Call for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Part I · Jan. 4 Melissa Mauro Jan. 5 Mary Newlin...

The Caring Church in the Heart of the City! Our mission at First Presbyterian Church the Covenant is: “To awaken all people to our need for a life-changing encounter with the living Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage and equip each one to become His fully-deved follower.” January 1, 2018 / Volume 35, No. 1 ~ Schedule Change Reminder ~ Church Office Closed … January 1 st & 15 th Faith Formation Classes Resume … Sunday, January 7 th Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes… January 10 th Wednesday Connections Dinner Resume … January 10 th The Session of the First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant calls for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Part I to be held on Sunday, January 21, 2018. According to the revised By-Laws of the Congregation & Corporation Article VI, Section 1, the stated purpose of the meeting is “…electing the Nominating Committee, informing the congregation of the budget, approving pastoral terms of call & filling vacancies on the Session & Board of Deacons.” The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Rev. Chris Weichman W.D. Holmes Moderator Clerk of Session Call for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Part I

Transcript of Call for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Part I · Jan. 4 Melissa Mauro Jan. 5 Mary Newlin...

The Caring Church in the Heart of the City!

Our mission at First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant is:

“To awaken all people to our need for a life-changing encounter

with the living Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage and equip each one to become His fully-devoted follower.”

January 1, 2018 / Volume 35, No. 1

~ Schedule Change Reminder ~

Church Office Closed … January 1st & 15th

Faith Formation Classes Resume … Sunday, January 7th

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes… January 10th

Wednesday Connections Dinner Resume … January 10th

The Session of the First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant calls for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Part I

to be held on Sunday, January 21, 2018. According to the revised By-Laws

of the Congregation & Corporation Article VI, Section 1, the stated purpose of the meeting is

“…electing the Nominating Committee, informing the congregation of the budget,

approving pastoral terms of call & filling vacancies on the Session & Board of Deacons.”

The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Rev. Chris Weichman W.D. Holmes Moderator Clerk of Session

C al l for t h e An n u al M e etin g

of t h e C on g re gat i on , Par t I





From Pas tor Chr is

It is always tempting in the month of January to write about or preach on New Year’s resolutions. No doubt, most of us want to exercise a little more and eat a little less, spend more time with our family and give ourselves to more productive endeavors. The making New Year’s resolutions is nothing new. The practice goes back to 4000BC to the Babylonians. Even the ancients wanted to make a new start.

But in Christ the possibilities are so much greater. Paul writes that in Christ, followers of Jesus are new creations: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new crea-tion; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17 NIV) It is an odd thing to say of someone that he or she is “in Christ.” People are not inside one another. Rather Paul is writing about those who having offered themselves to God are united with God through

Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit.

Those who are “in Christ” find themselves transformed, set free from the confining power of the present age. Because the Holy Spirit joins us to Jesus Christ we share in everything that is His. In Christ we become all that we could never be in the eyes of God if we are left to ourselves. We are not now suddenly function-ally perfect saints, of course. We still limp along straining between sin and mercy.

Being “in Christ” makes possible so much more than losing a few extra pounds. It brings assurance of God’s love and forgiveness that makes new life possible.

* Starting in January Pastor’s Faith Formation class will be studying the book of Jonah.

Last Chance to see “Emmanuel”

Confirmation Class

If you did not yet view the four large, handcrafted nativities by Gannon professor Dr. Michael DeSanctis, there is still time! “Visitors from the East” will arrive for Epiphany on January 6, so the nativity display will remain in the church’s Community Gallery during normal operating hours, through Tues-day, January 9. Did you catch the article and photos about the DeSanctis art-work in the December 17 Erie Times-News? If you missed it, here is the web address:

Visitors to the church’s Community Gallery enjoying “Emmanuel”, the exhibit of handcrafted nativities by Dr. Michael DeSanctis.

At the beginning of the Fall Faith Formation year, students in 6th-8th Grade began a curriculum titled “CoLABorate.” This curriculum is the foundation for Presbyterian Confirmation. All students who have been attending Sunday Jr. High Faith Formation are invited to participate in Confirmation this year. This specially designed curriculum by P.C.(USA) pastors and theologians has been guiding middle schoolers from Genesis through the Book of Revelation. Not only have they been learning about the Biblical stories, they have been exploring the complexities of history, language, and culture as it pertains to our faith.

