CASESTUDY · 2021. 1. 21. · GE's conventional GTAW process required extensive edge preparation, a...

CLIENT General Electric CASE STUDY K - TIG 1000 KEYHOLE TIG WELDING SYSTEM MATERIAL 8mm 347 Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffusers TM TM

Transcript of CASESTUDY · 2021. 1. 21. · GE's conventional GTAW process required extensive edge preparation, a...

  • CLIENTGeneral Electric



    MATERIAL8mm 347 Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffusers



  • GE’S RESULTS USING K-TIGImpact of K-TIG on 8mm 347 stainless steel fabrication

    K-TIG welding is a newproductivity benchmark.It sets an entirely new barfor what can be achievedwith an arc weldingsystem. The speed,penetration, quality andoverall savings generatedby the process areextraordinary.

    Attila Szabo,Principal Joining Engineer















  • Job Profile

    Stainless Steel 347 4 x 14.64 mCircumferential 8 mm

    Material Grade Joint LengthsWeld Type Thickness

    Circumferential Weld | Stainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser


    We’ve deployed K-TIG on 347 and 304Lstainless steels, 625 and 718 inconels,hastelloy X, nimonic 263 and severalsuper alloys. The process has producedexceptional, consistent and uniformresults in all of these materials.

    We’ve K-TIG welded in thicknesses up to12 mm in inconel pipe with a singlepass, and it handled it beautifully.

    This process will make fabrication morecost effective in developed economiessuch as the US. The 90+ percentreduction in welding time and gasconsumption, the elimination of edgebevelling and the elimination – or nearelimination - of wire consumables are oftremendous significance to fabricatorsand go straight to the bottom line.

  • The ChallengeReduce cost. Improve quality.

    GE's conventional GTAW process required extensive edge preparation, a V-groovepreparation as well as joint cleaning for each joint, resulting in slow setup times.

    GTAW’s inability to penetrate the 8mm 347 stainless steel material created arequirement for 4-5 passes plus tacking to complete each joint. Weld inspections arealso required throughout the process resulting in long welding and processing times.

    The need for a V-groove preparation and multiple passes resulted in a requirementfor large quantities of filler wire and consumables, while gas consumption, powerconsumption and arc-on times were correspondingly high.

    The SolutionK-TIG - 95% reduction in welding time, 93% reduction in cost.

    K-TIG is an autogenous, full penetration, single-pass GTAW/TIG process which is up to100x faster than traditional processes. In this application, GE‘s welding time wasreduced from more than 260 hours to 14 hours, with corresponding savings in gas,power, consumables, preparation, labour and overall cost.

    The quality of K-TIG welds were found to be exceptional, with the single pass weldingprocess dramatically reducing the opportunity for porosity, inclusions, lack of fusion,rework and repairs.

    Consumables have been slashed. Inmost applications, we’ve eliminatedwire completely.


    “Weld quality has been excellent. We testextensively including x-ray andfluorescent penetrant inspection andwe’ve had absolutely no problems. Thecontroller makes it foolproof to run thewelds in a consistent manner.”

    K-TIG delivers the penetration of a highpowered laser at a small fraction of thecost and complexity.


    With only one pass involved in mostapplications, there’s greatly reduced gasconsumption. We’ve seen gasreductions of up to 90%.


    Using K-TIG we’ve experienced muchlower distortion in our weldments andsignificantly less transverse shrinkagewhich is always key.


  • The ResultsDramatic improvements in productivity & cost.

    ExistingGTAW K-TIG

    %Reductionwith K-TIG

    Preparation V-Prep Square Butt

    Gas Consumption 160,500 ltr 16,800 ltr 90%

    Edge Prep Time 14,400 mins 0 mins 100%

    Wire Consumption 127 kg 1.4kg 99%

    Welding Time 16,080 mins 840 mins 95%

    Number Of Passes 4 1 75%

    Defects 1.5% 0.5% 66%

    Cleaning & Grinding 1518 mins 234 mins 84%

    Total Cost Confidential Confidential 93%

    As expected, the introduction of the K-TIG process provided order-of-magnitude productivity gains and cost reductions, while significantlysimplifying GE’s process and increasing quality and reliability.

    K-TIG is a much simpler, morerobust process than plasmaarc welding.

    The K-TIG process requires norecessed tungsten, no precisepositioning of the tungsten,and there is no requirementfor a separate plasma gas.

