BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — —...

BLUE GRASS BLADE (Copyriflit 1910 by H. 8| HiUa.) At BaUvia, i\. V., April 17, liJOU. Kev. Algernon S. Crupsey lor 26 years rector of St. Andrew 's Episco- pal church at Korliesti-r. N. V., wus tried for hertsy Ihthhsu he (ieiiie.l the divinity of Clirisl. Vet, Saint AugiMtine, Bishop of Hippo Kegms, athtM (ttamona 37. ctwp. 12), that "Vttm tb» flnt mruM beliavad Christ to be (lod and not man. Others be- lieved liini to bo only a man and de- iiicMl Ins divmily."" The loi-.ii.T llii^ >.p""..,i of the Manicliees to which belief St. Aiig- UBtiue himielf adhered. Coteleriiis in anawer to Ignatius' Kpistle to the Iranians, assures us that "the ,l,.(triiie that Christ's body was a |, oulv, and that no such per- ,),Mis Christ ever had any foiporeal existence, was held in the lime of the Apostles themselves." And from the Apostolic age down through all the centuries, ha* the exisle.ue of Christ as a man been denied; not by Miemiea or unbeliev- ers, but by the moat learned, the must sincere and the moat moral of those who profese the Chriatian name. In John's EiMStlea (l»t, 4th, 3ra; also 2nd, lat, 7th) admitted by nuujy modern authors to have been written many yeara before any ot our canonical gom)els. mention is mads of persona professing the Christian faith, who taught that a l„ lief that auch a man aa Chnat ever liM d in the fleah, waa no put of that fiiilh. , Such deiiiers of the humanity or Chnsl taiighl that he was only !„e!ii cuBiuctc. p«.-»oi.;fii-i: aided the whole gospel story as a M.hlime allegory. "In this class,— III,, very llrsl in point of time and ilwivs (irst in number—waa found il„. m.i-l iutilligeiit of professing (|„iMi;ui^. In iiMiM.riiua .lass was found tliiise who denied the divinity of Christ and de- clared him only humin.'' (Taylor's Syntagma). The Nieene Cowcil (A. 1). :i-2.->) joined the two beHefs and .rjiv.' to tiie world our modern ortho- "luv ereed. Ill,, lirsi three New Testament l,..oks--Maltluw. Mark and Luke-- are called Synoplie (i.*|>els, and are very much alike. In niany iluipteis 8 such a close verbal I'gree- xts ot Matthew and I puea for one and the Mcv. Mosea Hull says (Bibli- e',.! Kueyclopedia. page 278): ''There , !'. „„h 24 veraea in M«k that can „.,. be found in mneh tU langmige iu one of thet. other gos- ''"'lli 'view of this undiaputed fact the most eminent eritica of the past ..enturv have been agreed in the ' that one of two auppositions viz: Either these three .M,siK-l writers copied from each other r.r that they each copied from some previoualy written narrative. the notion of independence, in the co.u- liosition of these three gospels, is longer tenable. No scholarly would admit that these i-re copies of each other, second supposition must Iv trne. .\iluiittinir this w d.. th.' most learned the there i_ ment that the Mark might 1 Christ ea.ler will narrative Kvangeli>. ...J this previn from which s drew their Fre nent ecclesiastical writ, is will testi- fy. It is eoiu-e.led by all modern theologians that ihe has.' ..t all out information regarding the oiigiii of the gospels, is found in the writings ,.| i>ri<-in (:ird century), and Kiise- l,i„s I'aniphilus (4th century), sui- oleii.ented bv wrililigs of the .\l>os- s and of the Clirislian ,l„)in these two above >ne(i prolilie writers largely .,uore. Moreover, it should never be forgotten that for 1600 yean no ec- .-leaiaalical historian hM |»«tended to have anv other information than is found in 'the writings of the above mentioned anlliors intinilely the ablest Christianity has ev, r produced. Therefore, without exception, all be- gin whM« luartius Imvm off. tolic Fathei apologists, mentioned (|Uote. '•WilliiMit Eusebiiis," says the earned Tillemoot, wr ^hollld scarec lave any kiio«j|edge of the history >f the firat Mg^ot Christianity, or of he aiithora wha^rote in that time. Ml of the Orfck authors of the onrtli century .cid since have begun vhere Kiu^nof ended." Our firat witftess shall be Bishop Heliio, of Swdis, Lydia, supposed .y many to b*. "the angel of the liiireli of Sardis,". mentioned in the ^(xik of Revelation. In his ever neinorable letter of apology, deliv- led A. D. 170^«o the Emperor Mar- ens AntJininaa^-he says: "For this philos<r]>liy, or. rehgion, which we h. truly flourished aforetime ng the bifrbaroiis nations; but ng bloaaomed again, or been transplanted in the leij-n of thy great ineestor Augyt&l." And he claims ilie KmperoirT patronage, "'on ac- onnt of iU'great aniiquity—as hav- ing been ilMprted from country ly- ing ||<eyoiid the limits of the Koman Empire in .the reign of Augustus, who bad found its importation omin- of good fortune t<. his govern- In 14i A..|)»., Juatin Martyr, in his letter of mpmMft addressed to "Em- peror AntoMb Pina, moat noble Caesar and t^ philosopher," says: If thi ll, we hold some of the opin- nis ne:ir of iiin to ilie poels and philosophers iu greatest rtpute among you, why ai* we thus unjust ly hat- ed t Whenw^MlAall things were made in thia .b|»i^l order by God, what do iy mm than Flatot liv opp<.sing 'the wtrsbip of the ..1 men's haiul^ we only con- ^W"*^'".""' W .''"' declaring the Logos lie lirst tK^otten or Chid, we C«y no more than what you say of the sons of Jove." Ana ihese compariaous are contimied tor sev- eral pages, to demonstrate that the Christian philosophy, or religion, »va» mw ONLY IN NAME, and that it was identical with the true teachings of the Pagan religion. The beginning of the ihud eeut- nry introduced Oiigeu (b.'iu 1 deceaaed -254). the most learned and distinguished personage iu the en- liie drama of ChrUtian evidence. 0,i>'en was born and brought up in was educated in the Uni- vi'isiiv ot Al.x.wuhia, under the 11. t^ruclioa ol lln learned and justly eelebratid .Vmmonius Sacchus, from who«i teachings Origen foinu.lated his own views of morals and religion, ua set forth in his apology ui uis to Celsus. vi/: ••Christianity ud I'agaii.s.n, when rightly u.ider- ,;,od, dill.-r in no ess, utial points, but have a eommoii origin and were and the same thing. -N»tl""S but the schismatical inekery ot ta^ uatical adventurers has mlroaueea distinction, where iu reaUty there wa.s i.o difference." In reply t" ** that the Christian religion had lu, ,.e foundation upon which to b.i^t truth than had any -t H'^- ' ''S!'"' belli fs. Origen rel.Ues, nol hy -^^^ tempting to offer any proot, but by saving: "1 ** J plainly the «itr«it.«« the eom- moil peopi* "»P ^ (tVe clergy) who are so well ad- viM'.l of these things, do teaeh men I,, believe without examnuiinni ,,, ,i,e foundalioii of the faith. t)ur next witness is the most im- portant, the most positive iu state- „,ent that we have yet introduced, liid one who, himself, presents un- 'deniable testimony eoueerning the imniiiv as to the origin of our gt's- ,„.ls It is Kusebius I'amphiUis C'liO- Bishop of Caesaiea. and the dislini;uished of all eeelesiasli ,.„1 historians. Let all the other witn^sw'S hide their diminished beds. Ill second volume, chapter 17. of Ku- sebius' Ecclesiastical Hiitory may be found this passage: "The ancient Theviineiits were Christians, and pels! In V(d. 'iud, chap. 16.' he proves the assertion true by testi mony which cannot be invalidated, via: By quoting many pages from the writings of Philo .Tndaeus. who wrote a treatise on the beliefs, habits and cartoms of the Tlierapeuts in Alexandria. Et-ypt. showing that they had sMpid writings called "Gospels of th« ipptUns," and well wUb- hureb orfMlntion. wHh aol- nr branch ehnmhni in Rome, •lis, rVirinlli, I'hilippi. 1,\ I'a This writer also slates (as quoted by Kusebius) that th^ also 1 nsteries monks and nuna^ priests and elders, ete. In fact, they had nil old and well established ehnreli orgnnizal ion in nil ils pleni- I'hilo .ludaeus, or "I'hilo the •lew." us erery student of history knnws. was contemporary with the irreal Augustus Caeaar ,the flrst Ro- ma n Kmperor. He was about 20 years of age at the time .lesus (,'hrist is rejiiited to have been born. .More- over, the immortal Gibbon, in his "iJecliiie and Fall of the Roman Em- pire," says: "It has been proven that Philo 's treatise on the Thera- peuts was written during the reign of Augustue." And as Um great Auguatna deeeaaed A. D. 14> these churches to whom St. Paul wrote his Kpislles, and this ohl and well-found- ed riiiuch of which I'hil.. wrote and so minutely de- scribed a.s having a University at Alexandria, and bishops, priests, elders and deacon*, all must have b3«n fully established when Chriat was not more than ten or twelve years of age ul most. And all baa«d and founded on the saered writing! of tlie Therapeuts. called "The Gos- pel of the Egyptians." All this from the great Eusebins, based on the testimony of Fhilo Judaeus. Higher or better nuthority no man ean quote. Yet strange a* it aiqr aaem, Philo in his traatiae haa never onee mentioned the name of Jesoa Christ, nor has he intimated that he had ever heard of such a man. The above statements are all ad' mitted by Mosheim (1694-1755). the \eiy foremost of modem ecclesiasti- cal historians. He says: "The Ther- apeulim Church and University of Vlexandria were ffourishing when Christ was on earth and long before thai, date." aaab boak is aapyawd to bare bet written! A. I Matthew < Isl and and theasalonians Ist and 2nd Corinthians. ..56 and I Ut and 2|^tfanothy 60 and ( Ephertaiiii < Philemon ( Hebrews . . t 1st and 2nd Peter ... t 1st St. John 6 The Uevelationa 95 or f Mark . John Oalatians . Titus . liomans - 58 Collosiians 62 I'hilippians 62 St. .lames 62 St. .lude 04 or 05 •Jiid and :ird St. .lohn 8!t or 90 The Acts 63 or 04 Luke 63 or 64 From this table of dates, when com- pare<l with Gibbnii's statement that •hil-.'s tieMtis,. u;,, written during the lif. The eminent English Dr. Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768), in his "Credibility of khi 8;^- iires, i|uote» 'largely' from Eusrfnts, ;ind (..riinientiiig on same, says: "It IS peeiiluir llnu Knselnus. at so early a dale, call the Kgyptiaii 'fher- apeuts Christians," though they taught the same doctrine. To show how the modern lesser lights of Ihe Christian Church have viewed this most important ques- li,„i, we snhmil the fcdhiwing: In 1444 Caxtoii published the hist book ever printed in England. In 147-4. in a convocation of the clergy, the Bisb.p of Ltmdon said: "If we do not destroy this dangerous invention, it will one day destroy us." Compere this with Pope Leo X.'s avowal in the College of Cardinals, 1515: "It is well known how piotltable this fa- hie of Christ has been to us." See also the frank statement of Rev. \Vm. I'alev, D. Arehdeacm of Carlisle, 1782: "We can;iot afford to have a conscience in ehurcl) affairs. We must support the gospel because the gospel supported us." Vol. 1, chap. 2. Gibbim's "Decline ami Fall of Home." says: ••All re- lii;ioiis ill ih.' Roman world were believed as equally true by the peoide, as equally false by the pbil- s, phers. and as equally uaeful and protiiable by the priests and magis- llaviui; pr.seiileil abiiiidailt testi- nionv to" prove that the original of our gospels was "The Gosi>el of the Egyptians," we must now, in order > fully demonstrate the pr•>^>- e.xomine critically some of saires of our New 'IVstament and epistles; as to the time nil en. to whom addressetl, what scripture these passages Ecclesiastical writers mostly agree that no one leally knows the author of any one of our eanonieal gi«pel8, nor when they were written. Bishop raustus, A. D. 384. says: It is an undoubted faet that the :ew Testament gospels were not .,, by any of the Aix.sll k 04 68 52 s thai it - thi ha e he. 1 fifty while iinknov Rev. Moses Hull's Biblical Kncy- •lopedia, and Ur. Chadwick's Bible of Today, both present arguments showing that neither Matthew, 'ilark Luke nor John were written prilor to ,1„. last half of tba and e—tury. (See als.. the New Internalioa^ En- cvclopedia.) * However, wishing to be absolutely fair in our statements, we waive the above arguments, and api>end the table of dates as eotnpiletl by Dr. Niithanii'l Lardner in his famous treatise on the Credibility of the Scriptures, thus showing from the higkMt aefllaaiaatieal authority when eanonieal gosinds. We quote again from chapter Ki. Book II. of Eu»;bius Kcclesiasiieal History, concerning the Therapeiu.s whose "Oospel of the Egyptians was our gospels." Also, observe a few of our New Testament pas.«ages as eom- parid with the Tlieia|>entie doctrine, viz: "So at the same iiiiie tliey de- clare their renunciation of all their property and divest themselves of all re««nnaa of their estates. Having laid aside all anxieties of life, their prop- erty waj< sold and divided among all, M> that there was not one among them that had want." Compare this with Acts 4th, 34th: Neither was there any amcni: them that laced; for as many as wen- p..s- sessors of houses or lands, s.dd iiem. and brought the price of the things that were sold, and distribution waa was made unto every man aoeording to his need." Again. Kusebius says: "Aa he (Pni- lo) has written in so many words: >NaKiT would they eat any thing that had blood in it, that Water only was their drink.'" See Aeta 15th. •>yth- "That >-e abstain fBom meats and ' from blood and from things strangled. Fhilo says: "For thia race are found in all parts of the ikI the best men betake them- eolonus of the Thera- I, each of ^vhieh they have sa- ;..ededilices and nioiuisleries, in which the monks perform the mysteries ot the BubUme Ufe. For those who pre- gide over their scriptures philosophize upon them, expounding their literal sense by aUegory. Th^y have a so he writings of the flrst leaders of their sect, and records of the meanings con- eved by those allegories." Compare this with the universally preached gospel as set forth ui (- o 1- lossians 1st. 2:id: "The gospel which have beard, and which was preach- to every creature which is under aven. v liereof 1. I'aul. am made a nister." (or deacon, the very low- order among Therapeutie olheials) •iml with Oalatians 4th, :24ih. ••wlueh ,l,i„j.^are an allegory." Again, He Philo) describes the orders ot pret- ermeut among tho» who aspire to ec- clesiastical minUtrations. The ofllee „f deacon, the humblest rank, and the supreme authority of the bi^hoi>s." „„parr tins will. M 'fin...thy d, 13th: --Kor they thai have u>ed the „llice of deacon well, .l""''''"'';^' themselves a good degree. Als.i i iiii- .pians Ist. Ist : "Paul and Timotbe- s, the servants of .Tesus Christ, to all he saints with the bislioivs and dea- ,,„,;.•• Als.. Hebrews Ltth, Tth: liemeiiiber them that have rule over >>,u. who have spoken into you the word of Ood." Alsi>. IL brews Llth. 17th: "Obey them that have the rnlo over you jnd submit yourselves; lor they wateli for your souls, as one that must give an account." (Conlinned Next Week.'* BOONE CO FAIR Florence (Erlauger), Ky. Round trip tidiets via the Queen & Crescent Route, will be aold Sept. I. '2, and 3, gond ret iming until Sept. 4. I'.Ml*. Ilonii.l trip rate from Lexington to Erlanger. Ky., for this ..eeasioii is |2.I0, Many n heart-reaching sermon |ire;iclipd on Sunday in fashionable chnrehes has been manufaetured on Sat unlay evening in some up- jKM- attie, under the influence of a pot of ale, the remains of a ham bone and f dwrt blaek «elay." JESUS_MdST OFTKniiaSPELS ll Iiliiwijy^li iMIi TviUvi (By Ernest Pack.) Whether Jesus Christ of the i-'our (Josjjels ever existed is the question ive iiropose briclly to examine, and .pace being limited we have none to .viiste by way of preamble. We Msck Ke shall not be considered abrupt because we are direct. We even ex- {>ect a little credit for our coiisidera- Fiist, then, by Jesus Christ of the jur Gospels, We mean not some fa- ilical man-Christ or crafty iiiipos- r who may have claimed for him- If divine honors, hut the said-to-be imaculatt-ly born ijon of the Virgin .Mary, and miracle-working God-man Lhis, and no other. It is necessary be very particular upon this point, there have been niaiiy .Savimirs, a.le altle.ugh all, Christians would have ns believe ut their .iesiis only is genuine and the others are spurious. Well, in our stard-and-eresM days we were wont hold the s.ame opinion, and it will our duty to u'ive a few reasons why We found (I ) we had b en bam- boozled into believing by faith, in- tead of by facts. (2) That contem- porary history had nothing to say >iit this mythical personage. (3) hii-lians had done their best to Illy liiK misfortune liy forging i!ir-~iii- t.-stiiiiuiiy. i4j That Lleiice was forthcoming that any such persons as the twelve Apostles ever lived. (5) That no trace of our four Gospels could be found prior to about 150 A. D., and (6) we thought that had the miracles ever taken place during the active life of Jesua t,,l UP 33 A. D.) !lie.\. v.^xtlZ have ix- isted ample records of them in the hislorieal uei'oiints of that period, and we look cl nj^.n this sidenin si- lence on the part of every c-mtem- porary writer, as conelusive testi- mony in confutation of the Christian legend. r, tle<-te,| al.s,. that one little ,f ,v:d.Mice traeeahle t.. the i,f of the tirst eeiitury wouM been of greater value than whole granaries of assertions made the latter half of the second cen- y. Tlun there was presented to the faet leeonle.l by Gibbon, that K..ine. Christ ianily was rejected s an idle and e.\t ra wiirant opin- n (if a liberal ediica- *taii<ling. ' (Decline and Fall. chap, xv.) We observed likewise that ••Ixdh j>arties" (Chi tian anil pagan K "seemed to knowledge the truth of those mirat which were claimed by their adv saries; and while they were c tented to ascribing them to the a .it" magic anil to the powers of dem- ons, they mutually eoncuiTed in storing and establishing the reign of superstition." (Ibid, chap, xvi.) .\nd the same great aeholar sagely n marks in a footnote that ,"It is sei sly to be lamented that the Christ i-"alher-. 1)> aeknou le.lging th .11 by to the time that Christ is said to have lived, as a study of compara- •ive religions amply proven, and re. Ii._'i.,n- jHirallels everywhere abound, lien-, lor instance, is a list of cru«i« fled Saviours who were all good enough to die for us beCors Jeaoa thought of doing ao: Chrishna of India, 1900 B. C. Sakia, of Ilinduston, 600 B. C. Thainmu/.. of Syria, 1100 B. C. Witt.dia the Telingoneae, 522 B.C. hio, ot Nepaul, 622 B. C. Hesiis, of Great Britain, 834 B. C. (^iiexalcote of Mexico, 687 B. C. (^iiirinus of Rome, 506 B. C. I'r..n:ethen« of Greece, 547 B. C. ririlis ,.f Egypt, 1700 B. C. India, ot Thibet, 726 B. C. Alcestis of Greece, 600 B. C. -Vtys, of I'hrygia, 1170 B. C. Crite, of Chaldea, 12(10 B. C. Bail of Orissa, 7'J.') B. C. Mithra of Persia, 600 B. C. Salvahna, of Bermuda; Osiris, of ..apt, Horns of Egypt; Odin of Siniiulinavia, Zoroaster of Persia; Baal, of Phoenicia; Bali fit Atifiua-; Xamolxis, of Thraee; Zoar of e Uoiizes; Adad of Assyria; Deva ll ,,f Siam; Alnides, of Thebes; iU;„l 111.- >inl..os; lieddin of Ja- in; Thnr, ol the (iauls; Cadmus of recce; Hil and Feta, of th- Mand.i- B»; Gentaut, of Mexieo, etc., etc. We should think that after know- ing of all these human sacrifioee, •hristians will feel more importan: han ver. They may tind the various listories ><\' these obliging gentle- iiiii in a work by one Kersey Graves, .'iititled ••Sixteen (jiieili.d Saviors." Also they may eon>iili •' The llindj Pantheon, Mexican Aiituputies," Iliggins' " Anacalepsis, and the Pro- siress of Religious Ideas," all strong- y recjimmended by the elergy. " The present following of the prin- •ipal among these Saviours ia: For hrislma, 4110.000,01X1 (for Chriat, iiMi 1100,0001 for Mahomet 160,000,r Mio; for Confucius 120,000,000; and for .Mithra 30,000,000, So that there still remains much miasionary work to be done. History repeats itself especially religiiuis history. Take, for example, the accounts of Chrishna and Chnat, ll furnishes a triking' illnatTB- It is .said of Chrishna that his l.iith was foretold; that he was an ariiate irod; that his mother was irgiii; ' that he had an adopted her who waa a carpenter; that r." was rejoicing on earth and in IV n .m his birth; that his moth- s name was .Maia; that he was .,1 oil Dee.; was visiteil by ,e men and shepherds who were led by a star; waa warned by an »ngel of danger, that all children were ordered to be deetroped in order to include him; that his parenta lied to Mathnra; that he had a fore-runner; lliat be was wise in his childhood; as 1..SI and srarehed for by hia par- lits; had other brothers retired to i.litude; tasted; preached a note- wortliv sermon; was entitled Savior iiid Re<keiner; existed prior to his nrih; and on earth and in heaven at he same time; was both human and livine; worked miracles; read hoii'Mits; ejected devils; had apoa- les:" re formed the existing religion; de tin infernal pari of Paganism, destroy with their own hands the great id- vantage which we might othenvise ilerive from the liberal eonotssions of ,nir adversaries." (Ibid.). Iher, we noted in the pages of this noted writer that those among the luimans ••who condescended to lion the Clirisiiaiis. consideretl them only as ohsiiiiale and perverse Ihiisiasts who exacted an implicit submission to their mysterious doc- trines without being able to {Hroduee a single argument that eould engage the attention of men of sense and lap. nd ..Ih.-r^, ami iln y hurst upon us like a revelalnm, while the belief of youth was shaken mightily, yea, < to its very foundationsand after that .the earthquake' Down fell the whole ediflce of our faith, and there we stood l<H>king on with mixed feel- ings of annoyance disappointment and regret, for we received in oi ymitli a very pious training and we ill prepared for such disquieting di coveries. But the facts were too strong, and forced upon us the con- clusion that we have been groaaly de- ceived. There ean be no doubt that all Chriatian tinwhing has been an- ticipated by othar maatan kmg prior •JiMt B. With r -ed inceil riches; was meek; im ed and chaste; merciful; asso- with sinners and was rebuked i; befriended a widow; met a !i at a well; submitted to In- aiul injuries; wa.s a philanthro- i.iwe.'u tw.. Ih'il'ves; darkness vened: he descended to hell; esurrected, and after three days Iteople! .\nd all this. 11 bv to propheccy, we have ,..,uo.u .. earth foretold of oth- s hesi.h s Chrishna and Christ, an, ,r rxample, Chang-Ti, Osiris, Cad- ,us, Ijnirinns, Quexalcole, and Ma- L.m'et, and Messianic propheeics are ..) be found in the •' Vedas," the Chi- nese sacred books, and in those of Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mexico, Arab- ia and Persia. There are atoo many other "odious" comparisons. Osiris spoken of as having bruised the rpent's head after il had bitten his ,1; Hercules is represented with his iicel on a serpent's head, Chrishna is pictured and aeulptuied in the same and Persia haa the same old d. Miraculous conceptions are ded of Plato (who was said to Mars 1 Vulci f liuddha; of Mahanu a; of Yiisuva; ami f (^1. Chrish- lally, ot Of virgin mothers, we have Yaeo- da. the mothtT of Chrishna; Maia, of Sakla; Celestiiie of Zulis; Chimaloon of (jiiexalcote; Scmele of Bacchus; (C< "

Transcript of BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — —...

Page 1: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


(Copyriflit 1910 by H. 8| HiUa.)

At BaUvia, i\. V., April 17, liJOU.

Kev. Algernon S. Crupsey lor 26

years rector of St. Andrew 's Episco-

pal church at Korliesti-r. N. V., wus

tried for hertsy Ihthhsu he (ieiiie.l

the divinity of Clirisl. Vet, Saint

AugiMtine, Bishop of Hippo Kegms,

athtM (ttamona 37. ctwp. 12), that

"Vttm tb» flnt mruM beliavad Christ

to be (lod and not man. Others be-

lieved liini to bo only a man and de-

iiicMl Ins divmily.""

The loi-.ii.T llii^ >.p""..,i of the

Manicliees to which belief St. Aiig-

UBtiue himielf adhered. Coteleriiis

in anawer to Ignatius' Kpistle to

the Iranians, assures us that "the

,l,.(triiie that Christ's body was a

|, oulv, and that no such per-

,),Mis Christ ever had any

foiporeal existence, was held in the

lime of the Apostles themselves."

And from the Apostolic age down

through all the centuries, ha* the

exisle.ue of Christ as a man been

denied; not by Miemiea or unbeliev-

ers, but by the moat learned, the

must sincere and the moat moral of

those who profese the Chriatian

name. In John's EiMStlea (l»t, 4th,

3ra; also 2nd, lat, 7th) admitted by

nuujy modern authors to have been

written many yeara before any ot

our canonical gom)els. mention is

mads of persona professing the

Christian faith, who taught that a

l„ lief that auch a man aa Chnat ever

liM d in the fleah, waa no put of that

fiiilh. ,

Such deiiiers of the humanity or

Chnsl taiighl that he was only

!„e!ii cuBiuctc. p«.-»oi.;fii-i:—


aided the whole gospel story as a

M.hlime allegory. "In this class,—

III,, very llrsl in point of time and

ilwivs (irst in number—waa found

il„. m.i-l iutilligeiit of professing

(|„iMi;ui^. In

iiMiM.riiua .lass was found tliiise who

denied the divinity of Christ and de-

clared him only humin.'' (Taylor's

Syntagma). The Nieene Cowcil (A.

1). :i-2.->) joined the two beHefs and

.rjiv.' to tiie world our modern ortho-

"luv ereed.

Ill,, lirsi three New Testament

l,..oks--Maltluw. Mark and Luke--

are called Synoplie (i.*|>els, and are

very much alike. In niany iluipteis

8 such a close verbal I'gree-

xts ot Matthew and

I puea for one and the Mcv. Mosea Hull says (Bibli-

e',.! Kueyclopedia. page 278): ''There

,!'. „„h 24 veraea in M«k that can

„.,. be found in mneh tUlangmige iu one of thet. other gos-

''"'lli 'view of this undiaputed fact

the most eminent eritica of the past

..enturv have been agreed in the


that one of two auppositions

. viz: Either these three

.M,siK-l writers copied from each other

r.r that they each copied from some

previoualy written narrative. the

notion of independence, in the co.u-

liosition of these three gospels, is

longer tenable. No scholarly

would admit that these

i-re copies of each other,

second supposition must

• Iv trne. .\iluiittinir this

w d.. th.' most learned


there i_

ment that the (

Mark might 1

Christ i

ea.ler will



...J this previn

from which

s drew their


nent ecclesiastical writ, is will testi-

fy. It is eoiu-e.led by all modern

theologians that ihe has.' ..t all out

information regarding the oiigiii of

the gospels, is found in the writings

,.| i>ri<-in (:ird century), and Kiise-

l,i„s I'aniphilus (4th century), sui-

oleii.ented bv wrililigs of the .\l>os-

s and of the Clirislian

,l„)in these two above

>ne(i prolilie writers largely

.,uore. Moreover, it should never be

forgotten that for 1600 yean no ec-

.-leaiaalical historian hM |»«tended

to have anv other information than

is found in 'the writings of the above

mentioned anlliors intinilely the

ablest Christianity has ev, r produced.

