Cинтагматическая семасиология

C интагматическая семасиология А раслановаКс. П ермяковаА . Ю ринаД. 741 гр.

Transcript of Cинтагматическая семасиология

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Cинтагматическая семасиология

Арасланова Кс.Пермякова А.

Юрина Д. 741 гр.

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Figures of Coocurance (Figures of Speech)

Стилистические функции значений слов, словосочетаний, предложений и более крупных единиц, образующих текст, в их линейной аранжировке.


Скребнев Ю.М

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3 типа соотношения значений

соотношение тождественных значений;

соотношение различающихся между собой значений;

соотношение противоположных значений.

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Фигуры совмещения(Figures of Coocurance)

Фигуры тождества

(Figures of Identity)

Фигуры неравенства

(Figures of Inequality)

Фигуры противоположности

(Figures of Contrast)•Сравнение (Simile)


(Synonyms Replacements)


(Specifying Synonyms)

•Нарастание (Climax)

•Разрядка (Anticlimax)

•Каламбур (Pun)

•Зевгма (Zeugma)

•Оксюморон (Oxymoron)



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Simile and Comparison

Сравнение - эксплицитная констатация частичного подобия двух объектов.

like, as…as, as though, as if, etc. to recollect, to remember, to seem, etc.

Художественное сравнение (Simile) – нетривиальные подобия в семантически отдаленных сферах.

e.g. She sings like a nightingale.

Логическое сравнение (Comparison) – понятия одного семантического плана.

e.g. She sings like a professional singer.

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The menu was rather less than a panorama, indeed it was as repetitious as a snore. (O. Nash)

He speaks French like a born Frenchmen. He felt like an old book: spine defective, covers dull, fly

missing, rather shaken copy. (J. Braine) He was vain, he was boastful, he was as deluded by fine

clothes as any silly-headed girl. (Th. Dreiser) ‘…they were sensitive lips, sensuous and sweet, and

through them seemed to come warmth and perfume of a flower.’

Looks to me for all the world like an – ‘alf-tame leopard.’

She’s like her mother, always making a fuss over every thing.

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Trite simile: as obstinate as a mule, as like as two peas, to swim like a duck, as old as the hills, as cool as a cucumber, etc.

e.g. She was obstinate as a mule, always had been, from a child.

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Синонимы-заменители (Synonyms Replacements)

The little boy was crying. It was the child’s usual time for going to bed, but no one paid attention to the kid.

There, on the table, lay a number of parcels…In a flush he realized that they were presents from his parents. Some of the gifts were not wrapped at all.

‘He’s the parent of my children! He’s the father of my twins! He’s the husband of my affections and I never will desert Mr. Micawber.

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Specifying (clarifying) synonymsСинонимы-уточнители

• Использование 2х и более синонимичных слов и выражений для характеристики одного и того же предмета

• Мотив употребления – нетождественность, неравенство их значения. Часто встречается в публицистике и художественной литературе, реже в устной речи.

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• “You undevout, sinful, insidious hog”, says I to Murkison. (O.Henry)

• Joe was a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easy-going, foolish dear fellow

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Gradation (climax)Нарастание

- Аранжировка соотносительных значений в тексте, при которой последующее значение характеризуется более высокой степенью качества, интенсивностью признака, т.е. превосходит предыдущее.

“I’m sorry, I’m so very sorry, I’m so extremely sorry.” (Chesterton)

“What difference if it rained, hailed, blew, snowed, cycloned?”

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Anticlimax Разрядка

• Любое отклонение от расположения значений по принципу нарастания, любое неожиданное ослабление или снижение элемента, следующего за сильным (а не строгое расположение элементов по убывающей степени)

• «И запись завел предварительную, на неделю вперед… как к министру какому или даже к гомеопату.»

• “Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious”

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Объединение несовместимых понятий, построенное на созвучии слов, игре слов. Приводит к смысловому абсурду и создает комический эффект. Это использование смысловой двузначности слова или выражения.

• One swallow does not make a summer

• Is life worth living? It depends on the liver

• Sam gave Toby a hug and said, “Jesus, you really had us scared.” Toby grinned and said, “You don’t have to call me ‘Jesus’ when we’re alone

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Ее образует совместная встречаемость двух или более формально тождественных слов (словосочетаний) с одним и тем же близлежащим элементом при очевидной разнородности связи этих элементов

• “She dropped a tear and her pocket (Dickens)

• “She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart” (O.Henry)

• “How much timber and faith has since fallen, How much grief fell in all our days!” (Vysotsky)

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Define the type of figures of inequality:

• "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.“ (Groucho Marx)

• Miss Tox escorted a plump, rosy-cheeked, wholesome, apple-faced young woman

• I wanted to lose weight so I went to the paint store. I heard I could get thinner there.

• "...Lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour." William Shakespeare

• "You held your breath and the door for me."

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• "Let a man acknowledge his obligations to himself, his family, his country, and his God."

• “I shall be sorry, I shall be truly sorry to leave you, my friend”

• "She arrived in a taxi and a flaming rage.“• Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it

with my eyes closed. • "He carried a strobe light and the responsibility

for the lives of his men."

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Oxymoron (Оксюморон)

Antithesis (Антитеза)

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(от греч. sharply-dull=остро-тупой)- определительное или обстоятельственное словосочетание, члены которого несовместимы.

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●His honour rooted in dishonour stood

And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true


●O brawling love! O loving hate!


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Awfully glad, terribly nice, pretty dirty, dry wine, frightfully happy

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(от греч. anti ‘against’; thesis ‘statement’)- любое актуализируемое противопоставление понятий, констатация контраста.

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2 words of the opposite meanings-the same object.

depicts 2 objects with opposite characteristics

2 incompatible objects obtain opposite characteristic

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness”(Dickens)

“His fees were high, his lesson were right”(O’Henry)

“For the old struggle-mere stagnation, and in place of danger and death, the dull monotony of security and the horror of an unending decay”(Leacock)

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Define oxymoron and antithesis

"O miserable abundance, O beggarly riches!"(John Donne)

"I want to die young at a ripe old age."(Ashley Montagu)

“She is just a poor little rich girl.” "Love is an ideal thing, marriage- a real

thing."(Goethe) "You're easy on the eyes

Hard on the heart.”(Terri Clark)