BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010

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Transcript of BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010

  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010


  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010



    Instructions Gulf Coast Claims Facility Claim Form

    Follow these instructions to complete the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) Claim Form (Claim Form).


    Who can use this Claim Form?This Claim Form is to be completed for individuals and businesses seeking payment for damages incurred as a result

    of the Deepwater Horizon Incident on April 20, 2010 and resulting oil discharges (the Spill).

    What if I need help completing this Claim Form?

    If you need assistance completing this Claim Form, contact the Gulf Coast Claims Facility toll free at 1-800-916-

    4893 (you will be prompted for multilingual telephone assistance), or visit www.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com. For

    TTY assistance call 1-866-682-1758.

    Do I have to fill out and mail in this Claim Form to make a claim?

    No. There are two other faster and easier ways to make a claim to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility:

    1. Through the Internet: You may obtain and submit a claim online by visiting the GCCF website:www.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com. Follow the simple steps online to complete a claim. Once completed,the claim will be automatically submitted to the GCCF Database. You will receive a printable confirmation

    immediately upon submission with a Claimant Identification Number. The Claimant Identification Number

    will be the claim identifier throughout the process.

    2. In person: By visiting a GCCF Claims Site Office. You may visit one of the GCCF Claims Site Offices toobtain, sign and submit a claim in person. You may either walk into one of the Claims Site Offices or may

    make an appointment by calling the toll free telephone line listed above. The locations of the Claims Site

    Offices are posted on the GCCF website, www.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com. A current list of Claims Site

    Offices is included as an attachment to these Instructions. If a visitor requires an interpreter, a Claims

    Evaluator will make arrangements to provide these services either by conference call or a scheduled return

    trip to the Claims Site Office. A Claims Evaluator will assist the Claimant in completing the Claim Form

    and will submit it for the Claimant. The Claims Evaluator will provide the Claimant with a confirmation of

    the claim submission and a Claimant Identification Number. The Claimant Identification Number will be

    the claim identifier throughout the process. A claim may not be submitted by telephoning the Claims Site


    General Instructions

    Do I use this Claim Form to apply for Emergency Advance Payments?

    Yes. If you want to receive payments right away for damages caused by the Spill, you can use this Claim Form to

    apply for an Emergency Advance Payment. You may apply for an Emergency Advance Payment for one month or

    for up to six months of losses. The GCCF will review your claim and determine whether you qualify for an

    Emergency Advance Payment and if so, how much. Any Emergency Advance Payments you receive will be

    deducted from your Final Payment. If you do not receive a Final Payment from the GCCF, the total Emergency

    Advance Payments you receive will be deducted from a payment you receive in another legal action associated with

    the Spill. If you are requesting an Emergency Advance Payment, you do not have to sign a release or waive any

    rights to assert additional claims as a result of the Spill. You will have to sign a release to get a Final Payment for

    all of your damages.

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    Do I use this Claim Form to apply for subsequent Emergency Advance Payments?

    No. If you have previously received a one month Emergency Advance Payment and wish to request a subsequent

    Emergency Advance Payment for the same claim, you must fill out and submit a Supplemental Request Form for

    Emergency Advance Payments. You must provide your name and Claimant Identification Number, the amount you

    are claiming as a subsequent Emergency Advance Payment, the amount you previously received, responses to

    questions regarding your claim, your signature, and supporting documentation. You do not need to resubmit anydocuments you previously provided with your Claim Form.

    Do I also use this Claim Form to make a claim for a Final Payment?

    Yes. You can use this Claim Form if you want to assert a claim for all of your damages as a result of the Spill or a

    claim for physical injury or death caused by the Spill. The GCCF will evaluate your claim and make a

    determination concerning the amount of Final Payment, if any, you will receive. If you accept that determination, to

    receive a Final Payment you will have to sign a release waiving any rights you may have against BP to assert

    additional claims, to file an individual legal action, or to participate in other legal actions associated with the Spill.

    How do I complete this Claim Form?

    1. Read all of the Instructions carefully before completing the Claim Form.2. Pay close attention to which sections and questions apply to you. If you are only seeking an Emergency

    Advance Payment at this time, you will have fewer questions to answer.

    3. Print or type your answers in black ink.4. In the boxes on the top of each page of the Claim Form and on the documents you submit in support of

    your claim, you must provide the following in case the pages become separated:

    a. Your Claimant Identification Number, if you have one;b. The name of the Individual or Business; andc. Your Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number. This must be the same number

    you provide in Section II.

    What are the parts of this Claim Form?

    The Claim Form has ten parts:Section I Instructions: This section explains how to complete the Claim Form.

    Section II Claimant Information: This section requests information about the Individual or Business affected or

    injured by the Spill.

    Section III Attorney Information: Complete this section if the Individual or Business is represented by an

    attorney for the claim arising out of the Spill.

    Section IV Claim Information: This section addresses the information the GCCF needs to evaluate your


    Section V Collateral Source Compensation: This section requests information about unemployment

    compensation, private insurance or any other government benefits you may have received since the Spill. You must

    complete this section if you are seeking a Final Payment.

    Section VI Alternate Contact Information for Individual Claimants: This section is optional, so you do not

    have to fill it out. Use this section if you want to provide us with contact information for another person in case the

    GCCF cannot reach you. This section does not apply to Business Claimants.

    Section VII Representative Claimant Information: Fill out this section if you are completing the Claim Form

    for an Individual who is deceased or otherwise incapacitated and cannot fill out the Claim Form for himself or

    herself. This section does not apply to Business Claimants.

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    Section VIII Method of Payment: Use this section to indicate how you would like to receive your payment, if

    you qualify for one. The fastest way is for the funds to be wired to your bank account.

    Section IX Signature: Read this section carefully. By providing your signature in this section, you give your

    consent for the GCCF to use and disclose certain information about you. You also certify that the information

    contained in the Claim Form is true, correct, and complete.

    Exhibit A Supporting Documentation for a Claim: This checklist identifies examples of the supporting

    documentation that you must submit with the Claim Form and specifies which documents are required for

    Emergency Advance Payments. Use this to check off what you are sending in with your Claim Form.

    Section-by-Section Instructions

    These instructions provide an overview of the questions in each section, provide more detail on certain questions,

    and identify the supporting documentation that you must include with your Claim Form.

    Section I Instructions

    Read all instructions carefully before completing the Claim Form.

