Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20....

meekly Expnuent VOL. XII. Bozeman, : Montana, Friday , October 15, 1920. NUMBER 2. H EA LTH PROGRAM CUBS TO PLAY ! BOBCATS HOLD Blfi END Of THE ! MINN. SYMPHONY ! BOBCATS TRAVEL ' IS OUTLINED , MILES CITY I SCORE IN FIRST f OOTBALL fiAME I HERE WEDNESDAY OVER DIVIDE l' nder :>ew Sy• t.em All Students to Eleven will Pia) \liles I Lr.c k of \'\"eight and Material ProYes Undoing of the Mo ntana Orchestra Girns a Good The F'ighting Eleven F rom i\Ion- Reeei\'e Medical Examination and I City m the Cow Town Saturday ' Nesleyan Team V/hich G oes D o wn P rogram at the Muni cipa l Theatre tana Sta te Will Meet Husky Fr ee Med ica l Tr ea tment --- j Defeated 17 to 7 Sa tu rday . --- [ The Bobkit ten eleven leaves here The Minneapolis Symphony 01·ches- At assembly last F riday, Dean this aftern oon on No. 2 for Mi le s City tra. which is one of the bes t and The Bobcat s leave here today on . win!!le. chairman of the where they w ill clash wi th Custer M. S. C. PL AYS RAGGED BA LL lar ges t musi cal organizati ons in the Nn 3 for Butte, where they w ill tang le health board, c.utlined the plans of the County high school tomorrow. This United S tates today , appea red at th e with the Schoo l of Mines eleven to- board for the coming year. He made will be the fi rst ga me for the n ew- Alth o ugh Winning the Game th e Blue and Gold vVarrier s Show Municipal Thea ter two perfo rmances, mor row a fternoo n. Thi s, the second it clear in the first place that the comers and w ill throw conside rabl e,. Laeli of Punch on Wedn esday th e thiTtee nth. The g ame of our schedule, promi ses to be r•rC'sent outline was not pernrnnent light on the future prospects of Mon- -·. orches tra pla yed to almost capa c ity an interesting one, an d pTospects are a!ld that it was the hope of tana State teams. The kittens have The Bobcats w on the fir st gi!.IU_ e of I ga in. T be Minn esota shif t b rought no hou ses at both perf ormances. A com- good for another victory. the board that further additions bten out for practice only ten days. I the football season by defeating the j better result s and t he Methodists plete change of prog ram was made Desp ite the fac t t ha t there has been would be made to the plan as they iut duC' to the constant work of Pat I .:\Lontana Wesleyan team 17 to .7. at kicked on the fou1t h down .. 1\lcCar- f or the two concerts . At the matinee, only a lit tl e more t ha n two weeks were fciund needinJ.;. ?.Inrphy and Bobby the Ruundup grounds last Satprday. rcn W:)S brought down on a shod r un the pr esentation of Peer Gynt Suit e practice. Coach Graves has developed The plan adopted ._._.- C.vth .':it.udents Jones, a victory is expected . aHernoon . It was a ·and and on. a fake punt. formation Fi nch I was one_ of the outstand ing featu r es his mater ia l into a fas t, hard hitting and faculty is as follow!-\.: Each Pat is captain and one of I the Method1sts ha!f° il much given the ball and made a 50 I :v1 th solos by Henr y: footba ll machine . T he boys ha ve student in regular undergraduate col- :\r. C.'s best linemen for this year. I lighter team they up ! -ga1ne I yard run he 1 · T. \\ ilhams, repuled to be the i sho•.vn a keen interest, and h ave e_ wol'k or in the seco.n<lary school Although Pat will not be able to playi fight that won the adimra t1.on._01 th e tackled. DeVore t he ball for bes t .harp soloist m .. In t.he turned out better than ever before . lit pay a health fee of tv .... 0 dollars 1 thl' first few games of the season, I crowd. The Bobcats played m four ya1•d s and on tne n ext pl ay. the evening con cert the smgmg of Miss fac.:t it was necessary to cut down ner quarter at the time of registra- evt:-ryone hopes to see him back on l ". nd their will have to ) le fu llback got through right \ Fl. oren ce ·.M.acl;etl.1 the the squad htst week in t hat t he tion. This fee will be u. niform. for all th B b t 1 . b f }l S C considerably before they w1llj guard and held the ball. On the Mi ss Macbeth s i ench t10n of the aus coach mio-ht concentrate his efforts r, r quarter but those taking only e 0 t ca e\enl e · ·b · 13 . be able to meet a strong tea1n. Cap- \Vesleyan 20 ya rd line, Brown for the "Charmant Oiseau" from "is Perle de to the team men ::. encoun ers .J issou a on ovem er . ' - . . . · ,, · h fl bl' · half of the summer quarter will pay Bobby Jones. who starred on the, tain .:\Iorpby was out of the line and v1s1tors kicked yards. The ball I Braz il t e ute o .. was A wonderful improvement has been but 00 Students \• 1th 1 i-av Ill<" be- F h t f tee t [his absence made a marked diffilrencc was cauzht by .i\1cCarren and brokht a \Vonderfu l colorature offe1 mg- as shown since last weeks ga n1 e. '[he f Jc . the .end of th: ..... in a h eam d a: ;r the play Bryan at i·ight half I back yards. In tbree line plunges was he1· Indian Bell Song from Lakme . team has also been st rengthe ned by ouarter ·will a refund of one . ae ' a tyh he t a Bor pbby I plavC'..d the game fo r the back - I Bryan carried the ball one yard fro m I As a fina le the orchesha played the the return of "Scotty'' MacDonald , 1 m ('Oac mg e ros earn. 0 YI · d h 1 I ' c h d · 0 e1 tu re to "Ta nnah auser" by Wag ci0Hc..1l"', th<Jse withdrawing that anrl Pat have both shown lov- tirld and his wor·k, as a su re gr QUll t e goa anc "'"'k arren p. us e tt v ' · .' . - half; "Skinnyn Borton, tack le ; and t;mc will receive no refund. If how- alty to the college as coache gainer. was seconded by DeVt>re -,.ti ov1r for the first touchdown of the'!· showed a:zam r 1 ·owess Atterbury, quartel': BusteT, E-ver. the student has a1n·adr credit is due them. left Iu.lf. .Gush. as the veteran. qn game . . . m, mu sic. i of the however is out of t he game at pr esent during that year me .teal ex- ,.. , . . . I the line, held it steady on the n g. \i t I At the begmnmg of t he second 01 chestra,. E nn l Oberhoffei , .deserves because of a bad "charley-hor se." nen.sP amounting to the henlth fee lhe men who will make the btp side and the best wor k on the le,t[quarter, VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt f or the work lle nas do ne Ei.·ery man is working ha rd, a nd in · . . ar ·: G. Fox Danahe r Srna1t Slaw- . ' . . ' h 1 II h · · I in leading and training the 81d, or more, he sh:. 1 1 rc.-cen·e no re- . . . ' . ' ' s1de was Jone by Ch1ef Roberts.olloi.,aat t 2 Ja to t c Bobcats 'O n tne1r -10 . . · addit ion to the regu lar pr act ice and fund. Hend.rtckson,. Scotten, who played a steady, "last yarcl line. The ball 'vas then started Oberhoffer a of sc1·image with the fr eshmen in tho Thf> student health fee shall be nlares, Cowan , CaJrnn, Reiburg- H. ,. game. Jn the second ha lf of the game down the field with each of the national and lS deservmg of all afternoon, they meet at th e hi gh for the payment of the salary of the Suhr and Glen Fox, Coat'.h Graves tontinuaily slip11ed in ba(;ks making from tour to ten ya r ds! rr.ay recmve. v-:ere n ot school in the eYening for sjgnal p rac- <.ollege nur;;e, for medical exarnin- tle full back for the k ittens has had second str ino- men until at tht: end vn H down. J ust i:ieiore the end of Issued for t he matmee but the even- tite . • · f h · I I ·11- t th D only one year of foot bali before but . . . f · 1 . B h d ing performance was as fo llows: a .. 1nn, or osprta n :s a · e eacon- h . nearly the entire hneup tons1ste<l o t.:e quai'ter, r yan ca ug t a 20 yar I The men who will probably make H.S hospital, and for medicines, ban· e 15 one of strongest men on the ::;ubstitutes. 1 ;>«s::; ond made a 40 yard run for the ,.., . I the trip to Butte are : arres. rl:es:sh1gs, etc. The fee shall team. w1_1l expected to make V..'t::;leyan. bei ng unable to bring a g-oa l and another touchdown . .No. 4. m F. l\.Imor, Op. .J h-fnshin end · Bu sh t ackl e, Kni gh t nnt co..-er bi1ls for the service of substantial gams m yardage . Dana- large crowd of rooters fo1· the ..,.an1e 1 'The kick off wh ich sta rted the sec- 1 · 3 6-- 1 schaikowsky . . gun. rd· .\sbury 1 R oberts on, · · . h d · d l her comes from St. Charles where · t- I I Andante sostenuto-Mode1ato- 1 1 s.pecrnlists SU(' as entists an oeu - . . substituted in::1tea<l a male ond lialf was made by Wesleyan, who _g-uard Borton, tackle; L. Mash m, end; i ts nor for anvthing pertaining to he had four years experience. Smart . b f t .l t th Ill S C 40 d r con auima : . ' d I lf F. I s . ' . . . . . . . come.'.l from Hamilton with three wlrn.:h the school songs e. ore i o . e . . . II Andantino rn 1 nodo di can - Bryan. half; ".JiacDonal , la ; me 1, chonic contiacted bcfoie the ·ears ex erience and la. t he I and durmg the g_ame. proved a rec1.::1ved the ball an,. c:arnedl zona full; quarter; >.tudcnt enteied college. ) . . P . P. Y . novel and interestmg backmg for the it back 10 yards. Devore anJ Bryan III h . . t t. t . tackle; Williams guard ; R ichards. A tl t f e cnriiture of the pos1t1on of halfback Bntt!'lm the h ...,c erzo. izz1ca o os tna o. ' If C U 01 Y or xn · . . • · . . . .. · . · .. c .• ' Helena boys and is an or igina l idea eac ca1Tied the ball eight yards and Alle TO. I end ; Garvin. endj Stumpf, ha ; ogs- 'tudent health Iee shall be un-tsted e1t tackle, I.alls. from 1l1llmgs, "'th I for a small cheer ing secti on. F inch bro ught it t hree yar.ds. Wes-I IV Allegro con fuoco well , full; Finley, center; Devore, primarily in the eolleve nurse an<l al l yekars exper1enc:, and ;-rill be a 1\fontana State the fi rst kick-1 leyan inte1·cepts a pass and although .., A..ria . Oiseau" from ;,La I end. bills against the fund must be ap- u war - of strength rn the !me .. Hen- h 1 , h d d h d th b II · · · · -------- drichon, the sub ua1ter back comes off and Bryan booted. t e o".a to tne s c ma e no yar age , a e a m de Br asil"-Da vid- Miss illacbeth. , cU by her. . . . . q. ' . 30 yard line. Unable to l..he nudd le of the field . After t he Intermission fl :: :t :: t: :: :: ::: :t U ;: t: U :t it Cases of known B1llmgs and is a dependable ht- ca.rrv ball the required yardage, I ball was advanced 20 yard it aga in Hungarian PhapsoJy, No . 