Therefore, without exception, all be-

gin whM« luartius Imvm off.

tolic Fathei




'•WilliiMit Eusebiiis," says the

earned Tillemoot, ' wr ^hollld scarec

lave any kiio«j|edge of the history

>f the firat Mg^ot Christianity, or of

he aiithora wha^rote in that time.

Ml of the Orfck authors of the

onrtli century .cid since have begun

vhere Kiu^nof ended."

Our firat witftess shall be Bishop

Heliio, of Swdis, Lydia, supposed

.y many to b*. "the angel of the

liiireli of Sardis,". mentioned in the

^(xik of Revelation. In his ever

neinorable letter of apology, deliv-

led A. D. 170^«o the Emperor Mar-

ens AntJininaa^-he says: "For this

philos<r]>liy, or. rehgion, which we

h. truly flourished aforetime

ng the bifrbaroiis nations; but

ng bloaaomed again, or been

transplanted in the leij-n of thy great

ineestor Augyt&l." And he claims

ilie KmperoirT patronage, "'on ac-

onnt of iU'great aniiquity—as hav-

ing been ilMprted from country ly-

ing ||<eyoiid the limits of the KomanEmpire in .the reign of Augustus,

who bad found its importation omin-

of good fortune t<. his govern-

In 14i A..|)»., Juatin Martyr, in his

letter of mpmMft addressed to "Em-peror AntoMb Pina, moat noble

Caesar and t^ philosopher," says:

If thi ll, we hold some of the opin-

nis ne:ir of iiin to ilie poels and

philosophers iu greatest rtpute among

you, why ai* we thus unjust ly hat-

ed t Whenw^MlAall things were

made in thia .b|»i^l order by God,

what do w« iy mm than Flatot

liv opp<.sing 'the wtrsbip of the ..1 men's haiul^ we only con-

'' ^W"*^'".""' W .''"' declaring

the Logos I lie lirst tK^otten or Chid,

we C«y no more than what you say

of the sons of Jove." Ana ihese

compariaous are contimied tor sev-

eral pages, to demonstrate that the

Christian philosophy, or religion,

»va» mw ONLY IN NAME, and

that it was identical with the true

teachings of the Pagan religion.

The beginning of the ihud eeut-

nry introduced Oiigeu (b.'iu 1

deceaaed -254). the most learned and

distinguished personage iu the en-

liie drama of ChrUtian evidence.

0,i>'en was born and brought up in

, was educated in the Uni-

vi'isiiv ot Al.x.wuhia, under the

11. t^ruclioa ol lln learned and justly

eelebratid .Vmmonius Sacchus, from

who«i teachings Origen foinu.lated

his own views of morals and religion,

ua set forth in his apology ui uis to Celsus. vi/: ••Christianity

ud I'agaii.s.n, when rightly u.ider-

,;,od, dill.-r in no ess, utial points,

but have a eommoii origin and were

and the same thing. -N»tl""S

but the schismatical inekery ot ta^

uatical adventurers has mlroaueea

distinction, where iu reaUty there wa.s

i.o difference."i ,


In reply t" **

that the Christian religion had lu,

,.e foundation upon which to b.i^t

truth than had any -t H'^- ' ''S!'"'

belli fs. Origen rel.Ues, nol hy-^^^

tempting to offer any proot, but by

saving: "1 **

J plainly the «itr«it.«« the eom-

moil peopi* d° "»P ^

(tVe clergy) who are so well ad-

viM'.l of these things, do teaeh men

I,, believe without examnuiinni

,,, ,i,e foundalioii of the faith.

t)ur next witness is the most im-

portant, the most positive iu state-

„,ent that we have yet introduced,

liid one who, himself, presents un-

'deniable testimony eoueerning the

imniiiv as to the origin of our gt's-

,„.ls It is Kusebius I'amphiUis C'liO-

Bishop of Caesaiea. and the dislini;uished of all eeelesiasli

,.„1 historians. Let all the other

witn^sw'S hide their diminished beds.

Ill second volume, chapter 17. of Ku-

sebius' Ecclesiastical Hiitory may be

found this passage: "The ancient

Theviineiits were Christians, and

pels!" In V(d. 'iud, chap. 16.' he

proves the assertion true by testi

mony which cannot be invalidated,

via: By quoting many pages from

the writings of Philo .Tndaeus. who

wrote a treatise on the beliefs, habits

and cartoms of the Tlierapeuts in

Alexandria. Et-ypt. showing that they

had sMpid writings called "Gospels

of th« ipptUns," and • well wUb-

hureb orfMlntion. wHh aol-

nr branch ehnmhni in Rome,•lis, rVirinlli, I'hilippi.

I 1,\ I'a

This writer also slates (as quotedby Kusebius) that th^ also 1

nsteries monks and nuna^priests and elders, ete. In fact, theyhad nil old and well established

ehnreli orgnnizal ion in nil ils pleni-

I'hilo .ludaeus, or "I'hilo the•lew." us erery student of historyknnws. was contemporary with theirreal Augustus Caeaar ,the flrst Ro-ma n Kmperor. He was about 20years of age at the time .lesus (,'hrist

is rejiiited to have been born. .More-

over, the immortal Gibbon, in his

"iJecliiie and Fall of the Roman Em-pire," says: "It has been proven

that Philo 's treatise on the Thera-

peuts was written during the reign

of Augustue." And as Um great

Auguatna deeeaaed A. D. 14> these

churches to whom St. Paul wrote his

Kpislles, and this ohl and well-found-

ed riiiuch of which

I'hil.. wrote and so minutely de-

scribed a.s having a University at

Alexandria, and bishops, priests,

elders and deacon*, all must have

b3«n fully established when Chriat

was not more than ten or twelve

years of age ul most. And all baa«d

and founded on the saered writing!

of tlie Therapeuts. called "The Gos-

pel of the Egyptians." All this from

the great Eusebins, based on the

testimony of Fhilo Judaeus. Higher

or better nuthority no man ean

quote. Yet strange a* it aiqr aaem,

Philo in his traatiae haa never onee

mentioned the name of Jesoa Christ,

nor has he intimated that he had ever

heard of such a man.

The above statements are all ad'

mitted by Mosheim (1694-1755). the

\eiy foremost of modem ecclesiasti-

cal historians. He says: "The Ther-

apeulim Church and University of

Vlexandria were ffourishing when

Christ was on earth and long before

thai, date."

aaab boak is aapyawd to bare bet


A. I

Matthew <

Isl and and theasalonians

Ist and 2nd Corinthians. ..56 and I

Ut and 2|^tfanothy 60 and (

Ephertaiiii „ <

Philemon (

Hebrews . . t

1st and 2nd Peter ... t

1st St. John 6

The Uevelationa 95 or f

Mark .

JohnOalatians .

Titus .

liomans - 58

Collosiians 62

I'hilippians 62

St. .lames 62

St. .lude 04 or 05

•Jiid and :ird St. .lohn 8!t or 90

The Acts 63 or 04

Luke 63 or 64

From this table of dates, when com-

pare<l with Gibbnii's statement that

•hil-.'s tieMtis,. u;,, written during

the lif.

The eminent English

Dr. Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768),

in his "Credibility of khi 8;^-iires,


' i|uote» 'largely' from Eusrfnts,

;ind (..riinientiiig on same, says: "It

IS peeiiluir llnu Knselnus. at so early

a dale, call the Kgyptiaii 'fher-

apeuts Christians," though they

taught the same doctrine.

To show how the modern lesser

lights of Ihe Christian Church have

viewed this most important ques-

li,„i, we snhmil the fcdhiwing: In

1444 Caxtoii published the hist book

ever printed in England. In 147-4. in

a convocation of the clergy, the

Bisb.p of Ltmdon said: "If we do

not destroy this dangerous invention,

it will one day destroy us." Compere

this with Pope Leo X.'s avowal in

the College of Cardinals, 1515: "It

is well known how piotltable this fa-

hie of Christ has been to us." See

also the frank statement of Rev.

\Vm. I'alev, D. Arehdeacm of

Carlisle, 1782: "We can;iot afford to

have a conscience in ehurcl) affairs.

We must support the gospel because

the gospel supported us."

Vol. 1, chap. 2. Gibbim's "Decline

ami Fall of Home." says: ••All re-

lii;ioiis ill ih.' Roman world were

believed as equally true by the

peoide, as equally false by the pbil-

. s, phers. and as equally uaeful and

protiiable by the priests and magis-

llaviui; pr.seiileil abiiiidailt testi-

nionv to" prove that the original of

our gospels was "The Gosi>el of the

Egyptians," we must now, in order

> fully demonstrate the pr•>^>-

e.xomine critically some of

saires of our New 'IVstament

and epistles; as to the time

^ nil en. to whom addressetl,

what scripture these passages

Ecclesiastical writers mostly

agree that no one leally knows the

author of any one of our eanonieal

gi«pel8, nor when they were written.

Bishop raustus, A. D. 384. says:

It is an undoubted faet that the

:ew Testament gospels were not

.,, by any of the Aix.sll

k 04



s thai it r

- thi

ha e he.

1 fifty,

while :


Rev. Moses Hull's Biblical Kncy-

•lopedia, and Ur. Chadwick's Bible

of Today, both present arguments

showing that neither Matthew, 'ilark

Luke nor John were written prilor to

,1„. last half of tba and e—tury.

(See als.. the New Internalioa^ En-


However, wishing to be absolutely

fair in our statements, we waive the

above arguments, and api>end the

table of dates as eotnpiletl by Dr.

Niithanii'l Lardner in his famous

treatise on the Credibility of the

Scriptures, thus showing from the

higkMt aefllaaiaatieal authority when

eanonieal gosinds.

We quote again from chapter Ki.

Book II. of Eu»;bius Kcclesiasiieal

History, concerning the Therapeiu.s

whose "Oospel of the Egyptians was

our gospels." Also, observe a few of

our New Testament pas.«ages as eom-

parid with the Tlieia|>entie doctrine,

viz: "So at the same iiiiie tliey de-

clare their renunciation of all their

property and divest themselves of all

re««nnaa of their estates. Having laid

aside all anxieties of life, their prop-

erty waj< sold and divided among all,

M> that there was not one among them

that had want."

Compare this with Acts 4th, 34th:

Neither was there any amcni: them

that laced; for as many as wen- p..s-

sessors of houses or lands, s.dd t iiem.

and brought the price of the things

that were sold, and distribution waa

was made unto every man aoeording

to his need."

Again. Kusebius says: " Aa he (Pni-

lo) has written in so many words:

>NaKiT would they eat any thing

that had blood in it, that Water only

was their drink.'" See Aeta 15th.

•>yth- "That >-e abstain fBom meats


from blood and from things


Fhilo says: "For thia race

are found in all parts of the

ikI the best men betake them-

, eolonus of the Thera-

I, each of ^vhieh they have sa-

;..ededilices and nioiuisleries, in which

the monks perform the mysteries ot

the BubUme Ufe. For those who pre-

gide over their scriptures philosophize

upon them, expounding their literal

sense by aUegory. Th^y have a so he

writings of the flrst leaders of their

sect, and records of the meanings con-

eved by those allegories."

Compare this with the universally

preached gospel as set forth ui (- o1-

lossians 1st. 2:id: "The gospel which

have beard, and which was preach-

to every creature which is under

aven. v liereof 1. I'aul. am made a

nister." (or deacon, the very low-

Iorder among Therapeutie olheials)

•iml with Oalatians 4th, :24ih. ••wlueh

,l,i„j.^are an allegory." Again, • He

I Philo) describes the orders ot pret-

ermeut among tho» who aspire to ec-

clesiastical minUtrations. The ofllee

„f deacon, the humblest rank, and the

supreme authority of the bi^hoi>s."

„„parr tins will. M 'fin...thy d,

13th: --Kor they thai have u>ed the

„llice of deacon well, .l""''''"'';^'

themselves a good degree. Als.i i iiii-

.pians Ist. Ist : "Paul and Timotbe-

s, the servants of .Tesus Christ, to all

he saints with the bislioivs and dea-

,,„,;.•• Als.. Hebrews Ltth, Tth:

liemeiiiber them that have rule over

>>,u. who have spoken into you the

word of Ood." Alsi>. IL brews Llth.

17th: "Obey them that have the rnlo

over you jnd submit yourselves; lor

they wateli for your souls, as one that

must give an account."

(Conlinned Next Week.'*


Florence (Erlauger), Ky.

Round trip tidiets via the Queen

& Crescent Route, will be aold Sept.

I. '2, and 3, gond ret iming until

Sept. 4. I'.Ml*. Ilonii.l trip rate from

Lexington to Erlanger. Ky., for this

..eeasioii is |2.I0,

Many n heart-reaching sermon

|ire;iclipd on Sunday in fashionable

chnrehes has been manufaetured on

Sat unlay evening in some up-

jKM- attie, under the influence of a pot

of ale, the remains of a ham bone

and f dwrt blaek «elay."



ll Iiliiwijy^li iMIi TviUvi

(By Ernest Pack.)

Whether Jesus Christ of the i-'our

(Josjjels ever existed is the question

ive iiropose briclly to examine, and

.pace being limited we have none to

.viiste by way of preamble. We Msck

Ke shall not be considered abrupt

because we are direct. We even ex-

{>ect a little credit for our coiisidera-

Fiist, then, by Jesus Christ of the

jur Gospels, We mean not some fa-

ilical man-Christ or crafty iiiipos-

r who may have claimed for him-

If divine honors, hut the said-to-be

imaculatt-ly born ijon of the Virgin

.Mary, and miracle-working God-man

Lhis, and no other. It is necessary

be very particular upon this point,

• there have been niaiiy .Savimirs,



all, Christians would have ns believe

ut their .iesiis only is genuine and

the others are spurious. Well, in our

stard-and-eresM days we were wont

hold the s.ame opinion, and it will

our duty to u'ive a few reasons why

We found ( I ) we had b en bam-

boozled into believing by faith, in-

tead of by facts. (2) That contem-

porary history had nothing to say

>iit this mythical personage. (3)

( hii-lians had done their best to

Illy liiK misfortune liy forging

i!ir-~iii- t.-stiiiiuiiy. i4j That

Lleiice was forthcoming that any

such persons as the twelve Apostles

ever lived. (5) That no trace of our

four Gospels could be found prior to

about 150 A. D., and (6) we thought

that had the miracles ever taken

place during the active life of Jesua

t,,l UP 33 A. D.) !lie.\. v.^xtlZ have ix-

isted ample records of them in the

hislorieal uei'oiints of that period,

and we look cl nj^.n this sidenin si-

lence on the part of every c-mtem-

porary writer, as conelusive testi-

mony in confutation of the Christian


r, tle<-te,| al.s,. that one little

,f ,v:d.Mice traeeahle t.. the

i,f of the tirst eeiitury wouMbeen of greater value than

whole granaries of assertions madethe latter half of the second cen-

y. Tlun there was presented to

the faet leeonle.l by Gibbon, that

K..ine. Christ ianily was rejected

s an idle and e.\t ra wiirant opin-

n (if a liberal ediica-

*taii<ling.' (Decline

and Fall. chap, xv.) We observed

likewise that ••Ixdh j>arties" (Chi

tian anil pagan K "seemed to

knowledge the truth of those mirat

which were claimed by their adv

saries; and while they were c

tented to ascribing them to the a

.it" magic anil to the powers of dem-ons, they mutually eoncuiTed in

storing and establishing the reign of

superstition." (Ibid, chap, xvi.) .\nd

the same great aeholar sagely nmarks in a footnote that ,"It is sei

sly to be lamented that the Christ

i-"alher-. 1)> aeknou le.lging th

.11 by .

to the time that Christ is said to

have lived, as a study of compara-

•ive religions amply proven, and re.

Ii._'i.,n- jHirallels everywhere abound,

lien-, lor instance, is a list of cru«i«

fled Saviours who were all good

enough to die for us beCors Jeaoa

thought of doing ao:

Chrishna of India, 1900 B. C.

Sakia, of Ilinduston, 600 B. C.

Thainmu/.. of Syria, 1100 B. C.

Witt.dia the Telingoneae, 522 B.C.

hio, ot Nepaul, 622 B. C.

Hesiis, of Great Britain, 834 B. C.

(^iiexalcote of Mexico, 687 B. C.

(^iiirinus of Rome, 506 B. C.

I'r..n:ethen« of Greece, 547 B. C.

ririlis ,.f Egypt, 1700 B. C.

India, ot Thibet, 726 B. C.

Alcestis of Greece, 600 B. C.

-Vtys, of I'hrygia, 1170 B. C.

Crite, of Chaldea, 12(10 B. C.

Bail of Orissa, 7'J.') B. C.

Mithra of Persia, 600 B. C.

Salvahna, of Bermuda; Osiris, of

..apt, Horns of Egypt; Odin of

Siniiulinavia, Zoroaster of Persia;

Baal, of Phoenicia; Bali fit Atifiua-; Xamolxis, of Thraee; Zoar of

e Uoiizes; Adad of Assyria; Deva

ll ,,f Siam; Alnides, of Thebes;

iU;„l 111.- >inl..os; lieddin of Ja-

in; Thnr, ol the (iauls; Cadmus of

recce; Hil and Feta, of th- Mand.i-

B»; Gentaut, of Mexieo, etc., etc.

We should think that after know-

ing of all these human sacrifioee,

•hristians will feel more importan:

han . ver. They may tind the various

listories ><\' these obliging gentle-

iiiii in a work by one Kersey Graves,

.'iititled ••Sixteen (jiieili.d Saviors."

Also they may eon>iili •' The llindj

Pantheon, Mexican Aiituputies,"

Iliggins' " Anacalepsis, and the Pro-

siress of Religious Ideas," all strong-

y recjimmended by the elergy."

The present following of the prin-

•ipal among these Saviours ia: For

hrislma, 4110.000,01X1 (for Chriat,

iiMi 1100,0001 : for Mahomet 160,000,r

Mio; for Confucius 120,000,000; and

for .Mithra 30,000,000, So that there

still remains much miasionary work

to be done.

History repeats itself especially

religiiuis history. Take, for example,

the accounts of Chrishna and Chnat,

ll furnishes a triking' illnatTB-

It is .said of Chrishna that his

l.iith was foretold; that he was an

ariiate irod; that his mother was


that he had an adopted

her who waa a carpenter; that

r." was rejoicing on earth and in

IV n .m his birth; that his moth-

s name was .Maia; that he was

.,1 oil Dee.; was visiteil by

,e men and shepherds who were

led by a star; waa warned by an

»ngel of danger, that all children were

ordered to be deetroped in order to

include him; that his parenta lied to

Mathnra; that he had a fore-runner;

lliat be was wise in his childhood;

as 1..SI and srarehed for by hia par-

lits; had other brothers retired to

i.litude; tasted; preached a note-

wortliv sermon; was entitled Savior

iiid Re<keiner; existed prior to his

nrih; and on earth and in heaven at

he same time; was both human and

livine; worked miracles; read

hoii'Mits; ejected devils; had apoa-

les:" re formed the existing religion;

de , tin

infernal pari of Paganism, destroy

with their own hands the great id-

vantage which we might othenvise

ilerive from the liberal eonotssions

of ,nir adversaries." (Ibid.).

Iher, we noted in the pages of this

noted writer that those among the

luimans ••who condescended to i

lion the Clirisiiaiis. consideretl themonly as ohsiiiiale and perverse

Ihiisiasts who exacted an implicit

submission to their mysterious doc-

trines without being able to {Hroduee

a single argument that eould engage

the attention of men of sense and


nd I

..Ih.-r^, ami iln y hurst upon us like

a revelalnm, while the belief of

youth was shaken mightily, yea, <

to its very foundations—and after

that .the earthquake' Down fell the

whole ediflce of our faith, and there

we stood l<H>king on with mixed feel-

ings of annoyance disappointment

and regret, for we received in oi

ymitli a very pious training and weill prepared for such disquieting di

coveries. But the facts were too

strong, and forced upon us the con-

clusion that we have been groaaly de-

ceived. There ean be no doubt that

all Chriatian tinwhing has been an-

ticipated by othar maatan kmg prior

•JiMt B.

With r



inceil riches; was meek; im

ed and chaste; merciful; asso-

I with sinners and was rebuked

i; befriended a widow; met a

!i at a well; submitted to In-

aiul injuries; wa.s a philanthro-

i.iwe.'u tw.. Ih'il'ves; darkness

vened: he descended to hell;

esurrected, and after three days

Iteople! .\nd all this.11 bv

to propheccy, we have

„ ,..,uo.u .. earth foretold of oth-

s hesi.h s Chrishna and Christ, an,

,r rxample, Chang-Ti, Osiris, Cad-

,us, Ijnirinns, Quexalcole, and Ma-

L.m'et, and Messianic propheeics are

..) be found in the •' Vedas," the Chi-

nese sacred books, and in those of

Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mexico, Arab-

ia and Persia. There are atoo many

other "odious" comparisons. Osiris

spoken of as having bruised the

rpent's head after il had bitten his

,1; Hercules is represented with his

iicel on a serpent's head, Chrishna is

pictured and aeulptuied in the same

and Persia haa the same old

d. Miraculous conceptions are

ded of Plato (who was said to

Mars ;i 1 Vulci

f liuddha; of Mahanu

a; of Yiisuva; ami

f (^1.


lally, ot

Of virgin mothers, we have Yaeo-

da. the mothtT of Chrishna; Maia, of

Sakla; Celestiiie of Zulis; Chimaloon

of (jiiexalcote; Scmele of Bacchus;

(C< • — "—

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«d tdltvd by 'Jim until hi* dMP«bri.arr T. KM

proved Qfxl the faliilfler. Hte'i" nimiwt vv«rjrtbiiif exrept nliirion.Siitanic Mnjosty spoke the truth. TluTe we have been al a aUndttill,There nrr other reasons why I' if not

<i(> not belir


« tin. (

nld 1

I why 1

in n ^'0(^, nn fol- ' i

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1.1 I

' Milili


manifest t<> his children;in the dn.vs of Xoah nn.t all the '^:«in iInh ilin.-s

I'tlior notnhlf eharaeters of that M"i.iii-|iiin' nml IhhuiIuIo ()..d. nn.l


wonderful hook railed the Holy!''"" '»> I'lc only true faith andjitible; but instead, he only keepV *"™*''P to salvation, and

Ihimself hidden in mj-stery and!"'"' with them in Mini


doesn't even tr>' to keep abreast "P'"ion «rp heatltptw and infidels.

" * " " Vally ihi' same opiaiona pre-He should, at leaat,-'tw ns ^niiH'thing more to readil"iit Ininself than old backiminhered Bible, whichoften been revised by those mostinterested in the doinfre of Godand other mysterious hnpponinjrs,wliich can in no o(lii>f war lie ac-

diTiaiona ofilir wnrld s uiiMi rnligions bodies,PK'li <•! II lluT. Dbserv-c how Cath-olire and Pratentunts abuse one an-other, llie Protestant mvs Catholicsare idolalors. and acnises that or-

M ouita: on* month, or lour iaasrtleB

tl.M: aU montha tS.OO; OM ITMr, UM.Quarter column, 1 iBBirUSS. UMi Oi

month. t«.00; »ix moa»M, PftMi 01

has* saM «p Is ai

bo a*at. U asked for upon renewal in

oaao 0( dlecontlnuaiiM.

OiOUU) ANY SUBiiCKIBEK cnance hla

or bar alllriiM advla* tbia office, Klvin«

ooth oM and MW ..Mraao^ aa dartred.

TIU OVFIOB OC RttMnaUoa of tba Blade

la at las-US Morta Kmaatwia atraat.

L*»lnron. Kaataoior. to wkloa all Vtoa-

thiakan arlU bo gtvaa a baarcr wol-

THB BIaADK la entered at the Foatofllre

at LiOSlliSton, Kentucky, aa aecond-

1 th.'


I do not believe in a god. i^rst

because our only authority for

the existeuce oi a gud is the bible,

aud thai bible is u myth, a work

of Hetion, which can be proven by

.e work itisU.

If the bible was the inspired

word of god he would have in-

spired the author of tlie tirst book

of (jleuesis with Uif truth about

the foruiatiuu of tlus world. In-

stead, he slates thai fe'od made

this earth and all that is in it, in

six days and rested on the

seventli. Geology proves that thia

Earth was not created in

days. It took thoasands of years]

to complete the formation up

its present conditon, and the pro-

cess of creation is still going on.

It will continue to create as long

as this sphere retains its present

form and position among the

planets of the universe.

Second. An all-wise, all pow-

erful God, s creator of the uni-

verse, would have known wheth-

er or not this Earth had four

comers. It took 15UU years for

the people of God's creation

disoover its true sf^erical shape.

If the BiUe was the inspired

word of God, Joshua would have

commanded the Earth to stand

still while he completed his

human .slaughter of men, instead

of the Sun, as is stated in Joshua,

10-12, when he said: "Sun, stand

thon adll upon Gibeon, and thou

Moon in the Valley of Ajalon.

This is another proof that no

god had anything to do with the

authorslip of that work.

Third. When (iod made Adamjiml Eve and piared thifiu in the

(iiird.^n of Edi-n, he also placed

thenan a temptation of evil in the

form of a fruit tree laden with

luscious fruit, commanding themi,

saying: "Thou shalt not eat of

it." (Genesis 3:17.) Also, that

"the day thou cnt' st thereof, thou

Shalt surely <li.-" Tlicn Satan

appeared on tli.- sctMie mid told

them that they would not.surely

die, but "beeome wise aa we are."

So Ere ate <tf the fruit and gave

to Adam some of it, whieh

he also ate. They did not die,

but tlicir eyes were openod and

they beeaine wise, just a.s Satan

bad said they would, which

(.'iintcd for l.v the poor, cn-

f.N'hled t.niin ,.r ihr nrthodox|man. Why does God allow his


people to suffer death at alHiCotdd he not keep them in perfect i


health and vigor throughout eter-


nity if he so desired, and had the

power allotted to him by the dif-

ferent authors of the Bible?

When mankind is spoken of as

being saved, what part of him is

l>eing saved? If he is allowed to

die first before bein^ saved, his

entire body is laid to rest underaany feet of earth and there

he is left to decay and return to

earth itself. What would there

be left in the course of a fewthousand years to resurrect? The

rer is easy: Nothing. Howfoolish it all seems to think of

man being resurrected at the end

of the world's existence, which

has never yet occurred, and as

far a.s we know, never ^nll. Fiir-

[iiori>. acciinlin'.' !<' i>nr

scientific astmnomcrs. the Heaven

of the Bible has so far never been

located, and if such a place as

HesTsn did exist somewhere in

the universe it would be impossi-

ble for even a soul to penetrate

endless spaee into other

worlds ill search of a heavenly

realm, because of the awful frig-

idity of our own atmosphere after

leaving the Earth some five or

six miles. It would necessarily

to be a, very warm soul that

d 1>L- able lii withstand such

xtrcrnc tfiiipcriiturf, and me-

ss but few if any will ever be

abb> to walk the sr„l,],.n streets of

New .Tcnisalotii. or play on

harps of polden strings, or sing

hallelujahs to God on the throne

everlasting life.

JIRS. 0. B. HAVEN,Carroll, Wyo.

I he

nro hiinihiigs, acting wil

ithority from on High, lil

inferred on our priesthoo.l 1

Thrist Himself; and your religion

I fake."

We rank outsiders are forcedidmit that in all this, both sides a

(Ihering close to the truth.

This belief in the t

very reader ..f l,isl..ry must kn,..

lisaJ evidMMS af thslr ptsasnt aaist'



tMt ia tMMls.

