Botellon IngléS 1


Transcript of Botellon IngléS 1

  • 1.

2. 3. 4. 65% of teenagers (from 14 to 18 years old) drink alcohol at weekends and 34% got drunk at least once in the last thirty days. Students de 12 ,13 and 14: drugs (alcohol) Students 15 : pictures Students 16 and 17 : blogs, posters, comics 5. 6. People get used to drinking because we live in a society where traditionally has always been well considered not only the use but also the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol consume is something traditional in our habits. In fact in all festivities, parties, celebrations, alcohol is there. 7. The production of liqueurs on the Island has a long tradition.Already in the Middle Ages the monks on the Balearic Islands had developed, behind thick cloister walls, health-giving essences from wild herbs and alcohol for purely medicinal purposes, let it be said.And by the end of the 19th century the Hierbas liqueurs were exported to other countries, including to South America. 8. Comparison among different and most standards alcoholic drinks Practica laboratory 9. Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator the "wrong side of the law". 10. Effects on the human body Blood alcohol level Alcoholic tolerance 11.

  • Health problems
  • Fights and violence in general
  • Conflicts and disputes with family relatives
  • Economic problems
  • Agressive behaviour
  • School and academic problems
  • Loss of boyfriends or girlfriends
  • Loss of friends

Oggs The jazz festival was memorable Aahh The concert wasunforgettable Glups, Botelln under my house wasinenarrable Neurological damages produced by alcohol are much more serious in teenagers than in adults. 12. Alcohol's effect on driving ability is related to blood alcohol concentration or BAC. Remember that, in Spain and many other countries, it is against the law for drivers of cars and motorcycles to drive with a BAC above 0.5 g/l (0.3 g/l if you have had your driving licence for less than two years). Although driving a car or motorbike seems almost automatic, driving a vehicle is a significant effort in co-ordination, especially in unforeseeable situations.Alcohol affects driving ability, as it has adverse effects on visual perception, reaction time and co-ordination. Sometimes these adverse effects appearbefore the driver feels intoxicated , and lead to the driver putting himself or herself, as well as other people, in dangerous situations. 13. Alcohol and road accidents: What to preved? 14. Road safety awareness workshops 15. Meetings with Departaments related to this topic:Social Services, Heath Centres, Bars and Pubs owners, people who suffer Botelln effects in their neighbourhoads: Bomberos; 16. Testsandquestionnairesamong1Bachilleratostudents1.- Because I findalcohol tasty2.- Because when I drink I spend a good time 3.- Because it helps me to forget personal and relative problems4.- Because my friends do it5.- To get off with girls/boys6.- To overcome shyness and better my relationships7.- To feel differentThese are the reasons why teenagers fall into ALCOHOLUSE: 17. Alcohol permits a kind of liberation, makes communication and relationships among people easier, gives you a sensation of hapiness and strength, Dont be silly, do it as I do! I drink all I want and smoke all I want too. I dont let anybody to tell me that I have to do. I urinate then I exist 18. Carrying out Blogs and videos about differents aspects of Botelln problem, comics, soap operas, or it depends on a few good habits o Quitamos mitos 19.

  • Photographysandposters
  • Competitions
  • -Contests

20. Everybody knows that to drink alcohol and then drive is a dangerous thing for both you and the people around you. As alcohol affects our consciousness, some people could drive without being aware of doing it safely. Small amounts of alcohol can limit your driving ability for a few hours. Do you want to get more information?http//