    Section II Claimant Information

    A. Individual Claimant Information: Section II.A asks for information about Individual Claimants. If you are

    completing this Claim Form for an Individual, you must provide all of the information requested in Section II.A.

    Provide your Social Security Number (SSN) or your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). If you

    do not have a home phone, cell phone, or email address, put N/A as the answer to those questions.

    B. Business Claimant and Authorized Business Representative Information:

    1. Section II.B.1 asks for information about Business Claimants. If you are completing this ClaimForm for a Business, you must provide all of the information requested in Section II.B.1.

    2. Section II.B.2 asks for information about the person authorized to complete this Claim Form on

    behalf of the Business. The Authorized Business Representative must provide all of the

    information requested in Section II.B.2.

    Section III Attorney Information

    What if I have a lawyer?

    1. If you have a lawyer for your claim that arose out of the Spill, provide as much information as possible inresponse to the questions in Section III.

    2. If you complete Section III, all communications from the GCCF will be with the lawyer you have identifiedunless you instruct us otherwise in writing.

    3. All claimants who are represented by a lawyer for a claim that arose out of the Spill must complete thissection.

    4. Do not provide the name of any lawyer or law firm that previously helped you with your claim, but that nolonger represents you.

    Section IV Claim Information

    What qualifies as an Injury or Type of Damage?

    On the Claim Form, check the type(s) of claims (described below) that you want to make. You may check more

    than one claim type. For each claim type, indicate whether you are seeking an Emergency Advance Payment or a

    Final Payment. For each claim type for which you are seeking an Emergency Advance Payment, you must select

  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010



    whether you want payment for one month or six months, and then you must complete the Claim Form based on your

    selection. If you seek a single Emergency Advance Payment, then select payment for one month. If you apply for a

    one month Emergency Advance Payment and subsequently need to apply for an Emergency Advance Payment for

    another month, you must submit a Supplemental Request Form for each additional month for which you seek an

    Emergency Advance Payment. You may only seek payment for six months for claims for Lost Earnings or Profits,

    Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources or loss of income due to physical injury or death. You must provide

    documentation or evidence of the damage or injury for each type claimed. Exhibit A to the Claim Form provides a

    list of the documents that will support your claim and specifies which documents are required for Emergency

    Advanced Payments.

    A.Removal and Clean Up Costs: Check this box if, as a result of the Spill, you incurred costs to remove oildischarged by the Spill and/or costs to prevent, minimize or mitigate oil pollution when there is a substantial

    threat of a discharge of oil due to the Spill. You can claim costs for both preventative and clean up measures. To

    be paid for these costs, the actions taken must have been approved by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator.

    1. In the Amount Claimed box, provide the amount of money you have spent on oil removal andclean up measures as well as measures to prevent damage from the Spill. If you previously

    received a payment, do not include that in the amount you are requesting.

    2. If you check the Removal and Clean Up Costs box, you must provide complete responses to thequestions in Section IV.A.1, including the location and details of the removal and/or clean up


    3. If you are only seeking an Emergency Advance Payment, you can go to the next section thatapplies to you.

    4. If you are seeking a Final Payment for Removal and Clean Up Costs, you must provide completeresponses to the questions in Section IV.A.2.

    5. All claimants must submit documents identified in Exhibit A to the Claim Form to support thisclaim. Use this checklist to indicate which supporting documents you are submitting with the

    Claim Form. Pay attention to which part of Exhibit A applies to you as the GCCF requests

    different types of documentation for Emergency Advance Payments than it does for Final


    6. If you are claiming removal and clean up costs at multiple locations and need additional pages,photocopy this section before filling it in and make as many copies as you need. You must attach

    all additional pages to this Claim Form.

    B.Real or Personal Property: Check this box if, as a result of the Spill, you suffered damage to real property,personal property or business property that you own or lease. Real property refers to land and any permanent

    structures that are on the land and are fixed to it, like a house or other building. Personal or business property

    refers to any property that you own or lease other than real property.

    1. In the Amount Claimed box, provide the amount of money you spent to repair or replace yourdamaged property or, if you have not yet repaired the damage, the estimated cost. If you have

    previously received a payment, do not include that in the amount you are requesting.

    2. If you suffered damage to your land, your house, or any permanent structure on your land, youmust provide complete responses to the questions in Section IV.B.1. For example, you must

    complete this section if your house was damaged, or if permanent parts of your house were

    damaged. However, if your boat, equipment or items inside your house, such as movable

    furniture, were damaged, you must provide information on those damages in the next section on

    Personal or Business Property.

    3. If you suffered damage to property that you own or lease that is not real property you mustprovide complete responses to the questions in Section IV.B.2. For example, you must complete

    this section if your boat or other equipment was damaged.

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    4. If you are seeking damages for economic losses resulting from the destruction of real or personalproperty, you must provide complete responses to the questions in Section IV.B.3.

    5. If you are an owner of a property that you lease to someone else, you must notify the lessee thatyou are filing a claim. If you lease a property from someone else, you must notify the owner that

    you are filing a claim.

    6. You must submit documents identified in Exhibit A to the Claim Form to support your claim fordamage to real, personal or business property. Use this checklist to mark which supporting

    documents you are submitting with the Claim Form. Pay attention to which part of Exhibit A

    applies to you as the GCCF requests different types of documentation for Emergency Advance

    Payments than it does for Final Payments.

    7. If you suffered damage to more than one piece of real, personal or business property and needadditional pages, photocopy this section before filling it in and make as many copies as you need.

    You must attach all additional pages to this Claim Form.

    C.Lost Earnings or Profits: Check this box if, as a result of the Spill, you lost earnings or profits.1. In the Amount Claimed box, provide the amount of earnings or profits you have lost to date. If

    you have previously received a payment, do not include that in the amount you are requesting. If

    you are seeking an Emergency Advance Payment, be sure to calculate the amount claimed basedon your selection of payment for one or six months.

    2. If you check the Lost Earnings or Profits box, you must provide complete responses to thequestions in Section IV.C.1.

    3. If you are seeking a Final Payment for Lost Earnings or Profits, you must provide completeresponses to the questions in Section IV.C.2. If you are only seeking an Emergency Advance

    Payment, you can go to the next section that applies to you.

    4. You must submit documents identified in Exhibit A to the Claim Form to support this claim. Usethis checklist to mark which supporting documents you are submitting with the Claim Form. Pay

    attention to which part of Exhibit A applies to you as the GCCF requests different types of

    documentation for Emergency Advance Payments than it does for Final Payments and different

    types of documentation for Individual Claimants than it does for Business Claimants.

