Case Studies, Success Stories & Happy Campers · Happy Campers From the files of Joe Crump I have a...

1 Case Studies, Success Stories & Happy Campers From the files of Joe Crump I have a huge stack of papers sitting on my desk. Most of them are real estate investing case studies that show *exactly* how students of mine have put together and profited doing some pretty exciting real estate deals. Others are more general success stories about how my coaching and teachings are affecting people’s lives. Others still, are positive comments about my books, newsletters and other materials. There are even a few positive notes from colleagues in the real estate field about how they view my ideas, materials and teachings. Some of these letters were sent to me unsolicited, others came as a response to my surveys… (I constantly do surveys trying to figure out how to do things better). A few came from students who put their experiences in writing, at my request, so that others could see what is possible in this business. There are also a few “series” letters. These were in the form of multiple email correspondences between my coaching students and I. The reason I include them here

Transcript of Case Studies, Success Stories & Happy Campers · Happy Campers From the files of Joe Crump I have a...

Page 1: Case Studies, Success Stories & Happy Campers · Happy Campers From the files of Joe Crump I have a huge stack of papers sitting on my desk. Most ... secretary to send a broadcast


Case Studies, Success Stories & Happy Campers

From the files of Joe Crump

I have a huge stack of papers sitting on my desk. Most of them are real estate investing case studies that show *exactly* how students of mine have put together and profited doing some pretty exciting real estate deals. Others are more general success stories about how my coaching and teachings are affecting people’s lives. Others still, are positive comments about my books, newsletters and other materials. There are even a few positive notes from colleagues in the real estate field about how they view my ideas, materials and teachings. Some of these letters were sent to me unsolicited, others came as a response to my surveys… (I constantly do surveys trying to figure out how to do things better). A few came from students who put their experiences in writing, at my request, so that others could see what is possible in this business. There are also a few “series” letters. These were in the form of multiple email correspondences between my coaching students and I. The reason I include them here

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is because I think they give a “fly on the wall” perspective of how my coaching program can work. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with these letters or how I was going to compile them or which ones I was going to use. I ended up using a bunch and I also had to cut out a bunch that I thought were less relevant. If you have sent in a success story in the past and it’s not in here, I apologize. It’s not because your success is any less important than someone else. I just didn’t want to get too carried away with this thing. But I’ve got to admit, I haven’t had this much fun editing a project in a long time. Yeah, it’s great to have people patting you on the back and telling you that you are the best thing since sliced bread, but the real pleasure here for me is something a little deeper. I’ve put so much of myself and my heart into being the best teacher and the best coach that I know how to be… these letters are a validation of my hard work and they give me a satisfaction that can’t be calculated in dollars. I want to thank everyone who has contributed their stories and ideas to this compiled book. You all have made my job worth the effort. I am so impressed by how you all have overcome fear, adversity, pain, lack of money, lack of credit, difficult family situations, even physical and mental disabilities and still come out as winners in this program. I urge you not to lose sight of what you have accomplished or to diminish the success you have had… even if you think it is just a “small” success. There are

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really no small successes… each one will lead you to the next one and the next and the next. Success breeds success. Focus on the good that has happened and move on to the next success… no matter how big. As you continue to succeed… even in small ways… you will build your strength and knowledge and wisdom. You will be more likely to succeed next time because you succeeded today. And for those of you who think that you have failed in life, I’d like to speak to you as well. You’re stories aren’t in this book… but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be added when I expand it with the next group of success stories. All you have to do is decide to work with us and learn how to build a successful real estate business for yourself. Failure is only true failure if you refuse to try again, to get back on the horse. Sure, you may need a rest after a big failure, but don’t wait too long to get going again. It will be so much easier the next time out because you have already made your biggest mistakes. Sam Walton (the guy that started WalMart) went through 3 bankruptcies. He was reputed to say that he didn’t trust anyone who hadn’t gone through bankruptcy. Although that seems a bit extreme, he must have figured that if you haven’t failed in life, you’ve never really tried… you’ve never really had to take any chances… you’ve never really had to test yourself and the limits of your strength.

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I dedicate this book to all of you who have not yet “arrived” but who keep trying. Your mission, if you choose to accept it ;-) is to never stop, never give up. What was it that Winston Churchill said to the people of England during the darkest hours of World War II? …and I remember hearing recordings of that rough, old, father figure voice… “Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up!” They didn’t give up. The folks who are in this book didn’t either. Now it’s your turn.

Success! I make comments all through this “Case Studies” book when I think that a little more information could be helpful to the reader, who may be trying to do deals like the ones in these pages. Although I have tried to correct spelling errors and broken up the text a bit to make the stories easier to read, I have not made any content changes to these letters. It is illegal to fabricate, change or falsely represent testimonials. I have copies of all of these letters on file in my office and am scrupulously careful that they are represented properly in this book. I hope you will learn at least three things from these stories.

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One… I’d like you to discover the many different ways that you can make money in real estate and even learn some of the very powerful techniques that I teach my students. Two… I’d like you to understand what a powerful, life changing, mind altering, heart expanding experience people have when they take a chance and stretch their limits. Three… I hope you come to realize that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. I’ve already been there and experienced all of these things. You can get the knowledge that I’ve gained from my own extensive experiences in real estate PLUS the added bonus of the experiences that all of my students have had across the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and in many, many other parts of the free world. All you have to do is join me in my coaching program or one of my other training programs. Now… let’s get on with it.


The very first letter is from a young fellow named Yahya Henry. (Great name… I wonder what his Mom was thinking?) I remember when he came on the coaching teleconference call and told the group what he had done. I loved hearing that excitement in his voice and I knew right then that this kid was hooked and he was going to make it happen! Let’s hear what he has to say…

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Hi Joe, I would like to share my first deal with you and hopefully it will assist someone else in a similar situation succeed. After receiving your course material in July I was determined to do 'something' with the material - though I had no idea on where to start, no money to start and lacked the self-esteem to really and truly pursue my investing career. But then it happened... I closed my very first deal August 30 and netted $3,500.00 (Yessss!). In your material you suggest running various classified advertisements to reach investors and sellers. Well, on a very tight budget, running classifieds that were getting very little response (1-3 phone calls a week) can become expensive and discouraging. I had run ads for nearly a month proclaiming that 'I Bought Houses'... so did eighteen other investors. I began to question my motives, myself, your investing program and the possibility of doing anything relating to real estate investing. At this point in my short investing tenure, I had experienced two foreclosures so my credit was shot and traditional financing was just not an option. I had entrusted another 'mentor' to lead me into

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the right direction and shortly found out that my interest was not any where on his priority list. We had an agreement where I had to purchase 4 homes from him and he would show me 'everything about the business'... not the case. My first successful transaction took a total of roughly four hours. Since my classified advertising had been unsuccessful, I decided to 'farm' the areas that I desired to invest in. On August 20 I entered into the Kensington neighborhood at 10:40am where there were 3 properties for sale by owner on the same street, all of which were owned by the same company. I immediately parked my VW and began inquiring with the labormen about the properties and to my surprise, the owner was 3 houses down at another of his properties. I then introduced myself to him. I told him that I was a real estate investor and that I may be interested in his property. Everything was going great at this point. He gave me a tour of all three homes - 2 were in need of renovation and the other was nearly completed, 95% of the way. The owner agreed to meet me at his office so that I could gather more information about the properties. We met at his office at 11:30am and I assessed all necessary repairs with the profile sheet that you supplied (he had no problems answering any of my questions).

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I am a part of the local real estate investing trade association and decided that I would try something a bit different. I typed out the profile forms and the information from the four homes (took about 40 minutes) and e-mailed the secretary to send a broadcast e-mail to all association members. The following morning, I received a phone call at 9:12am from a gentleman who wanted to view the properties. I told him that I would call him back in 15 minutes to confirm a time, which I did. We met at the properties at 10:00am. I was really nervous because I didn’t know if the guy was legit, I had never met him before and did not know if he was even qualified to buy... but he *was* qualified indeed. Once he arrived, we toured the properties for 47 minutes and he wanted to take them immediately. He agreed to pay CASH for all three properties for the sum of $116,926.00. On my profile forms, I had indicated separate prices for the properties but that the owner was willing to sell them together for 116,000. I did not even have a contract on the properties! The owners said that he gave $500 referral fees and I'm thinking to myself "$500, what can I do with that". We all met at the owner's office at 11:30am to draw up the contracts. My investor buyer was running a bit late and the owner pulled me to the side to ask "how did I plan to be compensated".

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Not to sound unprofessional, I simply said "that I had it under control". Once my buyer arrived I told him my fee of $3500.00 and he agreed. I truly think that if I had wanted $2k even $3k for *each* property, this guy would have agreed. After some oral negotiations, I discovered that an expense had to be covered for $926.00. My investor buyer had no problem with that and offered $116,926.00. He wanted to close in a WEEK. Here is the interesting part... remember, I do have a contract on the property - I didn't know how to fill the purchase agreement out... THE OWNER DID IT! The contract was written with me as the buyer. All I did was supply the forms (all of which are from your course) and listened. Once the purchase agreement was completed, the investor and I filled-out the Assignment of Contract form and made copies of all the paper work. Then we set to close in 7 days. The moral of this story is... JUST DO IT. If you don't understand something, there is someone that does. Both the investor and seller were both impressed by my "tender young age of 22" conducting business. Both of them wanted me to keep in contact and continue our relationship. By the way, the seller of the properties happened to own a mortgage company, title company and real estate acquisition firm... so yes, I will say $3,500.00 is not that bad for 4 hours. Thank you so much Joe.

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This is the first of many, I'm preparing an offer on two properties today... more on those later. Happy Investing, Yahya Henry Norfolk, Virginia ____________________________________________ Joe’s note: Now, Yahya, made a few mistakes here. He left himself open to be cut out of the deal because he didn’t have a signed contract before he brought in an investor and he could have made even more money on the deal than he did. But it worked out… even though he made mistakes and didn’t really have a firm grasp on the basics. There is magic in boldness. Next time, I expect he won’t make the same mistakes. This next letter is from Gary O'Neal from Charlotte, North Carolina. He jumped right into the program and made money within 45 days of the time he started. ____________________________________________ Hello Joe, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your help in getting my real estate investing career off the ground. As you know, I have been investing in rental property for over 15 years. I decided that this was the year for me to expand my efforts to full time investing and in order to do that, I needed to begin to generate CASH FLOW immediately.

