British Banking System

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Transcript of British Banking System

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    This section is from the book "Banking And Business", by H. Parker Willis, George W.

    Edwards. Also available from Amazon: Banking and Business .

    II. Central Banking System Of Great


    In the case of the central banking systems there has been developed a nucleus which

    represents practically the combined banking strength or the pooling ofbankreserves of

    the community. Other banks are then offshoots from such an institution, such as the Bank

    of England, not in the sense that they are owned or directed by it, but simply in that they

    look to it for guidance and direction, shape their policies in accordance with its doings

    more or less, and count upon its aid under certain given conditions. Before the opening of

    the European War it was believed that the Britishbanking system was perhaps the best

    type of organization. That banking system included a number of large, strong institutions

    organized for the performance of regular commercial banking operations in England.

    These banks had themselves in many cases been developed out of a considerable number

    of other banks, so that each of them represented a pooling of interests. Each such bank

    had a considerable number of branches scattered throughout the United Kingdom, while

    the main office of each was in London. The Bank of England was thus surrounded by a

    group of strong commercial institutions. At other points in the United Kingdom were

    situated the headquarters of other banking systems. Thus in Scotland and Ireland

    independently organized institutions existed, each with its set of branches, and such

    banks usually had a branch in London for the purpose of transacting business with theBank of England or of participating in the general financial market at that place. In all,

    there were in the United Kingdom probably about ninety banks with interlacing systems

    of branches; but the whole banking structure was practically dominated by a few strong

    banks with headquarters in London, to which reference has already been made. The Bank

    .of England, as the result of long practice and custom, was the holder of the bulk of the
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    demands of the community in which they are situated, and other factors. So, in

    developing a system of banking the essential test of its satisfactori-ness is found in

    adaptation to conditions. It is, therefore, true that banking systems throughout the world

    differ very widely from one another, and they must be judged by their adaptability and

    success in practice.

    From a broad general standpoint, however, it is possible to recognize several types of

    banking systems. Looked at from the point of view of the legal basis or status in the

    matter of organization, three chief groups may be recognized, as follows:

    (1) The central banking systems, of which the banks of England, France, and others of

    similar kind are the best examples;

    (2) The independent-charter banking systems, of which the Canadian bank is probably

    the best known; and

    (3) The free banking systems, best represented by the national banking system of the

    United States.

    II. Methods Of Settlement

    In another important way the practices of the business community establish a foundation

    for, or limit to, those of the bank. This is seen in connection with the kind of settlement

    which is habitual between individuals. For instance, if it is customary, when A sells

    goods to B, for B to give A a promissory note , then it is evident that A's bank may

    expect to have a great many promissory notes of customers presented to it for discount,and will be in position to require A to indorse such notes, thereby making them what is

    sometimes, though erroneously, called two-name paper. On the other hand, ifcommercial

    custom is such that B will regard it as somewhat of an affront or reflection if A asks him

    for a note, the result will be that A's assets will consist of open book accounts or "charge
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    accounts,' and that when A goes to his bankto borrow he will usually be able to offer the

    banker simply his own note, representing, of course, the fact that he owns bona-fide

    claims upon a large number of customers who are solvent and will presumably pay for

    the goods when their credit period has expired. In this case the business practice of the

    community dictates that the bank's loans shall be largely single-name paper, or "straight"


    This is the case, although in a somewhat different way, when A has offered B a discount

    for payment in cash, instead of payment at the close of, say, sixty days. In such cases the

    buyer B will have to arrange for the financing, and to the extent that his own funds are

    insufficient, will borrow from his bank and take the cash discount. Inasmuch as the cash

    discount is usually higher than the customary rate of interest, buyers will borrow as muchas they are able from their own banks in order to pay the seller cash and receive a

    discount. Where this is the case, they will give their bank their own promissory note,

    either straight or indorsed, or, less frequently, secured by collateral of one kind or

    another. Those buyers who are unable to borrow will be carried by the seller in the

    manner indicated above, and thus the cash discount serves to divide buyers into two

    classes and to provide a different manner of financing each.

    I. The Bank Of England

    The oldest among banking systems in anything like their present form is the Bank of

    England, which dates from 1694, and which as operated to-day finds its fundamental

    charter in the Bank Act of 1844, which superseded earlier statutes. The bank, although

    owned by individualstockholders, is to all intents and purposes a public institution whosemost important functions are the general direction and control of the money market , the

    handling of government finances, and the supplying of a uniform note circulation.