    D.Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources: Check this box if, as a result of the Spill, you claim damages toyour ability to rely, without purchase, on natural resources for food, shelter, clothing, medicine, or other

    minimum necessities of life.

    1. In the Amount Claimed box, provide the amount of money you have spent to replace thesubsistence you lost. If you have previously received a payment, do not include that in the

    amount you are requesting. If you are seeking an Emergency Advance Payment, be sure to

    calculate the amount claimed based on your selection of payment for one or six months.

    2. If you check the Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources box, you must provide completeresponses to the questions in Section IV.D.1.

    3. If you are seeking a Final Payment for Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources, you mustprovide complete responses to the question in Section IV.D.2.

    4. You must submit documents identified in Exhibit A to the Claim Form to support your claim forLoss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources. Use this checklist to mark which supporting

    documents you are submitting with the Claim Form. Pay attention to which part of Exhibit A

    applies to you as the GCCF requests different types of documentation for Emergency Advance

    Payments than it does for Final Payments.

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    E.Physical Injury/Death: Check this box for Physical Injury/Death, if damages are claimed for physical injury tothe body or death proximately caused by the Spill or the explosion and fire associated with the Deepwater

    Horizon Incident on April 20, 2010.

    1. In the Amount Claimed box, provide the amount of money you seek for reimbursement orcompensation of the injury or death.

    2. If you check the Physical Injury/Death box, you must answer the questions in Section IV.E.1.3. If you are seeking lost income due to physical injury or death, you must answer the questions in

    Section IV.E.2.

    4. You must submit the documents identified in Exhibit A to the Claim Form to support this claim.Use this checklist to mark which supporting documents you are submitting with the Claim Form.

    Pay attention to which part of Exhibit A applies to you as the GCCF requests different types of

    documentation for Emergency Advance Payments than it does for Final Payments.

    Section V Collateral Source Compensation

    What if I received unemployment payments or other benefits from the government?

    1. Skip this section if you are only seeking an Emergency Advance Payment and go to the next section.2. If you are seeking a Final Payment, you must complete this section if you or someone else received

    unemployment compensation, private insurance or other government benefits for any claim type alleged in

    Section IV. Charitable gifts and the provision of emergency housing, food or clothing distributed to the

    Claimant are not collateral compensation.

    3. The GCCF will be deducting any amounts you have received in unemployment compensation, privateinsurance or other government benefits from your final payment.

    Section VI Alternate Contact Information for Individual Claimants (This Section is


    How do I provide Alternate Contact Information?

    1. Fill out the information in this section if there is a person other than you who you want us to contact aboutyour claim if we cannot reach you.

    2. If you fill out this section, complete as many of the questions in Section VI as possible.3. This section does not apply to Business Claimants.

    Section VII Representative Claimant Information

    Can I fill out a Claim Form for someone else?

    1. Skip this section if you are the Claimant and are completing this Claim Form for yourself.2. This section also does not apply to Business Claimants.3. Only complete this section if you are filling out this Claim Form for an Individual affected or injured by the

    Spill who is deceased, or is incompetent or legally incapacitated and unable to complete the Claim Form

    for himself or herself. (If you are filing for a deceased Individual you must provide proof that you are the

    Personal Representative of the Estate.)4. Provide the reason that the Claimant cannot complete the Claim Form.5. Next, provide your relationship to the Claimant.6. Finally, complete the questions in Section VII by providing information about yourself and how we may

    contact you.

    7. Provide your Social Security Number (SSN) or your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

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    Section VIII Method of Payment

    Will a check be issued for this claim?

    1. You can select whether you want to receive your payment by check or by wire transfer directly into yourbank account. A wire transfer will be the fastest way for you to be paid, if your claim qualifies for


    2. If you want to receive your payment by direct deposit/electronic funds transfer, indicate your selection ofthis option in Section VIII.A. You must provide the requested information in this section. The payment

    will be wired to the account of the Claimant only. This method of payment is available for U.S. banks


    3. If you want to receive your payment by check, indicate your selection of this option in Section VIII.B.Checks for Emergency Advance Payments will be sent to you by overnight courier. You must also provide

    the street address to which you would like the check to be sent.

    4. The GCCF will report annually to federal and state taxing authorities, using a form 1099 or state formequivalent, for certain payments made. The GCCF will send you a copy of that form, but cannot give you

    tax advice regarding any payment issued to you. You should consult with your own tax advisor to

    determine the impact of any payment you receive from the GCCF on your individual tax situation.

    Section IX Signature

    I have filled out all of the sections of the Claim Form. Is it now complete?

    1. No. After you complete the Claim Form, you must sign in the space provided in Section IX.2. By signing the Claim Form, you confirm that:

    a. The information you provided on your Claim Form is true and correct to the best of yourknowledge.

    b. All documents submitted with your Claim Form are true, correct, and complete to the best ofyour knowledge.

    c. You understand that false statements or claims made in connection with this Claim Form mayresult in fines, imprisonment, and/or any other remedy available by law to the FederalGovernment, and that suspicious claims will be forwarded to federal, state, and local law

    enforcement agencies for possible investigation and prosecution.

    d. You provide your consent to the use and disclosure by the GCCF and those assisting it of anyinformation necessary to the processing of your claim.

    e. You also provide your consent to the release to the GCCF by relevant state unemploymentcompensation agencies of any information regarding unemployment benefits you may have

    received on or after April 20, 2010.

    f. If you are the Authorized Business Representative, you also certify that you are authorized toact on behalf of the Business Claimant asserting this claim.

    3. Your Claim Form will not be complete until you sign and fill out the Signature section.4. You must also print your name and provide the date you signed the Claim Form in Section IX.5. If you are signing on behalf of the Individual Claimant as a Personal Representative, you must provide

    documentation that establishes your right to act on his/her behalf.

    6. If anyone other than a family member or an Attorney helped you fill out this Claim Form, you must providethe name of the person and company that assisted you in completing the Claim Form.

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    Exhibit A Supporting Documentation for a Claim: As noted throughout the Claim Form, you must

    submit supporting documentation. Exhibit A is a checklist that will help you prepare and submit a complete Claim

    Form. You should use it to collect documentation for your claim. Pay attention to which part of Exhibit A applies

    to you, because the GCCF requests different types of documentation for Emergency Advance Payments than it does

    for Final Payments. If you are seeking an Emergency Advance Payment, you must provide each of the documents

    required in that column for your claim. Submit the completed Exhibit A with your Claim Form.