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I decided to order your book and sign up for your personal coaching. It took only about 1 month for me to find my first deal to work on. I found a nice 3 bedroom house that the owners wanted to get out of. The owners had a second mortgage so the loan balances were right at the retail value of the house. With help from you, I formulated an offer to buy the home "subject to the existing loans." I offered to take over the payments if they would pay me $6,500 at closing. They were anxious to move into their new home and they agreed to my offer! NOTE FROM JOE: This surprised me... usually you don't get money "up front" from the Seller on a deal like this, you make it on the back end. END OF NOTE I am now in the process of locating a tenant buyer for the property. I am going to lease it with an option to buy. I will charge at least $2,000 as a non-refundable lease option fee and have them pay a monthly rent that will cover my monthly costs. So I walked away with almost $6,500 on MY FIRST DEAL! And will make another $2,000 when I lease option it out... not to mention the tax benefits (depreciation) and the market appreciation on the property.

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If the lease optionees don't buy the property in 1 year, I'm going to sell it to someone else and make even more money. It was great to have your help in getting this first deal done all the way to closing. You have been extremely responsive and helpful in everything that we have worked on together. I have already found my second property and purchased it (again with NOTHING DOWN). I am meeting with the tenant-buyers tomorrow morning to collect their $5,000 lease option fee... I got this new property lease optioned really fast. I want to thank you again for all your help. I wish you much continued personal and professional success, Gary O'Neal Charlotte, North Carolina ____________________________________________ This next one is from a 76 year old man who “gets it.” I think he knows what life is supposed to be about. ____________________________________________ Hello Joe, Your newsletter approach gave me the courage to believe that I can make money while saving my life.

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I've stopped the emphasis on making a living and started to live a little. It helped when I bought three properties -- two from an investor and one at auction. The auction was a steal, I think. Still have to re-sell or re-hab it. The two I bought from an investor, I re-sold to another investor for a 50% profit. I'm 76--and I've stopped swinging a hammer. Thanks for helping me find a new way to spend time with my wife, my children, my grandchildren and my community. Howard Stevens Nashville, TN ____________________________________________ This next letter is from Lisa Hedrick. She has a powerful story. What an extraordinary young woman. Hello Joe, My name is Lisa. I am a 26 year old property owner. I now own 2 buildings, both duplexes, in San Francisco, C.A. - the HOTTEST real estate market in the country. How did I do it? Let me start by telling you that I was a 22 year old drug addict who was burning a

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hole in my pocket with all of the money I had received from my mother's estate. I knew that I had to do something. I'd seen 'get rich quick' schemes on TV, and I was so desperate that I looked into everything. That's when I heard about Joe Crump. I pieced together info from his e-zine, as well as several other sources, and sank my teeth in!! I did everything I could, step-by-step, to try and buy my 1st property. Yeah, people thought I was crazy. When I'd call up real estate agents & lenders, telling then that I was a single, 22 year old bartender with no real job stability, only $50,000 cash & virtually no credit, they all laughed. I know that you can buy properties free & clear in many parts of the country for $50k, but here in SF, that isn't even a small down payment! Plus, I wanted a multi-unit fixer, so that I could live in one unit & rent the other - essentially having my tenant pay the mortgage. I also wanted a 'fixer', hoping that my sweat equity would pay off in 'real' equity. I learned all of the real estate terms, and looked at properties in the area that I'd never be able to buy, just so that when the property I really wanted showed up, I'd act & sound like an intelligent professional who really knew what she was doing.

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I spent almost every day, for 3 months, looking at properties, meeting agents & scanning newspapers. I started to get discouraged. When I'd ask agents whether or not their clients would do a 'lease option,' they didn't even know what I was even taking about. Same thing with “wrap-around” mortgages or 80/20, 80/10 mortgages. I was told over and over that these techniques may work in other US cities, but in the San Francisco Bay Area, they just didn't. I believed it. Then one day I met an agent who had bought property here with $0 down and had leveraged it to the point of owning multiple properties in one of the best parts of the city. When he told me what he had done, the techniques mirrored Joe's. That's when I really gained confidence. I looked and looked in the paper until I found an owner financed property. I couldn't believe it. When I rushed out there, I found the biggest dump - it turns out that the house had been on the market for almost 1 year, due to the awful tenants, a strict rent-control law keeping them there, and some serious grime & dilapidation.

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The owner/seller was an old woman who had inherited the property from her deceased husband, and she couldn't care for it. The tenants had overrun the property, came just short of destroying it, and the poor woman didn't live in town or even have a working key for the building! My boyfriend and I knew it was perfect. The property needed somebody who would pull out all of the stops to get these squatter/tenants out (they hadn't even paid rent in months!). Somebody who was young and had the energy to get on their hands & knees to clean up years of filth. We had an inspector stop by and knew that the building was structurally sound - it just needed massive cosmetic work. This poor, old woman decided to finance the property at a very low interest rate because that would be the only way she'd sell it. People would come by & leave disgusted. She would have to be willing to finance it, because a lender would never make a loan without an appraisal, and an appraiser would run from the house screaming!! Plus, San Francisco has some strict rent control laws protecting tenants, even awful tenants. With both of these units occupied, even if somebody bought the building, they couldn't live there. Plus, they were paying such low rents (when they did pay!), that the building would be a liability, not even close to profitable. This lady was so desperate

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that by the time I showed up, telling her that I'd give her 10% down, she was thrilled. That was $26,000, and the thought of buying a $260,000 wreck scared the heck out of me! I talked this woman down to $260,000 from $300,000 - since she inherited the property free and clear, she was able to accept and then finance it at that price. I made a contingency that we wouldn't buy until at least 1 of the tenants left. Then we offered them $600 to move. That was 1month's rent. Since they hadn't paid rent in several months and were going to get evicted, they gladly accepted. Shortly after, the 2nd tenants left on their own - once they knew that the building was finally getting sold and that they wouldn't be able to take advantage of us like they did to this older woman. People always ask how I pulled this deal off. I was just a child - I had NO credit. I used verifications from utility companies and old landlords to show that I had a history of paying my bills. And it wasn't easy - it took my boyfriend and I, two years to clean up & remodel the property. We got on our hands and knees cleaning up roaches, mice & other horrors. We shopped all of the local salvage yards and building scrappers to find used & usable

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construction materials at a HEFTY discount. After making a few mortgage payments, I was able to get a card for Home Depot & Sears, which enabled us to buy the things we couldn't find, like appliances. We ate spaghetti for awhile and made sacrifices, but it paid off. Within 6 months the real estate market exploded here. Between that factor & our improvements to the property, our building went from $260k to $550k in 3yrs! We decided to continue to rent a small one bedroom apartment while renting out both of the building's units. The rents on that building jumped from $900 and $600 per month to $2,600 & $1,900 per month! With the payment on our 7%, owner financed mortgage being $1,500 a month, you can see that we made a hefty $3,000 a month income off of that building! That was enough for us to quit our dead-end jobs (as a mover and a bartender), working for people who treated us like we were idiots. We became not just property owners, but self-employed property owners. We were even able to get clean from drugs for the first time in years. Now that we had a hobby, a job we loved to occupy our thoughts and time, it was easier. For the first time in a while I felt that I had real self worth - I had accomplished the impossible dream in San Francisco. This was unbelievable - and we decided to do it again. This was around the time of

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the Sept.11th tragedy. While the country was in mourning and the economy crumbled here in the Bay Area (due to the crash of the computer sector), our rents kept coming in every month. While people moved out of the area in droves, we were able to pick and choose from hundreds of properties for sale. While the Feds kept lowering the interest rates in the hopes of driving the economy, we were able to refinance our owner financed loan. This enabled me to help build my credit up even more, because now my loan was serviced by a bonified lender who reported all of my timely payments to the credit agencies. I was able to take out $130,000 cash from the equity on the 1st property to buy the 2nd. It was scary, but leveraging the property to buy another was the smartest thing I could have done. Now we own 2 duplexes, and are doing great! I can't tell you how many people are jealous...... when we show our apartments for rent, the people who show up to look at them are older than us, and boy are they surprised! Even real estate agents marvel at us. When people ask me how I did it, and I tell them to check out Joe Crump and his no money down program, they balk. They think that it's a scam, a get rich quick scheme. That it’s not going to work in our area, or that it wouldn't work for them.

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I tell them that we aren't rocket scientists. We're just two average, young people who had the ambition and energy to succeed - with a little help from our friend! If WE could do it, ANYONE can do it. If we could make these techniques work in San Francisco, they'll work anywhere in the country (& probably abroad!). It takes work, yes, and it's not a get rich quick plan. It's taken us a little over 3 years to get where we are. But considering that we are still in our 20's and have already planned our retirement, I'd say that we are on a fast track to success. We want to acquire one more property before we “retire.” We've even considered hiring someone to manage our properties while we move to Thailand! We now own $1.2 million worth of real estate, and $570,000 of that belongs to us! We still live off of only $2,500 a month and we still rent a small apartment - nothing fancy. We're still “normal” people - but now we have real stability. Now we have CHOICES. We're even thinking about taking the next year “off” while I write a book and Dan goes back to school...... this time without student loans. Again, I have to say....... buy the program, devour every piece of information, give it some time & try out the techniques over & over again.

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Don't get discouraged & don't second guess yourselves. After all, how much is your future worth? Lisa Hedrick Berkeley, California I don’t think I can add anything to that. Thank you, Lisa. The next email is from Tim Kilmartin from Pennsylvania. He had been in the coaching program for 2 weeks when he sent this letter. I tell everyone that it will take 3-4 months to have successes like this even though I see people do it in days. Way to go, Tim. Not everyone has success this early in the program. ____________________________________________ Hello Joe, My first deal was really easy. I found a single-family house in my hometown that has been vacant for 3 years. I checked with a Realtor for details and apparently, the owner moved. They hadn't been able to find a buyer because the house needed some big repairs, like the roof. I put in a bid at 50% of the appraised value and to my surprise it was accepted! I got bids from contractors on the repairs and the total costs between purchase price

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and rehab costs will be right at $32,000 (I live in a very inexpensive community in Central PA). The best part is that a very comparable house down the street just sold for nearly $70k. I got a preliminary appraisal done, taking into account the rehab work, and my house appraised at $60k. Wow! My next step was to find a buyer. When I got your second weeks material on ads and signs and so forth, I grabbed my local paper to see how many similar ads were there. To my surprise, I found an ad with some people who were looking to rent a 2 or 3 bedroom house near my town. Excitedly, I called the number. That person wasn't looking to travel quite so far, but they knew of another person looking for the same thing in the area where my new house is located. I called this person and he was extremely excited about my rental. I collected this guy's personal info (job, previous landlord, etc. like you showed me how to do) and made some calls. After feeling comfortable with the prospective tenant, I made an appointment to show them the house the next day. He is very excited about the house and its location.

