DAILY ST. PAUL GLOBE. Read the Latest Great GLOBE Offer on the Sixth Page. A Complete Set of World's Fair Parts for 40 Cents. See the 6th Page. VOL. XV. SAINT PAUL MINN., TUESDAY MORNING, .DECEMBER 26, 18&3. NO. 360. CAPTURED A CRANK. The Man Who Has Written Threatenng Letters TO PROMINENT PUBLIC MEN Run to Earth by Detectives in the Capital City. SAYS HE IS NOT AN ANARCHIST, But Did It Simply as a Mat- ter of Business, AND IMPLICATES 0! ANY OTHERS. Washington, Dec. 25.— Joseph Don- jon, the man who has been writing threatening letters to a numberof prom- inent public men during the last two Wt-eks, is in jail tonight. He walked into the detective bureau of James A. McDevitt Hits afternoon asking for food. The detective took him to a collee house aud had something pre- pared for him to eat. Meantime he questioned him, and learned enough to lix his identity. He started towards the station house with his man, and on the way met Deteciive Ned Weedon and George Boyd. in whose hands lie plact-d him. It will be remembered that a letter from this man to Senator Mills a few days ago caused the sena- tor's son, Charles H. Mills, to secure leave from the authorities to go armed for the protection of his father. This was the cause of bringing the man's acts more prominently before the pub- lic. For several months past he has been writing similar letters to a number ot prominent public men, aniomr whom were Vice President Steven- son, Senator Gorman, Senator Mills, Senator Sherman and as the man hiui- Eelf claims, President Cleveland and Secretary of War Lainont. As long ago as during the fight over the silver ques- tion in the senate, Vice President Stevenson received letters almost daily from Donjon, who was then ivNewark, N. J. No attention was paid to them, and they were consigned to the waste basket. The vice president today re- ceived one which was dated from 404 Leigh street, this city. A number of reporters were at the First precinct sta- tion to see the man, and he TALKED VEKY FREELY to all of tliem. He is twenty-eight years old, about five feet ten inches in beigfit, weights 180 to I'M pounds, is Bark and sallow, lias a greasy com- plexion, smail dark moustache, ami has a rather sloucliy look about him. He has drooping eyelids, which usually accompany a brooding and melancholy disposition. The man's manner of re- lating his story gives ample evidence that he does not belie his appearance iv this respect. He talks very ration- ally, and with a rather studied effort to avoid any appearance of bitterness or the expression of any anarchistic views. Donion is an Austrian by birth, and lays stress upon the assertion that he Is a Catholic, and professes a degree of piety. His story is that lie came to this country when fifteen years of age. and has been a telegraph operator iv the old country. He manifested consider- able pride in his nationality, but denies With a spirit the public statement that he is a "Pollock." He gave up tele- graphing when he came to this country because there was some slight differ- ence in the instruments and in the alphabet. "Under those circumstances," he continued, "if I had secured a job they would have seutme to some remote Office in the far West WHERE THEKE ARE COYOTES and other dangerous creatures." He became a bench molder after he came here and claimed to have worked at Salem, Or., as well as in the wire mills at Johnstown, at the time of the great flood there, but was in Pittsburg on that particular occasion. Later, with his father, inothtr and brother, he went to Newark. N. J., and last May, having been longer out of employment, went west to Washington and Idaho and prospected tor gold there. He tells of a rather fearful tale of tlie dangers he encountered from rough miners in that country, and says that do man who was not willing to spend his earnings in drunkenness and debauchery was permitted to stay there. He went back to Newark, and claims to have been endeavoring to secure work there ever since, tie says that he lived with h ; s father and mother and brother at 128 Burnett street. This agrees with the address of the earlier letters re- ceived from him. He claims that his father and brother went to Florida to take up land, but that he did not think it wort'i while to go, as he could get nothing to do anywhere. With con- siderable emphasis he denied that he is an anarchist or socialist, or ever attended any meetings of those bodies, but contends that he was prevented from securing employment, because he was not a member of the Knights ot Labor or any other labor uuion. As to the letters that he has been writinghe claims t,nat he was incited to write them BY OTIIKR PEOPLK, receiving $100 for doing it. Asked as to the character of the persons who did this, he disclaimed that they were an- archists, or they formed any associa- tion. They were merely private per- sons. He also denied that tiiere were any threats in the letters he had writen, or any references whatever to dynamite. "1 never saw dynamite, and would not if I saw it," he said. When asked what right he had to compose Bucli letters at the bidding of others, he Bimply inquired, "What right have you to write down what I am telling you ?" *\lt was simply a business 1 went into to make a living, just as you write news for tlie newspapers." He claimed that all that was con- tained in any of the letters was a propo- sition to each of the men addressed to forward him the cost of transportation and an otfer to come on there and make a business proposition to them. This was after be found that there was no york to be had, and he intimates that he had s plan to better affairs. As to what this plan is, he decliues to say anything, but will probably make a •tatemeut of it later at his trial. The man came to Washington three days ago from Baltimore. Night before last he applied at the police station for lodg- ing, and the officer in charge directed him to the municipal lodging house next d< or to the station house, where he slept that night, and BAWKD WOOD NEXT MORNING to pay for the lodging, filth reference to this, Donjon is very earnest in his assertion that it is the tirst time he ever slept in such a place. The Washington police had no description of the man at that time in their posession. Yesterday he tell in with a German on a bench in one ot the public parks in this city. The man was drunk, but spoke some- words of c icouragement to him, and io!d him that he was out of work, but gave him a quarter and hoped that he might soon find something to do. He thought the best thine he could do with the quarter was to eet some postal cards aud make another effort to secure answers from those to whom lie had been sending He took lodgings at 304 Tenth street in this city, and slept there last night. This is the address on the postal card received from him today. Ilis story is that he waited about this place all today for some one to appear in reply to his postal cards, but that no one came. He then determined, he says, to start out to look for Chief Drutumond. He was very much disturbed and astonished at the character of the publications in the newspapers regarding the letters he wrote from Baltimore last week, but wanted to see the authorities and SET HIMSELF BIGHT. With this in mind he stopped at the detective office of James A. .McDevitt. Hi- knew perfectly well that he would be arrested when he made himself known to the authorities, but this did not seem to disturb him. The man speaks very good English, but with a strong German accent. He is evidently well educated, and says he has spent much time iv re ading scientific works on electricity, chemistry and kindred topics. In reply to a question, he said he had also read works on political economy and social science, but has- tened to add that they were not such as were given out by the socialist and an- archist associations in New York city. The police officials say it is not prob- able that his hearing will take place tomorrow, and it may be delayed sev- eral days. The letters from him which they now have iv their possession do not contain threats of a character that would be likely to make a case against him on that charge. It is believed, however, that threatening letters can be secured from among the earlier ones he wrote, if any of them have been preserved. If they have not, it may be necessary to proceed against him on a charge of using the mails to defraud. The man tells a connected story, but the police put no faith in his assertion that he was incited to write the letters by other persons. SOCIETY OF JESUS. Jesuits May Not Return to Ger- many. Rome, Dec. 25.—The Associated Press correspondent in this city has had an interview with a German ecclesiastic who occupies a leading position in Rome, on the subject of the recent vote in the German reichstag upon the question of re-admitting members of the Society of Jesus to Germany. The distinguished prelate referred to be- lieves that the German federal council, which is a sort of senate, will uot ratify the vote of the reiohstag, saying: "An aristocratic and conservative spirit prevails in the former assembly, and it should not be foigotten that in Prussia a large portion of the nobility and of the patrician class Js Lutheran. The emperor himself is au ardent and well nieb militant pietist, and would not see with a favorable eye the return ot the Jesuits, implying, as it would, a triumph of Catholic aspirations. Never- theless, the vote of the reichstag con- stitutes a good precedent. In the event of the motion being rejected by the federal council it will be brought for- ward again later on, and, indeed, as many times as necessary, until by dint of perseverance and constancy all ob- stacles are overcome." The correspondent then asked the prelate how it was that certain groups in the reichstasr, calling themselves Conservatives, had voted aeainst the return of the Jesuits, wnose action had invariably been in support or conserva- tive ideas. He replied that it was chiefly the Con- servatives of the Prussian provinces who had voted in this manner, and tliev did so out of fear of noi being re- eiected. "And the Socialists?" the correspond- ent asked. "Why dia they vote in favor ot the Jesuits, knowing that the latter are their enemies?" "No doubt/ replied the ecclesiastic, "because they dread, on their own account, legislative measures; and on principle they refused to authorize the employment of weapons against the Society of Jesus which might some day be used against them." "Have you noticed," the correspond- ent finally asked, "the violent tone of the articles published by the Osserva- tore Romano and the Voce Delia Verita agaiiiSt the German deputy, Herr Lieber, who declared, on behalf of tne center, that the infallibility of the pope could not turn German Catholics from their duty to their emperor and their country, in the event of danger to the Fatherland! Does the deputy's asser- tion fullydesire the the blame bestowed upon it by those two papers, which are generally held to represent the views of the Vatican, and does ilerr Liebert's statement olfend domna!" "Not in the least," replied the eccle- siastic. "1 see nothing reprehensible in Uerr Lieber's statement. The re- proach is constantly leveled asrainst German Catholics that they cannot be good patriots because of the obedience they owe to the pope, who is a foreign- er. Now, Herr Lieber desired to refute this charge by making an explicit state- ment, and his declaiation, in my opin- ion, is in no way incompatible with dogma." Want Free Lumber. Washington, Dec. 25.