2-Liszt :: :i shoul" be .to t te co ege I e man. Wesievan kicks on the fou1th down fell to M. S. C. and Bryan l<icked it (Original Harp Cadenza by Henry •• X 0 TICE ti by persons m cnar_ge of the dor - Scotten, the speedy end, ls orgi n- .... cl r) V a · d tl b 1l to "'"he ci5 Yards on the first down. Wes- t: :: it ·e an l iiatern;•y l•ousese and II f B t b 1 d "·· e ere c iTie 1e a ' . J. Williams) i: .I _nr1 _..a. . . .L ,,,, . • a Y ro:n u te, _ut P aye . io ur 11. S. C. 20 rard line. T he blue and I leyan t hen r esorted to t he pass which -! uBerceusei' from "Joce lyn" - God- ... The y, \V. C. A. is giv in g :-- e b_ th2: medical atLnnon !·ears w1th Shattucl<. uch ts ex -! '"Old team thens ,rung a new dcfens - was blocked two consecutive times by ar<l-CeJlo: Engelbert Roentgen Vio- •• an automobile ride thru Gal- ::;- :s neces,ary she will call any regular pected from l;;cotten not only this I . ' fi t ti B b t o th th· d d R b , :: la tin valley for the young men t:· physi ·ian practicing in Bozeman whom b t h , 1 . tYP surprise and punted on the rs ie o ca s. n e 1r own o - . Jin: Guy Woodwa r d. •• ll S :? th . • "t• : d ; If th. t d- yea r, u e snou d develop mto a down. Morgan carr ied the ball to ertson nabbed t he man with the ball· 5 Indian Bell . Song, from "Lakme" and women of the co ege , at- : may s real Bobcat m the next year or two . the 30 yard line and was there and pushed him bac k five yards . On J -Del ibes-Miss Macbeth. t: urday -October 16 1920 · The r. e;i-. m•t1hca es 1'1io pre erenceh oil p }fares, the 200 pound tackle from the I brought down by McCan·en We, l ey- he fourt h down Wes leyan pun ted 40 6 Overture to t: cars will leave Main Hall at It :'iJcian ,e co e1te nurse 5 a ca Lapital city will be cr ouched on the · ' d J •• 2 o'clock Pay your 35 cents •• "'h m she '""Vin s be..:t Doctor's bills r S d, . I an was given a five ya1·d penalty fo r ynr s. ones caught it and brou ght 1 ner. .. · t.: ized in ot'i wav shall be mle 1 athur ay and to off side and \1..·ere held twice without (Continued on pa ge 4) I - I: : and wea1 a blue triangle and .. . ' · ·. . a 10 e t rough anythrng that Miles - let us all enjoy the ride. •• ;; ;:'.;II :,i,d .- f. SEPTEMVIRI = F ROSH ENDEAVOR l\otiee posters. 1 temporai,- ag- 1 MEETINu OF . · TO PAINT THE M i: :: t: t: :; i: i: t: t: t: i: :: :it: t: opcedy boy there when COLLEGE MEN fiETS ACTION BUS'NESS MEN ARE . . . . ! 1t comes to getting down on punts . j fee and it ts estnnated that this will R .b . 11 t 1 1 i (Continued on Page 3.) I !;;!! wi s art as quarter. n .. A Few Ho ur s Spent Las t Tu esday I ..\. Lot of Work Gotten Out of t he Honorary Seni ors Hold Meeti ng and. BACK Of BOBCATS YW PI J ANS Way at Men's Assembl y Held Las t the First Steps of the Orde r Prove Has I! ecei>"ed i ts Annual Coat of 1 lft _F rida y to be Progr essive Ones White MRS. W. GI FFORD :-!ASH. Stores Lo Close Between 3 and 5 Next A Joy moE --- The r egular assemb ly was held last The fir st r eal work of the Septem- Last Tuesday, pr actica lly the en- Sa turd ay wh en t he Ut ah Ag gies I \\' ord from the presi dent 1 s office Friday at ten o'clock. The men of viri has came to li ght and will show tiTe freshman class gathered some Pla y Here. Big Boost f or the .:::tates that :!\Iiss June Hartman has I the college met in the gymnasium the genuine value that such an ar- plarl!" clown town for the purpose of College --- been made chairman of the music de- an<l were addressed by P rof . S·wingle, ga ni zat ion w ill have in this collge. pa1nting the M. They star ted about Organb:a;ion Hns a Dig Trip to succeed J\<Ir. Nash. To Dr. J udd. a1id "PackyJ) McFar li n. The h eld \Ved- 8::·.rn .for the gia1.1t l etter and \\'hen _the_ executive committee of r lanned for a I St ud ellts I a:sist Hartman, i\lrs. W. Gifford Prof. Swmgle and Dr. Jud d spoke of nesday"mght at t h: mn·king by D:30. After spending the R ·tail Ex,:hange met . . . . .. ash has been engaged as an in- the health fee that has been _bee-a n_ the work t hat 1.-hen organ- about four hours time on the work, monnng:. they dC'ctded t o Bairmg . 1 . nr other . ob- .structor and she will begin meeting I all students and the use that wou ld wi ll cha_rge of . The, they retun 1 ed to town, arriving- about cluse lhe store:) uf Bozeman from a st...cle unforseen at the present time, I at once. be made of it mectmg was of great importance and t" '.I'h t tl t b. I. tu. d to 5 1). m. on Od. ' '3 so that the the C 11 .,. Y 1\' C' A.. ·n t ' I . t' h 1 1 d th R . :o . e s u en iJc Y i ne ex- .. ' - , . 0 ' ·, · - · wi •.age Mi•s Carrie B. Eckles has been ap- Prof. Swing le stat ed that the mon - ne"' 0 e ' 0 Y was ere except ay t t t ·1 B· ld W d- entire town could attend the footba ll a iu:r )1)\T-ndc iur tfle students O"'" . \ K l h t t t tl to pee an e;yes owaH a Y on e · C A 1 b f ·I pomted instructor of vocal music and ey tha t came in through the heal th u ms w 0 as no ye re urne nesday morninO' but were disappoint - game between ::\lontana St.ate and the b". · , .. arg-el num 0 t car; will begin meeting vocal pupils I fees would be used to secure physical college.. , t•d at the contiition ln which the job Utah The l'Ommitt<>e thl) stu·.,en sf, B acu ty I at an:r time that they may arrange . examination for all freshmen and as The f.u·st business that befm·e done· . is was that I this ilecisie;n :.ii1,,d' reviewing the ur - mem e1s an e lJeOp e o ozeman I · 1 the soc1ety was the cond1t10n of the . . 1 · and they will ht? m;ed Saturday after - t. is a 1 so thought that ).11s:3 Eckles ma.ny . as poss ible . which the Frosh were s osed the had spent a part of their request 01 s_Lnc commit- t tak f th II will have charge of the two glee This exammat1on will make. known to . upp tirne erectino· a nlinatnre 24 beside Ike 111 { of atnlct1c afta1n:; at tl1e noon o e as ma ny o e co ege 1 b h. . . to have painted last Tuesday The . . . 1 lent· "' r . 11 t t I c u s, w tch will beg m practice soon. each stu dent his own phyci cal con- . · the M. The students gave the frosh co!Jcg-c• . Althoue:h this e!o .. mg may t s a e a) e o ..-.o on a our . . of the giant letter after . . 1 J 1 · . or Gallatin county. The purpose of . . ' d1t10:1'. caze any s;udent shou!d the supposed painting- that it rPcehed i he> litneftt of the dnubt £nd hoped work ha1· slip on th> h·in ; . t . ,. oarnt the college l::'>TEI!FRATEI!NITY COUNCI L be atlmg m any way tne doctor will . . . 1 t ti bef . I the letter would ,ho''.' up bet- of the r<:ral cusw1 .,., of llle st ll>. """ c. '1 · j MEETS 1 . t t f h' tS so s1m1 al' o Utt ore it was '"' h 1 b' t f 1 . , b with the country around . . ac \'lse rea ment or un. . touched that the committee dedJ<:!d I ter later, but a:: time pas:-.C';:; we have w. o lo a Jg perct•n age o t lf.!11 Bozeman and to provide for a big I --- ' I All the money wi ll not be I to i·ecommend at the assembly this s:.:t·n r10 improvement. Inasmuch as m.I! on nc ',CI· g·l't for the bunch The cars Monday afternuon at three o clock needed for exammat10n bu t the re- . t' . t• f bl the j"b was done in le•s time than the less 1t "a< decided tMtt tho col- · I I . . . .. mrwnmg ne repam mg o our em em · .. . . '\'l-·tll :-:t .... 1 t fn·ni the Main Hall at t le . Counc1l held a mamrler wlll be used to pay , pro in the v .. •nv in whkh it sliould l)e <lone. anr previous. employed and the d. ,l'l'\ e the P.:·, ut two o\ lock Saturday after- meeting- for the purpose ofl ratio. all doctor bills accrued by the Jt is an fact that several manner in which it was done, it has .:upnorl th tut n::.pcop.t!' at. n on -:-,) ry ;."..ll incidental ex- dtsC'ussmg sev·eral matte1·swhil'h have student:;, except those hill ior chronic Frnsh had returned to t ov.'TI after been decided t hat the Frosh sha.11 be durmg the st-as.on. The Utan of the trip a charge of thirty J n. for some time. No such eye troub le and I naint ing the 'j]I.[ '' and had arrived here 1 giYen a nother opportunity to give the I g-ame had been Sl't !OT the frn• cents a 11ers\lTI is being made. The defimte ad10n was taken and tl1e bills ft'lr dental work. at no l ater than 12 noon. This alone l\l its annual coat of wihtewash. annual honrncommg of all former M. trip will last about Lliroe !'ours and "." ·t·,,,.. was adjourned until a I Dr: Judd •;poke .of the vnlue of a is proof that 8 slipshod method must ·hou"h not b• acqua; 11 ted with all IS. C had a I student" are to up c:::. d tune. -phys1ral exanunation and a 1 so ex- 1 have been used in painting because the m toe case we are unable .·d to male tht:; a e:1eat Q{ ... a 'l't acquainted. Frc:-:hmen are notifietl 1 plained the of proper rare before hns anv ck-;;s judtoe, n·.,ertl1Pl1 '"'"'think that 1 n l'it> r ·t rds of C'<.' hJr . - that they need not fear being- 1 Picnic parties were of a plN1tiful the "body at all timE- :os · l)ef.ore 1 :00 P. M. no how large h j'Jh lone in a slipshod C"oming5. tn the country srime eiEtht or ten nature on last Tuesday a nd although I "Packyn took thC' Iloor to I the class ma\' heen. One Frosh ir:innt>l' and l f'<:an' r.f thh; and Thi!-. nc' ion 1·1 the part of the mer- n nnd then dropi1ed for a long there wa.::: a lot of bad roads and the purpose of the 1 'Lette1· a day ,...-ent so far' as to make the. st.ate- •ho the condition of t he l\!, giv1•::-: an arltl(>d inc ntive to ""alk home. Such have happen- weather encounterc .. •d on I Club." This club was organized for !1l€nt that they the lime on I h<" abo\e ieeommendatwn has been 1 funct· n nnrl the stmlents ec! before nut so long but the pro- the ·way back everyone repoJ·tn a. good the purpose of securing votes for· the wet rocks and did a _(!'orid joh. ma<lc. It is hoped th::i.t the Frosh are plm nmg to how the merchants moters guarantee the satety of a!l time. Funny isn 1 t it. It's queer! initiative measures 1 and 19. The[ Consequently the Frosh will he will do a job on their second ti that thr·y w_Hl uot ha their favor "ho make the trip. I more people arent get t ing married . ( Continued on page 4) ( Conti nued on page 4) I altempt . (Continuc•d on 2.) VOTE POR ME ASURES 18 at, d 9