    How do I submit this Claim Form and supporting documents?

    Submit your completed Claim Form and any supporting documents by one of the following methods:

    1. U.S. Postal Service: Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF)Kenneth R. Feinberg, Administrator

    P.O. Box 9658

    Dublin, OH 43017-4958

    2. Overnight, Certified or Registered Mail: Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF)Kenneth R. Feinberg, Administrator

    5151 Blazer Pkwy., Suite A

    Dublin, OH 430173. Fax: 1-866-682-17724. Email: [email protected]

    Where can I go for more information?

    The GCCF will assign you a Claimant Identification Number that will allow you to track the status of your claim.

    You can obtain the status of your claim by accessing the GCCF online at www.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com, by

    phone toll free at 1-800-916-4893, or in person at a GCCF Claims Site Office.

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    Bayou La Batre

    13290 N. Wintzell Avenue

    Bayou La Batre, AL 36509

    Dauphin Island

    1008 Alabama Avenue

    Dauphin Island, AL 36528


    1506 N. McKenzie Street

    (Highway 59)

    Suite 104

    Foley, AL 36535

    Gulf Shores

    1709 Gulf Shores Parkway

    Gulf Shores, AL 36542


    325 E. I-65 Service Road

    (Beltline Highway)

    Suite 1

    Mobile, AL 36606

    Orange Beach

    24039 Perdido Beach Boulevard

    Suite 1

    Orange Beach, AL 36561



    194 14th Street

    Suite 105Apalachicola, FL 32320


    2551 Drew Street

    Suite 301

    Clearwater, FL 33765


    3010 Crawfordville Highway

    Suites A & B

    Crawfordville, FL 32327

    Fort Walton Beach

    348 Miracle Strip S.W. Parkway

    Suite 13

    Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

    Gulf Breeze

    5668 Gulf Breeze Parkway

    Unit B9

    Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

    Key Largo

    100360 Overseas Highway

    Suite 1

    Key Largo, FL 33037

    Key West

    3722 N. Roosevelt BoulevardSuite H

    Key West, FL 33040


    7885 Overseas Highway

    Marathon, FL 33050


    4121 E. Tamiami Trail

    Naples, FL 34112

    Panama City Beach

    7938 Front Beach Road

    Panama City Beach, FL 32408


    3960 West Navy Boulevard

    Suites 16-17

    Pensacola, FL 32507

    Port St. Joe

    106 Trade Circle West

    Suite A

    Port St. Joe, FL 32456

    Santa Rosa Beach

    5008 US Highway 98W

    Units 6 & 7

    Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459


    Cut Off

    16263 E. Main Street

    Tarpon Heights Shopping CenterUnit 2

    Cut Off, LA 70345

    Grand Isle

    3811 LA 1

    Grand Isle, LA 70358

    Gretna/Belle Chasse

    2766 Belle Chasse Highway

    Suite A-9

    Gretna, LA 70056


    814 Grand Caillou Road

    Suites 2 & 3

    Houma, LA 70363


    2654 Jean Lafitte Boulevard

    Lafitte, LA 70067

    Morgan City

    889 US Highway 90

    Morgan City, LA 70380

    New Iberia

    965 S. Lewis Street

    New Iberia, LA 70560

    New Orleans East4375 Michoud Boulevard

    New Orleans, LA 70129

    Point a la Hache

    15535 Highway 15

    DeVant, LA 70040


    1300 Gause Boulevard

    Suite A5&6

    Slidell, LA 70458

    St. Bernard

    3132 E. Judge Perez Drive

    Suite DMeraux, LA 70075


    P.O. Box 369

    41093 Highway LA 23

    Boothville, LA 70038


    Bay St. Louis

    1171 Highway 90 Bay

    St. Louis, MS 39520


    15812 Lemoyne Boulevard

    Biloxi, MS 39532


    5912 Old Mobile Highway

    Suites 3 & 4

    Pascagoula, MS 39581


    2001 Post Office StreetUnit #2Galveston, TX 77553



  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010


    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 1



    This Claim Form is to be completed for individuals or businesses who wish to receive payment fordamages suffered as a result of the Deepwater Horizon Incident on April 20, 2010 and resulting oildischarges (the Spill). To learn more about filing a claim, go towww.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com, call toll free at 1-800-916-4893, or visit a Gulf Coast ClaimsFacility (GCCF) Site Office.


    (To be provided by GCCF)


    1. You may fill out and submit a Claim Form and supporting documents to the GCCF online by visiting the Facilitys websitewww.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com. If you do not submit your claim online, follow Instructions 2-4 below and the other instructiocontained in this Claim Form to submit your claim and supporting documents by mail, email, overnight delivery, fax or in person.

    2. Type your answers or print them in black ink. Put the requested identification number or previously issued Claimant IdentificatNumber at the top of each page, in case the pages get separated. If you are an Individual Claimant, enter your Social Security Numbin the box at the top of each page. If you are a Business Claimant, enter your Employer Identification Number.

    3. Print or type the name of the Individual or Business Claimant, sign and date the Claim Form in Section IX.

    4. The GCCF will assign you a Claimant Identification Number. That Claimant Identification Number will allow you to track the staof your claim online and will be your claim identification number throughout the claims process. You can get information about yoclaim online at www.GulfCoastClaimsFacility.com, by phone toll free at 1-800-916-4893, or in person at a GCCF Claims Site Offic



    Provide the following information about the person who was affected or injured by the Spill. All Individual Claimants must compleeach question in this section.

    1. Last Name:

    2. First Name:

    3. Middle Name:

    4. Current Address:


    City State Zip

    Parish/County Country

    5. Home PhoneNumber:

    ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    6. Cell PhoneNumber:

    ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    7. Email Address:

    8. Date of Birth: ___/___/____(Month/Day/Year)

  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010


    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 2

    9. Social Security Number


    Individual TaxpayerIdentification Number

    (Check which is applicable.)

    | | | | - | | | - | | | | |

    | | | | - | | | - | | | | |

    10. Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No

    11. If Not, Proof of Legal Residency Attached: Yes No


    Provide the following information if you are completing this form for a business that was affected by the Spill. All Business Claimamust complete each question in this section.

