BUT! -sh; -ch; -s; -x; -z: В большинстве случаев добавляем ...

В большинстве случаев добавляем -S, но есть исключения в написании: Множественное число существительных+исключения consonant+y (-by;-dy;-ry;-ty): baby-babies; lady-ladies; ferry-ferries; party-parties. BUT! vowel+y, just add -s: day-days; boy-boys). -sh; -ch; -s; -x; -z: church-churches; crash-crashes; bus-buses; box-boxes; buzz-buzzes. -o: echo-echoes; hero-heroes; tomato-tomatoes; potato-potatoes. BUT! vowel+o, just add -s: photo-photos; piano-pianos; solo-solos. Исключения по форме: -f +s = -ves: calf-calves; elf-elves; half-haves; knife-knives; leaf-leaves; life - lives; loaf-loaves; self-selves; shelf-shelves; wife-wives; wolf-wolves. other irregular forms to remember: child-children; foot-feet goose-geese; louse-lice; man-men; mouse-mice; ox-oxen; penny-pence; person-people; tooth - teeth; woman-women; englishwithpolina.com

Transcript of BUT! -sh; -ch; -s; -x; -z: В большинстве случаев добавляем ...

Page 1: BUT! -sh; -ch; -s; -x; -z: В большинстве случаев добавляем ...

В большинстве случаев добавляем -S, но есть исключения в написании:

Множественное число существительных+исключения

● consonant+y (-by;-dy;-ry;-ty): baby-babies; lady-ladies; ferry-ferries; party-parties. BUT! vowel+y, just add -s: day-days; boy-boys).

● -sh; -ch; -s; -x; -z: church-churches; crash-crashes; bus-buses; box-boxes; buzz-buzzes.● -o: echo-echoes; hero-heroes; tomato-tomatoes; potato-potatoes.

BUT! vowel+o, just add -s: photo-photos; piano-pianos; solo-solos.

Исключения по форме:

-f +s = -ves:

●calf-calves;●elf-elves;●half-haves;●knife-knives;●leaf-leaves;●life - lives;●loaf-loaves;●self-selves;●shelf-shelves;●wife-wives;●wolf-wolves.

other irregular forms to remember:

●child-children;●foot-feet●goose-geese;●louse-lice;●man-men;●mouse-mice;●ox-oxen;●penny-pence;●person-people;●tooth - teeth;●woman-women;


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Личные местоимения в именительном и объектном падежах и притяжательные местоимения

I gave her my hat.




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Степени сравнения прилагательных+исключения


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Степени сравнения прилагательных+исключения


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Степени сравнения прилагательных+исключения


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Степени сравнения наречий

Большинство степеней сравнения и превосходной степени наречий образуется путем добавления more и most: Could you talk more quietly?

Наиболее частые наречия, которым добавляют окончания -er; -est:

● fast-faster-the fastest;

● early-earlier-the earliest;

● late-later-the latest;

● hard-harder-the hardest;

● long-longer-the longest;

● near-nearer-the nearest;

● high-higher-the highest;

● low-lower-the lowest;

● soon-sooner-the soonest;

● well (better-best); badly (worse, worst).


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Числительные количественные и порядковыеПорядковое числительное образуется добавлением TH+написание в некоторых случаях:


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Affirmative Question Negative Spelling Use

I work do I work? I do not work 👉3-е лицо ед.ч.:добавляем -s;

постоянные ситуации:

Alice works for an IT company.

you work do you work? you do not work 👉согласная+y = -ies: cry-cries;

с глаголами состояния:

I like this dish very much.

he/she/it works does he/she/it work?

he/she/it does not work

👉гласная+y=y: enjoy=enjoys;

повторяющиеся ситуации:

I play tennis every Wednesday.

we work do we work? we do not work 👉-s,-z,-ch,-sh or -x=-es: miss-misses;

в случае планов по расписанию:

Our English lesson starts at 9 am.

they work do they work? they do not work исключения:have-has;go-goes;d0-does

инструкции, алгоритмы:

So, I go to the office, and I see

her, and she starts talking to me


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Affirmative Question Negative Spelling Use

I will work will I work? I will not work

will + not = won't /wəʊnt/

прогнозирование:It'll be spring soon.

you will work will you work? you will not work условное наклонение:If the weather is fine, we'll

have a party outdoors.

he/she/it will work

will he/she/it work? he/she/it will not work

сообщение о решении:Ok, I'll buy the tickets.

we will work will we work? we will not work обещания:I promise I won't smoke


they will work will they work? they will not work отказы:The car won't start.