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Based on the costs I have into the house right now, I will be able to charge monthly rent that will provide me positive cash flow of about $250/month. Then based on the info you sent me about the things that add the most value to a house, I could be looking at profits over $30k or more when I sell it. Amazing! I look forward to getting your weekly manual on rehabs. Thanks for all your help already. Tim Kilmartin Tyrone, Pennsylvania ******************************************** Joe, Right now, this program is almost perfect for me. Almost all questions are answered either by the manuals or the audio conference calls. For those that want to start a business, but can't afford one-on-one training, this is the best program I've come across. I feel that as one of your students, I could have access through email, fax, or phone if I really ran into a problem. But, I wouldn't want to take advantage of your time unless I really needed it. Dave Tabern Urbana, Ohio ____________________________________________

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I got this next email the day after this Chiropractor joined the 26 Week Coaching Program. His name is Mareechi Duvvuri, DC and he is goes back and forth between the Bay Area of San Francisco and Hillsboro, Oregon. ____________________________________________ Joe! You weren't kidding. This is intense stuff! For me the big hurdle was the mental 'can I do it?' hurdle. I still have to get through that as it keeps on popping up. With my chiropractic business I had the same problem. I know that I've got to just follow the recipe and keep to the program and all will be well. I know this is not a Lotto, thanks to you :~) It's a business for life and it needs to grow properly with the right care and nurture...then the fruits will indeed be sweet! Talk soon, Joe! I'll be calling soon to set up a one-on-one consultation call. Mareechi Duvvuri, DC Hillsboro, OR

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******************************************** Joe, I have been involved in several training programs that teach how to become a professional real estate investor. I must say that your program has been the most affordable and complete that I have ever used. I have taken advantage of your website to market to investors and sellers alike. Each ad I run provides me with the motivated people I need. I have purchased my first home using these techniques after running my first ad. While I did it with my own money, I was able to purchase it in a way that will make a nice profit once it is sold. I wouldn't have had this success if not for the lessons I learned from taking your course. David Leach Frisco, Colorado ******************************************** Hi Joe, We've signed the deal and we have been working right up until dark most nights and by the time I get home, shower, spend some quality time with my cat I'm off to bed. We are doing I learned

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how to nail on vinyl siding! Who would have guessed that I would be doing that. I'm just loving it! I'm hoping to get on the next call as I have a couple of questions, but nothing earth shattering. Thanks again for your really helped us in finalizing this deal. We've had 3 people stop and ask if the unit we are working on is for sale and it isn't even 25% completed! Two people left me their names and phones numbers so I can call them when it is ready to show! I hope they all go like this! Well, I'm going to finish my emails and then off to bed...I have muscles that ache that I didn't even know I had. Ruth Townsend St. Cloud, Florida

Here is a short series of emails I received from Lolita Johnson in Tulsa, Oklahoma. All of these emails where sent within 30 days after she joined the coaching program. The wording in the emails sort of ran together because she was so excited and didn't put in any periods. I cleaned them up a little, but they are essentially the same. I think you'll see why she was so jazzed when you read them. She took advantage of my "unlimited emails" policy and sent me lots of questions while she was going through the process. She refers to that in the series of letters.

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I hope you catch her enthusiasm. I know I enjoyed and looked forward to receiving her emails. This is the kind of attitude it takes to succeed in business. Email One: Hello Joe, Of course I don't have to say my name in this e-mail... lol. You've heard from me enough already. Well, I was at work yesterday for my 16 hours of hard mental labor and Dwayne was at home because his wife is “expecting” at any moment now. He called me to tell me that all of the hard work and running around and talking to a lot of people has finally paid off. We have sold 1 property to an investor. This is what we did. We followed your program instructions and when the investor called, we qualified him and we found out what he was looking for. Then, we gave him the address of the property that best fit his needs and he called back to say that he wanted it. Now it is sold and we will be meeting with him some time today.

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We are just plain old happy because we have truly been working hard and working some long hours and working on our other jobs... so we are exhausted... but if it keeps rolling like this, our jobs soon will be a thing of the past. So these are our progress notes for this week. Thanks Joe, Lolita ____________________________________________ Email Two: The next day Hello Joe, We are on our second deal right now with 1 more in the making! And yes, you were right, you can't give up... and guess what... we were never thinking of giving up. We were just stepping back and assessing the situation and regrouping to see where we have been making mistakes. We have put it all down on paper so we will have a clear picture of what we are doing and the direction we are going in. For our first deal, we will be getting a total of $3,000.00, so we are not doing to bad. Thanks Joe, Lolita

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____________________________________________ Email Three: Two days later Hello Joe, Here is an update on what we have accomplished during the last couple of days. We have 4 houses under contract and heading to closing! We have found a broker who is willing to set us up with a line of credit for houses... only 50,000 dollars for now, but that may go up soon. (Joe's Note: You don't need to work with lenders to do my program and the deals that she has done did not use ANY conventional financing. End of note.) He is also getting our investors pre-approved for their loans on the houses they are buying from us. We have a lady in Arizona who has a listing of foreclosures that are in the Tulsa area and she is faxing that to us now... as I am writing this e-mail to you. So let me know if all of this sounds good to you. Thanks Joe, Lolita Johnson Tulsa, Oklahoma ____________________________________________

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It's not just good, Lolita, it's fantastic. Way to go! - Joe The next two letters are from Sonya Thompson from Arlington, Texas. She started having success with the program within just a few short weeks of signing up. ____________________________________________ Email One: Joe, Just wanted to let you know that your course has opened up a whole new outlook on the world of Real estate! I am learning the hassle free way to make money in real estate. Tomorrow I will be getting a contract on one of the properties I'm working on! In May, I paid $715.00 for a real estate course, gained a lot of knowledge, but a lot of the little pieces were missing. I was working with a "mentor" who was trying to help me, but it just never seemed to come together. I spent over $400.00 on advertising, a ton of money on gas, and wasted a lot of my personal time with no results! After receiving your $0 Down Course, I began to follow the instructions that you gave.

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As I began to study this information, the big picture came together. Your course was exactly the way I wanted to work in this market, because my time is very limited. I am by no means a religious person, but I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and I believe he used you and your course to provide me with the information I needed. I can not thank you enough for responding to me via e-mail to answer some of the questions I had. This was the best money I ever spent in my life and the returns are sure to be phenomenal. May God Bless you, and multiply your business 100 times! Sonya L. Thompson ____________________________________________ Email Two: Two days later Joe, Just an update on my progress since the last email. I will have another buyer under contract this evening and am working on a 3rd one to be completed by Wednesday or Thursday. Once again I extend my heart felt thanks to you for your $0 Down Course. You have helped me realize success in real estate that I could have not gained on my own.

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God Bless you and multiply you 100 times more! Sonya L. Thompson Orlando, Florida ******************************************** I used Joe's techniques of how to choose and value a great rental property to snap up an undervalued apartment in a boom market. It will not only appreciate in value, but it throws off $100 in passive cash flow. Mark Winder Vancouver, British Columbia ____________________________________________ This next success story is from Rick Knight in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He is a Realtor and had a ton of knowledge before he started working with me. I must admit, it was great coaching someone who already spoke the lingo. He had a very short learning curve and has made a great success of the program. He is a pretty busy guy and he wrote this letter because I asked him to relate some of his experience with the program to you. He is not exactly verbose, but I think you will be able to read between the lines.

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____________________________________________ From the desk of Rick Knight: I first started working with Joe last August. At the time, I was flat broke and had bad credit, but, as a Realtor, I knew that the best type of investment out there was real estate. I thought that most Real Estate Agents were nuts not to invest in the thing they knew most about. I was determined to invest in rental property and flip properties. After talking to Joe for a few weeks and reading the material several times, I decided to take action. My first deal was a piece of vacant property that I purchased for $35,000. The Seller carried back a first mortgage for the entire amount! I turned around and sold this property for $41,000 in less than 7 days. My profit was close to $5,500 after closing costs. Thanks for showing me how to do this, Joe. Rick Knight Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio ____________________________________________

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I talked to Rick after he finished the course. He is doing deals every day now and making more money than he ever has in his life. Last month, he put together 5 deals and made a quick $5,000 on each deal. That’s $25,000! These were all deals that he put nothing down on.... zero, zip, nada! Not a bad month if you ask me. Way to go, Rick. I knew when I first spoke to you that you would succeed at this. You don't need money to make it work, but you do need a willingness to work the program and follow my instructions. ____________________________________________ Hi Joe, Between you and me, I looked at every real estate program out there. I mean, I *really* looked. In my opinion, your program, and you are way above the rest. I appreciate your philosophy, and the high quality of your e-mails and your communications. I never hesitate to forward your materials to anyone I know who might be interested in real estate. Karen Bain Fort Lauderdale, Florida ____________________________________________

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The next letter is from a real estate associate of mine in Denver, Colorado. His name is Todd Bates. He's an old salt at this business and has seen just about everything. He is also very experienced and I respect his opinion... especially since he has the good sense to like my material. ;-) I sent him my course and asked for his opinion. ____________________________________________ From The Desk Of Todd Bates: I got a call from a real estate investor friend of mine named Joe Crump. He said he had a foolproof method to help investors (or any buyer, for that matter) purchase real estate with no money down, no credit check and no job or income. He also said, if anyone (even someone who is not particularly bright), would follow his step-by-step system, they could use his techniques to purchase $1,000,000 in real estate in less than a year. My first reaction was, "Come on, Joe. I've seen everything in this business and it won't work." I had been one of the world's top producing real estate agents myself for years (I sold $22 million a year) and I had never seen anything that could do what Joe claimed. As a matter of fact, I hadn't seen anything that would even come remotely close to doing what he claimed.

