by Lasitha to take Badulla · UNP stalwart Lakshman...

had met Fonseka on behalf of the UNP in the capacity as a lawyer as no other political representative had access to Fonseka in custody. UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake said Rajapakshe had discussed the issue with Fonseka on behalf of the UNP but they were yet to receive a response. Former JVP MP Samantha Vidyaratne yesterday told The Island that the JVP would seek access to Fonseka before finalizing nominations. He said that they intended to hand over their nomina- tions later this week. He emphasised that the gov- ernment could not deny them an opportunity to meet Fonseka, though he was being held by the Army on what he termed unsub- stantiated conspiracy charges. JVP heavy- weight Anura Kumara Dissanayake yesterday (Feb 21) lashed out at the UNP for having brought down the Opposition alliance, which backed Fonseka at the presidential election. Speaking on behalf of the JVP politburo, the former Kurunegala District MP said that those who val- ued democracy should now get together to take on the Rajapaksa regime. Dismissing a recent state- ment attributed to Tissa Attanayake that the UNP was ready to discuss the possibility of a joint alliance, Dissanayake emphasised the need of the hour was to form a strong alliance to protect democra- cy. This was the time to take viable action and decisions. There was no use in discussing the issue further, he said. Dissanayake said that the UNP whose actions had caused the col- lapse of the Opposition alliance was trying to deceive the public by having what he called ‘media shows.’ He urged the UNP to reverse its decision to go it alone and immediately reach an agree- ment with political parties which had backed Fonseka at the presi- dential polls. He reiterated the JVP’s call for fielding candidates under the ‘swan’ symbol thereby ensuring a joint Opposition chal- lenge to what he called the Rajapaksas’ dictatorial regime. Home News The Island Page Two 2 Monday 22nd February, 2010 Are you a lucky winner? SATURDAY FORTUNE Date 23-01-2010 Draw No.2090 Bones No55 Winning No: Q- 03- 28- 33- 45 VASANA SAMPATHA Date:18-02-2010 Draw No.807 Bonus No:54 Winning Nos: S - 20 - 39 - 49 - 62 MAHAJANA SAMPATHA Date: 19-02-2010 Draw No. 2208 Winning No: F-1-2-8-7-9-8 JAYAVIRU Date:17-02-2010 Draw No. 499 Winning Nos : K- 23-34- 40- 63 JAYAVIRU Date10-02-2010 Draw No.498 Winning Nos: Q-28- 46- 55- 59 SUWASETHA Date: 21-02-2010 Draw No. 359 Bonus No. 35 Y- 09-22-27-39 DEVELOPMENT FORTUNE Draw No: 1167 Date 19-02-2010 Zodiac Symbol: Scorpio Winning Nos: 04 - 07 - 27 - 44 Clasified Advertising by Shamindra Ferdinando The UNP, which comfortably won five out of the eight seats in the Badulla electoral District at the last parliamentary election in April 2004, will face an overwhelming task of retaining the district without the sup- port of the CWC. Two CWC members, M. Satchithannathan and Vadivel Suresh entered Parliament on the UNP ticket. Of them, M. Satchithannathan recent- ly took membership of the UNP where- as Suresh threw his weight behind the UPFA. The UPFA secured the remaining seats, including one won by Samantha Vidyaratne, who remained with the JVP, though some of his parliamentary colleagues quit the party along with Wimal Weerawansa over difference of opinion with the top leadership. Uva Province comprises Badulla and Moneragala electoral districts. Satchithannathan yesterday told The Island that the UNP would make every possible effort to retain five slots, though it wouldn’t be an easy task under existing ground conditions. According to him, they would focus on the plantation vote and some 44,000 votes belonging to the Muslim commu- nity. In keeping with the Parliamentary Election Act, three candidates more than the actual number of MPs elected from a particular elec- toral district should be nominated from each politi- cal party Responding to our queries, Satchithannathan said that he joined the UNP-led Opposition camp in the run-up to the January 26 presidential polls. UNP stalwart Lakshman Seneviratne accused UPFA organizers of causing mayhem in the district. “They are targeting all UNP support- ers. Even three wheeler drivers aren’t safe,” he said, expressing concern over what he called UPFA terrorism direct- ed at Opposition political parties. Referring to for- mer Speaker W. J. M. Lokubandara’s decision to come on the UPFA national list in the wake of his son, Udith Sanjaya contest- ing Badulla District on the UPFA ticket, he said that the vet- eran politician had done himself an immense harm. He expressed confi- dence that the UNP could take the dis- trict, though the government seemed to have taken the upper hand following President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s victory at the presidential polls. Of the five elected on the UNP tick- et from the Badulla District, two MPs, including Lokubandara had switched their allegiance to the ruling coalition. Political sources said that Lokubandara was likely to secure a second term as the Speaker whose son now represented Haputale electorate. Former JVP MP Samantha Vidyarathne told The Island that they would field a strong team in Badulla. He said that former Speaker’s move didn’t surprise them at all. Anyone fol- lowing the parliamentary proceedings would have known of the Lokubandaras’ planned move, he said. He said that the party had sought access to Gen. (retd) Sarath Fonseka now held on unsubstantiated conspira- cy charges to finalise their nomina- tions. Chief SLFP organiser for Passara Minister Vadivel Suresh told The Island that the UPFA could easily secure six out of eight seats. Now that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had secured