BRACE YOURSELF - Mobilegeddon is Coming April 21!

Google’s Mobilegeddon is almost here!

Transcript of BRACE YOURSELF - Mobilegeddon is Coming April 21!

Google’s Mobilegeddon is almost here!

Are you ready?

Google is updating their mobile search algorithm. Websites that fail to

provide a good mobile browsing experience will suffer from reduced search

visibility beginning April 21!

“So what will happen to my site?!” – Frazzled website owner

If your site isn’t completely responsive by April 21 you will lose a significant amount of

mobile traffic.

Well, Google’s algorithm change will take responsiveness into account + bump

you down in the ranks if you’re not completely mobile friendly.

“Why?” – Frazzled website owner

Because almost half of the time people spend consuming media is through smaller

screens! [Device Usage, February 2015 – Pie chart]

“But I thought our site was new +

updated?” – Frazzled website owner

Even new sites can be affected – in fact, the most common

errors are: use of incompatible plug-ins, mobile viewpoints not

set correctly, links spaced too closely together to be easily

clicked, site content set wider than screen making it invisible,

text set at a point size too small to read on mobile devices,

and blocking access to resources used by Google’s web


“But how do I know if I’m

affected?” – Frazzled website


Check your site before the big day arrives!


Click here now

How’d you do?!


Don’t panic – YET! LGC

can help identify +

eliminate any mobile-

friendly issues your site

may have.

Want to comply with Google’s new algorithm? We want to help! We specialize in

designing, optimizing, + maintaining mobile-friendly sites!

Call us today @ 631.694.1500! -