Caren magill UnResume & Professional Story

Hi, I’m Caren And this is my not-so-traditional resume.

Transcript of Caren magill UnResume & Professional Story

Hi, I’m CarenAnd this is my not-so-traditional resume.

I am a Marketing Professional with expertise

in social media & social marketing. I also happen to

know a lot about the psychology behind it.

In 2008, I left my corporate marketing profession to pursue more meaningful work.

Like Bill Gates, I decided to head to India for a while, before embarking on the next phase of my career.

While there I traveled the Himalayans,studied yoga in an ashram and repeatedly suffered from food poisoning.

When I came back I started a small marketing consulting business. I later acquired Ladies Who Launch LA and OC to

expand my services.

Starting conversations on Twitter

Creating and presenting workshops on using social media for small businesses

Presenting to audiences on the merits of entrepreneurship

Podcasting member stories to educate dreamers into action

Developing a community on Facebook

Creating videos to show off our advocates and our brand

Over the next 14 months I grew that business by:

In July 2010 I sold my company.

While I enjoyedbeing an entrepreneur, I missed the collaborative

energy of working with others.

During this time I also went to grad school to studyMedia Psychology & Social Change.

I chose this path over a traditional

MBA because I had

an interest in promoting pro-social behavior

I wanted to learn how to influence the behaviors of

citizens, consumers

and voters using media &


So I studied the science behind

how humans react and respond to mediated content.

Positive Psychology

Knowing how to structure content so that is most appealing to a

particular audience.

Cognitive Psychology

Understanding how people think, recall and make judgements or decisions about messaging and

visual display.

Social Psychology

Understanding what motivates people to take action, adopt a

behavior or self-identify with particular groups.

The key thing I learned was how to influence a social cause, political agenda or brand strategy

\ telling a compelling


So over the course of my career, I’ve picked up some pretty cool skills.

Strategy and Management:

Project Management (especially cross-functional teams)

Strategic Planning

Vendor Management

Event Management (especially online stuff)

Digital Media:

Social Media/Community


Vlogging, Blogging & Podcasting

Analytics and Progress Reporting

Razzle Dazzle:

Presenting & Public Speaking

Program Development

Applying psychological principles of influence to

campaign strategy.

Mind Control (just kidding.....sort of)

Now I’m on the look out for a project with

a goal of doing well

ANDdoing good.



More specifically, a

company or agency that is

interested in leveraging

brand equity to promote pro-social

change in the areas of

public health, environmental conservation,

and/or conscious consumerism.

Because 83% of Americans

wish more of theproducts, services and retailers they use would support

causes, and 80% of mothers and Millennials

will switch brands to support

those companies that do.

~2010 Cause Evolution Study

Would you like to explore how your

brand can make a difference while improving the bottom line?

Then let’s talk!

You can reach me at:[email protected]

Follow me: @carenmagill

Read more about me at

or just google me.

Pst...stay tuned for credits!