Camira State Forest Compartments 71, 72, 73 - Harvest and

93 88 All Weather, Unsealed Dry Weather, Unsealed 4WD Track New Construction Non Haulage Roads ---=- Optional Roads DUMPS & CROSSINGS 0 Log Dump - Dry 8 Log Dump- Wet Approved Crossing .... ,. Approved IFOA exclusion crossing OTHER MAP FEATURES -+-+- Powerline -+-+- Underground cable C8l Gate Sandstone cliffs (indicative) -apply 20m buffer ISSl Transmission OPs e Dam House 89 THREATENED SPECIES RECORDS Little Lorikeet e Brown Tree creeper Powerful Owl e Sooty Owl e Glossy Black-Cockatoo Glossy Black-Cockatoo feed tree - retain & protect + Yellow-bellied Glider Koala Little Bent-wing Bat Grey-crowned Babbl er (eastern subsp.) 1 Cyperus aquatilis 89 91 i N .l 92 l( t:ii Corporation Forestry Map Sheets . ......;..... ... , 1:25,000 Clea rfield 9439-1S 1:100,000 Coal dale 9439 North East Region - Casino MA Harvest Plan Operational Map Compartments 71 , 72 & 73 Camira State Forest MAP FEATURES State Forest Boundary Compartment Boundary n 1 Km Grid / / 10 / 100 m Contour D State Forest National Park Estate Drainage Line Indicative Dra inage Feature HARVESTING PRESCRIPTIONS General Management (FMZ 4) Areas for Further Assessment Non-commercial/Pre-merchantable - Special Management (FMZ 2) Non-Forestry Use (FMZ 7) Wetland (TSL & SEPP 14) Wetland buffer HARVESTING PROTECTION (TSCL, EPL & FL) Riparian (IHC 1 & 2) Filter 5m either side Protection 5m either side Protection 15m either side Protection 25m either side Protection 45m either side Operational zone 1Om either side RIDGE & HEADWATER HABITAT - 40m wide exclusion - 80m wide exclusion THREATENED SPECIES PRESCRIPTIONS IJI] Yellow-bellied Glider modified harvest area INDICATIVE EECs 1:;:: :: 1 Swamp Sclerophyll Forest I:>: l Subtropical Coastal Floodplain Forest 91 92 69 68 93

Transcript of Camira State Forest Compartments 71, 72, 73 - Harvest and

Page 1: Camira State Forest Compartments 71, 72, 73 - Harvest and

93 88

All Weather, Unsealed Dry Weather, Unsealed 4WD Track New Construction Non Haulage Roads

---=- Optional Roads DUMPS & CROSSINGS

0 Log Dump - Dry

8 Log Dump- Wet

~ Approved Crossing ....,. Approved IFOA exclusion crossing

OTHER MAP FEATURES -+-+- Powerline

-+-+- Underground cable

C8l Gate

~ Sandstone cliffs (indicative) -apply 20m buffer

ISSl Transmission OPs

e Dam

• House



e Brown Treecreeper

• Powerful Owl

e Sooty Owl

e Glossy Black-Cockatoo

• Glossy Black-Cockatoo feed tree - retain & protect

+ Yellow-bellied Glider


• Little Bent-wing Bat

• Grey-crowned Babbler (eastern subsp.)

1 Cyperus aquatilis



i N .l


l(t:ii Corporation Forestry

Map Sheets .......;........., 1:25,000 Clearfield 9439-1S

1:100,000 Coaldale 9439

North East Region - Casino MA Harvest Plan Operational Map

Compartments 71 , 72 & 73 Camira State Forest

MAP FEATURES State Forest Boundary

• Compartment Boundary


1 Km Grid / / 10 / 100 m Contour

D State Forest National Park Estate Drainage Line Indicative Drainage Feature

HARVESTING PRESCRIPTIONS General Management (FMZ 4) Areas for Further Assessment Non-commercial/Pre-merchantable

~~~~--~-*~~~--~~~~~--~~~--~T4==~-+--I'ORESTMANAGEMENTPROTEC - Special Management (FMZ 2)

Non-Forestry Use (FMZ 7) Wetland (TSL & SEPP 14) Wetland buffer


Filter 5m either side Protection 5m either side Protection 15m either side Protection 25m either side Protection 45m either side Operational zone 1Om either side

RIDGE & HEADWATER HABITAT - 40m wide exclusion - 80m wide exclusion

THREATENED SPECIES PRESCRIPTIONS IJI] Yellow-bellied Glider modified harvest area

INDICATIVE EECs 1:;:: ::1Swamp Sclerophyll Forest

I:>:lSubtropical Coastal Floodplain Forest

91 92




Page 2: Camira State Forest Compartments 71, 72, 73 - Harvest and

93 88 89 91 92

j,l ForestryJl._ Corporation

Map Sheets 1:25,000 Clearfield 9439-1 S 1:100,000 Coaldale 9439

~ Type 31 Paperbark

c=J Type 39 Blackbutt - Spotted Gum

~ Type 62 Grey Gum- Grey lronbark- White Mahogany

~ Type 74 Spotted Gum - lronbark I Grey Gum

~ Type 76 Spotted Gum - Blackbutt

~ Type 92 Forest Red Gum

c=J Type 231 Swamp

L · - • + •++ 0 +++ +: +

North East Region -Casino MA Forest Types Map

Compartments 71, 72 & 73 Camira State Forest

MAP FEATURES State Forest Boundary

• 0 Compartment Boundary 1 Km Grid

/ / 10 I 100m Contour D State Forest n National Park Estate

Drainage Line Indicative Drainage Feature

All Weather, Unsealed Dry Weather, Unsealed 4WD Track New Construction Non Haulage Roads Optional Roads


89 91 92 93