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I have read Carlton Sheets, Wade Cook, and just about every other get rich, real estate guru out there and their books and tapes were pretty informative (expensive, but informative... I think I paid $1200 for Wade Cook's material years ago), but the ideas that they presented were very hard to implement. And if you have bad credit or no money for a down payment... forget it. But Joe started talking about his ideas and within a few short minutes, I knew it would work. He had taken some pretty simple ideas about real estate financing and marketing and combined them to create a program that is absolutely awesome. Now, he's turned it into a course and it is an excellent read and very easy to follow. I am convinced (and I may be the toughest, most jaded audience out there) that Joe's system will work for anyone in the free world. Sometimes there is genius in simply taking several mundane ideas (that everybody has heard about before) and combining them in a way that creates a powerful new synergy... a money making system, that becomes a powerful, unstoppable force for anyone who makes the least effort to implement it. I know you will enjoy his material. Sincerely, Todd Bates Denver, Colorado

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******************************************** I feel that the set up is really good. One good part is that you offer installation payments. I also like the guarantee. Latorrya Merritt Miami, Florida ******************************************** After spending two years reading all the other information that is out there, I ran across Joe's site. I finally took the advice on lease optioning and just had an offer accepted for a 3 unit building with no money down. I will realize $300 per month after paying the lease. The best thing is that the seller will still be responsible for the major maintenance and taxes until we refinance in 5 years. Now I just wish I had found his site sooner! Christopher Freeman Saginaw, Michigan ____________________________________________ This next fellow had been working the program for 7 weeks when he completed his first deal!

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He sent me pictures and allowed me to put them in my materials. His name is Ryan Cerchiai and he lives in Austin, Texas. Joe, I think you will be very happy to read my latest email. The following images will give you a good idea as to why:

Week 7

More good than bad news to report on this week. A lot more. Shortly after returning to Austin from

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Orlando for Christmas, I called back a potential Seller with whom I'd been playing phone tag for a couple of months. This was my last attempt.

As luck would have it, she was actually home and we talked about her property.

She and her husband had been renting out the home and had their last renter had run out on them... they just wanted out.

I went out to visit it and the place was a mess: It smelled horrible, there

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was trash everywhere, holes in walls, grungy bathrooms and the kitchen looked as if somebody had taken a baseball bat to it.

Comps I had run placed the property to be worth about $90,000 in perfect condition, which this home was far from.

The next day I was, again, out of town, however, I faxed them a Purchase Agreement on the home for $37,000, which they accepted on January 22. I promptly called an ad I had seem in a local paper placed by a contractor who purchases homes.

We met at the home and it was right up his alley (he purchases such distressed properties and then "rehabs" them, selling them for a good bit more). I pulled the number $57,000 out of the air as my asking price and he said he'd think about it. Driving back, he called me on my cell phone and offered me $47,000 for the property if we could sign an Assignment contract that day. I accepted his offer and we signed on it only one week after I had first seen the property. He brought the paperwork to his title company, applied for financing and let things move for about a week. And all I did was wait. On February 19 the deal closed and on

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the 21st I received a check from the title company for $10,000! I'm still in absolute awe about this but I cannot wait for the next deal to come around. I must say that I have never come into that much money at one time and never with such a relatively small amount of work on that one particular project. Amazing! Best & Thank You, Ryan Cerchiai Austin, Texas ******************************************** To Joe, After I read your article on "subject to," I decided to run an ad (“I'll Buy Your House in 7 Days or Less or I'll give you $500 cash. Call 330-555-5000 24 Hrs.”) I received 11 calls in 3 days. I only ran the ad one day, and the very first call resulted in a “subject to” deal. The kicker was that Stacey’s grandmother had a 2400 sq. ft. house that she needed to sell because of her age and she wanted to move to a smaller bungalow style home. The home appraised for $167,700.00 and I paid her $125,000.00 cash.

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I didn't want to take a chance of someone else coming in and making her a better offer. (I got the cash from credit cards) I sold it in 5 days for $ 155,000.00 and will close in 10 days from today. So, just because I was so inspired from the things I've read that you have said, I got off my duff and did something and it turned out better than I could have ever dreamed possible! I just want Thank You from the bottom of my heart for your expert advice. Sincerely Jay Walker Massillon, Ohio ******************************************** The best one I did was to purchase a new house in Florida and within a month I sold the house and wrapped the mortgage. I initially put in $3,000 to buy the house. When I wrapped it, I got $10,000 plus and extra $50 each month. Ron Bjork New Durham, New Hampshire ******************************************** Hello Joe,

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Recently, I placed an ad in our local newspaper. It read "I Buy Houses" and had my phone number at the bottom. The ad cost $151.00 per month and is published 7 days a week. The ad was placed starting in June of this year. I received about 4 calls per week from people who were selling and around 3-5 calls per week from people wanting a place to buy or rent. One of the leads produced a 3 bedroom mobile home with a large addition on 8 acres of land. The only repairs needed were cosmetics (paint , elbow grease , etc.) I placed it under contract using a simple Option to Purchase form for $60,000.00. The retail value and price it is on the market for is $72,000.00 The second property is a very large 3 bd. 2 story colonial with attached barn and a mother-in-law apt. (which brings in $700.00 per month) the retail value is $324.000.00. I placed it under contract using a simple Option to Purchase form for $299.000.00. The third property is a waterfront (180') 3bedroom, 3 story house with a finished basement on a 600 acre lake. I cannot describe the views. Retail and market value is $279,900.00. I placed this property under contract using the Option to Purchase form for $260.00.00.

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All three of these deals cost me nothing more than time to look and some talking to the owners. Most of the leads generated by the newspaper ad are worthless, but one good deal pays for everything plus some. I also use business cards, but it’s hard to track the results received from these. Something I recently just started is placing signs on stakes and putting them in places where they won't interfere with heavy traffic, but still get seen by many. I put them out on Friday night and pick them up on Sunday evening. One weekend produced 11 leads. The signs say "I Buy Houses" with my phone number. I have not yet tried owner financing, lease options or “subject to” deals. I'm systematically working down my personal list of creative strategies. So far, success seems to come from just one thing… Stubborn Persistence. Steve Collier Rochester, New Hampshire ******************************************** I have bought property with no money down by using the lease option method. Then I leased the property to someone else for a lease-option purchase. I made about $10,000 using this method.

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Brenda Melstein Tomkins Cove, New York ******************************************** Joe, We purchased a home substantially under market value. The appraisal was $120K and we purchased it for $95K. Unfortunately, we had to put our cash in the deal to obtain a conventional mortgage as I tried terms but the property was part of an estate and the lawyer would not allow it. We currently have an $80K mortgage on the property. We still own the house and are renting it and building equity. I just wish that we had the knowledge that you provide about investing in options at the time we bought. We are now thinking of selling the house and buying others with the equity we have grown. Mark Miller Tucson, Arizona ******************************************** Joe, I believe in all my heart that your stuff works, I called you and it's funny you called me back, that doesn't happen with a lot of other real estate people.

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When you left the message, you left your office and cellular phone number… that impressed me. I haven't yet purchased your course, but I will be soon. I think what really matters for us beginners is step-by-step direction to make with real estate investing. I have bounced ideas that I have learned from your newsletter off a couple of people that are real estate investors and they tell me I sound like a guru, but it is stuff that I have read from you. I can't wait to start the program so I can implement the information and get the income stream going. It doesn't hurt also that we are from the same state. Ryan Hodge Gary, Indiana ******************************************** Hello Joe, I have just started in Real Estate Investment and your newsletter has given me more confidence and knowledge to go out and make deals happen. I also used one of your ads to attract Investors and I was overwhelmed with calls, I had to pull the ad. In terms of attitude and mindset changes, I can see how real estate investing can now be a way to make some extra money in my spare time and I can actually see myself being financial free within a year.

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Thank you for all the advice you have given me. Rudy Rankine Thornhill, Ontario ________________________________________________ Thanks Rudy, but don’t pull the ads, MAKE THE DEALS! You’ve done the hard part… finding the sellers, now put the deals together. Congratulations on putting together the first step, my friend, getting started is the hardest part… just don’t stop when you see success. Rudy is just one more proof that you don’t have to be in the United States to do this program. Canada will work just fine. Joe, At the time I read your original e-book, (360+ pages) I was going through a dramatic life change. I had just relocated from a small Midwest town to a Metro area and had always felt that Real Estate Investing could provide a solid path to professional enjoyment and short and long term financial stability. I just didn't know where to begin. What struck me most was your statement that this process can work the same in any location and in any economy. After reading the e-book, I was convinced that you are a "straight shooter," (heavy

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on instruction and light on hyperbole). Otherwise, I would never have committed to the 26 week program. Just prior to the beginning of the 26 week program, I made the decision to acquire a Real Estate license. During that process I was exposed to much hype and some useful "real-world" information. However, most instructors (that I had) do not invest in real estate, and those who do, haven't been willing to offer up much helpful information. Because of the synergy of your course information and my real estate license, I have the confidence to begin a new and profitable "helping" career in Real Estate. I feel that the combination of sales and investment will more than double my future options. Robert O'Keefe Mounds View, Minnesota Great plan, Robert. The big bonus for you is that, although, many of the leads that you get while trying to find motivated sellers will not be able to sell to you under the terms and price that you need to make a profit, ALL of them want to sell their property… and how convenient… you can list it for them as a real estate agent and make a separate profit stream.