Transcript of Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20....

Page 1: Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20. … Graves has develo p e ... VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt

meekly Expnuent VOL. XII. Bozeman, :Montana, Friday, October 15, 1920. NUMBER 2.


l'nder :>ew Sy• t.em All Students to Fre~hman E leven will Pia) \liles I of \'\"eight and Material ProYes Undoing of the M ontana ~ l innoapolis Orchestra Girns a Good The F'ight ing Eleven F rom i\Ion-

Reeei\'e Medica l Examination and I City m the Cow Town Saturday 'Nesleyan Team V/hich G oes D own Program at the Municipal T heatre tana Sta te Will Meet Husky ~1 iners

Free Med ica l Treatment --- j Defeated 17 to 7 Saturday.

--- [ The Bobkit ten eleven leaves here The Minneapolis Symphony 01·ches-

At assembly last F riday, Dean this af ternoon on No. 2 for Mi les City t r a. which is one of the best and The Bobcats leave here today on

. win!!le. chairman of the colle~e where they will clash wi th Cus te r M. S . C. PLAYS RAGGED B A LL largest musical organizations in the Nn 3 for Butte, where they w ill tang le

health board, c.utlined the plans of the County hig h school t omorrow. T his United S tates today, appeared at the with the School of Mines eleven t o-

board for the coming year. He made will be the fi rst game fo r the new- Altho ugh Winning the Game the Blue and Gold vVarriers Show Municipal Theater two performances, mor row a fternoon. This , the second

it clear in the first place that the comers and will t hrow considerabl e,. Laeli of Punch on Wednesday the thiTteenth. The game of our schedule, promises to be

r•rC'sent outline was not pernrnnent light on the future prospects of Mon- -·. orchestra played to almos t capacity an interes t ing one, and pTospects ar e

a!ld ~tated that it was the hope of tana State teams. The kittens have The Bobcats w on the first gi!.IU_e of I gain. T be Minnesota shift brought no houses at both performances. A com- good for another victor y.

the board that further additions bten out for practice only ten days. I the football season by defeating the j better results and t he Methodists plete change of prog ram was made Despite the fac t that there has been

would be made to the plan as they iut duC' to the constant work of Pat I .:\Lontana Wesleyan team 17 to .7. a t kicked on the fou1t h down .. 1\lcCar- f or the two concerts. At the matinee, only a lit tle more than two weeks

were fciund needinJ.;. ?.Inrphy and hi~ assh~tant, Bobby the Ruundup grounds last Satprday. rcn W:)S brought down on a shod r un the pr esentation of Peer Gynt Suite practice. Coach Graves has developed

The plan adopted ._._.- C.vth .':it.udents Jones, a victory is expected. aHernoon . It was a ~ood eon~~:~ ·and and on. a fake punt. formation Finch I was one_ of the outstanding featu res his materia l into a fas t , hard hitting

and faculty is as follow!-\.: Each Pat ~1orphy is captain and one of I ~lthough the Method1sts ha!f° il much ~as given the ba ll and made a 50 I alo~~ :v1th th~ h~rp solos by Henry: football machine. The boys have

student in regular undergraduate col- :\r. ~- C.'s best linemen for this year. I lighter team they pu~ up ! -ga1ne I yard run bef~re he '~as successfu ~ ly 1 ·T. \\ ilhams, w~o ~s repuled to be the i sho•.vn a keen interest, a nd have

e_ wol'k or in the seco.n<lary school Although Pat will not be able to playi fight that won the adimrat1.on._01 the tackled. DeVore cai~rted t he ball for best .harp soloist m Engl~nd .. In t.he turned out better than ever before . lit

~hall pay a health fee of tv .... 0 dolla rs 1

thl' first few games of the season, I crowd. The Bobcats pl ayed m ~~r~ks four ya1•ds and on tne next play. the evening concert the smgmg of Miss fac.:t it was necessary to cut down

ner quarter at the time of registra- evt:-ryone hopes to see him back on l ". nd their g~me will have to ) le 11:1 ~ 1 W'""~s leyan f ullback got through right \ Fl.oren ce ·.M.acl;etl.1 w~~ the featu1:~ · the squad htst week in orde~· t hat the

tion. This fee will be u. niform. for all th B b t 1 . b f }l S C pr~Yed considerably before they w1llj guard and held the ball. On the Miss Macbeth s i ench t10n of the aus coach mio-ht concentrate his efforts

r, r quarter but those taking only e 0t ca ,1~ e\enl e

0N~e · ·b · 13. be able to meet a strong tea1n. Cap- \Vesleyan 20 ya rd line, Brown for the "Charmant Oiseau" from "is Perle de to the fir~t team men ::. encoun ers .J issou a on ovem er . ' - . . . · ,, · h fl bl' ·

half of the summer quarter will pay Bobby Jones. who starred on the, tain .:\Iorpby was out of the line and v1s1tors kicked ~O yards. The ball I Brazil ~nth t e ute o 1g~· .. ~o was A wonderful improvement has been

but ~l 00 Students \• 1th1 i-av Ill<" be- F h t f tee t [his absence made a marked diffil rencc was cauzht by .i\1cCarren and brokht a \Vonderfu l colorature offe1 mg- as shown since last weeks gan1 e. '[he

f Jc . the .end of th: ::.~th, w~ek ..... in a ~ ro~ h eam b~ sev~1~ d l~ a: ~uar ;r in~ the play Bryan at i·ight half I back kn~ yards. I n tbree line plunges was he1· Indian Bell Song from Lakme. team has also been strengthened by

ouarter ·will recciv~ a refund of one . ae ' ~~ a tyh ar~s1s he t a • Bor pbby I plavC'..d the ~te11ar game fo r t he back- I Bryan carried the ball one yard from I As a finale the orchesha played the the return of "Scotty'' MacDonald , 1 m ('Oac mg e ros earn. 0 YI · d h 1 I ' c h d · 0 e1 ture to "Tannahauser" by Wag

ci0Hc..1l"', th<Jse withdrawing that anrl Pat have both shown th~ir lov- tirld and his wor·k, as a sure grQUll t e goa anc "'"'k arren p. us e tt v ' · .' . - half; "Skinnyn Borton , tack le ; and

t;mc will receive no refund. If how- alty to the college as coache ai~d gainer. was seconded by DeVt>re -,.ti ov1r for the first touchdown of the'!· ~er an~ showed a:zam the1~· r1·owess ··Bu~ter" Atterbury, quartel': BusteT,

E-ver. the student has a1n·adr ineun·~d n~urh credit is due them. left Iu.lf. .Gush. as the veteran. qn game. . . m, mu sic. i T~e conducto~ of t he however is out of the game at present

during that colle~e year me .teal ex- ,.. , . . . .· I the line, held it steady on the n g.\it I At the begmnmg of t he second 01 chestra,. E nn l Oberhoffei , .deserves because of a bad "charley-hor se."

nen.sP amounting to the henlth fee lhe men who will make the btp side and the best work on the le,t[quarter, VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt f or the work lle nas done Ei.·ery man is working ha rd, a nd in

· . . ar ·: G. Fox Danaher Srna1t Slaw- . ' . . ' h 1 II h · · I in leading and training the ag~rega-81d, or more, he sh:.11 rc.-cen·e no re- . . . ' . ' ' s1de was Jone by Ch1ef Roberts.olloi.,aat t 2 Ja to t c Bobcats 'O n tne1r -10 . . ~ · addit ion to the regu lar pr actice and

fund. ~on, Bn~tam, Hend.rtckson,. Scotten, ~·uard, who played a steady, "last yarcl line. The ball 'vas then started tw~. Oberhoffer 1 ~ a conc~uctol.' of sc1·image with the f r eshmen in tho

Thf> student health fee shall be u~ed nlares, Cowan, CaJrnn, Reiburg- H . ,. game. Jn the second half of the game down the field with each of the national rept~te and lS deservmg of all afternoon , they meet at the hig h

for the payment of the salary of the ~ttf;;!~bury Suhr and Sa~ds. Glen Fox, Coat'.h Graves tontinuaily slip11ed in ba(;ks making from tour to ten yards! ~e rr.ay recmve. ~rograms v-:ere n ot school in the eYening for s jg na l prac-

<.ollege nur;;e, for medical exarnin- tle full back fo r the k ittens has had second str ino- men until at tht: end vn H down . J ust i:ieiore the end of Issued for the matmee but the even- tite .

• · f h · I I ·11- t th D only one year of footbali before but ~ . . . f · 1 . B h d ing performa nce was as follows: a .. 1nn, or osprta n :s a · e eacon - h . nearly the entire hneup tons1ste<l o t.:e quai'ter, ryan ca ug t a 20 yar I The men who will pr obably make

H.S hospital, and for medicines, ban· e 15 one of t~e strongest men on the ::;ubstitutes. 1 ;>«s::; ond made a 40 yard run for the ,.., .Progr~m . . I the trip to Butte are :

arres. rl:es:sh1gs, etc. The fee shall team. ~ox w1_1l b~ expected to make V..'t::;leyan. bei ng unable to bring a g-oa l and another touchdown. 1:-5..ymp~ony .No. 4. m F . l\.Imor, Op. .J h-fnshin end · Bu sh t ackle, K night

nnt co..-er bi1ls for the service of substantial gams m yardage . Dana- large crowd of rooters fo1· the ..,.an1e 1 'The kick off which sta rted the sec- 1 ·36--1 schaikowsky . . gun.rd· .\sbury 1 cent~r · R obertson,

· · . h d · d l her comes from St. Charles where · t- I I Andante sostenuto-Mode1ato- • 1 1 •

s.pecrnlists SU(' as entists an oeu - . . substituted in::1tea<l a male quart~tte, ond lialf was made by W esleyan , who _g-uard Borton, tackle; L. Mash m, end;

i ts nor for anvthing pertaining to he had four years experience. Smart . b f t .l t th Ill S C 40 d r con auima: . ' d I lf F . I s . ' . . . . . . . come.'.l from Hamilton with three wlrn.:h s~ng the school songs e. ore ~0 i o . e . . . '~· II Andantino rn 1nodo d i can- Bryan. half; ".JiacDonal , la ; m e 1,

chonic d.sect~e~ contiacted bcfoie the ·ears ex erience and ~vill la. t he I and durmg the g_ame. I~ proved a ~one:s rec1.::1ved the ball an,. c:arnedl zona full; i\lacC~1·~·en, quarter; Hus~meyer, >.tudcnt enteied college. ) . . P . P. Y . novel and interestmg backmg for the it back 10 yards. Devore anJ Bryan III ~ h . p· . t t. t . tackle; Williams guard ; R ichards.

A tl t f e cnriiture of the pos1t1on of halfback Bntt!'lm the h ...,c erzo. izz1ca o os tna o . ' If C U •

01 Y or xn · . . • · . . . .. · . · .. c .• ' ,· Helena boys and is a n or iginal idea eac ca1Tied the ball eight yards and Alle TO. I end ; Garvin. endj Stumpf, ha ; ogs-

'tudent health Iee shall be un-tsted e1t tackle, I.alls. from 1l1llmgs, "'th I for a small cheer ing section. F inch broug ht it t hree yar.ds. Wes- I IV F~nale· Allegro con fuoco well , full; Finley, center; Devore,

primarily in the eolleve nurse an<l al l bt~vlo yekars exper1enc:, and ;-rill be a 1\fontana State ~ot the fi rst kick- 1 leyan inte1·cepts a pass and although .., A..ria . "Charn~ant Oiseau" from ;,La I end.

bills against the fund must be ap- u war - of strength rn the !me .. H en- h 1 , h d d h d th b II · '~ · · · --------drichon, the sub ua1ter back comes off and Bryan booted. t e o".a to tne s c ma e no yar age, a e a m de Brasil"-David- Miss illacbeth.

P~ , cU by her. . . . . q. ' . \Ve:-l~van 30 yard line. Unable to l..he nuddle of the field . After t he Intermission fl :: :t :: t: :: :: ::: :t U ;: t: U :t it

Cases of known ~r susp~ctctl. ili~ess ~;om B1llmgs and is a dependable ht- ca.rrv ~the ball the required yardage, I ball was advanced 20 yard it again Hungarian PhapsoJy, No. 2-Liszt :: :i

shoul" be report~ .to t te co ege I e man. Wesievan kicks on the fou1th down fell to M. S. C. and Bryan l<icked it (Original Harp Cadenza by Henry •• X 0 T I C E ti by persons m cnar_ge of the dor- Scotten, the speedy end, ls orgin- ~ .... cl r) V a · d tl b 1l to "'"he ci5 Yards on the first down. Wes- t: :: it ·e an l iiatern;•y l•ousese and II f B t b 1 d "·· e ere c iTie 1e a ' . J. Williams) i :

.I _nr1 _..a. ~ . . .L • • ,,,, . • a Y ro:n u te, _ut P aye . iour 11. S. C. 20 rard line. The blue and I leyan t hen r esorted to the pass which -! uBerceusei' from "Jocelyn"- God- ... The y, \V. C. A. is giv ing

:-- e b_ h~'es th2: medical atLnnon !·ears w1th Shattucl<. uch ts ex- ! '"Old team thens ,rung a new dcfens- was blocked two consecutive times by ar<l-CeJlo: Engelbert Roentgen Vio- •• an automobile ride thru Ga l- ::;-

:s neces,ary she will call any regular pected from l;;cotten not only this I ~ . ' fi t ti B b t o th t h · d d R b , :: la tin valley for the young men t:· physi ·ian practicing in Bozeman whom b t h , 1 • . tYP surprise and punted on t he rs ie o ca s. n e 1r own o - . Jin: Guy Woodward. •• ll S :?

th. • "t• : d ; I f th. t d- year, u e snou d develop mto a down. Morgan carr ied the ball to ertson nabbed t he man with t he ball· 5 Indian Bell . Song, from "Lakme" ~ and women of the co ege , at- •

: pa/.""~ may es.~e. ~ s ~ real Bobcat m the next year or two . the 30 yard line and was there and pushed him back five yards. On J -Delibes-Miss Macbeth. t: urday -October 16• 1920· The r.

e;i-. m•t1hca es 1'1io pre erenceh oil p ~i }fares, the 200 pound tackle from the I brought down by McCan·en We,ley- he fourth down Wesleyan punted 40 6 Overture to "Ta~hauser"-Wag- t: cars will leave Main Hall at It