    Great Britain was the earliest country to develop banking upon the modern highly

    specialized and differentiated basis. At the close of the seventeenth century England had
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    already advanced far toward a recognition of the special functions performed by the issue

    of bank notes and of the necessity of centralizing a certain proportion of the banking

    resources of the country in the hands of one institution. At that time there was in

    existence a considerable number of banking houses operating in competition with one

    another and controlled by no single policy; owing, moreover, no obligations to the

    government save those owed by any good citizen.

    Under the Act of 1844 the issue department of the bank was permitted to put out notes

    only when protected pound for pound by coin or bullion, except that a basic issue of

    14,000,000 sterling might be placed in circulation upon a basis of the

    government debt. Other banks of issue were to transfer their note-issue privilege from

    time to time to the Bank of England , and such transfers were to bring about an increasein the issues of the Bank of England to the extent of two-thirds of the independent bank

    circulation so retired. Before the war the note issue secured by government bonds had

    thus risen to the equivalent of about $90,000,000, the total outstandings being about


    The function of the Bank of England in controlling the market is exerted by the

    performance of a very conservative commercial banking business based upon the

    discounting of short-term paper, partly for banks and partly for individuals, the bank,where necessary, going out into the open market and buying such paper of specified

    amounts as might be available. Before the European War the handling of government

    finances consisted largely of the receiving of public funds and the disbursing of them

    upon suitable check or warrant, or from time to time conversion operations in the long-

    term debt when necessary, accompanied occasionally by short-term advances. The war

    changed England's financial structure to a great extent, bringing about alterations which

    may or may not be permanent. In the Currency and Bank Notes Act of 1914,

    convertibility of currency and bank notes into gold was provided for, but for several

    reasons has never been really effective. The government had issued, early in the war,

    treasury notes which varied in amount from time to time, and at the time of the armistice

    probably amounted to about 1,600,000,000. Under the Currency and Bank

    Notes Act both currency notes and Bank of England notes were made legal tender for any
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    amount, and both kinds of currency have continued to circulate in large volume, the total

    in currency notes outstanding at the close of 1921 being 423,000,000. It may be

    assumed that eventually the currency notes will be retired and the Bank of England may

    succeed in getting back to a basis of actual convertibility of notes into gold.

    The war, however, has made but little change in the actual practice of banking in Great

    Britain. For a long time it has been the custom of other banks to carry their reserves in the

    form of deposits with the Bank of England. In the United Kingdom as a whole there are

    to-day about seventy-five institutions, and while the Scotch and Irish banks are in a sense

    more or less independent of the Bank of England, they do in practice carry considerable

    balances with the latter, while the so-called English joint-stock banks, with head-quarters

    in London, have been in the habit of carrying the bulk of their reserves with the headoffice of the bank. While the Bank of England has at the present time eleven branches

    here and there, these are merely for the purpose of convenience, the English joint-stock

    banks having much more numerous branches which serve as the actual medium of

    communication with the public at large. The Bank of England has of recent years,

    although carrying a certain number of deposit accounts for private individuals and also

    doing a discount business for such customers, tended to become more and more a

    bankers' bank, dealing largely in bankers' acceptances and confining its operations so far

    as practicable to liquid paper. During the war, like all other banking institutions, the Bank

    of England was, however, obliged to make very large advances to the government on the

    strength of the treasury notes or short-term bonds issued by the latter. Such issues were

    not a satisfactory basis for the creation of deposit credit or the issue of currency, and the

    level ofprices, partly as a result of this method of banking, accordingly advanced about

    100 per cent between 1913 and a date soon after the armistice. Effort was made by

    British financiers of the more conservative group to obtain a cessation of government

    short-term borrowing from the Bank of England, but without any material success,although the total volume of suchloans has in the aggregate fallen off. There has been a

    steadily declining movement of government obligations toward the banks and a steady

    increase in the amount of government obligations absorbed and held by individuals. One

    of the important features of postwar development in Great Britain has been the tendency
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    of the larger banks to consolidate, there being at the present time five outstanding

    institutions of great size. Both in the case of the Bank of England and in that of other

    European banks, it seems that a restoration of convertibility of paper and deposits into

    gold can be effected only in case the foreign balance of the country's trade is restored to a

    suitable level, and such a result can be accomplished only through increased exportation

    and reduced importation, associated probably with the borrowing of considerable

    amounts in actual gold from foreign countries. It is as yet uncertain how or under what

    conditions so extensive a reform as is indicated can be brought about.