— Information received here indicates that the Cana- dian government is taking no chances, and is at work to secure the retention of lumber on the free list in the Wilson bill. The opposition of certain inter- ests to placing lumber on the free, list has aroused the Canadian government, and Mr. Courtney, deputy mini ster of finance, has been sent here to look:afte r the Dominion's interests. The argu- ment that Is being used to overcome the. opposition to free lumber is that in case this provision is eliminated from the Wilson bill an export duty will be levied by the Canadian government on logs ami lumber. HOLMAN'S INDIAN BILL. HE PROPOSES THAT THE RED MAN WORK OR STARVE. DEMOCRATS WILL ECONOMIZE. The Globe Interviews the Great ! v Objector— Indian Title to Lands a Humbug-How the Bill Making Pensions a •'Vested Right" Slipped Through— Chinese Will Regis- ter. Special to the Globe. Washington, Dec. 25.— "What Is the object, Mr. Ilulman, in striving to abol- ish the Indian agencies throughout me West?" asked the Globe correspondent Of the great objector from Indiana. "The object is economy. The Demo- cratic party is pledged to an economical administration of the government, and when the entire system of Indian agencies is broken up, one of the most useless as well as tne most extravagant sources of expenditure will be dried at its source. What reason now exists for not alloting lands in severalty to the Indians all over the country, furnishing them with a complete agricultural outfit aud saying to them: 'Either go to work or starve,' as we say to the average American citizen? "There has Deen a vast amount of sentimental humbug throughout all American history as to the noble red man. Now the time seems to be rapidly approaching when it has got to cease. The idea that the Indian somehow has vested rights, in some indefinite and gauzy manner, in being supported by taxation levied upon his white brother, is a vicious one, and has got to be put to rest. He has got to learn by a hard and rugged experience, that he has nothing but his own efforts to rely upon. Many of the Indian tribes are rich in lands and stock and money. Whatever is rightfully and legally theirs should be given to them, and the nation must gradually withdraw from the position of indulgent guardian to them. What my bill proposes will not injure, but benefit the Indian. It simply consol- idates several agencies into one. thus reducing the expenses which have here- tofore been considered necessary. It reduces the number of official positions not only, but itreduces the possibilities of fraud upon the Indians themselves to the minnimum. "I do not kuow what the committee will do. There are strong influences at work to DerDetu ite the evils of the pres- ent Indian system. Rascality sometimes in this imperfect world secures vested rights. One never can tell how many sections a ring may have, or how vast its ramifications may be. 1 am pre- pared now, as always, to strike useless or extravagant expenditures by the government wherever )t is possible. This bill is only the beginning. It means the gradual wiping out of the Indian office as a governmental bureau. It will take years and courage to ac- complish it. I, of course, will not live to witness the end. But of this lam quite sure, this is the beginning of the end. PENSIONS A VKSTKD RIGHT. How a Measure Which Was Op- posed Recame a Law. Special to the Globe. Washington, Dec. 25.— The Martin amendment to the deficiency bill which makes pensions "a vested right." and practically forbids due pension commis- sioner from suspending any pension until upon the notice to the pensioner, has become a law by receiving the signature of the president. It was first introduced as an inde- pendent measure by Mr. Voorhees in the senate, and Mr. Martin (both Demo- crats) in the house. It met with the most strenuous opposition from mem- bers of the committee on invalid pen- sions in the latter body. Maj. Baldwin, of the Sixth Minnesota district, was par- ticularly pronounced in his opposition to the measure while in committee. Mr. Martin discovered that it was a question if the measure would not be defeated as an independent bill, and was also afraid that even in case of its passage itmight meet with a presidential veto. He therefore proceeded by indirection to inject the bill as an amendment into the body of a most urgent deficiency bill. In this manner it met with the smallest possible discussion, and became a law. The opponents of the measure are now kicking themselves that a more decided opposition was not made to the measure, even to the extent of postpon- ing the appropriations until after the holiday recess. APPROPRIATIONS. Bill to Repeal Certain Permanent Appropriations. Washington, D. C. Dec. 23.— A subject which will receive some con- sideration at the hands of the committee on appropriations of the house this ses- sion of congress is embodied in the bill introduced by Representative Sayers, its chairman, entitled a bill "to repeal certain laws relating to permanent and indefinite appropriations." Bills having; this object in view have appeared perennially dming the past ten years, but for various reasons they have failed of enactment The object of reDealing these permanent appropriations, and having congress pass upon the matters covered by them each year, is that it will conduce to a more thorough and careful examination of Hems of ap- propriation than is obtainable under the present system, by which accounts are audited and passed upon by the accounting officers, and where no opportunity is left for secrutiny by congressional committess. At the same time, objection is made against the changes proposed by the bill, be- cause of the injustice that would result to claimants entitled to amounts paid them under the present system, witnout recourse to specific congressional legis- lation. The bill now before the com- mittee excludes from its provisions vari- ous laws, therein specified, including the sinking funa and others, With ap- propriations under which amount to many millions of dollars, roughly esti- mated at about one-third of the total permanent appropriations. The total annual permanent appropriations for the fiscal year 1894 were $113,444,630, and 1 ftlw estimates tor ww, 1101,074,680. Tlie committee has referred the bill to Sec- retary Carlisle for his views on the changes proposed by it, and the several accounting officers of the department will be asked to submit their opinions before any recommendation is made in the matter by the secretary. Ten years ago Secretary Manning, In a communication to congress on this subject, expressed the opinion that, while the general features of the bill appeared to be such as ought to receive the sanction of the department, he was confronted with such a diversity of opinions on the part of the accounting officers regarding the enactment of the law, in the form then presented, that he felt reluctant to advance any view* other than to say that the general prop- osition to substitute SDecinc or annual appropriations for those of a permanent or indefinite nature met his approval. The matter was brought to the atten- tion of ihe department officials again in ISSB. and its opinion requested on the changes proposed. It appears, however, from the records, that no opinion was expressed at that Ume, ActingSecretary Thompson merely transmitting the re- ports of the several accounting officers on the bill aud a statement ot expend- itures culled for. Again, in IS9O, the matter #a3 re- ferred to the treasury department, and Secretary Windoin wrote a letter in which he said an examination of the law under which such appropriations were provided elicited the fact that a large portion of the indefinite appropri- ations should stand without repeal on ttie principle of economy and dispatch in the work ot the government, as now performed, as well as in equity to claim- ants to relieve them of the hardships of awaiting annual appropriations by congress, in many instances of mon«y belonging 10 them, but covered into the treasury of the United States as mis- cellaneous receipts, which should be paid on demand. Moreover, he said, a law of general character repealing the appropriations and naming the excep- tions was inadvisable. Any such law should name especially the appropria- tions to be repealed. PHOTOGRAPHING CHINESE. Celestials Will Accept the Op- port unity to Register. Washington-. Dec. 25. Senator White, of California, who had given close attention to the Chinese question, in all its phases, expressed the opinion that Chinese residents of this country will accept the oDportunity to register under the new law extending the Geary act. and says that mauy of the Chinese have so assured him. The senator says that the only thing that stood in the way of their registering under the pro- visions of the Geary law before the time for registration was extended by the present congress, was the op- position of the Six Companies, which made the tight against the con- stitutionality of the enactment, and meantime prevented the Chinese froia complying with the law. JJow that the supreme court of the United States has decided upon the constitutional points, and has confirmed the right of congress to legislate in the matter, and in view of the fact that this government has shown a disposition to act leniently with the Chinese already here, it is supposed that the Six Companies will withdraw' their opposition to registration and per? Mitcompliance with the law, especially as they have been warned that refusal will result in wholesale deportation, which would be ruinous to their in- terests. Furthermore, it is understood that some of the managers of the Six Companies have expressed their acquies- cence in the law. Itis also stated that the Chinese government will urge com- pliance. Senator White says' there has been more talk about the objection of the Chinese to having their photographs taken for filing with their certificates than was justified, and that ithas largely died out since the exclusion bill became a law. He thinks, therefore, that the Chinese did not feel so much repug- nance to having their pictures taken as was represented. The belief is general among the California people that the Chinese will, submit to this exaction, and the present marshal of Southern California is so entirely convinced on this point that he has established a photograph gallery in Los Angalesfor the especial purpose of photographing the Chinamen when the rush shall begin. The senator also states that there is no especial feeling among the the Americans of California upon the subject, because they think the act will be enforced, and they are willingto submit to the presence of the Chinese now here, providing it be understood that no more are to be imported. PUBLIC PRINTER. £ . Many Applicants for a Desirable Position. v. •.:;:;.