:'iJcian ,e co e1te nurse 5 a ca Lapital city will be crouched on the · ' d J •• 2 o'clock Pay your 35 cents •• "'h m she '""Vin s be..:t Doctor's bills r S d, . I an was given a five ya1·d penalty for ynr s. ones caught it and br ought 1 ner. .. · • t.:

·rn~··o·1 ized in ~~v ot'i ~r wav shall be mle 1 athur ay and .p1~om1ses to t~ar off side and \1..·ere held twice without (Cont inued on page 4) I - I:: and wea1 a blue triangle and

.. . ' · '· ·. . a 10 e t rough anythrng that Miles - let us all enjoy the ride. ••

:~:.. o~;.,;:' ;; :;;,~;;;:.;;"":o" ;:'.;II :,i,d ~~~~rp~~l?h:f:i~~! 1;:~~ n;~ta:~ .- f. SEPTEMVIRI = FROSH ENDEAVOR I ~ l\otiee posters. ~ 1 "ti~~e~01~~~it!~.:~ent temporai,- ag- 1 ~~~: 1~0:~ids!~~~e ~:~~;,i ~~r~~j0~: MEETINu OF . · TO PAINT THE M i: :: t: t: :; i: i: t: t: t: i: :: :it: t:

·;:eD;~~:t:~ds~~~'~,o!h~,:~~:~~e;.,:~:~ia opcedy boy r]gh~ there when COLLEGE MEN fiETS ACTION BUS'NESS MEN ARE ~ . . . . ! 1t comes to getting down on punts. j ~

fee and it ts estnnated that this will R .b .11 t

1 1 i

(Continued on Page 3.) I !;;!! ~rg wi s art as quarter. n .. A Few Hours Spent Last Tuesday


gtpo:~v:tl~c·'.~t~orya:.ed ~~~e~~·;v:od 1!:db~h: ~~~~ ..\. Lot of Work Gotten Out of t he Honora ry Seniors Hold Meeting and. ;l~e tt;;gillp~~:w 0:,i~~~nt~i~~tS s~~~! BACK Of BOBCATS Y W PIJ ANS Way a t Men's Assembly H eld Last t he First S teps of the Order Prove Has I! ecei>"ed its Annua l Coat of

~ 1 lft _Friday ~lorning to be Prog ressive Ones Whit e

MRS. W. GIFFORD :-!ASH. Stores Lo Close Between 3 and 5 Next

A Joy moE --- T he regular assembly was held last The first real work of the Septem - Last Tuesday, practically the en- Sa turday when t he Uta h Aggies

~tf I \\' ord from the pr esident1s office Friday at ten o'clock. The men of viri has came to light and will show tiTe freshman class gat hered some Pla y Here. Big Boos t for the

.:::tates that :!\Iiss June Hartman has I the college met in the gymnasium the genuine value that such a n a r - plarl!" clown town for the purpose of Colleg e

--- been made chairman of the music de- an<l were addressed by P rof . S·wingle, ganization w ill have in this collge. pa1nting the M. They started about

(r·l;e~e Organb:a;ion Hns a Dig Trip par.tmen~ to succeed J\<Ir. Nash. To Dr. J udd. a1id "PackyJ) McFar lin . The Sept~mviri held ~meet.ins:: \Ved- 8::·.rn .for the gia1.1t letter and w~re \\'hen _the_ executive committee of

r lanned for a I Stud ellts I a:sist ~ltss Hartman, i\lrs. W. Gifford Prof. Swmgle and Dr . Judd spoke of nesday"mght at t h: S 1gm~ Cl~ i ~ouse mn·king by D:30. After spending the R ·tail ~1erchants' Ex,:hange met

. . . . .. ash has been engaged as an in- the health fee that has been as~essed ~nd _bee-an_ the work that 1.-hen organ- about four hours time on the work, w~<lnesday monnng:. they dC'ctded t o

Bairmg . ~1 1. nr som~ other . ob- .structor and she will begin meeting I all students and the use that would tzati~n will h~ve cha_rge of. The , they retun1ed to town, arriving- about cluse lhe store:) uf Bozeman from a

st...cle unforseen at the present time, I ~mpi l s at once. be made of it mectmg was of great importance and t" '.I'h t tl t b. I. tu. d to 5 1). m. on Od. ''3 so that the the C 11 .,. Y 1\' C' A.. ·n t ' I . t' h 1 1 d th R . :o . e s u en iJc Y i ne ex- .. ' - ,

. 0 e~e ' ·, · - · wi •.age Mi•s Carrie B. Eckles has been ap- Prof. Swingle stat ed that the mon- ne"' 0 e ' 0 Y was ere except ay t t • t ·1 B· ld W d- entire town could attend the footba ll

a iu:r )1)\T-ndc iur tfle students O"'" ~I . \ K l h h· t t t tl to pee an e;yes owaH a Y on e ~ · C A 1 b f b · · I pomted instructor of vocal music and ey that came in through the heal th u m s w 0 as no ye re urne nesday morninO' but were disappoint- game between ::\lontana St.ate and the

b". · , .. arg-el num e~ 0 t car; ~ve ~he will begin meeting vocal pupils I fees would be used to secure physical college.. , t•d at the contiition ln which the job Utah Ag-.~!,'i:.:s, The l'Ommitt<>e rea,·tu~J

0:«nb··~nateld> thl) stu·.,en sf, B acu ty I at an:r time that they may arrange. examination for all freshmen and as The f.u·st business that ~~me befm·e s~1~ done· . L~l.tE:r is was 1~.:lri1 e<l that I this ilecisie;n :.ii1,,d' reviewing the ur-

mem e1s an e lJeOp e o ozeman I · 1 • • the soc1ety was the cond1t10n of the . . 1 ·

and they will ht? m;ed Saturday after- t. is a 1so thought that ).11s:3 Eckles ma.ny upp~r . class~nen as possible. ·'~.l'' which the Frosh were s osed the fro~h had spent a part of their gen~ request 01 tl~e s_Lnc e1~t. commit -

t tak f th II will have charge of the two g lee This exammat1on will make. known to . upp tirne erectino· a nlinatnre 24 beside Ike 111 { of atnlct1c afta1n:; at tl1e noon o e as many o e co ege 1 b h. . . to have painted last Tuesday The ~ . . . • 1 lent· "' r . 11 t ~ t I c u s, w tch will begm practice soon. each student his own phycical con- . · the M. The students gave the f rosh co!Jcg-c• . Althoue:h this e!o .. mg may ~ t ~ s ~.. a e a) e o ..-.o on a our . . app~arance of the giant letter after . .

1 J

1 · .

or Gallatin county. The purpose of . . ' d1t10:1'. I~ caze any s;udent shou!d the supposed painting- that it rPcehed i he> litneftt of the dnubt £nd hoped work eo11s1ner~b ~ ha1· slip on ~o.l:1~e

th> h·in ; . t . ,. oarnt the college l::'>TEI!FRATEI!NITY COUNCIL be atlmg m any way tne doctor will . . .1 t ti bef . I the letter would ,ho''.' up bet- of the r<:ral cusw1 .,., of llle st ll>.

• """ c. '1 · j MEETS 1 . t t f h' tS so s1m1 al' o Utt ore it was '"' 1· h 1 b' t f 1 . , b ~tudents with the country around . . ac \'lse rea ment or un . . touched that the committee dedJ<:!d I ter later, but a:: time pas:-.C';:; we have w. o lo a Jg perct•n age o t lf.!11 '~~·

Bozeman and to provide for a big I --- ' I All the money ~oll~cted will not be I to i·ecommend at the assembly this s:.:t·n r10 improvement. Inasmuch as m.I! on .Ratur~lay ~ftern?u11:-;, nc ',CI·

g·l't to~ether for the bunch The cars Monday afternuon at three o clock needed for exammat10n but the r e- . t ' . t• f bl the j"b was done in le•s time than the less 1t "a< decided tMtt tho col-~ · I I . . . .. mrwnmg ne repam mg o our em em · .. . .

'\'l-·tll :-:t .... 1 t fn·ni the Main Hall at t le . ntcrfra~ernity Counc1l held a mamrler wlll be used to pay, pro in the v .. •nv in whkh it sliould l)e <lone. anr previous. cla~s employed and the lc.~t.' stm.i<'nt~ d. ,l'l'\ e the ~mammous

P.:·, ut two o\ lock Saturday after- ~ecial. meeting- for the purpose ofl ratio. all doctor bills accrued by the Jt is an ~stablished fact that several manner in which it was done, it has .:upnorl u~ th tut n::.pcop.t!' at. on~

n on ~ml -:-,) ry ;."..ll incidental ex- dtsC'ussmg sev·eral matte1·swhil'h have student:;, except those hill ior chronic Frnsh had returned to t ov.'TI after been decided t hat the Frosh sha.11 be ~;11it.~ durmg the st-as.on. The Utan

p~·nses of the trip a charge of thirty J ~ee. n. pendi~g for some time. No n~lment!=;, such a~ eye trouble and I nainting the 'j]I.[ '' and had arrived here 1 giYen another opportunity to give the I g-ame had pr{!\'io~sly been Sl't !OT the

frn• cents a 11ers\lTI is being made. The defimte ad10n was taken and tl1e bills ft'lr dental work. at no later than 12 noon. This alone l\l its annual coat of wihtewash. Al~ annual honrncommg of all former M.

trip will last about Lliroe !'ours and "." ·t·,,,.. was adjourned until a ia~er I Dr: Judd •;poke .of the vnlue of a is proof that 8 s lipshod method must ·hou"h not b• acqua;11 ted with all IS. C :"hH~e~t~ at~d ~t had ~.e1..n pI.~1 1 :

a I student" are ur~etl to si~n up c:::. d tune. -phys1ral exanunation and a 1so ex-1

have been used in painting because the f~1ets m toe case we are unable .·d to male tht:; d~1t: a e:1eat Q{ ... a

'l't acquainted. Frc:-:hmen are notifietl 1 plained the nPce·:sit~, of proper rare nev~r before hns anv ck-;;s ~·i"i!';!--:ud judtoe, n·.,ertl1Pl1 !=;~ '"'"'think that 1 n l'it> r ·t rds of C'<.' • hJr . -

that they need not fear being- h~.u!~d


Picnic parties were of a plN1tiful • the "body at all timE-:os · l)ef.ore 1 :00 P. M. no ~1atler how large h j'Jh W~lS lone in a ,~~1·y slipshod C"oming5.

tn the country srime eiEtht or ten nature on last Tuesday a nd although I "Packyn took thC' Iloor to ~plain I the class ma\' lu~Ye heen . One Frosh ir:innt>l' and l f'<:an' r.f thh; and Thi!-. nc' ion 1·1 the part of the mer­

n 1le~ nnd then dropi1ed for a long there wa.::: a lot of bad roads and the purpose of the 1'Lette1· a day ,...-ent so far' as to make the. st.ate- •ho the prL~sC'nt condition of t he l\!, chitnt~ giv1•::-: an arltl(>d inc ntive to

""alk home. Such thin~s have happen- di5a~reeable weather encounterc .. •d on I Club." This club was organized for !1l€nt that they sprinkl~<l the lime on I h<" abo\e ieeommendatwn has been 1 th1~ year'~ funct· n nnrl the stmlents

ec! before nut so long ~.g-o but the pro- the ·way back everyone repoJ·tn a. good the purpose of securing votes for· the wet rocks and did a _(!'orid joh. ma<lc. It is hoped th::i.t the Frosh are plm nmg to how the merchants

moters guarantee the satety of a!l time. Funny isn1t it. It's queer! initiative measures 1 and 19. The[ Consequently the Frosh will he e~- will do a bett~r job on their second ti that thr·y w_Hl uot ha ~ their favor

"ho make the tr ip. I more people arent gett ing married . (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) I altempt. (Continuc•d on P~ge 2.)

V O T E POR M E ASURES 18 at,d 9

Page 2: Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20. … Graves has develo p e ... VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt

'Page two The Weekly Exponent Friday, October 15. 1920.

~ ~~"'-~'-'-~~~~~~~'-~"'~~~'X.'.-.SSS!'i

LAN60HR'S Green House

PHONE 95- 315 l'?o. Tracy

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT 1-------------------======= I ~ .. ~ ~~.~.!!.~ .. ~ .. ~~f.~ .~x .~.~-~.~.~.~~ I

l ~\~ PHONE ~I_~ '• s s s 1 s

j t ----------~~4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--

ESTABLISHED JANUARY l, 1918. (Outgrowth of Monthly Exponent, Established January 1, 1895.)