    B.1. Information about the Business

    12. Name of Business:

    13. Type of Business:

    14. Business Address:


    City State Zip

    Parish/County Country

    15. Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    16. Fax Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    17. Website Address:

    18. Other Business Name:

    19. Employer Identification Number (EIN): | | | - | | | | | | | |

    20. Business Activity Code (NAICS):

    21. Date and Place Founded/Incorporated: ___/___/____ _____________________________

    (Month/Day/Year) Place

    B.2. Information about the Authorized Business Representative

    22. Last Name:

    23. First Name:

  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010


    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 3

    24. Middle Name:

    25. Title:

    26. Current Address

    (if different from

    Business Address):


    City State Zip Country

    27. Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    28. Cell Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    29. Fax Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    30. Email Address:


    Complete this section only if you are represented by a lawyer for your claim arising out of the Spill. If you complete this section, communications from the GCCF will be with the lawyer you have identified unless you instruct us otherwise in writing. You mucomplete each question in this section if you are represented by a lawyer.

    31. Lawyer Name:Last First Middle Ini

    32. Law Firm Name:

    33. Law Firm Address:


    City State Zip Country

    34. Law Firm Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    35. Law Firm Fax Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    36. Law Firm Email Address:

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 4



    Check which claim type you want to make. You may check more than one claim type. For any claim type you check, indicate whether yare submitting a claim now for an Emergency Advance Payment or a Final Payment. If you are seeking a single Emergency AdvanPayment, check the One Month box. If you apply for a one month payment and subsequently need to apply for another month, you msubmit a Supplemental Request Form for Emergency Advance Payments for each subsequent month. Enter the amount you are claimnow for each claim type. If you have previously received a payment, do not include that amount in the amount you are requesting. AClaimants must complete this section.

    Claim Type

    Seeking Emergency Advance Paymentor Final Payment?

    Amount ClaimEmergency

    FinalOne Month Six Months

    A. Removal and Clean Up Costs $

    B. Real or Personal Property $

    C. Lost Earnings or Profits $

    D. Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources $

    E. Physical Injury/Death (Individual Claimants Only) $

    For each claim type checked above, complete the corresponding section of this Claim Form below. You must provdocumentation or evidence of the damage or injury for each claim type checked above. Exhibit A to this Claim Form lists tsupporting documentation you must submit to support each claim type.


    Complete this section if you seek to recover costs incurred to remove oil discharged by the Spill and/or costs to prevent, minimizemitigate oil pollution when there is substantial threat of a discharge of oil due to the Spill. You can claim costs for both preventative aclean up measures. Indicate whether the actions taken were approved by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator. If you are claiming multiremoval and clean up costs and need additional pages, photocopy this page before filling it in and attach the copy to this Claim FormMake as many copies as you need. You must provide documentation to support your claim, as directed on Exhibit A.

    A.1. Questions for All Claimants

    All Claimants claiming Removal and Clean Up Costs must answer Questions 37-41.

    37. Location of removal and clean up activity:

    38. Describe in detail the removal and clean up activity:

    39. Date(s) of removal and clean up activity:___/___/____ to ___/___/____

    (Month/Day/Year) (Month/Day/Year)

    40. Were these removal and clean up activities approved bythe Federal On-Scene Coordinator?

    Yes No

    41. Total amount claimed: $

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    Claim Form Page 5

    A.2. Questions for Claimants Seeking Final Payment

    Answer Questions 42-44 if you are seeking Final Payment for Removal and Clean Up Costs. If you are seeking only an EmergenAdvance Payment at this time, do not answer Questions 42-44.

    42. Are these removal and clean up activities ongoing? Yes No

    43. Amount of anticipated future costs associated with removal and clean up activity: $

    44. Provide anticipated time period for future removal and clean up costs claimed:___/___/____ to ___/___/____

    (Month/Day/Year) (Month/Day/Year)


    Complete this section if you seek damages for any physical damage to real, personal or business property that you own or lease. If youan owner of a property that you lease to someone else, you must notify the lessee that you are filing a claim. If you lease a property fsomeone else, you must notify the owner that you are filing a claim. If you suffered damage to more than one piece of property and nadditional pages, photocopy this page before filling it in and attach the copy to this Claim Form. Make as many copies as you need.Claimants claiming Real or Personal Property damage must complete this section. You must provide documentation to suppyour claim, as directed on Exhibit A.

    B.1. Real Property

    45. Property Address:


    City State Zip

    Parish/County Country

    46. Your relationship to this property: Owner Renter

    47a. Value of property beforedamage:

    $47b. Value of property after


    B.2. Personal or Business Property

    48. Was there damage to personal or business property (such as equipment,machinery, boats or personal watercraft)?

    Yes No

    49. Location of personal property on the date of the damagecaused by the Spill:


    50. Identify the affected property:Equipment Machinery Boat

    Other (specify): ______________________________

    51. Provide the following information if available:Make: Model:


    51a. Claimed cost to repair: 51b. Claimed cost to replace:

    51c. Value of property beforedamage:

    51d. Value of property afterdamage:

    52. Your relationship to this property: Owner Renter

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 6

    B.3. Economic Losses Resulting from Destruction of Real or Personal Property

    If you seek economic losses resulting from the destruction of real or personal property due to the Spill, answer questions 53-55.

    53. Describe the economic losses you incurred as a result ofthe destruction of real or personal property:

    54. Date you incurred economic losses due to the destructionof real or personal property:


    55. Amount of economic losses incurred due to the destructionof real or personal property: $


    Complete this section if you seek lost earnings or profits due to the Spill. You must provide documentation to support your claimdirected on Exhibit A.

    C.1. Questions for All Claimants

    All Claimants claiming lost earnings or profits must answer Questions 56-60.

    56. For Individual Claimants, state the occupation you heldbefore you began losing earnings. For BusinessClaimants, state the sources of income for the businessbefore it began losing profits:

    57. For Individual Claimants, state the location of youremployment before you began losing earnings. ForBusiness Claimants, state the location of your business:

    58. Date you began losing earnings or profits:___/___/____(Month/Day/Year)

    59. Earnings or profits earned before losses began:$ __________

    Yearly Monthly Weekly

    Other (describe the frequency of the earningsprofits and provide the dates for the amoearned):

    60. Amount and source of earnings or profitsreceived from any sources since you beganlosing earnings or profits (including earningsfrom the Vessels of Opportunity Program):

    $ __________

    Source of earnings or profits (specify):


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    Claim Form Page 7

    C.2. Questions for Claimants Seeking Final Payment

    Answer Questions 61-62 if you are seeking Final Payment for lost earnings or profits. If you are only seeking an EmergenAdvance Payment at this time, do not answer Questions 61-62.