„'•• .*\u25a0\u25a0> Washington, Dec. .25. There. Is. good reason to believe that the appoint-' ment of the successor of Public Printer ; Palmer so long delayed, will be made in the course of the next few days. , Mayor-elect Hopkins, of Chicago, is here in behalf of Mr. McCabe, the Chicago candidate for the place, and William Hyde, formerly part owner of.- the St. Louis Republic, who was post- V master of the Mound City during the first administration of Mr. Cleveland, j and likewise a candidate for the public . printership, is also in the city. . There} are a dozen other candidates for this position, which is exceedingly desir- able, and eagerly sought after on ac- count of the enormous patronage con- 5 nected with it, amounting to over 3,000 ' places outside of the pale of , the curil service law. Among them are eK- Public Printer Benedict, of New Fork, John Cox, of Baltimore, and Victor Baughmau, of Frederick, Md. ;:.'. j.".^ Gen. Coleman Protests. - •'- t Washington, Dec. 25. A telegram has been received at the war depart- ment from Gen. D. C. Coleman, of > St. Louis, protesting against the award ot a medal of honor to Gen. Dennis L.Klrby for service at the battle of Chicamauga. Gen. Coleman commanded the Eighth Missouri volunteers, of which ; KifhJ? was the major. Gen. Coleman conceded Gen. Kirby's bravery, but says that a reward for service on that occasion is due to Capt. Neil, rather that Geu. Kirby. " ~ --, -•" Will Whistle Their Orders. £' Washington, Dec. .'2s.—Tho major--' general commanding the United States army has approved part of the new tactics providing for officer's ' giving . commands under certain circumstances by whistles instead Jbf~ by wo.d ()f mouth. The whistles are to be placed in the crosspieces of the guards: of tUe swords, and an order has been issued to the commanding officers of ; the Spring- field armory and the. Rock lslan<l-arsi- nal to make this alteration as^rompUy ,as possible. \u25a0 . . " >-^-^ p^| SRfIVER'S CHRISTMAS MAIL <?W. PENNOYER CONTRIBUTES A PATHETIC LETTER. HARD T I. TIES INHIS BAILIWICK Gov. Fallback Writes of the Law- less StatQ of Affairs in the In- dian Territory, Claiming That It Is a Veritable School for Crime, and the Government Should Take Action. Sm.em, Or,. Dec. 25.—Gov. Pennoyer today addressed the followiug letter to President Cleveland; "The extraoidinary circumstances which erect the return of this holiday must be my excuse for writinir you. Today is the first Christmas in the his- tory of Oreeon when more than two- thirds of its people are without employ- ment, and more than one-third are with- out sufficient means of support. Busi- ness is almost completely stagnated. Money is not to be obtained, and debtors are powerless to avoid seizure of their property and their homes to satisfy at a small percentage of their value the claims of creditors. Reported ap- peals have been made to me as governor of Oreeon, to assemble the legislature in order to alleviate this condition or affairs, and prevent the impending calamity. The redress is, however, not iv our hands, but in yours, and hence this appeal to you. The laws of congress, which have discriminated against silver, and made gold alone full leiral tender money, giving to the money lender the privilege of refusing both the silver dollar and silver certificate, thus BENDERIXG UNAVAILABLE more than one-half of the national currency as absolute debt paying money, are the sole causes of the de- cline of values, paralysis of business and consequent impoverishment of the great army of wage . workers, and the impending starvation of their wives and children. If, when you stood upon the Eastern portico of the capitol on the fourth of last March, you had an- nounced to the people that you would speedily convene congress in extra ses- sion to carry out the pledges of the plat- form to which you gave your assent, and upon which you were elected, and which declared for the use of both gold and silver as standard money ; without discrimination against either metal, the wide-spread revision of busi- ness, which has diminished the value of the property of the nation by half, would never have occurred. And if now you would give such advice to congress the further downward tend-, ency would be checked, and with favor- able congressional legislation business would again i revive and prosperity would again visit our land. Itis honor- able to carry out the pledges of the party to ".the people, awl is It not most dishonorable not to do so? : . -A ' THE RESPONSIBILITY-^ ; ;. \u25a0.-;. lies entirely with you. Complete obedi- ence of/the lower house of congress to your wishes has been observed through- out the world. It would be your behest, and in this the senate would give you support. "You are a father, and you no doubt feel grateful to God when you, upon retiring to rest, look upon your sleeping babes in their couches, the pictures of health, consequent upon their having sufficiency of food and clothing. 'I pray*- you, however, to enlarge \u25a0 the scope of your vision and behold, as you eau in many . and many a cot, children loved as much by their parents as yours are by you, weak and sickly from in- sufficient food and clothing; the inno- [ cent victims of vicious financial legisla- \u25a0 tion, whose sleeping forms are bathed i by the scalding tears of mothers bend- ing over them in sorrow and despair; and there resolve, as you should, to faithfully carry out the pledges which your party g ye to a confiding people. If you willdo so God will bless you, and a grateful nation will applaud you." A. SCHOOL OF CRIME. Got. Fishback 80 Terms the In- dian Territory. LittleRock, Ark., Dec 25.—Gov. Fishback has written a letter to Presi- dent Cleveland complaining of the fact that the Indian territory is an asylum for dangerous criminals of all kinds. The letter is in part as follows: : Executive Office, Little Rock, Ark.— To the President: Tne developments incident to the recent robbery and murder at Oliphant, in this state, ren- der it proper, it seems to me, that 1 should call your attention to the dan- gerous relation which the Indian Terri- tory west of us occupies to the states of the Union, and especially to the adja- cent stater of Arkansas, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma territory. Upon the gerson of of one of the captured robbers was found a map of the route that they had taken from the Indian territory, 175 miles to the scene of the rob- bery, and also a map of the country around Chattanooga, Term., showing that another robbery was contemplated at or near that city. I have good reason to suspect that a very large percentage of the bank and train - robberies which take place east of the Allegheny s aud west of the .Rocky mountains are organized or originate in the Indian territory. Let me add that the refuge which this sparsely" settled rendezvous of outlaws affords to criminals is a constant temptation to crime in all the country around.' During:' the past twelve months there have issued from the states of Arkansas, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma territory sixty-one requi- sitions upon the Indian territory authori- ties for fugitives, while we have reason to believe that as many more are hiding among their comrades in crime in this "asylum; of -j criminals. Criminals who find a refuge in this territory are rapidly converting the Indian territory into a school of crime. The federal jail at Forth Smith is at all seasons nearly full of prisoners from this territory,' and the federal-: court holds sessions 'continuing: , through nearly every month in the year. This state of semi- clfcaos and the farces of government which exist in this territory suggest the. very serious question whether, the . time 'has not arrived for the federal gov- etiunent to assert its right of eminent "domain over this part of ; the national domain, art4-to change its political re- lations with the United States. Not only the public goods but public safety, as "well as the highest interests of the Indian himself, demands the suggested Change. Respectfully, \u25a0 M\ : W. M. FISHBACK. . - ;. . Governor of Arkansas. COUPON FOR PART EIGHT Of the "Sights and Scenes of the World." Every day this week a coupon for Part Eight of the Great Art Gallery which the Globe is supplying- the public will be printed on this page. Any three of the coupons, with ten cents, secures you Part Eight. Do not try to use this coupon for Part Seven or Part Nine. It is for Part Eight only. If you want two copies of Part Eight, send six of the coupons printed this week and twenty cents. If you only want one copy of Part Eight, send three coupons and ten cents. The advertise- ment on Page 5 today tells you how to secure the first seven parts if you have neglected obtaining them. Orders by mail are subject to delay of a week or ten days, as the parts are mailed by the Eastern publishers. MELLO'S LATEST MOVE He Steals a March on Peixo« to's War Ships. OVER ONE THOUSAND CONVICTS Will Be Forced to Help Him Do Battle. NICTHEROY IN BATTLE ARRAY And on the Road to Meet the Rebel Forces and BRING MATTERS TO A CRISIS. [CopyriKht. IPO3. by the Associated Press.] Pei:nambuco. Dec. 25.— situation of affairs has very materially changed in this city within the last few hours. Until this morning Pernambuco be- lieved that its harbor was to be the scene of the first big naval battle be- tween the Republica, Admiral Mello's best war ship, and the Aquidaban. her ( companion rebel ship, on the one side, and the Nictheroy, President Peixoto's dynamite gun cruiser, on the other. This belief was simply justified by the report received a « few days on apparently good authority, that the Republica and ". the Aquidaban had been seen off the Brazil- ian coast headed northward, and ap- parently bound for if to take the Nictheroy by surprise and compel her to fight without a chance to put to sea. The news received here this morning CHANGED THE WIIOLE ASPECT of affairs. The rebel war ships, it was then learned, were not on their way to Pernambuco, but, on the contrary, had sailed towards the mountainous and rugged island of Fernando de Noronha, where there is a large convict settle- ment. The island, despite its ruirged- ness, possesses considerable fertility, and its several harbors, defended by forts, would enable Mello to make a vigorous resistance ifattacked. i .. The revolutionary admiral's object in going to Fernando de Noronha, which is over 100 miles from the main coast of Brazil, is to compel so many able-bodied convicts as he can find in the settlement to go aboard his vessels and join their crows: It is said that he expects to secure not less than 1.000 men in this way. Upon the receipt of this news aboard the Nictheroy there was great activity . noticeable. Members of the crew were sent ashore in small boats to- search through the town for such of the Nictheroy's men as had been allowed to leave the land, .and to ' v -' : \u25a0'-iv --<_... IIUKKY THEMBACK "'-' - '-' to the ship. The commanding officer of the Nictheroy had apparently received fullinstructions as to how lie should act in such an emergency, and these in- is believed, were to the ef- fect that, if he became convinced that the report of the coming to Pernanibuco of the Kepublica and the Aquidaban proved to be untrue, and that these ves- sels, instead of seeking, were evading, fight, he should lose no further time, but put to sea. at once and force them into a naval contest for superiority. This view oi the case proved to be cor- rect, for . this afternoon when all the men belonging to the Nicthercy's crew had been gotten aboard the government battle ship,sht! weighed anchor.steamed out to sea, and headed her nose for the northeast. The Associated Press corre- spondent is reliably informed that the Nictheroy's destination is the island of Fernando de Noronha. \ If this informa- tion is correct, the long-expected. sea battle between the revolutionist and government war vessels will in all probability be fought within a short time. «» A FATAL FALL. Seeking to Avoidan Kngiue a Man Is Instantly Killed. Special to the Globe. Wahpbton, N. D., Dec. 25.