an overwhelming victory at the presidential polls, the people would realise the futility in exercising their franchise in support of Opposition candidates. According to him, among their candidates would be some mem- bers of the Uva Provincial Councils. CWC President Muttu Sivalingam told The Island that they would field two candidates on the UPFA ticket. According to him, their candidates contesting in Badulla would be among nine contestants who would be on the government ticket. SLFP-CWC combine poised to take Badulla comfortably Parliamentary Polls 2010 Vadivel Suresh Lakshman by Don Asoka Wijewardena Transport Minister Dallas Alahapperuma says that promotions in the CGR have been delayed owing to bureaucratic red tape and political influ- ence. The minister said that the public sec- tor employees must get their promotions on the basis of merit and seniority. Promotional prospect of employees was one of the main motivating factors. After handing over 435 promotions to CGR employees at a ceremony held at the Dematagoda Mount Mary Auditorium last week, the minister said that it was for the first time in the CGR history that 435 employees in different grades had been promoted on merit. Transport Minister said that his pred- ecessors should have effected promotions because there were some employees at the age of retirement since there was no effective promotional scheme. Minister Alahapperuma said trade unions in the CGR were divided and those controlled by the Opposition had labelled all progressive elements in the CGR as government henchmen. Transport Minister Dallas Alahapperuma hands over a let- ter of promotion to one of the 435 CGR employees at the Dematagoda Mount Mary Auditorium last week, while min- istry and CGR officials look on. CGR promotions delayed by bureaucratic red tape letter ‘I’ - to represent Idol. Ampareen Lyngdoh, education min- ister of Meghalaya state, strongly criti- cized the illustration. “I am appalled and condemn the vio- lent pictorial presentation of Christ. The children for whom the textbook was meant look up to Christ with rever- ence, and they are shocked beyond words,” Lyngdoh said. The government has seized all copies of the textbook from schools and book- shops in Meghalaya for offending pub- lic sentiment, she said. The book, published by a New Delhi- based company that specializes in textbooks, was being used by a chain of privately run primary schools in Meghalaya. More than 70 percent of the state’s 2.32 million people are Christian. Copies of the textbook were ready for distribution in at least 10 more schools in Meghalaya before the picture was brought to the notice of authorities. “We have directed the district magis- trate to go ahead with legal proceedings against the publisher,” Lyngdoh said. She did not say what legal proceedings the government planned to pursue. Christians leaders in Meghalaya were outraged by the book and called on federal Education Minister Kapil Sibal to take action against the publish- er. “We are shocked to say the least. How can anyone think of publishing such a picture?” said Dominic Jala, the archbishop of Shillong, the state capi- tal. “This has been done deliberately with malicious intent,” Jala said. In New Delhi, a spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India said it had ordered Christian schools across the country to remove all text- books published by the company. “We have taken a strong stand and decided to boycott the publisher,” said CBCI spokesman Babu Joseph. In 2006, the government in the north- ern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh banned a school textbook that carried portraits of the Prophet Muhammad and arrested the publisher after Muslim leaders protested. Islam gener- ally does not allow depictions of Muhammad. The case against the pub- lisher is still in court. (AP) resistance when they raided a house in Karachi in late January, taking several men into custody. Pakistani and US officials learned only after a careful process of identification that Baradar, who ran the Taliban’s war against Nato and US forces in Afghanistan, was one of those detained, the paper aid. The account appears to put Pakistan’s motivations in a somewhat different light, sug- gesting it did not necessarily reflect a new determination to go against Afghan Taliban leaders in Pakistan. The paper said Pakistan’s ISI intelligence agency limited US access to Baradar and did not permit direct questioning by the CIA for two weeks after his capture. (C) The Telegraph Group London 2010 NOW... From page 1 Indian... From page 1 Taliban...From page 1 Meanwhile, de-mining groups detected one Arul bomb, two 40 mm grenades and one hundred and thirteen anti personnel mines during clearing operations at Nochchikulam, Mankulam, Periyathampane, Tachchanamarthamadhu, Palampiddi and Adampan. LTTE... From page 1 Army Operational Director, Major General Shavendra Silva inspects a parade after declaring open the coun- try’s first Para Drop Zone at the Uva Kuda Oya Commando Training School. Commandant of the Training Facility, Lt. Col Jayantha Balasuriya is also in the picture. Pic by Gamini Munasinghe by Lasitha Duminda TNA Batticaloa District Parliamentarian Thangeshwari Kadirgaman, yester- day announced that she would contest the forthcoming gen- eral election on the UPFA ticket. Presidential Secretariat said that she had signed her nominations papers with the UPFA yesterday. TNA had declined nominations to nine of its MPs for the forthcoming elec- tion and Ms Thangeshwari was one of them. When asked, TNA’S Jaffna District Parliamentarian, K.Sivajilingam, said there was no official intimation from the party about it. Thangeshwari on UPFA ticket Late City Edition