    61. Are you still losing earnings or profits?

    Yes, I am still losing earnings or profits.

    No, I stopped losing earnings or profits on ___/___/____.(Month/Day/Year)

    62. Total earnings or profits earned after lossesbegan:

    $ __________

    Yearly Monthly Weekly

    Other (describe how often these earnings or profitwere earned and provide the dates for the amountearned):


    Complete this section if you suffered damages to your ability to rely, without purchase, on natural resources for food, shelter, clothinmedicine, or other minimum necessities of life because of the Spill. You must provide documentation to support your claim, directed on Exhibit A.

    D.1. Questions for All Claimants

    All Claimants claiming Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources must answer Questions 63-64.

    63. Identify the natural resource that you relied on for subsistence, prior to the Spill, and how it has been affected by the Spill:

    64. What is the estimated monthly loss or cost of replacement? $

    D.2. Questions for Claimants Seeking Final Payment

    Only Claimants seeking Final Payment for Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources should complete this section. If you aonly seeking an Emergency Advance Payment at this time, do not complete this section.

    65. Describe how frequently you used this natural resource and its approximate monthly value to you.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 8


    Complete this section if damages are claimed for physical injury to the body or death proximately caused by the Spill or the explosion afire associated with the Deepwater Horizon Incident on April 20, 2010. All Claimants claiming Physical Injury/Death must complethis section. You must provide documentation to support your claim, as directed on Exhibit A.

    E.1. Information Regarding Physical Injury/Death

    66. Provide the date you were first injured, state whether the injury is resolved or ongoing, give the geographic location where t

    injury occurred and describe the nature of your physical injury.

    67. If you are seeking damages for death, provide the name of the decedent, the date of the death, and the geographic locatiwhere the death occurred.

    68. State the amount of compensation you seek for any injury or death listed above:

    E.2. Economic Losses Resulting from Physical Injury/Death

    If you seek lost income resulting from physical injury/death proximately caused by the Spill, answer questions 69-72.

    69. For Individual Claimants, state the occupation you or thedecedent held before you began losing income:

    70. Date you began losing income:___/___/____(Month/Day/Year)

    71. Income earned before losses began: $ __________

    Yearly Monthly Weekly

    Other (describe the frequency of the income provide the dates for the amount earned):

    72. Amount and source of income received fromany sources since you began losing income: $ __________

    Source of income (specify):


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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 9


    If you are only seeking an Emergency Advance Payment at this time, do not complete this section. If you are seeking a FinPayment, you must complete this section to provide information on unemployment compensation, private insurance or any othgovernment benefits received relating to any claim type.

    73. Have you received unemployment insurance compensation since the Spill? Yes No

    74. Have you received compensation from private insurance since the Spill? Yes No

    75. Name of Carrier or Provider:

    76. Account or Policy Number:

    77. Amount of insurance benefits received: $

    78. Have you received any other Government benefits since the Spill? Yes No

    79. Describe any Government benefits you received, other than unemployment insurance compensation:


    Individual Claimants may provide information for someone we can contact in case we are unable to reach you. This section is optional adoes not apply to Business Claimants.

    80. Last Name:

    81. First Name:

    82. Middle Name:

    83. Current Address:


    City State Zip Country

    84. Home Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    85. Cell Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    86. Email Address:

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    Claim Form Page 10


    You must complete each question in this section if you are filling out this Claim Form for an Individual Claimant affected or injured by tSpill who is deceased, or is incompetent or legally incapacitated and unable to complete the Claim Form for himself or herself. (If you filing for a deceased individual you must provide proof that you are the Personal Representative of the Estate.) This section does napply to Business Claimants.

    87. Reason person affected or injured by theSpill is unable to complete the Claim Form:

    88. Your relationship to Claimant:

    Spouse Parent Child

    Sibling Administrator Executor

    Other (specify): ______________________________

    Provide yourname and contact information below.

    89. Last Name:

    90. First Name:

    91. Middle Name:

    92. Current Address:


    City State Zip Country

    93. Home Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    94. Cell Phone Number: ( | | ) | | | | - | | | | |

    95. Email Address:

    96. Social Security Number


    Individual TaxpayerIdentification Number

    (Check which is applicable.)

    | | | | - | | | - | | | | |

    | | | | - | | | - | | | | |


    Complete this section to choose how you would like to receive your payment. You may choose to receive payment by check or by a dirwire deposit/electronic fund transfer into your account. Based on your selection, complete the appropriate section below. Do not complboth sections.


    Complete this section if you want to receive your payment by direct deposit/electronic fund transfer. If you want to receive your paymeby check, do not complete this section.

    97. Do you want to receive your payment by directdeposit/electronic fund transfer?

    Yes No

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 11

    98. Bank Name toWhich Wire is tobe Sent:

    Bank Name


    City State Zip Country

    99. Bank Telephone


    100. Bank ABA/Routing Number:

    101. Account Name:

    102. Account Number:


    Complete this section if you want to receive your payment by check. For Emergency Advance Payments, checks will be sent by overnigcourier and will be made payable to the Individual or Business Claimant who completes this Claim Form. (Be sure to provide your Str

    Address for overnight delivery.) If you want to receive your payment by wire transfer, do not complete this section.

    103. Do you want to receive your payments by check? Yes No

    104. If Yes, and you are an individual who does not have yourown bank account, please review the Notice attached tothis Claim Form. After reviewing this Notice, electwhether you prefer to receive one check or multiplechecks.

    One Check Multiple Checks

    Provide the street address to which you would like the check(s) to be sent in the space below.

    105. Payment Address:


    City State Zip Country

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Claim Form Page 12


    I certify that the information provided in this Claim Form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that fastatements or claims made in connection with this Claim Form may result in fines, imprisonment, and/or any other remedy available by lto the Federal Government, and that suspicious claims will be forwarded to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies for possiinvestigation and prosecution.

    By submitting this Claim Form, I consent to the use and disclosure by the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) and those assisting GCCF of any information about me that it believes necessary and/or helpful to process my claim for compensation and any award resultfrom that claim, including any appeal of that award, legitimate business purposes associated with administering the GCCF, and/orotherwise required by law, regulation or judicial process. My consent also includes release to the GCCF by the relevant state unemploymcompensation agency of any information regarding any unemployment benefits I received for periods of unemployment on or after April2010.