— About 11 o'clock Saturday evening H. B. Gra- ham, whose family reside at Lisbon, N. D., was coming across the Great North- ern bridge from JirecKenridge, when he met a switch engine, and stepped upon the limbers on the side to avoid it. The timbers were covered with ice, and he slipped and fell some thirty feet to the ice below. He was instantly killed by the fall. Upon his person were found money and a receipt from the express company for 850. which he had sent to his wife. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered of accidental death. No blame was attached to any person for the sad ending. He was thirty years of age. Suicide of a Dissolute Woman. Special to the Globe. Deadwood. S. D., Dec. 25.—A col- ored Cyprian, named Fannie, suicided today by taking chloroform. There are many suspicious features surrounding . her death, which will be investigated. Christmas Storm. Special to the Globe. Sack Rapids. Dec. 25.—A heavy- snow storm set in last evening and fell heaviiy until about midnight, about thirteen inches falling. The , weather . is, as usual, disagreeable, but with Christmas trees at the Methodist, German Evangelical and Swedish churches, all appear to be having a good time. Will Not Be Settled. Washington. Dec. 25. -The rumor that the suit of Miss MadelineV. Pollard against. Representative Breckinridge for ?50,000 for breach of promise will be . compromised and settled out of court is not credited in this city. Enoch Totten, . one of Mr. Breckiiiridge's attorneys, said today: "I saw Mr. Breckinridge day before yesterday, and he said noth- ing tome of any settlement, or indeed of any proposition on his part or that of Miss Pollard respecting a settlement. «^ Removed to the Capital. - . Washington, . Dec. Assistant Secretary of State Uhl has removed his family to this city from Grand Rapids, Mich., and has taken quarters for the I winter in Admiral English's house. ROBERT AND LEMUEL. THE EDITORIAL FIRMAMENT TORN UP OVER STATE AUDITORS HIP. I'LL GET THERE JUST THE SAME. Dunn, of Princeton Union, and Hunt, of Mankato Free Press, in It for Blood— Bob Has the Prestige of Pine Land Decis- ion, and Lemuel Points to His World's Fair Record— Go It Tiga, Setza 'Em Bowser— Pine Land Comments. Will the Editors Stick? Northfield News. Journalistic candidates for state honors are blooming early. Both L. P. Hunt, of the Mankato Free Press, and R. C. Dunn, of the Princeton Union, are out for the position of state auditor. If the newspaper men would stand to- gether, one would surely win. But it is not likely that they will so stand. Count us for an editor every time; we even favor Democratic editors as candi- dates for the postoffices in the different towns. He Prodded. Midway News. The pine land people no doubt hoped to be able to so exercise their "pull" upon the governor as to enable them to slip tne real issue, but in that they evi- dently had not taken due account of Mr. Dunn's prodding abilities. It has become proverbial that he has ever since prodded the governor on the subject, lie was right, and he knew he was right. Old Enough to Know Better. Wftbasba Herald. "Bob" Dunn, of Princeton, is enjoy- ing quite a boom for the nomination for state auditor on the Republican ticket. Mr. Dunn deserves a better fate than to be butchered to make a Democratic holiday, but if he insists on running against the man whom the Democrats will nominate hia blood be on his own head, lie is old enough to know better. Hunt Is in It. St. Peter Herald. L. P. Hunt, of Mankato, is in the field for the office of state auditor. He is making a strong fight for the positi ;n, and, unless we are deceived, will come pretty near getting the nomination. Hunt has the happy faculty of usually getting what he wants. Wants to Support Bob. Todd County Argus. Our esteemed friend, R. C. Dunn, is named as a very good man for state auditor. It would give us great pleas- ure to support him, and we would feel certain when he got into the office its affairs would be honestly and fearlessly administered. Bob Lead the Fight. Lake Crystal TJuion. The Minnesota pins land ring has been struck with a club. By the little turn of affairs several thousand dollars of stolen money will be returned to the state treasury. Bob Dunn lead the tight agaiust the crowd. At Bob Dana's Mercy. Eden Valley Journal. Mr. Biertnann stated his defense of his official act clearly, and justified his action by a long-established precedent, but the courts have decided against him. and he is at the mercy of Bob Dunn. Hunting lor It. Redwood Gazette. L. P. Hunt, editor of the Mankato Free Press, who ha 9 just dropped a state '.job as world : s fair superintend- ent, is said to be after the state auditorship. Pugnacious Bob. Faribault Pilot Bob Dunn, the pugnacious ed'.tor of the Princton Union, deserves unstinted praise for the persistent and successful fight he has made against the pine land thieves. Bob Mustn't Gat "Stuck Up." Fairmont Sentinel. If Bob Dunn keeps his head level, don't get "stuck up" and "saws wood" he will be nominator for state auditor by acclamation. Breeze Oat of His Sails. Hlnckley Enterprise. The statement is a clear and convinc- ing exposition of the facts in the case, and takes the breeze from Bob Dunn's sails. A Rognlar Ferret. Sleepy Eye Herald. For once in the history of the state has justice been done. Bob Dunn de- serves much credit for his indomitable courage in ferreting out fraud. Not in Danger. Canton Leader. It would be a mistake to nominate either one [for state auditor] ani we ap- prehend there is not much danger of it. AUDITOR BIERMANV. Comments on His Explanation of the Pine Land Sale. There is nothing in the case to show that Auditor Bierruann profited person- ally by the sale or that it was out of the usual course of procedure in such cases. —Rochester Post. We understand that the case is now pending in the supreme court, and to our thinking, there, and there alone, is the place for Mr. Biermann to look for a vindication.— Lac gui Parle County Press. We do not hold Mr. Bierraann guilty of any intentional wrong, but as a Dem- ocrat it was his duty to reform the wrongs of his predecessors instead of following in their footsteps. It was a sin of omission.— St. Peter Herald. The Monitor is pleased that these facts have come out. placing the state auditor in a proper light. This paper condemned him when it had heard only the other side, but it seems that the story of the other side isn't to be en- tirely relied upon.—Swift County Mou- itor. We do not assume to deubt that there have been numerous frauds perpetrated in connection with the sale of Minne- sota Dine, but doubt if almost the only Democratic officer in the state is re- sponsible for all of It.—Le Koy Inde- pendent. State Auditor Biermann has made public his promised statement of his side of the famous C. A. Smith pine land case. There is much in it to show that he was doing what he supposed to be right and acting in accordance with the law.—Milie Lacs County Times. It would appear that if the sale made by Mr.Bierniiinn was illegal then similar sales made by the auditors who have preceded him must be illegal, although, of course, the conrt could take notice only or the case before it.—lied Wing Argus. State Auditor Biermann made a clear and concise statement of all his acts in the pine land case about which so much has been said and done, and it ought to convince any fair-minded man that he at least had no connection with wrong doing, if there was any iv the case.— New Ulm News. State Auditor Biermann thoroughly vindicates himself concerning his con- nection with the sale of pine land in MilleLacs count}', over which there has been considerable controversy, yet he has a good deal of so-called cheek in sending a four-column pamphlet article relative thereto to the country papers. Gaaylord Hub. We have read it [the auditor's state- ment] carefully and are perfectly sat- isfied that there is nothing in the case to impeach Mr. Biermann's integrity or fidelity to the public welfare. The most that cau be said is that he accepted the valuation and records of his predecessor as correct and followed in the policy laid down and carried out by his depart- ment.—Maukato Review. State Auditor Biermann gives a very plausible explanation of his alleged un- lawful sale of pine. He shows that he simply followed the practice of all his Republican predecessors, and yet the Republican papers are giving him sheol. To us Mi. Biermann's defense is a strong one, and he forces one to the conclusion that ifhis sale of section 2G, etc., was contrary to law, so was every sale made for several years in the same manner, and they are many. Belle Plaiue Herald. Wolf Hunt in Miuneaoolis. Buluth Commonwealth. Five hundred men are out on a wolf- catching expedition in Minneapolis to- day. They are covering the suburbs only. The wildbeasts do not penetrate to the center of town. '— Profane Advice. East Grand Forks Courier This is a progressive age, and the man who doesn't progress had better make way for that noble being who neither toils nor spins, atid tells his creditors to go to h—l. Sights and Scenes \ part of the World, j £2 DEC. 26, 1803. * Date Changed Every .Day. { Cut this Coupon out and keep it until three ( of different dates are accumulated, then for- i ..ward them, together with * > Ten v cents in -silver or a similar { amount in one or two-cent postage ( 'stamps. \i'tvzi'itl*io! ";' ' •!' "* t —Address Coupon Department.St. Paul Globe. St Paul, Minn., and you will receive the ele- ( ' gant portfolioof photographs as advertised. ( V See our advertisement today on page a. i <»> » » ?\u25ba «\u25ba-• -«-©-«<•-<© <•< (CUT THIS OUT.)

