Buzzdetector Luiss Master In Communication

Conversation: New sources of influence Gianandrea Facchini
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Transcript of Buzzdetector Luiss Master In Communication

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Conversation: New sources of influence

Gianandrea Facchini

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Buscofen: from monitoring from the new communication

SanPellegrino and tap water: from monitoring to the new society

Let go on control Many or few: it doesn’t matter anymore The future (or is it already here?) Conversation: a human attitude Conversation: new forms, new results

Questions? Ask for [email protected]

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Two years ago, Buzzdetector did a presentation to the Boehringer management on its service of strategic monitoring.

We then begun to work on one of the main brand: Buscofen

When it all begun?

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At the end of 2008, we worked along with the creative agency, Red Cell Rome, on new creative concepts for the 2009 campaign

Two out of four proposals came from concept spotted in the net by Buzzdetector

When it all begun?

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The two insights have many in common

Buscofen = remedy against menstrual cycle pain

Full association of the remedy with the

Tales of painful nights, moment of uneasiness and discomfort

Scenes from everyday life, narrated with a common language

Consumers’ insight

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The first insight comes from the blog of Mozartina 88

One of her post is closed with this quote:

“Baby, the pain will pass away…like when the effect of the first Buscofen is ending and you still hadn’t get the next

pill…things will get better soon”

Consumers’ insight - Passerà Baby

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Consumers’ insight - Passerà Baby

It works



Baby, the pain will pass away…things will get better soon like when the effect of the first Buscofen is ending and you still hadn’t get the next pill

you still hadn’t get the next pill

You’ll be better

It quickly cover the pain

You can get another pill whenever you want without problem

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In another blog titled Savethepellessa, Antonio, the blogger, describe his relationship with friends, both men and women, and write with an ironic tone (with some female friends amused by the tale)

“Days, hours…there’s a bad feeling around…Let’s admit it that the menstrual cycle is a punishment to men. Sweet souls turn into evilish creatures!! Well, it could be worse

without a remedy so let me express my love for Buscofen”

Consumers’ insight - San Buscofen

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Consumers’ insight - San Buscofen

It works

Collateral positive effect

Sweet souls turn into evilish creatures!!

Well, it could be worse without a remedy so let me express my love for Buscofen

It brings our wives, fiancees, friends back to their human look

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Passerà Baby

Focused on product and its direct response to pain


More female

Address to a grown up audience

Follow up - Comparing the insights

San Buscofen

Holistic approach


Complicity between men and women

Address to a younger target

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The campaign selected is San Buscofen and it is currently aired on national TV.

Follow up

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Strategic monitoring is an activity providing a wide range of insights : -results, compared with internal source of knowledge may

impact on the communication strategy off and online-the higher the ability of self analysis of the client, the richer are the results

Established roles are subverted:-the impact of the action taken depends upon the ability of the traditional agency to face new forms of communication without fear nor prejudice

What we have learned

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Case history monitoring - Tap waters - July ‘07/January ‘08

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The Challenge

The consumption of bottled mineral water, long considered a healthy habit, was characterized by some public thought leaders as environmentally irresponsible

These thought leaders presented tap water as an environmentally superior alternative

BuzzDetector was engaged to determine public sentiment by strategically monitoring the Web and the blogosphere from July 2007-January 2008

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Bloomberg gushed that “drinking tap water instead of bottled water is not only easier on your wallet, it's also easier on the environment.”

“A lot of energy goes into producing and delivering bottled water, and most of those empty plastic bottles end up in our landfills. Sticking to tap water is just one of the many small steps we can take to protect the environment,” Bloomberg said before taking a swig of tap.

The Sip Heard ‘Round the World

In 2007, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg began promoting the idea that the quality of the city’s tap water was so good, that drinking it instead of bottled mineral water was an economically and environmentally superior choice.

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The Impact: 11 July 2007

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The Impact: 11 July 2007

The aftermath: an average of 7 posts and comments per day

The peak: 35/40 posts per day

Total: More than 1,200 posts within 4 months

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Strategic Monitoring: BuzzDetector Is Engaged

BuzzDetector was engaged to begin a daily monitoring process of the event, and provide daily reports

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August 2, 2007: A Sample of Detected Activity

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406,626 Italian citizens signed a petition proposing a law that would return the management of water sources under government regulation.