".Seal lie, Waah., Aug. 8. 'I piv-

ribod larife doses of dancing andloses of religion last night

theory that it would be best

to start off easily. In time 1 hope to

qiialize liie two u little more,'

Kev. ii'rank Herthum, pastor of

ITnton Chriatisn Ghursh uf l!t-<i

town, Monday.The Rev. Herthum was s|.eal

the four hours of daMciiii; anc

nd 1



'II ill the city, Sunday night,

lea of mixing dancing and re-

originnted when the women 'a

(1 the city condueted a eam-whieh resulted in the elosingr

Mmlniul on Sunday m-lils. but

1 the V >rld V

ry and snfTerinjr. It has encpassed man's brain for century after

ury, making human progress andncement almost impossible, uutii

within our ownniipht say we behold

frradually looseninp i


lid Jones:—Your contention that by pro-

fessing Christianity, you are playing

lafe because if there is nothing in

t. you have nothing to lose; on the

.ih.'-r lian.l. you say you have cvery-

hiuL- L-aiu. This statement, in it-

self, it s«-erns to me borders on skep-


You are not quite sure, but like

drowning man, are grasping at a

straw. The skeptical Mohammedanor Buddhist no doubt trka to console

himself with the aame kind of rea-

soning. If he is right, he too has

everything to gain, and in that

'!yOI' a- well as I, have everything


But the fact of the whole matte

is. we are all creatures of sui>erst:

lion, for which we are no more r^

sponsible than we are for the shap

of our bodies or the c(dor of ou

hair. All our menta', as well as

physical characteristics, are inheritetl

fnmi (Pur progenitors. Agc-s and gei

eratiniis of superstitious aueestoi

hc-mnin.: at a period of tiin<- wli.

|)riminve man quit walking on all

fours and bej^un to stand erect, and

when his intelleotnsi faenltiea had

developed sufficiently to prompt him

to look about, and wonder at the

(Ssriea m.)

(By Otto Wettstein, S. S.)

Suppose a CJod, after attending to

he affairs of animate and inanimate

•reation on this planet, would Hnd( r-

ake a voyage on Halky's eori:ei,

'oi.ring within its mighty orbit at

he rate of 50 miles per second lor

seventy-live years, would the natural

uiivilies and evolutionary processes

m this world cease or would every-

him; go on without "Him" just as


¥Heath can only l>e a calamity if

l..Ts.,nal life after the death of 'the


ibi I 1 be death, but life. Hei

falsehood to prate

alisi 's fear of death


If he fears death, be is not a Mater-

ialist, but a believer in the hideoi

iirhtm Tihie

y happen to him after death.

Life may portend dangers, calami-

ies, griet and pain,—Death never!

Gods, souls and spirits are creatures

f the imagination. When pat in the

iiicible of reason for analysis they


O.mIs and

lyst erics than


and mTheists say: "You cannot e.\plai

without a God." You eaniK

xplain God. Ws at least know mure to be a fact,—you know nolhin

.f your r.od.


lain the p>;

tplain souls

inp of sou





• bc-m

..f things.^

and certainly did maintain all lite.

So tlie sun naturally became the ob-

ject of his adoration. But presently

some of his fellows (the predi

What is the us,.„f

ianity in the Crucible"? Llearned men of our rni\ersiii

"Theism in the Crucible" and

analysis will "Blast the R.

A L'cs" and prove that all isligic

t he crudest prodnet of ignorance and


\Vh spil Is have NUT done ia ths

NOT doing now,

of the preachers and priests of oui far more conclusively that they do

lime) who no doubt possessed a littia h"* than all the ehildiah and in.

nini.ig than the rest, and who «pid M-ealled "apirit -• "

ally, "had their eye.s pr^^fs their existence.

' begi


Has Beethov-

"uala. .Mozart


e.l; then lie


Mi.unecd. At the c.inchision .

minute seruKm all joined

Lord's Prayer, and the dancing eon-

tinued again until midnight.

The age nf tbs Meaaish st death is

Mid by Irenssns to havs been ftfty;

and he eoiiiea to thia eoneliisinn fmmthe remark of the Jews: "Thou art

not yet flfly years old, and hast ihou

ai^n Abrabamf" According to

Luke, he waa thirty-aight; to Mat-thew, sevontera; to Dionyaiiis Kiig-

uus. thirty-three; ths gstMtally re-

ceived aire, areordiiig to Riisefains,

thirty-one; to .lerome an. I Sealiger.


A setaNi WOMB, Bstlvs or tbsbaas werklBg for s tst

l eU : > I hi till

"CruciHxion" is somewhat uncer

tain and, and the differonoe betweei

the iises given by Matthew and Lnki

ami the slatement of the Jews, ar

luirilly consistent with either "inspi

ration" or htstorieal aeenrsey.


When astarted out to walk thraaah the Hiriy

Landa on foot. RMohins Parli he saveup the Journey and returned home.nintie tho trip by rail and boat i

Thisourt of \

xplod«8 numerous Chrlatlajt myths.

Bive and



Men s New Thin Model, 16 Size.

Waltham: Hiverside Maxi-ii.s,


''23 jewels, .^jo ;


" Crescentreet,-- 21 jewels. $23; "Kiver-

sHk-.-- VJ jcwel.s, $-_'I; T. Bart-tt, • 17 jewels, $12.00



.|ew,.ls, .+10: 10 jewels, .$8; 7

Elgin: 'Nu. loii" or ••I(i2,'" 21jewels, qijj; " Veritas," 23 jew-Is, !i;3Ui li. W. Kaymoud, lii jew-

els, .+21; ••242,'" 17 jewels, $16;.'41," 17 jeweLi, $12; lo jewels,i; 7 jewebs, $6; "340" or "339,"jewels, $10.

OdSts: All the above in the newriiiu .Model Silveriue Screw

iscs. lu Kay's, Crown or l)eu-

r tilled gold case, guaranteedby the manufacturens for 20

years, artistic hand chased or

plain, $3, or hunting case, $5

3. In 25 year case, $2 morethan in 20 year case. In cases

guaranteed for all lime, serew, $(5,

or hunting, $10 more lliau in 6il-

erine case. I'rices of solid gold

uses on application.

Every watch guaranteed fresh

iid new from factory (no '"sliop-

01 pels "), an accurate timckeep-

r and. if well used, good for

liy \rai.s or longer. Will be

cpt ill ..i dcr for one year. I payi-cigUl.

end for price list of Watchesot li^stcd above. Diamonds,

Jewelry, Kings, Silver and Plated

Ware, Optical Goods, RingGoage, and my traet. "The Ax

he Root," FREE. Highest

c iiaid for old p;old.

OTTO WETTSTEIN,LaOrange, Cook Co., 111.

110 N. Kensington Ave.

Some clergymen would perse-

cute like blazes if they could.

Kev. K. W. Pattenson, for ii

stance, 11 Prcsbvtcriaii iiiini.stu

sa,i<l rec-iitly at 'Philadelphia : "If

1 bad my way 1 would have an. xeeiilioiicr called in to deal with

111! heretics and lilasphemers.

Muriiiii^' at the Slake would be

too good for those who revile

lifrion. "The growth of heresy is

such that nothinif but such meas-

iire.s as this cim stop it." Well,

then, it won't be stopped; for

Pastor Patteirson will certainly

not be able to "have his way."

So. if he's satiisfiod, we are.

tnble for a preaent






SPECIAL TRAINleaving lejfin^toir 7:2TA."W.

brouKht u|) to put everything on thatable at once, with the exception poa-

slbly of the (lesRPrt. and did not Ukakindly to I hi- e.nirse system.A few (inyH aRo her former mls-

trcKH met hi r on the Btreet and tn-

qatred how Khe Uked her new place.

>' the dishes to' ttie fewness o



a wu ImU ia tha CItr oT Roma,

^eptnm^r «. 1«M. The author

p It Is an account of travel and

e. In It rellsloua dotfmaa and talea

iestly Action are ruthleaaly expoaed

I the general »tyle la without com-



The Universe Has No Ood,And Man Has No Soul.

A world-wide movement to

make tliciii known and perpetuat-ed. For particulars .send a self-

addressed envi'lo|>e to the Presi-

dent of the Chiireb of Humanity.W. 11. KKllir Crcat Mend. Kas.

pitls hc^iiud the clouds, a* well as

fiod's Right Bower, the Uevil, to-

gether with the neeesaary adjuncts-

Heaven and Hell—and impressed

iilioii our ancestors the ne

;iibscr%' :,rshi|

Shakcs|.carc or (o.ctlic Knate'r dra'

mas, Schiller, Hiyant or Longfellow

more beautiful poetry, or In({er8<ill

brilliant post iiiorteni lecture? Have

.• Itur the priesthood) perpetuat-

fustered and propagated. It has

developed into a gigsntie ayatem,

ith many and various forms of

IM-rstition ; but signs



clai all I ' ilhistr

I the

s audlalenteii men still hve, that they pro-jjress intellectually forever; that theycan and do communicate with their

siirvivirur friends, and are interested

in the welfare of humanity in (jeneral.

: wii.

people that the world is progressing 'hese jfifted immortalsIgive US soms luunistakaUs and pnw-


Chrlsilanliy's Birthplace.


upon Which !• Founded the Chrittian Religion


iNoiDiimi orm uvm or §omm or tee iaelt cmziTiAir

The Anther IMns Mo OlataM to Orlgtaaltty, vntoidiaf eirijr to HareOoB^lsd Asewste Miteiieiits.



Pri9« 15 C«BtotAddrwn AU Orders t

H. S. HILLS,1947 Bait Bfhty-Sere nth Street, OLBVBUIID, OKO.

askedthe bosom friend.

"No,' answered tlie struggling au-

thor, who has hopes of selling some-thing before she dies, 'but I think

the tale made an Impression on the


"Oh, how lovely;" cried the bo«omfriend. "Do teli nie why you think hewaa tmpresBed."A tender smile flitted across the

face of the encouraged author. "I no-

ticed that the pages containing the ac-

count of my hero's death were spottedwith what looked like teardrops," ahs


' "Araliella," said the anxious mother,"what In the world did you and Mr.

Derox find to talk about last night?It was buzz, buzz, ^he entire eve-


•Oh. we were talking about trusts

and combines, mamma," replied Ara-

bella, merrily, ' but the conversation

was not at all satlstactory to nie."

•Why not?" queried the mother."Because," explained .Arabella, "he

talked about all the coinbines becould think of except the miitrlmonlal


Patient Explanation.

"SomelhiiiK wrong with my right

foot," said the man at the hotel

counter. "Could you direct me to agood carpenter?"

•'Excuse me," said the clerk, with asly glance of amusement at the ladybookkeeper, "but of course you meana chiropodist."

"No. I'm polnK to be pal lent with

mi t(

'DM TOO bat a Idas on the sisetloii

witk that girl you ara sweat onr"I bsl ssvural 1

one on ths—""How did rott ooBis to bst so

many?"•The one I made the bat with aald

she didn't believe In putting all hereggs lb one basket."

Not Encouraging.Th.' lady tourist ( timidly)—AlS sU

your passciiKers seasick Alirtat thSvoyaKc, lapluin?

The Captain ( tolerantly)—ThSTS STS

The l.aily (brtKl)lenlng)—Msay ex-

Made a Difference.

Little Willie— What Is logic, pa?I'a— Logic, my son, Ih your line

argument in a controversy.

Little Willie—And what Is sophtry?

Pa—The other fellow's.

Valued Resulta.

Was your garden a success last

••hi some respects," replied Mr.Crosalota. "1 got some of the beat fisb-

ins worms out of It that I ever aaw."

DIggs— I see that tha CUssao waatto borrow a billion doUsra.Wlggs-Say. I'd hate to lend It to

'em an' then have lo take it oot islaundry work!

An optimist la <me who wsuM rsth-sr bsUsvs Uwt svorytUsi Is aU right

Page 3: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


liii-t lliiit can Ih) hIiowii an<l dciiion-

iil rated, you have the bc»t of an ar-

gnoMiit with Mqr oppooMt, and auknoek Um oat in om fonnd if h* iriU

face it.

As Fi<'ctliiiil«Ms. we havp Mio facts

is iiiit onl.v the liiKKi'st t'aku and liiiiu-

biig ill the wuild, but the greatest

failnra whan the reaUaation of pram-

isaa and pndietiona are takien into


Cliristiaiiily liiis always <;luinied to


ill oUiii-J, and

(iiiif (lay buing

jinivu thiK Matcmcnl, I'nr n« eminnnt

n Chrintinn nn Rov, ChnrloH Kiimell,

iif Hnxpklyti Tabernm Ic, adinitH there

lire d<Mibli- I he niiiid*- r iif hwathen in

till' world today Ihnri there wore 100

years ajfo, and we do not have U> go

Hill of your own so ciilM Christian

iitry to find by Kiivrriiment fig-

ures ihiit Diily a liitl*. (,ver one-third

and such

a poor showing ten years ago is what

ranaad Chriatian iafliMBM to hmnin tha eanaua of 1910. That

Fact has been thrown at them so manyit cniispd a scio spot, and it

IS our Clirislimi frifiids muchir of il. It ccrtuinly is a fact

that speaks wry loudly, and facta

their favor are offenaive tliingi

to be suppreased, if poolbla.

Russell, and see what he is compelled

Hiisscll. and sec what lir is poinpellpl

, th

the one and only religion on tms

earth. Claiming to have ctmie direct

from Ood, the Creator and Controller

i){ the I'liiveiw, it declared he could

iiiid s<) tins boast and predictive af-

tiniiatioii was iiuido: "At the name

of Jes IS every knee shall bow, of

tilings in heave n, and things ou earth,

and things under the earth; and ev-

ery tongue shall confess that J(w<us

Christ is Ix)rd, to the glory of (iod

tli« Father."

CiiristiaMity has entered the 2()th

i iMitury of its existence, and by look-

in- l);i"ckwinil we can sre what it has

d ine, and by eiiminitins ivsults we

can see how near this i>redielioii is

to being verified. It has elaimeil

mueh, promised more, an<l accoui-

plished little. Instead of teitig the

one and supreme religion after all

this lapse of time, it is not even first

in pnint of numbers among other re-

liKions. for Buddhism exceeds it by

many millions, and a new religion

fmuuled hv -Mahomet, the Arabian

eaiuel driver nearly (iOO years after

Christiauily started, has 170 inilLon

devotees, whose kneea refuae to bow

to the name of Jeaus, and whose

tongues if they speak his name, utter

it ill derision and eontompt.

With all llie exatrsi-'rati

Christians make legaiding their

numbers, their hishesl claim leaves

them numerically less than one-tifth

of the pt^lation of the earth. If

this is the best they could do, with

(Jod's help, in over 1900 yoaip, they

must if hoiitst and candid, admit that

Mahomet has revealed greater power

to do things than Ood and Jesus to-

gether; fur comparatively he has

done a great, i work in the 1300

years just passed llian Jesus the lead-

er and Savior of all mankind, and


la not thia fa«t, alone, sufficient

kftnck all divine claims out of Christ-

ianity f To a reasonable man it must

1> , toi where there is nothing to

sli'iw that an omnipotent God is

boosting Christianity, there is noth-

ing to base belief on that he is. If

that hell- fire and damnation religion

had gone ahead and converted the

whole world, as it expected to and

saiil it should, then it would have

had a fact that no opponent could

have failed to be influenced by, and

everybody bein>< Christians, there

would have been no opponents. This

is a very plain presentation of the

ease, and aa Christianity is now dy-

ing of dsjr rot and ita power ia wan-

ing avary day that eomea and goaa,

if it ever had a chance to influence

the whole world, that time is paat ami

gone. When this religion attained

its greatest jMiwer and had the most

converts, it was using tire and sword,

foree and violenee to make

and the moment it eeased t

meana for that pu^wse, that moment

it began to wane and weaken, to

droop and die.

Cbfiatianity baa never been the

same force in the world since it

ceased to bi' a militant jxiwer, and it

never will be again, tor talk alone is

not suliicieut to make i>eople ac^-ept

it. When they had to, or go to pris-

on and have their property confiscat-

ed, it waa eaay to eatch 'em for

Christ's sake and the glory of God.

When the Inquisition was in fi

and all ita iniphinents of torture w

being used to make Christians t

Bible prophecies might be fulfilled, it

waa a bold man indeed who would re-

fuse to aeeept thia reli^^on of "love

and mercy," and that was the time

when everv one in Cliristian lands

was a Christian, i.rofe.ssed to be,

had to inipratc, as did the Moors

when driven out of Si-ain.

Toleration was never a f.atur

Christianity when it had unrest ra

IMiwer; but with fire and fore

failed completely to accomplish

intentions; and I now throw

fact int.. the faoe of efsfy Christian

that exists to show that what it fail-

ed to do in the past it cannot possi-

blv do in the future. There is im

more show for converting the world

to Christ, than there is for sweing all

men think alike or look alike; and

the rotten stuff put forth

will be more and mora rajaetad aa

tbt worid roUi ofc Fwto Md t|«m

of , bl.n

rid. h«\

look < lipo llie

he in respect to foreign missionary

work, lining all in our [xiwer to makeknown to the heathen the grace of

(iod, and the (treat K-edeeiner, welire nevertheless compelled to admit

that tliere is absolutely no hope of

:in.l every toni;ne to 'confess Christ

in heal lieng

lands, even as we have

plishiiig such work in civilized


This is plain talk and right to tbe

point, and in spite of his religion, is

I cesMiry Bttribiileit, to exist uncaiiKed

nd eternal aa a "fint QAm ," and

I'lioui aflita awiirttal^if, la turn.

ipliaa that aaaii "FItal Cause"

latent, non-produe<

loliite condition of

That such "First Cause" daring all

the InflniU ayele of i«sa, ptasidhig

»ingle effeet.

It impliea that after baing eternally

dead or inactive, and eanae of abao*

Intely nothing duNog all tba agaa of

beginningless tima, It did* aoddonly

and miraenlonaly, so stnpandonaly

change ita nature aa to areata a uni-


And lust, though not least, it pre-

sents to thinking men and women the

following grotesque proposition: The

universe exists, consequently a "God"or "First Cause" must have pre-

ceded il. This "First Cause" is eter-

nal, III vcr was created and never

n led a "Creator." It, of coarse, ia

eii rnal, mid as such existed from all

lime. Six thousand years ago. ac-

cording to Kible chronology, this

"First Cause" caused the nniverse,

X(i other cause or thing existed with

ir beside il prior to that time. During

II the aires of heifinningless time, it

l„l n..t cans a solitary tiling not a

n.rlil.siin.n n. star, or even a single

itom. Kteriial darkness reigned su-

preme, and infinite varum was inon-

ipolized solely by this "First Cause."

This is a correct representation of

hings. existing during the eternity,

irior to fi.iKMi years ago, when the nni-

er-e. ;ieeonling tO


, hnasting

very day,

or reflectshonlil chew up and digest

on this true statement by comrade

Itnssell, of the universal brotherhood

that Christ wanted to establiah, with

the .Tew God aa the baaie idea to

work on.

caused t

No. r and brelhrf ,felhn

mighty little consolation in facts and

figures for Christianity, for they

plainly show the doom whieh awaits

it, whieh in the process of time will

be just what all religious systems

experience—death and oblivion.

It is now dying, as indisputable

.; videnee shows, but we cannot expect

a (juick death, for such never comes

to superstition in any form, but the

very fact it is in decline and surely

passing away, is a source of joy and

gladness to all rational human be-

in-s. wlio know iU true history and

what a eurse it baa ever bean to


To Pastor Charles Russell and

ence for their mental sutTerings, for

sympathy is one of my strong char-

acteristics; but at the same time, I

am very i^d that ia occurring which

causes them to weep and waiL

So "Let her go, Gallagher!" and

the sooner the better.

Los Angeles, Calif.


What Caused It to Cause a Universe

6.000 Years, and Not 60,000,000

Tears Agat

(Otto Wettstein, in Freethinkers'


There is no ••Kusl Cause." there

never was a "First (Jause. " Within

an eternal self-existent universe, evo-

liiting processes are eternal.

It never began—it can never end.

A sin-le partiei? of matter eanm.t be

i riMted. neither can it be auniliilated.

Conse.|iiciitly tlie nnueise. being com-

IHiseil of eternal existing particles, is

eternal. And each particle represent-

in energy and force—^being energy

and force—has ever been active to

per|M'tiiate the evolutionary processes

,>r linile tonus, bi ings and bodies; but

iln ~e. l.v virtue of their own potencies

being destined to Hnal destruction and

disinlegrution, tend, in infinite varia-

tion and transformation, to iR-rpctuate

the process forever.

All attempts to solve the riddle of

cosmic existence by postulating a

'First Cause," or "God," existing

prior and exttrior of the universe,

must and will ever remain efforts of

childish reasoniin; and a lainentalile

failure. It explains nothing. It simply

divests the visible everything of and

inverts in invisible nothing with pot-

enciea n power to cause all phenom-

ena. Rut kftar this canning coup

.l-eiat. the identieal mysteries which

liisi prompted sueb a solution still

si are lis in the faoe, even in augment-

ed degree.

A "First Cause." or "Ood," im-

plies an infinite aonielhiiig—of whieh

however, we know absolutely nothing

IH.ssessiiig attributes and powers

superior to those existing in nature,

and amply sufficient to cause to spring

into existence niiraciilously, from pre-

existing' nothing, an infinite nniverse.

A •Klulei

qualities of self-existence, and all the


lint nest ion ansca. 1

A Cause," after

clivitv. to create the

rlriin'ly is a magnifi-

cent and imposin',' etfeet (if true).

The Theist's "(iod ' or "First

Cause," certainly didn't cause it, for

what these would not do or cause to

be done during the vaat eterity pre-

ceding this (imaginary) creation, they

mid never do. This "First

Cause" is snppi.s d to i,e omniscient,

omnipresent, and unchangeable, con-

sequentiv what this " First Cause"

•ould not do during O.OO'l,-

999 ,{)99,99n,99n,90fl- continued ad in

finitum—years preceding the "begin-


' it, of course, would never do.

What, then, caused the universe oi

caused the "First Cause," or "God'to create it, after an eternity of non

existence t There is no pfTect without

a cause. But for an eternity all ex-

isting causes had not prmliiced a uni-

verse; what in the name of reason

then. WAS THE CAUSE whieh caus-

ed the "first Cauae" to create the

universe when it didt But I need go

no further—a cause being needed ti

cause the "First Cause" to cause o

to precede the "First Cause" of th(

Theist. If we keep on in our crucial

test of "First Cauaes," we will, no

doubt, need anothar "Fbat Cause"

and another, and another, ad infin-


TImis we see that all argument

"God", a"" Creation," or a "Begin-

ning,", doea not explain, but infinitely

mystiflea, existing problems and that

the only rational assumption is

of all matter, wl

itself all the iK

ion). eds

io "Creator," or "First Cause," to

•reate, or manipulate it.

Fxisting todav. absolutely proves

liat in its elementary form it has al-

.vays existed, and so will always exist.

I'nrthermore. a.ssumiug harmony and

uder today, .md evolving worMs-

suns, systems, trees, flowers and men-

proves it haa ever evolved such fomi?.

id that, consequently, there nevei

as a first world, sun, tree or manIt all siicli phenomena are but repati-

.ns of similar pheDomena having

olved forever.

Kecuiise it is plain that any partic-

ular first worid, sun, or system, would

again imply an eternity of time i>re-

ding the .formation of such first

phenomena, but which, if true, would

ib.solutely have prevented such first

.vorld, sun or system, at any time. It

s either eternal standstill or eternal

let ivity—both eannot be true.

Which, then. I ask. is the most rea-

.onal.'e. lliat a "First (\iusc." of

nothing create an infinite nniverse, or

that the latter, whieh today axiats in

Mtm splaader aalf arUart-aa*ml-is self-existent and eternal f

Is it a fact that curates generally

visit Christian homes when the hus-

band is at wockt

rtiality to tba fkir asx, and parr

>und tba ladisa Uka Uaak ton-aata.

"Idon t CBP. a rontlnenlal ;,t,o,.t hlH

Ifeoreal lileaH.- (trow leil ilw Kioi -ry-

aa, "as long as ihey don't cnsi meaaythlng."

"Wd they ever cost you anytlilnn?"

•1 should say so! The other .lay

t came in and, raising his riKlit

mA, struck a dramaUc attitude and

saM. I love everytbtag that's good

Ith Ms left hand he helped

to the eaaaiod oltfon and the

I 40Bt doubt that

When He Needed Company."Brother Philander," said the Os-

me Farmer's village deacon, "our

minister has worked hard and seemsdiscouraged. Isn't there some waywe can shqw our appreciation of bla

worth sad eboer him t*" "Wi.ii," rw-

I might try at-

Took Pfsaautlena*

"I want to hire a canoe."

"Aocuatomed to rowing one, I sup-

poseT""Never was In one."

"Can you swlmT""Not a stroke."

"Well, you pay double and In ad-

vance. I've been left In the lurch byenough suicides."

A Vivid Portrayal.

"Why, my dear," expoatulated Mr.

Ponsonby, "I wasnt drunk laat nightI waa merely imUMlag a drank manto fool you."

"Well," aniffed Mra. Ponaonby. "all

I have to say is, if that was an imt

tattoo yon are wasting your tai. nts

la the groeery business. Tou'd draw1100 a week In vaudeville."

will you

Miss Tootsle—Please carve me the

left square tangent east to 76 segmentabove the loin diagonal to fat paral-

lel to— Oh. I beg pardon; I learned

the cuta In cooking school.—Puck.

"I heard a man worth 11,000.000

wish be bad smae smaU change.""Pshaw ! A man doesn't have t

worth »1 .000.000 to wish that."


The Deacon—Parson, I wish youcould make your sermons a little

The Preacher (pleased)—Why so?

The Deacon—Well, it seems like 1

hardly get to sleep before It's time to

•How," asked young lady

Iniiratiou at

ruKRed ,uiii:ii;eiiarl;,ii liav,. yon ir

healtli so well,'"

•Hy rigorously Uecliuing to prae

what my friends have preached,"

Slightly Mixed.What was the lesson at school this

afternoon. Tommy .'" asked the fond

Had a reading on tbe destruction

ot Tyre," responded the young.

Hn sup-

Partly to.

"My good woman, does the sy^

of vlauallaatlon seem to take with

your children at school?"

"Not all ot 'em, mum. The doctor

said wtd Mamie and Tommy it

took flaa, but Billy's ain't took a bit."

"Tou say be is two-faced?"

"I say he Is 'too-faced;' hU wUe ha

him so well trained that be neve

opens his face except to say 'mo.too

"What sort of fellow to Lathers'

"Ha pva the accent on the first syl-

sMa ot the word 'hotoL'"

It* style.

"That singer has u velvet voice"

*n suppose lhal accounts lor t

lUo abe gets trom It."

•fr-itnyii rnmn round-

t'll Just be boundThey've com* to t*

i frown an'l frowiv

fVini.- I'liid rret.


Great Ohrlnkaoe.

Tbe laat year's bsUiins suit will !And shrink both day and ntsht:

Until at taut It shrinks so muchTba batbav ebrinks from sight

All the tame.

"What la the trouble with your hus-

band of late, Mrs. Oreen?" asked the

corner grocer. "He acts queerly."

'In what wayr queried Mra. GreenIn surprise.

"Why, he came In here the other

day and naked fOr a pound of 'Roeky-

feller buttar.' Never heard of sueb a

Things Will Take a Turn.

It was the kind of banquet wetimes read about.

The tables fairly groanedtheir load of good things.

But tbe hungry guests quickly re-

lieved them of their burden.After-dinner

Then it wgroaned.

The LW.Lady— I want to put in this adv

tiseiuent for a cook. It will gothree lines, won't It?

Clerk (after countlngi—\o. raada

We'll have to charge you for f<

lines, but you ran put In four morewords. If you wish.

Lady (suddenly•Policeman stationed


Blasted Hopes.

Mr. Stuhb— Maria, do you rememberthat millinery store that had such a

great display uf fall hats? Well,

there haa been a fire down there andeverything is reduced

Mrs. Stubb — Gracious, what a

chance for bargalna! And everythingto reduced, John?

Mr. Stubb—Tea. reduced to aahee.



Mother." oaarlad the pratty turn. "did latbar have hto salary \

creaaed whea be marrM your*

lat «rmoney saved up. didn't -he?"

Not s dollsr; he spent hto moaayas fast as be earned It."

Did you get along comfortablyf"Yes; and we were very happy."Weil, motoher, you know dear

George hasn't been able to sava ant. but—""See here, young lady, if that P0V-ty stricken dude daraa show Ua flMa

around here again Vtt get yeartber to kick him Into the aMdlo a(next week."