Transcript of CAPTURED A CRANK. HOLMAN'S INDIAN BILL. …2017-12-16 · DAILY ST. PAUL GLOBE. Read the Latest...

Page 1: CAPTURED A CRANK. HOLMAN'S INDIAN BILL. …2017-12-16 · DAILY ST. PAUL GLOBE. Read the Latest Great GLOBE Offer on the Sixth Page. AComplete Set of World'sFair Parts for 40 Cents.


Read the LatestGreat GLOBE Offer

on the

Sixth Page.

A Complete Set of

World's Fair Parts for

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See the 6th Page.


CAPTURED A CRANK.The Man Who Has Written

Threatenng Letters


Run to Earth by Detectivesin the Capital City.


But Did It Simply as a Mat-ter of Business,


Washington, Dec. 25.—Joseph Don-jon, the man who has been writingthreatening letters to a numberof prom-inent public men during the last twoWt-eks, is in jail tonight. He walkedinto the detective bureau of James A.McDevitt Hits afternoon asking forfood. The detective took him to acollee house aud had something pre-pared for him to eat. Meantime hequestioned him, and learned enoughto lix his identity. He started towardsthe station house with his man, andon the way met Deteciive Ned Weedonand George Boyd. in whose handslie plact-d him. Itwill be rememberedthat a letter from this man to SenatorMillsa few days ago caused the sena-tor's son, Charles H. Mills, tosecureleave from the authorities to go armedfor the protection of his father. Thiswas the cause of bringing the man'sacts more prominently before the pub-lic. For several months past he hasbeen writingsimilar letters to a numberot prominent public men, aniomrwhom were Vice President Steven-son, Senator Gorman, Senator Mills,Senator Sherman and as the man hiui-Eelf claims, President Cleveland andSecretary of War Lainont. As long agoas during the fight over the silver ques-tion in the senate, Vice PresidentStevenson received letters almost dailyfrom Donjon, who was then ivNewark,N.J. No attention was paid to them,

and they were consigned to the wastebasket. The vice president today re-ceived one which was dated from 404Leigh street, this city. A number ofreporters were at the First precinct sta-tion tosee the man, and he

TALKED VEKY FREELYto all of tliem. He is twenty-eightyears old, about five feet ten inches inbeigfit, weights 180 to I'M pounds, isBark and sallow, lias a greasy com-plexion, smail dark moustache, amihas a rather sloucliy look about him.He has drooping eyelids, which usuallyaccompany a brooding and melancholydisposition. The man's manner of re-lating his story gives ample evidencethat he does not belie his appearanceiv this respect. He talks very ration-ally, and with a rather studied effort toavoid any appearance of bitterness orthe expression of any anarchistic views.

Donion is an Austrian by birth, andlays stress upon the assertion that heIs a Catholic, and professes a degree ofpiety. His story is that lie came to thiscountry when fifteen years of age. andhas been a telegraph operator iv theold country. He manifested consider-able pride inhis nationality, but deniesWith a spirit the public statement thathe is a "Pollock." He gave up tele-graphing when he came to this countrybecause there was some slight differ-ence in the instruments and in thealphabet. "Under those circumstances,"he continued, "ifIhad secured a jobthey would have seutme to some remoteOffice in the far West

WHERE THEKE ARE COYOTESand other dangerous creatures." Hebecame a bench molder after he camehere and claimed to have worked atSalem, Or., as well as inthe wire millsat Johnstown, at the time of the greatflood there, but was in Pittsburg on thatparticular occasion. Later, with hisfather, inothtr and brother, he went toNewark. N. J., and last May, havingbeen longer out of employment, wentwest to Washington and Idaho andprospected tor gold there. Hetells of a rather fearful taleof tlie dangers he encountered fromrough miners in that country, and says

that do man who was not willing tospend his earnings in drunkenness anddebauchery was permitted to stay there.He went back to Newark, and claims tohave been endeavoring to secure workthere ever since, tie says that he livedwith h;s father and mother and brotherat 128 Burnett street. This agrees withthe address of the earlier letters re-ceived from him. He claims that hisfather and brother went to Florida totake up land, but that he did not thinkit wort'i while to go, as he could getnothing to do anywhere. With con-siderable emphasis he denied that heis an anarchist or socialist, or everattended any meetings of those bodies,

but contends that he was preventedfrom securing employment, because hewas not a member of the Knights otLabor or any other labor uuion. As tothe letters that he has been writingheclaims t,nat he was incited to write them

BY OTIIKR PEOPLK,receiving $100 for doing it. Asked as tothe character of the persons who didthis, he disclaimed that they were an-archists, or they formed any associa-tion. They were merely private per-sons. He also denied that tiiere wereany threats in the letters he had writen,or any references whatever to dynamite.

"1never saw dynamite, and would ifIsaw it," he said. Whenasked what right he had tocomposeBucli letters at the bidding of others, heBimply inquired, "What right have youto write down what Iam telling you ?"

*\ltwas simply a business 1 went intoto make a living,just as you write newsfor tlie newspapers."

He claimed that all that was con-tained in any of the letters was a propo-sition to each of the men addressed toforward him the cost of transportationand an otfer to come on there and make abusiness proposition to them. This wasafter be found that there was noyork to be had, and he intimates thathe had s plan to better affairs. As towhat this plan is, he decliues to sayanything, but will probably make a•tatemeut of it later at his trial. The

man came to Washington three daysago from Baltimore. Night before lasthe applied at the police station for lodg-ing, and the officer in charge directedhim to the municipal lodging housenext d< or to the station house, where heslept that night, and

BAWKD WOOD NEXT MORNINGto pay for the lodging, filthreferenceto this, Donjon is very earnest in hisassertion that it is the tirst time he everslept insuch a place. The Washingtonpolice had no description of the man atthat time in their posession. Yesterdayhe tell in witha German on a bench inone ot the public parks in this city.The man was drunk, but spoke some-words of c icouragement to him, andio!d him that he was out of work, butgave him a quarter and hoped that hemight soon find something to do. Hethought the best thine he could do withthe quarter was to eet some postalcards aud make another effort tosecure answers from those towhom lie had been sendingHe took lodgings at 304 Tenth street inthis city, and slept there last night.This is the address on the postal cardreceived from him today. Ilis story isthat he waited about this place all todayfor some one to appear in reply to hispostal cards, but that no one came. Hethen determined, he says, to start out tolook for Chief Drutumond. He wasvery much disturbed and astonished atthe character of the publications in thenewspapers regarding the letters hewrote from Baltimore last week, butwanted to see the authorities and

SET HIMSELF BIGHT.With this in mind he stopped at the

detective office of James A..McDevitt.Hi- knew perfectly well that he wouldbe arrested when he made himselfknown to the authorities, but this didnot seem to disturb him. The manspeaks very good English, but with astrong German accent. He is evidentlywell educated, and says he has spentmuch time iv re ading scientific workson electricity, chemistry and kindredtopics. Inreply to a question, he saidhe had also read works on politicaleconomy and social science, but has-tened to add that they were not such aswere given out by the socialist and an-archist associations in New York city.

The police officials say it is not prob-able that his hearing will take placetomorrow, and it may be delayed sev-eral days. The letters from him whichthey now have iv their possession donot contain threats of a character thatwould be likely to make a case againsthim on that charge. It is believed,however, that threatening letters canbe secured from among the earlier oneshe wrote, if any of them have beenpreserved. Ifthey have not, itmay benecessary to proceed against him on acharge of using the mails todefraud.The man tells a connected story, butthe police put no faith in his assertionthat he was incited to write the lettersby other persons.


Jesuits May Not Return to Ger-many.

Rome, Dec. 25.—The Associated Presscorrespondent in this city has had aninterview with a German ecclesiasticwho occupies a leading position inRome, on the subject of the recent votein the German reichstag upon thequestion of re-admitting members ofthe Society of Jesus to Germany. Thedistinguished prelate referred to be-lieves that the German federal council,which is a sort of senate, willuot ratifythe vote of the reiohstag, saying:

"An aristocratic and conservativespirit prevails in the former assembly,and it should not be foigotten that inPrussia a large portion of the nobilityand of the patrician class Js Lutheran.The emperor himself is au ardent andwellnieb militant pietist, and wouldnot see with a favorable eye the returnot the Jesuits, implying, as it would, atriumph of Catholic aspirations. Never-theless, the vote of the reichstag con-stitutes a good precedent. Inthe eventof the motion being rejected by thefederal council it will be brought for-ward again later on, and, indeed, asmany times as necessary, until by dintof perseverance and constancy all ob-stacles are overcome."

The correspondent then asked theprelate how itwas that certain groupsin the reichstasr, calling themselvesConservatives, had voted aeainst thereturn of the Jesuits, wnose action hadinvariably been in support or conserva-tive ideas.

He replied that it was chiefly the Con-servatives of the Prussian provinceswho had voted in this manner, and tlievdid so out of fear of noi being re-eiected.

"And the Socialists?" the correspond-ent asked. "Why dia they vote in favorot the Jesuits, knowing that the latterare their enemies?"

"No doubt/ replied the ecclesiastic,"because they dread, on their ownaccount, legislative measures; and onprinciple they refused to authorize theemployment of weapons against theSociety of Jesus which might some daybe used against them."

"Have you noticed," the correspond-ent finally asked, "the violent tone ofthe articles published by the Osserva-tore Romano and the Voce Delia VeritaagaiiiSt the German deputy, HerrLieber, who declared, on behalf of tnecenter, that the infallibilityof the popecould not turn German Catholics fromtheir duty to their emperor and theircountry, in the event of danger to theFatherland! Does the deputy's asser-tion fullydesire the the blame bestowedupon it by those two papers, which aregenerally held to represent the views ofthe Vatican, and does ilerr Liebert'sstatement olfend domna!"