    When circumferential welding,K-TIG’s ability to manage tie-ins is outstanding. Closing outthe keyhole with K-TIG ismuch less complicated thanwith plasma – this has alwaysbeen a challenge with PAW,which has a tendency toentrap gas voids from theplasma gas. We simply rampdown the current to producex-ray quality tie-ins.

    I can’t think of a material,thickness or weld geometrywhere plasma arc weldingwould be chosen over K-TIG.

  • All joints were prepared with a V-prep comprised of a 70 degree includedangle, and a landing of between 1mm and 1.5mm.

    Joints were cleaned with a stainless steel wire brush and solvents prior tothe commencement of welding.

    The assembly of each circumferential component were done vertically,requiring a 2G weld position.

    Tack welds were performed manually every 6 inches along the weld joint.

    A manual GTAW root pass was performed along the joint with localisedback-side shielding using Argon.

    Root pass penetration was verified visually and with dye penetratetesting.

    If root pass inspection was passed, the balance of the V-prep was filled byperforming an additional 3 to 4 passes with filler wire.

    Final welds were subjected to visual inspection, dye penetrate testingand ultrasonic inspection.

    Previous Process & SetupStainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser.


  • K-TIG Process & SetupStainless Steel Exhaust Diffuser.

    Joint preparation is square butt for entire thickness, no bevel.

    Horizontal assembly, welding in a 1G torch position.

    The positioner and tailstock rotate the part in a slightly tilted mode to offset theconical angle of the parts.

    Backside purge using Argon.

    A single keyhole pass is made using 95% Argon 5% Hydrogen.


    We’re now doing away with v-preps. Joint preparation timehas been reduced by 50:1 insome applications.

    K-TIG’s simplicity of operation isoutstanding. The controller issimple, the operator just selectsthe appropriate program.Establishing parameters forrobust, repeatable welds isincredibly straightforward. Thekeyhole is established veryreadily – it’s one of the simplestprocesses I’ve worked with.

    Procedure development efforthas been reduced dramatically,due to a combination of thespeed of the process, itssimplicity and tolerance. Inmany applications K-TIG’sparameters simply work out ofthe box.




  • About GE Global Research CentreGame changing technology.

    GE Global Research has served as the cornerstone of GE innovation for more than acentury. Currently more than 3,000 of the world’s brightest scientists, engineers andresearchers are working together to deliver technical breakthroughs for GEcustomers.

    GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies take onthe toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home,transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Notjust imagining. Doing. GE works.

    In seven state-of-the-art facilities around the world, GE Global Research appliesexpertise in fields from electronics to chemistry, biosciences to computing,metallurgy to fluid mechanics, materials to imaging - and many more - against theworld’s toughest challenges. Scientists at GE Global Research’s largest site inNiskayuna New York collaborate with colleagues in Bangalore, Shanghai, Munich, Riode Janeiro, San Ramon and Oklahoma City to invent better ways to build, connect,cure, move and power the world.


  • About K-TIGTrusted by the world’s most productive fabricators.

    K-TIG is an unlisted public company with its headquarters in Adelaide, SouthAustralia.

    Developed by the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Scientific & IndustrialResearch Organisation (CSIRO), K-TIG is a high speed, single pass, full penetrationwelding technology that eliminates the need for wire or edge bevelling andproduces flawless welds up to 100x faster than TIG welding in materials up to16mm in thickness.

    The K-TIG process involves a specially controlled high current arc which opens a full-penetration keyhole in the joint between the two surfaces to be welded. K-TIGprovides extremely high stability and operates over a wide range of weldingcurrents, travel speeds. Setup is straightforward.

    K-TIG consumes as little as 5% of the energy and gas consumed by TIG/GTAW forthe same weld, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint of our customers.

    A typical K-TIG weld is performed autogenously in a single full-penetration passusing just one welding gas. The resulting weld is 100% parent material, withoutmultiple fusion lines, dramatically reducing the potential for inclusions, porosity andother defects typical of many welding processes. If adding wire is considereddesirable, the K-TIG system can monitor and control the addition of wire to theweld.

    The depth of knowledge,support and responsiveness ofthe K-TIG team has beenoutstanding.

    We’ve experimentedextensively on a wide range ofmaterials, thicknesses and jointgeometries and no question orchallenge we’ve posed hasgone unanswered.


  • TM | [email protected] | Adelaide, South Australia | +61 8 7324 6800