Broucher medlife.pptx

MEDLIFE (A UNIT OF MED LIFE SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED ) HAJIPUR, VAISHALI, BIHAR 844101 Email: [email protected] Visit: Call: +91 8252750833


A unit of MED Life Service Pvt. Unit

Transcript of Broucher medlife.pptx

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Email: [email protected]

Visit: www.medlifeservice.comCall: +91 8252750833

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For every minute spend in Organizing an hour is Earned. Gives a life time opportunity and constantly to make every Individual customers, financially, self reliant economically and socially strong through the SELF HELP GROUP concept.


Who We Are?

We are an Self Help Company having

Alliances and Channel partners all across

the BIHAR & JHARKHAND. We are one of the

fastest growing Companies in the SELF

HELP GROUP Industry today and are

creating waves with our superb and

revolutionary line of products meshed with

a National Business Opportunity.

Our SHG Business system is the finest in

the industry which has been

acclaimed and validated by Experts from

around the WORLD.

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Because you are here, I am taking a guess that some things are just not quite right in your


• May be you are tired of your Job?• May be you can’t see yourself getting ahead with your current

income?• May be the dreams are still not fulfilled?• May be the commute to work and rat race have forced you to

start looking for alternate ways to make money? • May be you want to spend more time with your family? • Maybe there is a piece missing in your life?

“ Life’s most persistent question is : What are you doing for others “

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Are you Satisfied with Your Financial Position?

We present to you an opportunityto start earning a monthly incomeor to just supplement your currentincome over and above what youare earning right now … for LIFEand without any RISK! Many of ushave experienced what you areexperiencing right now which islikely to be one of the following:

1. Lack of finances - this does not necessarily mean great riches. Maybeyou just want to earn enough to settle your debts and livecomfortably.2. No job satisfaction - just the thought of going to work and facing thepeople and environment leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Not tomention the commuting to and form work.3. Lack of free time - you don't have the time to spend doing the thingsyou really want to do. Quality time with your family, that hobby youwould like to spend more time on, etc... the freedom to do what youwant, when you want. For how long have you wanted to change this? Have you given up all hope already? How much would you give to change things in your life? Are you ready to stop hoping and do something about it?

Our Business ConceptThis business is based on the concept of SELF HELP GROUP. Why SELF HELP GROUP? Because it is currently the most powerful wealth building opportunity in the world, creating more millionaires than any other industry. So what exactly is SELF HELP GROUP you may ask? Let us explain it by way of a practical example: You visit a new restaurant in town and you are very impressed with the quality ,service and low prices. As a result you tell your friends and family about it and they also tell their friends and family until soon, a lot of people have visited the restaurant. This is known as word-of-mouth advertising and guess what? The restaurant earned lots of extra money through your word-of-mouth advertising.

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Products and Services

Universal Appeal

First to introduce Free LIFE INSURANCE


Various Ongoing Promotions

Extra Death Claim Rs. 10000 IN 24 HOURS

True Value of Money


PACKAGE PRICING How much are these worth?

Valued at thousands of dollars, MEDLIFE’s

unrivalled “WAY OF LIFE” Package is available to

you for only INR 500.00And that’s not all..

MEDLIFE also provides you a INDIAN Business

Opportunity to create a solid income pipeline for you

and your family .

Read on to know

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The Concept that Works!Did they send you your commission for doing so? Maybe you should go ask for it but just watch it... you might be thrown out. On a more serious note and if one really thinks about it... wouldn't it be fair if you were compensated in some way for increasing the restaurant's income? Now, SELF HELP GROUP is based on exactly the same concept BUT you are rewarded for your word-of-mouth advertising. For every person who joins our opportunity or subscribes to one of our products through your efforts, you earn commission from us because that is just fair - not so? In fact, we don't only pay you based on your efforts alone but also on the efforts of those in your team whom you help to also earn money through our system and we pay you on unlimited width and 10 levels.Sample Movement Through



What will you be doing?

All you need to do is SPREAD THE WORD AND DO SOME MINIMAL FOLLOW-UP with those whom you tell about our income/business opportunity. The same way you would ask your friends or family how they liked the food at the restaurant, you can simply ask them what they think about the information brochure, web site Presentation you handed to them to have a look at.What about other people whom you do not know? There are many proven ways of building an income with us using e.g. the internet, emails, adverts innewspapers, notice boards, etc and it just depends on how you would like to do the business. You will receive the relevant training and excellent team support to help you tap into the vast potential market you have access to in INDIA

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Remember - thousands of people, just like you, are searching for a legal, ethical and easy way to earn extra income so the market is wide open. Nowyou can offer this opportunity to them and get paid for doing so. We will teachyou how to put things in place so that you maximize your chances of gettingpeople to join your team when you deal with them in person or via theinternet. If they also start doing the business, you will be earning commission from us based on how successful you and they are in promoting our productsand income opportunity to others.Can you Succeed ? Despite the fact that SELF HELP GROUP is creating more millionaires than any other industry in the world today, there are many people who do not succeed with it. Why?Because MOST people ...• Don't like trying to convince others to buy expensive products• Don't want to have to convince others to “invest” thousands of rends inproducts that will end up in the garage• Don't have the necessary skills to explain the business to others becauseit is too complicated• Are not interested in endless explanations about how “wonderful "certain products are compared too much cheaper alternatives• Don't know how to use technology to their advantage• Are not "marketers" or “sellers” at heart and are expected to do the impossible in reaching goals and targets

“So they don't do the workbecause they don't like the work”

How would you then make a SUCCESS of YOUR BUSINESS if so many other people fail in the Network Marketing industry? The answer is quite simple ...

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2 Easy Steps!STEP 1Join the business, part-time or fulltime.We explain this below.STEP 2Get at least 10 friends who would liketo earn extra money to join thebusiness as well, no matter wherethey find themselves in INDIA.How? Simply hand or send outenough of our brochures/website presentation toothers or direct people to your veryown and FREE replicated web sites.We will show you how.You can also advertise on the internet and, if you are interested, we willshow you how, when and where. We will follow up on those internet prospects via email, send them the necessary information and if they decide to join, our fully automated system will sign them up in your team/ organization ensuring that you make money. All these membersabove will become part of your 1st level.

Minimum Requirements to Join our Income/Business OpportunityTo be successful with us you need to ...

• be 18 years of age or older• ONE ANY ID PROOF , ADDRESS PROOF & AGE PROOF• have the desire to succeed and change your circumstances for the better

The Power of Our DecisionsWhatever the financial position you find yourself in today, there is a direct linkbetween your current circumstances and the choices you have made in thepast. May be you made some mistakes, maybe a few wrong decisions ormissed opportunities resulted in where you find yourself today. This is anopportunity to change things around and finally get on the road to FINANCIALFREEDOM. Don't miss IT! Don't let this count as one of your missed opportunities.

Your NEW FUTURE can start right here ..RIGHT NOW ! decide today to Better your Circumstances. Join this Dynamic Opportunity being offered to You now!