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Affirmative Question Negative Spelling Use

I worked did I work? I did not work к большинству правильных

глаголов добавляем -ed

события из прошлого:I spent all my childhood in


you worked did you work? you did not workглаголы,

оканчивающиеся на -e: добавляем


описание, истории прошлых событий:

One day the Princess decided that she didn't like staying at home all day ...

he/she/it worked

did he/she/it work?

he/she/it did not work


на ударную гласную+согласна

я, кроме w/y, удваиваютсяshop-shoppedplan-planned

со словами, которые обозначают прошлое:

yesterday, last year, two days ago

we worked didl we work? we did not work

they worked did they work? they did not work глаголы, оканчивающиеся на согласную+ - y

= -iedhurry-hurried



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Affirmative Question Negative Use

I was working was I working? I was not working

описание действия, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом

When I got up this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing

you were working

were you working?

you were not working

he/she/it was working

was he/she/it working?

he/she/it was not working

we were working

were we working?

we were not working

they were working

were they working?

they were not working


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Affirmative Question Negative Use

I am working am I working? I am not working описание ситуации, которая происходит в момент разговора:

What are you doing? - I'm reading a book.

you are working are you working? you are not working

повторяющиеся ситуации или события, которые происходят в настоящем времени:

I'm travelling a lot theses days.

he/she/it is working

is he/she/it working?

he/she/it is not working

перемены, развитие:She is growing up so fast.

we are working are we working? we are not working

планы на ближайшее будущее:What are you doing tomorrow morning?

they are working are they working?

they are not working

постоянные, повторяющиеся ситуации, которые могут вызывать эмоции:

Look!-The cat's eating your breakfast!


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Affirmative Question Negative Use

I have worked have I worked? I have not worked завершенные события, связанные с настоящим:

I've broken my leg.

you have worked have you worked?

you have not worked

новости:Andy has won a big prize!

he/she/it has worked

has he/she/it worked?

he/she/it has not worked

со словами:recently, lately, ever, before

Have you ever seen a ghost?

we have worked have we worked?

we have not worked

повторяющееся действие до настоящего момента:

I've written six letters since morning.

they have worked

have they worked?

they have not worked

длительность события до настоящего момента:

We've known each other for 10 years.


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Affirmative Question Negative Use

I had worked had I worked? I had not worked событие, которое произошло раньше другого события в прошлом:I told her that I had finished.

you had worked had you worked? you had not worked условное наклонение, нереальные события

If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam.

he/she/it had worked

had he/she/it worked?

he/she/it had not worked

событие, которое продолжалось до определенного события в прошлом:

When they got married, they had known each other for 10 years.

we had worked had we worked? we had not worked

they had worked had they worked? they had not worked


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Active: They designed this building in 2021.

Passive: This building was designed in 2021.




Видо-временные формы глаголов страдательного залога


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Видо-временные формы глаголов страдательного залога


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Личные формы глагола в Present Simple для выражения действий в будущем после союзов if, when.

(Условное наклонение)

В if- предложении английского языка обычно используется Present Simple настоящее время (что не совпадает с русским), чтобы описать событие в будущем. Например:

I'll give her some money if I see her. - Я дам ей денег, если я ее увижу.

I'll write to her when I have time. - Я напишу ей, когда у меня будет время.


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Неличные формы глаголов (причастие I, II, герундий)

Активное причастие (что делающий) имеют то же значение, что и активные глаголы.

falling leaves (=leaves that fall): падающие листья;she walked out smiling (=she was smiling). Она вышла улыбающаяся/улыбаясь.

Пассивное причастие (что сделанный).a broken heart (=a heart that has been broken), разбитое сердце.he lived alone, forgotten by everybody. (=he had been forgotten by everybody).

Герундий (-ing) используется после таких глаголов:avoid; consider; enjoy; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; give up; can't help; keep on; like; love; mind; prefer; start; stop; suggest.


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Согласование времён и косвенная речь

will would

DIRECT (прямая речь

The exam will be difficult.

INDIRECT (косвенная речь)

They said the exam would be difficult.

simple present simple past

DIRECT I need help.

INDIRECT She said that she needed help.

present continuous past continuous

DIRECT My English is getting better.

INDIRECT I knew my English was getting better.

present perfect past perfect

DIRECT This has been a wonderful holiday!

INDIRECT She told me that it had been a wonderful holiday.


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Согласование времён и косвенная речь

past past perfect

DIRECT (прямая речь

Kate grew up in South Africa.

INDIRECT (косвенная речь)

Kate said that she had grown up in South Africa.

can could

DIRECT Andrew can run long distances.

INDIRECT Andrew said that he could run long distances.

Past Perfect tenses do not change

DIRECT I arrived late because I had lost the address.

INDIRECT He said he had arrived late because he had lost the address.


При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняются некоторые слова, например:

Ann go her driving licence last Tuesday. He said Ann had got her driving licence the Tuesday before.I had a concert yesterday. He said he had had a concert the day before.They'll come to us tomorrow. They said they would come to us the next day.