Beginning February 1st, those students who decide to take the next step in their faith will begin the journey of confirmation. Confirmation classes will be held during Faith Formation hour and extend until the beginning of the 11:00 AM service. Students will be required to attend 15 Sundays of Confirmation classes. A total of two classes can be missed. All classes missed must be made-up by the student with Brit-ney Knight on another day. This is not a requirement of all those who have attended Faith Formation, this is a choice of the student. It is for those students who want to take their faith one step further by pro-claiming their faith and becoming a fully active member in the life of this faith community. Confirmation will be offered regularly in the future for those who decide to wait. For questions, contact Britney Knight.



*Please pray regularly for our ministry.

We have listed below some of our

congregational joys & concerns as

The Covenant Chimes goes to press on

December 20, 2017:

Prayer Concerns…

for God’s healing presence for those

discharged from hospitals since

the last edition of The Covenant Chimes:

Cathy Amond, Janet Coryell &

John Magee

* If you know that you are going to be

hospitalized & would like to be visited

please contact the church office.

VOLUME 35, NO. 1


Joys & Concerns




To all Elders, Heads of Committees & Groups: please keep Anne informed when planning or changing a meeting date, time or location. It is helpful for scheduling other church functions, out-side meetings & a night host. ~ Thank you!

Volunteers Needed!

Interested in helping others? If so, please con-tact Vic Glembocki at 864-9096 to volunteer your time to prepare & serve the many guests they see daily at the City Mission Kitchen, 1023 French St. the first Thursday of every month between 10:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.

January date is the 4th!

If you notice an incorrect or missing birthday, please help us by calling the church office at

814-456-4243 so that we can update our records.

Thank you!

Chimes Articles Due by:

Monday, January 15th

Mailed on: Monday,

January 22nd



The Communion

Table will be set by

God for you on... Sunday, January 7th


The church office will be closed for New Year’s

Monday, January 1 & Martin Luther King

Jr.’s Day Monday, January 15

Church Office


Jan. 1 Raymond Fritts Linda L. Liken Scott Wright

Jan. 2 Linda Majewski Douglas Patton Alyson Jaworski

Jan. 3 M. Ashley Demyanovich

Jan. 4 Melissa Mauro

Jan. 5 Mary Newlin

Jan. 6 Martha Painter

Jan. 11 Buzz Tarno Derek Golembeski

Jan. 12 Deborah Mussina

Jan. 13 Sharon Olsen Sarah Misko

Jan. 14 Janet Keep Cynthia Stockhoff Elijah Hart

Jan. 15 Matthew Bauer Charles Zebroski

Jan. 16 Beatrice Waibel

Jan. 17 Bonnie Ginader Allen Sheasley

Jan. 18 Chicaga Bauer Mary Nelson Rachel Holmes

Jan. 19 Catherine Amond Kayla Olson Kathleen Dandoy

Jan. 21 Diana Robinson Mildred Swift

Jan. 22 Caitlin Koebe

Jan. 23 Sarah Bajorek Laura Taylor

Jan. 24 Susanne Lefever Susan Thomas Christopher Fritts

Jan. 26 Wayne Lovercheck Karen Wien

Jan. 27 Lewis Sheasley

Jan. 28 Kris Campbell Richard Holmes William Holter

Jan. 30 Patricia Dietly Ian Headley

Jan. 31 Elizabeth McLaren Bob Chambers Michael Loney

Birthdays in



VOLUME 35, NO. 1



Cl erk ’s Cor ner

December 2017

At the stated meeting on December 18th Session: Met with Rev. James Bernhardt, Senior Pastor at Wayside. Rev. Bernhardt was visiting

in his capacity as a Congregational Advocate for the presbytery’s Committee on Ministry (COM). The Congregational Advocate program is meant to replace the traditional Triennial Visit COM representatives have with each church in the presbytery. The goal of the Congregational Advocate program is to form on-going proactive relationships with congrega- tions dealing with various issues.