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My name is Roy Hagemyer. I live in a rural part of Arizona… most of Arizona is rural. I started the program about three weeks ago, read all of the books, and started the implementation. First I ran newspaper ads, I really did not expect much response at first, but boy was I surprised when the phone started ringing. I am in the middle of buying my first property and I have several clients in the wings to buy it. But, I also applied Joe's "ugly sign technique" to a property that I recently purchased and renovated. I have more people wanting to buy this property than I can handle. I must admit I was skeptical at first, but I BELIEVE. The program really works. Thanks Joe. Sincerely, Roy Hagemyer Mohave Valley, Arizona Thank you, Roy. I love to hear this stuff… I’m anxious to hear just how much you actually made on your first deal. This makes it all worthwhile for me. Hello Joe,

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I have just started in the business, primarily focusing in flipping and purchase options. Joe's courses and agreement forms are the single largest contributor to me being able to start making appointments and gaining the confidence I need to be successful in this business. The processes learned in the 26 week course are easy to follow and come out to be just like I am finding out in real life. If I can do it with very little free time on my hands, so can you. Right, Joe? Thanks, Billy R. (John) Johnson Arlington, Texas That’s what I’ve been trying to tell them, Billy… for the past 3 years! But does anybody believe me?! Does anybody listen? … just joking… obviously a few people did. I’m glad you did and I’m glad you took the risk and signed up. That goes for everyone who has worked with me. Joe, I enjoy reading your e-mail newsletters when I get them. I think you are very

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eloquent and have a great/dynamic attitude. We purchased our first of, hopefully, many investment homes for less than market value. We were able to find a motivated seller through networking with other real estate agents (my husband's a licensed agent). The house needed some (cosmetic) work and was on the market for a long time (about 6 months). We found out that the seller was not going to be able to pay her real estate taxes that were due in May. The house was initially listed with a local real estate at $379,000. They had dropped the price twice down to ultimately $340,000. We went into contract, purchasing the house for $317,000. The house, in better condition, would have been worth around the original asking price. We went for conventional financing through a bank. With 4 people, we qualified easily. We all have good credit. We did a 75/15/10 piggyback loan, so we only had to lay out a total of 10% down (2.5% each). We got a great rate (7.125%) with rebates on our closing costs, and didn't have to pay any PMI because of the second mortgage. Prices in my marketplace have continued to rise constantly and significantly. We did the cosmetic work (new carpeting, painting, refinishing of the hard wood floors, cleaning, and outside debris

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removal, in addition to some very minor repairs), and the house is currently on the market for $439,000. We expect the house to realistically be sold in the $420's. We are currently projected to make about $55,000 (total, not each) assuming the house only sold for $400,000. I'm looking for our next investment now. Dawn Ruffini Commack, New York Who says you can’t do this in high end, rapidly appreciating markets? Way to go, Dawn. Joe, To be honest, I don't think that you need to change much of anything about your course. The materials have been great and even though I haven't taken much advantage of you through email and phone calls, the offer from you has been there. The materials have been so straightforward that I haven't needed much more. Mark Fesser St. Charles, Missouri ********************************************

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After being recommended to Joe Crump via an internet site, although I am based in the UK, I decided to sign up to his regular newsletter. In reading the literature that I got regularly from Joe, it opened my eyes to the possibility of alternative ways of buying property. Within a short while of discovering that you could set up deals with no money down etc., my wife discovered a house she really wanted. (We weren't planning to move at this point!) She dragged me along to look at it and it was a very nice house! 3 bed detached, with a garage (at last!) and plenty of potential. The only trouble was that it was priced around £10k higher than we could afford. We made an offer at around £7k less than the asking price, but then decided to withdraw it because it was going to be too tight to afford. I went round to tell them, fully expecting to be shouted out of the house because they really wanted to move out of the area. However, in conversation, we talked about the property market and how it was taking off and I happened to mention that I was keeping our old house to rent out. We talked a bit more, and I realized that the guy was really interested in buying property to let, (and I thought that Joe Crump wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this!) so I offered the possibility for

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him to invest in our property, so we could share the rental income. Guess what - he went for it! He offered to buy a 30% stake in our old house, so he could get 30% of the income, and we got an effective 30% reduction in the property of our new house! Well, it all worked, we are now in our new house (costing loads less than market value), we have 70% of the rental income from our old house, and the vendor has a steady stream of income from property for the first time! He is so excited, he is looking for a property that we can buy together with the split the other way round, i.e. 70% income to him and 30% to me! Thank you Joe Crump for opening my mind to the possibility! Eric Morse-Brown Stourbridge, England. West Midlands, UK Thank you, Eric, for that very encouraging letter. I get a lot of folks who ask if these techniques will work in the UK and other places overseas and in the free world. Even though most of my clients are in the US, I have folks using my system successfully in Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Italy, Spain, Ireland and

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Pakistan. Outside the US, some of the terms that I use are different from local terms for the same thing. It is easy to get a translation, but you will need to talk to a local real estate professional or attorney. Most property laws in the free world originated in 16th Century England, so the process is basically the same everywhere. Joe's newsletters over the months have stressed (amongst other things) the need for deals to stack up monetarily. I have investigated several potential deals over the last three months that I have not completed, having been warned by Joe's teachings that they all had fundamental flaws for my purposes, thus saving me considerable expense and heartache. Dean Sole Wellington, New Zealand ____________________________________________ Another story from overseas, but this one is an interesting reversal. Sometimes it really does make since NOT to do a deal. After all, this isn’t about doing deals, it’s about making money! I’m glad my advice saved you from making a big mistake… I wish I had been around for to give myself advice in my early years.

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Maybe I wouldn’t have made so many stupid mistakes. ;-) I felt this next letter was worth including because so many of us can relate to exactly what Robert is talking about. This is not a statement about success - this is a statement about procrastination, fear, and what it has probably cost me so far. I have been subscriber to Mr. Crump's e-zine for almost a year now. I have read (and printed for personal use - eventually) each one I have received. I have also looked at what other "Professionals" have touted. This man is the only one making any sense. Everyone sounds alike and seem to be very gimmicky. They base their "programs" around one technique that they think no one else is using. Mr. Crump, at least from his e-zine, is covering all of the angles. Mr. Crump is the only one that I know of that you could actually FIND if you wish to. He gives you his business address and phone number. I feel sorry for his receptionist. This, and a short, frank bio of himself puts a very real person behind his products. No one else places themselves as part of the product. I hope to actually

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get to have this man work with me one day... When I get over my fear of being stuck with a bunch of properties I could never sell, if I ever get my credit in order, and overcome the fear of not getting deals because I am black. This is an odd fear to state, but a very real one for someone of my age (35). It is also odd being that I am just beginning as a Preacher for Jesus (Baptist Minister - but don't call me Reverend yet (Deacon will do, LOL). In the market that I am in (Phoenix Metro Area), I have concluded that my procrastination may have cost me upwards to $50,000, a lot of free (and study time), the ability to leave this career that has dead ended me, pay down my personal debt (I estimate the total to be around $60,000 lifetime), and help my Church. And that amount climbs each day! One day real soon I will get it together and get rolling (I do have a lot going on right now). I know convincing my wife may be difficult (although I do have ultimate say, I find it better for harmony's sake), but once she sees the upside, she'll agree. As you see, this testimony is about what one loses when you when you let fear, procrastination, and life take hold of you.

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This testimony is about what you lose if you don't let Joe Crump help you secure the future for you and yours. Dec. Robert Smith Jr. Phoenix, Arizona ________________________________________________ Thank you for those words of wisdom, Robert. Someone with your calling… who is constantly looking within… who is constantly looking to better themselves and the people and the world around them, is someone who would understand fear and procrastination and the negative impact it can have on your life. I applaud you for “stepping up to the plate” and using your example and the lessons you’ve learned from it as a lesson for others. So now… get off your butt and get started. ;-) ________________________________________________ Hello Joe, This testimonial will not be quite what you expected as I have not put your course into practice . . . I have many "good" excuses but the bottom-line is my 'procrastination' (among all the 'excuses') has resulted in me finding myself in the humble and embarrassing position of being out of a job and calling upon friends to help me with day-to-day needs for survival.

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I sincerely do not believe I would be in this position today if I had only 'listened' to you through the materials and guidance you offer in your course and taken 'action'!!! I do have previous experience as a real estate broker (I have been out of the business for 7 years) and can honestly say that your course is not only for the novice but for the experienced investor/sales person as well!!! However, I am living proof that no matter what your experience level is -- it doesn't do you one bit of good if you don't take what is offered to you in this course and put it into action. Some of "us" will study something 'to no end' trying to get it down to 'perfection' but never actually accomplish anything -- while those who really succeed are those who learn enough to 'jump-in the deep end' and 'make something happen' (while continuing to learn as they go). Your course offers anyone who is interested in real estate every tool to be successful . . . but you can't do it for them . . . at some point it is up to each of us to take that step and make something better of our lives and the lives of those we love!!! John Dowling Baton Rouge, LA

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I wish I’d written that. Thanks John… I appreciate your comments. And by the way… there’s no time like the present to get going… I think someone more clever than me called it, the “Paralysis of Analysis.” You can spend so much time and effort analyzing that you never DO anything. ______________________________________________ I have purchased Mr. Crump's materials and it has truly changed my life. My sister and I started a Real Estate Investment company and the information Joe gives us is incredible. He breaks it all the way down and you can't help but understand. He lays it out piece by piece and tells you what to say and how to act in all situations. We have not purchased a property yet, but we have all the players lined up and ready to go. We have even found (thanks to Joe's program) people to loan us money to buy properties with no credit checks and even damaged credit. They have told me to find the property and not to worry about the money, just find the deals. We will start buying properties and rehabbing them with OPM and selling them for great profits. The deals we are looking at have at least a $20,000 profit margin. I have read many, many real estate programs and this is by

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far the best and most understandable and workable that I have found. You can really do it, it will take some effort on your part, but it is amazing how the pieces start to fall in place. Highly recommended. Kirk Allen Southfield, Michigan I admire the fact that you are getting the ball rolling. It is a major hurdle and far and above what most of the folks reading your words have done. But I’d like to make a few comments… You don’t have to use lenders to do zero down deals. In fact, I think it is a mistake in most situations. You also don’t have to make $20k for a deal to be worthwhile. What if you only made $3k, but did deals more often and with more predictability and consistency? Don’t get me wrong… what you are doing is a great start, but focus on putting a deal together with seller financing or wholesaling deals to investors like I show you in my book. You don’t need credit or downpayment money if you do it that way. You are also substantially less exposed… you have no risk to your cash or your credit with deals like mine. Thanks Kirk. ________________________________________________ I have "studied" (attempted) many programs related to real estate investing. Joe

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Crump's puts it in an easy to understand, week-by-week, step-by-step progression that has really opened my eyes (and my husband's as well!) to how simple this can really be, if you just put some action to it. Now, to be honest with you, I have not made a deal yet; however, I am one who likes to savor the process and take baby steps, really feel comfortable with what I am doing..... Joe has made me feel this way, just by being able to email my questions and get them answered on the conference calls. I have loved every minute of it. When I am not able to make the conference calls, he has them posted on the “members only” web site the next day to listen to....I recently emailed Joe and told him… "Joe...I really believe in you and your system...I feel it in my heart that you are really out to help others, not just yourself and that commitment comes thru :-)) Thank you for all of your hard work and is a pleasure working with you. :-) Briana" ......enuf said :-) Joe is not paying me to advertise for him, but I am doing it anyways!!! His program is one of the best around and he sincerely cares that people succeed.