"Not in the least," replied the eccle-siastic. "1 see nothing reprehensiblein Uerr Lieber's statement. The re-proach is constantly leveled asrainstGerman Catholics that they cannot begood patriots because of the obediencethey owe to the pope, who is a foreign-er. Now, Herr Lieber desired to refutethis charge by makingan explicit state-ment, and his declaiation, in my opin-ion, is in no way incompatible withdogma."

Want Free Lumber.Washington, Dec. 25.— Information

received here indicates that the Cana-dian government is taking no chances,and is at work to secure the retentionof lumber on the free list in the Wilsonbill. The opposition of certain inter-ests to placing lumber on the free, listhas aroused the Canadian government,and Mr.Courtney, deputy mini ster offinance, has been sent here tolook:afte rthe Dominion's interests. The argu-ment that Is being used to overcome the.opposition to free lumber is that in casethis provision is eliminated from theWilson bill an export duty will belevied by the Canadian government onlogs ami lumber.




The Globe Interviews the Great!v Objector— Indian Title to

Lands a Humbug-How theBill Making Pensions a•'Vested Right" SlippedThrough— Chinese Will Regis-


Special to the Globe.Washington, Dec. 25.— "What Is the

object, Mr. Ilulman, in striving to abol-ish the Indian agencies throughout meWest?" asked the Globe correspondentOf the great objector from Indiana.

"The object is economy. The Demo-cratic party is pledged to an economicaladministration of the government, andwhen the entire system of Indianagencies is broken up, one of the mostuseless as well as tne most extravagant

sources of expenditure will be dried atits source. What reason now exists fornot alloting lands in severalty to theIndians all over the country, furnishing

them witha complete agricultural outfitaud saying to them: 'Either go to workor starve,' as we say to the average

American citizen?"There has Deen a vast amount of

sentimental humbug throughout allAmerican history as to the noble redman. Now the time seems to be rapidlyapproaching when it has got to cease.The idea that the Indian somehow hasvested rights, in some indefinite andgauzy manner, in being supported bytaxation levied upon his white brother,is a vicious one, and has got to be put torest. He has got to learn by a hardand rugged experience, that he hasnothing but his own efforts to rely upon.Many of the Indian tribes are rich inlands and stock and money. Whateveris rightfullyand legally theirs shouldbe given to them, and the nation mustgradually withdraw from the positionof indulgent guardian to them. Whatmy bill proposes willnot injure, butbenefit the Indian. It simply consol-idates several agencies into one. thusreducing the expenses which have here-tofore been considered necessary. Itreduces the number of official positionsnot only, but itreduces the possibilitiesof fraud upon the Indians themselvesto the minnimum."Ido not kuow what the committee

willdo. There are strong influences atwork to DerDetu ite the evils ofthe pres-ent Indian system. Rascality sometimesin this imperfect world secures vestedrights. One never can tell how manysections a ringmay have, or how vastits ramifications may be. 1am pre-pared now, as always, to strike uselessor extravagant expenditures by thegovernment wherever )t is possible.This bill is only the beginning. Itmeans the gradual wiping out of theIndian office as a governmental bureau.Itwill take years and courage to ac-complish it. I,of course, will not liveto witness the end. But of this lamquite sure, this is the beginning of theend.


How a Measure Which Was Op-posed Recame a Law.

Special to the Globe.Washington, Dec. 25.—The Martin

amendment to the deficiency bill whichmakes pensions "a vested right." andpractically forbids due pension commis-sioner from suspending any pensionuntil upon the notice to the pensioner,has become a law by receiving thesignature of the president.Itwas first introduced as an inde-

pendent measure by Mr. Voorhees inthe senate, and Mr. Martin (both Demo-crats) in the house. It met with themost strenuous opposition from mem-bers of the committee on invalid pen-sions in the latter body. Maj.Baldwin,of the Sixth Minnesota district, was par-ticularly pronounced in his oppositionto the measure while in committee. Mr.Martin discovered that it was a questionifthe measure would not be defeated asan independent bill,and was also afraidthat even in case of its passage itmightmeet with a presidential veto. Hetherefore proceeded by indirection toinject the billas an amendment into thebody of a most urgent deficiency bill.In this manner itmet with the smallestpossible discussion, and became a law.

The opponents of the measure arenow kicking themselves that a moredecided opposition was not made tothemeasure, even tothe extent of postpon-ing the appropriations until after theholiday recess.


Billto Repeal Certain PermanentAppropriations.

Washington, D. C. Dec. 23.— Asubject which will receive some con-sideration at the hands of the committeeon appropriations of the house this ses-sion of congress is embodied in the billintroduced by Representative Sayers,its chairman, entitled a bill "to repealcertain laws relating to permanent andindefinite appropriations." Billshaving;this object in view have appearedperennially dming the past ten years,but for various reasons they have failedof enactment The object of reDealingthese permanent appropriations, andhaving congress pass upon the matterscovered by them each year, is that itwillconduce to a more thorough andcareful examination of Hems of ap-propriation than is obtainable underthe present system, by which accountsare audited and passed upon by theaccounting officers, and where noopportunity is left for secrutiny bycongressional committess. At thesame time, objection is made againstthe changes proposed by the bill, be-cause of the injustice that would resultto claimants entitled to amounts paidthem under the present system, witnoutrecourse to specific congressional legis-lation. The billnow before the com-mittee excludes from its provisions vari-ous laws, therein specified, includingthe sinking funa and others, With ap-propriations under which amount tomany millions of dollars, roughly esti-mated at about one-third of the totalpermanent appropriations. The totalannual permanent appropriations forthe fiscal year 1894 were $113,444,630, and

1 ftlw estimates tor ww,1101,074,680. Tlie

committee has referred the bill to Sec-retary Carlisle for his views on thechanges proposed by it, and the severalaccounting officers of the departmentwillbe asked to submit their opinionsbefore any recommendation is made inthe matter by the secretary.

Ten years ago Secretary Manning, Ina communication to congress on thissubject, expressed the opinion that,while the general features of the billappeared to be such as ought to receivethe sanction of the department, he wasconfronted with such a diversity ofopinions on the part of the accountingofficers regarding the enactment of thelaw, in the form then presented, that hefelt reluctant to advance any view*other than to say that the general prop-osition to substitute SDecinc or annualappropriations for those of a permanentor indefinite nature met his approval.

The matter was brought to the atten-tion of ihe department officials again inISSB. and its opinion requested on thechanges proposed. Itappears, however,from the records, that no opinion wasexpressed at that Ume, ActingSecretaryThompson merely transmitting the re-ports of the several accounting officerson the bill aud a statement ot expend-itures culled for.

Again, in IS9O, the matter #a3 re-ferred to the treasury department, andSecretary Windoin wrote a letter inwhich he said an examination of thelaw under which such appropriationswere provided elicited the fact that alarge portion of the indefinite appropri-ations should stand without repeal onttie principle of economy and dispatchin the work ot the government, as nowperformed, as well as inequity toclaim-ants to relieve them of the hardshipsof awaiting annual appropriations bycongress, in many instances of mon«ybelonging 10 them, but covered into thetreasury of the United States as mis-cellaneous receipts, which should bepaid on demand. Moreover, he said, alaw of general character repealing theappropriations and naming the excep-tions was inadvisable. Any such lawshould name especially the appropria-tions to be repealed.


Celestials Will Accept the Op-port unity to Register.

Washington-. Dec. 25.—

SenatorWhite, of California, who had givenclose attention to the Chinese question,in all its phases, expressed the opinionthat Chinese residents of this countrywillaccept the oDportunity to registerunder the new law extending the Gearyact. and says that mauy of the Chinesehave so assured him. The senator saysthat the only thing that stood in theway of their registering under the pro-visions of the Geary law before thetime for registration was extended bythe present congress, was the op-position of the Six Companies,which made the tight against the con-stitutionality of the enactment, andmeantime prevented the Chinese froiacomplying with the law. JJow that thesupreme court of the United States hasdecided upon the constitutional points,and has confirmed the right of congressto legislate in the matter, and inview ofthe fact that this government has showna disposition to act leniently with theChinese already here, it is supposedthat the SixCompanies willwithdraw'their opposition to registration and per?Mitcompliance with the law, especiallyas they have been warned that refusalwill result in wholesale deportation,which would be ruinous to their in-terests. Furthermore, it is understoodthat some of the managers of the SixCompanies have expressed their acquies-cence in the law. Itis also stated thatthe Chinese government will urge com-pliance.

Senator White says' there has beenmore talk about the objection of theChinese to having their photographstaken for filing with their certificatesthan was justified,and that ithas largelydied out since the exclusion billbecamea law. He thinks, therefore, that theChinese did not feel so much repug-nance to having their pictures taken aswas represented. The belief is generalamong the California people that theChinese will,submit to this exaction,and the present marshal of SouthernCalifornia is so entirely convinced onthis point that he has established aphotograph gallery in Los Angalesforthe especial purpose of photographingthe Chinamen when the rush shallbegin. The senator also states thatthere is no especial feeling among thethe Americans of California upon thesubject, because they think the act willbe enforced, and they are willingtosubmit to the presence of the Chinesenow here, providing it be understoodthat no more are to be imported. .»

PUBLIC PRINTER. £.Many Applicants for a Desirable

Position. v. •.:;:;.„'•• .*\u25a0\u25a0>Washington, Dec. .25.