Transcript of by Lasitha to take Badulla · UNP stalwart Lakshman...

Page 1: by Lasitha to take Badulla · UNP stalwart Lakshman Seneviratne accused UPFA organizers of causing mayhem in the district. “They are

had met Fonseka on behalf ofthe UNP in the capacity as a lawyeras no other political representativehad access to Fonseka in custody.

UNP General Secretary TissaAttanayake said Rajapakshe haddiscussed the issue with Fonsekaon behalf of the UNP but they wereyet to receive a response.

Former JVP MP SamanthaVidyaratne yesterday told TheIsland that the JVP would seekaccess to Fonseka before finalizing

nominations.He said thatthey intendedto hand overtheir nomina-tions laterthis week. Heemphasisedthat the gov-ernmentcould notdeny them anopportunity tomeet Fonseka,though he wasbeing held bythe Army onwhat hetermed unsub-stantiatedconspiracycharges.

JVP heavy-weight AnuraKumara

Dissanayake yesterday (Feb 21)lashed out at the UNP for havingbrought down the Oppositionalliance, which backed Fonseka atthe presidential election.

Speaking on behalf of the JVPpolitburo, the former KurunegalaDistrict MP said that those who val-ued democracy should now gettogether to take on the Rajapaksaregime. Dismissing a recent state-ment attributed to TissaAttanayake that the UNP was readyto discuss the possibility of a jointalliance, Dissanayake emphasisedthe need of the hour was to form astrong alliance to protect democra-cy. This was the time to take viableaction and decisions. There was nouse in discussing the issue further,he said.

Dissanayake said that the UNPwhose actions had caused the col-lapse of the Opposition alliancewas trying to deceive the public byhaving what he called ‘mediashows.’ He urged the UNP toreverse its decision to go it aloneand immediately reach an agree-ment with political parties whichhad backed Fonseka at the presi-dential polls. He reiterated theJVP’s call for fielding candidatesunder the ‘swan’ symbol therebyensuring a joint Opposition chal-lenge to what he called theRajapaksas’ dictatorial regime.

Home NewsThe Island Page Two2 Monday 22nd February, 2010

Are you a lucky winner?