    Signature: Date: ___/___/____(Month/Day/Year)

    PrintedName:First Middle Last

    Title, if abusiness:

    Has anyone, other than a family member or an Attorney you identified in Section III,assisted you in the preparation of this Claim Form?

    Yes No

    Name of individual and company, if applicable:


    Submit this Claim Form and the supporting documents required in Exhibit A to the GCCF by one of the following methods:

    Regular Mail:Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF)Kenneth R. Feinberg, Administrator

    P.O. Box 9658Dublin, OH 43017-4958

    Overnight, Certified or Registered Mail:Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF)Kenneth R. Feinberg, Administrator

    5151 Blazer Pkwy., Suite ADublin, OH 43017


    Email Attachment:[email protected]

    When attaching your supporting documents, be sure to provide the appropriate identification number (your Social Security Number,other Tax Identification Number). On Exhibit A to this Claim Form, check off each type of document you are submitting in support of yoclaim. Attach all supporting documents to the Claim Form and submit your Claim to the GCCF.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 1





    You must provide documentation for each type of injury or damage you claimed in Section IV.A of the Claim Form. For EmergenAdvance Payments, you must provide each of the documents required in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking EmergenAdvance Payments. If you do not have each of the documents required for an Emergency Advance Payment but have another type

    proof that you believe supports your claim, check the last item on the list, Other proof, if applicable, and provide that documentatioThe documents listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Final Payment are examples of the types of documenthat may support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of such documentation as you have available. The GCCF will evaluyour claim based on the information and documentation you submit and will contact you if additional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether you are providing that document.



    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Emergency AdvancePayments

    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Final Payment

    1. Documents describing the removal actions.

    2. Documents providing the dates on which work was performed.

    3. Documents providing the analysis of spill substance.

    4. Maps of the area.

    5. Pictures of the area.

    6. Receipts, invoices, or similar records with description of the work.

    7. Documents explaining how the rates were determined and any comparisonof the rates.

    8.Daily records of the personnel costs including details on labor rates, hours,travel, and transportation.

    9. Daily records of the equipment costs including description and use.

    10. Signed disposal manifests and proof of payment for the disposal.

    11.Payroll verification documents showing hourly rates at the time of theSpill.

    12.Documents showing verification of the standard equipment rates forequipment used.

    13. Documentation of payments received from private insurance.

    14. Other proof, if applicable.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 2





    You must provide documentation for each type of injury or damage you claimed in Section IV.B of the Claim Form. For EmergenAdvance Payments, you must provide each of the documents required in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking EmergenAdvance Payments. If you do not have each of the documents required for an Emergency Advance Payment but have another type

    proof that you believe supports your claim, check the last item on the list, Other proof, if applicable, and provide that documentatioThe documents listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Final Payment are examples of the types of documenthat may support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of such documentation as you have available. The GCCF will evaluyour claim based on the information and documentation you submit and will contact you if additional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether you are providing that document.



    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Emergency AdvancePayments

    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Final Payment

    1. Copy of title, deed, lease, or license to property in Claimants name.

    2. Documents demonstrating that the property was injured or destroyed.

    3. Documents showing the value of property both before and after the injury.

    4.Documents showing the cost of repair or replacement of the propertyincluding copies of bills paid for repair of damage or estimates showingactivities and costs to repair the damage.

    5.Documents demonstrating that the property was not usable because of theSpill.

    6.Documents showing whether substitute property was available and, ifused, the costs thereof.

    7. Pictures or videotape of the property and/or the damage.

    8.Maps or legal documents showing the location of the property within theSpill area.


    If property was sold, professional property appraisals for the value of theproperty prior to and after the Spill, actual selling price of the property,and evidence connecting the depressed selling price to the Spill rather thanto other economic or real property factors.

    10.Documents showing any expenses or money lost while the property wasunavailable because of the Spill damage.

    11. Lease or rental agreement of any substitute property used.

    12. Documentation of payments received from private insurance.

    13.Documents demonstrating that the economic loss claimed was incurred asthe result of the physical injury or destruction of the property.

    14. Other proof, if applicable.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 3





    This section of Exhibit A applies to Individual Claimants only. Business Claimants should proceed to the next section of ExhibitYou must provide documentation for each type of injury or damage you claimed in Section IV.C of the Claim Form. For EmergenAdvance Payments, you must provide each of the documents required in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking EmergenAdvance Payments. If you do not have each of the documents required for an Emergency Advance Payment but have another type

    proof that you believe supports your claim, check the last item on the list, Other proof, if applicable, and provide that documentatioThe documents listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Final Payment are examples of the types of documenthat may support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of such documentation as you have available. The GCCF will evaluyour claim based on the information and documentation you submit and will contact you if additional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether you are providing that document.



    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Emergency AdvancePayments

    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Final Payment

    1.Documents showing the property or natural resources that were injured,destroyed or lost resulting in lost earnings or profits.

    2. Fishing License (if applicable).

    3.Affidavit from an employer on the impact on Claimants work or incomedue to the Spill.

    4. Copies of pay stubs, receipts, etc. from before the Spill.

    5. Personnel records from an employer before the Spill showing employment.

    6. Documents providing a description of the efforts to reduce loss, includingjob search.

    7. Copies of any job-hunting expenses (e.g., travel costs).

    8. Signed copies of income tax returns and schedules for 2008-2009.

    9.Documents providing the details of employment expenses not incurredduring the period being claimed (e.g., commuting costs).

    10.Copies of pay stubs, etc., from alternative employment during the periodbeing claimed.

    11.When records are unavailable, a notarized statement from a Public Officialor a member of the clergy may be submitted attesting to the occupation

    and employment background of the Claimant.

    12.Documentation of unemployment compensation or other governmentbenefits received.

    13. Documentation of payments received from private insurance.

    14. Other proof, if applicable.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 4





    This section of Exhibit A applies to Business Claimants only. The Business Claimant must provide documentation for each typeinjury or damage claimed in Section IV.C of the Claim Form. For Emergency Advance Payments, the Business Claimant must proveach of the documents required in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Emergency Advance Payments. If the BusinClaimant does not have each of the documents required for an Emergency Advance Payment but has another type of proof that the Busin

    Claimant believes supports its claim, check the last item on the list, Other proof, if applicable, and provide that documentation. Tdocuments listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Final Payment are examples of the types of documents thmay support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of such documentation as the Business Claimant has available. The GCwill evaluate the claim based on the information and documentation submitted and will contact the Authorized Business Representativeadditional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether the business is providing that document.