    The Bank of England

    The Bank of England was founded in 1694, primarily to raise money

    for the war with France. Its founders were to provide the Government

    with a loan of 1,200,000 and the interest was to be 100,000 per

    year. In exchange the bank was to have a Royal Charter and the loan

    was not to be repaid before 1706.

    The founders intended to do no more than the kind of business

    goldsmiths were doing already. Like the pioneer goldsmiths the Bank

    of England was a bank of issue, printing their own notes and lending

    money of their own creation. The power granted to the Bank of

    England in respect of note issue drove others out of circulation until

    they remained the only bank of note issue. However, other English
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    bankers found that it was possible for deposit banking to be profitable

    with the right of note issue.

    In 1708 the Charter was renewed for further finance for the

    Government. The most far-reaching consequence of the Charter was

    the clause prohibiting note issue to any group of people exceeding six

    in number. This "monopoly" did not hinder the goldsmith bankers,

    who worked as individuals, but prevented the establishment of joint-

    stock banking in England for more than one hundred years. The Bank

    of England became the Government's bank and also the bankers'

    bank, due to the convenience of depositing their surplus balances.

    During the eighteenth century as private banks developed, the Bank

    of England continued to dominate the scene, although not knowing it

    would become the central bank as we know it today.

    In 1883, the Bank of England sought to have their full monopoly

    confirmed and failed. Joint-stock banking became permissible

    throughout the United Kingdom, and the rest of the century saw a long

    struggle for survival; the private bankers with the Bank of England on

    their side against the new joint-stock bankers. Private bankers

    enjoyed comfortable living and saw the new joint-stock banks

    threatening their own business, for it was these men who fought

    against joint-stock banking in Parliament in the early 1880s. In 1854,

    new bankers were admitted to the Clearing House, a London institution

    for exchanging bills, cheques, and settling balances, and this gave

    them greater strength.

    In 1890 the Bank of England organised joint action to save the

    bankrupt Barings Bank. This showed the Bank of England had accepted

    responsibility for the financial well-being of the country and had

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    emerged into its adult status as one of the world's central banks.

    Throughout the century its importance as a pivot of the banking

    system had been growing, and by 1900 it had moved a long way from

    the earlier years of bigoted opposition to the joint-stock banks.

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    Aceast seciune este de la cartea ", bancare i de afaceri", de H. Parker Willis, George

    W. Edwards. De asemenea, disponibile de la Amazon: Servicii bancare i de afaceri.

    II. Central Sistemul bancar al Marii Britanii

    n cazul sistemelor de bnci centrale nu a fost dezvoltat un nucleu care reprezint, practic,

    puterea combinat bancar sau punerea n comun a rezervelor bancare ale comunitii.

    Alte bnci sunt apoi offshoots de la o astfel de instituie, cum ar fi Banca Angliei, nu n

    sensul c acestea sunt deinute sau regizat de ea, dar pur i simplu n care se uita la el

    pentru orientare i direcie, forma politicile lor, n conformitate cu ei comportare mai

    mult sau mai puin, i conta pe ajutorul su n anumite condiii date. nainte de

    deschiderea rzboi Europene se credea c sistemul bancar britanic a fost probabil cel mai

    bun tip de organizare. Acest sistem bancar a inclus un numr de mare, instituii puterniceorganizat pentru ndeplinirea regulat operaiuni bancare comerciale n Anglia. Aceste

    banci au avut ei nii, n multe cazuri a fost dezvoltat dintr-un numr considerabil de alte

    bnci, astfel nct fiecare dintre ele a reprezentat o punerea n comun a intereselor.