SATURDAY FORTUNEDate 23-01-2010 Draw No.2090Bones No55Winning No:

Q- 03- 28- 33- 45

VASANA SAMPATHADate:18-02-2010

Draw No.807Bonus No:54Winning Nos:

S - 20 - 39 - 49 - 62

MAHAJANA SAMPATHADate: 19-02-2010 Draw No. 2208Winning No:


JAYAVIRU Date:17-02-2010

Draw No. 499Winning Nos :

K- 23-34- 40- 63


Draw No.498Winning Nos:

Q-28- 46- 55- 59

SUWASETHADate: 21-02-2010

Draw No. 359Bonus No. 35Y- 09-22-27-39


Date 19-02-2010 Zodiac Symbol: Scorpio

Winning Nos:04 - 07 - 27 - 44


by Shamindra Ferdinando

The UNP, which comfortably wonfive out of the eight seats in theBadulla electoral District at the lastparliamentary election in April 2004,will face an overwhelming task ofretaining the district without the sup-port of the CWC.

Two CWC members, M.Satchithannathan and Vadivel Sureshentered Parliament on the UNP ticket.Of them, M. Satchithannathan recent-ly took membership of the UNP where-as Suresh threw his weight behind theUPFA.

The UPFA secured the remainingseats, including one won by SamanthaVidyaratne, who remained with theJVP, though some of his parliamentarycolleagues quit the party along withWimal Weerawansa over difference ofopinion with the top leadership.

Uva Province comprises Badullaand Moneragala electoral districts.

Satchithannathan yesterday toldThe Island that the UNP would makeevery possible effort to retain five slots,though it wouldn’t be an easy taskunder existing ground conditions.According to him, they would focus on

the plantationvote and some44,000 votesbelonging to theMuslim commu-nity.

In keepingwith theParliamentaryElection Act,three candidatesmore than theactual number ofMPs elected froma particular elec-toral districtshould be nominated from each politi-cal party

Responding to our queries,Satchithannathan said that he joinedthe UNP-led Opposition camp in therun-up to the January 26 presidentialpolls.

UNP stalwart LakshmanSeneviratne accused UPFA organizersof causing mayhem in the district.“They are targeting all UNP support-ers. Even three wheeler drivers aren’tsafe,” he said, expressing concern overwhat he called UPFA terrorism direct-ed at Opposition political parties.

Referring to for-mer Speaker W.J. M.Lokubandara’sdecision

to come onthe UPFAnational list inthe wake of hisson, UdithSanjaya contest-ing BadullaDistrict on theUPFA ticket, hesaid that the vet-

eran politician had done himself animmense harm. He expressed confi-dence that the UNP could take the dis-trict, though the government seemedto have taken the upper hand followingPresident Mahinda Rajapaksa’s victoryat the presidential polls.

Of the five elected on the UNP tick-et from the Badulla District, two MPs,including Lokubandara had switchedtheir allegiance to the ruling coalition.Political sources said thatLokubandara was likely to secure asecond term as the Speaker whose sonnow represented Haputale electorate.

Former JVP MP Samantha

Vidyarathne told The Island that theywould field a strong team in Badulla.He said that former Speaker’s movedidn’t surprise them at all. Anyone fol-lowing the parliamentary proceedingswould have known of theLokubandaras’ planned move, he said.He said that the party had soughtaccess to Gen. (retd) Sarath Fonsekanow held on unsubstantiated conspira-cy charges to finalise their nomina-tions.

Chief SLFP organiser for PassaraMinister Vadivel Suresh told TheIsland that the UPFA could easilysecure six out of eight seats. Now thatPresident Mahinda Rajapaksa hadsecured an overwhelming victory atthe presidential polls, the people wouldrealise the futility in exercising theirfranchise in support of Oppositioncandidates. According to him, amongtheir candidates would be some mem-bers of the Uva Provincial Councils.

CWC President Muttu Sivalingamtold The Island that they would fieldtwo candidates on the UPFA ticket.According to him, their candidatescontesting in Badulla would be amongnine contestants who would be on thegovernment ticket.

SLFP-CWC combine poised to take Badulla comfortably

Parliamentary Polls 2010

Vadivel Suresh Lakshman

by Don Asoka Wijewardena

Transport Minister DallasAlahapperuma says that promotions inthe CGR have been delayed owing tobureaucratic red tape and political influ-ence.

The minister said that the public sec-tor employees must get their promotionson the basis of merit and seniority.Promotional prospect of employees wasone of the main motivating factors.

After handing over 435 promotions toCGR employees at a ceremony held at theDematagoda Mount Mary Auditorium last

week, the minister said that it was for thefirst time in the CGR history that 435employees in different grades had beenpromoted on merit.