Tricky tamly.While paaslng by aa old-taahtoM«

Inn the tourtots were attraoted by aaancient bagpiper, who waa taadacatrocious souada tbrangh aa laatf*>

ment that waa both dilapidated and

'Creat .lerloho. Sandy!" exclaimedone in desperation, "Why don't youhave yonr bagpipes repaired?"

And the old man ceased playing andlooked up In astonishment "Havers,mon, ye dlnna understand. If ma bag-

popies wor in good tune the Inn monwinna give ma two shillings to move

Too Much of a Qood Thing.

"Our gas meter," said ths alli

funny man, who was trying to n

light of his bill for UlumlnaUon,minds me of a centipede."

"What's the answer?" queried

Innocent bystander."It haa so many unnecessary

you know." replied the other.

After being out 13 seconds thereturned a verdict of "Justlflabto I

ride" and tbadischarged fro



says Halley's cearth's atmosphere and wall i

have any more rala.

Bjenka—By George! Olva tt

Item to take home.TJarks—lateraatad. efcr

Bjenke—I should say sot I aa aoli

to show It to Biy wife every ttiM Mnags me about savtag up for a ratday.


Lovelorn—Oh, MyrtUla. yoa dentreally and traly aaaaa tbat yovllnever, never see bm or apeak to m»awbi?Myftnia-Taa. air. I do. aad whaa

you call toniorrow evening I'll tell yoawhy.

Skeptlesl.•I.lttle Boy Btup." said the modem kM"It'e now up to you to show

Ae If yuii rrally are Little Boy Blua^

Another Hero.

"He's a champion. Is he? He doesn't

look It. Champion of what?""You don't keep abreast of tbe

times. He's tbe champion cigarrootsmoker; lights one with the atump ofanother, rolls them himself aa he pasaalong, and smokes sixty i

' * '

ting any of 'em go out"

he died of appendi-

—Oh. it couldnt have beenly. tliat was what they oper-

Tha Oracle Explains.

Student of I'olltlcs—.\na what be

reely this here coaliUon they do betarking about?Oldest Living Local Authority-

Well, it'a like thia. Some parties »ay>

tbto. an' aoms says that aa' t'other

Hut what I saya, there no kaowlna norno tellina, an'—markhala'tfar


(e the early bird, i

e fond parent, "a

esiKMuied, forcibly. -1 might

1 lue, lllunk. you ought to be ableJ answer my question with all theroni|(ting youre getting back there.Blank— Well. professor. there^

uch a difference uf opinion aroua4ne that— —The Gargoyle.

"What political rainbow

There are va-lous kinds," replied

Senai i Sorghum, 'although I suspectthat most of them are more or less In-

ttueuced by the legend that everyrainbow has a poi of gold at tbe eadof It"

McCorkle—Is It right to speak a( aman as of tbe "mate paraoaafawfr*McCrackie—It is U the aahjaot to



Page 4: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


(Continued from page od;.)

PntaM* «f ibtmlwjAkito) BUmhm» of Huiof H«iu»; and—Mary of Jaaua, whoi8 all bchiixl a^aiii. Atigiela, she))-

li.M-is :iri,l M;ui xisiteil Confucius.

( 111 i.-Uiiii, ^,lkla, Mitlira, I'.vtbagorn*.

Zuriiagtcr and Jeaual Agtin, Dec.

26th ia the birthday flvw for B«c-ehua, Adonia,

Chris (of Chaldea), IDUura, Bakiaand—the inevitable Jeeus! Of in-

fanta threatened hy )iostil" rulors wehave Chriahna, Osiris. Zi.ioa.'^tci . .M-

cidee, Yu, Rama, India, Uacclius.

Romulus Salvahana, and our dear

friend Jeeus! Of those who de-

scended into hell and w«re resurrect-

ed after three days may be namedQoeBateote, Chrialina, Qairiniw, Pro-

BNtliMM, Oiiria, Atyt, llithn, Chrisand follow-my-leadr Jcsust Wetrace the Trinity in Brahmanism, Zo-

niastrianism, and llic religions ofj

C'lialdea, China, Mexico, and Greece.

And then the ceremony of th«

ehariat was obanrvad hyPmUni, PythafwrMiM and Oaortiaa,

who used aa elements bread and wa-ter. It was also taught by the Brah-niaiis and Mexicans, which unpleas-

ant little coincidence so greatly an-

noyed St. Justin that he remarked;"And this verj' solemnity an evil

spirit introduced into the mysteriee

of Mithra." Such is the Christian

explanation, but there will be those

who wiU deolare that all these Uttla

biry tales have a eommon origin.

Well might St. Au^istine remarkthat "This in our day i.s the Christ-

ian rcligioii. not a.s having be

the Christian iHTjwtrBtod n womo in-'

famjr than burning Ihcm; IhioIc*.'

Tbey attribiilod to l><ir|)bry that I

which be never did write and then|

proeeeded to answer "the very weak I

arguments" which they themseivis

had iiiventi'd for the purpose »(

fhowTiiir the reasoning against Chris-

I iiiily to bo inrignMsant. Tbersfore,

a^ Taylor lays, "Disy attribotad

ihni own vile fraah to him. Thusihey forged nil tl" testimony in favor

evidence against il. And when tliey

became powerful enough they not

only burnt the bo«As, but their au-

thors also. Tbey rsad thsir blessed

Scriptures by the light of the bon-

tires they made of their opponenU'

a close. We have n

intepeating subject

, but as re-

cently having received that name,"and Eusebius tells us that "Ths re-

ligion of Jesus Christ ia neither newnor strange."

We respectfully submit that there

exists not a particle of evidence to

prove that Jesus Christ of the FourGospels ever lived. The nearest »p-preach to anything of the kind is the

Tacitus passage in which Christ is

mentioned as ha\iog been put to

death. But be it known unto you,

my hrttkrsB, lha oalcbratcd passage

was wmmt mm mortal man ontUthe rmosntk Oentnry. The Rev.

Robert Taylor informs us (Dieges)

that "the tirst publication of anypart of the auuals of Tacitus was byJohanne de Spire, at Venice, in the

year 1468—his imprint being madsfrom a single manuscript in his ownpower and possession only, and pur>

porting to have been written in the

eighth century. Prom this manu-script, wliich none but the mostWarned would know of, none but4iMmost curious would investigate, andnone but the most interested wouldtranscribe, or would be allowed to

transcribe, aud that, too, in an age

and country when and vban to havesuggested but a doubt against the

authenticity of any document whichthe authorities had once chosen to

adopt iiA evidence of Christianity

would have subjected the conscien-

tious skeptic to the fagot; from this

all othar mannssripta and printsd

•opte vt tka iraffea «f Taaitns are

derived. Taylor considers this paaa-

age to be one of the numerous forg-

ei-ies of which Chribtiuii hands have

been guilty; fur exauij)le the passage

in Josephus, where Jesus is referred

to, admitted on ail hands to be a

forgery, and which as such has been

given up by every scholar of note

the chureh possesses. It was also

rejected by Ittigus Blondell,. LeClero, Vandale, Bishop Warburton,

and Tanaquil Faber—libewise the

great Dr. Lardner. It was first men-

tioned by Eusebius, who probably

forged it himself. Gibbon says of it,

"The pasaaffe ooneeming Jesus

Christ wUsh waa ivssrtsd into the

tszt of Joasphns bstwssa ths time of

Origen and that of Eusebius mayfurnish an example of no vulgar for-

gery: " And here we may ask, if

there existed undeniable evidence

that Christ ever lived, where was the

used and what was the objeet of such

fmsoricst It is pmtty elear that

there was no erildenee, and that the

Christians thoui^t it about time that

tbsy manufactured a sample or two.

Daillc, on the "Use of the Fath-

ers," remariu: "This opinion has

always been in the world that to

settle a certain and assured estima-

tion upon that which is good and trur

it is neoeasary to remove out of the

way whaitover may be an hindranoo

to it. Msithar ought we to wondwthat even those of honest, innocent,

primitive times made use of these

deceits, seeing for a good end they

made no scruple to forge whole

books." (B. 1, c. 3).

And all the testimony against

Christianity was destroyed. Por-

phry wrote no less than thirty vol-

umes criticising it, and these by

Christian ordert; were all burnt.

Conies the (luestion—Why T Why,brethren, why? Because these books

would doubtk-sB have shed too

strong a light on the subject, and as

Bishop Burnet (not Burnit) said:

"Too much ligrht is hurtful to weak- " i 80, aol B«t

k our remarks to

ot gone into this

as exhaustively

we should have liked, and as it

deserves, but with the end in view of

cramming as much material as pos-

into the very limited space at

... disposal—for verily, brethren,

printers' bills are a mighty burden,

and we are not a Rockefeller or a

Morgan, neither have we that Iwsure

at our command which is enjoyed by

the clergy whose occupation employs

their talents only one day in seven,

whilst we are compelled to spend the

other six days uncongenially getting

our talents together. But if in the

foregoing pages we have succeeded

in ex}>o8ing to view the fraud and de-

deceit with which Christian history

abounds, and in a.«si8ting to dispel

the noticHi that such a mythical per-

sonage as the Christ of the Four

(Sospels ever existed, we shall have

achieved our object. We have fur-

nished a magazine of infomation

upon the subject which no priest or

parson is ever likely to disclose ( al-

wavs allowing him to be acquainteil

with it), for though the clergy talk,

much of Revelation with a capital

R, these be the kind of lavalationi

which th^ Kks not. Bntbim, fare-


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Witk OUmi Wt Dmt «*•»,—And MOl SSM Ws 9mt WA to

(By Joel M. Beny.)

There is no danger in knowing too

mueh truth; tb« danger is in trying

to believe too much that is not true.

The great trouble »-ith the pe<jple

for the last iwr. thousand years at

least, ha-s Ih.I! in trying to make

themselves hilieve in something, the

troth of which they do not, or can

possibly know anything about.

Consequently they have neglected the

aims and objeet of this life and made

it miserable by tiying to liv« two

lives at onee. They hare mixed np

loo much Jesus in this life to make

it worth living. .Jesus tells them that

just up ahuvc MS is another world,

where he and <iod reside; that it is

so much more beautiful than this

; that the streaU are pavsd with

gold, aud that aU thajr wiU havs to

do will be to sing praises to the Lord.

.Vnd strange to say, some of the

|H.<.pl<'. at least .have been wonder-

fully il, lii,U-<i through Ilis teachings.

It is stated that the Lord will send

strange delusions upon the people to

make them believe lies. So we think leaehin.

he fulfilled his promise faithfully lunatic

when He sent Jesus here to delude

and deceive the poo^s. Jesos Him-

self says He waa sent just on a mis-

sion of that kind: "Think not that

I come to send pi ace /n earth." 0.

no; I came to r^et tlie people to fight-i


ing—"I come not to send peace, but jl'l^i

a sword." The people, however, are cla

so deluded that they won't boUeveHV'

Him when He tella them thk. Buti


when be informs them, if they

"don't bdieve they will surely be

damned."' they will swallow that

down all at one nioiiihfiil. So when

.lesus l.lls Iheiii all about the life to

come and the good things that He

has ill store for them, it sets them

but the dead know not any-But no, they are willing to

that, for Jeeus tells them•y will know ten limes more

alter they are dead than while

iliix are living. Just tinge the

siatemcut up a little with the myste-

rious, and they will eatch on like

Iceehes. Bnt give them a plain,

scientific truth to decide upon, andthey will pull the wrong string every

There is a sect in this countrycalling themselves the "Followers of

Jesus," and wen qnite numerous a

f«w yaaa ago, but today they don 't

mueh; they have becamewondeifnlly discouraged over the

way Jesus has Heated them, andlooking out for something

better; but why they should wish to

love, follow and worship a man whosays that He eanme "not to send

peace, but a sword," we eanoot

even siinnise; for even in ease Jesus

had been acting in good faith andhad been honestly S«lt to seek andsave the lost, it would not be our

province to look after and care for

lliiii; but It wonld !).• His duty to

and < So i

Jesus has never yet turued up or

shown himself in our case, we nst

pnrfeetly content that his ser^-ices are

not needed; but in case they are, Hemust call on us first and give an ac-

.•uiint of Himself.

Now as to kimwiiig all alx.iit a fu-

ture life in advance, we wish to

say this: For our part, we would a

thousand to one. rather not knowthan to know. And it would have

been ten thousand times better for

the people of this world had they

never had aueh ailly, idiotie teach-

ings set before them.

such foil intri

But listen! Jesus asks them on one

occasion, at least: "Whom do men

say that I, the Son of Man, amt"Did yon ever hear of a more silly or

more ci.iitradictory iiiiestion a.sked

than that? The liiith is this: If

Jesiis was the son of man. us he

says, then he was not the Son of (Jod

and knew no mora about another life

or worid than any otker nan. But

here is where the trouble comes in.

It is claimed for Jesus that He comes

on the stage of action under th*>

guise of a mysterious or miraculous

birth—something a little different

from other men. But in turning to

our books, we find that nothing mys-

terious or miraeulons ever has or can

happen under the inviolable laws of

nature. So we c^.iiclnde that either

Jesus deludes the |)eople, or else the

people delude themselves in listen-

ing to his teecbings.

Again, the question is asked. "If

a man die, sbaill be live again f" and

question ia promptly answered

tkns. Tbe Uriaf know that they ahaU

> and

IS l|....ded all till- lime.

Jesus said: "If 1 be lif'le<l up

from the earth I will draw all menunto me." Tes, He will draw themby telling them that in case they

hate their father ami niolh-r. brother

and sister, wife and ,-lii l.lrei, . andalTeclioiis on Him. H- will

as one .,f Hi> disciples,

want any di-sr-ijileship with

any such terms as that,

is this: Neither Jesiis nor

living t

The truth

any other

lifted, as

alive and set do

would be cheating Nati

just deserts, and that

that has never vet Iw

of this world

in another: that

out of her


cwD iror TO blami.

(Hy ,loel Heny J

i'lie above caption is used by the

I.. A Times, over a speeial dispatch

dated 8|»ingllaid, Maas., June 3rd,

which reads as follows:

"The responsibility for the earth-

i|iiake diaaster rests largely upon the

victims themselves and not upon Alliiglity <iod. lor whom no apology is

.SiK-h was the decIa"aliou of the

Jev. W. M. (.rawfoid in the pulpit

f Urace Methodist Church tonight,

tfefei'riug to the devastated earth-

quake aectiim, K-ev. Mr. Crawford

risk .


persist iu building cities uu the slopes

of volcanoes or in earthquake sec-

tions, why should they expect the

I'nator to re-arrange all His laws

l..r th.u benefit .' If men build

cities III kiiuwii danger /.ones, ihey

must be held iesi«.iisible tor ihe re-

fills of their rashness."

Now, we wish to luve out say: If

ministers persut in telling lies about

their Ood, why should they vkihxI

(;od to re-arrange Ilis laws and send

Iheiij to heaven instead of hell / His

lible ells hu r geti

iveii. Why should ill shifting the blame ol

.•fill di.saster upon the \Kn>r, in

man. when his Bible telU


• l...r,l 1

Which do you propose to bi

if either—tbe Lord or Mr.

>rdr The Lord says in

rms that He is the author

leh work as that; but Mr.

mi. leeliiifr ,!"-: u little bit asl

I a (iod thai wonld 1... guilty

1 rule, are

low over the

ever will be done.

And finally, after the e.xciteiuent

is all over. Jesus concludes to give'

them a few parting words, and says:|

"If anv man hear my words and be-

lieve not. I judge hini not: for I

came not to judge the world, but to

^ave the world." (John 12:17.) Whydid He not tell them this in the be-

ginning of His workt It would have

saved a vast amount of lies being

fold. He now says that a man can

Th^ o! 1

' blai

belie Hill . lie

; let 1 be-

I he

don't believe too iiitjrh Jesus, and his

chanees for another world, or anyother place are just as good as if Hehad spent a life-time ainging praises

to the LMd.

'Tis strange that whilst Christians

consider that murderers are not fit to

live with dwent folk on earth, theyare quite god enough to mix with the

«ory saints ia gkiy.

lose who s illeied as an excuse

tbe noii-iiiterfereiiee ot I'rovi-

is pure so]>hislry. It Frovid-

canu*>t be i 'usled to care for

his own in this life, what aasnraoee

have w« that he will provide a hoa>

M-ii of happiness lor his faithful

ones .in a life to come.

The lesson this great calamity

leaches ns is this: There is no such

Ths body of tbe aged negro, found

Sunday south of the eity, on Man-chester rood, near several chicken

posed, was tiuiiid by Wni. Schmidt,

of 210 Mnncbtster road, while hunt-

Death had evidently been

caused by shooting, as the body wa.s

punctured in several places with large


It is presnmed by tbe eotoBsr that

he negro was a chicken thief who; shot -al till i by

who disaiiiHian d several weeUs ago.

thought that the negro waa shot

at that time and crawled into tbe

brush to bide. Porter-Roberts handled

the b<Hly after the refusal of Orr AKdwnrds to take tbe ease at the eor-

iier's order Tbe decedent wore a

frock eout. A hymn book and silk

hat were nearby.—Los Angeles Re-

Can it be said that the Christ!

Sky-pilots snd Devil-dodgers nowvito opposition at the eonelnrion of

their sermons




MrtIlal ru

1 lnr^re'H"fYr'wLr"BIU"


dust II ihaken

"CONFESSIONS OFDRONE" by Jaieph Medlll P» o^'^». LITTLC: BROTHER OFTHKKICK." lent without •xtr% ehsrsjiwltba« monthly trtaljinbyirlptlon to the WMBI.

UfS PUIL 00. Bnk A. St. LMriib Ma

^10.00 BOOK for 9L0a

thai 111 • .\relibishop of Can

has refused to continue re

1^5,000 a year for preaehing '

be ye poor I"

'Tis said that the brains of tbe

average Christian evidsnee man are

only fit to be boiled down into bill-

stickers' paste.

It will be observed that parsons

niitate Jesus in one respect—he rode

iHin donkeys and Ihey do the same.

on the average|

brought about by

not by booze


aid that Christian

those in Hsa««a.

nctlpt ofSIM

BLUE BRASS BUSE, fllilislisrti

nighty I .Ml-n

fill Item

I'rovideiitial (jod sui>eriutendiiig the

pheiiuinena of Nature.

August 30-31, September 1-2,

nd I ickets the Que

t Koute, will be s(dd Aug.

30. .H. .Sept. 1 a;,d 2nd. g<MMi return-

ing until .Septeuiber 3 IDIO. Roundtrip rate from Lexington to Somer-

set, Kjr., for tUs oiiMioB ia |MI.

If you want to be of ser-

vice to the cause you es-

pouse, and at the same

time help some of your

friends, you can have The

Blade sent to ten of them

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Page 5: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT



(l'u|»yri(bl 1910 by H. H| Hilk )

, N. Y., April

„ a(»p«" >

yfr» nwUtr of 81. Audr: « .«

i.<il .liiireh »t Koch»iil<T N

iiH.l ii»r hen«y btv»' U'

.In iiiity of riirwt. ^ ' i

\ .MUX-. |(U>lh.|> ol lll|>|-'

It J7. « lm|>. 1

"•'••I--' ^

III iiiMiP. Otli«r» Ix

uiily ii*iiuui lul <1«!-

. I be opiucn ol tk«'

It'll bflirf St. Ai|^-

uiillii,- liuiiwH u.lli. if«l

III auswrr t<« Ijnali

tlir TrmJlwint. m-.ii.-^

,l,.i inii«' ttia'. «'liw»l •

,M..Mi%i>l>, and Uu. n ... /.otui Chrial

<i.<niod; uol by tnouaro or ui.l»

It. but bv the Bost ii«rii«i.

„,.., „,„.•.'. «iul thr I1M.M ni-n

wriltrii iu»ii> ><Ny» I" '


iMir caiKmu-^l r*g''ma4i.' .»r ^nufi* i.i. '— "k'

M.linn fiulb, «bo tauKlil UiiU

" Without KuMbiuB," «»)« th*

iMriK^i Till<>m<>iit, "wo ahuulit ke«r«'

liiivf liny kiio* It tlife <>r ilii- tiislnry

ag'* of ( 'Iii'isIiihU

All f.r lb* (ii»-k

toiirtb Mntwy n

> Dull


Our flrat irilnwi

Tl..|it... ..r Kaniiii.


rliilli'li °\ .Slinils,

luviiiurkbl*' IfiitT

A.ii). iri>. t,



II lit' j1iMbo|i

lla. ltll|>(M>H<Hl

aiHfvl wt the' IIKMltltlllMl III thft

i.ti In hi« over

til i4i«)im{>. ojt'iiv-

llif Kinprnir Mar-. -ay. tlHH

rvlifiiMi, wliifib w*"

toyikai aftii-t'tiini'

• ut tin- limo JeMun Clirinl

II liavF bacii bont. Mt>r»-

iiiiiiiortal (iibboD, in hia

.1 Full .•!'I hi' Konmii Km-

•|t liuk bePii iinivrs

IriN^tiHi' nil thr Tliera-

|M.iil'> wus writ I en iliiniii; the rviKU

>( AiiKiiMliiM," And aa tlio git>at

Aii)fimtim tli-<'Otf»«l A. I>. 14. thMerliurrli «^l<> wluilii St. Paul iPnito hia

KpiKllrH. and IhiH ulil aiitl well fuuud-

iiriranizalitm t>f wbirli

I'hil.i Vmy- aiid uu ini:iiili'l.v di-

iImhIoiu. liaviiiK a l iiivdsiiy at


lraii»|.Uii^-<l in «l>.- r<M;Tii of Ihy Ki.-al

MliTr AiiK'iMtiiK." Aiitl bo I'latiua

Kini^T.-iv^ |»lr.^.atg', ••^..11 M-rii ..t<^l'. (trwM aiiliMiiily «» l'a»-

l»' . II inipuftMl from fc>U!ilry Jy-{.. v.,,*?.!**!!!* limiU nf the

1. i. niirn -f \u«,..tu...,

. lil:

II ol'iilly ••Mlalilidiwl u lit'ii CIii ikI

» IK 'I mtirc than ton t>r twi lv.-

tri. <if aifo at inuat.oAnd «U baaed

I foiiiiilotl uu lb* aMr«d writiu«p*

llip Thor8|>oiiiB. railed "Tbe Oo»-

^-1 „f III.' Ki.'.\|-ti:iii''" All tlilK rr.Kii


I 11 "a |».. .Iii»<iii SUrlyr.

"[ «|M>Uig)', addraaned It.'


-iililiinr alle«"ry

,l„ yry Hr»l m |"»»«"

° ..Iwiixo tliHt in imiiiiIk^

,1.. ,,„,.i iiii»lli»ri'iit of

, ,,,,.1 « Ln - '

,i„,.,r...„l . la!, wa. na,ll..«o * 1...

.,..',,.1 ,1,.. tliunily "f »-|.nrt and d..

rlannl him only bWan." (Tayl .r »

Svolarwal. The Ni««e tooDr.l (V

I, I'-,, , tho iw.. brhef. aiM

,1,.n,.Ml.T.> ..rlh«-

1 % " °

..r ih. -II. .1

liirlUii* I

.-rnl |«IC«-- i"denitiii"..-,^...-- -

I hn-liau «iuli»«pby, [f'iP"'''


wait ideiilical with the true

r» .it the l'a«a« r«liin«n.

rinluft'd OriKfii l*""*""***'*•

.'i^o.i>d.i-.4). Ih. m-al la«^1»


I \l ill I Ik-

.ii>- lltil>l>

;;iKn.'.Vii.,..;ii». i«Mf JVH)^ ••'•I""

n. .ml* 24 v.r«« i« »Urk that r»i

,., bo f,H,nd in -M-h *»"'

iMirumre m of.tbsaa other >:<•-

« ..(• 111! iiii.lii

..|itiii»u that ^.-ne -f

miiat be true, VI/.: Kill.

i'..liii'.l tr

iwtad Uml

|{ree<1 in the

,. , . H.'li .-..pii^'l I

,vviiHeii iiarAtive. Tlio

','*i"dence. in lh«j «^"^

"^'sl? w'li-.lnrl

|,„il lluil III'"

.,t ..ii.'li


AliMilliyk' II"



|.i..uHly .•ni.M-.l? Tli.<

Kr.mi K(iyi>l. «» <•><• •"'l"

L.tiili'-iiH fnmi the f!""!

.,.,.l....,,iJlu-nl wril-m will

1, ,..,ii<-.Mled by all iik'-I'^

Unit Hie Imi»«' "

',Mi^..n r.iriirdinir H"' oriirin

CIrd in.l Km

« i-«m|.liilua (4tli e.-iiluiy*. hi.|.-

iiifiited by writin«H iif the A|>«m«'

,. Kalheri and of tb« Chriatian

,l„ui»U. whom theae two above

i,li,„i,.d i>r..lifln wrilen. lariP'ly

,,,, Mon...v.'r. ,1 M,\ n.'v,"

IS l.iniid in the writiiifpi of the

„„.iilioiied author*—infiiiitel

iihloti Obriatianity haa

.1 Inia phihMuphM-," aayn:

«.' bold aone of ^H* upiii

..t km to the IwaU and

III irmUaal r»|wt« aOMiug

wr thua unjua(\^ bal-.. .1.. ^ff,



iKi y

i^l til.-


•OI'l. II. 1 ^ait I'

bniught up

...led m the L'ni- „

nil. uii.ler the•

„:„,, , ,1,.- i.M.?f::-.i=5ff.rju.tiy

'.'-l.'braffd Ainmoniu. Sa.'.l.u., fn.m

leac-him. OriK.^n toriuulal-1

« Ml f..rlh III bia •\MUi*y

,plv i.tiVl.u..,vi«. -Cbr-namty ,„

\l \'^/u».u wh,n tin|,«"aer-

,!,..a,^.lI.T 111 no e«'iUial f»mta.

but have a coiaiD.»» ontfui'


al «i'->"

Mtieal advenlttrw. l»'

where i{i' ala? tli.'i

, ,iiir. I

, thoaphanfo of

..iwii r.-liifi.'*'!!'

lA truth lliiii

l>oli.fH. tliii:"' "I

.•iniainif t.. ..IT.'*"

,|f: "I

M-eoplainly the ad^

I|M>.i(>t« do re»|»

(tl... .•l.TifVt wh

,1 fl|- il,.'- Ilii-'i


.1 1141


iT, AVOVBT21.1910.

cliiir.'li iirifii'iii

(oriiilh, i'liili2>:>i, ai'd in

I I'H mentioned by St. Paul in

l>iHllea to tbe CboMlua."u riler al*o alatea (« quotml

' liiim) tlinl they al>.i li;iil iiinri

ill..l .l.l.Ts. I'lC. Ill I;.,!, 11.'.,

I olil and well t«labl>:.ited

<ir|[«niaatiou iii all iU fkmi'

ii aappoMI to hatra baon

fbil" .Tndarua, "Philo tbe

II.- . Ml t

I Id.


M.I .Ifl . ul!

,t j-liil.. ,l.i.lii.'ii> liiKli'^i

:,.ill...rit> h.i iimi. rjLn

Mraiitft^^ja^ ""»> ""-"'^

I. Ire«ti»«' lUW^iK-ver^e

ii.- tmnir .if .losu. I'hnxt,

iiliiiint..! Iliat U? had evi-r

i.'liQii iiia^i^

M,>«.'ii.. iilx ari' all ad-

•.l. -h.iin (1«»»4-17.V.). t!iP

.1' mudeni oecleaiaitli-

- HeOkaya: "Tbo Ther

,,.1, and I niventity of

that .l»i.

Tli«° t'liiiii. • ! .-tciiautt^li.'

If. Natluiniol Urdner (l«M-17ti(t)

I bw • 1 redibility of .tha Sanpt

nreir' .|0«»e»i latyi}iiin.-iitiiii; on •anie. Nayit


l<.inii..s . .

1'ollJ^u.iis .



SI. Jml.- ...

•2.1.1 ^iid :inl

The »Ai'ls

Liika .

