Case Study Final Presentation

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Austin Woods

Transcript of Case Study Final Presentation

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Executive Summary

    Major problems faced by the manager

    Considering the need for the increase in production scale with thecurrent situation, the process has improper production scheduling,insufficient workforce and improper coordination among the teams.

    Summary of recommended plan and its justification

    Recommended plan is to optimize capacity requirement withcoordination of sales and production and then translating it in the formof optimal order quantity.

    To control and manage the inventory the first step should be planning

    the production accordingly. This is the basic criteria for all the inventoryrelated problem.

    To organize the production capacity, planning should be done by theplant manager (considering the plant equipment and workforce).

    Capacity planning should be exercised with proper coordination withproduction and sales department. Based on the capacity available,optimal order quantity should be determined. (EOQ)

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Statement of the problem

    Statement of the problems

    The important issue is the uncertainty in inventory which is

    currently difficult to manage.

    Supplier relationship management is not given required


    Symptoms of the problems

    Even though the inventory problem seems to be the major

    issue, the actual problem in this given situation is mainly

    due to improper production scheduling and capacity

    requirements analysis.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Statement of the problem

    (Contd..) Root cause of the problems in AWP

    Bulk ordering of raw material based on discount and rebate.

    Poor coordination between departments in the organizationalstructure.

    Comparing the size of the workforce, 120 employees areemployed in production out of the total 130 employees. Lessworkforce is available for managing, analyzing, andsupervising.

    Short term and long term problems faced by the company Short term problem: Existing demand and supply uncertainties.

    Long term: Currently there are no issues with inventory, butproblems may arise in future as the business grows due to lackof inventory management with the growing competitions infuture markets.

    Also increase in production scale will result in an unfairsituation.

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    Statement of the problem


    Conclusion for the problem faced by the manager

    Austin woods have planned to increase production by 20%,this increase in the production scale by 20% under currentworking conditions would be challenging task to thedecision makers.

    Unrealistic inventory conditions would be a challenging task

    without knowing the capacity of the equipment andworkforce

    Managers should come with a plan to reorganize thebusiness in increasing the production. In this case variouscost like inventory, purchasing, production costs must betaken into account while making decisions.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Causes of the problem

    Analysis of the problems faced by AWP

    The major hurdle in maintaining the inventory is the uneven production schedule and workethics. If the production is increased by 20 % in future, it will create further confusions andmight end up in wear and tear of employee and equipment. Proper setup and maintenance isto be carried out periodically for machineries or it may end up in serious consequences likework interruption during high demand.

    And also may require to change the equipment with updated technology that require furthertraining to operate. Once the reputation from the customer is lost it is difficult for the companyto gain it again since it is a durable product. Unmanaged inventory has the disadvantage ofmaterials in inventory been unnoticed which results in loss due to reduced or no salvagevalue.

    The purchasing strategy followed would increase the total cost by increasing the holding costof the inventory. Another serious concern about the problem is the lack of workforce forproper maintenance of inventory, purchasing analyst and production supervisors. There is noproper coordination between the purchasing agent and the plant manager. Purchasing agentshould report to the production vice president. AWP concentrates on fulfilling the order andquality lagging in other critical areas like cost, coordination, and process, these criteria wouldbe difficult achieve in time if they face any competition or any kind of loss.

    Theories and models from text helpful in solving the problem

    Total annual costEOQ, Capacityproduction planning, Supplier relationshipSRM,Materials managementquantity discounts are some of the respective models suitable forthe problems faces by Austin Woods Company.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Causes of the problem


    The implications of not solving the long term problems

    If production is increased by 20%, the current process will

    result in over utilization of equipment which leads to wearand tear.

    Inefficient inventory system may result in stocks being

    unnoticed or overlooked when required for production. This

    may result in holding costs and also opportunity cost.

    As competition increases, urge to deliver a high quality

    product at low cost is created.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Decision Criteria and

    Alternative Solutions

    Basic challenges in the evaluation of the solutions

    Organizational structure to be changed such that proper hierarchy is maintained.Management should be supportive of these changes in organizational structure.

    Recruitment of new employees for inventory management with an ability of takingadditional responsibility.

    Employees need to be trained in a new process which is both time consuming andrequires additional cost.

    Existing inventory has to be managed and utilized properly, holding the optimalquantity along with the older one can nullify the good outcome of the new process

    Increased responsibility for the production department when purchasing department

    reports to the production department, that requires a detailed idea about raw materialinventory.