The Weekly Exponent js strictly a student enterprise. It's chie:f pux-pose is to present to its readers, each week, an accurate and complete r ecord

of the de\·elopments in college affairs during that period and to e.xert its full

influence for the upbuilding of Montana State College. The paper is the result of voluntary ef!ort put forth by lhe students who compose the staff.

· Published every Friday of the College year by the staff chosen !rom the

students of the ,Montana Stale College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, of the Unh·c1'Sity o.C .Montana, Bozeman .Montana.

'uttl• lu~t wee!, to Ro:::.coe Hull. Tlu:y l wiH make th.l1 ir home in B1..n:eman. / · t0J Cop.

dllt1..·,1t .... bt!t:11ll!c ~uh:;cribers npon payment of the l't:-g-ular ActiYity Fee.

Th<' marrHl~l' ot' LoYitt ,,.estlak1.:, ============================== I ,,._·1s. and .111s, Olson occurred in ST_\ FF I Dayten Ports, '.\Ior~es, Quinbys,

..:\cr..:eptmu..:t: for Mailing at S11ecial Rate of Postage provided ior in Ser..:tion 110:;. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 17, 1919.

SLBSCRlPT!OX RATE. Two Dollars Per Year - - - Ten C' ~ 1ts Per Y.



Mr and .:\U·:-:. George Roo~~Yelt, '1-!, ~n·i;: golll..:' to Tllwnscnd, where )lr.

Hoo:;cvt·lt h:i.::o accepted a positwn \\ ith th1..· Inh1 rmountain .Milling Co.

t;CJz0111nn late in Septemhl'r ~ Thon1psons I ACT!!\G ;\lA.\AGI:\G EDITOR .lllERllJLL J. ALQUIST '2"

Bacon: "They soy when 3 man",• BUl':J!'\ESS ~lANAGER ..................... ~'\Uc; UST M. SCHNEIDER '2~ CJG.\RS CIGARETTES i ea-, at. red tlrnt somebody is talkin .\CTJ:"\G ASSOC'! \TE EDITOR .... DO!\ALD A!\DERSON '23 t

Doris Inc-ram, () its at l 0lumlm~ .. tbout hilll." At Tl);"G SOCIETY EDITOR . _).JARLY?\ JLDD '•ll") ._..,,,,._,.._,....._..,,,....._.............-........,.._.._..,..._,._...,.._ ••• _,,._.......-......._.~-.-v-.-.._...-..-.-..-..•.-.. ...............

~;~~~t~~n~'r"t~1:r~\l~:~t~:~n ~~;t:x~:~:~;~ 'li·,E1 t.~b5:,',·1t1 '.,b·o"l.<l·c,:~ ·, . ..,nnttalll,h1cnr~aanb 0.iluist-t 11b1.c1·1t1

."\CTI~(.; A.L>VERTISIXG i\l ·\.!\AGER ........ G. LE\VIS ER\A/I~ • , • " ~ ACTl:\G l JRCUL.\TJO:\ )l..\.:'<A >ER ... 81JORTY PRESTON if his nose is n~d."-Yonk1.:rs States~

.To1.n holmcn, '20, is in the employ man. (;E,·1m_\L REPOilTORL\L STAFF REPORTERS BEING SELEGTED BY COW'ETITIO!\ oi the St.nttl ll1gh\\ar commission at'

P<.'mpc•y's Pillar.

L1..'w1~ K. Hill, 'J-4, ha::> accepted the po~ftion of assbtant engineer in 1..harg-e t"•f construction. Yellowstone ).."ation:it park.

E~1rl :":ol'ris, 'Hl, is attending the l'nin·r~1ty of .MimwE-ota and doing :-.ou1c· as~i~tant ccal'hing iu the chem­istry <icpartment there.

He "as a J(',, bh Engineer

Cl1mmurc.·c s.tudenl to a drowning eompanion, who has just completed


his second down: '·1 sn,,, John, old 1 LaRt Saturday the Bobcats, in their first game ·o.f the season, 1'"Y, ir you doi, t come up agam can/ defeated the l\Iontana \Veslevan b,- a score of 17-7. The ~core

ha,·c your canoe,.. I \\'as not decesi,·e nor was it indicath·e of the strength of the Bobcat eleYen. The fact that the squad bad only a short time

}lr i\lan: If you wil let nw ha"c in \Yhich to prepare for the contegt may ha\'e had something to those two rooms I'll pay ;ou $30 a do with the size of the score. The fact that the student body

•<•nlh for them. had the idea that the "'e~leyan \Yas going to be "easy" may also Landlady: You're Loo late; a gen- hm·e had something to do with the attendance at the game. The

11r. and ~h's. Otto Dakh. 'lo, hm·e tkman just promised to marrr me ~tu(lent attendance ,-ery probably had a large bearing on the

moved to Trident, where Mr. Batch ll' th( m two moms. ~core .

has a 11osition. To insinuate that any student at III. S. C. was Jacking in

--- I Pn>Cess<•r: "Where is Solomon's J l0~·alty \\-onld be an insult. Yet Saturday there was less than

Jean Kelly, •rn. has resumed the 1 Temple'!" half the student body out to \\'itness the game. For the first

law course at >:orthwestern Univer<- r Student: "Do you think I don't I time in se,·eral years there was no rally of any sort before the

it;-. know anything?" game. The fact that the commissioner of demonstrations had

--- I Profe'Sor: "Where was it, then?" not returned to school may h:we accounted to some extent for

:.Ianfred Snow, '17, lca,-es Octobet· Student: "\\'hy! On the side of his the absence of 1..hc rally. The rally itself. however, was not neces-

27 for Kobe. Japan, where he will be hea<l of course!" sarv had there been am- interest or enthusiasm shown.

in charge of the first foreign office I --- I ·That the student b~dy was lacking in interest was evidenced



of the Lauks Chemical Co. Floyd/ \\'hat kind of a school is your son by the apalling Jack of enthusia~m that greet-ed the announce­

Crittendcn. ex-'17, will have the posi- attending'! I ment of the game in both the men's and women's assemblies last

~iontt{ormcrly held by Mr. Snow in Oh, very fashinoable-one of those Friday. A further evidence was the large number of students 7; ................... ,,. • -.-.-. .-.--.-.-.-.·..-.-..-.-.-.-• ...,..,.. •• ._.._............,._,._ ..... ,,..,..,.,,.,....,. • ...,..,,.;

,ea e. institutions where you develop the who, because of picnics, parties, work, or some other such reason, ~ ~

mind without using it. could not find time to attend the game Saturday. '• " B M c ~ Martin Kell)', '16, is civilian en1- The lack of rooting and enthusiasm was also noticeable in I ~ G a y ~

ploye under Leslie Pettigrew, U. S. And as Ed has remarked, love at those who did attend the game. Temporary yell leader Donohue \~ ~

>\avy, Virgin Islands. first sight depends on how fine a sight did all he could to arouse some "pep" and to get some roohng • • ~

one takes. started yet the half hearted way in which the yells were given ~

Eddie Hagen, ex-'22, is attending demonstrated that our chool spirit has not been awakened ince ~ HARDWARE AND STARRE'IT'S TOOLS \

the college at Pullman1 Washington. Ha,·ing made his payments for our return this fall. . . . ~ ~

rent. coal, gas and g1'0ceries, the poor The support of teams does not consist entll'ely of gomg to \ \'•

Thomas Bogy, ex-·22, has gone to man was broke. But he needed cloth- a game and yelling one's lungs out. During the course of a _game ~ ~

Chicago where he is enrolled as a ing. so he com]'romised by digging is not the only time the membe1:s of t~e team ha~'e. a SUit on. ~ GIYE US A CALL ~

student at the Armour Institute. a c1o::;et ttnd tmE'arthcd a vest that The" are out eYerv night in all kinds of weather o-1v1ng all that • t..

belonged to a 't1il he had worn some is in' them that !Ir.' S. C. might have a winning te~n~. There is at ._._._. _ _ ._...........,.,, .... ._..,,. ....... --.-.·.·.-.·.w.· ....... ·.-.w.-.-.-. ........ ...,....,,.,,.,,.,. .-.

Robert Kelly, '15, is in the employ years ago. He brushed the vest off, present a squad of over thirty men reporting everY: day for prac-

of the Chilean Copper compan)', New felt in the pockets. tice and gi\•ing over three hours of theu· time wh1ch might well -.w..-J".....,.......,..,.. • .,.,,.,,.,....,..,.....,. •• ~-.-.-..-..-..-..------.w.-.-.w.•.r..-....,..,..-. York city. Eureka' A discovery! be used to advantage some place else. Yet these men want to

Announcement has been made of

the engagement of Rupert Streets, '1 , to Franres "'orasek, '22. 1\1.r. Streets is tahing post graduate work at the Unh·ersity of Chicago.

In the inside rocket of the vest see Montana State at the top in athletics as well as m any other

was a roll of bill< amounting to $123. way. They cannot do it alone. The student bo~y must show that

And not one of th<·m was roceipted. lhe,- are with them whole heartedly and unammously. ·There is no student in school who could not take time to walk

The lJni,·ersity of London has fiftv- down to the football field for an hour two or three times a week

three constituent colleges. - and demonstrate that he has an interest in the progres~ that is being made. Yet there is not more than half a dozen m ~chool

COLLEfiE STUDENTS Our Shop jg always open for a good, clean shaYe or a

haircut. \Ye are for you-are you for us?

A. B. WILLIAl\IS who wiJl take the trouble. Can we expect our teams to put up a

.~~..,.__~~~'~"° fight-to work hard and consistently that ~h~y might win for

~ S h I i\1. s. c. if we do not back them to the li:mt? C'an we, e:(pect 28 \Yest l\Iain St. Bozeman, J\Iontana

C 00 Suppll·es them to do it all and not_do_an.ything OU!'$el·:es? .'~half dozen ...,._.:.:.,,......,._._.._...._..,.,,._._w..,,._._-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-......-. •• -.._.._._ ........... ._.,,._....,._...,....._

I coaches and all the matenal m the world u:umot mate a winning team if thev haYe no support.

Lets \Yake up, revi\-e that old spirit and ~h1'\\' the eoal'h and ~~~----~~~ ;wt5

the team that we are back of them with cYery ounce ot our ~I 1 energy. . f Your hours or recreat10n will soon be confined to the home

I The students are not alone in their '.ach ot ouppon. Last . Saturday there was Jess than twent~· t .!,et:' sult~ to n .111!Jers !· Beautify it with

Geo. H. Willson Co. PINK GEO.

I of the faculty. Ii is true that the mern "l'>' of the !aculr~- ha1c a U great deal of work to do and that their t im0 is -pretty well taken " up, yet can we expect the students to t ·u·n out and ,;upport ~ athletics if the faculty does not'? On t.1~ 'ther hand can \\e ~ ~xpect the faculty to turn out if the studem,, will not?_ . "