Illlll.. ..1 .h.l.•^. «ll°M'..m

pared With «Jihl>. :."" "I 'I. U'jjiil Hial Irwitiae waa wntien .Iupiiik

It- lifl of tbe fTfat AutfuMii*. it f.d-

>*n Mat it muat have h.-.-n wiill. ii |ian Hfty year-* ln t'.r.- iiny of

If t-aiM^iiwil |!o''|x'l>-.

Wo «|ii'iti' HlfHiii l'r..iii clialiltr l'>.

.,.,k )\ Kin* hiiis Ki-.'l.-Miislit'iil

li'ilur*. <-..n>'-niiiii: tln^ Tiier.ilH-iil


I•li.'^iMl ..f 111.- K;;y|.!iHn>'»«'>

lit- iftf ;j»-l- Al«.. ..l>H"r\.' a IVw ..f

iir N|a ToalaiiienI |»aaHU|{o» a» .-.mi

Hr dl.vilh tbe Therapautie doctrine.

1/ *'K.i at (he aame lime they de-

lure ftieir renunciation of all tlu'ir

|.r..|«liy unci .livoM ^einwlve* »\ «M

,1 ili.-ir entale*. Having; iai.l

„„.l.- ai.xiiSivK of lifr, Ih'""-

y wii^ >..l.i and divided amonfc

thai ill. It- waa not one Aiong them

that Imi.1 «»nt.", . „^ .

il.m with AclB 4lh. 34th

II riit-r

|«'i, I ot hro.! laim.'

' ol li.'i't:''o " I lii'>

tauirhi ib« aasM doatrine. »

i.. ahow W* tlM •odarn le««or

ImlitH ..f Ibt rhriattan Cbureh havo

.!.«.. I Mii» m<«t important «|uo*-

11. .11. «. inbuilt 111.' foll.iwinij: In

,|.|i.i|ie<l iIm- Hnil btMik

leyjiritit*"*! 1 IKiigland

<if the

In el 474. in

rlerK^i-. tbe

lire drama of Cbrwliaa rftden*^ Bj^mp „f |„,nd<.n aaid. - —'Wn wait born ai« brought up in wA deatnJS lhi« danger.iu» invention.

will ..iff- ,|ny .l.«»troy uu. " t'oinpan

|'j,i„.fipt. X.H av..wHl ii

a ..!' Car.liiiaU, l-')!'"': " '

>wn h.iw |ir.iHlalil.- tins fa

afhiiiiPi OriK.'n loriuuia.o.. „, n.riHl ha^ Im-.i. ... •-

new* of mtM-ala and religi"". hU. Hie frank i.tat.>nieiit .>t Ker

.... ... I... aotiUiiEV 111 h»a «',„, |'al.-y. l>. I*- Ar.-hd.-a«.ii ot.... Arehd.-a«.|i

»,.'. ..... We raiinot afford t

• ...iiHci. nee in toburah affair*

.....o HU|.iH.rt tba leoapel beeaii«

:.»l»'^ miinairted iia. o

1. . liap. 'J. <libb.mV "l>.-.-lin.



thf moat powlive in atata-

,1 w.- have yi.( intrmlueed.

„ KiiMjiiu. l'a,n,.hili.H Vim

HiHh.,p of Caaaaraa, ai><U th«

.IwiiiiKttirfiad of all aeeleaiaati-

„i.,na..a. T^t all the other

,.K liiil.' tlii'ir dimini»htMl ln-'l"

: , ,.'Imptor IT. of K»

• ,sti.-iil Hi>« may

|hii« im-isat'-i^: "The «nri< nt

Theraueuts vr.' ("Iinsliaim. and

their aaenHl writ iiiL'« wi n-""""


Ii, '2\\i\. chap. Ifi. he

,1,,. im-.Tlioii true by teati-

l,„.i, be invalidated,

i .|ii. linu' many pagea fro»

liiiirx nf I'hilo .liidaena. who

trinliHo ..n the belief*, hablta

,f the TherapeutHitelv the ,„„l ciiHt.imx »t i"' i "rr«i"-...- ...

ablest Obriatianity ha. ever produced. Ale«andria. Ktrypt. showing^^J^J^

Thawfora. wltbont aieaptioo. all be, had Morad writing, ealled ' p«*P»l»

wbM* l«tm oft. of tlM Kgjrpttaw," «d a wall aatafc-

aa equally true by I Ik

e<|iially falae by the plnl

„^ and a« equally uwful uiu

inifitalil.- hy 111- |»rioMH and ii.aKi>

ll nl^•^."

liaMug |.reiieiitetl«abiiiwli>Ml I'-'H

iiMiiiv t.f that the ..n»:iiiiil <•!

..uri.«|>el* Aa "Tbe (».h«|h'I ..f Hi'

Kgy|>«i.n.," «««^ "«•*• '

*t.. niore.fuUy demonatrnte the pn.p

.»fti.iii. examine eritieally aa*"' "I

,,„, pa«,.H*;.-< of our New T» .lament

....^i.U 1.11.1 . |M-tl.-^: ait 1.. Ilie tiiiw

lit 1. 11.° 1" »li"in a«ldre»i»e«l

wlial H.-n|.liii.- tlK^e pa».sa>:.-!<

hVeleniaiilifal writtTM ni.mily

«rr,«. Iliat no .me really k.i..»K the

auth..r ..f any .me of our .•

U. iw.r wlieij th.-y were wtiIIi-m.

i,..p Faii.a.1!., A. 1). :«w -'.v--

, Hii un.l.'iibte.l fsK'l H""

T.-«taint.nt (ftwi-i-U «'-i''

written by any of the Ai«.sil.'>. but

a I.IIIK while after by *mie .uikii..*a

'"'Tv"* .MoHt* Huli'x nibll.-al Kn. y

...lia. ami Dr. Cliadvii.-k V Hibl.'

r.idav. I»..tli (.nitent arnuiii.til"

linc'tliHl niither Matthew. »ark

,. n..r were writtan pri«r to

last half of tba and aaalMry.

(S..e all*. I the New IntarnatlonaVEn-

• vrK.pedia.)u. i » i

Howevw, wiahing to be aba<»lateiy

fair in our atateroenta, we waive the

arunment*. and append the

table .if -lal.- i>« "l"l<-<'

Natliaiii.'l l.anln. r ui Lis >u....m.

ireatine .m Ih.^ Ci.'.libil.iy ..f Hi.'

Hariptures, thus alLiwing from Hie

Vi^aU Mekaiaatiaal autbority when

il (J4)rintbiani...'iti and 57

Ut ;ii<i Jm.I Timothy 56 and 61

:::::::::::::::::: Si

lat JLd 2Bd Pat«r .

Ut 1. Johd

Tm favelatinn. ...


M EiMMNTIllli^tliTwiliiIpMHn Eur liMi

(Hy I'.-i. k )

. 95ar 96


Whether .l.-.-.ii> < Iimm ..i il..- l\,ur

(}o8))ela ev.T .-.visit',! in Ui.- .|iieiilum

• h. iiij,' liniitt-tl w.' liavc ii.iiie lu

' li.\ way of pifuuil.;. . We aeek

ivt' the readur'ii time and truat

we aball uut iie eunaidered abnqtt'

lae w« are diraet. We evan az-

IKHit a lilll.' .-r.-.lii .-..iiaidera-

. th.-«

II each '

'For tbia rwa

n i,.iiiid in all parU of the

w.rl.l. ami 1 1"" ^^f'^'r^^Z'

iri'tl tjirtroH and .ii..uaMin-. m wi'i-'"

Ihe n,.>nk« lH-rr..rin the nivsteuei' oi

the ...blime Ufe. For pir^

itide ..ver their aaripture* pbiI.«ophi«e

mlinir their hteral

Th.'V have al*. th.. iiM.'i


.' all.'i:




ulii-al man ( IniM ..r.ially iinpoa-

or who may have elaimad for him-

elf divine bonon, but the Mid-to-be

iininaculBl« ly b<.rn S.iu of the Virgin

lepuli il^linie and

1, righi ..f»iia, 8av?

,Saviours all round

-,i> .Ui.l iiltliuugh

ilil lunt- iia believe



r Imii;,! ill \\ . h.iii !> <•:; baiii

kii into b.-li.-viiin by t'aith, in-

utead of by iaels. { >) That eontem-

|x»rary hiatory had nothing to aay

ilb.>ut this luytiiical jierwmage. (3)

The ('hrislians had done their best t<>

reJ^ify this misfortuin.' by forcing

niisMini: teaymony. (4) That ii

ileii.-e was f.irlj,ie.«niiiijr thai an

1, |i,Ts,.„, .-IS the iwelv.- A|«.>ll.

ln,.l i.-ii That II.. tni.-.- of n,

,r (i..>l..-I.H .-..111.! be f.iiind prmr I

about 15« A. U., and (ti) w<- lli.iught

l.-nt-e on the iMUt ..f eveiy mnlem-

porary writer, aa eoneluaive testi-

mony in eonfutatioo of tka Chriatian


W.'^p tl.fl.-.l als.1

Hi .

Ililil .

lia.-.-alili- . thi

Ih.- first .

.'. hv til

iiapare lln^ ""'

preaeled p.e|»el as s.-t l<>iHi

Usia^ 1-1. ••Tl,.- P-fafo h.'ttrd, aii.l wbi. li was


,.v.-rv <-r.>«liii.- whwli i-s uiuler

.•M'l.^of I. '*>"'•''

.. ,.'r.-- (..r .b'aeoii. ' •'O'

.,t ..Idor amotiK Tber«,K.utic oiyH ii.M

.,„a ^lih liahiliaiiii 4th.-J4ih. wl .-^l

an- an olleg«y." Agaiti. ' H.

,l'hil») diserilK;. the order. ..t pret

nn. It a.uoiig thoae who aapire t« ec-

l ii'siwlual miniHrationa. The oflloe

..f .l.iroii. Ihe huwhletit rank

s.ipr.n.e aiilh.»rily of th- hi-h.ip

l opiMin' this with Nl Ti.u'.Hi.v. .....

1 til, ,"httr lliev thill Imve »»'•''

.„„e. .>f .le-ot... well. p";--;'"";^..'"

„,..,„*lv.'s a Kood degree.' Aljo Phil-

i»pi»,H Ut, lal: " Timotbe.

iia. t/ ."ervanti. of Jeana Chriat. to all

the '.int- with the b:*h.»|«. i" AN.) H.-bi-ew^ V"Hewenibor I hem I hat have i

von. Vho hi ve sp..k.'n "nl..

wortliof «!o<l." Al*.>' H'Ore

17ll, ,<'Obey them that nave

iiv.-r V..U 3Uil »iibniit yoiirsfl

,1,,.^ ;.it.'h f.ii- y.iur s.iul«. as


Florence <BilaBger). Ky- trip tieketa via the Queen

& rvseeiit Ronte. will be aold Sept.

1. y-jand 3. faed returning ii'itil

8ept-i4, 1«10. «.iund trip rate

LnfagiiM M irtuiw. Sy. for

oeeaiion i. 9I.4I.

have Ixx-n of greater vain.- than

whole granaries of aaterti.uia mad.

iu the latter half of the aet-ond cen

tiiry. Tin II there waa presented I.

iiN Ih.' fii.-t r.-<'..i-d<-.l by liib)i.>n. that

••i.« i,„ I.I!.- i.n.l <?.viuuai:aiit

II. 11 ,111.1 iiiideratandiiiK. " llH-elint

aii.l Kill I, i-hap. XV.) We .ibserveii

likrwi>.' that "b.dh parties" (<"hria-

tian and paitnii), "seem.-d to ac-

kii.iwle.ijre til.' truth of thn-'.e niiracl««

tthlcli were eluinie.i bv their adver-

iiid vhile 111",

tul the

n l dea.

st.iriiig aii.i fa'.ablisllin); the reign of

auperatition.' (Ibid, chap, xvi.) Andthe aame great Mholar aagely re-

marks in a f.i..tnole that It ia

i.rislv I., be lani.,il.-il IliHt the I'l

Many aSundr y in faahionabU

h..fii nianiifai-tiinMl ..ii

. the renniiim of a

sboit Maak "elay."



with their own hands the

vantage which we might

derive from the liberal i

of our adveraariea." (Riid.). Fur-

ther, we noted in the pagaa mt tbia

imtetl writer that thoae anwog tbe

K.imans -'wl n.Ies.-.-uded to men-

1%., that (hriat ia .aid, »•

lived, aa a atudy of eompara-

ligiiiiis amply provea, tad r*»

imrall.-ls .-v.-ij w^ere abound.

,..r instaiK-.-, is a liat of amai-t

h..'1-hl ..f',' N..;

. hii-liiia ..f In.ha, IJIH) IV .jf Hinduston, t)(M> B. (J.

Tliiinimur., of Syii., IIUO B. C.

Wiit.iba the Telingoueie, 522 B.C.

la... of Nepaul, 622 B. C.

llisiis, of Oreat Britain, 834 B. C.

t^ of Mexi.-o. .587 B. C.

(^iiiriiiiis .if Home, B. C. •

Proini-theiis of tireeee, .547 B. C.

Th'ili- .,f Kitypt. 17tM» B. C.

Inilra. -if Thib.-t, T-J.'. B. C.

Ah.-St is ,.f (ii.'o.-e, tiOO B. f.

..t l'l,rM<ia, 1170 B. C.

( ,n "t I 'iiiil.lea. 1200 B. C.

Hm.i ..I I'li-sa, 7i-) B. C.

Miihii. ..1 I'.-niia, 800 B. C.

Salvahiia. ot Bermuda; Omri., of

II. ir •.if Egypt; Odin of

'.,.n,iL.t.-r of Pcr«ia;

... Sium; Ahini.'s, of Thebes;

Mikado of the Sintooa; Beddin o£ Ja^

pan : Tht.r. of tbe Gaula; Cadmoa of

re.-ee: Hil and Feta, of th-? Mnnda-

li.'niaut. ..f M-vien, etc.. ete.

W.?.h....M H-:-.!- I hat :.f.- kmw.

L',..f''all Ihes'^ hiiiuaii -a.-ritice.,

liriMians will IVel iiii|iortan:

i.iii t ver. They may find the varioua

.^ of tbeao obliging gentle-

„ Ml a work by one Keraey Graven,

illlll. I • Sixteen Crucified Saviora."

1... ili.x may consult "The Hind,

,', ©M.-xican Anti.juitiea,"

ii;uniis'•• Aiiacalepein. and me Pro- O

,m^s iif RLliKioua Ideaa." all atro«r

Iv reej.ninien.led by the clergy."

The present following of the prin-

piil iiiii.inu' th.-se Saviimra iaj

hilsliiKi, 4(M1.IMK),0<HI (f.

HI iiiio iMiih ; for Muhoniet 150,00»,r

I,,' t-.!.- (•..iifii.-nis i-_»ii,fMm.lMM>; and

,11 Illlll 00(1. S.I that Hiert?

repeats itself esiMK-ially

f. Take, for «

E Cbriill^ and Chriat,

a Hlaf^Bf""

f .Ian

that he hu.l

a carpenter;

rajoieing on earth and in

hia birth; that his moth-

was Main; that he waa

),... j-.ih; waa viaited by

an. Isli.-|'li>'rds who were

<tar; «as warned by an

all . hildf. n were

ill .'i.ler 1..

, ,,ai.-Ms tied 1.1

, li.. .l,-s

iiK-lii.l.- hini; that In

Mathnr.i; that h.- ha.l a tore-runner,

thai he waa wiae in his ohildhood;

was l.isl and *-arched for by hia par-

ents; had ..the bn.tbert. retired to

ilitude; fastetl; pn a-'h'^l a

i.rthv aermoir. fiiiii.'il Savi-u

and Keikemer; .m-"-! I"-""'

birth; and on earth ai.*l in heaven at

the aame time; waa both human and

,iivine; worked Buiraelea; wa<l

thtimrhts; ejeeted devila: had apoa-

ref.iinn'd Ihf existing religion;

jK.or; wii- •..nspir.-.l atfainrt;

inani'ed an.l ehaste; mereiful ;a«o-

iatetl with sinnera and waa rebuked

•„r il; befriended a widow; met a

».inittii at a well; submitted to in-

.iills and in,i.iri.-s; wa.s a pliila.ithro-

.,st; ha.l a l:iM M.|.i«r; «as .-ruel-

1 hi-lw.-i'ii l» ' thii-\i-s; .larkiieaa

.'j„,,,,,„..,l; I.' ,!.-«r.-M.W t.. hell;

,\ r.-Mii I<'.!. 'il. Mi.l after three days

.'I, hv inanv iHt.i.le! And all thU,

.-.1 Hi,'

siibinissioii to Ineir niysleruuis kUh;-

trinea without being able to produea

a single argument that eonid engag«

the alleiitit.ii of men of sense and

I,. I I

n.l I I iiji., . like



a i-evel.ili..n. whik- the lu'lief

youth waa shaken mightily, yea, even

to ita very foundatiooi—and after

that .the earthquake' Down fell the

whole edifice of our faith, and theio

u.. s|,„,.l l.itikintr on with mix.Ml f.'.'I-

iii|;s <if animyaiu-.' disap|)oin 'Micnl

ami n-nret, for we reeeivetl in mir

youth a very pioua training and were

ill prepared for aaeh diaquietiiig uia-

rovpriea. But the fatta were too

Mn iiL'. and forced upm ua tbe eon-

.•l.iM..n I hat u.' have been groaaly de-

.-.IV. .1 rii.-n- .-an be'no* doubt fhat

all Christian teaching haa been an-

ticipated by other maitan long prior

, iM-..pli««>cy, we have

irtb foretold of oth-


to earth foretold «

ers be^iJos chrisTina and rhriat, aa,

f.,r . xai.ipl.-. Chang-Ti, Osiria. Cad-

iiiii>. I^.iiiiiiiis, Qn.-x«l<-.>te. ai:J Ma-

I '.-I. an.l .Mi-^sianic pr.iph,'.-i.->^ un-

I., h,- f.iund in th.- "\'e.las." the Chi-

nese aaered books, and in lh.«e of

Egypt, Gr«*e, Rome, Mexiw). Arab-

ia and Perala. Ther are atao many

other" "mlioiis" comparisons. Oairis

is spok.-n .'f "s liavintr bruised Ihe ,

. ll. i. ,,1,.^ Is ,,'i,r.->.'nl.-il with his

s.-i|..-nl 's h.-ail. Chrishiiii is

nn.i sculptured iu the same

(1 Tcmia haa the »nie old

MiracuU.iis eoneepf are


: of

SH.-hi.pi.-i«iiuil; of Yii; of ApiKjUiiiius;

of Buddha; of Mahamaya; of Chriah-

ni; of Yaanva; and—inddentaUy.-of

Of vir'.'iii mothers, we have Yaa»,1a. till- ni.iiii r nf Chriakna; Maia, of

Salvia: c.-lesiine of Zulia; CUmiOion

„f yuexalc.ite; Semala of r

(CoBtlBttod oi| tawtk paga.

Page 6: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


At ItaUvM, N. \., A|>nl 17,

H^y. A««n«P»««pMy for :»

\<-ar> netur at Si. Aminw'» Kpiaeo-

iv<l rhnrrU at UoelMater. N. \., mtm• ..1 I.. I I .r.»> l»«Hiiiv br ileuisd

I liriM. Vi*l, Saiut

\ i. l;i.-.ii.;i> ul lli|>tju Utinuii,

.i.t(» (S.-im.>us rbap. 12), that

k'lMft tte lint MM iMliMMl CkriAt

to In Ood «b4 M( mo. OUmh be-

iifvptl liiiii to bM only a nun mad d»-

MP.I III. .llWlUlV

I; , .

I.^ ..- I >IHIil"!: "I th«l

U...':,' .. . • 1.. h. t M A.IK-

I uleli'min

KjH.ll» I"

^—— -J» tl"" "''"*

.tnrlriin- that ntmla b.«lv w«» »

, ,t. I, V iiii.l tliMl II" |mr


,,., M 111 Ibel

..I ,1,.. A-..11.-- lh.-iua.-U~." 1

AimI CwIU Al«-t..lir •(« «*"*" '

ilinMiKit all Ua e<>iilun>«. ba« the

.Aial-iir* of Ckn.1 a- a man b«ri.

.l,.„,„l, ,H* by aaeiutr* .>r uubiUev

s UMt by lb* Bosl lowned. lUe

„ .M Mi.r,re ana th» wmU iwiwl "f

«bu |i«wft»a «lw Chriatian

,,4it.r ill John a Vj^Um {11,

inl. ala« '.iad. 1-1, Tlh) adauttaA by

nl«ll^ iu.>«lorii amb«>ni t«i bava bn-n

» lilt. 11 maM ywmn b»for« wy.1, ..imi.ical VMV^ WtM»

„ „r |M-nH>iui p(uf««iac th*-

. i.ti-uuii fa»h. «b.> Uufbt lb«l •

iM-lirt lhat »«rh a man a« <"hli*

,vr«| in th.- H«b. aaa ih. jmrt

's„ i, ,lrui.-r. .»f tbr humanity of

. '»ii«b: lb«« h* voly M

Imv.. »ii> klMwl<<l|;v "f lli. hi«fnr\

•>f Ihr tinrt af«B .>f « '.hnHiiaii|l,r -r wl

Ihr aiitbura who mrvtr in that litnc.

All i,f Ui« Offk <>f tlH

fiMirlh rvntury and itinrr have b^viiri

• lirrf Kuabiua c««l«d.


Our Ural wilnmia Khali 1m- Ki-wiop

Mrlilo. of Hanl!!i. I.ydia. »ii|>ji«wcd

by many to It- "tbf aii^fl wf tli<<

chiirrh of SanliH," in«»«li«n««l iii lb««

|t«M.k of lt«v«!ali.>ii. Ill bife

iu«inoniU« l«tl«r uf afiutucy. «l«liv-

i>n^ A. I). ITO, to tkm piwr Mar-

cut AiiUiuiiiua. be aojn: "For tbia

|iliil<i»>|ihy, or rrlifiuB, which weu-n.-h. tMii> douMMd aforatims

»ii...i>^> ii>. liaHwroua iialiwna; but

liiixiiit: b ..i-MiiiH-O aipiiu, or baoa

iniiia|>liiiilr,i in llir rri|rn of tby irrrat

anrealur Aufualua." And be rlainin

ih# Kmperor'i |wlrDiiacv. "on a*

roiiiit <>l ito icrtsaJ aiili(|iiily a» huv

II. U b<-«-ii ini|iiir1i'd friiin •oimlrv ly-

ini; b.'\>H,.l till- liiiiilo xl till' Koman

Kii.|.u.- II. III.- "I Ao«.i«ta/.,

»|i.> l>ii<l luiiiul It* ini|>ortatioii ounii-

oiia of cuud furtune Ui bia Ku\«Tn-

In Ml A. I>., Jiwtia Martyr, i

Mifr "f ai-U-iO, aaan^w-d to

Anuul 1

. .,l iii<' «holr ic>'»(<rl atury

I,..,. . .il..w..ry. •• III lh» «'•«•-—

, V 1,1-1 111 "I

^. I,,, I Ml iiiiiiiln r wa* fuuud

I,,' M,...l 11,1 llifi'l prof»«"nf


111 Ibf Mw.'tul antl

Mi|-rlniil . I*"

..,.„.) (ill- .Imiinv ».f I'linst Bn«l Af

, iv "i..iiii««."' (Taylor*

The aratoihre* <<{tw

U.,k, Mattli-w. Mark

,r<- mil .1 SMioftir *'"»\' .11.1 I

,i' , ,11. Ii a - I..-.' xrrUil lit:"-'-

.1.1.1 111- t. v>, ..t M..ttli..» an.l

Mark mi**!* |«*- '"^ '*

R..V. Mom, 11..11 M.>. (I<.l.l>

. al Knryeloi»«li«- l«»».'«'' '

.,r,- ....Iv 24 » ... Mark Iba. can

t..- f.iund in »*»• "•^

..n^M.atf.- in »ue of tbrae other

Tiew «f tbia unaiaput«l fact

Hwat eminent pnti--» "I «h» l>"»<

..Hrtury have b«-n »i:r.->

.i...,i..n iliai . I"- "f wi'l"*"'""*

„,f,i I...... v.. ; Kilher Iheae threo

...i I, from aaeh othar

.1 I hilt tln-> ropmi 11 Ii „

•If III. II h4.ld aim..- of the o|.in-

kin tu Ibt. |iueU and

|.iii|.»..|>lirn. in yraoleal rr|>ul« aokuug

..II, why arf '^e thiin unjuall;r bat-

•If \vli.u »f >.ay all tbiti»r. werf

,.a.» 111 Ihm b.-autiful or.Wr by li...l,

a bat ilo we aay ni»r<- thuii I'lat.'t

liy o|i|HMtl.« tbv worxbip -t 'i.r

worka of MO 'a bauda, at- only o'l'

M^^Ul^^MMBlisii aiid byd<M;liiiiiiK

tbe tba flrat h^^XSTST ti.Kl.

«• aay no mtira Ihan wbat >uu Mty

uf tb. -on* «f io»*" ^,„m,-ru-..i. an MtlMMd lof

iral |M.|{r«. to deinonatiate that the

briMmi. l.liil..~.|.liy. ..r r.-lip.-n,

,aa NKW t»M.» NAMK. .....l

,1 »».. i.i.-.iti.a: ll.--

ot th.- I'UK*" r«-li({l..ii.>"'"«

ur...l.ired OrnwD (born l«ji

.-a i>-»). the moat leam«a and

tiii»b<Hl jwrsuiiaK*- i" '^^

drama ..t Chrulia" eMd. nee.

OiiKvi, aw ai..l hroi.ifbl u|» «'»

i cvH "IfI »» e«lu<"aled m the Lui-

.r,.iv of Alexandria, under the

„Mr.i'clion of the learued and jually

..l.bral.d Amnioniua Sacchua, fr«m

t.-a.-liiiuft Ori»t.-n formulated

.,t II...nil" and r.>li>r to t>l»u». vi».

and ragamaiu, when n

aloud, differ in no e.-

but have a common

mill till- ^anie Ihiii).-

t|„. .,rlii»iiintiral


I "f II tl..'

,M» ..f •»"•«•• »"••• i:--!"-- •

U.nK-r teiiablr. N- -«l'"l»'-l>

l-hriMian w..iild admit that lh.-«e

jf„.,».l» were fo|i«e» "f

ti,.,.r,- (l,-^««^-.'i'a auin*"'"'"""

)m. , i.U irtiP- Admitting tbia

,,,)„. ,.,,Mv, i II- dolbe ro»*t IM '

,„„l ,.,,.i„,i„.l ..f lh«

ira.lrr will mHurall.V a*): Kmm

« h. I.e.- .•»"«• tbi» |H^'vi..uHly writtwi

iiarraliv.. fn.n. whirh the goapel'.lism dri'w their ina|nration

,,'„l 2 , .•«i.i«l? ThP anKwer

|„. 1 , KiTM.i. «« lh«' f"lt'

,,,,,.t:iti from H'""

ii.Mil ,««ai writ I" will

fy. It ia eoiii-.".!.'.! 1»> all """I

thwIogiaM that til.. .1 "II

iiiformatioa«' ."'u'l"

,1 Mfiela. U found in H"' writmir'

,,t ontfin <3rd eeiilMry). and Knw

Inns I'amphilua (4<h centuryV «u|v

|il.iiii-iite«l by wriliiiir* "f •!>•' ^I"'"

t.ilir Falhem an<l "I tli.- flinvia.

u|><>bi(i«l>>. wli..iii til,-.

im'uli..niHl pniliii.' «ni.-i- iiii.'.lv

.,„ntf. More..v«r. it nboiild n.^vi-r be

foripitten that for InftO yaaia »>

rieaiaalieal hiatoruui hM pritMiM

t.. luiv.- any other information than

IS loiiii.! ill tlip writiiiiri* of nbove

,,„ „ii,,.„-.l autlK.M ii, 111*

,.b!.-,l fbiiMiniiily lii>» .n . r |.n.du«t«<l

Th«vfor», without aseeptiiin, all b.'-

I 1>.bi


iiuti.'ul a.K' * hi.-. 1

. . .. .. wUrrv III r. ulilv thi.lialiiirli""- »"|^"

no difenrttce."