    There will be problems in choosing the type of sourcing, as different suppliers arerequired for different materials, supply base should be chosen carefully based onoverall business strategy and needs.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Decision Criteria and

    Alternative Solutions (Contd..)

    Alternative solutions associated with the problems

    Strategic supplier is required to satisfy the needs of the customer.

    Implementing an Inventory control customized software would be one

    of the alternative solution. The cost of implementation andmaintenance is less. Improves efficiency and easy to track and userfriendly. But getting adapted to the new software is difficult for theemployees, and high cost is involved in training the employees.

    Cross sourcing among suppliers is one of the methods for continuousand strong supply base.

    Organizational structure to be changed such that proper hierarchy is

    maintained. In the current situation purchasing manager is reporting tothe finance division, which is not advisable.

    Purchasing and production department should have propercoordination. Communication between the departments has to bemore transparent.

    Change of work style and timings and also recruiting more employees.Employees can be encouraged by giving benefits and other


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    Decision Criteria and

    Alternative Solutions (Contd..)

    Pros and cons of alternate solutions listed

    Reduction of suppliers when going to cross sourcing leads

    to a bad image on supplier relationship.

    Changing organizational structure is not an easy task which

    also affects the employees mind set and threat of getting


    Change of timing and style is difficult to adapt from both

    management and employees perspective.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Decision Criteria and

    Alternative Solutions (Contd..)

    Additional pros/cons

    An alternative solution is to get an ERP tool to track their entireenterprise system such as RFID and Kanban production

    control system (card). But cost for implementing the softwareand training the employees on the new software would be largeand it takes time for the employees to adapt to the newsoftware.

    Improve relationship with current suppliers and cost can bereduced in the form of discounts by maintaining goodrelationships. Proper contacts can be maintained such that

    communication can be made more clear and efficient. As aresult, waste of time on non value added areas can bereduced.

    Implementation of the JIT system. The system increases profitby reducing inventory levels and product quality can beincreased along with increased customer satisfaction. But thesystem costs more to implement. Also takes time to implementand employees find difficult to manage in the new system. Thiscould lead to reduced coo eration from su liers.

    R d d l ti

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Recommended olution,

    Implementation and

    Justification Recommended solution and its details

    Raw material acquisition must be first translated into capacity

    required and then the requirement should be provided to thesupplier such that holding cost can also be controlled byobtaining an optimal quantity.

    WhoProduction team, plant manager, supplier.

    WhatManufacturer should analyze in detail on capacityrequirement before presenting to the supplier.

    WhenBased on EOQ, reorder point can be estimated andproper levels of supply can be acquired.

    HowBased on Capacity requirements, optimal order quantityhas to be determined after consultation with production andsales department.

    R d d l ti

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Recommended olution,

    Implementation and

    Justification (Contd..)

    Solution and implementation based on problems and

    causes identified

    Determination of optimal size will lead to the purchase of

    only the required quantities of supplies rather than bulk

    purchase which increases holding cost. As the lot size is

    reduced, holding costs will gradually get reduced.

    Obtaining the capacity requirement would be easier for the

    purchasing department to make the order more clear and

    specific which increases the strength of the supplier

    relationship. Supplier, inventory and production will all be

    inline to make the process more efficient.

    R d d l ti

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Recommended olution,

    Implementation and

    Justification (Contd..)

    Recommended plan along with the contingency plans

    As known fact, it is always quite difficult to immediately

    change the process and work style of employees and

    management. During the transition period to the upgraded

    process, recruitment of inventory control analyst would be

    helpful to supervise the overall process and suggest

    effective and easy ways to implement. The analyst shouldbe APICS, CPIM certified.

    R d d l ti

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    Recommended olution,Implementation and

    Justification (Contd..)

    The choice of recommended plan of action based on models

    and theories To manage inventory, production has to be smooth and

    determined precisely. Raw materials for production should beidentified through capacity requirement. Based on capacityplanning made for production and demand from sales person,optimal lot sizes should be determined and this requirementshould be given to the purchasing department.

    The present production process is not systematic. To maintainan effective system, proper production planning has to be doneand to make this work capacity requirement has to be madebased on lot sizes. In this way, the suggested solution would beefficient.

  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation


    External Sourcing

    External sources and materials


  • 5/26/2018 Case Study Final Presentation