It is up to the entil'e faculty _and stud 0 'L, body. md1v1dually I

~~~~~~ and collectiYely to make the spmt of an:. ,.,,wvl. Leis gL'l to- I

I get.her and make the spirit at J\Iontana Stace College the be~t. m


. ~ the country. ~


Enjoy life by the satisfaction of tasty decoration.

-Sold B.r--

OWENHOUSE HARDWARE COMPANY · 1. Today the football team leaves for Butte co p~ay the State

School of Mines. They have a hard game ahead of them and it ~

TH E f A S H I 0 N B A RB ER S H 0 P ~ will take all they have to come out on the wmmng end oi the m-::::az-:1e::1 1l:!!!l!1 --=~~4,;:a. tiWFEl:i'··~, ~£:1.:~~~=-:;~q

I score. Lets get together and give a few yells! go to the tram a1:d see them off show them that we are back of them and that wm _________ - _ - - - - - ,

111n 11 111111 1111 u1 11 · 11 · 11 · u · u · 1· 11 11 11 1 11 11 11 11 1r 111 1 1u 1 u 1u 1 11 1111 u• u · u· 11 · u· 11 1 11 111111111 11u 111 11 1n 1 11 1u 1 11 · 11 · 11 · 11 ·

1, or lose they ~re our te~m and we are proud of them. -t - .-.~ CONK l INS I'


i STORES TO CL,OSE FOR UTAH !(enmou& and it is this, as much as

FOOTQALL GAME. uny other thmg, thnt has contributed t f Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank, Bozeman, Mont. to the feeling of good will shown by t SELF FILLING f

(Co11tinued from P•ge l.) both townspeople and students. The

: JW# :FM¢i =-· ,._._ ·-~-····~.._ -~__. ~"""'"1 annual homecoming next week should ft FOUNTAIN PENS t' nbuse<l, and it. also P1·omotes and wibless tht:! return of many old grad-

~........_w..-_.._,. ... _.._. •• _,.._._._._._w .. -..... • .. •.r..-y .. -..-..-.. -_.._-..,... • .._.....,...-.J"...._._._.._._._ ... _ ... augments the good feeling which has untcs and will be one of the big dnys

~ · ~ C'Xi~1tf:'d and been growing fort.he last of the colleg{• ycur. That the mer- : t < WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS ~ few years. The college is gl'catly in- chants Ree fit to recognize this day I ~ , <lebted to the merchants, and this and honor it by so unu~ual a depart-

~~ with Ring or Clip { year's homecoming celebration will, ui·e Ft-om their usual custom is a t 'YRITES WITH SUPERB SMOOTHNESS, EASE

~ we think, be a fit testimonial to this direct compliment to the student t A AND CERTAINTY

LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS ' feeling. body and one which they fully ap- 9

•~ ~·: At their meeting, the connnittee of predate. The Exponent, on behalf f

\ T SQUARES - SCALE RULES_ TRIAJ\GLE the men::hanl's association said that the students of Montana Stale col- t

{ D tlw merchants apprecinted the Joyal- legtt, widi('s to express its thanks.

< · rawing Set S7.00 to $25.00 i ty to Bozemnn that had ahvAys been t factory you may return.

i p 1

~ "''iclc•nced by the students of the col- . OF TEXAS I • H L L I p s B o o K s T o R E ~ lege. The students ns a \vhole. have ~ < bet·n intensely loyal lo Bozeman and Any person taking part in hazing

1 \ it~ iiistitution~. Th(' support given at the University of Texas will be

~ :: :tucli.:nt a 1. lh itie:< by the people of dh-:mi~:o:ed and not nlluwi.:d to retm·n

-..·.--.-.............. -...... .,.,..._ ••• _ .. _..._...,. .. _..._ ..... ....-...._. • .._._.....,....._. ___ ~ .................................... -..... -............... ......_:_ Rvzen1an ha~ been both 'villn1g und for thrl'e years- / D> .... - ..--~ ..., - ~ - ... - ._..~....._~..__.. .... ~- - -

Try one for 30 days at our expense and if not satis-


Page 3: Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20. … Graves has develo p e ... VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt



~25.00 COME TO


H. F. WEST Funeral Director



PHO. 'E 690-R-2

The Weekly Exponent Friday, October 15, 1920. PaS"' three

~--------------; ! """"'""""""--"'"'"US~U""""--"~ 1

men ts from the funds taken m the COLUMBIA U II 11 {in;t three quarters. ,h s o c I E T y ,h ) 3. Except for the salary of the Incomplete re!O•tration figurea ~ )I( college nurse and one third of the from Calumbia Uni\·('~ity indicate

~°""""'~""""""""""""""""""~ 1

~~=t s~d:::.~ca~-=~~m;;:t;~nt0n~:ee~~ !~:!.~h;~~o;:~l:~~t 0~hi:v:rea;5 ~~ SPLE~JJID DRESSES



STUDENT )._lrs. W F Sebo e is entertaining Miss Kather ine Smith has a ccepted pended until the end of the quarter cent o\·er lru.t year . Columbia \'flll the A.I h~ 0. senio~~ a t luncheon on j t he posit1on of house mother at the I 'n which it was collected.. then be the largest. educat~onal in -

Better Styles- Better Ma - P . L il Th ta x · h 4. Ac the end of the fir t quarter st1tut1on m the wm·ld . Their enroll-Saturday m honor of ~Miss e a e - 1 ouse. the legihmate health expenses for ment at the n;mmer st!c:;sfon was

terials and 25 ]t lower in P r ice


Sl6.75. 22.50, S27.50

S29.50, $37.50

LmfieJd. I - -- . that quarter are to be paid on a pro-1 O\•er 10.000 the lnrae::>t iu th~ his---- .Mrs. J. R. Parker entertained 0~ portional basis. Ii the funds are su!- tOl") o f th\: univtnity .

. Mrs. J. W. Dru mm on~ . has been I r l~ hono_r of the ~beta ~t i f1cient the entire amount '\'Ill be paid. v1~1tmg her daughter , Lillian, for a 2'lrl'-. No\:el r ef1e::ihments "ere s~rv- if not. such a p1oport1on as they \\tll Su11port hi~h-r e<lucation-\~ote few days this week. ed at the close of the evemng-. ~o ,·er. for nkasu1~!" 1~ ... nd 1£)

The Alpha O girlo enjoyed :>!rs. J. \\~ . Drummond's company at luncheon on Saturday.

Among the alumni present were Miss 5, At tlte end of the sec..'ondf thirJ Yera Ilarris and !\!rs. Yernon Zacher and fourth quartei·s similar payment~

will be made. -'I he gi rl s of the Theta Xi c';tenJ 6. At the end of each quarter stud

a cordial inYitation to all :student.::: <?nts should pre5;.Cnt receipts for 3!

:\!rs. '\Valter Aitken entertained and members of the faculty to meet bills covered by the fund. The "l' ===============I Lillian Dt1lmn1ond l\.largaret Curry, I their housC' moth<>r and patronesse.;; snall be passed upon hy the he~lth

Steve Pierce an<l Donal<l Anderson at on Fnday evening. <'ommittce an.d for t~ose recogmzl•d t 3 birthdav dmnl'r in honor of Lillian I the stuclt'nt will lie . rc-1~1h~nsed by the

I[) ·d T d · Sic.I "S 11 thl'rland has tej!' st .. :rc I ( r•1lk·_c trv1~~1- r m his Ju~t p~op11 rummon , ues ay e\"lmmg. . ·" ~t. I tion.

~ ....... nt t (J hC:~U Bda f)LJ The need of such a fund he.~ lun•

r ::\[onday evening the Alpha 0 gals be£'n felt "n the liill, vr?marily fr cntc-rtained at a ~hower in honor of 0 1 l'.L:.a J.~ •ta takt·~ pH·asuri:' 1n az - .. h .. pnrpo:-\! of handlin".! rm. outh e:il;.;. n~s L(•ila Liniield. llullllt '! ttin f(•ll• w n·~ '· ··rlg l· of i1 knt>~S i.1111un~ tie student:'>. Th

II --- r •:-t. J<Jhn ·on. Bn ht. Hm1·11. ( 'u 1.... I lu en'c·1r L :- aho,·t.• l•utlined is a {!'<JO\

\ Li}l;an_ ~!arcs w~s ~ din~1c>r !!UE'St at t n, Ciad .. :-on, Hu:-emeyer, Linrl~f'th · •p nd th co-opeuition of the -;tnd Rer-J l'OJO\'Cd a p1cmc with the Iota nl5 with tl1e coll"·"'e nur~c will n D( ta girl; Tuesday.


P ' !!!'"'( r L 11. \· l ng- of thl: much to f'liminate the po~::.ihility o ___ l·i\·!l eng-ii-1~ fl·.1 g Ji:pnrtmc:nt is on any cpidc t'!oi'. La:st year the Y:niou:-

1 The Iota Dc:lta girls entertained ~1 tour of thi:- state thh. Wl'c..'k m th1 fraternity an<l ~urority houses keJH

•! ).!i~s Donaldson a al )Ji-;s .Jone~ at lntercst~ of the bond i"sue. I in close tow·h with the nu1·se an~l cl1 d.nncr Friday cn~ning. I --- result was to b~ seen in the Rtnn

I The S1,t.,;1 a Chi tr:itl'rnity announce ll amount of s ickness repo:t~d . .It is Is \\ liat thev all :;;a:'tp about our Dt.'an Herrick was a dinner gut' t \ .eorg-c Fink~· a:3 a pledge. 1 pl•1l th:.i.,_ the. :-:.:.i.1 c :--pn 1t \:·111 b 1.:e-crcam~. our VelYets, pud-, at the Iota Dtlta hou~e ::\Iond:.iy. --- s~~own n~~arn tin~ Y ,ar ar"i unttl. ~ui..:h

dings and onr specials. Call I .Jm·k Taylm· of the extentiion de- tH~H' .a~ a nc.\ pl,m may be iound or phone u:-1 any orders you j >1i~s Lola Reed and :Miss Dorothy ~i~rtmc..nt, was a dinner guest at the II prartic~.blf.'. ~;,i;~i·c;1·~nJl~~t~~:~~ti~~'.ality. ! ~~,::'c e;i1~;;:~a~.p1< n:c \1ith the Iota I~;~;;~~ l'hi house on la't Wcdn,•,d•y -=============================~ BOZE:\£ L. t'QEA:\IERY CO. -- I

Phone 14 :3. The mt•!nbC'rs of th~ A1'l elub t·n- l'ac:ky '\fcF<.;.rlin, Jvl' Bush, Duh:h 1

..-<!---· 1 t joyed a. pleas?nt ~nce.tmg at the Iob,1


~ll.IH ~d r Edit~1 ~ «.n·ton, Ruth X?bl~.· :::=-============= ! Del~ hius~ 1hurstla). "Hl Fr:im·f'g h .. yll", formed a p1cmc

. . · 1 ty whici1 went up to Fairy


SPORT For any time of the year, and e!-;pecially during the autumn gea­son. is hunting \Vith an-

)Ibs B3ldwin an<l liliss G:lkspte 1

]a.:t 'fu('sday. B,·f'rybody report a were dinner gul•sts at the Iota D~lta \'"< nd1~rf 1 tdp and good time des­house ThursJay. I 1,itc thE.:' fad that they gpent most

Franct's \\"ocasek gave ht-r an­nouneenu·nt party at the I ota Delta hou~e Thur~day.

<•.1. thc..' n~, .. d1t in skidding up Brackc:tt Creek and down Bridc::er.








I l


The many beautiful spots in and around Bozeman insure excellent

"shots" and "killsn

Irdng Ste\'(ms and Ha rry Rundell have returned to college and arc stay­in g- at the Beta Epsilon house.

(Continued from page 1.)

leaYe enou!Yh of the fund to cover only l about two-thirds of the remaining ex- ! pense. Consequently the following 1 rules were adopted for the coming j vear:



isn't good enough for you

iust remember that ycu can

Ftlways fall back on

Your friends and relnli,·es the lengtl and breadth of the lnnd will want tc know nll the details. Better writ. them letters-n mere announcerneni won't be enough. You'll want sta· tioncrv that's worthy of the event

WHIT~isti~cti~~;;:~a~OFF'S I STATIONERY

-R~ dainty .nil n:-tr11c-tive n~ huby's p rett1 clothes . 'i'lie bruartc:.t ~ tyl t:.s a re all to be found bere, ready to your choice.





Fill your Album with Choice Pictures