Petition Signed in Italy

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Consumers Propose Limits on Advertising

Altroconsumo, a consumers’ association magazine, supported a proposal to limit advertising of bottled water

One major brand threatened to sue the magazine, putting the brand in the line of fire

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YouTube Video

Naples Beppe Grillo’s Friends produced a two-minute animated video featuring two characters joking about the bottled water, subtlely promoting bottled water as a positive choice

84,000 people watched, downloaded and shared the video

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Assessment and Impact

While these numbers don’t compare with a prime-time television audience, they present a large number of active participants

People with different political ideas converged on this topic, using the same approach and proposing the same solution

We faced the total disruption of the standard communication form

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Assessment and Impact has 100 local branches has 147 local branches

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What we have learned

Better get the bigger picture: - the issue was not only raised by the left wing movements but from the right wing, too

Not all issue can be solved with marketing and PR:- the lobbying activity was recommended to sort it out, as first step, at central and local level

Listen and answer with the correct tone:- only through listening you can understand the deep reason that stay behind a movement

- don’t send lawyers, send comments and thoughts

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Let go on control…

….but do not relinquish command(Charlene Li - Altimeter)

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Let go on control…

Ah, if you don’t recognize them, I quit

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Let go on control…

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Let go on control…

How high is the engagement level of this audience?

Any company should die for fans like these, right?

If video like this one should be removed for copyright infringement, what would be the reaction?

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What we have learned

Let them talk about you:- it means they are genuinely interested in your company, your brand

Let them share contents:- maybe you can’t even imagine the benefit, today- music sharing has transformed the music industry, no matter how much the records companies try to avoid it

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Many or few? It doesn’t matter anymore

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Do You Know This Man?

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You Should

He is Mr. Andrea D’Ambra In 2006 he started a blog campaign

– He was opposed to a new surcharge levied by Italian mobile phone companies

– 300,000 people signed a petition in support The result?

– The surcharge was repealed– Millions of euros in revenues lost by mobile

phone companies No one listened – until it was too late

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Mr. D’Ambra’s campaign drew national attention – and marked the birth of Italy’s “Generazione Attiva”

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His cost?

1.714.000.000 euros of missing revenue

(one billion seven hudred fourteen millions euro)

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David vs Goliath with more powerful tools:- Social media give individual authors instant access to a larger audience than any traditional media

Time is a factor:- don’t wait to be on influent blogs or in prime time, when you are done- listen carefully every single voice, even the smallest: you won’t regret it

What we have learned

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The future (or is it already here?)

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The future (or is it already here?)

David Armano, Dachis GroupLogic+Emotion

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Social business, what???

The future (or is it already here?)

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We believe that organizations across the globe will begin to view “social media” as social business and when this happens, integration,

scale and adoption will become complex issues which will only be solved through a purposeful act of coordinated activities built upon a

solid strategic foundation (David Armano)

Social business is the mean to create empathy between a corporation, a brand, a person and people and eventually turn people into

customers(Gianandrea Facchini)

Social Business: any business which is focused on optimizing both Social Capital and profit rather than just maximizing profit (Marc


A Social Business is one that operates with a value system that strives to put people first by focusing on trust, credibility, openness, respect, dignity, revenues and profits equally, and uses social media to give

everyone a voice to achieve those objectives (Lewis Green)

The future (or is it already here?)

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What we have are learneding

The current economic system can no longer go ahead:- we need a massive and quick shift away from a financial system to a more balanced one

New technologies can bring back the human factor within corporation:

- the social web tools empower the human factor and its impact on the corporation ecosystem

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Conversation: a human attitude

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Words, words, words…

Conversation is not born with the Web 2.0

It’s an ancient art

Do you know who was the major interpreter of this art?

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Ladies and gents,

The Marquise de Rambouillet

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What about today?

Conversation is far more infrequent

Tv programs with people argumenting deliver higher ratings

But let’s ask for a question:

Would you be happy to place your carefully nurtured brand in such a program?

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What about today?

Let’s get back to conversation:

Valeria Maltoni, a.k.a.

Excerpt from conversation collected by wendypiersall available on YouTube

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Corporations must adapt and evolve:- if your customers are on line, you have to interact with them, to talk with them, to listen for them

New technologies empower relationship:- we can be in touch in real time with people thousands of miles away

What we have are learneding

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Conversation: new forms, new results

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Tools and results

Scott Monty, Social Media head, FordTwitter: @Scottmonty

Excerpt from conversation collected by prarikhanson available on YouTube

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Tools and results

Scott = Twitter

29.714 followers29.419 following

15.571 update

Ford = Twitter

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Tools and results

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Tools and results

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Tools available can be very effective:- use them and learn about them before exposingyour company

People are the key:- no tool will work for you

What we have are learneding

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Ask for to Gianandrea Facchini

[email protected]

or follow me on Twitter @gianandreaand on