    Fiecare astfel de banca a avut un numr considerabil de sucursale rspndite pe ntreg

    teritoriul Regatului Unit, n timp ce la biroul central din fiecare a fost la Londra. Banca

    Angliei a fost astfel nconjurat de un grup de puternice instituii comerciale. La alte

    puncte n Regatul Unit s-au situat sediul central al altor sisteme bancare. Astfel, n Scoiai Irlanda n mod independent a organizat existau instituii, fiecare cu un set de sucursale,

    precum i bncile de obicei, a avut o astfel de sucursal la Londra, cu scopul de a

    tranzacionarea de afaceri cu Banca Angliei sau de participare la general a pieei

    financiare la acel loc. n total, au existat n Regatul Unit, probabil, cam nouzeci de bnci

    cu ntreesere sisteme de filiale, dar ntreaga structur bancare a fost practic dominat de

    o puternic cteva bnci cu sediul la Londra, de referin la care a fost deja fcut. Banca.

    Angliei, ca rezultat al practicii lungi i particularizate, a fost titularul cea mai mare parte a

    rezervelor de aceste banci. La ori nainte de rzboi mai mare parte a numerar deinute de

    ctre bncile au sczut nivel ct mai sczut 3 sau 4 la suta din datoriile restante, precum i

    diverse autoriti bancare au fost nclinai pentru a vizualiza acest cu unele de alarm.

    Banca Angliei, cu toate acestea, prin meninerea unei rezerve puternic i un portofoliu

    de lichid, se pstreaz n poziie n mod constant pentru a veni n ntmpinarea cerinelor

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    altor bnci i, n consecin nici o banc britanic, care a fost n posesia unor eligibile

    hrtie pentru reduceri sau salable n aer liber de pia a fost vreodat, fr mijloace de a

    oferi bani cu care s ndeplineasc cerinele deponenilor sale. n timpul rzboiului, astfel

    cum a artat n alt parte, a existat o schimbare n aceast stare de lucruri, bncile

    britanice fuzionrii ntr-un numr tot mai mic de instituii. O atenie limiteaz, cu toate

    acestea, la situaia de dinainte de rzboi, putem spune c sistemul bancar britanic a fost,

    practic, o organizaie pur bncii centrale.

    I. Banking Systems grupate n funcie de Organizare

    Din ceea ce sa spus n capitolele de mai sus, va fi fost vzut c experiena bancar n

    diferite ri ale lumii a evoluat mai multe tipuri de sisteme bancare. Scriitorilor privind

    serviciile bancare, uneori, vorbesc ca i cum ar exista un fel sau caracterul sistemuluibancar, care este mai "tiinific" dect alta, sau ca n cazul n care evoluia bancar a

    indicat, n mod sigur s unele singur tip de organizaie, care a fost considerat ca fiind cea

    mai de dorit sau perfect . O mare parte din acest tip de sugestie a fost adesea oferite

    publicului, n cursul bancar "reforma" sau monetare "educaie" micri. Nu exist nici o

    baza pentru presupunerea c un tip de organizare bancare este n mod necesar mai bun

    dect altul. Bancare, ca i alte faze de organizare a afacerii, este strns legat de

    comunitatea de afaceri n care acesta exist, i depinde de mult pentru eficiena isuccesul su la adaptarea la obiceiurile locale. Nici mcar nu este adevrat c aa-

    numitele principii bancare referitoare la lichiditate, creditele pe termen scurt, a rezervelor,

    etc, au orice for universal. Ele depind n ntregime de condiiile generale pe care

    bncile opereaz, cererile comunitii n care acestea sunt situate, i de ali factori. Deci,

    n dezvoltarea unui sistem de servicii bancare testului esenial al satisfactori sa-Ness este

    gsit n adaptarea la condiiile existente. Este, prin urmare, adevrat c sistemele bancare

    din ntreaga lume difer foarte mult de la un altul, iar acestea trebuie s fie judecai de

    ctre adaptabilitatea i la succesul acestora n practic.

    Dintr-un punct de vedere al larg generale, cu toate acestea, este posibil s se recunoasc

    mai multe tipuri de sisteme bancare. Privit din punctul de vedere al temeiului juridic sau

    statut n materie de organizare, trei grupuri ef pot fi recunoscute, dup cum urmeaz:

    (1) Sistemele bncilor centrale, din care bncile din Anglia, Frana, i altele de acest gen

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    similare sunt cele mai bune exemple;

    (2) independent de sistemele de Carta bancar, din care banca canadian este, probabil, cel

    mai cunoscut i

    (3) Sistemele de liber bancare, cel mai bine reprezentat de sistemul bancar naional din

    Statele Unite.