In reply t" the ebaiye ol

that tlie (MinMian reliifu... bi

•• |,..ii.d»t...'

niili I bun li'>«> I


.. Imm*

1 l.y

"tliHt »e wli.

iif.- til.-



plainly tb.- a.lva.nnK.

n.oi> i-^pl* «>",

wr (tbe elentyt wh«. are a., wel

viMHl .>f th"^- »»»inK». do tea.b

t.i b..|i»v.- without examinalioii a«

to tbe r....i.dation «'f the faith."

tlnr n.-xl i* thf

,,..rtai.t. the ».««» P-iliv* in

,Venl tbat we have yet intr.Ht.ued.

«i,.l oMe who, himaelf, prwenta un-

.l,„iable teatimony oonaeniing the

i„.,„iry a. to tha orifto

HOi. HisI,..!- "f <'aeH«r.-a. Mul the

iei or hniMh rtwhw ia Boma,KpheaeiiM, Corinlli, Ttiilippi, and in

II i.Ia.-.-s in<-iiti.>n..l bv St I'«„l i„

••K,..,tl..s ,., ,1,.. , hM,.l,..s••

Thm writer iils.. -( us .)ii„i,n|

by KiiwbiuaJ that they aUo bad uon-aHteriea monka and nuna, biikopa,l>ri.-iiii and eMm, at«. In ttlay

old and well eataHabodchureh urvanisation m al! iIn |>l«ii-

tilde and powar.

rWlu Jadacua, ..r • I'liilo tbe

wr," aa evary atudant of hiatoryktuiwa. waa aoBtaapgcMjr «riU thareat Aacuataa Caaaw ^ fnl Ro-i.uii r^penir. Ka waa about 20. ..rH i.r M)f.- at (he time Jeau* Chrial. r.|Mii.-.l I.. Iiave bf«u bom. M..ra-i\>r. till' iriiiiM.rlKl (iildiou. in hia

•|>i-cJiiie and K.ill .•! iht- It.'iiiaii Km->ir. ," Maya: "I( hat been proventhat I'bibi'a treatiae .m the Thera-

l-'iil, wa« wrilten during tbe reign

>>f AiiKUHt.iii. " And aa the froat

AiitruHtiis .l<-<-<-aM>tl A. D. 14. thaao

i-hiir.'b s t.. ab.iin N(. Paul wrote bia

K|.iMl.-h. uii.l this ..Id and well-found-

iii/alioii of which

l'fc!l.i «rn!. S.J iiii.iiitely di-

St. Jude knd .Ir.l St. .I.diii Hiloi

TlieiA.t- <;)

Uk^ 63 or t.4


Vn4 tbia table ot datM. whtn com

IMred Vith nihbon'a atatemMl that

ribtni :

Alexandria, and biahopa,

B Ckriat

lot more than ten or twelve

..{ air- at iiw.^l And all bn^e.!

I- nL-ruiM-ut^ . all.-.i Tb.- tio.^

|M-I of the Kiryptiana. " All thia from

eati«<my of Pbilo Jadaooa. Bigharir b<.|ter authority no man can|ii..|f > i-t "traiiiri- «H It may »eem,

I' i>. 1,1- lr.-.«tlv.- 111). lii'MT i.|li-e

...r iitt, li.' iiitiinaU.I that be bad aver

heard of »urb a man.

Tbe above atateuenta are all ad-

nutted by Moabeim (1694-1755). the

ery f.imu.Hkt of nxMleni trrleaiaati-

eal biatoria;i«. Hi- «»>.: '•The Ther-

a|>e.itan Cbiirrb aii.l l iiivemity of

Alexaixlria were Hoiirisbiii|c when

I'brivt «a» <n earth and long before

ibal .late."

I. ..|;i!;r-. KMirll-.!! e«>cl«i«ia«t ie,

\ l,..,.|l..l llt,M17(W).

., ...1 ~ ;..i_. rr..m l^.i-nwia.

...iHin.n-iiV ..1. Han..-. »ay» : •'It

ia peeuliar that Kuaebiua, at «o early

date, ahoubl eall the K|r>P<>«n Tber

jieiiti. ChriHtiaiia," tb»u|tfa they

iiiu'lii the iiam«- .b.etnne.

lb.- .Ml.-r

lewed I bia

I hiirrh have

at iiii|>or1aiit .iii.-w

the foil..*.. in In

1444 Caaton pabliahed tb. iii ,i Iw^.k

ever printed ia England. In UT4, 11.

a of tbe .Irr^y. the

|li»b..|> ..f l^.mlon i«id; •'It «< <«"

ii.>l di-^lr,>y tbi» .Uin:er..u» iii\.-ni M.n.

II Kill one .lay deMruy im." foiiipan-

ibiK wilb li«» X » avowal m(he f.db'Ke "f t'anliiiaU, l-M'': " 1'

iti «rll known b.>» pruHtable tbiK fa-

ble of Cbriat haa been to ua." S.«-

al«. the frank atatooMat of K**-

\Vi... I'al.y, D. l>.. Arebdeaaon »f

l arhale. 17K.'; "We rannot afford to

have a conaeienee in ehurrli alTai

We muat auppurt tbe p.s|a-l b.-paiiw

the a(W)N>l awii">rte.l ii*"

Vol 1. .hai.. J. «ilbl>..n > ••IWlii

ai,.l Kai:

l^.n ...rid

. by thel>elieve.» aa equall:

ueopla, aa aHiiidly faba by tba pbil-

..»«kM.. aad aa ooaaUy uaefal and



to tiM time tb«» Chtirt to Mid to

Ibava lived, aa a ato^F of aoMpan*I live religioua amply provea, and re,

(litri..!.- iMiralleU everywhere abound.


IMIi wlhiTMlviCivtliitf

(By Emeat I*.

Wbather Jeana Cfari»t

Uoapeb ever exiated i,

wa prupuae bri^ 11} ii.

apace being litiiit.'.i \.a\>- n..iiu ic

waate by way ..1 in-.m.!... W<- M><'k

lo aavie tbe reB<W» time and ini-*!

we aball not be oonaidered abi-u|>i

lieeauaa wa ara diraat. Wa eve!, ex

jMi't a little credit for our vonsi.leiu

lie Kouri|iie8tiun

, b\ . ..f the

.rally i

buMsell ;llMn.- 1,011.

iiiiniaciilai-' ly b<i



I fnini chapter IR.

e III.' Tlieia|

•(;..-, ».| ... il„- t-:..-\|.tii.i.- »a,

AN„...l.~.r V« ..1

NIa Teiil anient pas^iii:. ' a, .

pand]<«ilb the Therapeutu- .l.«-lnne.

via: I'Soat the aame tin,.- tl„-> .1.-

, renunciation all their

|>r<ipei*y and tbemBelvcK ot all

.-.luee of their eatatea. Having laid

,,-,.1.- V.l anxietiea of life, their prop-

eriy aai. aold and .livide.! among all,

to thi* (hen. aa* not one among them

lat had want."

Coiapare (hia with Act* 4(h, 34th:

Neither waa any am.>ng them

(bat for aa many a« were

«f boiiKea or lands, sold (hem-

and brtrnght lb.- |.ru-e ..f the thinir.

thai r.-r.- -.M. ^."1 .1,-' ril.iil h.>i » it-

hill till' suid-li)-be

Sun ol tlie V irgin

ll niiraele-wurkiiig Uod-man.1 iiu other. It ia noeeeaary

. [.arlieular upon tbia point,

have been many Kavioura,


n^'h. • f n«, Sav-

..I 1

all, Christiuiii, would hnve iw I

tin- i4lier> are s|inni.ii> \V.-:i.

. .lay

ii.l 1

l>e our <liity t«. >;ive u IV» n-;..-..,,

we renounced it.

We found (1) we hud benb<Hi/.|e<l into believing h> fuitl,

Ktead of by fjK-ts. iJi < •

IMirary hisL.ry had i.'.ilnn^ 1

about thia mythical i-., >.iiiai:.

The Cbriatiant. bad do:

rectify thia miafortui

the miaaing teatioiony

>-\ i.lenre wan forthooti






Again I'biU. nays: " V.>r thin ra.-e

f «..„ .1* fonnd in all ,«irt. tin-

„rl.l. and ih* b.-»t men betake then,

,.u|, \n .-a.-h ..f «la.-li they ba\e »«-

n .i .,lili.— a„d .n.n:a.M.n.-», in wliu h

,1,.. i,.,iik> iH-rf..r,n tl. ;-..yMeri.-,* ..f

I lie Mbliine life. For th..>.- * ti" l'"'-

,\er their »crn>(ure.- i>hii.'ii<>|'hi/.e

them. ex|»iuildlinr their lit' nil

. bv alU-Kory. They have also the

,^ of the flrat leadera of their

,11.1 rveoida of th* mwninga eon-

,i bv tlioM- allegories.'

„a,.«,v 111- « >'h the univ. really

a 1st,

.,s,-l :


\ZZ beard, an.l whi. h wa« preacli-

t., everv ereaturo which ia under

beav.n. ^I'l-rcf 1. I'anI, aai maa* a

<!Mie..n. the very low-

• Th. raiM iitie otHriaUli.ide,

.4. Ill I


proitaWe by tba prieal. aiid magin


Haviag |irHMIIe<l abundant t.-sti

niuay to piwra thai (he original .1

..ur goajieU wn* "Tli.- li.««(Md ..f Ih''

KiryjHiaiis." w. 1

,tui,- nil. Jllh. ••wla.-h

,.n.-pM>•• Apun.--ne

,l'hll»l d.M-ril..-» the •r-l'-"' l"^'-'

erme^t aimmg thoee who aapire (0 ee-

le»ii«tical roiniatraliona Tn« ofltce

,f d.4eoii. tbe hiinibleal rank, and the

.,i,.r,nu' anihoritv ..f Ih.- bi^h..j«"

.,,|,l.,(r Ihi- with l-'l 'fiin..thy. M\.


I-.. I ll,.-y thai have iiM-d Ih.- !.'>*» A. I» . an.l (tii w.> tliou^'ht

itoi^t kod lb« mirael^^ever takea-_

place dtirini; (h<- activeWe of JcB«i^Jrtrrn :tS J»l

' l> .> Mtmrr -»s<aW WeiM.d ani|.!.- i...-..i.U of 111,.,,; II,

Akeslis >l «Jrt^-e, 'io^i H r.

Atvs, of I'hrygia, 1170 B. C.

Crite, of Chaldea, 1200 & C.

Haii of Oriaaa, 725 B. C.

Mithra of Peraie, «00 B. C.

Kalvabna. of Bermada; Oaiirto, of

tlitypt. Hofrn of Egypi; tktta af

Seandinavia, Zoroaater of Persia;

B«hI. ot Hi..enieia-. Bali ^.f Afgban-

t Thru.-e; Z.«r of

tbe lt.j. A.l.-..i of .Vssyria; Ueva

Tat of Siam; Alai.lea, of Thebea;

Mikado of tbe Bintooa; Beddin of Ja-

pan: Tbor, of tbe Oanla , Cadmua of

re.-ee; Hii aud Feta, of Ih j M-indJI-

i;.-ntaiit. of Mexico, etc., etc.

w .. -i,.,nM think that after knjw-

1; ..1 ill tliesie hiiiiian sat-riflces,

hristiaiis will feel m.ire ini|»ortani

than ever. Tbeybmay lind the various

hiatoriea of tbcae obliging gentle-

R work by one Keraey Oravea,


•• Sixteen Crucified Saviora."

i.> iniiy eonsiilt "The Hind,

,,„. M.-xiean Anti.juitiea,"

lliir'-'ins' •- Aiuioale|i«is, and the Pro-

^r^m^ of R-.-ligioua ldea«i," all atroag-

iininiended by the clergy,

present following of the prin-

(•i|.iil aiimiig these Saviour* ia: For

iMKliiia, 4<tO,000,000 (for Cbrial,

(MMMiii.iHX)) ; for Mahomet1,11. for CmfuciuB 120,OOOJOOO; and

,1 Miihra .Vt.000,000. 80 that tbaia

-nil remains much miaaionary work

be done.

,17 lapeata itself eapeeully

• Take, for eaample,- - Mid Christ,

...1 .

ill. |>iirl lit every .viiiteiii-

V titer, an conclusive testi-

'..iifiitati.m of the Cbitotun

liiTil half i.f tbi' first V.)U|<1

.'I irrealor vi

r half of the s

• Ih.-

. |Nl!>Ha«.'e«

ii-h.-.l ..f all .


„ ,H.>« bid.-

. all lh<


v.iiume, citapter 17. of Eu-" K.eele«iastieal lOatory muf W,1 tbi« |m.«aa(re "Tbe ancient

Til. r.


. the iserli...

.•ha|. lli. he

n,onv which eai t ^ invalidated.

vir:" Bv quoting many i»age» rn.m

(be writinir. of Philo .Iiidaeiis. who• •

'.fs. bnhit>»

Ali-\ai..lri:'. I . M'I- -h"«'i'i-' 'hat thi-y

had aaerad writingw calle.1 "(l.wiiela

t our New TVatameiit

K.W1H-1S an.l e|.i»tlea; M to tha time

when written, to wl

and to what s«-n|>tnre

refer. K<-. l.--ni>ii''"! writer* moatly

aicre.- thai n.' •-allv kn.iwa the

i\ ..III' ..1 eanonieal

when tluy were written.

"Biah..p Faustus, A. D. »ays:

"It in an undoubted fart lhat the

N. » Testament g.«|.el» were not

w nlleii b> any of the A|« !.-.. but

11 l.mi: wliil.' afl.-r b\ ,"ni.- i,iik,,..wn


Kev. Moaea HullV Kn.y

elopedia, aad iHr. ObadwiekV Hibb-

of TVlday, both pnasnt arnnmenta

Hh..wiiig that neither Matthew. Hark

I „k.- iH.r .lobn were written priar to

|,l„. i;„i h.iif of the aad eeatoiry-

jiSi-.- aU. Ih.- New IntemationaV-En-


H<iwe\er, wilihink'

fair in our statenient-.. v

alxive rtrgnnienlH, an.l ny

table ..r dal."* a.



^l.letfr.-.'- Also I'hil-

i,.,.i»,s l*t. 1st: "I'anI »"•!

iia, iJ nervanta of li"*"" t'hnst. !<• all

,he -iint- with the b«ho|* and dea-

c.nii." Also Hebrews 13tb. 7th:

'•Heaei.iber (hem that have rule over

von. Kl'" •<»v' MO'k*-" ."j"

wonHd «i...l." AU.. H.h>-.-"<;'-

17thj*M»bey them that lia^-' H"

over V..11 ?nd submit y.>ni-> 1^'> -


Ihey walch for your awils. as that

(I'.iiitiiiiied Sest Week-^


nonnoo (Brianger). Ky.

R,«ml trip tfakato via the Queen

ft r^aeent Roate. will be sold Sept.

1, r and 3. good returning un(il

Re|)( 4. UntV B->iiiid Iriv rate from

Uiisgtoa to Brtaagar. Ky.. for this

..eea/lon ia $1.40.

;;lll,.M I, ,11 dm fani..

,,,..„„.. .„, ,,-.l,b,lll> ..f the

Iseripturea. thus sh.iwiiig the

llMdiMt aaatoabatiMl MilhMitj vhM

M»nv a baart-foaehing aermon

hed on in fashionable

hiM. hai h«N'., manufactured on

, tbe reniuina of a I

•••tojr." uranario ..f H-s.-M-rtions mades-ond cen-

tiirv. Thill there wai> presented to

Ui. the fact re«-.irdetl by (iiblx.ii. lhat

in Rome, (Christianity was r.

"aa an idle and extravagant

inn by every man of a liberal

ti.>n and understanding." (l>ecline

Mini Fall, chap, xv.) We observed

likewise that "both parties" (Chris-

tian and pagan), "seemed to ae-

knowledgb the truth of thoae miraeles

which were claiaied by their sdver-

•arie«: and while they were con- t.. ilM-iib:iisr th.Mli t.. Ih.- arts

Ih.y 11,111 ually r!.n.-„rr,-.l in re-

storing and establisliiii); the reign of

superstition." (Ibid, chap, xvi.) Andthe aame great scholar sagely re^

mark« in a footm.te that ."'It i« «ei

iii'isly 1.1 b.' Iiiiiieiite.i that the fhrisi

uin halhers, by iu-kn..w l.-.l>j-iii-_'- 111

iiif.riiul part ..f I'luranisin, ,|e-tn.

with their own hands the j,'i.-at ml

vantage wliieli we iiiiiclit otlierwijj

derive from tbe liberal eonc !U<ioti

(Dlid.). Kur

mm of thia

>ng tbe

-.1 tl.rI the I'lirisi ..islder

I win. i-.xuit.'.l an iin|

siibiiiissioM to their mysteri.nis

(rinea wi(bout >eing aUa to produee

a single argument that eonld engage

llie altenlu.ii ..f men of sense

ind 1

lis like

a revelati..!,. while the beli.-f

yiuiih waa shaken mightily, yt

(o its very foundations—and after

(ha( ,the earthquake- Down fell tlie eillRee of .>ur faith, ami (here

\M- st.«>.l l.Mikim; .m -.vith mixed (Wl-

iiijrs .if amu.yaiiee dis(ip|H>inlineiit

iv-.-ret. f..i .Ml i

yniilli a MTV pi •.i!< training sinl '

ill pi i-p'ii .-d for such disquiet in);

coven. -s Hill the facts w.-re

sti.iiii:. and forced upon us tin-

i liision lhat we have been p. s^ly

eeiv.-d. There can be no donhl

all Chriatian teaching has been

ttoipatod by other naaten long prior

' all 1

( hiislina ..t I, I. ha, lilH) H. C.

Siikia, of Hmdustoii, btK> H. (.'.

Thanimux, of .Syria, 1100 B. C.

\ the Telingoneee, 522 B.C.

la.., ot .Vefmul, 822 B. C.

II >.n^. ..f <ireat Britaia, 834 B. C.

(^ii.'xalc.t. ..1 Meiieo, 9K K C(^uuiniis ..t Home, 506 B. a|>„.„:..< of Oreece. 547 B. C.

rir,!.- ..t K^^vpt. 17IM) B. C.

Thib i B C.

Aid of Cbriahoa thati

biitb was f..retold; that he waa an

incarnate god; that his mother waa

a viigin; that he hud an adopted

I »-ar|>eiiter; that

there was lejoieinK .>n earth and in

heavtn on bia birth: lhat hi» moth-

er's name was Maia; that be was

01, III'.-, J.'.th: was viaited bf„„,, iiii.l .sli<-|.h.rus who were

le.l by a star: wa.s warned by an

angel of danger, thai all ehildren were

ordered to be destr.>i>ed in order to

include him; that his parents fled to

M.-itbiira; that he had a fore-runner;

that he waa wiae in his childhood;

.Hi and aearehed for by Us paf^

bad other brothers retired to

solitude; fatrted; preached a note-

worthy aermon; was entitled Savior

and Ked^emer; existed prior lo hia

birth: snd on earth and in beavea at

same time; waa both hnmaa aad

diniie; worked miraelea; BMdth,.Hirhts: ejected devils; had apoa-

nied I hi- existing religion;

W IS rnnspin-.l atrai'iat


ri. h.-s: wa.s .lu-ek ; un-

married and chaate; merciful; aaao-

iatetl with ainnan and waa iikakait

for it; befriended a wido*» M* •

«..n.a« at s well; submitted to in-

-nils .111.1 ininrii-s; was a jJiilaiithro-

ii,.,l li,.|w..i ii Iw.i Tliii \.-s: ilaikneas

sii|H-iv.ii.-.l; he .l.-M-.-iid.Hl lo hell;

wius resurrected, and after three daya

•<e«ii by many |)e<iple! .\nd all thia,

\ >m li. C !

W ith regard (o pr..pb«M«y, we have

(he cming (<» earth foretold of oth-

ers beaiae* rhrisYina and Christ, aa,

f..r example, Chang-Ti, Oairia, Cad-

iniis, (jiiirinuK, (juexalcote, and Ma-

homet, an.l Mt^ssianie prophecies are

lo be found in the "Vedaa," (be Chi-

nese sacred books, and in thaaa of

Egypt, OrasM, Rome, Maneo, Aiab-

ia and Persia. There an atoa wumjother "odious" coni|tariaona. Oairia

is sfMikeii . f as having bniised the

serjH-nf's hi-;ul aftr, ll had bitten Ins

h." I; Hen-iil.-s is r.'pr.*4.-iiled with his

heel oil a aerjH-nl's bead, Chrishiia is

pictured and sculptured in the same

way. and Persia haa the aane old

leg. nd. Miraeulons eoaeeptions are

re.-or.l«-.l ..f Plato .(who waa said to

Im. n s..n of Apollo) ; of Zoroaater; of

Mars an.l Vulcan; of Quexaleoto; of

Su.'hi.|uei<pial: of Yn ; of Appotonias;

..{ Huddlia ; of Mahama va ;of Cheiah-

na ; of Ysauvs ; and- ineideotally,' of

Of \\r'/ii\ mothers, we have Yaa»-

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mm r mm



' Hill


lit li'ilKt,

ta read '

1.1 l.M.'k'

wi> have b««ii al a atalilktill,

actniilly rt'trt>gr«<}iii|;, frt.a an-

siiii-worsliip tit the

in iVdIy

(J.mI th.' lalsiii.r. Ilis'in -il

.Ma,jf8ty 8iM)k»' ilie tnith.| I'li. i»

Tli.-rt' Hic otiuT reasons wliy Ilifimi

.1 > 11. >i helievf ia h jroii. hs fol-' ••'"•m

I'ws. If th<'n> was a su.'h


lis tlit^ one s|)<i1m u i,f ill til

Im> .•ouM ali.l w..ul.l luali.'

manifest to his childrfuill thr days of Noali and.iilu-r iiotalilf cliarm-tiTs

«,.n.l..pful l.ook called th.

I< , t)ii1 instead, lie oi.l

iiiiiih' If hiddt'H in nixsti

i\ ' -II 't even try to ki'i'p

et' the liiiM's, lie should, i

L'lv lis somi'thiiiij luop''

it himself than n

iiU Mhered Bihle, vvliieh !;us so/-';'' ' Hi.rlH.s

oft. 11 bet-n revised by those most!"'""* ''""lestunt*

iiitei>>tited in the doing* of Qod I'roiiptaiit my» C«twUe»and other mytterioiui happening!,

no other way be ae-^™""""

'' I- "• ;i'l know tb4|the

. ii iiis ..i ,\,.| \ form of i^WiMii-hi|' rliiiiii liiat theirs is thinly'II I'm-.' aiul boiisflde lloi amillii'iiN l^ llie only tniH fait' iiml

shi|> which leadM to suhnlior. hp. I

all who differ with ihem v iIi mlion are heatheciH at .1 mtiil Nra.'lically the ganif .i|iini..ii

. .1 for bv .'..Hiu

Tth.MloX '


,• v.'



iv» t.. Ih.


MU S. HUOHSSIM-IM Uorth UomMoo* StrMt.

Laslactoo, Kuituokjp.

P. a ta »M.

at aJlt""'

• ^^"^^UVjuid he not ke«p them ?d perfect, "I""' health and Tigor throashont eter- '



«r maU, mu sll yv. Im m

ruin sulMcriptlona, puatpaid 11 »0


iiity if he w) desired, and had the I"!i -«» 1 ^ • ' i» T» ' ^^ e rank

. liiiK*3Hth

ly am horny from ..n Hiuh. like

oiilVrretl on our pri««tbo^ byHimself; and your reli|A is

AOVKRTISIN<^ RATKS.l>ne Inch, wnsle column, 1 lii»«rtion

10 cents, one month, »r Icur ln«»rUoiJ,

11.00; akx mcmtha »6.Ul>, one ^»r. t» V>

QiMurtMT eoliunn. 1 Inwrtlon. t>.0«: oi •

Math, I4.M; aU months. 12* on*

raar. IM.s*.

tun ealUBi. «aol« oolumii, or lartar

i:n«S ap-

u.e d;

f.ivMi aiit.hoi-.s ,,t- tlie Hibb'T

VVIi. ii iiiaiikiiKi IS spoken of^ as

liein^.' savcl. what pari of him isl

!>einK saved? If he is allow«d to

lie first before bein? wved, his

. ntire bodv is laid to rest undermany feet^of r^„rth and then-

l,e is left to deeav .'I'ld n-turn to'

rarth its<'lf. Whiil would there

lie left in the eourw of a few)

thousand years t" r^-ium-et • Theanswer ia e*sy: Nothing " Howfoolish it all se^nw to ttbink of

ram l"'iiikf e.'surreeted at the end

,,f th.' \^ rl.r-i .'Xi^teiic.'. xvliK'h

has lirv"'- y.t iirr.'.l. an.i .i«

far xs w. know, never will. Kur-'

th' Tii, >r.-. .i.'.'onlini.'- to our must

s.'i. nt;li. ustr"n.>[ners. the Heaven

c!' Ill'- Hible has so far never been

lM, ;it. (i. aii.l if such a plaee as


iiitaiders ar-

limit ihHt ill nil thm. I>.

ilh.-rinir clow t.i thr It i

Thi.^ Ix-lii'f in the Mi|.,

.i-i^iil man's brain for .•enlury

< ntiiry, ^king hnmaa pm^«-

Heal evidence uf tbtsir preaent exist-

enoe f

• • • • •

A liberal prohiMtkoist u as in-

possible as a geoarous miser.


MizM Sunday Oaidac Mid Prtael-

lag ia NMttls. .

• b.•^

olT .' mIv. llf . • I ll.'l

.[.Kiii/.- li,.- IH.. u hll!f ii:..u.'

Hi \. H unk lU'i tliiini, p;i«tor ol I lie

I iiioii (.'hrixtian I'liurtsh uf Uevrve-

luvn, Monday.The RcT. Uartham was spaalring

of the four hours of danriiitr sad 15

of I'biri.'i

L- "I'll.!' l.s. .Tlld tluTi' is !h

' p' ssibility uf human nt l

Miiiii ever shakes off th.-

- ilH-rstition entirely.^

I, H. <;i«»!U^evBy, liid,

MU8IN08 Mo 3

a^mu> jKTauBaoftii

la ai IZi-IUl North

L*im«ion. Kentucky, to wWoH all Kre*

I arm ba a»v«n a haarty «•!


JiULK^a UUUHJtoJ. Boa »9.<iMU>a


ml 11.' iin|«.«8i-

lilf lor ev. u n *iiil to pt'ii.'irate

the endless space uito other'

worlds in seareh of a heavenly

realm, be<-au8e <>f the awful frijr-

idity of t)nr own atmosphere aft«r

leavintr the Earth some live or

six mile,s. It would necessarily

tiave to be a v. ry wamP soul that

would 1h' able t.> witli.Nt.ind sueh

an extrein.' ti'Mip. ratur.', and iiie-

thinks but f- w if any will ever »>e

able to walk the ^Ideu streets of

the New .l^ftisalen^ « play on

harps of ifolden fkrtaMRL or idBg

hallelujahs to Glod on the thmeof eyeriaitoig Ufo.

. MBS. C. B. HAYBN,Oamll, Wyo,

botause our only autiioni-y lor

the •ziateaca of a gb<i ^ bible,

and that bible ia a myth, a work

oi (ietion, which «jan be proven by

..e work itaelf.

If the bible waa th.^ inspired

irord of god htj would have lu-

apindi the author of the Ursl book

of Qeneaia with the truth about

the formation of thia world. In-

atead, he stales that god made

this earth and all that is in it, in

nx days and'.l on the]

aeveuth. UoloKy pruvcs that this

Earth was not created iu six

dajv. It took thuuaaada of ycarsj

to aon^eie the formatim up to!


ita present conditon, and the pro-

oem of .T.'Hliou is still going onJ,

It will ...ntiini.' l.> ereate as long.,|\,^

as tins sphclf .ftains lis i-reaent

form and position amouKplanets of the universe.