Continued the discussion of weekday use of the church parking lot during business hours by members while they are involved in non-church activities in the downtown area. The majority of our parking spaces are rented to people who work downtown during business hours and the rental money con tributes significant revenue to the General Fund Budget. Other parking spaces, particularly those near the office entrance, are needed for preschool parents and others engaged in church business. Session approved a motion that requires those members who regularly park in the church parking lot during weekday business hours while involved with non-church activities to make arrangements with the church business office to rent a parking space at a reduced rate.

Discussed the recent Church Leadership Conference held at the Smith Chapel at Penn State Behrend and led by Graham Standish. An ad hoc group will explore the possibility of inviting Rev. Standish to First Covenant at some time in the future.

Heard a report from the Budget Committee that stewardship campaign returns to date show a total of 147 pledges returned for a total of $329,897.00 This is an increase of 40 new pledges and $35063.00. over 2017.

Voted to call the Annual Meeting, Part I for Sunday, January 21, 2018 immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service. The congregation’s By-Laws stipulate that the only business to be conducted at this meeting is the election of at large members to the Congregational Nominating Committee; filling ex- isting vacancies on the Session and Deacons; approving of the pastor’s terms of call; and informing the congregation of the budget.

Voted to approve the 2018 General Fund Budget showing total revenue of $648,502.71 and total expens- es of $844,739.57. After considerable discussion regarding the $196,236.86 deficit indicated by those revenue and expense numbers session voted to continue discernment and postpone action until a special session meeting on Sunday, January 7, 2018. At this time the options appear to be taking the necessary funds from the principal of the Endowment Fund as we have done for the past several years or taking funds from the sale of the Tiffany Window.

2017 Blood Drive Review

We had a successful 2017 with the deacon's sponsored blood mobile.

Blood donations for January were an amazing 19 units, March had 14, May had 17, July dropped to 11 units, September went up to 14 & November ended the year with 19 units for a total of 94 donations in 2017. There were 40 different people who gave during the year. 17 people gave once, 6 people gave twice, 7 people gave three times, 6 people gave four times & 4 people gave five times. Whether you gave 1 time or 5 times, you are valuable to saving lives.

Please mark your calendars for 2018 as follows: January 18, March 10, May 5, June 30, August 25, October 20 & December 15. You are always welcome to go into the Com-munity Blood Bank located at 2646 Peach Street & donate blood on behalf of First Pres-byterian Church of the Covenant.



VOLUME 35, NO. 1



Youth Group News

Sundays @ 4:30-6:30 PM

January 7th January 14th January 21st January 28th

The Youth Leaders cannot wait to welcome back teenagers January 7th! As always, we will start with a meal together and then go on to games and some good discussion! See you then!

Presbytery of Lake Erie Youth Overnight Ski Getaway Take advantage of time off from school & get away Sunday & Monday of Presidents’ Weekend

Remember when we had the Youth Event in October with four other Presbyterian Churches and it was so much fun?! Now, just add a swimming pool, rock climbing wall, and snow! All teenagers in 6th-12th Grade are invited to take part in this overnight trip. We will leave Sunday afternoon on February 18th and return around 6:00 PM on Monday February 19th. The teenagers can decide if they want to ski, snowboard, or tube. Base cost of the trip is $70 plus $5 for rock climbing wall. The rest of the cost is based upon ski-ing, snowboarding, or tubing passes. Youth will be receiving information soon! If you have any questions, please contact Britney Knight.

Jubilee Conference for Students in 9th-12th Grade

February 23rd-February 25th Cost: $25 plus extra money for a couple meals

Abby Blankenship and Kyle Schumacher have invited students in 9th-12th Grade to participate in this year’s Jubilee Conference. This conference is sponsored by the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). Alt-hough this conference is geared toward college-aged students, Jubilee offers a high school track for stu-dents who are just beginning to think about their future. This year’s theme is “THIS CHANGES EVERY-THING: Discover What It Means to Serve Jesus Christ with Your Entire Life.” January 28th is the last day for High Schoolers to register for the event. Your $25.00 non-refundable deposit is due that day. Registration forms will be available January 7th. We will be traveling by Greyhound Bus and staying in Pittsburgh. Wheels go up at 4:00 PM on February 23rd! See Britney Knight, Abby Blankenship, or Kyle Schumacher for more information.