    II. Metode de soluionare a

    ntr-o alt modalitate important de practici ale comunitii de afaceri stabilirea unei baze

    pentru, sau limita la, cele ale bncii. Acest lucru este vzut n legtur cu tipul de

    decontare, care este obinuit ntre indivizi. De exemplu, n cazul n care se obinuiete,

    atunci cnd o vinde bunuri la B, pentru B de a da o not un ordin, atunci este evident c

    banca O pot atepta s aib un multe note mari la ordin de clienti a prezentat-o pentrudiscount, i va s fie n poziia de a solicita de la A la indorse astfel de bancnote, astfel

    facandu-le ceea ce este uneori, dei n mod eronat, numit cu dou nume de hrtie. Pe de

    alt parte, n cazul n care personalizate comercial este de aa natur nct B, va considera

    ca fiind oarecum de un afront adus sau de reflecie n cazul n care o cere pe el pentru o

    not, rezultatul va fi c activele O va format din contabilitatea carte deschis sau conturi

    "tax," i Un c, atunci cnd merge la banca sa de a mprumuta de obicei, el va fi n

    msur s ofere bancher pur i simplu nota lui, care reprezint, desigur, faptul c le deinecreane-bona fide, la un numr mare de clienii care sunt cu solvent i va plti probabil

    pentru mrfuri atunci cnd perioada lor de credit a expirat. n acest caz, practicile de

    afaceri ale comunitii dicteaz c mprumuturile bncii trebuie s fie n mare msur de

    hrtie-un singur nume, sau "drept" note.

    Acesta este cazul, dei ntr-un mod oarecum diferit, atunci cnd un B, a oferit un discount

    pentru plata n numerar, n loc de plat la aproape de, s zicem, aizeci de zile. n astfel

    de cazuri n care cumprtorul B va avea de a asigura finanarea, i n msura n care

    fondurile sale proprii sunt insuficiente, va imprumuta de la banca lui i s ia discount de

    numerar. n msura n discount de numerar este de obicei mai mare dect rata obinuit

    de interes, cumprtorii vor mprumuta la fel de mult cum sunt n msur de la bncile

    lor, pentru a plti vnztorului n numerar i a primi o reducere. n cazul n care acest caz,

    ele vor da banca lor not propriile lor la ordin, fie drept sau indorsed, sau, mai puin

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    frecvent, garantate printr-o garanie de un fel sau altul. Cei cumparatori care nu sunt

    capabili de a mprumuta va fi efectuat de ctre vnztor n modul indicat mai sus, i,

    astfel, de numerar de scont este folosit pentru a mpri n dou clase cumprtorilor i

    pentru a oferi un mod diferit de finanare fiecare.

    I. Bank of England

    Cea mai veche dintre sistemele bancare n ceva de genul forma lor actual este de la

    Banca Angliei, care dateaz din 1694, i care, ca operate cu zi gsete carta sa

    fundamental n Legea Bncii din 1844, care a nlocuit statut mai devreme. Bancar, cu

    toate c deinute de acionari individuali, este din toate punctele de vedere o instituie

    public cele mai importante ale cror funcii sunt direcia general i controlul pe piaa

    monetar, de manipulare a finanelor publice, i de furnizare de o circulaie notuniform.

    Marea Britanie a fost prima ar pentru a dezvolta servicii bancare pe baza moderne

    extrem de specializate i difereniate. La sfritul secolului al aptesprezecelea Anglia au

    avansat deja departe spre o recunoatere a funcii speciale efectuat prin emiterea de

    bancnote i de necesitatea de a centralizator o anumit parte din resurse bancare din ara

    n minile de o singur instituie. La acel moment nu a existat n existena unui numr

    considerabil de case bancare care opereaz n concuren unii cu ceilali i controlat denici o politic unic; din cauza, de altfel, nici obligaii fa de guvern cu excepia celor

    datorate de ctre orice cetean de bun.

    n conformitate cu Legea din 1844 problema departament al bncii a fost permis de a

    pune n note numai atunci cnd lira protejate pentru jumtate de kilogram de monede sau

    lingouri, cu excepia faptului c o problem de baz a unui 14000000 sterlin ar

    putea fi puse n circulaie pe o baz a datoriei publice. Alte bnci de emisiune au fost de a

    transfera nota lor de-privilegiu problem din timp n timp la Banca Angliei i, astfel de

    transferuri au fost de a determina o cretere a problemelor de la Banca Angliei, n msura

    n a dou-treimi din banc independent circulaie aa pensionat. nainte de rzboi,

    problema nota garantate cu titluri de stat au crescut astfel la echivalentul a aproximativ

    90,000,000 dolari, outstandings total fiind de aproximativ 150000000 dolari.