DRUG S TOR E 116 E. )lain Phone 327


~ 11 f ' l It I I I I I . I I 1 11 I I. I I I . I I I 1 ' 1111 11 1'1 11 1 11 I I I I l l ll l Il l l 11 1 11 11 1 1 ll l ll 1 •1 1 11 1 :1 1un1 11 1 11 t 1 1 1~

President and ·Mrs. Atkinson were dinner guest.s at the Beta Epsilon house Sunday.

Mr. Wilton, Sigmn Nu from the UniYersity of Chicago, was a dinner g-uests at the Beta E psilon house on Tuesday evening.

• 1. The salary of th ecollege nurse I shall be paid when due in twelve ~qual instollments.

2. An annual medical e...xamination of all students shall be made soon after the opening of the autumn quar­

Smart styles in Brown and B lack kid and calf. Reason­ably priced-all sizes and all width .

$9, $11 to $16

CHAi'1BERS - FISHER CO. The Alpha 0 girls were at home ter, payable in three equal install- 1 ~-------------­

to the faculty and students of M. S. C. on Sunday in theh· new home on South Sixth avenue.

Tuesday afternoon Betty Lnng-worthy, Florence Wesch, Eleanor l\Iars t on, George Van Fleet, Leon :\link and Paul Wylie had a picnic up \Yest Gallatin.

Clarke K inmouth and Josephine Howard W(·re dinner guests at the Phi Gamma house Tuesday evening.

Tuesday afternoon 1'\ona Sackett, {\1arie George. Rosemary Trackwell, 1\1au1inc Plew , Katherine Keown, Ed­ith Stanley, Louis Erwin, Joe Willson, '.\'allacc Whitney, Den Chestrut, Tom Kirk and Vere 'Villiarns enjoyed a picnic up Middle Creek.

Saturday afternoon the Phi Gamma fraternity held open house for the facu lty and students.

Margaret Chrystal and Valborg Riveness were dinner guests at the Phi Ga111ma house Saturday.


I WEST PHA LS Successor to Holloway's




EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 22 W est Main S t r ee t .

Is the place to buy you r s h oes for t h e best school

wear. Give us a t r ia l we will please you in style and comfort

also price.

Miss Lucille Moniorton, Willia111 Lowry and Alfred McFarlin were dinner guests at the P hi Ga rnma hou se Sunday.

F ollowing the Boosters dance Mary - Baldwin, Lucille Staebler, McQueen

Lawton , Edgar Bunncy, Packy )Ic­Farlin, Swede Alquist, George Van Fleet, Joe Bush and Dick RicharJs were guests at the Phi Gamma house I


J . E. LANG. Proprietor. - for refreshments.

I ;; 1:11i 1 111 tu I 1 111 111 1 11 l l' l l lltl! l ll l l l l. l ll >ll ' ll l ll l Ullll ll l l. I UI Ul ll l ll l UI Ull ll !\l l1 I Ul ll1 t1 1n1 111 11 1 11 1n1 111u1 11 1 11 11u n1 11 1 11 1u;


Friday evening, 'ona Sackett and .& Eleanor Marston entertained Evelyn ' Esther Garry and Cathleen Cameron ! <lt u fo· .... .::.<..l: a~ \.'.1~ Phi Gamma house . I

Mrs. E. N. Langworthy, house mother of the Phi Gamma girls, left Sunday for a few days visit in Bill-ings.

: t

Practical courses in Architectural, Ci\·il, Electrical and ~!arie George, Eleanor Marston, ! Mechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, D air y, Edith Stanley. Norman Hibbert, Paul ' Horticulture, Home Economics, Industr ial Ch emistry, E con- Wylie, Fred Finch and ~11". and Mrs. omics, Biology, l\Iusic and Art . Sumner drove up the West Gallatin i

I Beautifu l grounds, commodious buildings, complete Sunday. f

wood and iron s h ops, extensive labor atories, model k itchen a entertained at a slumber party. t

t e1r rien s at mner on tll"S ay I





and sewing rooms, music and art studio . Saturday night the Theta Xi girls '

ALFRED ATKINSON, PRESIDENT ntl~l1~:r ~f ~he T~~:~a en~irt;;;1:d an~ j I Bozem an, Montan a I h · f · d d" Th d

i)!)f(H;H)-(H)!<)l:~i;H:!i)(f(H~(H)f(H;H;l-(H)Cl;ll:~i;H:!-(l(H:H;>ll(H)f(H;H;!-(H)Cl;ll:~i;H:!-(l(H)l;H;fl;IQ evening. J --~- ~ - - -~~~4'11D>-~~~ca~~~lli99' - - .., a. - - -~~._

Page 4: Bozeman, :Montana, Friday , October 15 19 20. … Graves has develo p e ... VVesleyan fumbled and gave much credlt

Pa1:e foul" The '\\~eekJ y Expont:!nt Friday, October 15, 1920.

R ed 1 I A letter a day J BOBCATS WIN FIWM \l'ES LEYAN ! Robertson ······:······························ e 'I l 11

(Cont inued-f-ro_m_ Page 1.) Bush .... -·· · ·-~ '.gl.1t .. fl1J~~~vers, captain I I PICKED UP BY ELJ Brings ~ and~ s tay.

~wo thirds of the di•t•nce ;;-f I . Right tackle I.'.===============! Shall OCR school close its doors j I h L Jlashm ····---·-···· .... Hart to new student:.?

the punt. ..liter se,·cra exc angcs Right end t~I blows Bryan kit-keel a pretty 45 Durkee Chase\ Inaug ural _Address. J --- 1 g ynrder_, and .J,_m~:. dropped the man

1 Left guard 'Yelcome 1olks. Hl:re 1 am, so what Frrstf Studhent Hu~~·ay! 12000 more lg

h b ll h k 13 a1·e •·ou ~01n!! to do about 1t? I've Yotes C'lr t e issue. . with t e a rn 1,; tra.c · . Knigilt umgaruer 1

.. r. ~- ... d S d H d . fi . . • med my position \o\•iW1 th1: city of :)econ tu cnt : ow o you g - a-

Left halfback Finl'h ..

~mun und am hired to keep my ure? ~ d on the funny bone ol M. s. c. Fi1·st Stude: Ju~t a little simple ,g

feel the pulse oi the school. math. Eve1·y letter a voter. One I tch your step. If you casl rare student, 20 leth•rs. 600 ~tudents, 12,-

3 of gossip and untold talcs a round 000 lettt'rs; 12,000 letters, 12,000 • campus, I'll be around with my voters. .

wagon and shovel ana pick 1t up. [ ---DeWitt Orig ma)? On ly as ) ou make me Twenty more days to get those Jet- S!:

F.!lll m line and we'll give the people I lers 111 ¢ something to talk a.bout. --- g



\\1L L CASH '['END


t hree plays •vere prnhably th~ most ~pectacuJai• oi the entir!.! Jf!lllH:· Bry­un got awHy for :!J yani::i, Cog~well,

who had replaced De\'ore at left half, wn~ given the ball and on n stumble .Jodg-ed the fir~t three men who at-

1 tempted to ta.cklL' him he lhen got up and gaim·d 2.5 yanls bt"fore he 1

was brou~ht do'\\rt\ On a delayed pa:-=s

Bryan made 2:) more. From the 1 yard lin~ :\h:Carren kicked a goal, making the score 17 to O.

Fullback Referee. L()wry. '\\-hitehal!.

, Umpire. Griffin, Missoura. Hea{UinC'sman, Warren Maddox,


Big excitement! M S C to beat 1 Q

rr.,·e ~ e got speed? I'd say so: the U Ill endurance test I "'i:i<H:H:H:>(>l)*<:H:H:H>(>l)*<:B:H:H>®*<:~:H>®f!>.l:B:H:H>®fl:H:~X>®-lXH:8X>IXl'J;H:~ Last yea r ha ir o~ lhe_ student bod) Prof. '·How many letets in the 1 :·"".'.~~~=:'.'.':':~=:~:".'.'.~~~~~~=============~~=_.


"\Vesleynn got the all on the kick off and \Vith a pre-tty e-xhibition of straight football took the ball down tht! field anrl Bowers canicd the ball O\er for the onl~r gN\l fm· the \·isitors. There wa~ littlt' hearlway made by

put on t he fra ter111ly p rn s of the oth ~ I will she come? It had never percu lat-er ltalf. T his yea r half of lh em are alphabet?" . ed thn1 his Cerebrum how she would' ma rried. Soph: "Twenty1 sir; er, I beg pai::_-

<lon; l was thinking about the cam-1 t·ome, but how coul?d she stay away to re~aint . the uM" a t the . paign for

18 and

19,,, when he ,-..-as there .

earlic~t possible .time: . . F'rosh. (Gallantly) - Have you Prof: "Go to the head of the class." The crov cl grew. the staJr herd Anothe1 matte1, wh1th 1ece1ved the I this dance! I g1·cw, but the benuti1Ul Madonna did

cons1cierat1on of the COfftm1ttce was \Val!flowcr (dcmmely)-Then w ill l\ ---1

not come. His ~hoes were white with the c·onstruction of the numerals '21 you please liold th1~ c1g-ar while I i JE ASURES lS & 9 'VILL WIN dusl; from t he dancers his t ie shed bes11le the !ettc1 on the Jn( s1de dance? I Count out the above. message and an azure hue on his ,;a lad face six The comnuttee \vill also Tecomrnend --- ~Pe how rnany lcttPr~ 1t will take to more locks had roamed across' the that tl11s be Jt'.'m('n-cd at the same time In Spaita. a man was hable to an spell it on election day. path . His hopes fell as he dropped his\

(Continued from Paire 1.) Bear Creek Coal Bloek 'Nooe! fo r Heat-Slab Wood for Kindling.

Phone No. 4


eithe.r team aft.:r t!int, and the> game that the "l\l" ts painted and that the ~wtion f,,.r net mr.rryin~ at all, orl . only ·wheel against a poker chip. I ended with the score 11 to 7 in fa nu· stonts usN! in building it he placed m<trrying tov lat~. OT marrying- im-1 . Vote. Early and often for 18 and Suddenly the tension became un- ~--------------...:

o_f Jfontana State. t'D the lett~r in order to make the properly. The same he1·c. If he does 1 1 9· bearable, he leaped to the floor '"ith 1 ·-----·- ---------

320 West Main

The line up follow::s n.onumcnt more permant'.'nt as \\'ell ::is n1Jt mal'ry he i!"'; liabl(• for breach of -ELL one bound, saw an only maiden look- I ~~ate College \Vesleyan m ~t pe1···e~.:t . I ·1 I d c· I . d l . h t h" b t c A N 0 y '"'~ · · prvmise; ant 1 1e ocs marry 1m- TIE n . CED mg on an c aspmg er o is reas Ao:;bury ...... Hunter I Likewise tltc fJUestion of the punish- pr_opcrly or too Jab.•) he is !:able for J'\:_\t :"rOT 'LO",'E prepar_ed for the initial struggle. He

1 center ment of the men who do not wear alimony. BUT "..- -'"' ~" felt h1s breath come and go. he

- ---·- - ·-----------· their green capii was considel'ed. It --- I h h h l J b t · t

I . --- . He saw her standin,.,. bi· the foun-1 t'\oug t e ear<. ler say- u JUS I " 'HEN "'OU B UY IT \\ao dceic!ed to mako this a matter WfL.\.T "ILL WE DO \\ ITH t . f t b t ~ I f t h then the danee "·as over. . l 1 Take a Ill winch all stt1•font" !lll:<ht cooper- OUH LO:'\G H.\IHED AGlTATORS? .am. a per elcl kcau nt 'ale s e ll!oral-Fair youth. never stag. BUY IT AT ""QDA H.

1 ate A tequest ,-.,Ill thcrcfo1e be ma<le wa~ so ,:?'Oot 00·1111? ia l• tnerva -Student Lil

.1.1 I that all students regardless of their ( :\cwspaper Heading) woul·I have had to camouflage her face e, srHM IDT BROS. With You I ,-Ja>s h,• on the lookout for offender> "-ith some of the rare face lotions BOOSTER CLU B DANCE. l.J

Let pwtuu.~s tell the story or - b . f ti S t .·. Th Put thc-m m .a ~rt'.'1?'1\ cap and let she could begin to compare with this -1 [and to ieport any such pe1sons to ·i~he _Solution. .. that Gl'l~~~k _i;oodesses used, before