It might be the middle of winter, but it is already time to think about what you will be doing this summer!!

Last year, the youth and a few (AWESOME) adult leaders traveled to Lexington, Kentucky for a week-long mission immersion trip. It felt great to get out of our comfort zone, enter into a new city, and navigate the complex challenges facing their city with a church just like ours. This Summer, we are heading back down south to the sunshine! Sr. High students (entering 9th-12th Grade) will be spending July 7th-14th at Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina. Jr. High Students (entering 6th-8th Grade) will be spending July 17th-22nd at Marysville College in Tennessee. The Montreat Youth Conferences have been providing a space for young people to explore faith, build relationships with other young people from across the coun-try, and strengthen their home faith communities for decades. What does a day at a youth conference look like? It begins with a gathering of 600 – 1,00 young peo-ple in the auditorium for energizers, music, and a keynote – exploring a theme and scripture in all kinds of creative ways – multimedia, drama, storytelling, and more. Keynote is followed by a morning and an after-noon time with a small group, made up of 20-30 young people from different churches. There are after-noon and evening recreation events – past years have included a color run, scavenger hunts, variety show, outdoor giant games like jenga and four square in the air, Wii dancing and more. Evenings include worship services in the auditorium with more creative expressions of faith. Informational packets were handed out December 10th and are still available. A $50.00 non-refundable deposit is due January 22nd. For information and registration, contact Britney Knight.



Wine & The Word: Called to Question

In the New Year, it’s Back to the Grind

StudySpace Appreciated by Students

Are you a morning person? Join the Campus Ministry team as they welcome Gannon students back to campus on Monday and Tuesday, January 8 and 9. Coffee and homemade sticky rolls will be served from the church parking lot to all passers-by from 7-10 a.m. each morning. Over the past few years this has prov-en to be a great way to engage commuters arriving downtown, neighbors on their way to work/appointments and of course, Gannon students. Each is often pleasantly surprised by the church’s gesture. “This is free?” “Why are you doing this?” “This is just what I needed. Thanks.” If you can assist, give Kyle Schumacher a call or text at 330-631-7948.

Gannon students filled the halls and classrooms of the church each night for another week of finals-exam preparation…and they loved it. Thank you for your provision of baked goods, fruit, snacks, water, prayer and hours of service greeting/welcoming each student through the late night and early morning hours.

The week began with 90 students the first night, topped out with two nights of 300, then tapered off to 60 students on the last night. Each night at 11:30 p.m. about half of those studying gathered voluntarily in the sanctuary or chapel for a brief time of lighting the Advent wreath, bible reading, singing a cou-ple verses of a Christmas carol and prayer for their exams.

I am beginning to think this is the motto of Wine & the Word! New Year, New Book! We will be starting our discussion of Joan Chittister’s book Called to Question that is now available for purchase in the church office ($12). I am so proud of the diversity this group of women have welcomed. Our group began during Lent of 2017 studying the Belhar Confession. Since then we have read the spiritual memoirs of an adventurous Southern Baptist female author, a feisty Episcopalian pastrix, and now we are tackling the spiritual journey of an outspoken Benedictine Sister! Wine & the Word will have it’s first meeting of the New Year on January 9th in the Parlor of First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. There are many new faces that will be joining us, so I thought a neutral easy location may be the best for our first meeting! Please bring a snack, appetizer, des-

sert, or non-alcoholic drink (sparkling wine and mocktails count) to share. We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, 7:00-9:00 PM. For more information or to be added to the email list, please email [email protected]

VOLUME 35, NO. 1



Join the MLK Walk for Unity on January 15

How do you celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day? On Monday, January 15, meet at the new stage at Perry Square at 10:30 a.m. for coffee and Jackie Kemp Jones’ sticky rolls, provided by FPCC and Jack for all walkers! Then, walk together during the brief 11:00 a.m. march, past First Covenant to the MLK Center for lunch and a brief program. Contact Seph Kumer if you are in-terested in walking or helping prepare/serve the sticky buns. Participating in the annual MLK Walk is a small way to show that the biggest church which marchers pass every year shares Rev. Martin Luther King, Junior’s dream, and

promotes unity throughout our city.