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Briana Weaver Evansville, Indiana Thanks Birana… I’ve got a secret for you… it is as much for me as it is for you… especially with folks like you around. Thanks. ________________________________________________ Joe, Ever since I first entered your website and read your remarks about yourself, you struck me as a very down-to-earth type of person. And basically, for no good reason other than my guts, I felt that your statements had the ring of honesty. Therefore I decided to sign up for your free newsletter (although I had just bled out myself financially, spending an enormous chunk of my money for another highly publicized seminar of another "millionaire maker"). I also checked out your (trial version of the) credit repair course. And next month (October) I will be able to buy it! Actually, after reading the first chapter I already started creating a flyer as well as a marketing email to find other people, whom I can help by providing them this type of information! And since I know that I'm only a few months short of having enough money saved up again to buy your course material, Joe,

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I started already to collect addresses of possible "motivated" property owners in my county again (and am searching public records for all their information, too)!!! I'm very excited about the prospect of being taught whatever you know, and to learn everything "hands on" directly from you! Conny Wolfram Sherman Oaks, California When Conny gets my book, it will become evident that there are easier ways to find motivated sellers. I am very pleased that you are moving forward, Conny, very few people EVER get as far as you have already gone. But don’t beat your head against the wall doing things that don’t optimize your time and effort. The right knowledge will make all the difference and the feeling of success you get by doing the correct things will give you motivation to continue ________________________________________________ Hello Joe, I heard about a house for sale from a lawyer friend. I wanted something big, special, with a quiet neighborhood, good schools, etc. He said his friend was paying the mortgage on his prior home at the same time paying the mortgage on his new home with his second wife. His teenage children were

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still living in the first house, but not paying for anything. MOTIVATED SELLER! I found that the house was HUGE, with 10 bedrooms, five bathrooms, and large rooms throughout. The 19' by 43' in-ground pool was neglected, with nasty water which had fish and debris in it. The grass was five feet high, except for the high spots, where it was seven feet high. There were vehicles all over. The house was situated next to a park, on a very quiet street, with great schools. There is a lake behind the yard, and a walk-out basement, partially finished. I asked about the seller taking back a mortgage, and the lawyer friend said that the seller wanted to hold some paper for tax purposes. I arranged for a $50,000 second mortgage before I even closed and had the seller hold the rest of the purchase price with a thirty year amortization and a five-year balloon. The house shot up in value, from $80,000 to $350,000+, in less than five years. Too bad that I gave it to my ex-wife when we split. John Rosko Somerset, New Jersey Well John, what can I say… that had to hurt.

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You found a great property and you figured out how to make it work. You also got extremely lucky on the value increase… which is rare, even in places like New York and California. When I first started in the business, that was the kind of market I was dealing with in Los Angeles (where I was living at the time). I could make any buy and it would be profitable because the market was so good. I later discovered (in the most painful way possible) that you can’t count on the market… you have to learn how to buy good deals and you have to know how to recognize a good deal when you see it. I hope you get back on the “horse” and try it again, John. You know that real estate can be very profitable from first hand experience. ________________________________________________ Joe, I have "dabbled" in real estate since 1983 but I never considered myself to be an investor. I used to think that we were "stuck" with our properties because we'd have to pay capital gains taxes with money that we might not have. How did we get "stuck" with properties? Whenever we moved to a new state due to employment, we bought property rather than rent. When we had to move, we'd rent out the property. This process left my husband and

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I with properties in four states. After the first two weeks of the course, I realized that we might have an option to "make money" with existing property and not have to worry about traveling back and forth to all our properties. I called Joe to explain my situation and he helped me understand my options. Since I needed time to work with my tax accountant, I was able to find "rent with option to buy" tenants while I looked for someone who could sell me a better property without any money. To make a long story short, I was able to do a 1031 exchange with seller financing at 6% financing, find a new tenant with a long term lease and walk away with $10,000 cash that we desperately needed for my son's college tuition. We chose to keep this property because we want to move to California when we retire. Last month, we sold another property to a former tenant. My husband and I chose not to purchase another property since we needed the cash. Our capital gains tax were small and we are the lender for this property! We have two other properties that were difficult to rent and we would have lost money if we tried to sell it. By using the "Lease Option" method, the properties are rented! The confidence that I have gained from Joe's course provides me with the skill that I needed to turn our former properties into great rental income. Our

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next step is to focus on looking for more rental properties in the Twin Cities. We still have a LOT to learn and we want to move slowly. Right now, we enjoy learning and fixing our properties but soon we'll focus on our retirement and look at investing rather than being landlords. Thanks Joe! Sharen Arakaki Burnsville, Minnesota Good job, Sharen. You guys took what you thought was a liability and turned them into excellent assets. By the way, did you know that you could have 1031 exchanged your property and still taken out the cash? The price of the property is what counts… it doesn’t matter if there is a mortgage on the property. So you could have sold the property, bought another one using the 1031 exchange process and then refinanced the new property and pulled out ALL of your cash. Doing it this way, you would have no capital gains tax to pay. Pretty cool process. ________________________________________________ Dear Joe, I am a Realtor, but that certainly isn't the same as being an investor. Several years ago where there were many “no approval” assumptions around.

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I purchased 2 different houses, one with $8,000 equity and one with $5,000 equity. My commission on each of them secured the property (Joe’s note: She used her real estate commission as a down payment), and the seller carried a second owner note on the rest of the equity. These homes were not on the market with any Realtor. I only cleaned, painted and mulched these properties. I resold them again as a “no approval” assumption with $25,000 in equity, carrying an owner second myself for $10,000 for one year. I am VERY MOTIVATED TO BE A PART OF YOUR GROUP. THIS IS WHAT I REALLY WANT TO DO. MONEY IS VERY TIGHT DUE TO FAMILY MEDICAL PROBLEMS AND MY HUSBAND IS ON DISABILITY. I am in the process of checking out investment clubs here in Houston, Texas, but my husband is very much against spending money I don't have. Our 401k has been sinking to next to nothing. I AM READY TO GET STARTED FOR REAL!!!!!! Thank You, Karen Reese Spring, Texas Way to go, Karen. Once you get your first taste of the profits and the ease of doing real estate deals, it stays with you forever. Unfortunately, the “no qualifying” assumption loans that were available in the 80’s are no longer viable. Even if

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you find one still floating around out there… there is usually too much equity in the property to get easy financing. I hope you can join us in the program soon, Karen. You have my best wishes. ________________________________________________ Hi Joe, From the newsletter I have been able to change the way I look at money, life, and real estate investing. By expanding my context on life and realizing that there is more out there for me, I am on my way to expanding my content. I have recently purchased a R.E.O. property about $15K below market. While fixing the house up, we have had a lot of interest in the house both from people wanting to rent and to buy. By reading your newsletters, I have been learned how to research, buy, and eventually sell the house. This is going to the first of many houses for me. The best part is that I get to make some money, have fun, and help someone else not as fortunate get into a nice home that they other wise wouldn't be able to get into. The neighbors also seem happy that the house is being cleaned up and will help to bring up their property values. This is just a WIN-WIN-WIN situation.

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I have also been able to help out others by teaching them some of the things I have learned so that they can better their lives also. This growing and expanding my context is AWESOME! I am not only able to help myself and my family, but I am also able to help out others. I may not be a millionaire (yet), but I am able to help myself and others and we can grow and help each other on the way. Thanks Joe and keep up the great newsletters. Adam Hoopes Idaho Falls, Idaho Thank you for those great insights, Adam. It’s nice to see someone who gets it. It’s great to solve our own problems, and it’s hard to help others before you get your own act together, but it is better still to, ultimately, be able to give back (or like that movie says… “Pay it forward”). Intent, why you do what you do, makes all the difference. We are currently looking for a our own home and although we have not made money investing in real estate using the information we got from Joe Crump, we are using the check sheets he provided for the homes we are looking at.

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I believe we have actually saved ourselves a very Great Deal of bad headaches because we have simply been going through the checklist (Inventory) sheets and not just going in with the emotions of buying a home and all the excitement that can get people into trouble. Thanks so much, Joe, for the information you put out for the helping of others. Cathy Junior Orem, Utah ******************************************** I am a successful Realtor in Florida. I found Joe Crump's e-mail one day and ordered his books. He is a knowledgeable and creative person and I will use many of his methods in my practice of real estate to help others as well as myself. Thank you, Joe. Ed Pudleiner Marco Island, Florida ******************************************** A technique that I have been using to accumulate property without a large down payment is to find other creative ways to come up with the money.

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My last deal, I simply offered a few thousand more for the property - the seller helped with most of the closing costs, and the price was still priced reasonably. Rose Williams Woodbridge, Virginia Thanks for that note, Rose. In real estate investing it’s all about NEGOTIATION. You just have to know how to negotiate and what to negotiate. Hello Joe, I used your ideas to purchase rental property for my in-laws with no money down. Juanita Herron Grand Prairie, Texas ________________________________________________ It works, doesn’t it, Juanita? Joe has made it possible for me to spend more time with my son. By using his tips from the newsletter. I have started my own online business. Laura Johnson Splendora, Texas

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In my opinion, that is the best reward from all of this. I love working at home…. on my own schedule and with no boss except my own desire to succeed. The beauty of this mindset is that it doesn’t have to be real estate investing. There are lots of ways to make money. I happen to like real estate investing and my online business the most, but there are lots of people who do it “their” way. If you’ve got the mindset, the entrepreneurial spirit and the will to take action, you will succeed. Congratulations, Laura…. I know your son thanks you for it. Hello Joe, My first exposure with real estate came about 3 years ago when my wife and I went to a seminar on purchasing tax deed properties and tax lien properties. At the end of the seminar they had us so fired up that we purchased their materials. At the time I was a little hesitant because the materials cost about $800, but we were at a time and place in our lives that we wanted something different… I know there are others out there that feel the same way! We wanted to stop the 9-5 mentality. Wake up and go to work, come home have dinner and get ready to go to work again. Day in and day out.....I could go on but I don't want to depress you.