Second. An aU-wiae, aU j

erful Qod, a creator of the tini-

e verse," would have known wheth-

er ^r not this Kartli had f'or

corners. It took year.s for

the people of God's creation to

discover ita trot apharioal ihapa.

If the Bible was tha iiur'"word of Qod, Joshoa worHd have

eoniinanded the F-uirth to stand |„.

still wliil.' h.' eoniplel".! liis


Friend Jonea:—••«• Your«'nti.m that by pro-

fes^inn (hn>liiuiit.v.8,V".i are playing

safi; iHraiisi' It lli.-r.- is n.ithinic in

it, you hav^nothing to hiae; on the

other band, you say you have ever>-

thing to gain. This sUtcment, hi it-

g«lf, it aeemii to me border* on (kep

"T."' an- ii.'t -imi.. .i,.-. h .t M "

a di-ownini: nun., aiv ..-l a.j^., „l' ..t '

straw. The skeplieai .M..hiiiiinie.hii;

..r Huddhist no .l.mbt tri4s to conaolf

liimaelf with the same kind uf roa-

jsoning. If he is right, he too has

every t hi

(I'.y Otto \Vell-t..iii, S S I

;iip|i.>Ni> a (j,„|, nfi-r ati Iin i.

ahaii-s of animate .iihI .n.ihii ;ii.

luioii on this plaiu'l. w«iiKI iiii iiT

I' a voyajre on lliilli .n'> .-o ,


nnir withii itx iniKlit.N orhil a

the rate tu '.it itiile* jx-r m'coikI tn

^<'\ .'iity-Hve years, would the iial ira

I. I \ities and evolutiunsry pruct^non thin world cease or w.aild ev rv

thing ifu on witlionl "Hun" jiiK ai

wellt '

Death eau only be a lalanuiy r

personal life after the death of ih'

individual were possible, but then i

would not be death, but life, ilei . ,

what f.iilv an.) I"als.'h.i...l t.. |aut


of I



> i, have

thst oise

til. ta.t ..t the whole matter

ai. all <T.-at'ires ..f gapersti-

..r whi.h we are no more re-

)!e than we are for the »hBi>e

• bodi.8 or the c.lor of our

All ouf mental, a* well ai>

si cliaracteriaticB, are iah«-nte»i

>iir pviinenilors. .^ire*. ami tren-


lillliiaii >lailj.'li

of the Sun. as is state

1(1-12. when he said:

thou still upon (iil>e<

Moon in the VhIIpv

This is another pn

god had anylhint' f"

aiitli.Tshp of that W'

Third When r,.„\

„.l pla.'-.l


in .loshua,

.Sun, atand

, and thouof Ajalon.

f that no

.1 with the

cole .Adam

priminM- mail .|>iit walking

fours and hepiin to staad erect, and

when his intellectual faculties had

developed sufflciently to prompt him

look ubtint, and wontk-r at the

V an. I wlier.'I'ore of ihin^rs,

II lii>l. h.' h.-K;iii I" i-.-aliz-.e that


certainly did maintain all hfe.

Ho the tun naturaUy became the ob-

ject of bis sdoratioD. But preseotly

of his fellows (the predecassor*

alH.Ml Ih, \l..l. ri;.,i«l .,1 .1. .Hlh

If h.- .l...lh. h.- i> i,..| u .Mat..,

iaiist, bat a belie\er in tli.'<>ii

nitrhtniare that something terrih'

may happen to him after death.

Theials say: '^You esnnot ex^-lim

nature without a OoA" You cai

explain Ood, We at least know »

tur« t/> be a fset,—vnn know nollniii

of voiir CinH.

Spirilisls say -V ann-r e.

plailPth.- J..y.'l, .:»J fur;.'ti,.,i> ..t !i.:ii

expla*ii souls or spirits. ^Ve knot

man to be a reality, ymi know ti.'th

irig of Roiils or spirits Pnle-iJ y.)i

lexph.;-.' y.'ur .'xplanati.'ti ". il i- ii


What is the us.- of putting "rims!

ianity in the Cnicihle"t Uf lie

learned men of our Universifi<* I'li

"Theism in the CmeiMiS" and ti nal

snslysb will «Blsst the RitV .>f

Ages" ai^d prove that all religioi|B are

the emdnt prodaet of ignorani^ snd

superstition. '

Whal ^piMl> li;ivr Mi|- il'.iM- i',

I ir> aiiilaii.i imk, ili.- laii;.*! dancing

pavilion 111 I llf «il\, Sunday ni.fht.

The .tlea ol' lai.Miig .laiiein^ and re-

ligioa nriginsted when the women'sclubs of the eily eondnetea a (

paign which n>Miilte<l in the closing

.if l«r.'.-.mhii.,l on Si. ;:.!:'. nit-hts, but

I'i- ,.-,.,„.ne.i. TIk


Men's New Thin Model, 16 Size

Waltham; l.'n.isile .\laM

mil-., " J.t jewels, ^>Ij ,

' H resceiil

>tr. . l, Jl jewels. $23; " lUveri.h lit jewels. |21; "R T Bart-

''. 17 jewels, <l!J.i)0; "&2i>,"

1 . .fUi. 15 jewels, 7

El^u. .No loti or "It^J, "


.,' ..ii», .fsi.i, '"\erittts," jew-

. !s *:ju, li. W. li*jii*,iid, r.» jew-U. Wl, 'J-12,'" 17 jewels, l^.

DIDN'T LIKt COUMt OINNIN*.The sge of the Mesaiah at death is'

ssid by Ireaseaa to have hmm flfty ; I

and he ooms to, this aonelusioB from a colored »orosa, native tt the

the remark of the Jews: "Thou art ' •«««U>. bad been worklaa fbr a lat

not yet flfty years ..l.l. and hast tli.aifamily ol moderate meaMJI

seen Abrsbamf" \. r.lm,: t.."•••ed iiimHp

Luke, he wss tliirty-.-.,'hi.

t.. .Mat-. wealthy rai5ly \Jlio

thew, seventeen; t.. IHoiivmus Kxig,

„ . isnelSase oa Rtiellduiis, thirty-three; the generslly re i kelcMs snd bava f ~

eeived age, aeoording to Faisebius, >B ooursea every Blgfil

thii-ly-oiK-: to Jerome an.l Scaliger. j

was comjiBiiy.' Thl» rolorwl

s 1^ diMerBigSIKluat as II

Kivp lit her iiithoi' to put every thing oa thece. wllb (be exeeptloa pesdeaaert. anil did not IsIm

I and. and tliu tlifferenee b«MM.-.'i

' auM'> given by Matthew and l.nk

il the stateinent of the Jews, ai.

hardly couaistent with either "iiiapi

in" or bisloriral acciirBcy.

Is aa «sst nissMiw Ms M am**us the jewMT aad rMsmad kamm lu <

msde the tr<» fey rail and hmt nhnui I

> rears bai*M his d«iih Thie i..H.k

la raperlally eiiltable for a i>r<ernl

Cloth Bound. SM PagM. Poataald |i MA4.1rraa orders to

wptedr aakad

trusgllnr au-

f why rou think he

' je ehs, *(,, .;ii»

Is. *ui,

C.»S«.s: .Ml llie above m the newriiiu MXMlel Siiv-jnuo 8erewCases, in Fajr's, Cruwn or L>eu-

uer tilled .gold eaae, guaranteedthe maaafaetureai for 2u

or hunting eaaa, IDIn 25 year eaae, $2 more

than iu 'M year eaae. Iu cases

[uarautetd for ail time, acrew, $»,

T hunting, |iO more than iu Sil-

eriue^ea*te. Prieee of solid gold

lUies Ol, appliestiou.

Kv. iy wuteli yiuir.iiile. .1 Ir. sli

lul iie« lael.,r> no .sle.p

. . pels I, an ueeuralc liiiiekeep-

r and, if well used, good for

iity y. ars or longer. Will be

ortler fi»r one year. I pay'•iirltt

f..r price list of \V,,,



OTTO WETTSTMH,LaOrange, Oook Co., 111.

110 N. Kensington Ave.

.•>..iii.- .|, r;;_Mii.-!i would perae-

' iii.' Ilk.' I'l.i/.s if they could,

li.-v If W Patterson, for in-

.< IVeslivterian tuiniater,

s;,. I n . . iitjy at l'hiladtlphia: "If1 ha.l iiiv^wav I would have an'A.t'iili'.M. r . a'll.'.l ill t.. .l.-al with

;,ll h"r.-ti.', „i..| i.|;.Npli.'i„.-i-

UiiriniH.' at. Ih.' slak.' \\"iil.l h.'

'.(.» goixi for Uios«' wli.i r. vile re-

ligion. "The growth of her«*y is

sneh that nothing but such meaa-iirex as this can stop it," Well,

th.ii, it won't I..' st'.pp.d; for




•PIOIAL TRAINliiUlirimH 7:25il.

Ilrrausr." t-xplalned AraltrlU.t Hiked aitoui all tbe coisbine^

• lid iklak of etypt tbe BMtrtOMM

' '(. said tke maa at Ike bote!

inter "ToMlu ran dlreet aw la agood carpeaterl"

-Biceae me." said tbs elsrk. wtth aaly glaaee at amassmsat al the ladr

Ko. I'm golaa to bs patleal with

rou, young maa. aad tail jroa I waat aMy rlsbl l« Is a

'Did you bM a kiss os the sisettea

Iwtib thst girl yo« sre sweat ear *

i -i bM •varai blaaai yas M thegovarnor, one on tbe ewagrsasmaa.



com. to bet BO

The Universe Has No God. The one I msde the bet wltb saidAnd Man Haa No Soul.

. ab^ didn i believe m patting all hareggs la oae haakoC"

\ world-wide movement to

niak.' tln iii known and perpeliiat- 1 The''. I' 'I- I' irth iilars send a self- aae eai ««lte

n.i 1 • .Mil

,{ the n.l pr:

i th.-i

lii.-t of

; 17

"the day tli..ii

Shalt surely di. " 'rh- ii Sntan

appeared on tie se.':ie a-i.l told

them that they would not,surely

die, but "become wise aa we are."

So Eve ate of the fruit and jrave

to Adam some of it, wliieh

he also ate. They did not .li.>. i"

but their eyes were opened ;ii >1

they became wdae, juat aa Sa; in -

bad said they would, which ji'«<'p

Ill-ill in tlie ,,ii llr ii.ii'i .haiii-i'." he^'ail to get

ilso |)laee(i ,l,u^., . Mi.'l . i i .il.-.l an invisible god or

.n-il in MiP ..,„N ihe (•, at, well aa

iiden with'do.l'.s Idtfhi Hower, the Devil, to-

iling tliein,j:;.iiuT «nli the necessary adjuncts

not .'lit of H.nv.n iMi.l Hell—and impressed.\Uii. that|iip.iii ..ill .•n.i-i'si.irs the neeciisity of

. re.'f. thou h. iiJL' si,h>. i to ami w.irshippiiig

I 111- ,ii.». .1, ..:,.| iinkiUiwahlc (Nid or

(i'l.K. 111!- h.ii.f has l)e«'ii prolit-

iihiy (f..r 111. ppiosthood) perpetuat>

ed, fostered and piwpagated. It hasdeveloped into a gigaatit

with msiiy and \arions forms

far more conclusively that th.y .lo

nut exist, than sll tbe childish aa.l in-

sipid so-ealled "spirit pli<"i4.iseiia"

ppives their existeoee. Has H(+ili..v-

en given ua a grander sonata, M.i;'.,M-t

0 more sublime symphony, Warie r a

new opera, l4S«l anoiiier rliap».i.lie.

Shakespeare or (toethe gnatar dru

mas. Schiller, Bryant or I/.tigf. llov

more beautiful poetry, or Ing(';Mii||

a brilliiiiil post mortem lectur< f Havewi- reeene.l a solitary heie rlt. |»ra.'ti-

eal ai.l .ir new invention fr*i tlio

;:reat .h'lwl T If not, why ii.>i f S|.iril-

isls claim that all these illuHtri.iilis amitalented men still live, that th«r pro-

gress iaf&ileetuaily forever; that they

can ;;nd do eommnnieate with ilieir

' irviviii-.' frii' nml are inter. «i...l

I tbe world is progressing


.^.' if 1 . \ -I «. ,r.I

V\ II K I i,i. It. ii'l. Kas

Christlaniiy's Birihpiaceo


Upon Which If Fooadtd th« ChcMm lUUfionj


nronmrtt orm unt or toMi or rmm iailt onnriAir

The Anther Makes Mo Gtate to Oiiginamy. ps^tailag eaiy to Have

t.! hrr bathlns euli Mteh 4ay.

Net CnceursfllNf.111.' lady toiirlsi (timidly)—Are ail

iiiir {.amo-ngera seaalck durtag ths

I I. . ai.tiiin ! tuleranUy)—Thare are

I h.' I....l> .l.rlsbiening)—Maar sa-.•I.M.ihB, .i.|.l;,ln:'

j'h.- iii|itiilii .iiirnliiK away)— laln't

l.lltle Willie ,Mi(| wbat I

ry?Ps—Tbe other felkiw'a.

ask, do not these gifted iiiuiioitals

give OS some uamiatakabJe and prae- i



Prlc« 15 C«atstOrders to-


Ill some respects." replied Mr.Crosslots. "i got some of tbe beat flsh-

lag wonas out of it that 1 ever saw."

to betrow s Mtllon dollaia.

Wlggs—Say. I'd hste to lead It toaa' thea have to take It out lo


Page 8: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


(Ky ('lianaini; Sever«tiur.)

NulliiiiK ({r»a(i'i- lonf iii cur

ryi;iK <iiiivictiiiii t« riiliciiml iiiirul-.

than t'arlH iinil ll^'UlM, tor llidir uiv

tliiiigM thut tkmiujiKtraUi trullu> una

defy rafuUUuB. Wbwi jrou b«y« a

fMt tlnU MB h« ibown aad dunun-

iitriit«d, jrou bav* Ih* brat of an ar-

Srumwil wi<h any u|>piiti<*nl, and oaii

knork him <>iit in oiiu r<iiin<l if bo will

fa<-e it.

\<i KriM-tliinkvrH, ueliuvt* ilio facta

' mill (liriir.M III *lii>» lliu.1 riiriitiiamiy

i!,>iiil <>iil\ llii^ 'mi,-);!'*! I'ukf and hiiui-

bii>r '!' I'"" <•'.•'!!. bill llu- ({n<at««f

lailuri' wln'ii iIh- rfali/atiof. itf pnmi-

iMw atxl pniiictiiMm ar<> twiu-ii iiiln


Cln-iatiainly baa alwaya claiiiinl lu

In- * .liMiialy irmpin-l •..Iiin,,ii. with

n ilfiKl ,'. iiiiiNi\ ..I »..ii><' .lit> Ix iiiK

^ ftSrSTTStaUv *d Controltor

of tb« TniTmp, it «i«rlan«l he fuuUI

ntiii wiiiilil iiiniiri' HiiiMi a rumSiti.m,

ol Je* u ev«Tj kiK'v itliull b<>w, nt

Ihinfa in beavi>ii, und IbingB mi iMrlM.

ad tkit^ uiidi r the earth imi l i >

pry l<iiigu« aball euaiem that Jmuh

('hri»l » Idtrd, to tk» (lory of Owl

iIh- Kathci."

t briHtittiiity hw Milw* 9b» aotk

I'l iitiiry <>! ila ciialmM, and by look-

iiiK b«. kwiird wf ran itw what il luu.

iloiu-, unit h\ fouiiMitiii); i-.Mili- »'

mil s,, tsrar thw |»ro«liri hiii

I.. Imim; (irilUxl. It biu^ rlainiMt

(luM' ilii, -.lairiiMiil, liir an uiiiinent

a Ctu-iatian a« K«v. ('harliw HuaMll,of Brauktyn Tabernacle, admiU th«re

ru donkto Uw numhnr of baathac in

Hk' world tcxlay than there wer« 100ynirx ujfu, and we do not have to gii

Mil iif your own s., i-iillf<l t'hriHtian

...iinlry In tlnil li> i i iuhbiiI iijf-

nri'H thut only a littU- v\nr oiiu-tbird

of uur peuple are profeaaml ( brist-

iaiM and ebureh member*; and Rueh

a i-KMir abowiiig ten yearn a^o ia whatauaad Cbriatian inllui-iice to have

niHiea in tbe Mnaiix I'.tlO Thatfaet baa baan throw n m ihem h<j manyliltiea it caimeil a -• -|><il, uiui it

irnlafh our CiuohM,, rn.n.lH .n,wh

to ll.'lll II II .•.•,l.,ll,l> 1. fiU'i

III hi' HiipiirfHwd, II (.--iMi-

KiiHMi'll, and nee wliut Ik l^ nj|ii|N-llfl

lo H<lniit, thouirfa why hi- Huiil it wIumi

I III |Mi|iry of Ohriatiaim i» to blowhard and claim everythiiiK, in nut


fol .nary

|,:i>i :.l iii'li- liiKtead of bang tha

..u. uiid Kiijiii-iiir rcltipon aftrr alJ

iliiK la|>-»' III uni)', it la not even Hrat

III |H>iiit i.t nii.iiher» amoiiK iitb«<r i^-

l,fi,..ii». I..r n.i.i ihmui i'\i-«>da it by

ntaiiy nall:«iui, and a n*im rpiiiinon

(ouDd«a by llahoaMt, tb« Arabian

«amal dnvar nMrly OOO y«va aft' r

Chriati«aiiy aUrted, ba* 170 nnilion

d«Tot«n, wkoaa knw* rttvm i.> !»»

t9 tW .IMaM of JmiW, KBd wlioM

' iaag«w 4( llMy apNtk bia'aame, ..tuT

it hi dwiaioB •untotopl.

Wttb ail tb« i»ainc«T»Uoii» thai

• maka reKardiiii; 'lii-ir

their liiKlii-l rla n, • .


Iheni niin.t'nrally »<— i

>t Ih. |a>|>lllHtl<Mi .1

lhl•^ it tl.- ImM |Ii.> IV'li.Kl's lii-l|i, li; ..vei l:"«> >r«i-. liirv

muat if bomM mi eutOla, Mtaii lb«t

work, doing aJI iu out |wwar to makeliiiuwn to th« haathan tbc (race of

and the flreat It^-fWiner, weT h.Mrli..l.-f>h r..ii,|».||i,| i„ iidniil

ami cvrry loniciit- to rnnfetw (^hriat

ia baatbaa ImmIs, avaa m wahifg ago fivaa bope of aacom-

l>li«hing anrb work in eiriKaed


"Sb^iyou don't cara to en><<

that fannc poat witb bia eti

idea^ iBtemgatad tba elgar

I Jo, r ,.,

tlH»/. Ut^l

1 rm'l.l


u Miri-uk it lion

r.-linioM, ui

• nd .an.lor iHit to b.- fiiiinil

en in a t'hriatian prearher.

Th" MfilKMiiHiH, who km-p tHiantiiiK

.f hiiililMiir

.111; - i.-ll.-

'.luhliHli. wilh

.•I thr I

iiii>ii and bretbrrn. fellow

Haint^and aiancra, than

, hit la anawdation in facta and

f..r ntrialianilr, for tb^y

to do Ihinga than (}od aad Jaaua to-

gatbar. l«»r comparatively be baa

dune a tfreairr work in tba I'iOU

yean jiiat pa«Md than Jeaua tbe \mA-

er and Savior nt ail mankin.l, and


I' n..t thii faet, altina, auflii-M i.i

kii. i k all diMne elaima out of » hnM

imiii v f 1o a reaMjnable man U muai

b . for whire tbore 15 DOtbing to

i.h-iw that an omnipotent tiod i«

hooi>tii>i; i'liii-.tiMii>iy, there ia notb-

t,, Imx. !>.' i.'t ..11 tliai he ia. If

,1,;, , , 1 t,,. ,1 .I..M,a...,n reUfion

hu.i .in.l .-. in.Ttod tbe

• bole worlil, lit It expected to and

aaid It abould, tban it would have

bad a faet tbat no oppooaat .on I.I

WTe failed U> be iufliwnaed by, an.l

.•v.T\l>odv iMiiikT Chriatiana. there

h.r..' I»<'h •>.. ..|>puiM>nta. Tbia

i« » \<'r> p. am pi i-Hontatiou of tbe

raw, and a« t hrwtianily ii now dy-

ing <if dry rot and ita tn.wer la wan-

ing every duv tbat niHiiea and if<>e».

if it ovw u J * ehnnee t« inttuer-f"

tbe •hnW world, tliat time ik paat and

g«>na. Wbefi tbia religion attainad

ita graaieat power and had tbe moat

rt.nvertn. il waa iiaing Are and (word,

forrr aiid viok'iire l<> make roiiv. rla;

ami thr moment il rcawMl to iia*- mirli

nieaim lorjhnt piir|i..M-, that momeiil

.lri...p and die.


li. When they had 1... or K" I"

on and haw tbeir property coiiHitrai-

ad, it waa eaay to eateh 'em f..^

fhrialV aake and the glory of (!o'l

Wl.rn 111.' liiijiiiHilioM wan in forrr

Hiblr pro^l.'.':.* mi«l>l I'r f.iltill.-.l. it

wai a bold man indeed who would r»-

foaa to aaaap* tbia rBlipo" "f "'u^*

and merry." and fhnt wok lh<- lime

when I'M'!-'

iikI weak«-n.

Clirislian laiidK

ha.l t

.,f Spawhen diivrn

Toleration wn.« nl'vi-r n ) ntiir.' .>r

(liriatianity whrn it ha.l uiirrKlraiiii d

power; but with rtn- ai..l f..r«' it

failad eompletaiy tn acoompliab its

intwitiona; and I now throw this

faat into tbe face of *very Cbriatian

that exiata lo Rbnw that what it fail-

ed to do in the jiaat it cannot poani

biy ut the future. There ia n-

nioio rh».w for converting the worM

to Christ, Ihiin there ia for aoi-inj.' all

men think alike or look alike r bii.1

tbe n»tten atuff put forth i« hia naino

will ba moca and mora rajaeted aa

tba ««rU roll* «iL Paataandfifnm

i><-rii'iM-<- .lealli and <.blivii>n.

Il iR n.iw dying, ai

ileiire ahow«, but wa eannot

(iiiek, death, for aaab aavar

tf> niiperatilion in aapr

JEKX, ?*S^paaitinK awayirla.liiex. Ill all ralional human be>

. wh.. kll.

•utal MilT.Tiinpi, f.i

am very clad that i« urnim

.So "I^et her go. Oallaglier!"

the aoonar tba better^

Ixia Aagelaa, CaUf.


to create k, after an,atemity of non-

exialrncet There ia no effaet without

raiMf Kilt for an eternity all ex-

itinir rAiiHi-H hajl not produced a nni-

emr. whjt ill the name nf reaw.ii-

i.'ii. WAS TIIK CAI SK wliirli ••Hu*-

,1 III.. "[••irHt C,,,,^.." 1.. n.-al.. tl,.«

.,ivi-.-M' Hh.'Tl It .ll.if Hill I ll.T.l If.'

II further H rauHe Ih'Itic nt>e«|p<l to

iiii«e the " Kirnl Taune" '> or

1 i»rivrdr the " F'irat ("aiiae" of the

TheiM. If we keep on in our enirial

teat of "Pirat Cauaaa." we will, n

doubt, need aaothar "Firat Cahh.

«|and another, and anotber. ad intin


riin> HI' HI')- that all anniment

What Oaoaad It lo Cause a Umvrrae

6 000 Yaara, and Not <^0,000.000


(dtl.i Writatein, in Freethinkera'

er wan a •'Kimt l aiiHr." NVilliii^

eternal IWf-exialeiil universe, i vo-

luting jimeeaaea are eternal

It never begjn it can m v. r end

A ^iiitflr parlirle of matter CHiiiii.t b«

,1.^1.'. I. iK'iili.'r laii It l»' anniliilated

I oiiM-.iu. ullx ill.' iiiiiv.r!.e. bi'iiiu lo';.

)>i«imI ot eti riial miMiiiir i»artir!ea, m

eternal. And each |iartirlr lepreaeut-

n energy "and forre- batag aaargy

IBd farca baa ever been activu mH>r|H>liiale Ibe evolutionary pnHseaee*

.1' Unite forma, beinga and bodiea; but

lii'«e. by virtue of their own potenciea

I. iiig deatined to flnal deatruetion and

limiiiivrHtioM. tend, in iiiflnile Viiria-

lon ami liansfomiatMiii, lo |M.r|»-t

hi' proi'i'>» forever.

All attempt* to aolve the riddle of

imniie exiatenee by poatulaiiu^r a

'Firat Caiiaa," or "Qod," .'xmlinK

irior and exterior of the nmvi TM'

niiKl and will ever r.'nuiin i'IT..rl- <>f

'liil.liKh mii...niiii: 111,. I a li.i.i.'iitalil.'

ailunv It .'M'l"'"- ""'hMiu' It Mi,ipl\

livesth ihc vmible evei-yt hi iii: "I an.l

iiviMti* "in iiiUBible iiothinit vmIIii>..|

•lui. Hut vl'ter tbia ounniim mupr.tai, the identical nyateriea which

i,vi i.ionipled aueh a eolation atUt

Mai.' 1^ ill the faop, avad in anffmaiit-

.',1 ili'K'i-ee.

A "Firat Catiae." or "Ood, un-

pliea an infinite aomething—of wbieh

how. ver. we know abaolulely nothing

•I'w.iiiiX iilliihiiles and p.>wera

,,il„.i,,,i- ;,, ilp.M' .'xisliiiu' ill nature.

.,,,.1 „„i|il\ -uiliri.'iil lo rails.' Ill sprintr

f self-cxistener. and all the

.'I.Tiiully intuHive, lati'iit, iiou pr."!r. -

live dead—an abaolute eonditioii ut

iie(;utiun. or nothing.

That Hucb " Firat t'aiise" during; ul!

ihi' liidnile ryi'Ii < f mi-s, preii'.l'wi^'

-iieli " beKiiitiiiiir." 'ii.l I 'll |.ii..lii.'.- a

-iiiffle effeot.

It iinpliea that after beint; ^t>i iiiill>

'Il I.I or inactive, and eauae of abw.-

i ii. ly nothing during all tbe age» .>!'

l> iriiiiiiiigleMi time, it did. auddi nly

an.l iiiiraculoualy, bo atupaniloiixl>

rliaiiKr its nature m to create a uni

A'ld laal, though not leant, il pi.

KeiitH to thinking men and women ili.'

following i;rot<«i|ue propoaitiun: 'Hm

•inivenie exiata. eonaequeotly a " I lud"

or •Kimi ^'•'•ael^ aaat have pre-

rodrd it. Thia "Hrat Cauaa" U eUr-nal. Ill ver wa* rreoled and never

needed a "Creator." It, of couritp, •**

eternal, and aa aueh exiated from ali

lime. Hix tbouaand yeara ago. a.-

...r.liiijr to Hible rhroP'iloKV. Iliii

Nil ..ll;i i luiiHe or Ihiiiir exipiieil uiili

111! the iMf.'t of hitnii'".';{l.'*- Iiir

ilil not raiiHi' a Holilary lliiiiK ii

World, mm, uiooii. star, <;r even a biiik^'

Mtoiii Kternal darkiieae r.)i|rnt«l

preiiir, mill inflnilr varum wan i

.,i»,|i/e,| soli'ly bv llim ''FirHl Can

"Wd lli.'v

"I Khoul.l aa tbejr don't coat me


Mal4, ! 1..V.. ..v. -Inl K'

Thi-rwltli tilB l.fl liaiid h.' Ii.'l|..d'

60 cent nliiiondH I don't duiilit that

he lUieH thlnga that are good, but ir he'a going to make tbia aHupply itaMon."

Aai maat ritm mAa evenrtttag

o Mred and wdAaa itek aa« Bor%

We all have tejra

And trumble, too.

