eric on those meetings. So, 'cause they had them, and last year-

Speaker 16: She's not working anymore, right?

Glenn: Jess is not.

Speaker 16: Right.

Glenn: And that's part of the reason she resigned was because she couldn't fulfill these commitments.

Speaker 16: Yeah.

BIll: I don't know

Glenn: Kirk.

KIrk: This is Kirk. Eric has helped me with seating stuff. He's helped us home and deep. Just so you know.

Speaker 16: [inaudible 03:21:53]. I think very highly of Eric.

KIrk: Yeah.

Speaker 16: I think he does offer a lot. I just would like his attendance.

KIrk: Right.

Speaker 16: 'Cause I think he was a lot to offer, good things.

Speaker 17: I'm telling you, it smells like cleaner.

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Glenn: You think [crosstalk 03:22:05]

Speaker 18: You sure you're not smelling my lotion?

Speaker 16: Clearly you didn't scrub the end of that.

BIll: [crosstalk 03:22:11] I got you, man.

Speaker 16: Yeah. [crosstalk 03:22:13] [inaudible 03:22:13] mention.

Glenn: All right. Any other new business? We're getting stocked. Actually, we still have a long ways to go. With that, I'll adjourn the regular business meeting and we'll start into the closed meeting.

Speaker 17: You didn't-

Glenn: So, if everyone wants to take a break real quick.

BIll: Board meeting, I'm not sure why it's closed for the construction bylaw to understand office and personnel [inaudible 03:22:39], but, an email. I'm gonna stay here.

Speaker 19: Yeah, why is it closed?

Glenn: The reason it's closed is because we're gonna talk about a lot of things that are not factual at this point in time.

Speaker 17: So, I do have a question about this transfer process, though, because Scott is still on the phone, right?

Glenn: Yeah, actually he's not.

Speaker 17: He's not? But-

Glenn: He has left for the evening.

Speaker 17: Oh, do we-

Speaker 16: Does anybody-

Speaker 17: Do we want-

Speaker 16: We shut down the whole [onu 03:23:03].

Glenn: Yeah, we shut down onu.

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Speaker 17: Okay, but we don't want any sort of internal?

Glenn: We don't take notes. No.

Speaker 17: Okay. Got it.

Glenn: We don't take notes.

Speaker 16: I don't take notes?

Glenn: Nope. Not during the closed aspect of the meeting.

Speaker 16: Becky, get back here. So, we can start.

Speaker 17: Thanks, Bill.

Speaker 18: Yeah, thanks, Bill.

Speaker 16: Thanks, Bill. (silence)

PART 7 OF 8 ENDS [03:51:04]

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