    Documents forBusiness ClaimantsSeeking Emergency

    Advance Payments

    Documents forBusiness Claimant

    Seeking Final Paym

    1.Documents showing dependence on the property or natural resources thatwere injured, destroyed or lost resulting in lost earnings or profits.

    2. Documents providing description of business losses due to the Spill.

    3. Maps or description of area showing business location.

    4.Copies of monthly financial statements for 2007-2010. (If new or start-upbusiness, provide all available financial statements and a business plan.)

    5. Copies of letters of business cancellations caused by the Spill.

    6. Signed copies of income tax returns and schedules for 2007-2009.

    7.Documents providing details on efforts to mitigate losses or why no effortswere taken.

    8.For hotels, documentation of monthly occupancy information for 2007-2010.

    9. Documentation of payments received from private insurance.

    10. Docking/Marina Fees (for Charter Boat Owners).

    11. Documentation demonstrating canceled contracts.

    12. Documentation for refunds of any deposit for canceled contracts.

    13. Valid Commercial Fishing License (for Commercial Fishing Business).

    14. Record of monthly sales from January 2009 December 2009.

    15. Record of monthly sales for January 2008 December 2009 and to date.

    16. Monthly sales records (sales tax returns, if applicable).

    17. Other proof, if applicable.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 5





    You must provide documentation for each type of injury or damage you claimed in Section IV.D of the Claim Form. For EmergenAdvance Payments, you must provide each of the documents required in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking EmergenAdvance Payments. If you do not have each of the documents required for an Emergency Advance Payment but have another type

    proof that you believe supports your claim, check the last item on the list, Other proof, if applicable, and provide that documentatioThe documents listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Final Payment are examples of the types of documenthat may support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of such documentation as you have available. The GCCF will evaluyour claim based on the information and documentation you submit and will contact you if additional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether you are providing that document.



    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Emergency AdvancePayments

    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Final Payment

    1.Documents identifying the specific natural resource for whichcompensation for loss of subsistence use is being claimed.

    2.Documents providing a description of the actual subsistence use of eachspecific natural resource identified.

    3.Documents providing a description of how and to what extent thesubsistence use of the natural resource was affected by the injury to,destruction of, or loss of the specific natural resource.

    4.Documents providing a description of the efforts made to mitigate thesubsistence use loss.


    Documents providing a description of each alternative source or means of

    subsistence available during the period of time for which the loss ofsubsistence is claimed.

    6.Documents providing a description of any compensation available for thesubsistence loss.

    7. Photographs, videos, maps.

    8.Published accounts, witness statements and other written recordsdocumenting the claimed use of natural resources for subsistence purposesbefore, during, and after the Spill.

    9. Store and barter receipts showing the replacement costs claimed.


    Witness statements and documents showing the alternative sources of

    subsistence, and Claimants efforts to reduce the damages resulting fromthe loss of subsistence use.

    11.Records showing the expenses avoided during the time Claimant was notable to carry out subsistence use of the affected natural resource.

    12. Documentation of any compensation received for the subsistence loss.

    13. Other proof, if applicable.

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    Name: SSN or EIN: Claimant #:

    Exhibit A: Supporting Documentation Page 6





    This section of Exhibit A applies to Individual Claimants only. You must provide documentation for each type of injury or damage yclaimed in Section IV.E of the Claim Form. For Emergency Advance Payments, you must provide each of the documents required in column labeled Documents for Claimants Seeking Emergency Advance Payments. If you do not have each of the documents required

    an Emergency Advance Payment but have another type of proof that you believe supports your claim, check the last item on the list, Othproof, if applicable, and provide that documentation. The documents listed in the column labeled Documents for Claimants SeekiFinal Payment are examples of the types of documents that may support a claim for Final Payment. Provide as many types of sudocumentation as you have available. The GCCF will evaluate your claim based on the information and documentation you submit awill contact you if additional documentation is necessary.

    Use the check boxes beside each type of documentation to indicate whether you are providing that document.



    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Emergency Advance


    Documents forClaimants Seeking

    Final Payment

    1. Documents providing a description of the injury.

    2. Documents providing a description of the cause of the injury/death.

    3. Identification of the geographic location where the injury/death occurred.

    4.Proof of injury, including medical records, medical bills, and pharmacyrecords.


    If death is being claimed, copy of death certificate and, where available,

    autopsy report. In addition, include all in-patient hospital records if deathoccurred while in the hospital.

    6.If claim is submitted for a deceased individual, provide documentation thatthe Claimant is the Personal Representative of the Estate.

    7. If disability is claimed, proof of degree of disability.

    8. Documentation of payments received from private insurance.

    9. Proof of lost income.

    10. Other proof, if applicable.

  • 8/8/2019 BP Oil Spill Claims Form 9-1-2010





    Question 104 of the Claim Form asks you whether you prefer to receive your payment in one or multiple checks. Before you make election, read this Notice carefully.

    If you are an Individual whose Claim with the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) is found eligible for a payment but you do not havbank account, the GCCF has made arrangements with Whitney National Bank (Whitney) to assist you. Whitney has branches locathroughout the affected region of the Gulf.

    The options contained in this Notice are available only to Individuals and not to Businesses.

    With proper government issued photo identification (for example, a drivers license or passport), an Individual Claimant can goany Whitney branch to do any of the following, based on the amount of your payment and number of checks you receive:

    (1) One Check for $5,000 or less: Whitney will cash this check.(2) One Check for more than $5,000: Whitney will cash up to $5,000 of your check in one day. (Whitney cannot guarantee m

    than $5,000 cash in one day to one Individual Claimant). Whitney will give you the balance of your payment in a fully-negotibank check, which you can present at any other banking institution anywhere in the country.

    (3) Multiple Checks if Payment is for more than $5,000. Whitney will give you cash for at least the first $5,000 on any gibusiness day. For the remaining checks, you may choose to:

    (a) Receive a fully-negotiable bank check, which you can present at any banking institution anywhere in the country; or(b) Cash them during the remaining validity term of the check with at least $5,000 in cash being made available at Whitney

    any given business day; and

    (c) If you are eligible, you can open a free checking account at Whitney, so that you can cash the first $5,000 check adeposit any remaining checks into a new bank account at Whitney, which will also provide you with an ATM card for cwithdrawal.