—There. Is.

good reason to believe that the appoint-'ment of the successor of Public Printer ;Palmer so long delayed, will be madein the course of the next few days. ,Mayor-elect Hopkins, of Chicago, ishere in behalf of Mr. McCabe, theChicago candidate for the place, andWilliam Hyde, formerly part owner of.-the St. Louis Republic, who was post- Vmaster of the Mound City during thefirst administration of Mr. Cleveland, jand likewise a candidate for the public .printership, is also in the city..There}are a dozen other candidates for thisposition, which is exceedingly desir-able, and eagerly sought after on ac-count of the enormous patronage con-5

nected with it,amounting to over 3,000'

places outside of the pale of , the curilservice law. Among•

them are eK-Public Printer Benedict, of New Fork,John Cox, of Baltimore, and VictorBaughmau, of Frederick, Md. ;:.'. j.".^

Gen. Coleman Protests.- •'- t

Washington, Dec. 25.—

A telegramhas been received at the war depart-ment from Gen. D. C. Coleman, of>St.Louis, protesting against the award ot amedal of honor to Gen. Dennis L.Klrbyfor service at the battle of Chicamauga.Gen. Coleman commanded the EighthMissouri volunteers, of which ;KifhJ?was the major. Gen. Coleman concededGen. Kirby's bravery, but says that areward for service on that occasion isdue to Capt. Neil, rather that Geu.Kirby.

" ~ --, -•"

Will Whistle Their Orders. £'Washington, Dec. .'2s.—Tho major--'

general commanding the United Statesarmy has approved part of the newtactics providing for officer's


commands under certain circumstancesby whistles instead Jbf~ by wo.d ()fmouth. The whistles are to be placedin the crosspieces of the guards: of tUeswords, and an order has been issued tothe commanding officers of;the Spring-field armory and the. Rock lslan<l-arsi-nal to make this alteration as^rompUy

,as possible. \u25a0 ..">-^-^ p^|




Gov. Fallback Writes of the Law-less StatQ of Affairs in the In-dian Territory, Claiming ThatIt Is a Veritable School forCrime, and the GovernmentShould Take Action.

Sm.em, Or,. Dec. 25.—Gov. Pennoyertoday addressed the followiug letter toPresident Cleveland;

"The extraoidinary circumstanceswhich erect the return of this holidaymust be my excuse for writinir you.Today is the first Christmas in the his-tory of Oreeon when more than two-thirds of its people are without employ-ment, and more than one-third are with-out sufficient means of support. Busi-ness is almost completely stagnated.Money is not to be obtained, and debtorsare powerless to avoid seizure of theirproperty and their homes to satisfy ata small percentage of their valuethe claims of creditors. Reported ap-peals have been made to me as governorof Oreeon, to assemble the legislaturein order to alleviate this condition oraffairs, and prevent the impendingcalamity. The redress is, however,not iv our hands, but in yours, andhence this appeal to you. The laws ofcongress, which have discriminatedagainst silver, and made gold alone fullleiral tender money, giving to the moneylender the privilege of refusing boththe silver dollar and silver certificate,thus

BENDERIXG UNAVAILABLEmore than one-half of the nationalcurrency as absolute debt payingmoney, are the sole causes of the de-cline of values, paralysis of businessand consequent impoverishment of thegreat army of wage.workers, and theimpending starvation of their wives andchildren. If,when you stood upon theEastern portico of the capitol on thefourth of last March, you had an-nounced to the people that you wouldspeedily convene congress in extra ses-sion to carry out the pledges of the plat-form to which you gave your assent,and upon which you were elected, andwhich declared for the use of bothgold and silver as standard money;without discrimination against eithermetal, the wide-spread revision of busi-ness, which has diminished the value ofthe property of the nation by, would never have occurred. Andif now you would give such advice tocongress the further downward tend-,ency would be checked, and with favor-able congressional legislation businesswould again irevive and prosperitywould again visit our land. Itis honor-able to carry out the pledges of theparty to ".the people, awl is It not mostdishonorable not to do so? :.-A' • THE RESPONSIBILITY-^ ;;.\u25a0.-;.

lies entirely withyou. Complete obedi-ence of/the lower house of congress toyour wishes has been observed through-out the world. Itwould be your behest,and in this the senate would give yousupport. "Youare a father, and you nodoubt feel grateful to God when you,upon retiring to rest, look upon yoursleeping babes in their couches, thepictures of health, consequent upontheir having sufficiency of food andclothing. 'I pray*- you, however,to enlarge \u25a0 the scope ofyour vision and behold, as youeau in many .and many a cot, childrenloved as much by their parents as yoursare by you, weak and sickly from in-sufficient food and clothing; the inno-

[ cent victims of vicious financial legisla-\u25a0 tion, whose sleeping forms are bathediby the scalding tears of mothers bend-ingover them in sorrow and despair;and there resolve, as you should, tofaithfullycarry out the pledges whichyour party g ye to a confiding people.Ifyou willdo so God willbless you,anda grateful nation willapplaud you."


Got. Fishback 80 Terms the In-dian Territory.

LittleRock, Ark., Dec 25.—Gov.Fishback has written a letter to Presi-dent Cleveland complaining of the factthat the Indian territory is an asylumfor dangerous criminals of allkinds.The letter is in part as follows::Executive Office, Little Rock, Ark.—To the President: Tne developmentsincident to the recent robbery andmurder at Oliphant, in this state, ren-der it proper, it seems to me, that 1should call your attention to the dan-gerous relation which the Indian Terri-tory west of us occupies to the states ofthe Union, and especially to the adja-cent stater of Arkansas, Kansas, Texasand Oklahoma territory. Upon thegerson of of one of the captured robberswas found a map of the route that theyhad taken from the Indian territory,175 miles to the scene of the rob-bery, and also a map of the countryaround Chattanooga, Term., showingthat another robbery was contemplatedat or near that city. Ihave good reasonto suspect that a very large percentageof the bank and train


which take place east of the Allegheny saud west of the .Rocky mountains areorganized or originate in the Indianterritory. Let me add that the refugewhich this sparsely" settled rendezvousof outlaws affords to criminals is aconstant temptation to crime in all thecountry around.' During:' the past

twelve months there have issued fromthe states of Arkansas, Texas, Kansasand Oklahoma territory sixty-one requi-sitions upon the Indian territory authori-ties for fugitives, while we have reasonto believe that as many more are hidingamong their comrades incrime in this"asylum; of -jcriminals. Criminals whofind a refuge in this territory are rapidlyconverting the Indian territory into aschool of crime. The federal jail atForth Smith is at all seasons nearly fullof prisoners from this territory,' andthe federal-: court holds sessions

'continuing: , through nearly everymonth in the year. This state ofsemi-clfcaos and the farces of governmentwhich exist in this territory suggestthe. very serious question whether, the. time 'has not arrived for the federal gov-etiunent to assert its right of eminent

"domain over this part of ;the nationaldomain, art4-to change its political re-lations with the United States. Notonly the public goods but public safety,as "well as the highest interests of theIndian himself, demands the suggestedChange. Respectfully, \u25a0

M\ : W. M. FISHBACK.. -y£ ;. .• Governor of Arkansas.


Of the "Sights and Scenes of the World."

Every day this week a coupon for Part Eight of the GreatArt Gallery which the Globe is supplying- the public willbeprinted on this page. Any three of the coupons, with tencents, secures you Part Eight. Do not try to use this couponfor Part Seven or Part Nine. Itis for Part Eight only. Ifyouwant two copies of Part Eight, send six of the coupons printedthis week and twenty cents. If you only want one copy ofPart Eight, send three coupons and ten cents. The advertise-ment on Page 5 today tellsyou how to secure the first sevenparts if you have neglected obtaining them.

Orders by mail are subject to delay of a week or ten days,as the parts are mailed by the Eastern publishers.

MELLO'S LATEST MOVEHe Steals a March on Peixo«

to's War Ships.


WillBe Forced to Help HimDo Battle.


And on the Road to Meet theRebel Forces and


[CopyriKht. IPO3. by the Associated Press.]Pei:nambuco. Dec. 25.— situation

of affairs has very materially changedin this city within the last few hours.Until this morning Pernambuco be-lieved that its harbor was to be thescene of the first big naval battle be-tween the Republica, Admiral Mello'sbest war ship, and the Aquidaban. her (companion rebel ship, on the one side,and the Nictheroy, President Peixoto'sdynamite gun cruiser, on the other.This belief was simply justified bythe report received a « few days onapparently good authority, that theRepublica and ". the Aquidabanhad been seen off the Brazil-ian coast headed northward, and ap-parently bound for if totake the Nictheroy by surprise andcompel her to fight without a chance toput to sea. The news received here thismorning

CHANGED THE WIIOLE ASPECTof affairs. The rebel war ships, it wasthen learned, were not on their way toPernambuco, but, on the contrary, hadsailed towards the mountainous andrugged island of Fernando de Noronha,where there is a large convict settle-ment. The island, despite its ruirged-ness, possesses considerable fertility,and its several harbors, defended byforts, would enable Mello to make avigorous resistance ifattacked. i..