    Funcia de la Banca Angliei n controlarea pieei este exercitat de ctre performana unei

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    afaceri foarte conservator bancare comerciale bazate pe actualizarea de hrtie pe termen

    scurt, n parte pentru bnci i n parte pentru persoane fizice, banca, acolo unde este

    necesar, ieind n pia deschis i cumprarea de hrtie astfel de sume specificate, astfel

    cum s-ar putea fi disponibile. nainte de rzboi european de manipulare a finanelor

    publice a constat n mare parte din primirea de fonduri publice i pltitoare de ele la

    check adecvate sau mandat, sau din timp n timp operaiuni de conversie n datorii pe

    termen lung atunci cnd este necesar, nsoite uneori de pe termen scurt avansuri. De

    rzboi a schimbat structura Anglia financiar ntr-o mare msur, aducand cu privire la

    modificrile care pot sau nu pot fi permanente. n moneda i Banca ia act de Actul din

    1914, convertibilitatea monedei i a bancnotelor n aur a fost prevzut, dar pentru mai

    multe motive nu a fost niciodat cu adevrat eficient. Guvernul a emis, la nceputul

    rzboiului, note de trezorerie, care a variat n sum din timp n timp, i n momentul dearmistiiu, probabil, sa ridicat la aproximativ 1600000000. Sub Moneda i

    Banca ia act de Actul att note moned i Bank of England note au fost fcute mijloc

    legal de plat pentru orice sum, i ambele tipuri de valut au continuat s circule i n

    volum mare, n total, n notele moneda n curs la aproape din 1921 fiind un

    423000000. Se poate presupune c n cele din urm notele moneda va fi pensionat i

    Banca Angliei, poate reuim s revin la o baz de convertibilitii reale de note n aur.

    De rzboi, cu toate acestea, a fcut, dar prea puine schimbri n practicile actuale debancare din Marea Britanie. Pentru o lung perioad de timp n care a fost personalizat

    ale altor bnci s i rezervele lor sub forma de depozite la Banca Angliei. n Regatul

    Unit, n ansamblu, exist cu zi despre aptezeci-cinci instituii, i n timp ce Scotch i

    bncile irlandeze sunt ntr-un sens mai mult sau mai puin independente de Banca

    Angliei, o fac, n practic, s solduri considerabile cu acestea din urm, n timp ce aa-

    numita limba englez joint-bnci stoc, cu capul sferturi din Londra, au fost n obiceiul de

    a transport cea mai mare parte a rezervelor lor, cu sediul central al bncii. n timp ce

    Banca Angliei are la ora actual, unsprezece sucursale aici i acolo, acestea sunt doar n

    scopul de comoditate, englez-bnci n comun de valori care au sucursale mult mai

    numeroase, care servesc ca mediu real de comunicare cu publicul larg. Banca Angliei a

    din ultimii ani, dei care transport un anumit numar de conturi de depozit pentru

    persoane private, i, de asemenea, face o afacere cu discount pentru astfel de clieni, au

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    avut tendina s devin mai mult i mai mult o banca bancheri ", care se ocup n mare

    parte n accepturile bancare i limiteaz sale operaiuni de msura n care este posibil s

    hrtie lichide. n timpul rzboiului, la fel ca toate celelalte institutii bancare, Banca

    Angliei a fost, totui, obligat s fac progrese foarte mari pentru guvern cu privire la

    puterea a notelor de trezorerie sau de obligaiuni pe termen scurt emise de acestea din

    urm. Astfel de chestiuni nu au fost satisfctoare o baz pentru crearea de credit depozit

    sau emiterea de moned, precum i nivelul preurilor, parial ca urmare a acestei metode

    de servicii bancare, n consecin avansate de aproximativ 100 de procente ntre 1913 i o

    dat la scurt timp dup armistiiu . Efortul a fost fcut de finantatori britanic al grupului

    de mai conservatoare pentru a obine o ncetare de guvern pe termen scurt mprumut de la