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Anyway, we committed ourselves to this program and really dug in. We did our homework and contacted our local Treasurer in our county. We decided to stay local even though this program could be utilized throughout the country. We requested a current list of "tax deed" properties that were currently delinquent and heading towards auction. Basically, the way this program works is that every county collects property taxes. When taxes are not paid, counties will auction off those back taxes and penalties. The beauty of it is that the auction starts at that amount. We got the list and started to drive around and look at those properties. There were a ton! I could not believe how many there were and also that this happens every year! We found 5 properties that WE felt were worth going after. Now it is a waiting game because the property owners have until the day of the auction to "redeem" or pay off their properties. Auction Day: We arrive at the courthouse, the auction takes place on the courthouse steps. To my surprise there are only about 15 people there. We all take our places and wait for the auction to begin. The treasurer of the county gets up to the microphone and begins to list off the properties that have been redeemed.

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3 are on our list, so now we are down to 2 that are still available and are actually going to go to auction. My heart is pounding, I'm a competitive guy and I don't like to lose so I am scouting out the competition and trying to guess what they are after. I will backtrack just a little here to say that prior to going to the auction we went and made sure we had access to funds to pay for any properties that we might get. That is one trick to this game is that you must have the cash the day of the auction to acquire the properties. O.K. back to the auction. The auctioneer begins with property #1, #2 and so on...... until we get to the first property that we are interested in. By the way, there were only 3 people that were actively bidding out of the 15. We were one of them, so our competition was 2 people. The others were either just curious and watching or maybe neighbors. I don't know and didn't really care! We put our hand up for our property to get the first bid. The property was a bare piece smack dab in the middle of a residential community in my local town. It was in between 2 other homes. To my disbelief we had no competition. No one else bid against us! We got the first property for $7,500. Now I'm really nervous. We just spent $7,500 that we didn't have. We borrowed the money. Of course we could afford to make the payments, but it was still scary.

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O.K… now to the second property. This property was again bare land. It was located in an upscale neighborhood that actually overlooked a lake. It was a sloped lot, but in our research we learned that it was buildable and the home next to it was built on the same lot. Anyway, the bidding began and once again we bid. Then the guy across the way put up his hand, immediately my blood began to race, remember I don't like to lose!! So, I gave him a "look" and raised my hand to bid higher. This went on for quite a while. I was getting tired of raising my hand. The bidding began at $10,000....... we finally won the bidding war at $15,500! So, now we got both properties that we went for. I could not believe it. All of a sudden we had spent $23,000!!!! And we worry and argue over spending too much at the grocery store!!! I know this is a long story but you were right, I'm reliving the experience and can't stop typing. We immediately called our Realtor and had her put the properties up for sale. There are some small things we had to do prior to that but I'll stick with the guts of the story. We put the first property up for sale for $17,500. Remember, we paid $7,500 for it. And we put the second property up for sale for $45,000, we paid $15,500. We arrived at those prices through advice from our agent and similar properties nearby.

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We received our first offer on the first property in TWO DAYS!!! I was so happy. I couldn't believe it was working. It seemed too easy. And to top it off, the buyer didn't haggle, just offered what we asked. We jumped on it and accepted the offer. Took the money and gave it back to the bank to pay off our loan or pay it down. I can't remember, but we got somewhere around $14k for the property after all was said and done, paying fees etc... Doubling your money in two days was very exciting. I was so jacked...... So on to property #2. It is still for sale. Has been on the market for 2 years now going on 3. We know that it will sell and the Realtor is very confident that it will. It is just in a higher class neighborhood on a sloped lot that would require the buyer to build a upscale home. The home next to our property is currently for sale for $600,000 to give you an idea. But I did learn a lesson from that. I will probably stay away from those types of properties in the future. I prefer to not sit on them for 2-3 years or longer. I will focus on those residential lots. Anyway that is my story. I went to last years auction in the same county and there were not any viable properties to pursue so I didn't have any activity. I'm sold on real estate as an investment, it is very exciting and I really enjoy the research and reward that it brings.

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Regards, Dane Wilson Great story, Dane. Tax sales can be very profitable if you have the cash to work with and you know what you are doing. One thing to remember with all types of auctions or cash sales… your risk is much higher. If you don’t have a firm grasp on what you are doing, you can lose money… which is something you won’t do using my no money down techniques. I don’t want to be a downer here, because what you did is extraordinary… fantastic actually, but if luck had been a little different and you had only purchased the property that you couldn’t sell… you would still be stuck with a loss on your books and your enthusiasm for investing would be much lower. To everyone else who is reading this, I want to make one more comment. Tax sales are different in every state, so the experience and procedure that Dane went through would not necessarily be the same for you. ________________________________________________ Hi Joe, I am learning from your e-mails & now feel comfortable down at the county recorder’s office. Thanks for your insight. I plan on helping my son purchase his first home with this new information. Cynthia Krawczyk

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Panama City, FL ******************************************** Joe, I am not really in the real estate business, but I have been using your advice mostly to learn selling techniques that I can apply. I manufacture and sell finishing material for the construction industry and some of your techniques have helped me a lot. Besides I pass your advice to many of my friends and family members. Thank you a lot for all your advice. Andres Javier Martinez Farias Laredo, Texas I love this letter because it shows such insight. I do the same thing everyday by looking at every other business around me. I look at how they do business and what gives them a marketing edge. Ultimately, all business is about marketing. If you take my course, you will walk away with an understanding of marketing that will serve you in ANY business that you do in the future. Take me for an example… I was able to go from real estate investing into Internet marketing…. seamlessly…. because I use the same marketing techniques on the

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Internet that I have used for years (and continue to use) in real estate. Thanks Andres. Hello Joe, I make a good salary and have a fulfilling job, but I really want financial independence. Due to my wife's extended and expensive illness 4 years ago we filed bankruptcy. Also, we have 4 kids and 2 (twins) just entered college - big financial drain. So I don't have much money or credit to do much with. Your readings have helped motivate me to work on a business plan (my MBA is showing) to enter real estate investing and investigate all the opportunities/pitfalls in my local area. I feel I have the opportunity outlined and I am currently working on the fleshing out the risk management issues. I am saving to help fund my startup and hope to get other investors so I can ramp up more quickly. Thanks for your help and consideration. Joe Mitchell Maumelle, Arkansas I’m very glad that my newsletter got you thinking. I also respect the fact that you have an MBA. Education can certainly give you an edge. But, respectfully, it can also

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give you a skewed picture of how the business world really works. Because of your education, there may be a very important point that you are missing. In my experience, you don’t have to wait until you build up a bunch of capital for a start up business. This is truly a business that can be started on a shoestring and the most important asset that you need is your mind, the right knowledge, and the determination to stick with it. If you just stick with it long enough to see one deal come together, you will be so jazzed by the money you made and the ease with which you made it, that you will be hooked for life. This next section is a little different than the previous comments. I receive short comments everyday from folks who are using my systems and reading my course. Here are excerpts from what they have to say about the program and the materials. If you are serious, this is a great place to start... even if you know nothing. Mike Nelson Duncan, OK ******************************************** Well written and explained in great detail. Still worth buying at double the cost. Nice to find someone honest &

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willing to share their ideas and what has worked for them. Danny Pollock McLean, VA ******************************************** This is a good program with solid information. Audie Medrano Rowlett, TX ******************************************** I'm very pleased. It is worded in a way anyone can understand and use to succeed. When you buy the program, it may seem expensive, but it's really a small investment for starting your own business. In a very short amount of time, you earn over and above what you paid for the books. There is a lot of valuable info and a lot of earning potential. People throw millions of dollars away on the lottery for a chance to live a better life. The methods in these books have been proven successful over and over. Laura Rincon Riverside, CA ********************************************

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There is a wealth of information in all the material I have invested in and I am very pleased with the material. I know that this is the perfect business for me, I also wanted to help my children and possibly get them started in the real estate business. Frankie S. Kozielski Spring Branch, TX ******************************************** If you question buying because you have been ripped off before, or if what you bought didn't help because you didn't work hard at it, then look no further. If you want to be rich and not lift a finger or WORK to get there, then I wouldn't waste time on Joe's course. Only buy if you are serious... Sorry Joe, but I believe you would agree. (Joe's note: I absolutely agree!) I would like to thank you, Joe, for being an honest guy, someone not out to make a quick buck off everyone. We all want to be well off, but truth and honesty is the only way to get repeat customers. Again, thank you. Nathan Smith Logansport, Indiana

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******************************************** The things you'll learn in this course easily make it worth 10 times the price. Even if you don't use it to invest in Real Estate, you can apply these principals to purchase a home for your residence or a bigger home if you already own a home. Damon Dill Chester, Pennsylvania ******************************************** It (the ebook) is down to earth and practical. Dale Connaghan Nanaimo, BC Canada ******************************************** There's a lot of useful information here. Jack Huerta Beaverton, Oregon ******************************************** Thanks Joe! I started reading and could not put it down! AJ Romyn Kearns, Utah

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******************************************** I am very pleased with both products... the Real Estate Course and the Clean Your Credit Course. A small investment in yourself now will pay off hundreds or thousands of times when it has improved your self-esteem and made you a more productive individual by learning and applying what is in these courses. Christopher T. Larson Arlington, Texas ******************************************** I am very pleased with the product. Your manual gives all the groundwork you need to get your Real Estate business up and running. For someone like me, who had no experience with real estate, it was a blessing to be able to follow easy, no nonsense steps. If you are thinking about getting Joe’s program, go for it... it is worth the money. If you are willing to put the work and effort that is required in following the system, you will make the money back that you invested in no time. The sky is the limit after that. What stood out for me is that this system is just that, a system.