The revolutionary admiral's object ingoing to Fernando de Noronha, which isover 100 miles from the main coast ofBrazil, is to compel so many able-bodiedconvicts as he can findin the settlementto go aboard his vessels and join theircrows: It is said that he expects tosecure not less than 1.000 men in thisway. Upon the receipt of this newsaboard the Nictheroy there was greatactivity . noticeable. Members of thecrew were sent ashore in small boats to-search through the town for such of theNictheroy's men as had been allowed toleave the land, .and to

'v -' :\u25a0'-iv

--<_... IIUKKYTHEMBACK "'-' - '-'to the ship. The commanding officer ofthe Nictheroy had apparently receivedfullinstructions as to how lie should actin such an emergency, and these is believed, were to the ef-fect that, if he became convinced thatthe report of the coming to Pernanibucoof the Kepublica and the Aquidabanproved to be untrue, and that these ves-sels, instead of seeking, were evading,fight, he should lose no further time, butput to sea. at once and force theminto a naval contest for superiority.This view oi the case proved to be cor-rect, for . this afternoon when all themen belonging to the Nicthercy's crewhad been gotten aboard the governmentbattle ship,sht! weighed anchor.steamedout to sea, and headed her nose for thenortheast. The Associated Press corre-spondent is reliably informed that theNictheroy's destination is the island ofFernando de Noronha. \ Ifthis informa-tion is correct, the long-expected. seabattle between the revolutionist andgovernment war vessels will in allprobability be fought within a shorttime.


Seeking to Avoidan Kngiue a ManIsInstantly Killed.

Special to the Globe.Wahpbton, N. D., Dec. 25.— About

11o'clock Saturday evening H. B. Gra-ham, whose family reside at Lisbon, N.D., was coming across the Great North-ern bridge from JirecKenridge, when hemet a switch engine, and stepped uponthe limbers on the side to avoid it. Thetimbers were covered withice, and heslipped and fell some thirty feet to theice below. He was instantly killed bythe fall. Upon his person were foundmoney and a receipt from the expresscompany for 850. which he had sent tohis wife. An inquest was held and averdict rendered of accidental death.No blame was attached to any personfor the sad ending. He was thirty yearsof age.

Suicide ofa Dissolute Woman.Special to the Globe.

Deadwood. S. D., Dec. 25.—A col-ored Cyprian, named Fannie, suicidedtoday by taking chloroform. There aremany suspicious features surrounding .her death, which willbe investigated.

Christmas Storm.Special to the Globe.

Sack Rapids. Dec. 25.—A heavy-snow storm set in last evening and fellheaviiy until about midnight, aboutthirteen inches falling. The ,weather .is, as usual, disagreeable, but withChristmas trees at the Methodist,German Evangelical and Swedishchurches, all appear to be having a goodtime.

Will Not Be Settled.Washington. Dec. 25. -The rumor

that the suit of Miss MadelineV. Pollardagainst. Representative Breckinridgefor ?50,000 for breach of promise will be .compromised and settled out of court isnot credited in this city. Enoch Totten, .one of Mr. Breckiiiridge's attorneys,said today: "Isaw Mr.Breckinridgeday before yesterday, and he said noth-ing tome of any settlement, or indeedof any proposition on his part or that ofMiss Pollard respecting a settlement.


Removed to the Capital.- .

Washington, . Dec. AssistantSecretary of State Uhl has removed hisfamily to this city from Grand Rapids,Mich., and has taken quarters for theIwinter inAdmiral English's house.




Dunn, of Princeton Union, andHunt, of Mankato Free Press,in Itfor Blood— Bob Has thePrestige ofPine Land Decis-ion, and Lemuel Points to HisWorld's Fair Record— Go ItTiga, Setza 'Em Bowser— PineLand Comments.

Willthe Editors Stick?Northfield News.

Journalistic candidates for statehonors are blooming early. Both L.P.Hunt, of the Mankato Free Press, andR. C. Dunn, of the Princeton Union,are out for the position of state auditor.Ifthe newspaper men wouldstand to-gether, one would surely win. But itis not likely that they will so stand.Count us for an editor every time; weeven favor Democratic editors as candi-dates for the postoffices in the differenttowns.

He Prodded.MidwayNews.

The pine land people no doubt hopedto be able to so exercise their "pull"upon the governor as to enable them toslip tne real issue, but in that they evi-dently had not taken due account ofMr.Dunn's prodding abilities. Ithasbecome proverbial that he has ever sinceprodded the governor on the subject,lie was right, and he knew he wasright.

Old Enough to Know Better.Wftbasba Herald.

"Bob"Dunn, of Princeton, is enjoy-ing quite a boom for the nomination forstate auditor on the Republican ticket.Mr. Dunn deserves a better fate than tobe butchered to make a Democraticholiday, but if he insists on runningagainst the man whom the Democratswillnominate hia blood be on his ownhead, lie is old enough to know better.

Hunt Is in It.St. Peter Herald.

L.P. Hunt, of Mankato, is in thefield for the office of state auditor. Heis making a strong fight for the positi ;n,and, unless we are deceived, will comepretty near getting the nomination.Hunt has the happy faculty of usuallygetting what he wants.

Wants to Support Bob.Todd County Argus.

Our esteemed friend, R. C. Dunn, isnamed as a very good man for stateauditor. Itwould give us great pleas-ure to support him, and we would feelcertain when he got into the office itsaffairs would be honestly and fearlesslyadministered.

Bob Lead the Fight.Lake Crystal TJuion.

The Minnesota pins land ring hasbeen struck with a club. By the littleturn of affairs several thousand dollarsof stolen money willbe returned to thestate treasury. Bob Dunn lead thetight agaiust the crowd.

At Bob Dana's Mercy.Eden Valley Journal.

Mr. Biertnann stated his defense ofhis official act clearly, and justified hisaction by a long-established precedent,but the courts have decided againsthim. and he is at the mercy of BobDunn.

Hunting lor It.Redwood Gazette.

L. P. Hunt, editor of the MankatoFree Press, who ha 9just dropped astate '.job as world:s fair superintend-ent, is said to be after the stateauditorship.

Pugnacious Bob.Faribault Pilot

Bob Dunn, the pugnacious ed'.tor ofthe Princton Union, deserves unstintedpraise for the persistent and successfulfight he has made against the pine landthieves.

Bob Mustn't Gat "Stuck Up."Fairmont Sentinel.IfBob Dunn keeps his head level,

don't get "stuck up" and "saws wood"he willbe nominator for state auditorby acclamation.

Breeze Oat of His Sails.Hlnckley Enterprise.

The statement is a clear and convinc-

ing exposition of the facts in the case,and takes the breeze from Bob Dunn'ssails.

A Rognlar Ferret.Sleepy Eye Herald.

For once in the history of the statehas justice been done. Bob Dunn de-serves much credit for his indomitablecourage in ferreting out fraud.

Not in Danger.Canton Leader.Itwould be a mistake to nominate

either one [forstate auditor] ani we ap-prehend there is not much danger of it.


Comments on His Explanation ofthe Pine Land Sale.

There is nothing in the case to showthat Auditor Bierruann profited person-ally by the sale or that it was out of theusual course of procedure insuch cases.—Rochester Post.

We understand that the case is nowpending in the supreme court, and toour thinking, there, and there alone, isthe place for Mr. Biermann to look fora vindication.— Lac gui Parle CountyPress.

We do not hold Mr. Bierraann guiltyof any intentional wrong, but as a Dem-ocrat it was his duty to reform thewrongs of his predecessors instead offollowing in their footsteps. It was asin of omission.— St. Peter Herald.

The Monitor is pleased that thesefacts have come out. placing the stateauditor in a proper light. This papercondemned him when it had heard onlythe other side, but it seems that thestory of the other side isn't to be en-tirely relied upon.—Swift County Mou-itor.

We do not assume to deubt that therehave been numerous frauds perpetratedin connection with the sale of Minne-sota Dine, but doubt if almost the onlyDemocratic officer in the state is re-sponsible for all of It.—Le Koy Inde-pendent.

State Auditor Biermann has madepublic his promised statement of hisside of the famous C. A.Smith pineland case. There is much in itto showthat he was doing what he supposed tobe right and acting in accordance withthe law.—MilieLacs County Times.Itwould appear that if the sale made

by Mr.Bierniiinn was illegal then similarsales made by the auditors who havepreceded him must be illegal, although,of course, the conrt could take noticeonlyor the case before it.—lied WingArgus.

State Auditor Biermann made a clearand concise statement of all his acts inthe pine land case about which so muchhas been said and done, and itought toconvince any fair-minded man that heat least had no connection with wrongdoing, if there was any iv the case.—New Ulm News.

State Auditor Biermann thoroughlyvindicates himself concerning his con-nection with the sale of pine land inMilleLacs count}', over which there hasbeen considerable controversy, yet hehas a good deal of so-called cheek insending a four-column pamphlet articlerelative thereto to the country papers.—

Gaaylord Hub.We have read it [the auditor's state-

ment] carefully and are perfectly sat-isfied that there is nothing in the caseto impeach Mr. Biermann's integrity orfidelity to the public welfare. The mostthat cau be said is that he accepted thevaluation and records of his predecessoras correct and followed in the policylaid down and carried out by his depart-ment.—Maukato Review.

State Auditor Biermann gives a veryplausible explanation of his alleged un-lawful sale of pine. He shows that hesimply followed the practice of all hisRepublican predecessors, and yet theRepublican papers are giving himsheol. To us Mi.Biermann's defenseis a strong one, and he forces one to theconclusion that ifhis sale of section 2G,etc., was contrary to law, so was everysale made for several years in the samemanner, and they are many.


Plaiue Herald.

Wolf Hunt in Miuneaoolis.Buluth Commonwealth.

Five hundred men are out on a wolf-catching expedition in Minneapolis to-day. They are covering the suburbsonly. The wildbeasts do not penetrateto the center of town.


Profane Advice.East Grand Forks Courier

This is a progressive age, and the manwho doesn't progress had better makeway for that noble being who neithertoils nor spins, atid tells his creditors togo to h—l.

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