    Banca Angliei, dar fr succes material, dei volumul total de astfel de credite are n total

    czut. Nu a fost o micare n continu scdere de obligaiile guvernului fa de bnci i ocretere constant a numrului de obligaiile guvernului absorbite i deinute de ctre

    persoane fizice. Una dintre caracteristicile importante ale dezvoltrii postbelice n Marea

    Britanie a fost tendina de bncile mai mari de a consolida, acolo fiind la ora actual cinci

    instituii restante de dimensiuni mari. Att n cazul Banca Angliei i n cel al altor bnci

    europene, se pare c o restaurare a convertibilitii de hrtie i depozite n aur poate fi

    efectuat numai n cazul n care balana comercial extern a rii este readus la un nivel

    adecvat, i un astfel de rezultat se poate realiza numai prin intermediul a crescut exportuli importul a redus, asociate, probabil, cu mprumuturi de sume considerabile n aur reale

    din ri strine. Este ca i cum nc incert cum sau n ce condiii att de extins o

    reform dup cum este indicat poate fi adus.

    Bank of England

    Banca Angliei a fost fondat n 1694, n primul rnd pentru a strange bani pentru rzboiul

    cu Frana. Fondatorii acesteia au fost de a oferi guvernului cu un mprumut de 1200000

    i a dobnzii a fost de a fi 100.000 de lire sterline pe an. n schimb banca a fost de a avea

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    o Cart regal i de mprumut nu a fost de a fi rambursate nainte de 1706.

    Fondatorii destinate s fac nu mai mult de tipul de aurari de afaceri au fost fac deja. Ca

    pionier aurari Banca Angliei a fost o banca de emisiune, imprimare note proprii i bani de

    creditare de creare a lor. Puterea acordate la Banca Angliei, n ceea ce privete eliberarea

    nota alungat altele din circulaie, pn cnd acestea au rmas singura banca de emisiune

    not. Cu toate acestea, alte bancherii limba englez a constatat c a fost posibil ca

    bancare de depozit s fie profitabile, cu dreptul de a emite nota.

    n 1708 Carta a fost rennoit pentru finanare suplimentar pentru Guvern. Consecina cea

    mai de anvergur din Carta a fost clauz de problema not la orice grup de persoane mai

    mare de ase la numr. Acest monopol "" nu a mpiedica bancheri Goldsmith, care alucrat ca indivizi, dar mpiedicat nfiinarea bancare pe aciuni n Anglia pentru mai mult

    de o sut de ani. Banca Angliei a devenit banca Guvernului i, de asemenea, banca

    bancherilor ", ca urmare a depunerii de confortul de a soldurilor excedent lor. n timpul

    secolului al optsprezecelea ca bncile private dezvoltate, Banca Angliei a continuat s

    domine scena, cu toate c nu tiind c ar deveni banca central aa cum o tim astzi.

    n 1883, Banca Angliei a cutat s aib monopolul lor deplin a confirmat i a euat.Joint-bancar a devenit stoc admisibil pe ntreg teritoriul Regatului Unit, i restul din

    secolul vzut o lupt ndelungat pentru supravieuire; bancherii privat cu Banca Angliei

    de partea lor mpotriva bancherilor din nou pe actiuni. Bancheri private bucurat de trai

    confortabil i am vzut noul joint-bnci stocul pun n pericol propria afacere, pentru ca a

    fost aceti oameni care au luptat mpotriva bancare pe aciuni n cadrul Parlamentului, n

    anii 1880 devreme. n 1854, bancherii noi au fost admii la casa de compensaie, o

    instituie de la Londra pentru schimbul de facturi, cecuri, precum i soldurile decantare,

    iar acest lucru le-a dat puterea mai mare.

    n 1890, Banca Angliei a organizat o aciune comun pentru a salva n stare de faliment

    Barings Bank. Acest lucru a demonstrat Banca Angliei a acceptat responsabilitatea pentru

    bunstarea financiar a rii i au aprut n statutul de adult, fiind una dintre bncile

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    centrale din lume. De-a lungul secolului al importanei sale ca un pivot din sistemul

    bancar a fost n cretere, iar prin 1900 acesta s-au mutat un drum lung de la primii ani de

    opoziie prefcut n comun pentru a-bnci stoc.