Transport Minister said that his pred-ecessors should have effected promotionsbecause there were some employees at theage of retirement since there was noeffective promotional scheme.

Minister Alahapperuma said tradeunions in the CGR were divided and thosecontrolled by the Opposition had labelledall progressive elements in the CGR asgovernment henchmen.

TransportMinister DallasAlahapperumahands over a let-ter of promotionto one of the 435CGR employeesat theDematagodaMount MaryAuditorium lastweek, while min-istry and CGRofficials look on.

CGR promotions delayedby bureaucratic red tape

letter ‘I’ - to represent Idol.Ampareen Lyngdoh, education min-

ister of Meghalaya state, strongly criti-cized the illustration.

“I am appalled and condemn the vio-lent pictorial presentation of Christ.The children for whom the textbookwas meant look up to Christ with rever-ence, and they are shocked beyondwords,” Lyngdoh said.

The government has seized all copiesof the textbook from schools and book-shops inMeghalaya foroffending pub-lic sentiment,she said.

The book,published by aNew Delhi-based companythat specializesin textbooks,was being usedby a chain ofprivately runprimaryschools inMeghalaya.

More than 70percent of the state’s 2.32 million peopleare Christian.

Copies of the textbook were ready fordistribution in at least 10 more schoolsin Meghalaya before the picture wasbrought to the notice of authorities.

“We have directed the district magis-trate to go ahead with legal proceedingsagainst the publisher,” Lyngdoh said.She did not say what legal proceedingsthe government planned to pursue.

Christians leaders in Meghalayawere outraged by the book and calledon federal Education Minister KapilSibal to take action against the publish-er.

“We are shocked to say the least.How can anyone think of publishingsuch a picture?” said Dominic Jala, thearchbishop of Shillong, the state capi-tal. “This has been done deliberatelywith malicious intent,” Jala said.

In New Delhi, a spokesman for theCatholic Bishops’ Conference of Indiasaid it had ordered Christian schoolsacross the country to remove all text-books published by the company.

“We have taken a strong stand anddecided to boycott the publisher,” saidCBCI spokesman Babu Joseph.

In 2006, the government in the north-ern Indian state of Uttar Pradeshbanned a school textbook that carriedportraits of the Prophet Muhammadand arrested the publisher afterMuslim leaders protested. Islam gener-ally does not allow depictions ofMuhammad. The case against the pub-lisher is still in court.


resistance when they raideda house in Karachi in lateJanuary, taking several meninto custody.

Pakistani and US officialslearned only after a carefulprocess of identification thatBaradar, who ran the Taliban’swar against Nato and US forcesin Afghanistan, was one ofthose detained, the paper aid.

The account appears to putPakistan’s motivations in asomewhat different light, sug-gesting it did not necessarilyreflect a

new determination to goagainst Afghan Taliban leadersin Pakistan.

The paper said Pakistan’s ISIintelligence agency limited USaccess to Baradar and did notpermit direct questioning bythe CIA for two weeks after hiscapture.

(C) The Telegraph Group London 2010

NOW... From page 1

Indian... From page 1

Taliban...From page 1

Meanwhile, de-mining groupsdetected one Arul bomb, two 40 mmgrenades and one hundred and thirteenanti personnel mines during clearingoperations at Nochchikulam,Mankulam, Periyathampane,Tachchanamarthamadhu, Palampiddiand Adampan.

LTTE... From page 1

Army OperationalDirector, MajorGeneralShavendra Silvainspects a paradeafter declaringopen the coun-try’s first ParaDrop Zone at theUva Kuda OyaCommandoTraining School.Commandant ofthe TrainingFacility, Lt. ColJayanthaBalasuriya is alsoin the picture. Pic by GaminiMunasinghe

by LasithaDuminda

TNA BatticaloaDistrictParliamentarianThangeshwariKadirgaman, yester-day announced thatshe would contest the forthcoming gen-eral election on the UPFA ticket.

Presidential Secretariat said that shehad signed her nominations papers withthe UPFA yesterday.

TNA had declined nominations tonine of its MPs for the forthcoming elec-tion and Ms Thangeshwari was one ofthem.

When asked, TNA’S Jaffna DistrictParliamentarian, K.Sivajilingam, saidthere was no official intimation fromthe party about it.

Thangeshwarion UPFA ticket

Late City Edition