. any mcm ei o ie ep C"lll\ ltl. c th. t · I t t l\l s c I Th dunce n-1ven by the Boo-ter's ~---------------: tic mot~11 tl in, tlw. huntml! trip, [ Septemvir1 will then call the gu1l1.y em ~'n ncu u e a '.. ." . ·, ~m iah· RebeL'ca at the \veil. As she stoop- ~ . ~ :,, I t~C' f1~hmg- tn•) ll the t,a,el t hey wil l soou l o~e th~ir cl 1 ~tmgu1sh-, 1 t · f ti h . 1 . club .ast Satmda) night, at the Elks - -----------• - ' , • ~ t - • I uni:::-: upon the cm·peL "he1e they will . - . h , N o pm rom 1~ mec ~mca sprmg home was on the best attende<l af- I \ rh(' Kodak ''·1Y J::; t 1e surt" \\~n. be tiie<l and ::;uilable punishment will tntr · he haw h('r beautiful white teeth, as f 1 ~ Th ' Vho's Your the sirnple war, the convenient I ht> i11tli1 te<l upon tho,rn. --- -white us the ivories on a second hand an·:. so. fa1· t 11~ year. ere were I SHOE ? I way. I Tl 11 1 1 "Poor old Sle\e' So he reinained 1 fliano His heart leaped it stood still about srxty-flye couples present. all t DOCTOR .

KM~nk g-oods ha· e- a re·)uta- tance to the upkeep of the established• fa~~l:ful to h1~ S('H:ntific career •. eh? I for some full f1act1on of a second as o \\l 10m 1a ~e .1me o ~II. J .e Don't t~ow away. your old I lese pro> em:::; are o vita impor- ., · ' I f ·1 I <l ti t f th·. l"f ! tion for qnality and so have ·we. J uad!t10n.s and should Uc cared for by . \es, he. c~:cd from th(' fru!ts of the thot slo\ ozze<l thru his crust. ~,~nc,mg ;o musu: pased out b) Ste\e I shoes until you give us a

l'hnt"~ \\ 1:r we cr.1TY only the tl!e stud~nt budr h 1 ~1 own toil. "fll see her at the dance to-night,,, , ill.ams orch~st~a. _ c_hance .t~ examine then1. A

1 ' e· 11·11 · Ecu:tman lH'o·!ul·ts. :Xo I _ j Then he wa:: still sf"-ekmg the )."o oh~tArle p-rrsented 1t~elf to him The Boo~ter:s c.ub b an organtza- I httle f1x1ng here and there I

d13n e for su'o>titutin<:. \!EETJ:-;G OF COLLEGE ~fEN pos,,b1lity of pc1petual life, through of course she would be there. t1011 ,,f busine;s men of Bozeman who I may double their days of wear I\.ot!ak~, ".j.00 ru1rl ~pward 1• 1he medium of __ u I His "tell 'um at night'' registered are taking an mtere~t ln the athletics j . l Brownies, ;'LOO to 12.00 I (C1t:11Cim:td from pai:< one) "'He put too much yeast in some ~wenty below four, just too late to of the <chnol. It is their purpose to' I CHAMPION SHOE SHOP

c-ra1Jc uh.·e.'' ] catch the dov.ri1 going car. By Jazzing loeate and find obs for the students 7 E. l\.fain Bozen1an, }\:'font .... Headquarters for Kodak plan as outlined is for every member I ri:rht along· he could find the town of the college who are out for ath- -------------

Supplies of the c:luh to writ(' a letter each day A~ ii. j,.. Dune at \ f . s. c. ! hv fi·,·c. The barber rould spend an letics. Although the prC"sent organi-1

R D C J to some acqunintance, who is a voter. I ''Mi "' Home Et•, may I pn~sent my h~ur or 50 grooming him up a bit ;-at'.on was only started late last :---- - - - --- ------

OSe rug O. and to t•ll him why h" shollld vote fi · ·n,!, En:o:y 1'eer'ug?" I and then if he dictn·t have time aft- spri11g, it is the outcome of a similar I LET US DEVELOP AND for 18 and 19. I "Pl!?a~ed to m1..·tt ,-ou, dear.''

1 e1· t.rnl tn shine hi~ shoes he could or~aniza~ion of f0111u•r years. PRINT YOUR FILl\18

The REX All Store J .\t the close of the assembly b'anks ··Darli:ig, name tl~e day" ha1·c them shined while he waited

! I were pa:>sc<l ar1.mn1l and all thuse who Rhdn n< w.'' fm 5:__. JK·r. H<> reached the barher Jl-XIOR~ HOLD CL.\SS ;\JFETl::\G.

wi;;:herl tu join thi5 club w..:re asked -Judp:e. shop in time to kill an hour of ease I --- I P hotos of Students at to fill these out at once and hand 1 while he waiteti for a family of ~ t a 1nt'diN; of the junior rlass on thL'lll bat,.;k. Evt~ry person th(·re fl'led I:\" _\JE310H.L\:\l. 1 tw-.•ive who took ev(·ry thing- a bar- last )Ionday nomim .. ~~fons were he~J Special Prkes

I out a bl.rnk. and now, if t;V<-Tyonc is .lnh1~ 'Jnhan. ber t ;,·cs. f{)r the offit·Ps of vice pre.:-ident and SEE DOCK SMITH kC>e!ling hi::-. wor 1. the mails should Lut'ien J?.<>-·'ere. r u l ncd nut he ft:lt the cool Lreeze treasurer. which were left vacant [bis ~e f!ootled with h.'th•rs why lS and Jam(',,;; O'(!orniar:, hlo\, where his hair wa~ not. His f~ ~L The following people were nom-1!"1 s 1ould pa~s. I !Iarl"n :.~u 1 .nt>r w I .t n \\ ;i;t ipped at his ears but ·n~tc<l fur tne o.lf1i:C's-:

I The ussZ•mbly for today will be in lknr) Docs. an ·'d nt"" · tie h! I umfor the band y; ·c pn·sident, Hde:n Haller, 1\Ii-ld-i.:haree 111' the associated students.


j Yfi.Tt(.;n Za,·her \'."( ld ::;t P tl-iat l rd Fc11Test.

I Nommat1ons will be ht•ld for the of- R. I. P. Ont:> hour befort=o the ::i;;.ncr?"· he 1 Tr<'asnr1 i-. c~u rd Donohoe, \\ .. C11ter fi. .. e 0f Commissioner at Large, Com- must stl .. p st)lr!C to be there whPn the I Kennedy.

m1'"~.1nner of Int rt'sts ,:\fusical. and There i an int ·rl'stini;r little tale ba1:d. :-otarted t_n play. His la.un<lry w~s An editm· for the Ut'.:?2 \nnual '':{ls

Con11ni<>sw1H:r of Demonstrations. l e1 ni:r tl-c l'Onnds ahout a certain dist- wa:ltmg fo.r hnn_ whel'e ~e natl J,?ft 1t di~H .. US<::f'rf. but rlne to the absence of


INSURANCE J,ife and Accident

I A1H.~he1· thing oi importance is the n d sellior at Jfuntana St:,te Col- th.,~ rn~rntn•·-, l~is h·;o.ti~s ht•li£_tAe1 tiany of the members of the ciass it

appointment uf a member o_.f the fa~- k e, who. fu::-st•d a ci rtaiu Jitt.le high I ~~e .. c~huir/'.Ien.lmg artistic~·ll·~~,wit:h a \~ ~ de~1"1ed tHh babl~ tint to h~ve- any ul :y to w.: t on thfl' athletic C'onne1l. , 1 ool ~··rl. "-7hen a~ked how she en- c: ~a ·' qti .Jt fin the ,.bed. 1: -,::~·: ~the n11min::!t \ n<.: f n· this offke at the

I HAVE 'VHAT YOU WA:'.;T This position i; left vacant because jo ed the evening she sairl· r:ght ono \\otild do, He stooJ 1'°101 ~ n ectin~. '.\lin r Jfd.idr.y. the editor-

'--- - - - - - -------': of Prof. Duddy':--; Tl sig11ati..-,n. ·J hncl a <land. time. but that lit- ,e s..l~··1.: l_l!pe a handsome youth one d r·t, has not r ·tm~~ed to school, tJ t 1 f ' 1 . . . . k w11ee1 in hrn potket and no l a..:k out-

--- m 1 ~ EH 1 o llS Just tic ·led me . l 1

•vhi-:-h l:a~ il'ft t' j, pl:we \·arant. It •• ...,,..-• ..-. -..-.-.... -vJ">.•JV>.-.J"V' .. •..-_..._ ... ._.._ .. _ .. _..._.~ ..... -..-.-..·J-..... .,......._ • ...._ • ....._..._._._ .... ......,_._, to death!" tL•n. m 11~ col ~r, but no_ one '' 1tdd i" exp<' trJ that \\Ork w:n begin on


WHEN you are sick you con­sult your physician for treatment---0r advice.

WHEN your eyes bother you, see us - our advice is authoritath-e.

JF you need glasses we will fit them. If you need treat­ment we will advice vou.

L E S L I E E. G A G E le" eler and Registered Optometrist Broken lenses replaced same day

/ 1 n •hLr ei r llllnus qJ.antit:.·. the book as :!'c~~n a5- an editor is 1

1 < ~ 1 . . . j Hi::. ' II ~\\t:>pt huir \Hi.c; p;.1tc;i lf._•<:ted. ;-------- - ------....

~ Wlf ER-~E no WE fiO FRo~·. HERE? > l :tow. 1

.rac. "n l Int me ag-ain. I e,·er.1.'· t>n both «irles of the p: .. ., re-.. ~ jll!! _11 < . l"C'n 1( • a :-.Ill• le 11a '<' t._1 • · · > ~ ___ · · · I -.0 11 fl~n·~ a I In o:~ach dn\·e m ~'>:1.t'1-

) Our ~kn~ clkts ~h(1u d w1 rk f · th · · l". OF C.\L!FOR'."L\ MAfiAZINES ' ~ I tn l !if 1rr.1a. \\ c(s lw n:.arJ,,? \ e..:.

~ PP Jlildodtc''s:N ... ~Jt- ; ....... ~ I . . . 01 e He c•oul11 ht!ve rnn1111nnd<·d 'n• an1' The Unh·crsity of Cnilf•irn:a has 1

, Ill p. u~ s:.--uP. It •t w!ls a.nd thPy ~tart ·f \·t:nus. lw wa.s i:!"roome l i'r ,, 1 v1e t.c. date, n registration fot" 1020 <Jf fl,- 1' CANDIES and CIG£\RETT~S ~ \/tu nme' ~'\"IV stud nt· ''It '' ~ \ After the Movies, Alwa»s to the Suo·ar £.low! for the Best < Y< r h .. ;'.··.. . ,, may ''"1 t~1 ,.i'."""'L The ~n 1'.' w;·• -

1'. hi''.'· 1 4 stl!dents-UO.:l 1"''" cei~t. being·

~ ,J e-. 15 ~, 1< jH' \\ "" i1°11 :t • llf" ' 1 11.s n n ~nd -t~'l.7 womt>n. Then· enroll-, 23 W. i\Iain St. ~ Cand1'es and I~e Cr·ean1. < ,,t,. trouser~.·. Xo time now f r t t' Ll'5- it1 'nt in thC' l'OlTl!spondence courses I ,: , 'a qr nH:a:-.11res 18 an11 1!"1 I l t• l IJ l I M H WHITE " • .r:c ·..- o , .. \' t 1r < Y :-.'"' •'' -i~ J)l'id·- tit' the univ"r.:oity numb!'rs ~.000. ~ .' , , ing a pie in of el" atit>n. n., 1 "\: ll"• · 1 1 • ·

\ S j " wri 11 thn l t1

•r :-'{'" ·? ·ellc t' hi!!. ..\~ he ·a si:; l I,.., .:~. lt..: Xl·W heads of in~titutlOn~ to be ·------------' !• "t 1 rt.," ti llli h , ..... ti, ·1 , ,I to seen t~is at·ademic yeur are Frederick ----·-

~ ml HE s. u f:lJ AR B 0 w L ~I •'r:".tuil ·n. bcinl!' turnt•d away tl)dayJ L:l Lone h~ wa~ at la::-t l""PPl· I to C. Ilu:ks, Unin:t~ity of Cinl'innati; ;---------------~ ti ' ·i M. 8 · C. I 1·~ •\'n ·~{' ,, .1 ~hns and join in .. '1e \\"illiam \\". Ht~nderson. Brkham

.. ~ 111iat will happen if the bond promenade. 'toull:! Collt'g-e; .John E. Cousens.. THE nu1Nr.AlOW 'I '• ; ,.u. fail::.? [ Ile clbnnt••2 1i-., wa. thru th·· t!oo". Tatt8 Colil'g't'; H. :H.<·, Coe CoJ-l IJ tl ~ The Home of Home Made Candies. ~ --- our rnupl, • .,nd a hc•rd oi sla.t:s e• 111- ler:e; !Tarry \V. Chm.e, l"ni1·u•ity of ' • ~ f. Dr ~·on int ·1~d to vo to c·o'll•~t· next r_11~ed tied. JlL'('. It's earl:i. Jet, ye:;:., ::\ortli Carolina: ·md F. \\". H1xsen.


• 1 1 l 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 :.-t..,.....} !..? f. ! • 1 1 • r 1 1 i 1 • 1 • , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 rear m ~[{ ntuna '! :-J'(•1 ll l'Ol h? ::;he'll ·nmt·· nnd but how 1 .-\ile~heny College.

j';;7;s ~~~~~~~~~r 4 \

i ~I




2_ ~I i E''ERYTHINH IN MUHlC. ~ i ~I 1 • 11.'.' •••••• ' ' '.I ••• ' •••• ' •• • '.'' ' • ••• '. ,,,'' ~I

I ...... ~.~!.~.~ .. ~y~~.~ .. ~~.u.~.~ ... ... , ~ ~~ ~ · It's Ea~y to Pay the Ortor> Way. ~


~ i ~ 16 "Sasl Main Street Baltimore Block, t! ~ ~I ~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~





" J apanese Art Goocs "