Totals are both pledge & non-pledge revenue (as of 12.17.17)

2017 YTD Budget: $375,283 2017 YTD Received: $372,452



VOLUME 35, NO. 1


Music Notes

H os pi t al i t y Re c all e d i n Chr is t m as Gre eti ng

The Deacons would like to thank those of you that contributed food items for this year’s Dea-con Christmas baskets. Eighteen families were so appreciative of the love and kindness shown to them in the form of these gifts. The Deacons focus on ministering to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and be-yond our community of faith. “So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Co-lossians 3:12 Wishing you and yours joy, peace and love in

the New Year!

Did you like what you heard in December? We would love to have you join us! Music for kids and youth resumes on January 7th, with age 4 - 5th grade 9:30 am-10:30 am and Greater than the Sum, grade 6-12, from the end of the 11 am service until 1 pm. Adults meet on Thursdays at 6:30 for bells and 7:15 for the Singing choir.

Thank you to everyone who made all the dif-ferent music events this December possible: staff, volunteers, and musicians alike! It’s been a wonder-ful season and it’s been great to invite the commu-nity in to celebrate the birth of Christ with us! See you in the New Year!

Many Christmas cards arrive in the church office from vendors, former staff, and community groups. A surprising card arrived this year. It included a two page, hand-written letter from “Emily”.

It is a moving reminder that welcoming “strangers” and providing hospitality can be life-changing. It is also a reminder that the hundreds who gather for various recovery meetings at the church weekly

are on a journey, and the church as host to their NA or AA group, is part of the journey. What a Christmas testimony of God’s faithfulness.

“For my church family at Covenant Presbyterian Church,

Every year I am reminded of the blessings you so freely gifted me with during my time of trial: addic-tion and alcoholism. 13 years ago I didn’t have a Christmas as I was living on the road, as if I was a gypsy. I lost myself to the fullest extent yet God’s love, guidance and support showed me the way to a bible study at your church led by Mrs. Fillmore.

I lived with the harrowing affects of a domestic violence situation. It was in your congregation that I was reminded of how God’s love surpasses everything and every dark moment. I remember my stint at a re-hab, how many people reached out in love and support and kindness through cards, letters and when I came back to church, hugs and words that I will always hold dear to my heart no matter how many years pass. You will always be remembered with intense gratitude and fondness.

“Thank you” is too simple, yet I show my thanks every time I survive a difficult period and I do it so-ber 12 years. Last April I celebrated 12 continuous years of drug and alcohol addiction recovery. I couldn’t have done it without your love, support and camaraderie I felt so much a part of.

Life is great these days. I can’t complain. I got a job I love. I am a caretaker for the elderly. Some days are long yet it is service to others, so it makes it all worthwhile. I recently found a new passion: garden-ing. I volunteer in the spring, summer and fall in a “God’s Garden” program in my town. We have a 20 bed garden in which we grow produce for food banks and elderly high rises.

I still do service work for Alcoholics Anonymous. I don’t care if I have 12 years or 12 minutes, I still make coffee and support a program that taught me how to live. To me my life is nothing without service work and giving back what was so freely given to me.

I remember being homeless and sleeping in Gannon’s library and how the bitter cold stung me to the

bone. I feel I need to be generous with my time. It’s important and well with my soul. Last week I gave a guy

my coat because it was cold and he had no coat. He looked down on his luck. Life is all about giving today.”

Thank You from Your Deacons



VOLUME 34, NO. 9


VOLUME 35, NO. 1

~ Time to Update FPCC’s Directory ~

The Membership Committee is updating the church directory. It will be text only.

Whether you are recently new to the church or have been here for decades… please fill out this form & return by Wednesday, January 31, 2018, to ensure inclusion.

Once published, the updated directory will be mailed to members.

Family Members _______________________________________________________________________________

Street Address ____________________________________________________________________________

City ______________________ State _________ Zip ______________

Primary Phone ____________________________________________

Cell Phone (optional) _______________________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________

Birthdates __________________________________________________________________________


Please return this form via the offering plate, snail mail or simply dropping them off

to the church office by January 31, 2018.