Tli: ri'pr. 'ital

tliiiiK'i*. exiating during the

pnor to flgOOO yeara ago, when the

vrrae, aeaerding to tbe Cbriatian

ihohvy "bacanl"

Km now the queaiion ariaea. whatcauied the "Firat Cauae," after

.1. I inly of iMin-aetivity. to create the

iiiiiM-inef Here r. rtainly in a n<agnifl-

ri'il and )ii'[>oiiinif effeft (if true).

The Th.'iHiV '-(loil" or "Firat

Caiiw." rerlfiii'ly ili.ln f raiiae it, for

what tbeae woiil.l rml .1.. ..r rauw lo

be done durinv iIh' eimly (ire-

'ceding tbia (imaginary i . real ...n. they

of oounte, wtMild never do. Thia " F'irat

Caime" ia aiippaai.d to ha omniaeient

oiiinipreaeiit, and unehangeable. eon-

tieipiently what thia " Firwt Caiiae''

oiiM I I'Olll.l d.. .Iiiri.ii


Hiiitum- -yeani

ningi" it, of

the "lM><nn

iiiid Dewdo.

.d". a "Creatiiin," or a "Begin

ning, ' doea not explain, but inHnitely

iy«iti(iea, exiatang problema and tbat

lie i-nly rational aaaunwtion ia the

lenial pxiatence of all matter, wbieh.

..ssi ssine within ilaelf nit tbc necea-

ir\ attnbutiii of iielf-pxiatetice and

•If f.irmati'iii (not rrealionK need*

lohitely Jir.ive.

f..rm 11 ha.- al

ii\« .'MkI, .1. Mil. I will nlwaVH exii*l.

iirlli.''. a.-siimiiii; liariiioiiy an.l

'.ler lo.liy. u-id evolving

iiiK. ayalema, treea, flowara and men.

riivei it haa ever evolved anefa fnnns,

ul that, ronaequently, there never

a-- .1 flrit world, aun, tree or man;

II all .iiu li i.lii'iiiimena are but repeti-

siinilar phenomena having

v.ilve.l for

lar flrit w.>rl.l. miii

' pi.

I thai t

roll Id

, linif. It

. It her eternal atandatill j>r atema!iMiy—both cannot be true.

\\ hirh. then, I aak, ie the inoat rea-

lali'.', llial a " Kiral Cause," of

n il «,' kn..vv alls.. 111!. Iv liiiijr.

, I'M.M un.'aus.'.l. aii.l tlieii from

iiolhiiig ere«te aft iiillnite universe, or

tbat the hUter, wbieh today exiHts in

' Mif gfMart.aBd real

-ia aalf-^riatant and eternal f

Ta it a faat that curates trenerally

itiit CbriMian bonaa when tbe biia-

aml ia at Woritt

.' elergy are no'Ariona for tbair

alitv to tba fail an, and purr

around tba ladiaa like blaak toa-aata.


"Motber." queried tbe pretty daagfe-ter. dtd fatber haTe bla aalaiTcreated when he married youT'

' .N'fi. rt.'ar," annwered tlie mother.H'lw I! ,,h «aH h.' Kftilngr'

H .t I SI. |,, 11.. tia.l a lot a(


-y happy "

know dear

See bore, young lady. If tbat pow-erty-ktricken dude darea ihow bla taaearound here a«aia 111 gat yoar la-

ther to kick bim Into tbe aMMIa afnext week."

Tricky Sandy.U'MI.. pHHSMiK |jy an oldiashloMd

iin th.' ti.urlitg were attracted by aaiiK'i.'nt hHKpiper, wbo waa toaMag

la both

•ho, Sandy!" exrlalmed^itlon "Why tlon't you

iiiiin '•••aKPrt playlnic andaHt.inliihment. "Havers,

. If n

"Why, my dear." fxp.mPonwinby I

llatlna a drunk

"'Alell." HtillTed .Mil,'iby, ill

I have to May is, If ttiat wajt antatldn you are wBHllnK your talenta

In 'fre grocery buslneHH. You'd drawlioa a week In vaudeville."


4X%9 Ho.,. -Wbat piece will you

bare. Ml*. ToomliMlaa TcKiiRii' ~y

lef^aquare lanxent .'ant to 76 segmentatMjfe the loin diagonal to (at paral-

lel'io Oh. I beg pardon: I learnediheruiH In rooking acbooL—Puck.

i r*9, inaaaa.• -T beard a aua waitb tl.000.000wl* ba bad auM aMll^nge."fMaw! A maa doaaa't bave t

w<ftb 11,000.000 to wish that "


The Deacon—Parson, I wish youoo4d make your sermons a Utile


•Sie Preacber (pleaaed)—Why so?rhe Daaoon—Well. It aeama like I

bailljr get to alaap bafttra H'a time to

get up.

It Wasn't Keal.

How Ha Did It.

'How.' aitked the young lady asshi l.iokt'cl with adniiratlun at theru«ged .i.iiwiK. iiiirlaii. "have you man-a««d I" Hv.' S.I loiiK and preaerve your

lly rlxoriiusly derlining lo prari

wtat m;. friends bave preached '

candidly, replied.

•lightly Mixed.What was the lenson at schiHii ihls

.ifrrnoon. Tommy''" asked the fond


itad a reading on the destru. tlnn

of Trre," reapoaded tbe younK^t. i

Tt'm! Automobile accident, i sup|Kie?" a

'My good woman, doea tbe aystemof vtauallaatlon aeem to take with

year chlMrea at »cbooir'

'Not all 9t 'am. muai. The doctorHsid wld Maaala and Tommy it baa

:k fine, but Billy'a ain't took a Ut"

Tee-Faead.I he la two-faced T"

is ton faced ;• hln wife ban

A Queer Sert.

'What aort of (ellow la Lathers*"

IHa puta tba aceaat oa tbe flrst i-yi

iMa vt tbe word •hotaL'"

^That alager baa a velvet voice '


Algy—The boauty of tbia play. Per-

cy, la-

fercy—Oh, that aeeoud one (rou,

end there, I'll bet

Great thrinkage.

The last year's balhlne suit will shrink.And shrink both day and niaht;

Until al laat It ahrinka ao muchTbe bather ahilafca tioa algbt.

baM af lato, Mm Oraaar aakad tbe

ooraer grooar. Urn aeto gueerly."

'In wbat way?" quarlod Mr«. OreenIn aurprlaa.

"Why, be came In here the other

day and naked for a ponad of 'Rocky-

toller butter.' NaTar beard at aacb athing.'

"Ob. tbat'a aU rigbt Jaha aaaldn't

Ubmm read abaatTbe ublaa fairly groaaed aade

their load of good tbiaga.

But tba bnagrj guaata autakir* r«

ihiiiK.' yoi

put In four moreAurds, U you wish.Lady (suddenlyPolKeman stationedler!"—Tit HUa.

Too Much of a Good Thing."Our Kii.-i i.T," said the alleged

funny in:i!i was trying makelight of his t.ill for Illumination, "ro-

ralnds me of a cetitiiiede'

"What's th.. anHwer^' .juerlrd thelanocert bystander.

"It haa BO many unneri-imary fe«t,

you know," repll-.-i the otntrAfter being out 13 seconds tbe Jury

reiurned a verdict uf "Justifiable homi-ride' and the Innorent bysUnder waadlscbarged from custody.

The SpendthriftTJarks—See

says Halley's conitt may charge.arth» and we'll i

HJ. nkis My deorxe' Olve meItem to take bom«Tlarka—Intereated. ebTBjenka-I aknaM aay

to show It to aiy wltonags BM about aaTtagday.

mpJm a ntag V

I^vakm—Ob. MyrtUla. yoa daatreally aad traly aMaa tbat yawnnever, aaear aee me er apeak ta Macalar

Myrtllla-Taa. air. I da, aM wkmyon «" . — .



laated Hopea.Mr. Stuhh— Maria, do you rememb<

that millinery store that had surh a i

I display of fall tial.s' Well,


rythinn is reilucd|

Irs Stuhb - 'irarlouH. what achance for hargaiiiH! And everyihUiKU reduce.l .lolin-

Mr Stuhl. Y.'H, reduc'il to anhos


Another Hero."He's a champion, la he? He doegn't

)i)k It Champion of what?"Y.Mi don't keep oljreaat of the

t hamplon cigarroot. IlKhti «lth t]

Bleeker—1 bear ha died of appendl-


Bnxter—Ob, It coalda't bave baanthat; why, that waa wbat they oper-

ated on him iv.r.

Tbafa U.

The Oracle Explains.

lit of Polities— .An.l »

to telllns, an'—mark my words!

bala't far wroag.—Puek.

He Ilk.' the early bird, my eon." ad-•h.. f .n

! par.-nt, "and you will

) ilato youngster

sin ess for me," he

!xlns Case,er raliinx ou blankiliij to rerlt.-i—SeemsI u ought to be ableiUHstlon with all the>' K. ning back there,

profesaor. thera'aof oplnloa azonad

—The Gargoyle.



'H'here are va-lous kloda,"S.'iial I Sornhuiii, although 1

that most of them are more or laaailuemed bya In Ik r baa a pat 9t gM at tba aM

Qantla PersujialaN.McCorkle— la It rtgbt to i|

man as of the "nMrCrarkle—It la U tba aabjaat la

unmarried..Mr< orkle—What haa tbat to do

with It?

McCrackle—Why, It ba la MRladkla wife perauadaa blm.

Page 9: BLUE GRASS BLADE - Internet Archive · 2015. 2. 17. · ITntonChriatisnGhursh V (ByOtto ¥! — — •-• " '.: THIORISNT


(C<NiUuuu^ from pitgv one.)


of Hmui; and—Mary of Jaaua, whoaKo bi'hiii.l Aii|fel», •h««|>-

lin.l.s M.ui'iiis

iIk' ( liiixtiaii iierpvtriitt'il r. worse iu-

famy tbM bluniiaf tktm book*.

They atiribvt«d to PMpkiy thMwhirh Im nevitr did writ* and then

priHri'iliMl lo "ill,- \pr.v wt>ak

HrKiiiii. nls winch tln'V I




iliowriiK the roHMuuiiiK ai{uii|4( ChnH .

tiauily to ba iuaiifnifieanl.'THorvforr,

aa Taylor Mjra, '"Htey Mtribut«d

..>tU ia the birthday givet


I fur Uac


(of Cbaldea), Mithrn, SakUj


I mils Ihrt'ttteiifd by hostiU- ruler* weiKivf fbru'hna, /A-roaater, Al-

. . I.-S. Vii, Kuiixt, liiJra, SalNuliiinii, and our dMur

triMiil .liT-Mr.' ot Umm who d»-

MviidvU iiit4. Iii-ii iiikI w«r» raMUTMt-mI after thnf* tiayii may ho aanedQtMulesU, Ubriahiia, Quirinua, rro-

nMth««i, (Mria, Aty«, Milhra, C'hri.i^

and follow-my-leadr ^ J«iim! Wetract' tlu> Trinity in Hrulimunisni, Zo

I- airainat i


Kirnt lh«* iMokH, hut tlifir

lli..i->i Tliry riMui tlieir bliwii i

Sfri|iliii»'« by tb« light of tbe b.>ii-|

tirM tlit-y made of their oppuiteuts '



Hut w« mual draw our remarka to|

a clow W» have nut Koiir itil» IhiH|

aa murli mali-rial uj- jh.?.j

I. tb« v«ry Usiitad apaw ikt\

rhal.l.M. China, Mexi.-... aJi.M ir.«.v..

And then the oerraiooy of ih<- K<i

ehcriat waa obwnrad by tha Eaacnm,

P«nUiM, PythagorMuia aad OnosOcH.

who tia«d aa elrmmts bread htu^ watcr. It wan al»o tmi^littbv th.- Itrali

ti..ywl St. J.iMin lhal lie rcmark^-d "''"'^''["'"""'o'V .,•

spirit iatiWaad into the my.t*ri«. 'Y**^'"*


iHHe drtss NMe mum VMeContalninf^ Fifty-two Copies of The Blade and all handaomely

^ bound in Blue Buckram with gold letters.

$3.00 Reduced from last year's price $3.00• . 8iibNffib« NOW Mi4 get your SMM Ml th* ttfl tiM.

of Mitkrm." Btieh ia th« Chriatian

expUMtiM, but tb«rr will b» tboM.

wbo wiU dcalara that all th«M) UitI*

ttiry tale^ have a rommon oriiciii.

Well'iffle-ht St A-!i."mtirie remark

llml •Tins IP :r > ,\ is 'ii.- r|i, ,,l

c«utiy hauuK reot-ived that ii.i

and Euaebiua ttU» n* thai " I'll,

liiioa of J«mw Ckriat te Milh^nor etratJif*."

W<> rw|H>ririillv >iil>niit that t li

VM.W tbo fraud and da-

,(^„t wiih which ChnKtian hiatory

aboiindo. an.l ^in a-o-ininiK to .liai>el

thf notion Idnl •iich n myllnriil i»T

Konaf^ aa the Chiist ..f tlx- K..iir

(;.,.,„.|. i-viT Hjiatnl. *»• ahall havr

I ,, ,,..f*..ur objwjt. Wa have fur-

,1 a iiiaKastiv of information

p. III.' siihjrrt which nr. prieat <.r

.. , ^- . w r lik.'ly t.. -Iiwli


Jor #ive N*w Subscribers For, Five N«WW« rvOl send ONE COPY of the Bound VoluflM

i rRCE OP COST!To—ybft— miimt— Mw:MbMrib«niiioacelubt««lM fugMbriMk



* jLUB GRASS BLADE, Lexington

I Dm. 91. ItOt


«lir> but the ilaatl know 1

tbiiig. Hut nu, lhay an. wIm-Iicvc that, for Jnwm tri

r him .mI "^Hl .l.s ( I , «, ,,( t|„. Four(i<w|n'l» ever The ueareot ap-

pruaak U anything of tha kind ia tba

Taeitus paaMiga in wbiok Cbnat ia

mentionetl aa having bean yiul to

deuth Hut be it known unto you,

my brethri'M, the ctlabratad paiuctwas nerer leen by mortai Ban asttt

tbe Fifteenth Centtirjr. Ihe K«v.

Kobrrt Taylor wfortua (lhc|f«)

that "tbe ttnt publicaliAu of any

part of the annala of Tacit ua waa by

.lohani.e d

year 1 ItiH

MiiKle —Himri^ it bit vwn•ioB oaly, and par-

|K>rini^- to iiH>e been written in tbe

.•i^:litli reiitury. Krom thia maou-

k-arueti would know of, none but lbe|iheiii<.

MM a«iioM woald invaatigau, and 1 nil h

MM bat tba WMt ioteraitad would not.

tniMBribe, or woald be allowed toI Con

tranaeribt, and that, lo... in an a<fi« mm

•Oggi'oteil Lilt a doiibl ii^'aiiisl lh«|liv.'


„ ,. i.,r tli..iiitli 111" cl'-no ••J''

i,,iHt. ..I Uevelati..!! with a capital

|{. th.iM> bo the kind of mtbUiuaa

which Ihey like not.

well. ,



WM OIkM W* DMt Smv.—Auk MU SmmW Wkk U

lalrl^eul up a btti* with llir

ritiua, and tbajr will aauh on

tnrtb to dMidctbey will pull Ihr wnrnx alnut; e\

"^ere ia a in tin- • ..-.n

rallinK theniarlven Ihe "Ki llow. is

Jmua," and were quite numcrou

few yean a(u, but lotlay tli<.. .i'

aiiiiiuiil l.( n.!ich, they have Imv.

woiiili rfiilly .li».-'piira»fisl "^m



(By Joel M. 1

Tbacw ia bo dnfvr i

tratb; lb* daiwer ii la ttjrin« 1

sa>> il

to beliwe to/tfneh th* It not ttwe.| P«»"'

.Mr »lth the |*<' '


of which th».> il« not. -r «•»"

jMnuobly know anythlll^' iilfi iil

i!i«lticntly*tl.ey have r,c|fle. |e.l ih.'

ting in good faith 1

•ii.atljr Mat to aoak 1

1.1 '•h.i ,if this life and 11

inticily of any duciuiieni which

tba aythoritiaa bad once ehuaen to

adapt svidMMa of Chriatianity

would have au^jaatad tba aonaeiaa-

tiiMia skeptic to tbo fagot; from thia

all other maniueripta and printad

ci>)iieH of tbe worka of Taeitua are

Jerivci! Taylor cruadpra thia paaa-

o in Joaepnui, wheK- Jeaua la referrtd

to, admittad on aU'^anda to be a

foigu7, aad whiab aa aiMb hM bwoIfivtw up by every a«holar of note

the cliiirrh |»imsi*acii. It waa a!?<>

i.-|.-,i..l by llii>fii« Ml..ii.iell. 1^-

I 1.1.., \an.lal.-, Hisli.ip Warbiirl-.n,

and Tanaquil Fabor lakewine the

^rcat Ur. Lardnar. It waa ttrat man*

tioned by EuaeUM, wbo probftbly

fiirKed it hintaelf. Gibbon aaya of it,

) "The |MUii^l<< ertilli),' .l.-»il.«

OriK'eii and that of Kiis.bniH may

furnibb an example of no vulgar for-

gery:" And hero we may aak, if

there existed undeniable avidence

that t'hriat ever live<l, win re wu» the

iiwd aii.l what waa tb« obj.*-! of wicli

forKcriear It i» pnlly clear that

there waa no evKlciice, anil that tlie

CbriKtiBiii* thoiiKht it about time that

they uianufarliircl B Hiinipl.' or two.

Daille, on the "I se of th. Fatli

era," ramarka: "This opinion haa

alwaya baan in tbo world that to

lettla a certain and a«Hiired falima-

tion u|K»n that which is ;;..o(l and true

mizad op(, to makei tlietii that


.li^ui. Iiaa never yet tiirii.-i up 01

ahtfwn hiniaalf iu our eaao- we n«i

pcrfaetly eontaat that kia am ice* ar.

neetled; but in c

call on iiK hn-l n

I of HiniM-lt


It worth liviiiu .lei

jiiat up above us m a 11. < her v

whore he and U.hI r.«de. lhal

HO much niore b."« than. . „

one- that the atreeta are |«vod with »»y thia: !•»» our part.

Koia. and that all they will have to|lbouM«d to on., rather -"•«

' will Im. I.. Mil* prai».-« U, Ihe «l>«n to k.K.w. Awl it woul.l hlj-e

„ f I )),. ' Im.1'11 ten thoiiaand tinitw beitar a>r

.... w..n.l.j-- 'h.. ,-..,.l. or ihi. wo.ld had tl^

.,ich lli« i..«.lui.^- ''">< ""l.v. idiotic task.

(My .liiel M. Ilerry I

lie above caption ta uaed by I be

A. Timea, over a apeeiaJ diapateb

latod H|i(ii«Seld, Maw., June Jrd,

whic:. r^ada aa foUowi:

"The iiiiiniihililj for the earth

•ake diaaater raais largi|y upon the

. linia Ihenuwlveo and n<^ u)m.i: AI-

• .1.-.

W. I I aw ford Ml the piilpit

liraae Mathodwt Cbiireh louiKht.

larri^i I* tb* <MfMflad earth-

lak- >«-cli..n, H#v. MrtVawfoidM.I I



. ih.-y

The body of the «K»'d iMvro. lound

Miiday wifiii '-ny on .Man

beater r.iad, near »ekei al . in. k'


ranrlieM, waa buried unidenliHeil after

I invMligattou.

The body, wbieb waa badljr daeoni

Nie.|. was fiMiiid by Wm. RrhmidI,

ureal 111 M'veral plar

II la

the urfiv

I \l».

I a chicken thief who

everal I mien by rt»>iil-

I. ,li«a|i|H.Hn.l s.MTai v....l>s atf.'

IH lli<'ii,:lil thai 111.- iie({r.. » a« hIioI

thai tune and crawled int«» the

briiah to hide. I'orler Hohwrta handled

the iNKly after thi' rcfuaal of «»rr AK.dwanU lo lak* the eaae at the cor-

oner 'k order The deeadant w«ra •iniek coat. A hymn book and ailk

hat were nearby.—Uua Angalae Re-

Can it be aaid tbal Iba Chrialiai

Kky-pilota and Hii il JBdpw aaw 0

viip oppiMiiioa at th* wtliltii

their aermonat


o( Liberal

mnailr modarnproblaa ol the Woman lu Builiiet*.

T«B WMB&L OF LIFE.^A moDlhly p.rloillcal. 11 dMli withORttilMH. thaorliin i>f Mai-r'B««. of Kthtcs.of Kelltflon. o( Brotbvrhood, of tba belief Inlniin.>riailty. It traal* i.roadtjr of love, olHuman In.ilnct* and Idiwli. It takei —tr.e wlioi* Wh.*lotUf*,tr«MlBaaileab>eeMf. •tjr.-.arlrar, plaluaadtptoF war UMtha




.'monihiTiii •iib»cVlptto"n to theVSSifor Lira. Aadre**IjrS PU& CO. DMk A.8t Uai^ Mas


, we wuih lo hrfvv our aay


fr% pirmiat in telling Ilea a

then . hei

why idi..uhl lltev ex|>erl

nd s.'ii.l

>.|l f 111*

I 111.

It il* Mat.-.! that the l.ord will awi.l|

nur- -' II..-III

etrmngv deliiwona upon the people to

make them believe lie«. 80 we think

he fnlfllWo hi« promiiw faithfully

wlii'ii III- wit .I>-sii« here to delude

.l.s-.iv.utii. i.«-oi,l.- .leeiii Him-

. 11.-

n Sif ll:*^ kind

oma to eecd |« a. e /.

; I eame to wi 'h- p -

Tliink I t lhal

worry i

teaehiiitrs 1

lunatic as> all til

I bo llfte.1 lip

from the earth I will draw all njon

.into nie." Vea. He will draw tbin

by lellinc ihcMi that in eaae ll|fy

hat.- Ih.-ir falli.T an. I ni< llii-r. bn-H.-rfalli.-r


;,.! .

.s on llini. il- «iii

. then, aa on.- of Ilis disci,**,

ilont' want^any diaeipleahip w|th

..III of I


"I r<«ie nart ,»-a.r. but ti

„,! " The {« o,,le. iio-.vever. are e

,„|„1 that th.y won't b-i,'«ve


wli.n He tells tliein thia. HiJ'.]''

he info.Mis them, if ihey! Iruth ia thia: Neither Jeaua

't believe 1I.. V will Lurelv be ' ""v Ctlier livinif man ever ha# Wen

,|,;,t ,lift.<l. as h,' says, out ..f thia w-tld

nlive aii.l s.-l (..wii in annlher; llal

would be cheatiiiK Nature out of *lier

jiiat deaerta, and tha'i ia aomHilni.

that baa nevar yet been done, ^»\

ever will be done. ^

damned," Ijicy

ill at


primitiv* tiatM siada ua* of thaa*

d*e«ito, •**!)« for a good and they

made no acniple U) torg* wh<ile

b.,oks." (H. I, c. :t).

And all tlip ti-«tiiiiorv au'iimsl

phry wrot4- 110 Ips.s ihiin thirty vol

lu&ea eriticiaiuif il. un.i t'l'-c hy

ChriatiM ordora were n burnt.

Conea the question - Why . Why,

brethren. whyT HernuHo llies« b.M.kf

would df.iibtl».sfl hav > shed tiH>

str.iii(f a lit{hl on the Hub.)e<-t. an.l aa

Huhop Burnet (not Burnit) aaid:

"Too much light ia htnrtful to waak

ey**." 80, w, BidMi*, ao, wi But

(ell* than all about tbe life to

and tha laod tbing* tba^ U*liaa in |tor* far than, it sata tbem

Hut listen! .leeiis aska them .m one

orrasioii. at leiiat : "Whom do ni.-n

M,y ll.Hl I. the .'^.n <•( .M»ti. am'"

Did you ever hear of a more ailly or

mora oontradietory qu*ati<m aaked

thaa that! Th* truth ia thia: If

.TeeuH waa Ihe «<in of man, aa h*

•^aVH. then hi- was iii»t th« Son of <>od

ki.. ^^ 11 "li""* another life

Iih.ii, .iii> otlior man. Hut

when- Ihi- trouble oimea in.

It ia claimed for .leaua that He w.mea

on tbe atage uf action under the

irniae of a niystwoua or miraculoua

birth Boinetliinir a little different

III. But in lurninit to

(Inil that nothinc nivs

all .

lally, afti-t till- •

lllble tell. lull, lli.ii 1.0 liai . v.r

lo heaven. Why should .Mr ('ra«

rurd p*raiBt m ablfllUK Ibr blame •

the iwfttl dtaaaler upon the |iuor. 11

noeent man, when hi* HibU- lei

liim in pUo. ianiriiaL'.- -Sliall th. I

Which tio y..ii projsis.- lo

if Mthor-tha Urd or Mrfordf The Uord aaya 1

l.rtiiH (hat He la Ihe aiilli..

,>,rl, «o,i ,„ ll..,l. 1..,- M,

thai th- Arrh(Mah.ij» of 1 am.

haa ivfuaed lo eimtinue r.-i-i

it.}jlMIO a year for praaebiiw "Ibe ye poor!"


Til aaid that tb* braina of the

Hviraire Chriatiaa •ridanea aaa ar«

i.nly III to be boiled down into bill-

itieken' pait*.

Il will be nbaervtd that |ianHiii

imitalc .leauK in one re«.|ieel he roih

|siu donkeys and Ihey <1<i Ihe sam.'

Is II Inie that tin- rich r .1 bl.-.n

11 till' averaire parwm °a luise 1

routrhl about by indi|ri-«tlioii

,i| by,l»<Ni3>ef

It IS siimctimea aaid that Chriatian BLUE GRASS BUBE, Flllllillifin,

.arsons prefer nwnaiona on aartb tol MH iMkglHh It.

h'-r in Heavvn. e . I

r till- .lahlr lav

irllldi' tin.

' liii


lelihi.-s Ihr ,H-op|.-. or .!'

delude themaelvex in

hii teaehinga.

Acain, the queation ia aske.l.

a man dia, ahall h* Uva again f" and

If II I hea .rils a

aaved I

lieve not, I jinlKe hint :« f< r T

came not to judife Ihe world, hu' lo

aave the world." (John 12:47.) ^Vby

He not tell them thia in the be-

ginninir of Mis *vorkT II would hkr*

..r liea bdng

balievi- llin, or ii..t. hr ,^ not t-iiiL'

to jiulu'i- *iiin. bill •'i^i' I'lni Till I IS


iiitj a*i be

I, andpiaiti.-s for another world, or <nt

ler |>lai-i> :ire ju*t B* good aa it tTi

I H|tent a life-tim* ainging iinisn

the Lord.


'Tin itrangii that whtlat t'hrialihna

naider that nnrderere are not f| »o

Uvc with dceent fo!k on earth, they

tha quaation ia ptomptly aaawared are qnit* god *Koagh lo mil witi. jib*

thM. Tka Utrinf kMw tkat tkqr ikidi fory mIbU ia floty.

r 111.- II ni.TlereiKv of I'rovi-

nr.. ;'>^j.,ii. sophistry. If I'rovid-

1,. i-aniiot 1;-- tnisl«l to car* for

~ ..wn 111 I Ills III'.-, what SMiirance

IM wr that III- will viih- a hiMi-

II of happini-sM for hia i';<ithfiil

u-s in a life lo riHiie.

Tbe leaaon tbi* great cal.inniy

learhea ua ia thia: Tb*r* ia n , u. li

Ihinit n« an Almi|;hly and All-ni. 1.




pheii^niena of Nature,


Aii|{URt ;tO 3l. September 1 2,

Koiind trip liekels via the (juoin

ft CrcHcent Koute, will b* aold Aug.:m. M, Kept. 1 and 2nd. good reinrn

ing until Keptember 3 1910. Boundtrip rate from Laiingtoii to Bomr-ttt, Kjr.. for thia oaoMloB it |MI.

If you want to be of ser-

vice to the cause you es-

pouse, and at the same

time help some of your

friends, you can have The

Blade sent tb ten of them

one year for Five Dollars