Branding x inBOUnd MarKETing - Powered by Search · and podcasts are examples of Inbound Marketing...

BRANDING x INBOUND MARKETING Understanding and applying branding theory to maximize your inbound marketing efforts

Transcript of Branding x inBOUnd MarKETing - Powered by Search · and podcasts are examples of Inbound Marketing...

Branding x inBOUnd MarKETingUnderstanding and applying branding theory

to maximize your inbound marketing efforts

Our Mission: To help the good guys, to explore new frontiers, and to better the world through design.

We are a creative agency with a love for culture, branding, and design. Our multi-disciplinary design thinkers are passionate, curious, authentic, and driven by purpose.

Khalid MokhtarzadaCEO + Founder

20% Investment: Research + design, personal + professional development, field trips, holistic activities

Design philosophy: It is right or degrees of wrong


1. Your products & services are good (providing value to the world)

2. You prefer to be top-of-mind (the first choice)

3. Your reputation is important to you 4. You’d prefer not to have to pesuade or sell your products, services, or personality


Your organization


Your organization

Your marketing efforts


Your organization

Your brand

Your marketing efforts


Presentation guide

Introduction Brand Identity Communication Channels

Brand Vision Brand Assets Conclusion & QA


@_khalidm9Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Unlike any other area of marketing, brand development yields the highest level of appreciation over time.

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@_khalidm11Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand Vision

@_khalidm12Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand Vision

Brand Identity

Brand Assets

Communication Channels

@_khalidm13Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Inbound marketing

Brand Assets

Communication Channels

Brand Vision

Brand Identity

@_khalidm14Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Discover your brand vision

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@_khalidm16Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

“A well-conceived vision consists of two major components: core ideology and envisioned future. Core ideology, the yin in our scheme, defines what we stand for and why we exist. Yin is unchanging and complements yang, the envisioned future. The envisioned future is what we aspire to become, to achieve, to create -- something that will require significant change and progress to attain.”- Jim Collins & Jerry Porras

Discover your brand vision

@_khalidm17Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand Vision = Core Ideology + Envisioned Future

Discover your brand visionYin & yang model

@_khalidm18Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Discover your brand vision

Core Ideology

Envisioned Future

The modified Collins’ model

@_khalidm19Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Core Ideology

Envisioned Future

Core Ideology

Deeper into the core

Discover your brand vision

@_khalidm20Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Core ideology

“You do not create or set core ideology. You discover core ideology. You do not deduce it by looking at the external environment. You understand it by looking inside.”- Jim Collins & Jerry Porras

Discover your brand vision

@_khalidm21Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Core Ideology =Core Values x Core Purpose

Discover your brand visionCore ideology

@_khalidm22Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Core Ideology =

the WHY

Discover your brand visionCore ideology

@_khalidm23Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm24Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

“People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. What you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe.”

“The goal is not to do business with people who need what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.”- Simen Sinek, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, TEDx

Discover your brand visionCore ideology > Simon Sinek’s golden circle

@_khalidm25Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Core Ideology

Envisioned Future

Discover your brand visionEnvisioned Future

@_khalidm26Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Discover your brand visionEnvisioned Future

“In addition to vision-level BHAGs, an envisioned future needs what we call vivid description -- that is, a vibrant, engaging, and specific description of what it will be like to achieve the BHAG.”

“Identifying core ideology is a discovery process, but setting the envisioned future is a creative process”- Jim Collins & Jerry Porras

@_khalidm27Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Design your brand identity

@_khalidm28Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand Vision

Brand Identity

Brand Assets

Communication Channels

@_khalidm29Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand identitity

Your character, beliefs, voice, positioning, and the way you present yourself are all part of your brand identity.

Design your brand identity

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@_khalidm31Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Because people like pretty.

@_khalidm32Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Because people like pretty. People don’t like ugly.

@_khalidm33Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Case Study

@_khalidm34Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Case Study

Develop your brand assets

@_khalidm36Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Brand Vision

Brand Identity

Brand Assets

Communication Channels

@_khalidm37Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion


Brand assets strengthen your brand and continue to provide value years after you have invested in them.

@_khalidm38Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion


Brand assets strengthen your brand and continue to provide value years after you have invested in them.

Your brand assets can include: a brand book and style guide, uniforms, process templates, email signatures, stationery (business cards, letterhead, USB keys), and content.

@_khalidm39Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm40Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm41Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion


Blog posts, videos, social media content, e-books, white papers, and podcasts are examples of Inbound Marketing assets.

From an inbound marketing perspective

Build your communication channels

@_khalidm43Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets Communication Cs Conclusion

Brand Vision

Brand Identity

Brand Assets

Communication Channels

@_khalidm44Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets Communication Cs Conclusion


Think of your communication channels as anything your brand communicates to your audience with.

@_khalidm45Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets Communication Cs Conclusion


Think of your communication channels as anything your brand communicates to your audience with.

This includes: web properties, advertising, Store-front displays, sales-people, and call centers.

@_khalidm46Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets Communication Cs Conclusion

From an inbound marketing perspective

Communication channels

Website, landing-pages, blog, newsletter, and social media properties are some examples of inbound marketing communication channels.

Conclusion & QA

@_khalidm48Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Unlike any other area of marketing, brand development yields the highest level of appreciation over time.

Discovering your brand vision and designing your identity should be your first consideration, as all forms of strategy and

communication will be modeled after it.

@_khalidm49Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Case Study

Wild Card

Event planningParties of 10 to 3,000Casino themedJack & JillsShow girlsRafflesHigh-end & luxurious

@_khalidm50Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Wild Card

Event planningParties of 10 to 3,000Casino themedJack & JillsShow girlsRafflesHigh-end & luxurious

Case Study

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@_khalidm52Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm53Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm54Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm55Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm56Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

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@_khalidm58Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm59Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

NavviaFormerly IT Optimizer


Case Study

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NavviaFormerly IT Optimizer


Case Study

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@_khalidm62Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm63Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm64Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm65Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm66Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm67Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm68Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

@_khalidm69Introduction Brand Vision Brand Identity Brand Assets C Channels Conclusion

Thank you.