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I've heard horror stories of other programs that give you a lot of facts, but no true way to get your business up and rolling. As a beginner, a system is crucial for your success. Gareth Tovey Alberta, Canada ******************************************** Your program really explains what and how to start in great detail. I thought the price was very inexpensive considering there are so many "competing" programs out there. The information provided is well worth the money and is a great starting point for those who are just getting into this business. Tony Valdez Boise, Idaho ******************************************** Nuts and bolts of real estate investing. No fluff, includes all needed forms and checklists. Bob Underwood Yuma, Arizona ********************************************

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This material has very good instructions that other courses fail to mention. Christopher M Burton Kissimmee, Florida ******************************************** Very simple steps. This is what I look for in a guide. I would rather have 10 pages of meat than 100 pages of fluff. Your guide is (a lot) more than 10 pages, but it is full of meat. Troy Warren Cave Creek, Arizona ******************************************** It is well worth the investment. Knowledge in business is key and there is plenty of it in this book. Louis Zagaris Plymouth, New Hampshire ******************************************** Buy it! Merry Oman Dana Point, California ********************************************

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Follow your dreams and start here by investing in yourself. Dawn Grosvenor Rockwall, Texas ******************************************** I've found a great deal of useful information in this book. I am using the offer/counteroffer forms, and tips on what makes a good property. I'll be buying my first rental within the next month. Jim Hoffman Carmichael, California ******************************************** Great value for the money. I particularly found the complete FILLED IN and EXPLAINED contracts helpful to understanding the subtleties involved. This book series holds your hand and guides it. You get the reasoning, the method, and the tools in simple-to-understand language and an almost cook-book plain series of steps to follow. Steve McCurdy

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Houston, Texas ******************************************** I would definitely consider this book if I wanted to get off to an immediate start in real estate investing. I would recommend the book to anybody that wants a real-world, how-to on beginning real estate investing. Steven M. Hunter Jacksonville, Florida ******************************************** Buy it, it is very informative. Felicia V. Clayton Farmington, Michigan ******************************************** The price you set was cheap, but the correspondence from you has been priceless. Just buy it... you'll find it valuable... and if you don't, Joe guarantees it! John Hartl Rapid City, Michigan ********************************************

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I am very excited. Its order, accuracy and clarity, make me think it is reliable. The price is not comparable with the knowledge and the benefits it can bring. Olga Giraldo Albuguerque, New Mexico ******************************************** EASY TO FOLLOW, STEP-BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS. Eddie Gonzales Palo Alto, California ******************************************** I'm enjoying your well written, well thought out material. Peter Starr Thousand Oaks, California ******************************************** Hi Joe, I haven't talked to you before, but I read Vol 3 Issue 76 (of the newsletter) today and I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. It was a refreshing email and made me pause to think about where I am going with my life.

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I have been an income property voyeur for two years now mostly with creonline and other e-zines. I have never felt that I could put anything into action. Your email made me realize that I have wasted the past two years hoping and dreaming and not acting. I know you are busy but I thought you would like to know. I know I would be good at managing my properties and acquiring new ones. My biggest obstacle is getting started. I'm sure you hear that a lot. I will be more proactive because of you letter. Thank you again. Lisa Wille Phoenix, Arizona PS - You should paint once a month for an inspiring letter like that! ******************************************** Joe, I have had your manuals for some time and actually just read them last week. To me they are the easiest to follow and best put together real estate package on how to get started and practices to follow I have read. I appreciate the information provided. I do have a question for you if possible. How do you go about insuring your rental properties. Do you put them in a large

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commercial package or have individual policies with escrow's. Currently I have ten properties and am looking at ten to fourteen more. Therefore, I have started adding up the insurance costs and looking for alternatives to the State Farm policies I have now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tim Stauffer Overland Park, Kansas ******************************************** Yes, the download is working just fine. Thanks for your help getting it set up. I really enjoy this book. I could not open it on the ship. I'm back in San Diego, and I'm going to study your book and sign up for your coach program. I've learned more from reading your book, than many of the other gurus out there. Robert Ozment and I work together. Robert wants to use the book to help purchase his Second house. I want to get into the real estate investor business. From much research, It seems to me, you are the best of the best. And your course is not the price of a house. I look forward to having you as my coach.

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The C is for Caring, the O is for opportunity, A is for accountable, C is for confident, and H is for Habit. Take Care, Charles E. Piggee & Robert Ozment Alpine, California ******************************************** Hi Joe, I can't thank you enough for taking the time from your busy schedule to answer those questions for me. It's really nice to know that you take a genuine interest in the respective plight of your students as they proceed through your course material. Thanks again! Best Regards, Steve Mirabella Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey ******************************************** Recommend highly. Steven Groom Abingdon, Maryland ******************************************** The main reason I bought the book was as an investment in my future. More people I

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know have made their fortune from real estate and I wanted to do the same. But first I needed to know how to do it and that's where your book helped. Timothy Brockdorf Agoura Hills, California ******************************************** The information is great for a beginner like me. I felt like it was telling me the ins and outs of the business. I'm excited to get going and make things happen for me and your information makes me feel like it can happen. Laura Downer Provo, Utah ******************************************** If your going to get involved in real estate you need the right info, and this is what I was looking for. To make money in real estate you need to talk to someone who knows how to do it, and can tell you in plain and simple language. Sherry Guarnieri Monroe, North Carolina ********************************************

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Keeping in mind that I have also purchased some Carlton Sheets products, I think this product is worth the price and is a good investment for someone who has not had any informational/education programs in real estate. I found Carlton Sheets to be very good, but there is so much information its very hard to find an "easy", step by step starting point - one of the deciding factors for me keeping this ebook was the fact that you offer a follow up, step by step “getting started” series to help jump start the "newbie". Pam Titus Hallsville, Missouri ____________________________________________ Here is a new one. I’m going to keep adding them as they come in. ____________________________________________ Hi Joe, Truly, I’m grateful to you and your program for bringing a great change in my life. I came to this country 2 years ago and I knew what I wanted. I contemplated on going into buying and selling cars through auctions, then stocks and then I decided to become a real estate investor.

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That’s when I went out and became a real estate agent. Then I bought one of those real estate program we see advertised on TV. It got my feet wet all right, but to tell you the truths all the talk and hype about assumable loans was nice and flowery but obsolete. I found that to be true only when I started making offers. I was rummaging through the internet looking for something better and then, out of a few dozens programs, I picked yours and said I’ll give it a try. I thought the program was very expensive, but believe me, you were sold when you took your time explaining to me the benefits of your program. My first deal went down the drain. It was a mix of feelings of happiness and sadness together. I failed to do my research and that cost me the deal. But I learned and my next deal was within a few days after my first stressful one. I did like you said in your books… hang the signs and run the ads. I didn’t have enough money from my job to do both, so I ran the ads. “A cash offer for your house in 24hrs.” The phone was inundated with calls day after day. Average 3 calls a day more than anyone can handle. This is how I did it.

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I picked up a property where the seller wanted to get rid of it due to a renter that had defaulted for over 6 months. We signed a purchase agreement and the next day. I hung an advertisement in one of the local stores in the same area where my house was. That was it. The purchase agreement tied up the property for a month but I found a buyer one day from signing it. I netted $3000 from that deal. More than a licensed agent will ever make on a $12,000 property. I was worried about selling it and afraid that the term of the contract would expire, but the property sold itself. When the seller responded to my ad, I wrote down the details over the phone (seller questionnaire form) and we set an appointment to meet at the property. We met and that’s when the downplaying on the property began. He didn’t need me to tell him that his property was in need of extensive rehab. And I think it would have been rude and killed the deal if I had said, “your property is very ugly and needs a lot of repair. “ Thanks to your inspection form, I started writing down what the property needed, he looked at me curiously and that’s when psychologically his mind set was beginning to change.

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That was the implicit weapon I used and will always use. Always take notes as if trying to figure out the repairs. Over the phone he was asking for $20,000, but by the time I was done with the inspection, he had reduced the price down to $12,000. The prospective buyer was very happy to buy this property for $15,000. I only wish I had asked for more than $3000. He didn’t even try to lower my asking price. All in all the property needed $15,000 in repair and once repaired it would sell for $65,000. I found my next deal through a Realtor. This one I am buying cash and closing is this week. But to tell you the truth I am kicking my self for throwing all my cash into one property. I was driving around and I spotted this one. It didn’t take much to know that it was for sale. One, it was vacant and had shrubbery around it was enough evidence that it was not tended to. I contacted the listing broker (listing price $49,900), I offered $47,000 cash. They counter offered at full asking price. I ran the comps and came up with one sold for $86,000… sold in 12 days.

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I did the math and I figured it would need max. $10,000 in repairs. I called the inspector and he gave me a very comprehensive report. I faxed it to the listing Realtor and requested a reduction on the price. I’m buying it for $45,000. I never imagined they would reduce it, but it worked. For this property I’m going to put a renter with very good credit. Thanks to your course now I know how to prescreen renters. Once he’s in I will refinance and pull $60,000 out of this one. I’m not a big fan of being a landlord. But I’m confident this will be a good rental property. Next time I buy a property I will leverage my money and buy more than one property. One thing I learned from your course is the idea of leverage. Your program has by far been a very good investment on my money. I was very doubtful at first, but when I was done reading it, I felt I could do it. It was a great push, I think it’s an investor’s bible. Any body can do it. If an investor is starting without money, he/she can go the “assignment” way and build up fast cash flow.

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Right now I’m looking at a property where I will offer 10% down and a land contract with a balloon payment in 3 years. Everything I need is in your books. Truly a great reference. I only wish I could memorize your books, but I don’t have to. I have your CDs to listen to every day while I’m driving. Keep up the good work, Hasan Abou Nassr Mt. Clemens, Michigan

Joe’s Final Notes

Thank you for reading this material. I hope it helps you to better understand how to make real estate investments that really work. Sometimes, just seeing an example of someone else who has already done it, makes all the difference. These folks are just everyday people… the only thing that makes them special is that they took action and they had the right knowledge. You can do this too. Every time I get letters like these, they create new excitement in me. They make me feel that what I am

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doing in the world has value and it gives me an enormous amount of satisfaction. My wish for you, is that you can share in this process with me and experience the joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, and financial gain that comes with putting together a viable real estate business. You can create a business that is systematic, sustainable, repeatable, consistent and very, very profitable. The first thing you need to do is GET THE SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE that you need. If you’d like my help with that, here are a few resources you should check out…. My e-book is at: My advanced CD set, “The Stupid Proof System” can be found at this web site: If you are interested in my monthly “Cash Flow Membership” where you get my latest audios and a printed newsletter, go here: And if you really want to move forward quickly and would like to be personally mentored by me, you should check out my “Six Month Mentor Program.” This program includes face to face training and personal attention from me. You can find out more about it at this web site:

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There are three things that keep people from success, 1. Money, 2. Fear and 3. Lack of Specific Knowledge. But if you get the knowledge, you will discover that you don’t really need the money and your fear melts away. Whether you get this knowledge from me or from another source, I encourage you to GET IT. I wish you and yours the best of all good things. Your Friend and Partner in Success,

Joe Crump

Crump Publishing, Inc. 4040 E. 82nd Street

Suite C-9-202 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

Copyright 2005 – Crump Publishing, Inc.