Career Guidance Engg

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  • 8/2/2019 Career Guidance Engg




  • 8/2/2019 Career Guidance Engg




  • 8/2/2019 Career Guidance Engg


    ENGINEERINGEngineering is the discipline, art, skilland profession of acquiring andapplying scientific, mathematical , economic, social, and practical knowledge, inorder to design and build structures,

    machines, devices, systems, materialsand processes that safely realizeimprovements to the lives of people.
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    Engineering -The creative application of scientific principles to design or developstructures, machines, apparatus, ormanufacturing processes, or worksutilizing them singly or in combination;or to construct or operate the samewith full cognizance of their design; orto forecast their behavior under specificoperating conditions; all as respects an

    intended function, economics of operation and safety to life andproperty. - American Engineers' Council for Professional Development
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    History The concept of engineering has existed sinceancient times as humans devisedfundamental inventions such as the pulley,lever, and wheel. Each of these inventions isconsistent with the modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanicalprinciples to develop useful tools and objects.The term engineering itself has a much morerecent etymology, deriving from theword engineer , which itself dates back to

    1325, when an engineer (literally, one whooperates an engine ) originally referred to aconstructor of military engines.

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    The word engine itself is of even older

    origin, ultimately deriving fromthe Latin ingenium (c. 1250), meaning innate quality, especially mentalpower, hence a clever invention. Later, as the design of civilianstructures such as bridges and buildingsmatured as a technical discipline, the

    term civil engineering entered thelexicon as a way to distinguish betweenthose specializing in the construction.
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    Ancient eraThe Pharos of Alexandria , thepyramids in Egypt , the HangingGardens of Babylon , the Acropolis andthe Parthenon in Greece , the Roman

    aqueducts , Via Appia andthe Colosseum ,Teotihuacn and thecities and pyramids of the Mayan , Inca and Aztec Empires, the Great Wall of

    China, among many others, stand as atestament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient civil and military engineers.
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    Renaissance eraThe first electrical engineer is considered tobe William Gilbert, with his 1600 publicati on of DeMagnete , was the originator of the term " electricity".The first steam engine was built in 1698 by mechanical engineer Thomas Savery . Thedevelopm ent of this device gave rise to the industrial

    revolution in the coming decad es, allowing for thebeginnings of mass production .With the rise of engineering as a profession in theeighteenth century, the term became more narrowlyapplied to fields in which mathematics and science

    were applied to these ends. Similarly, in addition tomilitary and civil e ngineering the fields then known asthe mechanic arts became incorporated intoengineering.
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    Modern era

    Electrical engineering can trace itsorigins in the experiments of Alessandro

    Volta in the 1800s, the experimentsof Michael Faraday , Georg Ohm andothers and the invention of the electric

    motor in 1872.
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    The work of James Maxwell andHeinrich Hertz in the late 19thcentury gave rise to the fieldof Electronics. The later inventions of the vacuum tube andthe transistor further accelerated thedevelopment of electronics to such anextent that electrical and electronics

    engineers currently outnumber theircolleagues of any other Engineeringspecialty.
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    The inventions of Thomas Savery andthe Scottish engineer James Watt gave

    rise to modern Mechanical Engineering .Chemical Engineering , like itscounterpart Mechanical Engineering,

    developed in the nineteenth centuryduring the Industrial Revolution .
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    Aeronautica l Engineering dealswith aircraft design while AerospaceEngineering is a more modern term thatexpands the reach env elope of the disciplineby including spacecraft design. Its origins canbe traced back to the aviation pioneersaround the turn of the century from the 1 9th century to the 20th although the work of SirGeorge Cayley has recently been dated asbeing from the last decade of the 18thcentury
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    Only a decade after the successful flights bythe Wright brothers , there was extensivedevelopment of aeronautical engineering throughdevelopment of military aircraft that were usedin World War I . Meanwhile, research to providefundamental background science continued bycombining theoretical physics with experiments.In 1990, with the rise of computer technology, thefirst search engine was built by computerengineer Alan Emtage .
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    Main branches of Engineering

    Engineering, much like other science, is abroad discipline which is often broken downinto several sub-disciplines. These disciplinesconcern themselves with differing areas of engineering work. Although initially anengineer will usually be trained in a specificdiscipline, throughout an engineer's careerthe engineer may become multi-disciplined,having worked in several of the outlinedareas. Engineering is often characterized ashaving four main branches:

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    Chemical engineering The exploitation of both engineering and chemical principles inorder to carry out large scale chemicalprocess. Civil engineering The design andconstruction of p ublic and private works, suchas infrastructure (airports , roads , railways,

    water supply and tre atment etc.), bridges ,dams, and buildings. Electrical engineering a very broad areathat may encompass the design and study of various electrica l and electr onic syst ems -electricalcircuits, generato rs, motor s,electromagnetic / electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circui ts , optical Fibers , optoelectronic devices etc.
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    Mechanical engineering The design of physical or mechanical systems, such as

    systems, such as powerand energy systems, aerospace / aircraft products, weaponsystems , transportation products engines ,compressors , powertrains , kinematic chains ,vacuum technology, and vibrationisolation equipment.

    Naval engineering Mining engineering Aerospace engineering
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    Electronics EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringIndustrial engineering Materials science ( Metallurgy Engg)Metallurgical Engineering.Nuclear engineering

    Architectural engineering
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    An engineer is a professional practitionerof engine ering , concerned wi thapplying scient ific k nowledge , mathematics and ingenuity to developsolutions for technical problems. Engineersdesign materials, structures, machines andsystems while considering the limitationsimposed by practicality, safety and cost. Theword eng ineer is derived fromthe Latin roots ingeniare ("to contrive,devise") and ingenium ("cleverness").
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    ENGINEER One who prac tices engineering is calledan engineer , and those licensed to do somay have more form al designatio ns such asProfessio nal Engineer , CharteredEngineer , Incorpora ted Engineer , Ingenieur or European Engineer .The broad discipline of engineeringencompas ses a range of more specialized subdisciplines, each with a more specificemphasis on certain fields of application andparticular areas of technology.
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    Engineers apply the sciences of physicsand mathematics to find suitablesolutions to problems or to makeimprovements to the status quo. Morethan ever, engineers are now requiredto have knowledge of relevant sciencesfor their design projects, as a result,they keep on learning new materialthroughout their career.

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    Problem solving

    Engineers use their knowledgeof science , mathematics , logic,economics , and appropriate experience or tacit knowledge to find suitablesolutions to a problem. Creating anappropriate mathematical model of aproblem allows them to analyze it(sometimes definitively), and to testpotential solutions.
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    Computer use

    As with all modern scientific and technologicalendeavors, computers and software play anincreasingly important role. As well as thetypical business application software there area number of computer aided applications(Computer-aided technologies ) specifically forengineering. Computers can be used togenerate models of fundamental physicalprocesses, which can be solvedusing numerical methods .
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    Social context

    Engineering is a subject that ranges fromlarge collaborations to small individual

    projects. Almost all engineering projects arebeholden to some sort of financing agency: acompany, a set of investors, or agovernment. The few types of engineering

    that are minimally constrained by such issuesare pro bono engineering and opendesign engineering.
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    Eligibility Criteria

    Minimum Age 18 yearsMax Age- 24 years (for ST/SC -5 yrs relaxed).Physical Requirement: Good and healthy asper the set standards no colour blindness,night blindness etc.Pass the Entrance Exam.DURATION of ENGINEERING COURSE:* BE/B Tech - 4 years ( 8 Semesters)* B. Architecture - 5 Years.

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